
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
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MootBotMeeting started at 09:59. The chair is NCommander.15:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:59
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011063015:59
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011063015:59
NCommanderWho's here?16:00
* GrueMaster is not here.16:00
* davidm is looking around16:00
NCommander[topic] AI Review16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  AI Review16:01
NCommanderNCommander to get Documentation spec approved16:01
NCommander[topic] NCommander to get Documentation spec approved16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander to get Documentation spec approved16:01
NCommander[topic] Standing Items16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Items16:01
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html16:01
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html16:01
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-2.html16:01
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-2.html16:01
NCommanderMr. Burndown Chart is :-(16:01
NCommanderso looking at theburndown chart, it looks like a fair bit of the items are things that were done16:03
GrueMasterI need to file a bug against iso.qa.ubuntu.com for the netboot image to get added.  The filesystem peroformance tests take 84 hours each to run.16:03
ograNCommander, the trend line still waits for your spec to be approved ;)16:03
GrueMasterAnd they only run on one system.16:04
janimoGrueMaster, can't there be a much sorter but still representative test?16:04
janimolike 1 r?16:04
NCommanderogra: just fix it. At the rate we're going, that spec won't get approved until after A216:04
ograwhats so hard about just having steve to check the checkbox in LP ? should i ask him to do it ?16:04
NCommanderogra: if you want to16:05
NCommander[action] ogra to get NCommander's documentation spec approved16:05
MootBotACTION received:  ogra to get NCommander's documentation spec approved16:05
NCommanderanything else or can I move on16:06
ograwe probably need to look over the A2 items16:06
NCommanderogra: I ended up finishing several ofyour items so I'll mark those DONE now16:06
ograsince we are unlikely to achieve all of them we should look which we can postpone16:06
ograto make kate happy16:06
NCommander[topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)16:07
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)16:07
NCommanderWe have ubuntu-server images! (thanks infinity)16:08
ograand i heard roumors that netbook works16:08
ogramahmoh1, ^^^ any input ?16:08
persianetbook?  AI thought that was dropped.16:08
GrueMasterU-boot PXE testing is in progress.16:09
mahmoh1mahmoh1: I wasn't able to get it to complete yet, waiting on NCommander but pxe boot works now16:09
infinitypersia: s/netbook/netboot/, ogra can't type.16:09
mahmoh1still needs cleanup though but usb pxe is recognized, downloads, etc.16:10
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati)16:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati)16:11
NCommanderanyone around or should I move on?16:12
GrueMasterApparently no kernel issues - everything is perfect?16:12
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)16:12
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)16:12
janimono progress this week16:13
NCommandernetboot installer is pretty much done on omap4 sans partman-logic16:13
janimostill a few main ftbfs left16:13
rsalvetieverything is perfect on the kernel side, no progress ;-)16:13
NCommanderI think as far as porting goes, we're looking decent for A216:13
infinityI had a talk with doko about the upstart issue last night.  No real progress there, though.16:13
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)16:14
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)16:14
NCommanderSo we have a netboot image */copy and paste from before*16:14
ogra_desktop is broken atm ... (possibly headless too)16:15
ogra_jasper is misbeahving16:15
GrueMasterWill test server image after meeting.16:15
ogra_move ?16:16
ppisatihallo :)16:16
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)16:16
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)16:16
NCommanderppisati: cooloney we'll loop backto kernel status after this16:16
GrueMasterHey, thats me.16:16
ppisatisorry, i had the "goal review" right now :P16:16
ogra_baaad timing :)16:17
ppisatiright :)16:17
GrueMasterWork with Jenkins team to get that operational.  Now ready to start adding tests.16:17
ogra_we'll go back to kernel later :)16:17
ppisatii think i'm going to be dragged out again soon16:17
GrueMastermahmoh1 and I are workingtogether on the u-boot pxe stuff, and ramping up on server testing.16:17
GrueMasterNothing else to see here, move along.16:18
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati)16:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati)16:18
ppisation zinc, on my oneiric tree, you can find an oneiric/ti-omap4-next branch16:19
ppisatibut don't even try it, it kernel panics on boot16:19
