
kiranmensemble status results in 'connection timeout' or 'broken pipe'. Running in verbose mode shows the the messages - http://paste.ubuntu.com/635647/08:34
=== koolhead11|afk is now known as koolhead11
=== daker_ is now known as daker
_mup_Bug #803852 was filed: 64-bit instances and large instances <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/803852 >12:52
_mup_Bug #803855 was filed: peer hooks are not invoked <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/803855 >12:53
hazmatkiranm, hmm.. if you retry do you get the same error, ie is it a persistent problem, also13:23
kiranmhazmat, it turned out to be my corporate firewall blocking outbound traffic. when i tried on a different setup it is working fine. bootsrap, deploy mysql wordpress works fine. but add-relation fails with ambigious endpoints.... i'm using formulas from principia-tools and not from the examples directory13:26
kiranmhazmat, let me try the whole sequence again - deploy mysql, deploy wordpress, check status, add relation13:35
hazmatkiranm, there might be some new relations types in the mysql formula13:44
hazmatwhich would requires specifying the relation names13:44
kiranmhazmat, alright let me check with the example formulas first13:45
_mup_Bug #803866 was filed: On ambigious relation endpoint error from add-relation should show the possible relations  <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/803866 >13:46
kiranmhazmat, the exact error for the ambiguous endpoints....13:50
kiranmmbiguous endpoints: ([(RelationEndpoint(service_name='wordpress', relation_type=u'mysql', relation_name=u'db', relation_role='client'), RelationEndpoint(service_name='mysql', relation_type=u'mysql', relation_name=u'db', relation_role='server')), (RelationEndpoint(service_name='wordpress', relation_type=u'mysql', relation_name=u'db', relation_role='client'), RelationEndpoint(service_name='mysql', relation_type=u'mysql', relation_name=u'db-admin', r13:50
kiranm2011-06-30 17:39:35,243 ERROR Ambiguous endpoints: ([(RelationEndpoint(service_name='wordpress', relation_type=u'mysql', relation_name=u'db', relation_role='client'), RelationEndpoint(service_name='mysql', relation_type=u'mysql', relation_name=u'db', relation_role='server')), (RelationEndpoint(service_name='wordpress', relation_type=u'mysql', relation_name=u'db', relation_role='client'), RelationEndpoint(service_name='mysql', relation_type=u'mysql13:50
kiranm', relation_name=u'db-admin', relation_role='server'))],)13:50
hazmatkiranm, so you need to add the relation via .. ensemble add-relation wordpress mysql:db14:00
hazmatkiranm, a second named relation was added to the principia version to support administrative program access to mysql, so now the usage needs to be qualified14:01
kiranmhazmat, ok understood. 14:03
kiranmhazmat, are these kind of changes documented some where, so that people who test the formulas regularly can be enlightened14:06
kiranmhazmat, especially the formulas from principia-tools would be the focus of testing IMO14:06
hazmatkiranm, at the moment principia is pretty early in its development, the only change log is the revision log.. we will eventually get to releases/frozen version sets of principia formulas with change logs between them14:08
kiranmhazmat, thx again14:09
hazmatkiranm, np14:09
_mup_Bug #803892 was filed: Ensemble should have a config templating system <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/803892 >15:04
_mup_Bug #803895 was filed: Ensemble should have a parallel execution mechanism <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/803895 >15:05
_mup_Bug #803902 was filed: provide a way to remove relationship entries <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/803902 >15:18
lynxmanhazmat: ping15:26
hazmatlynxman, pong15:42
lynxmanhazmat: hey just added myself to bug #616900 since I'm trying to do a macports version of the ensemble client15:42
_mup_Bug #616900: Make a release <txzookeeper:New for hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/616900 >15:42
lynxmanhazmat: any chance this can be done in the near future?15:43
lynxman(near future being a couple of weeks or so)15:43
hazmatlynxman, sure, there's one branch in review thats needed for a new release, it is already available off pypi15:43
lynxmanhazmat: oh cool, do you have the URL for the tarball?15:43
hazmatlynxman, its basically a pure python package, the nesc compilation bit is getting zookeeper-python bindings installed15:44
hazmatlynxman, http://pypi.python.org/pypi/txzookeeper15:44
lynxmanhazmat: lovely, thanks15:44
hazmatlynxman, that version might be a little old for ensemble..15:44
hazmattrunk that is15:44
lynxmanhazmat: well if you push a new tarball that'll be cool :) meanwhile I'll do my port work based on that one15:44
hazmatlynxman, we've in the past run the full unit tests on osx with just one or two issues due to different fs handling of tempfiles15:45
hazmatbut for the most part it should just work15:45
lynxmanhazmat: that's good news :)15:45
lynxmanhazmat: just making the portfiles to submit them to macports for now15:45
hazmatlynxman, you also want to make sure you have the most recent zk release version in macports15:45
lynxmanhazmat: as soon as it's working I'm sure there'll be bugs to fill15:45
hazmatlynxman, awesome15:45
hazmatlynxman, sounds good15:45
lynxmanhazmat: yeah slowly going through the dependencies15:45
* hazmat likes macports15:46
hazmatvery easy to contrib to15:46
lynxmanhazmat: indeed, I'm also contributing byobu15:46
koolhead11SpamapS, hello15:46
hazmatalthough now a days i here everyone talking about homebrew.. only reason i can think of is the install into /usr/local makes it easy for lookups 15:47
koolhead11hi all15:47
hazmatwhen compiling additional extensions at the price of getting a potential mismash of libraries15:47
hazmatkoolhead11, hi15:47
hazmator perhaps its just tcl v ruby15:47
koolhead11hi hazmat 15:48
koolhead11i am working on the phpmyadmin but having some trouble with preseed configuration15:50
koolhead11i see some bugs regarding the same on debian mailing list15:50
hazmatkoolhead11, i'm a bit out of my element regarding php.. but the deb mailing list or the lp bug tracker for phpadmin is probably the right place to follow up those issues15:58
hazmatkoolhead11, do you have a link?15:58
koolhead11http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=578960  15:58
koolhead11when i am doing dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin i have to enter everything manually and then it writes to the DB :15:59
hazmatkoolhead11, hmm.. are you purging and reinstalling or just preseeding debconf selections16:19
koolhead11i was doing purge earlier16:19
koolhead11now i have installed new VM with snapshot16:19
koolhead11am doing it on LTS16:19
hazmatnice. http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2011/06/global-interpreter-lock-or-how-to-kill.html16:37
* koolhead11 heads back home17:02
=== koolhead11 is now known as koolhead11|afk
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r268 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:41
_mup_Fixes to handle topology changes wrt watches17:41
_mup_txzookeeper/session-event-handling r52 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com18:14
_mup_merge trunk18:14
=== daker is now known as daker_
_mup_txzookeeper/session-event-handling r53 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com19:05
_mup_add a disconnected client test for failures, dead connections can exhibit either notconnected or connection exceptions adjust tests to reflect.19:05
_mup_txzookeeper/session-event-handling r54 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com21:16
_mup_address jim's review comments, grammar fixes, additional param valiadation tests21:16
hazmatbcsaller, do you mind if i post your email to the merge proposal along with my reply?21:41
bcsallerhazmat: I don't remember specifically what you're talking about but I think its fine21:41
bcsallerhazmat: the scheduler/workflow stuff?21:41
hazmatbcsaller, yup21:41
bcsallerhazmat: thanks for looking into that :)21:42

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