
bazhang* [rhino] (~Indiana@dsl-69-172-80-203.acanac.net): Douglas John   spambot in -ot00:06
bazhangwas pybot123 in #ubuntu  (already taken care of)00:07
bazhanglike doing dental work01:06
genii-aroundbazhang: I'm pretty sure they are looking at how to create an ICC colour profile01:07
bazhanggenii-around, sounds like it.01:08
genii-aroundbazhang: Sing it against leader!01:17
bazhangthat was odd01:17
genii-aroundMaybe they figure some auto system where it boots them after so many youtube URL are posted or so01:18
genii-aroundMeh. My wifi disconnects when computer sleeps01:50
Coreygenii-around: Time to run irssi somewhere stable?01:51
genii-aroundCorey: I'm on quassel, but yeah maybe I'll start running a core on a spare box somewhere01:52
Coreygenii-around: Worst case I can probably spin something up for you.01:52
CoreyYou can hang out there with me, nhandler, and howlbot.01:53
genii-aroundbah, howlbot01:53
CoreyI started hosting that yesterday.01:53
Coreyload average: 15.65, 15.86, 16.03 <-- Interesting01:54
genii-aroundPretty high loads01:55
genii-aroundWhen I had one of the #k floodbots running on a P3 the loads never went over about 201:56
tonyyarussogenii-around: All the cool kids run their IRC client on a Linode.02:05
ubottuszal called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:36
szalJordan_U: 2 lines paste follow ->03:18
szal[04:10:45] <veek> cpu?03:18
szal[04:10:46] <MadGirl> cpu is rarely the limiting factor in the overall performance of a system03:18
* nhandler doesn't have a linode03:18
szaliow, immediate trigger on an expression, plus doesn't respond to CTCP version request03:18
szaldoesn't have to mean anything, but looks suspicious to me03:19
Jordan_Uszal: Thanks :)03:19
szalk, I'm out again :)03:19
bazhang<fdeiam> i have been kidnapped06:25
Jordan_UIs there a policy on when to use '|' with ubottu factoids and when to use '>'? I almost always prefer sending messages to people in the channel, especially with all of the new users who may not even notice that a new tab has been created in thier client with a pm. The only time I use '>' is with !away.07:25
FlannelJordan_U: No policy; use whichever one makes sense in the situation.07:25
Jordan_UFlannel: I know what I'm going to do. I meant more if I should be recommending that others also use '|'. See the example of kla and paul9548712 in #ubuntu.07:27
ikoniahello COOLDOOD10:34
COOLDOODyes hi10:34
ikoniayou've just been caught trying to get around a ban - so I've kicked you from the channel10:34
COOLDOODi have thought about everything idone10:34
COOLDOODi am sorry10:35
ikoniaclearly not as you've just tried to get around a ban10:35
ikoniathe ban will not be lifted at this time as you clearly know what you are doing and ljl explained to you about trying to get around bans10:35
COOLDOOD how  i my chat zilla automatically connects to ubuntu10:36
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: if you'd like to come back in 48 hours we'll discuss this again10:37
COOLDOODwhen i turn it on10:37
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: we'll speak to you in 48 hours10:37
COOLDOODididnt try to get round10:37
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: you did10:37
COOLDOODit automatticly connects icant stop it10:38
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: I suggest you disable that auto join and we'll see you in 48 hours10:38
COOLDOODthats why  i came strait here10:38
ikoniano it's not - you came straight here after I kicked you10:38
COOLDOODwhy i waited for 24 hours10:39
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: I suggest you disable the auto join, and come back in 24 hours10:39
ikonialets leave it for another day - disable the auto join10:39
COOLDOODno iswear b4 u even kicked me out i was connecting to here10:39
ikoniayou where not10:39
COOLDOODi cant leae it 4 another day i need help quick10:39
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: LJL spent time explaining to you about ban dodging and getting around bans - I'm not prepared to believe your intent.10:40
