
Noldorindo bzr branches maintain soft links?00:13
jelmerNoldorin, bzr can version sym links00:35
Noldorinjelmer, symbolic links = soft links no?00:50
jelmerNoldorin, yes00:51
Noldorinjelmer, btw how is bzr-svn these days? does it work with codeplex servers yet?00:52
Noldorinor bzr-tfs even00:52
jelmerNoldorin, bzr-svn doesn't work with codeplex servers; codeplex servers aren't real svn servers, and they provide inconsistent data00:53
Noldorinso it seems yeah00:53
Noldorinjelmer, how about tfS?00:53
jelmerNoldorin, it seems unlikely bzr-svn will ever work with codeplex servers until the server side is fixed00:53
Noldorinthey probably hacked SVN to work with TFS over there00:53
Noldorinso maybe never :-(00:54
jelmerbzr-tfs would be a better candidate, but I haven't seen much movement on it recently00:54
Noldorinyeah, nor have i it seems00:54
Noldorinoh well00:54
Noldorincheers for the update.00:54
jelmersorry I can't give you better news00:54
jelmerit'd be interesting to see a bzr-tfs happen00:54
Noldorin_jelmer, no worries. yeah, i check bzr-tfs regularly and will probably continue. nothing exciting there yet though01:38
BlindWolf8Hey spiv02:39
bignoseI need to “cherry-pick” the removal of a specific change a while ago on a branch.02:58
bignose(temporarily, to demonstrate a failure for a regression test)02:58
lifelessmerge . -r x..x-102:58
bignosewould that involve some funky ‘--revision’ spec?02:58
bignoseah yes02:59
bignosehmm. the revision I'm interested in targeting is from a merge.03:00
bignosecan I say ‘1658.1.1575..before:1658.1.1575’?03:00
bignosewould that be equivalent?03:00
lifelessbignose: it will take the left hand side of that03:03
lifelessbut yes, should do what you want03:03
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Lo-lan-doHi all :-)09:39
Lo-lan-doI'd like to gently poke jelmer (or anyone) about #628973…09:40
jelmerbug 628973 ?09:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 628973 in Nikki and the Robots "FEATURE: move camera in terminal OEM" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62897309:40
Lo-lan-doNah, the other 628973, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=62897309:40
ubot5Debian bug 628973 in bzr-svn "bzr-svn uninstallable in unstable" [Grave,Open]09:40
jelmerLo-lan-do, there is a weird bug in subvertpy/libapr that's preventing uploads of bzr-svn at the moment09:42
jelmerlaunchpad bug 80335309:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 803353 in subvertpy "segfault during iconv close from ra cleanup" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80335309:42
Lo-lan-doAh.  Okay.  I'll mark the packages as on hold in my aptitude, then.09:43
Lo-lan-doThanks for the info.09:43
* jelmer comments o nthe debian bug09:44
maxbjelmer: Oh, also, bzr-pipeline needs an update too, though there's no bug about that. I was thinking of doing a snapshot merge into the alioth branch and asking you to sponsor, if that's ok?09:44
jelmermaxb: sure, happy to09:45
maxbJust checking I wasn't going to duplicate work :-)09:46
maxbOk, I'll have something pushed by tomorrow09:46
jelmermaxb: thanks for checking. I should probably do that more too09:54
jelmerI think we should get the commit email notifications back up for alioth09:54
__yhvh__hey so is there a way to revert files modified like (properties changed: -x to +x) ?09:58
__yhvh__I even tried feeding the list through xargs chmod but not happening10:01
jelmer__yhvh__, revert should also revert property changes10:01
__yhvh__yeah I imagine it should but it doesn't seem to work, the files end with * is that significant?10:02
__yhvh__to be clear the list of modified files all get appended *10:03
jelmer__yhvh__, that * indicates they have changed properties10:03
__yhvh__yeah I really don't know what's happening here, bzr revert lists all the files with changed permissions, does the resolution passes, no effect10:09
__yhvh__it did revert an actual edit I made10:09
jelmer__yhvh__: what platform are you on? Does "bzr st" still list the reverted files as modified?10:16
