
Q-FUNKBUGabundo: it's just a front end for apt00:00
Q-FUNKsame result as apt.  gdb bt reports a broken libsdtc++600:02
BUGabundogood luck00:02
Q-FUNKI tried scp'ing libstdc++6 and reinstalling it, but no luck. it's got to be something else.00:05
trismQ-FUNK: probably not a problem with that library, but rather someplace in apt passing bad arguments to it (like an unexpected NULL pointer)00:07
Q-FUNKcould be00:07
Q-FUNKheh.  ubuntu-bug also segfaults00:10
pooltablewhere can i get alpha 2 ?00:35
charlie-tcanext week, maybe when it releases?00:36
sudiptasmon grabbing 11.10 alpha2?00:37
ubottuYes, join #ubuntu-release-party to celebrate!00:38
bazhangsudipta, its not out yet00:38
sudipta<bazhang>yeah....i think!today is june 3000:39
sudipta<bazhang>yeah....i think!today is june 3000:40
KM0201does anyone know where to download the alpha of Lubuntu?00:40
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.00:43
KM0201charlie-tca: i'm in lubuntu, nobody is answering, that channel is pretty dead for the most part.00:44
charlie-tcaDid you try their wiki?00:44
KM0201charlie-tca: also, to my knowledge, Lubuntu will be an official derivative w/ 11.1000:44
charlie-tcaIt was on it00:44
charlie-tcayes, it will be. and when the images are on the canonical servers, it will be easier, won't it?00:44
KM0201charlie-tca: i don't see any links to a ISO on the wiki, when i click the "testing here" link... there's no link to an ISO00:45
KM0201charlie-tca: you would hope so.00:45
KM0201unfortunately all the "Lubuntu" searches, just turn back Ubuntu00:47
charlie-tcaMaybe you just have to wait for them to repond on IRC then00:47
KM0201i'm just bored00:48
KM0201want something to do.00:48
KM0201i put 11.10 ubuntu on a thumb drive yesterday00:48
KM0201none of the "side icons" worked, so it was pretty difficult to get much of a feel for it.00:48
sudipta<bazhang>yeah....i think!today is june 3000:49
pooltablekm0201 do you like it the look of 11.10?00:53
KM0201pooltable: i couldn't really use it... so i don't know.. honestly though, i'm kinda hooked on lxde.00:53
pooltableis there a image of lxde ?00:54
KM0201pooltable: thats what i've been here asking.. :)  looking for an image of lubuntu 11.1000:54
pooltablekm0201 ic00:55
KM0201it'll be an official derivative when 11.10 hits... 11.04 is a community release.00:55
KM0201but it's awesome.00:55
KM0201pooltable: http://imagebin.org/16066200:57
KM0201i love it's simple, clean look.00:58
pooltablekm0201 is that your dest top?00:59
KM0201oh, yes01:00
KM0201thats my desktop (well, laptop actually.. :))01:00
pooltablewhat is the icon next to gimp?01:00
KM0201Parole Media Player01:00
pooltablethe x one then the other one?01:00
KM0201from left to right....01:01
pooltableparole is it better then vlc?01:01
KM0201is a file browser, terminal, chrome, t-bird, pidgin, skype, xchat, gimp, parole, audacious, frostwire01:01
pooltablethe one to the left with the x01:01
KM0201pooltable: i like them both.. but i think Parole is definitely "lighter" than VLC, while VLC is more versatile (if you use it for streams, etc.)01:02
KM0201i have VLC on my system, but i really like parole, and have pretty much been using it exclusively01:02
pooltablehow it frostwire?01:02
KM0201pooltable: i've never had a problem with it.. used it since like 6.06 i think.01:02
KM0201long as you have java installed, it'll work fine.01:03
pooltablefostwire better then lime wire?01:04
KM0201pooltable: basically the same thing really, except Limewire was ordered by courts to shut down.01:04
pooltableok next side the green check mark what yellow x ?01:04
trismKM0201: found it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing via https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg04193.html01:05
KM0201frostwire is essentually an open source version of limewire.01:05
KM0201trism: thank you.01:05
KM0201pooltable: the icons on the right, are active programs that i have open.. the "sun" is a weather applet, the purple thing is piddgin, the green check is skype, the x is xchat01:06
pooltablekm0201 ok thanks01:06
KM0201pooltable: the black box w/ the "green" waves in it, is a CPU use monitor, beside that, is just an easy icon to click when i want to kill an app01:06
pooltablekm0201 i got that01:07
KM0201it lists current programs, then i can just kill whatever.01:07
KM0201trism: thanks, downloading now.01:08
pooltablekm0201 yes with the kill thing i have VBA= gmae boy adavance emu when i exit it i still have to kill the window the game in still playing in is there a way a round this?01:09