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: disable the auto join and we'll see in you tomorrow10:40
COOLDOODi CANT wait 4 another day10:40
COOLDOODijust turned my pc on10:41
COOLDOODcome on10:41
COOLDOODi waited 24 hours and10:41
ikoniaI've just looked and chatzilla doesn't have ubuntu as a default channel to join10:41
Tm_TCOOLDOOD: please do as asked10:42
COOLDOODby the way LjL didnt say any thing about bans10:42
ikoniayes he did10:42
COOLDOODeven ask him or her10:42
COOLDOODeven ask him10:42
ikoniaI have the conversation logged, he explained to you it was not acceptable to try to get around bans10:42
COOLDOODdont say that10:43
ikoniaI just did - so how I suggest you proceed is disable your auto join setup in chatzilla and come back in 24 hours10:43
COOLDOODwhy in 24 hours10:43
COOLDOODwhat did i do10:44
ikoniaI'm not repeating this over and over again10:44
COOLDOODwhat did i do 2day10:44
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: if you can't grasp what I'm saying to you, you are unable to understand the rules of the ubuntu irc channels and as such can't use the channel10:44
COOLDOODno ididnt do anything toy10:44
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: you tried to get passed a ban - this has been updated, come back in 24 hours and we can resolve this10:45
COOLDOODi swear i was not trying to get round bans10:45
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: this is the last time I will explain this to you10:45
COOLDOODok where is LjL10:45
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: I don't believe you - so I suggest you disable the auto join on chatzilla and come back in 24 hours10:45
COOLDOODwhy i am honest10:46
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: enough - follow the instructions10:46
COOLDOODwhere is LjL10:46
ikoniahe doesn't appear active at this time10:46
COOLDOODso when will he10:46
ikoniaI don't know10:46
COOLDOODu do10:46
ikoniaI don't know10:47
COOLDOODur always ay ubuntu10:47
ikoniathat has nothing to do with anything10:47
ikoniaCOOLDOOD: please come back in 24 hours, remember to remove the auto join on your chatzilla browser10:47
topyliCOOLDOOD: please calm down, and do as requested, i.e. 1) disable the autojoin to #ubuntu in your chatzilla, and 2) come back here tomorrow or any later time at your convenience. i'm sure you'll get the ban resolved that way10:47
ikoniaexactly, thank you topyli10:48
COOLDOODok then just resolve my problem and i will NEVER come on #ubuntu EVER AGAIN10:48
ikoniaplease do as instructed10:48
COOLDOODthats verry rude10:48
ikoniaI take that on board, and disagree, so please come back in 24 hours after following the instructions10:49
ikoniathank you10:49
COOLDOODbut when LjLcomes online i will speak 2 him10:50
ikoniayou're welcome to contact LJL when he's available10:50
ikoniaplease don't idle in this channel though10:50
COOLDOODok iwill come on in how many hours??10:51
ikoniaI don't know, I don't know when LJL will be active10:51
ikoniaas I explained earlier10:51
COOLDOODok 2 hours then bye 2 u 4 24 hours10:52
jpds /mode +b *!*@$#ubuntu-cn11:35
jpds[Freenode] [!] #ubuntu-cn You're not channel operator11:35
ikoniadoesn't it have to have a mode set to accept forwards ?11:36
LjLjpds: with Seven you can't forward to channels you're not an operator on11:36
LjLunless they have the mode ikonia mentions11:36
LjLyeah, it's annoying11:37
ikoniait's not a bad idea11:37
jussiits a great idea - or we would have random channels forwarding crazy people to #ubuntu or so. ;)11:39
jpdsjussi: That happens anyway.11:39
jussijpds: not with a banforward11:39
ikoniaused to happen here with the #3arch or whatever it was called channel11:40
ikoniachanserv slow12:06
COOLDOODLjL, i am here13:00
LjLCOOLDOOD: i want to ask you some more things before unbanning you. first, if you aren't sure what something does or whether it's appropriate (like the !brain thing you did), ask first. don't just do it. sometimes things that seem innocent, on irc, aren't13:01
COOLDOODok understood13:01
COOLDOODi will ask13:02