__yhvh__fedora 15, and yes it does10:17
__yhvh__bzr 2.3.310:17
jelmerare you specifying any arguments to revert?10:17
jelmer__yhvh__: that definitely sounds like a bug (but a quite unusual one)10:19
__yhvh__might just be me being dumb, chmod -x file fails silently10:19
jelmeroh, interesting - is this on a vfat fs perhaps?10:19
pooliehi all10:20
jelmer'morning poolie10:20
jelmer__yhvh__, it sounds like a file system bug if it's silently ignoring requests to change the mode; it should set some sort of error (ENOSYS?)10:22
__yhvh__jelmer: yup touched a new file and it's created a+x10:25
__yhvh__sorry for noise and thanks10:25
pooliehi all12:56
brad_does bazaar have anything like hg update null?13:23
LeoNerdMaybe? But since most of us in here probably don't use hg we're unlikely to know what that is. Could you describe it generally?13:26
brad_it basically is a state of the working directory that precedes the first revision, so the working directory has no files checked out13:27
LeoNerdOh.. Hmm..13:28
LeoNerdWell, you can blow away the checkout, and leave only the branch. Is that what you're after/13:28
brad_sort of13:28
brad_but I want an easy way to get it to the state from any other state13:28
brad_so in mercurial, it is just hg update null13:28
LeoNerdI believe it's  bzr zap13:29
LeoNerdTo remove the checkout13:29
brad_let me try that13:29
brad_that worked13:30
brad_what do I do to get the tree back, since update doesn't seem to be working13:30
LeoNerdbzr checkout13:30
brad_I see the help mentions that13:30
brad_my bad13:30
brad_very nice13:30
brad_ok, that seems to be essentially what I was looking for13:31
brad_does bzr have plugins out of the box for doing a clone of a subversion repository?13:31
maxbMost definitely13:31
LeoNerdDepends what "box" you mean :)13:31
brad_well, from the official release on the website13:31
LeoNerdThere's bzr-svn which is available in Debian/Ubuntu/.. probably others.. I don't think it's corecore though...13:32
brad_mercurial at least has a convert plugin included that does a convert, but it isn't exactly a clone13:32
LeoNerdbzr-svn lets you branch from svn, or just use the bzr tool as an svn client; so your workdir can either be a bzr branch/checkout or svn13:32
LeoNerdDepends what you're wanting13:32
brad_yeah, I want to clone it, and be able to pull down changes, push changes back up13:32
brad_basically, have bzr act like a svn client13:33
brad_I was able to do that in mercurial with hgsubversion13:33
brad_but it seems a bit buggy13:33
brad_so trying to find the version control I feel most comfortable with, and which one makes the process as effortless as possible to setup.13:33
LeoNerdSo, your question still seems a bit mixed. These are two different use-cases...13:35
LeoNerd1. Branching a native bzr branch off a svn repo, working on it natively in bzr, then pushing it back. 2. Using the bzr commandline tool as a client for your svn checkout workdir.13:35
brad_well, 1 I think it what I want primarily13:36
brad_I don't need bzr to work from an svn checkout13:36
LeoNerdAhrighty. Yes; that's the common use-case.. but I just wanted to clear up the question to be sure :)13:37
brad_I just want to be sure that I can pull down changes from svn as other people commit stuff, and be sure that I could push stuff back to svn if I have something I'd want/need to commit13:37
brad_so I just need the bzr-svn plugin?13:38
LeoNerdShould do, yup13:45
LeoNerdAdmittedly a year since I last used it, but that's how it worked when I did13:45
LeoNerdmaxb: How is that going, by the way? Are your bzr-related evangelisms getting anywhere?13:45
maxbHah, at MX you mean?13:46
maxbMainly stalled on lack of a true need for a DVCS given current development practices13:46
pooliehi maxb, lenerd13:49
thumperpoolie: if I use set_append_revisions_only(true) on a remote branch (i.e. LP) will it do the right thing?14:04
poolieit should14:05
Red15How does one remove all traces of a branch inside a shared repo ?14:46
Red15i'm having difficulty (those who were here yesterday might recall)14:46