ppisativanilla (3.0-rc5 + TI BSP provided byu agreen/TI)16:20
GrueMasterThat would be bad.16:20
ogra_thats 3.0 ?16:20
ppisatisorry, they are calling me again16:20
ogra_*snap* :P16:20
ogra_ppisati, thanks for the update !!!!16:20
ogra_cooloney, anything to add ?16:20
ppisatican we talk about it tonight?16:20
ogra_or tomorrow :)16:21
GrueMasterppisati: This is mainly for public facing progress.  Thanks.16:21
NCommander[topic] ABO16:21
MootBotNew Topic:  ABO16:21
NCommander[topic] AOB16:21
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:21
ogra_OAB !16:22
NCommanderI don't see what Bank of America hasto do withthis16:22
GrueMasterDobee dobee doo16:23
NCommanderclosing in 316:23
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:23.16:23
pitticjwatson, kees: TB meeting in 5 - shall we meet IRL?16:57
keespitti: sure thing, where at?16:57
pittidesktop room is too crowded -- we might try the meeting room at the reception?16:57
cjwatsoncouch meeting17:06
Laneyplease try to keep irc roughly informed :-)17:06
MootBotMeeting started at 11:07. The chair is pitti.17:07
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:07
pitti[topic] Set series RM to ubuntu-release? (17:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Set series RM to ubuntu-release? (17:07
pittiI don't see anything left which would prevent us from doing it17:08
cjwatsonI'm happy to take the action to make that change and make sure stuff still works17:08
cjwatsonso I think we should double-check the following things after making this change:17:09
cjwatson * non-core-dev kernel uploaders (let's say) can target tasks to oneiric17:09
pittithat part has been tested, I think17:09
cjwatson * non-release-team core-devs can target tasks to oneiric17:09
cjwatson * non-core-dev release team members can modify oneiric milestones17:10
keesyeah, the taks targetting has been tested17:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 451390 in Launchpad itself "limited upload rights no longer give series nomination accept/decline rights" [Critical,Fix released]17:10
cjwatsonsorry, I actually mean stable releases, not oneiric17:10
cjwatson(oneiric already has the series RM set to ubuntu-release)17:11
cjwatsonok, let's jfdi17:11
pitti[topic] Measuring installation success/failure17:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Measuring installation success/failure17:12
keesright, I replied to that in agreement with pitti17:12
pittiwe have +1s in email from kees and me17:12
cjwatson(one sec, just moving to a meeting room and adding sabdfl)17:14
pitti(catching up sabdfl to the recent discussion)17:15
cjwatsonwe're generally in favour with Evan's current proposal, and discussing how the data would be kept17:24
cjwatsonPrinciples (summarising from RL):17:36
cjwatson * the purpose of collecting the data is to make Ubuntu better17:36
cjwatson * while we won't make the data entirely public (avoiding unexpected privacy concerns, and competitive questions), people with technical/research projects who have a need for it can ask the TB for data17:37
pitti * for opt-out we need to write a privacy policy17:38
cjwatsonpeople who are concerned about what data we're collecting can of course examine the client source code; we won't correlate IP addresses with this17:41
cjwatson * we need to discuss data security (against theft) with IS17:48
cjwatson * Canonical employees will need to apply to the TB like anyone else, if they want data access17:53
pitti[vote] Create a install report system as proposed by Evan under above conditions17:57
MootBotPlease vote on:  Create a install report system as proposed by Evan under above conditions.17:57
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot17:57
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting17:57
MootBot+1 received from cjwatson. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 117:57
MootBot+1 received from kees. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 217:57
MootBot+1 received from pitti. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 317:57
MootBot+1 received from sabdfl. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 417:57
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 417:57
sabdflwe should note concerns raised by scott, with his preference for complete publication of all data17:58
pittiFTR: MRE for banshee didn't raise any discussion so far, but should be formally +1'ed on the ML18:01
pittiPolicy proposal for partner repository just was updated today -> by mail or next meeting18:01
pittisome discussion about DMB voting procedure (just came in a day ago)18:04
keespitti: +1 on the MRE18:14
sabdflthanks all18:15
sabdfli'm now +1 on the MRE ;-)18:15
sabdflsorry, +218:15
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:35.18:35
Laneyvoting outcome?18:36
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highvoltageg/win 1221:37
=== LjL is now known as TheFakeLjL
=== TheFakeLjL is now known as LjL
macoLaney: looks like they didnt discuss or vote on how we should tally votes :-/22:27
Laneymaco: no idea what 'some discussion' is...22:28
Laneypitti: any clue? :-)22:28

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