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:09
KM0201hmm, not sure.01:09
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:09
KM0201sudipta: ?01:10
sudipta<KM0201>sorry....just want to know about '!'01:12
KM0201!msgthebot > sudipta :)01:12
ubottusudipta, please see my private message01:12
sudipta<KM0201>  :)01:12
KM0201!msgthebot > KM020101:13
ubottuKM0201, please see my private message01:13
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".01:15
sudipta!msgthebot >sudipta01:19
ubottusudipta, please see my private message01:19
KM0201ok, gonna create a lubuntu 11.10 usb and boot it, be back in a minute.01:19
pooltablekm0201 trying lub on vbox01:21
pooltablewhere did you fime 11.1001:22
KM0201ok, back01:36
pooltabledid it work?01:37
KM0201on it now01:37
pooltablewhere did you fine 11.10?01:37
KM0201someone posted the link earlier.01:38
pooltabledo you like it ?01:38
KM0201well, i just booted it..lol01:38
KM0201but i like 11.04, so i can't imagine 11.10 being any worse01:38
pooltabledo you sill have the link?01:38
KM0201i do notice the networking icon doesn't work...01:38
KM0201it works if you click it (shows my wireless networks).. but it's just a red circle.. rather than the "networking applet"01:38
pooltablebut 11.10 is still testing stage01:38
KM0201that's probably just a path issue to the icon.01:39
KM0201pooltable: yes, very early, i wouldn't install it, it's alpha 1, it's not due until november.. but if you just want to put it on USB and try it, it'll probably be ok.01:39
pooltablei try it on vbox01:39
pooltableonce i fine it01:39
KM0201that should work to.01:39
KM0201like i said, unfortunately the link is on my Lubuntu install on my hard drive.01:40
pooltableinstalled 10.4 now01:40
pooltablewell once you get back to it send it here shaggyeightball@gmail.com thanks01:41
KM0201well, i'll forget your email by then..lol01:41
KM0201hold on, lemme see if i can access my xchat logs on my hard drive.01:41
pooltablethat sucks01:41
KM0201can you scroll up?.. someone posted the link for me... and i told them thanks.01:42
KM0201his name started w/ a T01:42
KM0201i was just looking through my log on my hard drive... that's the link01:44
KM0201i could have put it in vbox, but my laptop has crappy specs, barely runs one OS well, let alone 2.. :)01:45
pooltablei c my computer is also old01:47
pooltableit run but some time real sl o w01:47
KM0201yeah.. thats my issue.01:47
KM0201only thing i use Vbox for, is syncing my zune.. i start xp in vbox, sync, then shut it down,.01:48
KM0201for that 3-4min, i can deal w/ my host OS being kinda slow.01:48
pooltabletry parole like it01:48
KM0201yah, parole is good.01:49
KM0201ok, gonna boot back to my install... i'll play w/ this later.01:49
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
snadgethis is likely covered somewhere obvious that i should look first10:34
snadgebut i have a new amd bobcat system with integrated radeon graphics that im using as a htpc10:35
snadgeand i have to install catalyst from amd manually.. and versions of libva1, libva-dev and xvba-video from splitted desktop systems, in order to have vaapi support (accelerated video decoding) with xbmc/mythtv/ffmpeg/mplayer/gstreamer etc.. all of those things also need to be recompiled manually10:37
snadgeive read briefly somewhere that oneiric will have improvements with regards to gpu video acceleration on non nvidia hardware.. which is relatively new ground in linux10:39
snadgenow that vaapi is gpled and works as a common video accel api for amd, intel, nvidia, s3, powervr etc.. it would be nice to see that stuff included10:42
alkisgHi, I have a kernel regression with a CDROM device (worked on lucid, doesn't work on maverick/natty)11:51
alkisgHow can I try the oneiric kernel in Lucid?11:52
alkisgI tried the latest from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ but module-init version isn't compatible11:52
alkisgCan I manually install module-init from oneiric to my lucid? Or that will break something else?11:53
geseralkisg: try asking the kernel team in #ubuntu-kernel if you don't get an answer here11:54
alkisgThank you geser11:54
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saammhello a new icon will come in oneiric???15:45
lucidfoxAfter an upgrade, all my indicators have disappeared15:55
lucidfoxfrom Unity15:55
davidcallelucidfox, installing indicator-*-gtk2 packages will solve this.16:01
