
yesitisjustmecan i use lubuntu with 256mb ram?00:28
KM0201head_victim: u around?00:40
=== vinylourson is now known as Vinylourson
Unit193KM0201: It's not exactly that as easy as it should be, but GDM does work out of the box (Would work better with a theme...)02:07
KM0201Unit193: well,  i got no joy out of it and gave up.. honestly, this should be an issue easily addressed by lxdm if you ask me.02:07
KM0201you could make one theme, where you type usernames, and the other where you "choose" a username.. then be able to choose which one or the other02:08
Unit193KM0201: May as well install xubuntu-gdm-theme with it to make it work better :P02:08
Unit193That would be very hard to do02:09
KM0201why?.. ubuntu does it, xubuntu does, and i think kubuntu does as well.02:09
KM0201!info slip02:09
ubot5Package slip does not exist in natty02:09
Unit193Doing it with LXDM would require some major code writeup (AFAIK)02:10
KM0201hmm, well, that wouldn't really be worth it. then02:10
KM0201there was a program i tried the other day, but it caused serious issues, and i ended up just reinstalling cuz uninstalling it was problematic (got it from a PPA..)02:11
head_victimKM0201: am now03:14
KM0201head_victim: i found what i was looking for.. i was trying to find that link you gave me to download 11.1003:15
head_victimAh ok sorry, just woke up03:15
KM0201oh it's ok.03:16
KM0201i trackedi t down eventually by goin back through my log03:16
yesitisjustmeis mobile broadband working on lubuntu?03:54
KM0201yesitisjustme: why wouldn't it be?04:00
KM0201does it work in Ubuntu04:01
yesitisjustmejust asking to be sure before download04:07
yesitisjustmei think a early version of ubuntu wireless was not working thats why04:07
KM0201it all depends on your device, and whether ubuntu supports it04:08
KM0201if ubuntu supports it, then Lubuntu supports it, as Lubuntu, basically using the same networking program that Ubuntu does04:08
yesitisjustmebut other versions of ubuntu detected the wireless but a particular version did not forgot what version it was04:08
KM0201if they were all the same "version".. ie, 9.04, 9.10, 10.04... they all have the same kernel, so they will all detect hardware the same way04:10
KM0201now if you're talking about.. 8.04 didn't detect it, and 9.04 did... (or something like that) then that is possible04:11
yesitisjustmeyes the same version on ubuntu and kubuntu ect i think all had same problem it was only a certain version04:12
KM0201ok... thats possible.04:12
KM0201when you say "version".. do you mean "release".. (9.04, 9.10, 10.04) or "version" (ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, etc..)04:13
yesitisjustmei mean release like like 9.04, 9.10. 10.04 ect,04:13
KM0201just trying understand.. and yeah, if one "release" had the problem, then they will all have it.. but if it works on one release, it should work on all the versions... it might configure a little differently w/ the different GUI tools, but it should work fine.04:14
yesitisjustmelubuntu has the network manager by default?04:16
KM0201yesitisjustme: of course it does.04:17
KM0201has the same network manager as Gnome, if i recall.04:17
yesitisjustmeand is not using firefox is using chromium or wich browser is lubuntu using now?04:19
KM0201yesitisjustme: yes, it's using chromium.04:22
KM0201but you can install firefox if you want it.04:22
KM0201hey's for horses, grass is cheaper.. :)05:10
lubuntuinterneti just installed Lubuntu for the first time, and the internet worked without a problem on the first load right after the installation, but the internet conenction stoped working after i rebooted05:11
lubuntuinterneti tried playing around with settings but there seems to be no "connect" button05:11
lubuntuinternetjust add or remove networks buttons05:11
KM0201wireless, wired?05:14
lubuntuinternetdesktop computer05:14
KM0201right click your networking applet, edit connections, highlight auto eth0, and make sure "available to all users, an "connect automatically" are checked05:20
KM0201lubuntuinternet: ?05:23
lubuntuinternetyeah i tried that and it never worked05:26
lubuntuinternetthen i decided to install all the updates from the "update manager" from when the internet was working05:26
