
=== scott_ is now known as Guest86388
ScottLastraljava, funny i asked about mudita this afternoon because during my trip home i got an email saying it was pushed into Debian :)00:34
ScottLastraljava, it would be awesome if you wanted to fill out a sync request00:34
astraljavaScottL: Yep. :) yeah, I'll do that tomorrow.00:59
scott-workastraljava: ping13:38
scott-workhi bassburner , i'll be looking at the website shortly (hopefully tonight) and will have some comments on it14:35
scott-workbassburner: i should also note that any suggestions you have would be most desired as well :)14:42
holsteinim stoked about the site change14:45
holsteini was just poking around on the current one to get an iso14:45
scott-workholstein: yes, the old one is quite..."old"15:03
scott-workholstein: this is the one bassburner has up currently:  http://ubustu.exit66.com/15:04
scott-worki can't view it at work and haven't had a chance the past couple of days at home either15:04
holsteinthat is *so* nice15:10
holsteinput it up :)15:12
holsteinive been thinking since the meeting15:12
holsteinas much as i would like to move hosting off canonical15:12
holsteini think we should stay there15:12
scott-workthen we need to get other people to get access as well, or perhaps i should run the charlie-tca route and ask for the ability to give other's permission15:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 803645 in Ubuntu "Sync request for mudita24" [Undecided,New]22:06
scott-workastraljava: i was going to ask if you might want to help me with some backporting?22:06
astraljavaOkay, probably gonna be AFK for some while. Might make it to the meeting, but still unsure. Email if needed.22:06
astraljavascott-work: I most certainly will!22:06
astraljavaLet's talk about that during the weekend if I'm able, early next week if not sooner.22:07
astraljavaI am skipping town tomorrow morning, and will not have a machine unless Jussi provides me one on Friday.22:07
astraljavaIf not, I'll have access on Monday again.22:07
astraljavaWhoa! USB harddrive has root:gdm as privileges?!22:10
astraljavaErr... ownership.22:10
scott-workastraljava: no problem, it's been hanging for a month or more so it can certainly wait a little longer ;)22:11
astraljavascott-work: Cool, cool.22:12
dtchenscott-work: should we stop shipping envy24control, then, in 11.10?22:13
astraljavascott-work: Yeah, email me about the apps and stuff you'd like to be backported, and I'll see what I can do about them. I can set up chroots for any releases, but will not have full test envs until I move all my machines to the new place.22:13
dtchenastraljava: ^^22:23
astraljavadtchen: I've been using mudita24 for a while now, but granted, not exhaustively, and since there appears to be some issue with S/PDIF getting stuck after usage, I have refrained from hooking digital in for some while.22:27
astraljavadtchen: What I'm trying to say, I'm not 100% positive it's a drop-in replacement. Can we still ship envy24control, you know, just to be on the safe side?22:28
scott-workdtchen: i would like to22:28
dtchenastraljava: what's the current situation with envy24control? I know for 11.04's it's pretty horrible.22:28
dtchenastraljava: i.e., I began backporting all the necessary patches to SRU alsa-tools in 11.04 but got stalled.22:29
dtchenastraljava: so I wonder in 11.10 currently whether envy24control is actually usable. My gut is "no".22:29
astraljavadtchen: I haven't noticed any other peculiarities, outside that S/PDIF getting stuck.22:29
astraljavaAnd I have no idea so far where that problem lies in.22:30
scott-workastraljava: is that with mudita or envycontrol?22:30
astraljavascott-work: Both.22:30
dtchenastraljava: so envy24control works in 11.10?22:30
astraljavascott-work: That was the reason I tried mudita24 in the first place.22:30
astraljavascott-work: No change.22:30
dtchenastraljava: ok22:31
scott-workmy expectation was that mudita24 would be a drop in replacement for envy24control22:31
astraljavascott-work: I would _think_ so too, but I'm not a heavy-user by far.22:31
scott-workthe one thing that i particularly like about mudita24 is that the inputs have gradations on them22:31
astraljavaby any means*22:31
astraljavascott-work: What's a gradation?22:32
scott-worksadly the only machine that i could use to test is my main machine which i will not install 11.10 on it22:32
scott-workastraljava: marking showing the level22:32
dtchenso my proposal is to continue shipping envy24control as part of alsa-tools-gui22:32
scott-workastraljava: this is a crappy picture but it makes my point:  http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/doc/suse/suse9.0/userguide-9.0/sound_envy_analog.png22:33
scott-workadjusting the levels is difficult because you don't know where these are set22:34
scott-workastraljava: conversely, this shows the levels:  http://nielsmayer.com/envy24control/Mudita24-102-Analog-Volume.png22:34
scott-worki was getting a distorted sound on my vocals because i never realised that some levels were not +0 at the top but +1822:35
astraljavascott-work: Okay, gotcha.22:35
astraljavadtchen: Yeah. I would have to agree with that.22:35
scott-workdtchen:  are you advocating shipping envy24control along with mudita24?  and is that because we haven't validated mudita24?  or is there another reason?22:36
dtchenscott-work: my primary focus is reducing duplication. If mudita24 is a drop-in replacement, that's a no-brainer.22:37
dtchenscott-work: however, we haven't validated that the latter is a drop-in replacement, so it's better to be a bit conservative until we get more testers.22:38
scott-worksounds good to me22:40
astraljavaAgreed. Now, must get my nightly 5 hours of sleep. Busy day tomorrow, err... today. See ya later, folks. :)22:49

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