tumbleweed | nigelb: still awake? | 00:08 |
jtaylor | how do I figure out where the file for an autoconf macro is | 00:15 |
jtaylor | found it | 00:16 |
EvilPhoenix | i'd like to get in contact with someone who can possibly arrange a time in their schedule to stop by somewhere for an hour and give a "class" on the process of REVU and how one can submit packages to be considered in a next release's repositories. can anyone point me to whom I should speak to? | 01:40 |
nigelb | tumbleweed: what's up? | 05:03 |
dtchen | oh crud, my bind-mounts... | 05:06 |
nigelb | I've not been packaging for so long. | 05:20 |
nigelb | So many mistakes :( | 05:20 |
ajmitch | nigelb: you're hardly the only one to make mistakes | 05:33 |
nigelb | ajmitch: that's slightly comforting :) | 05:34 |
lucas | Laney: ubuntu-upload-history added to UDD | 08:02 |
Laney | lucas: thanks! | 08:43 |
Laney | when does it update? | 08:44 |
lucas | Laney: 49 */6 * * * $UAR upload-history ubuntu-upload-history | /org/udd.debian.org/udd/scripts/filter-output.rb | 08:48 |
Laney | sweet | 08:48 |
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Laney | lucas: looks like it misses the extra fields Signed-By Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed Original-Maintainer | 08:54 |
lucas | Laney: could you open a bug for that ? | 08:55 |
lucas | for Signed-By, what does it contain? | 08:55 |
Laney | same format as Changed-By — it's populated if the signing key doesn't match the Changed-By address somehow | 08:56 |
Laney | can be useful to see who's doing sponsorship | 08:56 |
lucas | ok, please open a bug. I'm too busy those days to spend more time on this, so it will probably wait until debconf | 08:58 |
Laney | ok then | 08:59 |
Laney | on qa.d.o? | 08:59 |
lucas | yes | 08:59 |
Laney | coming up | 08:59 |
huats | morning | 10:19 |
dholbach | directhex, do you think it'd be worth having a mono packaging session at UDW this time around? | 11:01 |
directhex | dholbach, if you like. i guess some stuff has changed in the last couple of years | 11:05 |
dholbach | directhex, I think it'd be awesome | 11:06 |
dholbach | directhex, and I could imagine you still need some help on the team, no? :) | 11:06 |
directhex | dholbach, always | 11:07 |
dholbach | directhex, we still have 2 open slots for UDW, but if you find a different time on the schedule better, I'm happy to ask somebody if they can swap | 11:08 |
dholbach | it's in 2 weeks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable | 11:08 |
dholbach | and if you'd like to give the session together with somebody else, that's fine as well | 11:08 |
directhex | dholbach, i work from home these days, the timing kinda doesn't matter to me | 11:09 |
dholbach | directhex, just let me know what would work best for you and I'm happy to organise the rest | 11:10 |
dholbach | jmarsden, hey - how are you doing? | 11:12 |
dholbach | could you imagine to give a session about Lubuntu and what's going on there this cycle at Ubuntu Developer Week? | 11:12 |
dholbach | (maybe together with gilir?) | 11:12 |
directhex | dholbach, just put my name in a timeslot, and email me a reminder | 11:22 |
dholbach | directhex, will do! thanks a lot! | 11:24 |
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nigelb | tumbleweed: thanks for the upload :) | 15:56 |
tumbleweed | nigelb: np. I renamed the patch in the changelog entry, btw | 15:58 |
nigelb | oh? /me looks | 15:59 |
tumbleweed | you renamed the patch but didn't update the changelog to match | 15:59 |
nigelb | doh | 16:00 |
nigelb | tumbleweed: pathfinder seems to be false positive | 16:06 |
nigelb | so does pornview (doesn't fail anymore) | 16:08 |
tumbleweed | you sure? there's an open debian bug on it? (pathfinder) | 16:08 |
nigelb | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pathfinder/1.1.3-0.3 | 16:09 |
nigelb | fails due to unavailable build-dep on sparc | 16:09 |
tumbleweed | that was built before the toolhain changes | 16:09 |
nigelb | ahh | 16:09 |
micahg | and there's no more sparc in Ubuntu | 16:12 |
nigelb | oh, cmake. | 16:12 |
nigelb | I wonder if I bit more than I can chew | 16:13 |
jtaylor | linker flags such as `--libs' belong in `test_libpaps_LDFLAGS o_O | 16:22 |
jtaylor | from automake | 16:22 |
jtaylor | the input is a pkg-config --libs ... | 16:23 |
nigelb | This is wrong, isn't it? set(LDAP_LINKFLAGS "-lldap") | 16:24 |
jtaylor | yes its wrong | 16:31 |
jtaylor | should be LIBRARIES | 16:31 |
Laney | apparently geser is the most prolific non-canonical uploader! http://people.ubuntu.com/~laney/upload_count.txt | 17:01 |
Laney | ;-) | 17:01 |
geser | wow, I'm even in top10 :) | 17:02 |
jtaylor | zzzZZzzzZZZz bts is so slow | 17:03 |
nigelb | I actually did Ctrl + F geser. Sigh. | 17:05 |
Laney | heh | 17:05 |
micahg | Laney: will that list be auto uploading | 17:09 |
Laney | no | 17:09 |
Laney | i was just messing around with the new UDD/ubuntu upload history stuff | 17:09 |
james_w | wow, four people beat the auto-syncer? | 17:11 |
nigelb | heh, that must be BIG. :) | 17:12 |
Laney | you can run queries against it yourself on wagner.d.o | 17:12 |
geser | Laney: some more haskell transitions and you will move up in the ranking too :) | 17:19 |
micahg | hehe | 17:19 |
Laney | hah | 17:20 |
Laney | not sure how many more of those I can take | 17:20 |
Laney | surely implementing binNMU in LP would be less work overall | 17:20 |
micahg | Laney: I'd rather have 1-click no change rebuilds in LP than binNMUs | 17:23 |
Laney | it's useful to be able to do it per-arch | 17:24 |
Laney | but you'd get both probably | 17:24 |
micahg | I could buy that :) | 17:24 |
Laney | if only because arch:all binNMU is still not realised | 17:26 |
jtaylor | anyone know what scons uses for LDADD or LIBS? | 17:42 |
jtaylor | its LIBS | 17:56 |
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omergex | hi | 22:44 |
omergex | i use toshiba a300 2d4 notebook, | 22:45 |
omergex | ati hd 3470 | 22:45 |
omergex | my notebook temperature very high | 22:45 |
omergex | hdd temp 50 | 22:45 |
omergex | why | 22:46 |
omergex | on windows 40 temp | 22:51 |
omergex | ubuntu 50 | 22:51 |
omergex | help please :) | 22:56 |
dtchen | omergex: you probably will have better luck on http://askubuntu.com | 22:56 |
dtchen | omergex: (or the #ubuntu channel here) | 22:56 |
omergex | ubuntu channel, ok | 22:57 |
omergex | thanks | 22:57 |
omergex | :) | 22:57 |
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