lubuntuinternetand the "auto eth0" option dissapered as well05:27
lubuntuinternetafter the updaters05:27
KM0201hmm, that is strange05:27
bioterrorlubuntuinternet, open terminal and say: ifconfig05:28
bioterrorcan you see eth0 there?05:28
KM0201i was just gonna say try ifup eth005:28
bioterrornot good05:29
bioterrorwhen you boot05:29
bioterrordo you get that menu?05:29
bioterrorGRUB Menu?05:29
bioterrorgotta check my wife's laptop :D05:32
KM0201so you're not getting a grub menu?... how are you booting to Lubuntu then?05:32
lubuntuinterneti dunno05:32
lubuntuinternetit jsut did05:32
bioterrorKM0201, becouse it's hidden05:32
bioterroryou have to press shift or esc on boot to get it shown05:32
KM0201ah, good point.05:32
bioterrorlubuntuinternet, in terminal: ls /boot05:33
KM0201i didn't realize he was on a single boot machine, eh's here, so i figured he was dual booting05:33
bioterrorhow many vmlinuz -files you have there+05:33
lubuntuinternetnah i05:34
lubuntuinternetm using another computer for this chat05:34
lubuntuinternetbioterror: 105:34
bioterrorokay, someone said autoremove or :---)05:34
lubuntuinternethey auto eht0 just showed back up05:35
lubuntuinternetas one of the options05:35
lubuntuinternetbut it still doesn't work05:36
bioterrorlubuntuinternet, in terminal: lspci |grep Ether05:36
bioterrordoes it reply you something?05:36
* KM0201 thinks you missed a space in there05:37
KM0201hmm, guess that space isn't required.05:37
KM0201i'll be05:37
bioterrorKM0201, what are you talking about?05:37
KM0201i thouht a space was required after |05:38
KM0201i see it works either way05:38
lubuntuinternet00:12 Ethernet controller: Lite-On Communications Inc LNE100TX [Linksys Ether Fast 10/100 (rev 25)05:39
lubuntuinternetwas what came up05:39
bioterrorit is shown but does not work05:39
lubuntuinternetbut it work right after the install05:39
lubuntuinternetadn stopped after reboot05:39
bioterrorlubuntuinternet, what kind of hardware you have? you seem to have laptop?05:43
bioterrorwhat's the brand?05:44
lubuntuinternetits a desktop05:44
lubuntuinternetobsolete brand05:45
lubuntuinternetMicron PC05:45
lubuntuinternetfrom 200005:45
bioterrorcan you check BIOS05:45
bioterrorif there's OS=Something05:45
lubuntuinternetcant find it05:48
bioterrorlubuntuinternet, sudo modprobe tulip05:55
bioterrorcan you now see it when using ifconfig ?05:56
lubuntuinternetand now i lost the auto eth0 option again with this reboot06:02
lubuntuinternet...i think i'll just do a c:format and do a fresh install06:03
bioterrorI think it wont help, but why not06:03
lubuntuinternetand just never reboot or shut down06:03
lubuntuinternetthanks for the help06:04
bioterroror try another distro06:06
bioterrorfedora or suse06:06
KM0201if you get no joy from Ubuntu, Fedora is your best bet, IMO.06:06
KM0201strange, the problem he's having though06:07
john_ramboIs there a GUI for searching files in lubuntu ?07:13
KM0201!info catfish07:13
ubot5catfish (source: catfish): file search tool that support several different engines. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1 (natty), package size 31 kB, installed size 384 kB07:13
KM0201if ther'es not, there's one you can install07:13
john_ramboKM0201, installing catfish ......07:14
john_ramboKM0201, Worked ....Thanks07:17
KM0201np.. :)07:17
KM0201john_rambo: there's another one called "Beagle" i do believe07:17
bioterrorthose are indexed searches07:27
bioterrorlurks what files has inside them07:27
john_ramboneeded a graphical diskspace monitor ...installed conky ....but it doesn't start >> http://pastebin.com/fg9naeFM08:37
john_ramboany alternate solution will do08:38
stlsaintjohn_rambo: i use disk usage analyzer08:44
john_rambostlsaint, Is it installed in Lubuntu by default ? If not what is the name of the package ?08:45
stlsaintjohn_rambo: oh sorry, i would have to boot back into lubuntu to tell you, there are many if you jsut wanted to view them within the repository08:48
john_rambostlsaint, no stop]08:49
john_rambostlsaint, found it "baobab08:49
stlsaintjohn_rambo: ah yes i have that08:50
john_rambostlsaint,  Thanks / Bye08:52
phil_Hey all. Any one alive in here? :P09:19
=== Vinylourson is now known as vinylourson
=== vinylourson is now known as Vinylourson
