
=== fenris is now known as Guest83722
desrtsmspillaz: hey11:54
desrtsmspillaz: i have something to tell you11:56
desrtsmspillaz: this:12:00
desrt ____   ___12:00
desrt|  _ \ / _ \12:00
desrt| | | | |_| |12:00
desrt|_| |_|\___(_)12:00
desrt 12:00
Laneyphwoar look at that kerning12:02
desrtLaney: i tried inserting a space like 'no .'12:06
desrtbut it was worse12:06
pittididrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609577/12:21
pittididrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/609578/12:22
chrisccoulsoni'm sat next to too many french people!12:39
chrisccoulsonit's all seb128's fault12:40
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: ferme ta bouche!12:40
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: je ne comprends pas12:40
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mvohey seb128 - what is the correct way to restart /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 ?12:40
mvoseb128: I think bdmurray ran into a odd state12:41
mvowell, his agent12:41
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seb128mvo, just type the comment?12:41
seb128the command12:41
mvoseb128: yeah, it complains that it can't find the consolekit cookie or something when I just try to run it manually12:50
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mterryjibel, uploaded fixed ldtp package.  it's now installable in oneiric14:37
pittiaquarius: u-control-panel-gtk Services tab says "Value could not be retrieved. (Unauthorized: ('unauthorized', 'Authentication required.'))"16:02
pittiaquarius: I already tried to wipe all ubuntuone configuration, data files, couchdb data files, and keyring entries16:02
pittiaquarius: what does that want to tell me? known or should I debug that further?16:02
aquariuspitti, I'm not sure. nessita or dobey will know, though... ^^16:03
* nessita is here16:03
nessitahey pitti. Is this oneiric?16:03
pittihey nessita16:04
pittinessita: yes, oneiric du jour16:04
nessitapitti: can you please report the bug under https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+filebug ?16:04
pittiwell, I'll use apport, for more log love16:04
nessitapitti: I'll have thisfred (out desktopcouch master) looking into it16:04
nessitathisfred: possible destopcouch issue in oneiric coming up ^16:05
thisfrednessita: thx, I guess :)16:05
nessitathisfred: I'm asking the bug to be filed under u1cp, but we may need to move it later (if confirmed)16:06
thisfrednessita: the control panel does not work at all for me on oneiric, so it's hard to debug this16:06
thisfrednessita: sounds good16:06
nessitathisfred: "at all"? :-/16:06
pittioh? comes up fine here16:06
pittiwell, I had to wipe all my config16:06
nessitathisfred: I was not aware of that...16:06
pittibut I hadn't used u1 for a while16:06
thisfrednessita: well it starts, it just gives me an error (also auth related) on every tab16:07
thisfredI discussed it briefly with rodney yesterday16:07
nessitathisfred: are your cedentials messed up? like16:07
nessitayou removed them on the server but not locally?16:07
thisfredyes, but wiping them and re authing the device does not solve it16:07
thisfredunless I'm missing a step16:08
nessitathisfred: can I haz log please?16:08
thisfredbooting the laptop right now16:08
dobeyit might be the if username == "thisfred": bit16:08
pittibug 80393016:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 803930 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Services tab fails with: Value could not be retrieved. (Unauthorized: ('unauthorized', 'Authentication required.'))" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80393016:08
pittidid apport attach the necessary logs, or should I add something in addition?16:08
* thisfred looks16:12
thisfredpitti: ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/controlpanel.log and ~/.cache/desktopcouch/log/*.log, if you'd be so kind16:25
pittithisfred: done16:27
thisfredmuchas gracias16:28
thisfredpitti: unlikely, but you don't happen to be using the ubuntuone-hackers PPA on that machine, right?16:37
pittithisfred: no, pure oneiric16:42
pittithisfred: if it works for other people, it's well possible that there's some other cruft on my system16:44
thisfredasked for some more info on the bug, so that it's visible for posterity16:44
pittiI'm happy to just clean it16:44
thisfredsure, but if it goes wrong for you it might also happen for other people, so I'd like to find the cause16:44
ftaseb128, another weird regression with evo3, when i select an email in the main pane, the focus moves to the preview pane after a few seconds17:52
ftaoften, but not always..17:53
desrtjasoncwarner_: here?18:23
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=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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