Red15commiting, because the commit is quite large and bzr is souping up all the memory available in the server14:46
Red15finally the kernel kicks in and kills the process14:47
jelmerRed15, the easiest way is to create a new repository and clone all branches you do not want to remove into that14:48
Red15ouch ...14:48
Red15sounds like quite the hassle14:48
Red15do shared-repositories complain when you move then around or do they not care for their parent directory ?14:49
briandealwisRed15: as I understand it, shared repos are self contained — it's the branches that are contained under the repo that are position sensitive.  So as long as you move the shared repo further up (towards the root), you'll be ok — providing there isn't a shared repo there already15:01
Red15ok, that's what i figured thanks for confirming briandealwis15:01
Red15am noticing shared-repos are quite bad for bzr memory usage15:01
briandealwisRed15: how so?  A standalone branch has a repo too — it's just not shared (bar lightweight checkouts)15:03
Red15i was maintaining a big-shared-repo for our company15:03
Red15but the hosted server has ~1gb of ram15:03
Red15the total dirsize of the shared repo is ~1gb15:04
Red15when committing the bzr smart server process uses all the memory in the server causing kernel-oom-measures to fire15:04
briandealwisRed15: I wonder if you're hitting a repacking threshold.15:05
Red15briandealwis, how can i tell?15:05
briandealwisI've just hit one myself with one branch, and it's painful15:05
briandealwisRed15: look at the logs15:05
Red15this was on server side : http://paste.ubuntu.com/635054/15:06
briandealwisYou'll need to look before that.  Mine has sometime like "648.407  Auto-packing repository GCRepositoryPackCollection(CHKInventoryReposito15:07
briandealwisry('file:///Users/bsd/Manumitting/Projects/e4/.bzr/repository/')), which has 2815:07
briandealwispack files, containing 28102 revisions. Packing 21 files into 1 affecting 21102"15:07
briandealwisRed15: but it sounds like you could really benefit from adding some more RAM to your server15:07
Red15this one is today : http://paste.ubuntu.com/635806/15:07
briandealwisBut that didn't fail, right?15:08
Red15actually nvm that one15:08
Red15http://paste.ubuntu.com/635807/ that one failed15:09
briandealwisRed15: that one is definitely repacking.  I wonder if there's a way to avoid repacking — it's an optimization, not a requirement, as I understand it.15:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 184237 in Bazaar "autopacking should be optional" [Undecided,Invalid]15:11
Red15or this one : https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/73600115:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 736001 in Bazaar "Re-packing happens at inconvenient times and blocks further operations" [Medium,Confirmed]15:11
briandealwisRed15: I've installed John's bzr-prompt-repack plugin; you could adapt it for your server to always skip repacks on your server, and schedule a repack for the evenings (once you've added more memory)15:29
Red15for now i've decided to not use shared repo's anymore and i think that should steer clear of the problem for now15:29
mgzah, jml just proposed his bug 660852 branch16:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 660852 in testtools "text failure report is too gassy" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66085216:34
jmlyes what?16:34
jmlmgz: please play with it. Am interested in feedback.16:34
jml(also, interested in better ways to code it)16:35
mgzI saw a few nits looking at an earlier iteration, will review and see if there's anything still needing sorting if you like16:36
mgzthe general plan looked good.16:36
mgzokay, so, you have u"" literals in tests, python 3 gets sad at them.16:37
jmlmgz: oops. sorry.16:40
* jml really needs to tweak 'make check' to run with all local Pythons16:41
mgzalso, using doctestmatches with unicode is asking for pain.16:41
jmlyeah, there's a bug about that isn't there16:41
mgzthere's a bug against testtools I've got a branch for, but also,16:41
mgzdoctest screws us majorly on that front16:41
