
=== scott_ is now known as Guest86388
axscodei am currently using ubuntu, what should be done to convert it to ubuntustudio?04:58
holsteinaxscode: hey06:06
holstein*if* you want to convert, check out06:06
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation06:06
holsteinperonsally, i suggest opening a package manager, like synaptic, and search ubuntustudio06:06
holsteinread about the pacakges06:06
holsteinand *dont* get the ones that deal with the theme06:06
holsteinthen, you wont have your desktop changed up on you06:07
holsteinyou dont have to install any of the metas06:07
holsteinfor example, if you want to do audio recording, you can do one of 2 things06:07
holsteinyou can just install what you want, like ardour and jack and whatever else06:08
holsteinOR, you can install ubuntustudio-audio and ubuntustudio-audio-plugins06:08
holsteinIF you get ubuntustudio-desktop, that will really change your environment06:08
holsteinand if you want that, go for it, but its not necessary to take advantage of the software that ubuntustudio uses06:09
axscodeactually im using ubuntustudio, but during installation, i didnot install the suggested packages for videos/audios/graphics and realized after that i need to have those06:14
orngjce223yeah, then you can install ubuntustudio-audio/ubuntustudio-audio-plugins/whatever06:15
orngjce223It takes a while to load obviously but they're all cool06:15
axscodeok where can i see these lists?06:15
axscodeUbuntu Software Center?06:16
axscodebecause i found nothing in group of studio06:16
holsteinaxscode: i havent tried the software center06:18
holsteinbut, in synaptic it works06:18
holsteinand also06:18
holsteinsudo apt-cache search ubuntustudio06:18
axscodesynaptic = apt?06:18
holsteinaxscode: not really... go for synaptic at first :)06:18
axscodesyrry where is that.06:19
holsteinsystem - administration06:19
holsteinOR, you can hit alt+F206:19
holsteinand type in synaptic06:19
holsteinactually... that wont work..06:19
holsteinyou need sudo synaptic06:19
holsteinjust do system - administration - synatpic :)06:20
axscodeah ok ok06:28
xucoany spanish here?09:47
xucoi'm searching for papers for this event -> http://gpul.org/?q=es/node/22711:09
xucoanyone interested?11:09

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