thinkstuSalam everyone13:27
thinkstuI want to use a light ubuntu version, I found Lubuntu and Xubuntu - I'm not sure what's the different can anyone explain please ?13:28
thinkstuanyone there ?13:29
phillwthinkstu: lubuntu is less resource hungry than xubuntu13:46
phillwxubuntu is based on the xcfe desktop system and comes with different applications to lubuntu which uses the lxde desktop.13:48
dholbachwho would be interested in giving a talk about Lubuntu at Ubuntu Developer Week?15:09
dholbachwe still have one slot open and it'd be great to hear more about how things are going and how people can help out15:09
phillwdholbach: Yes, I'd be up for that.15:26
dholbachphillw: awesome!15:26
phillwI am assuming it is on-line discussion!15:26
dholbachphillw: can you PM me your email address - I'd CC you into a conversation I started with gilir and jmarsden, so you can coordinate together15:27
dholbachyes, it'd be a one-hour IRC session where you present and probably get a number of questions from the audience :)15:27
phillwdholbach: my email address is not a secret! phillw@ubuntu.com15:27
dholbachyou are a rock star15:27
phillwsimilar to a classroom session, I'll try to turn up on time!15:27
dholbachwould Fri 15th Jul, 19:00 UTC generally work out for you?15:28
dholbachyes, it'd be in #ubuntu-classroom15:28
phillwthat would be fine.15:28
dholbachI'll pencil you in and CC you into the conversation15:28
dholbachman, you make me very happy15:28
phillwgood, the alpha2 will have been out for a week by then for 11-1015:28
bioterror11.10 ;)15:29
phillwbioterror: except via the usa system, where it would be 10.11 :P15:29
dholbachbut it'll still be a good time for people to get involved and probably fix a few bugs :)15:29
phillwdholbach: we are hoping for more good news by then, but have to wait for the announcement15:30
=== Vinylourson is now known as vinylourson
=== Vinylourson is now known as vinylourson
=== vinylourson is now known as Vinylourson
beetlejoozwhat is the default login for the live cd install? I did the install and now it's prompting me to login but I didn't set those credentials during the install16:32
beetlejoozI've tried ubuntu:ubuntu, lubuntu:lubuntu, blank:blank: lubuntu:blank, ubuntu:blank...nothing works16:33
beetlejoozanyone know?16:34
bioterroryou've specified user and password during installation16:35
beetlejoozit didn't ask me16:35
bioterrorit's impossible to continue without those steps16:35
beetlejoozit must be possible because i did it16:35
beetlejoozrun the install from the desktop icon16:36
beetlejooznever asked me for a pw16:36
beetlejoozor user16:36
bioterrorit asks for a computers name, your name16:36
beetlejoozit didn't16:36
beetlejoozask me16:36
kaipanoi_Just wanted to say thanks. Lubuntu is a welcome respite to the insanity that is Unity, Gnome 3 & KDE 4. I feel like a real Linux user again.17:07
KM0201kaipanoi_: yup, i'm head over heels for lxde... and i was a gnome slut for a long time.. Unity never really tripped my trigger, I hate any version of KDE, and i've used Gnome 3 on Suse, an am not that impressed.17:11
KM0201xfce still has that aura of simplicity, but it has gradually been getting very bloated over the last few releases... I hope lxde never takes that path, but there's a few "extras" i'd like to see in Lubuntu.17:12
phillwKM0201: provided they take up no disk space, or RAM / CPU when running we are always open to new programmes (You have NO idea how close to the truth that is!)17:13
kaipanoi_KM0201: I agree. XFCE tries to strike a balance, but I think they miss on a lot of stuff. Maybe it's just the Ubuntu packaging of XFCE, I don't know.17:14
KM0201kaipanoi_: i've noticed it on other xfce releases as well (Fedora, and a couple others)17:14
kaipanoi_What do you guys use to edit the keyboard shortcuts in OB? XML in nano gets old...17:15
KM0201phillw: mainly relating to the login screen.. i'd like an option to "click" a user, then enter a password, rather than always having to type a username17:17
KM0201i tried some of the other options Unit193 mentinoed yesterday, but they ended up causing several issues, so i had to remove them.17:18
kaipanoi_have a look at /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf17:20