davidcalleFor reference ^16:02
genii-aroundInteresting. Not all the time but maybe once every 8-10 times... I right-click in FF on a link, then the context menu appears to goes insane, blinking on and off and moving, then settles down on bottom right of screen eventually16:03
davidcallelucidfox, OR wait a few hours until Unity 4.0.1-0ubuntu3 lands in Oneiric.16:04
sudiptais 11.10 alpha 2 out?16:39
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases16:40
ubottuA schedule of Oneiric Ocelot (11.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule16:40
Ian_Corne7th sudipta16:40
Ian_CorneI'll be gone on vacation :(16:40
Ian_Cornetoday is debianimport freeze16:41
sudipta<Ian_Corne>June 30th, 2011 - Alpha 2 release...is what i know from web16:43
Ian_Cornewell if you go the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule link16:44
Ian_Corneit says july 7th16:44
Ian_Corne.. so you're gonna believe that site over an official ubuntu site?16:48
sudipta<Ian_Corne>ok...i get it..dont get mad at me :=D16:50
Ian_Corneahnee, mss heeI'm not mad, just surprised :)16:50
sudipta<Ian_Corne>me too16:52
lucidfoxdavidcalle, thanks, installing the just-built version of unity helped16:59
davidcallelucidfox, yw :)17:00
=== kancerman_ is now known as kancerman
lucidfoxWhy does a system freeze erase Tomboy notes?18:50
lucidfoxI rebooted and the note I've been writing is GONE18:50
lucidfoxisn't there timed autosave or something18:51
* lucidfox sighs18:55
lucidfoxI'll have to retype the whole thing from scratch, won't I18:55
lucidfoxWhat point is there in using Tomboy over a text editor if it just eats your data like that18:56
BluesKajlucidfox, is there areson not use gedit ?19:09
BluesKaja reason19:09
lucidfoxYes. Autosave.19:10
lucidfoxWhich, as it turns out, is unreliable and can kill my data altogether. :S19:10
BluesKajwell , I use kate in kde and save after making changes and saving it saves another version of the text file if you're root19:12
BluesKajI thought gedit would have a similar method19:13
lucidfox"I use $other_app" is not a valid defense against a bug19:15
BluesKajlucidfox, then file a bug , this is an alpha release afterall19:28
lucidfoxthere's already a bug for that, and it's been there before oneiric -_-19:29
BluesKajuhm , then why do you keep using it ?19:30
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
tanelioneiric server install failed with creative prodikeys keyboard at "select a language" prompt, known defect?22:43
danie39is there a way to change the desktop background of different desktops ?for eexample have desktop 1 be a sunrise desktop 2 be a midday picture and desktop 3 be sunset23:47
KM0201danie39: not sure about unity, but there was an app you could install w/ Gnome 2.x, that would do that.23:48
KM0201why that capability isn't enabled by default, like it is w/ KDE, i'll never know.23:49
danie39ok im still on 10.10 just figured u guys would know what is this ap called?23:49
KM0201oh ok.23:49
KM0201hang on a sec, lemme find it.23:49
danie39yeh i loved 11.04 but couldnt get internet to work on my vostro 1000 so gave up and just reverted23:50
KM0201couldn'tget the internet to work?.. wireless?23:51
KM0201hmm, most of the links say you have to hve compiz to do it.. i thought there was an app to do it w/o compiz23:51
KM0201whats your wireless device, do you know?23:51
danie39uh isnt there something i can type into the terminal to find out ?23:52
KM0201(lowercase L)23:52
KM0201unfortunately all the stuff i'm turning up on the wallpaper issue, involve compiz.23:53
danie39hmm do u think in like a week if i upgraded to 11.04 u would be able to get my wireless working ?23:55
danie39cause i might jsut say f it to this personlizing if i can get it working cause i realy do miss 11.04 my computer didnt flicker when wacthing online videos in fllscreen and i just liked the quick search with the windows key23:56
KM0201danie39: well, i don't know what device it is.23:57
danie39now i wont be able to do it cause im on vacation right now and using my phone for coenction and updating it to 11.04 would take literally forever23:57
KM0201danie39: the 4311 shoudl be very easy to get working w/ 11.04 (not i said *should*)23:57
danie39im jsut realy dumb with this stuff and need a step by step someone showing me how to im just not good at grasping this terminal stuff23:59
danie39but def love this stuff way better then windows23:59

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