
charlie-tcaA nice surprise. Dasher will input directly into VBox when I am running a test install15:38
charlie-tcaCheri703: for my stiff fingers today, the vertical mouse is great!15:43
Cheri703\o/ yay! I'm happy that it's helpful for you!15:43
Cheri703I'd think that being able to transfer the bulk of the movement to larger muscles (vs just fingers for a trackball) would help at least sometimes15:44
charlie-tcaIt rally is much better then a normal mouse, but it does have a learning curve15:44
charlie-tcait does help. My fingers are so stiff with arthritus today, I can't bend them15:45
charlie-tcaUsers have to want to relearn to use this, though. It takes a while to get used to it15:45
charlie-tcaThe big issue seems to be size, it is available in large and small models, this is the small, and I wear a size medium glove. It might be too small for me15:46
Cheri703good to know about the learning curve15:47
charlie-tcaWell, it is pricey, so if you go with it, it is sometimes iffy that they want to learn something different.15:47
charlie-tcaCheri703: It might be the missing finger on my right-hand messing with the size here too15:51
Cheri703hmm...could be15:51
Cheri703well, I'm glad to hear that overall it's working for you at this point :)15:51
Cheri703I'm off to volunteer my services for a bit. I'll look forward to further updates :)15:52
Pendulumjust as a heads up here, I'm off to Maine until about the 10th16:13
Pendulumwill be on e-mail, but probably not IRC16:13
charlie-tcaPendulum: good luck16:14
charlie-tcahave fun, if possible16:14
TheMusohey folks.16:16
PendulumI will!16:16
charlie-tcaHello, TheMuso 16:16
Pendulumcharlie-tca: staying at http://www.rockyshorerentals.com/listing-sea-spray-cottage-5.html 16:16
PendulumI'm excited!16:16
charlie-tcaTheMuso: Are we going to have an accessible install for alpha2?16:16
Pendulum(once I got over the 'you gave me 24 hours to pack for Maine?!' bit)16:16
charlie-tcaAh, minor details!16:17
TheMusocharlie-tca: At this stage, I don't think so, i am currently working on the profile code for the first screen, and running into a few mall issues that I am still debugging. I'd say the code will land right after alpha 2.16:17
TheMusoit will also take time for Colin/Evan to review my code as well.16:17
charlie-tcaWorks for me.16:18
charlie-tcaPendulum: Wow!16:18
charlie-tcanice place16:18
TheMusoThe ubiquity a11y stuff is pretty much the only thing I am working on this week.16:18
TheMusoBut I am also talking to folks about Unity 2D accessibility.16:19
charlie-tcaGreat! We want everything this time, if possible.16:21
TheMusoI think that will be much more possible with Unity 2D than it will 3D, at least this cycle.16:21
TheMusoHowever I am going to continue to bang on Unity 3D in my own time, and try and help things move forwrad.16:21
charlie-tcaThank you. You do good work! I wish I could help with it, but my coding skills are severely lacking16:22
TheMusoThanks. I have come to the conclusion that if programming doesn't come easily to you, then its tedious, and it depends on how well you are able to think through program design and logic.16:24
charlie-tcaI used to be able to do that, but my brain is too rattled now to follow it. I keep trying though. Maybe that will come back eventually.16:24
TheMusoI understand.16:25
TheMusoI really have to push myself sometimes to do what needs to be done to code.16:25
TheMusoAs it certainly doesn't come naturally to me.16:25
charlie-tcaIt can be that way. Most people are not as logical as code.16:25
charlie-tcaWell, I better go cut the grass, again.16:26
TheMusoI think you really should start out reading and understanding code before you try modifying it.16:26
TheMusocharlie-tca: No problem.16:26
charlie-tcaBy all means. Those who can not read and understand it already, should not be touching it16:27
charlie-tcaThat often does more damage than good16:27
phillwhiyas charlie-tca are you mad busy, medium busy or have 5 minutes to spare?20:52
charlie-tcaplaying catchup; been gone all morning20:53
charlie-tcago ahead20:53
phillwa quick PM whenever you have chance, for a change good tidings :)20:54

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