KM0201kaipanoi_: ok, brb... then we might discuss it.17:20
KM0201ok, back17:22
KM0201gonna put lubuntu in vbox so i can try some of these other options w/o to much headache17:22
kaipanoi_good idea17:24
KM0201kaipanoi_: yah, i nearly bricked my install yesterday trying gdm... had to boot recovery mode to get it completely removed and get back to a useable lxde desktop17:24
kaipanoi_really? I wouldn't imagine it would be that annoying17:25
KM0201but anyway.. you know how w/ the Ubuntu (and for that matter, Xubuntu, adn to my knowledge, Kubuntu)... the login window, you can click the user names, rather than type them.17:25
kaipanoi_(a small security risk, if you ask me ;) )17:25
KM0201kaipanoi_: oh it was crazy... i installed it, and it all went well, then the first time i logged in, it worked, then immediately logged me out, then after that, it just put me on a loop, i'd log in, then it would just take me right back to the login screen17:26
kaipanoi_Guessing passwords is only half as difficult as guessing username/password pairs ;)17:26
KM0201yeah, i know.. but.. seriously, my parents.. they can't remember crap like this.17:26
kaipanoi_weird. I'll avoid that then17:26
KM0201yeah, it was all sorts of fun17:26
kaipanoi_I think you can pick a different theme and change the conf file http://askubuntu.com/questions/39613/how-to-enable-user-list-in-lxdm-login-manager17:27
KM0201if thats possible, you'll be my best friend17:27
KM0201lemme take a gander17:27
KM0201kaipanoi_: oh wait, i did try that.17:29
kaipanoi_what theme did you install after changing the configuration file?17:29
KM0201oh i never installed a theme, i guess that would help17:29
kaipanoi_I don't seem them on http://box-look.org/17:30
KM0201yeah, i don't wana change my whole theme, just the login window17:31
kaipanoi_Proof it's doable: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/File:LXDM.png17:32
KM0201Unit193: actually told me how to do that yesterday, and it didn't work out all that well either17:32
kaipanoi_subscribe? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-artwork/+bug/66659017:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 666590 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "lxdm theme need to add an user list and a keyboard layout chooser" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:33
KM0201least i know i'm not the only one interested in that17:34
kaipanoi_I found the themes location /usr/share/lxdm/themes/17:38
kaipanoi_my /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf has "theme=Industrial" by default17:39
KM0201i don't know a lot about themeing... i could theme Gnome pretty well, but never really tried w/ lxde17:41
KM0201i just got good at editing the menus/icons w/ the .desktop files.17:41
KM0201hmm, lubuntu won't boot in vbox for some reason17:46
KM0201i guess i can try a mini-iso then put lubuntu on top of that17:51
KM0201that'll let me safely try to figure this out w/ causing a mess again..lol17:52
KM0201you know one other minor theming issue i'd like to see phillw17:58
KM0201i don't think this is a "theme" issue though.17:58
KM0201its a configuration of lxde17:58
KM0201you know how on the panel, you can have the "desktop pager"...  on Gnome, Xfce, and i'm assuming KDE... you can set how this displas your workspaces, for instance, 2x2, 3x3, etc.. rather than if you have 4 work spaces, it will display them all in one row, taking up half the panel.18:00
kaipanoi_Yeah, the pager only supports one "row" of vDesktops18:16
kaipanoi_at 1920x1200, I never need more than 2 or 3 though ;)18:17
KM0201kaipanoi_: lol, my desktop its no big deal, as it has dual 19in screens18:18
bioterrorI need 2 on laptop and 4 on desktop18:18
KM0201my laptop w/ a 15in screen.. i need 2, my netbook, i need 418:18
KM0201it's not to bad though, i've gotten kinda used to middle clicking to navigate among my works paces.. but i wish the desktop pager had that option.18:18
kaipanoi_careful what you wish for. avoiding feature bloat is what brought us to LXDE to begin with ;)18:19
kaipanoi_do you remember LXDE in 10.04? yeesh...18:19
kaipanoi_it didn't handle corners as well18:20
kaipanoi_the menu button was a few pixels away from the bottom left corner. same for the close button on the top right corner in a maximized window18:20