mgzbecause inside an innocently named `_indent` function, they encode to whatever the sys.stdout encoding is16:42
jmlmgz: ok. I'll stick with Equals.16:42
mgzwhich... clearly is no good for testtools/subunit passing things cross process16:42
jmlmgz: once this patch is ok, I want to resurrect your tb stack frame patch16:42
jmlbut I guess a bunch of other bugs ought to get fixed first.16:43
mgzyup, we need to find a near(ish) way of doing that.16:43
jmlmgz: as far as I'm concerned, we can use __unittest and make sure that testtools' own runner re-sets __unittest to False.16:43
mgzsticking __unittest = True at the top of all modules is ugly, but adding our own _is_relevant_tb_level would work too16:44
mgzthe changes to _details_to_str look sensible to me.16:47
mgzI wonder if it shouldn't become a public api, or some part of it. bzrlib doesn't want to stay doing str(_StringException) forever and needs to have some means to show the test information during the run.16:49
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jmlmgz: hmm. interesting thought re details_to_str becoming public.16:52
jmlmgz: I've pushed up changes to make tests pass with Python 316:53
mgzthat all looks good. removing the underscore can probably wait till I find whether I need to delve into privates for bzr.16:56
jmlmgz: poolie was just trying my branch w/ bzr. The traceback still comes up in curly braces. I'm not sure why that's the case.17:00
jml(I don't really know much about bzrlib.tests any more017:00
mgzyeah, that's the traceback-1 stuff probably17:00
pooliejml, i put an example failure on the bug17:01
mgzremember spiv hacking around a test duplication issue where each test grew a new traceback every time an instance of it failed?17:01
poolieo/ mgz17:01
jmlmgz: ? it says 'traceback', not 'traceback-1'17:01
mgzhm. wrong guess then.17:01
spivmgz: yeah, I'm pretty sure I fixed that issue17:02
mgzjml: _details_to_exc_info needs changing to mkae bzrlib work17:06
jmlmgz: ah, I see.17:07
jmlmgz: I have to say,  I don't really understand what the purpose of the code path is, why things would go down it17:08
mgzI'm a little worried about 'reason' vs 'traceback' too, I don't quite see where that'll be handled17:08
mgzas in, skip vs error17:08
jml            except TypeError:17:08
jml                # have to convert17:08
mgz^it's confusing, basically, it's the compat with the unittest api17:09
mgzwhich deals in exc_info not details dicts17:09
jmlso it catches the decorated thing not understanding the details kwarg?17:11
jmland what about this bit:17:12
jml                # extract the reason if it's available17:12
jml                try:17:12
jml                    reason = ''.join(details['reason'].iter_text())17:12
jml                except KeyError:17:12
jml                    reason = _details_to_str(details)17:12
jmlI mean, I don't see how that squares with your reason vs traceback worries.17:12
mgzah, that's me answering my own question17:12
mgzhey, spiv and poolie were both awake... aus has migrated to the northern hemisphere?17:13
jmlmgz: Canonical hack-a-thon in Dublin.17:15
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pooliethanks for looking at the subunit unicode bug17:54
jamdahlHi, I'm having a problem with directories when using bzr through the command line18:00
jamdahlI run the command \18:01
jamdahlbzr init "C:\Users\jamdahl\Documents\New folder (2)\"18:01
jamdahland it says the directory does not exist18:02
mgzjamdahl: what does `mkdir "C:\Users\jamdahl\Documents\New folder (2)\"` say?18:03
jamdahlit says it already exits18:04
jamdahlAh, I found the problem, it's the \ at the end18:05
mgzokay, then try removing th...18:06
mgzyou got there first :)18:06
mgzfile a bug.18:06
mgzyour command line was wrong, and bzr does tell you how, but could be clearer18:08
jmlmgz: can you please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/testtools/doctest-unicode-safety-672056/+merge/6650018:14
mgzjml: that's not enough unfortunately.18:19
jmlmgz: oh?18:19
MadGirlwell, oh is that all?18:19