LjLCOOLDOOD: second, be more patient. like now, i haven't replied to you in private message for a bunch of seconds, and you were already pinging me again. i don't really mind, but if you do it in #ubuntu, people will mind.13:02
LjLCOOLDOOD: don't repeat your question too quickly, and don't insist on people answering you immediately. give them time. i know you want your wireless issue resolved, but if people can't seem to help you, it's not their fault.13:03
COOLDOODok i will wait and be more paiteint13:03
LjLCOOLDOOD: i've unbanned you. please don't make me regret it13:03
COOLDOODok thhanks and please tell ikonia13:04
ikoniaI already know13:04
COOLDOODooh thanks LjL13:04
LjLCOOLDOOD: thank me by behaving :)13:04
COOLDOODnow can i go back to #ubuntu13:05
LjLCOOLDOOD: yes13:05
LjLunless i've unbanned you wrong13:05
COOLDOODok thanks :)13:05
* Pici waits13:05
ikoniaNephro: do you need any help ?13:07
LjLi can't see another ban, but he isn't rejoining...13:07
ikoniaLjL: he should be fine13:07
jjovereatsI was only being sarcastic when I said /ban self!13:07
PiciIdleOne: ^13:07
ikoniajjovereats: you don't appear to be banned13:07
jjovereatsfrom -offtopic.13:07
LjLjjovereats: and IdleOne was being sarcastic when he pretended to ban you :P13:07
ikoniajjovereats: you're still in #ubuntu-offtopic13:08
IdleOnejjovereats: I was only pretending :)13:08
* Pici sets mode +sarcastic on IdleOne 13:08
* jjovereats unsets mode crazy jjovereats13:08
* genii-around sips and waits for THIS_IS_INSANE to start asking about getting their ralink usb wireless adapter working17:41
genii-aroundHeh, wasn't DOOD after all I guess :)17:42
ubottuIn ubottu, PythonSnake said: myself is Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:43
ubottuIn ubottu, PythonSnake said: Hi is Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:44
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (IdlePantload appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)20:02
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Corky appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)20:02
PiciI wouldn't thank me, I was a hair away from removing them.20:45
ikoniame too20:45
ikoniaI'm half tempted to with the attitude20:45
h00kmissed something, I did20:51
PiciI'm reading some of the scrollback in -offtopic.20:54
PiciDoes ryaxnb even get a warning for that, or do y'all think he should know better?20:56
ikoniahe should know better, LjL has been working with him20:56
PiciLjL: you still seem to be non-idle, do you want to take that, or shall I?20:57
LjLPici: please handle it, i'd be on the lenient side with him for no reason20:57
ikoniaLjL: nothing wrong with that,20:57
ikoniaputting in the effort with someone is a good thing20:58
ikoniaare you still doing that "trusted op" thing with him ?20:58
LjLi haven't talked to him about these things in a while, but that's because what i was seeing seemed ok20:58
ikoniathings have improved in general, but I've purposfully ignored a lot of what he says due to the work you / others have put in20:59
PiciI'm busy here with a lot of stuff, so I'll start the ball rolling, but I'm not sure how much I can continue talking.21:00
ryaxnbyes, whats the issue?21:00
Piciryaxnb: one moment.21:00
PiciRyukoji: Is there something you needed?21:01
Ryukojii followed ryaxnb21:01
LjLRyukoji: no spectators please :P21:01
Ryukojibut i want in21:01
LjLRyukoji: you can read the logs later if you want21:01
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/21:01
ryaxnbRyukoji, ill let you know how things go in PM if you want21:01
ryaxnbnow go away like a good, well-behaved netizen21:02
ryaxnbso what's the issue?21:02
ryaxnbif it's the twat comment, i apologize, i didnt realize how much of an insult that was, i thought i remembered reading it in children's book21:03
Piciryaxnb: You are aware of the language polcies we have in #ubuntu-offtopic, and I know you've worked with LjL in the past on other things. Which brings me to ask you why you would think that: <ryaxnb> 10 PRINT "YOU ARE A TWAT FAT SISTER" 20 GOTO 10  would be appropriate for our channel?21:03
ryaxnbwt happened?21:03