KM0201kaipanoi_: never used it in 10.0418:20
KM0201only started using 11.04 when Gnome was switched out for Unity, and after trying Gnome 3, i don't have high hopes for it either.. decided it was time tos tart looking for alternatives18:20
KM0201i'm not much of a procrastinator when i know change is coming18:21
AmberJphillw, there?18:24
=== owneroperator is now known as ratnick
owneroperatorAnyone know how to contact  Chris Druif?  On https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/RemoveOldKernels21:24
owneroperatorThere is an typo in the script for Remove Old Kernels.  dpkg -l | grep linux-image-221:25
Unit193You can fix it, it's a wiki after all (As long as you KNOW what you're doing)21:26
owneroperatorShould read: dpkg -l | grep linux-image-2  (<1>) and lower case <l > are easily confused)21:28
owneroperatorO'm learning.  I did change the line in the terminal and it worked.21:29
owneroperatorso, thanx and it is a nice day.21:30
PhosphenesWhat would be the equivalent of a .bat file for linux?22:02
PhosphenesYou may have my firstborn child.22:03
Unit193You save your firstborn for something REALLY big...22:04
elroslike what is the equivalent of 'dir' in linux22:05
PhosphenesI don't even know what dir is... O.o22:05
Unit193elros: ls -a -R22:06
elroso/ high five22:06
Unit193\o but ls / -a -R  might be more fun...22:07
phillwPhosphenes: have a read through http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04e2/en_US/screen It is free to download and has been written by the guys who are involved in support.22:07
PhosphenesCool thanks.22:08
PhosphenesI don't imagine things would have changed so drastically as to make this invalid for 11.04..?22:09
kaipanoi_make *what* invalid22:10
PhosphenesThis manual for 10.0422:10
elrosit seems to be on a very general level, so I'd say it's not obsolete for 11.0422:12
PhosphenesDidn't think so.22:12
elrosthe biggest difference is gnome 2.30 vs unity22:12
PhosphenesIs unity replacing gnome in ubuntu?22:14
elrosunity is the netbook interface fitted to desktop in regular ubuntu, default in 11.0422:15
KM0201Phosphenes: pretty sure.22:15
KM0201elros: yes, but Unity is going to be default from here on out... netbook or not22:16
elrosif you use lxde / lubuntu, there are no big changes22:16
elroswell see, maybe gnome 3.2 / 3.4 will be default in 12.0422:16
KM0201elros: i doubt it... if that were the case, they'd just held off on switching from gnome 2.x22:16
KM0201to put all this work into unity, only to turn back to gnome, would be crazy22:17
PhosphenesIs there a huge difference between them?22:18
KM0201between what?22:20
KM0201unity and gnome 3?  yes22:20
kylpoOpenbox is my main reason for using Lubuntu22:28
kylposoo much better, imo, than unity or gnome 322:28
KM0201gnome 3 isn't bad, really unity isn't to bad either (yeah it has some bugs, but they'll get those worked out).... both are only good if you have the hardware to run them and not get bogged down22:30
KM0201my PC, can run them, but my laptop canot, and i've gotten totally hooked on lxde, so i'll be using it on my PC also.22:30
kylpoOpenbox + kupfer > all else :P22:30
KM0201well, i don't know what kupfer is..lol22:32
KM0201so i'll just say Openbox > all else22:32
kylpoKM0201: Ooh! Try it out! It's a fast, keyboard driven app launcher22:33
kylpoIt's a bit like what unity has introduced, but without the latency, and has more plugins available.22:33
KM0201kylpo: meh.. doesnt sound like something useful tom e22:34
kylpoKM0201: What's our current way of launching apps?22:34
KM0201kylpo: menu, common apps (xchat, pidgin, chrome, skype, etc..) i have linked in the panel22:35
kylpoKM0201: I think you might enjoy a launcher. Launching Chrome, for instance, I type 'Super + Space, "ch", enter'22:37
KM0201kylpo: i just click an icon in my panel22:37
kylpoKM0201: It has auto completion based on usage22:38
KM0201i've found when i set up keyboard shortcuts, i never use them, so it's pointless to set them up.22:38
kylpoKM0201: Sure, whatever works for you :)22:39
KM0201see, if i was using Gatesian software, they would say "Here, this works best for you"22:40

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