
cheri703-mobileI am on a bus, but am here for the meeting16:58
dholbachHello everybody17:00
dholbachwho's here for the meeting?17:00
* cheri703-mobile is here17:01
dholbachit seems like the call for participation wasn't successful :)17:01
dholbachmaybe we should use doodle.com for deciding on the next meeting time?17:02
cheri703-mobilePerhaps reschedule and have the word put out to multiple venues?17:03
dholbachand maybe I should have blogged about the meeting (and our plans for the cycle) beforehand17:03
dholbachyes, that makes sense17:03
dholbachI'm happy to blog about our plans for the cycle (it's on my TODO anyway)17:03
dholbachmaybe that'll start more discussion again17:03
dholbachand will make meeting planning a little bit easier17:03
dholbachI promise to do that next week O:-)17:04
cheri703-mobileThat would work, and if you do it in by Saturday, it could probably get into uwn17:04
dholbachok, I'll try to do it tomorrow17:04
cheri703-mobileOr the next one :-)17:04
cheri703-mobileI will make sure it gets on the uwn list17:05
dholbachthanks cheri703-mobile17:05
cheri703-mobileSure :-)17:05
dholbachso let's adjourn and let's make a more exciting meeting happen next time :)17:05
cheri703-mobileOk, sounds good :-)17:05
dholbachthanks again17:05
bacsorry, dholbach, i meant to attend.  got busy and forgot.17:47
dholbachbac, no worries17:52

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