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blkperlhi, can someone set bug 656508 to wishlist, its build package request08:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 656508 in redmine (Ubuntu) "Build current 1.0 package for Lucid (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65650808:48
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yofelblkperl: we don't support PPA requests, so this can only get into -backports. For that set the Ubuntu status to invalid and open a task for the lucid-backports projects. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports09:06
blkperlyofel: thanks09:25
bil21alis there any other software software instead of  archieve manager????11:08
bil21alis there any other software for unzip instead of archieve manager???11:17
micahg!support | bil21al11:17
ubot4bil21al: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com11:17
pedro_bil21al, unzip?11:18
pedro_bil21al, you can always use the command line tools....11:18
pedro_if archive manager is not working for you, well file a bug with: ubuntu-bug file-roller11:18
jpdsbil21al: The "unzip" command?11:18
bil21alno it some times not upzip some folders so i want other software to unzip the rar file11:19
jpdsbil21al: Then, install the 'unrar' package.11:19
bil21alok thu11:20
bdmurraymvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/77565611:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 775656 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "'Ubuntu 11.04 Upgrade Available' must not be displayed when 10.10 is started from a Live CD (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Triaged]11:49
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brendandnew bug in Oneiric, should be High, since it's a pretty big functional problem14:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 803858 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Unable to switch between Chinese and English in LightDM (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:42
pedro_brendand, rancell was talking with someone about a similar issue, will ping him14:43
brendandi imagine this would be a Wishlist bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/80382615:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 803826 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "File Open can't Open a http resource (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:05
brendandif anyone else agrees15:05
brendandit's really a new feature in the File Open dialog of Gtk15:05
brendandsome applications like Gimp implement that functionality themselves, but not through the Open dialog, usually through an 'Open Location' menu option15:06
charlie-tcaThat has been a feature of Nautilus for a very long time15:06
charlie-tcayou have always been able to open a URL from the terminal, such as file:/// or http://15:07
charlie-tcaIt might even be a regression now15:08
pedro_that's an old gtkfilechooser enhancement bug though15:10
* pedro_ finding the number15:10
pedro_likely: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16440415:11
ubot4Gnome bug 164404 in GtkFileChooser "opening urls from the file selector" [Normal,New]15:11
brendandis there a corresponding ubuntu bug? i mean is 803826 a duplicate of anything?15:12
brendandcharlie-tca - the bug isn't really nautilus specific15:13
pedro_brendand, nope, there's no bug in LP looking at that upstream report15:13
charlie-tcaokay, pedro_ gave you the upstream for it already15:14
brendandvery similar report from the same guy - should also be a wishlist. i'll have a look in gnome bugzilla for any similar upstream bug15:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 803824 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Can't change the display of Nautilus/Gnome File Open Dialog (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:18
* brendand feels inclined to ask the reporter not to submit multiple issues in one bug15:18
pedro_the hidden files thing is known15:21
pedro_the issue is that they are not in 'sync' with nautilus15:22
pedro_gtkfilechooser is using its own settings not the pref from nautilus15:22
pedro_you can suggest to use right click on the gtkfilechooser and choose the hide/no hide option there15:22
pedro_there's another old bug for that15:22
* pedro_ looking15:22
ubot4Gnome bug 143599 in GtkFileChooser "Share "show hidden" option with Nautilus" [Enhancement,New]15:23
pedro_and the other... i've seen that as well15:23
pedro_there's no actually a 'master' bug for implementing all those views15:28
pedro_there's https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=572066 but it's probably going to be marked as won't fix anytime soon15:28
ubot4Gnome bug 572066 in GtkFileChooser "Different view options on GTK+ file chooser dialog boxes" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]15:28
pedro_but you can point the user there and then change the bug number for another or something like that15:29
pedro_brendand, ^15:30
bil21almt top pannel sound icon dissappear after update..how can i get it back??? using 11.10 alpha?16:16
hggdhbil21al: sounds like a bug. Have you checked LP for a match?16:18
charlie-tcaapp-indicator is broken right now in oneiric16:19
bil21alhow to check Lp??? and16:19
bil21alany body else lose it???>>> sound indicator16:19
charlie-tcaIt is all being ported to gtk3 or gnome3 or something. everybody else lost it16:20
charlie-tca11.10 is oneiric, which is the development version. It is expected things will break16:20
bil21alyes things break.16:21
yofelbil21al: in case you don't know it yet: oneiric support is in #ubuntu+116:21
bil21altell me what command is use in terminal to report sound idicator bug16:22
yofelthough from the changelog, unity 4.0.1-0ubuntu3 that was just uploaded might fix that16:22
bil21alyofel; can we update it now??16:23
yofelprobably not built yet, wait a few hours16:23
bil21alok i will16:24
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Tetsuo55is there any way to get a newer kernel that is not vanilla?18:20
Tetsuo55my hardware is dependent on custom ubuntu patches that are applied to the official kernel updates, but they have a bunch of regressions which are solved in the kernel git head18:21
yofelnewer kernel for which release?18:21
Tetsuo55the current one haha18:26
Tetsuo55not oneiric but the one released recently18:27
yofelhm, I don't know if we have backports for natty, sry18:31
Tetsuo55how unstable is oneiric?18:43
Tetsuo55i mean my app has an unstable branch, but in reality its just as stable as the stable branch18:44
bil21ali want to report the network manger bug what command should i type in terminal??19:04
Picibil21al: this should work: ubuntu-bug network-manager19:06
esmaeilHi all19:46
esmaeilI applied to BugSquad I love to know How much times need to get acceptence?19:47
bil21ali think  they will answer you in 24 hours19:52
bil21alin mine i got answer in 24 hours19:52
esmaeilbil21al: it was my answer?19:54
bil21alyes esmaeil;19:55
esmaeilbil21al: till now I think it's more than 40 hours19:56
esmaeilbil21al: thank you very much for your reply20:13
bil21alyou are welcome20:13
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irc_willynuxhello, I think that bug #804019 should be assigned to 'wishlist' if someone here is from Ubuntu bug control team please21:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 804019 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Minecraft is not available in the Ubuntu Software Center (affects: 3) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80401921:44
envygeeksI was wondering if somebody who can set importance on bugs can try this "fix" and then set a low importance for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/722019 that way the developers might know where to look23:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 722019 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Failed to install the bootloader (affects: 4) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:31

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