mgzis DocTestMatches designed to take arbitrary objects and stringify them though?18:20
jmlmgz: it does make the test pass :)18:20
mgzjml: printing the output also gets messed up18:20
mgzI need to leave in a sec but I'll see if I can throw my branch up somewhere for you to look at18:20
jmlmgz: ok, thanks.18:20
mgzjml: see lp:~gz/testtools/unicode_doctestmatches_76417018:27
jmlmgz: thanks.18:27
mgzthere are... all kinds of annoying interactions here with different python versions18:28
jmlmgz: yeah.18:28
mgzI'm not sure the bug you duped against was the same thing either, will look at when I get back.18:28
jmlmgz: I'm wondering whether it's acceptable to just mangle output18:29
jmlmgz: as the least of all evils.18:29
mgzyeah, that sometimes happens currently, and it's better than breaking entirely (which that branch does currently on 2.6)18:29
mgzokay, I'm gone.18:30
Noldorin_jelmer, hello, you around?18:37
jelmerNoldorin_, hey18:38
Noldorin_jelmer, yesterday you told me bzr supports symlinks...does it support them on windows though?18:38
jelmerNoldorin_, no, it doesn't support them on Windows (how would it?)18:38
Noldorin_well Windows does have symlinks...18:38
Noldorin_they just require admin rights to create :-S18:38
Noldorin_jelmer, guess it still doesn't support them though18:42
jelmerNoldorin_: yeah, bzr doesn't create them - we should probably just not be creating any files in disk but remembering the existing symlinks that are already in the tree18:43
Noldorin_jelmer, yes that would probably be a good idea.18:44
Noldorin_what's the easiest way to get the tag of a certain revision?19:00
LarstiQmgz: here by chance?19:14
LarstiQthe behaviour on 803796 seems to be weird, or I'm doing something rather wrong19:17
mgzLarstiQ: it is weird, but with the latest bzr you should get a neat error message rather than a traceback, if you could confirm that20:40
LarstiQmgz: "Tree is up to date at revision 0 of branch /tmp/bzr"20:40
mgzhm, that's not as useful as I thought it'd be.20:41
LarstiQmgz: I filed bug 804037 about the weirdness I ran into20:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 804037 in Bazaar "bzr branch -r 0 downloads more than expected" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80403720:41
* LarstiQ didn't dig very deep 20:42
LarstiQso could be wildly off, but I'm suspecting a null: vs None conversion problem20:42
mgzblast, riddell's branch isn't linked from bug 24217520:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 242175 in Bazaar "Better error message when merging into empty branch" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24217520:42
mgzokay, so somehow we're not hitting that error message codepath, but also not getting the old traceback20:44
mgzor do you get it when you run `bzr update` in your -r 0 branch?20:47
LarstiQmgz: that message is `bzr update` in my -r0 branch20:50
* LarstiQ doesn't get a traceback20:50
mgzokay, so that part is okay then, it's just the transfer that I agree is suprising.20:51
Noldorin_how cna i find out which revisions in a branch have tags and what they are?20:52
mgz`bzr tags`?20:53
Noldorin_mgz, oh dear, how did i miss that! thank you20:54
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timrcI'm getting http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/636053/ when I create (bzr init) a new tree and then push it to an existing project... any idea how I can rectify this?  Appears to be some sort of compatibility issue...23:43
jelmertimrc, your branch is in a bzr format with more capabilities than the format the default development branch is in23:43
timrcjelmer, it throws an exception in Python, but is it actually problematic?23:44
jelmertimrc: the development branch appears to be in an old format, so you might want to upgrade it to the current format unless it needs to be accessible by hardy bzr23:44
jelmertimrc: IIRC it doesn't actually push any data if it gives this error23:45
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timrcjelmer, thanks for the assistance :)23:53

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