ikoniaRyukoji: is there a reason you've rejoined after being kicked ?21:03
Piciyou left.21:04
ikoniaRyukoji: please see you're private messages21:04
ryaxnbanyway, i thought i remember reading that insult in childrens books21:04
Ryukojifine ill go21:04
Ryukojii just want ot become a op and hep people out21:04
ryaxnbi was entirely unaware of the seriousness of the insult21:04
Piciryaxnb: It happens.  I know you're trying to do better, so I think that we can all agree to let it go.21:05
ryaxnbi generally think if an insult is found in G and PG rated material such as childrens books, it's A-OK as long as it's not directed at anyone21:05
ryaxnbis that correct or is that a false assumption21:05
ikoniaryaxnb: never seen twat in a kids book21:05
tsimpsonit's best to just not throw insults around21:06
ryaxnbok, wrong choice of words then21:06
ikoniaryaxnb: it's pretty abusive in generic modern English21:06
ryaxnbk sure.21:06
LjLthat's not bad thinking in my opinion, but "twat" does raise an eyebrow or two...21:06
ryaxnbi must have been thinking of something else, i know "twit" was in a roald dahl book21:06
ikoniaryaxnb: very true,21:06
LjLit's true in general that an insult directed at someone is much worse than an insult directed at no one, but still the latter is not entirely justified21:06
ryaxnbno, of course not.21:06
ryaxnbi would never use f or s word in the channel at all, or anything like that.21:07
ryaxnbor ba*  or any of those nasty words21:07
ryaxnbi haven't used them in some time (in here)21:07
ryaxnbso yeah, can we let it go?21:07
Piciryaxnb: its gone.21:08
ryaxnbi wont use twit or twat again21:08
ryaxnbexcellent, cya21:08
ryaxnbalso, what does +z mean?21:08
ryaxnbyou havent removed that, what does it mean21:08
ikoniaryaxnb: twits quite friendly "jibe"21:08
LjLryaxnb: it means that ops can see what muted people say21:08
ryaxnbah k21:08
macotwit and s/i/a/ are *very* different O_O21:09
ikoniaevening guntbert21:17
guntberthi ikonia , just a heads up: the -ops logs these days are rather "fresh" - only a few minutes old - I seem to remember you wanted a longer delay21:17
ikoniaI thought it was an hour delay, unless something has changed ?21:18
Tm_Tit should be an hour delay21:18
guntbertwell definitely not today - the joining of ryanxb is already readable21:18
IdleOnethat is pretty fresh21:19
ikoniaworth an RT chaps ?21:19
ikoniaunless someone stops me....I'll do it now21:19
IdleOnego for it21:19
guntberthave fun - and thanx for all the effort you put in :)21:19
ikoniaguntbert: thanks, didn't know about that21:19
IdleOnethank you guntbert21:19
Tm_Tguntbert: thanks21:20
LjLnah the logs are fine21:20
LjLthe ryaxnb thing just happened at about the hour21:20
LjLthey're not *delayed* by one hour, they're simply *updated* on the hour21:20
oCeanindeed, and that update takes about 3 minutes21:20
ikoniaI'll check it "next" hour, to be sure21:20
ikoniathanks LjL21:20
guntbertok, bye21:20
ikoniathanks guntbert21:21
guntbertyou're welcome :-)21:21
=== LjL is now known as TheFakeLjL
h00kbazhang: not sure who it is22:04
Piciits ljl.22:04
TheFakeLjLPici: /nick ObviousPici22:05
TheFakeLjLor TheObviousPici22:05
bazhangsomeone was doing ~Corey earlier, and it was someone very not nice22:05
Picibazhang: Yes, but normally they don't /nick to that.22:05
Pici16:43:36 >>>> LjL is now known as TheFakeLjL22:05
bazhangPici, okay, wanted to make sure22:05
TheFakeLjLby the way, i just wanted to say22:06
TheFakeLjLon 1st july, freenode will change its servers to only allow sasl connections22:06
* TheFakeLjL runs22:06
* h00k trips TheFakeLjL 22:06
PiciTheFakeLjL: Oh, I thought it was going to be something about the LjL fanclub.22:06
=== TheFakeLjL is now known as LjL
oCeanikonia: btw the logs have rotated again..22:07
bazhang* [Logger`] (~supybot@ Supybot
bazhangwonder if thats a bot22:43
oCeanyep, I mentioned that before22:43
oCeanthere's an answer in pm, that's easily googled, but I forgot :(22:43
mrmistit is a bot, yes.22:59
ubottuvibhav called the ops in #ubuntu-irc ()23:14
bazhang<vibhav> Btw , bazhang I am banned from ubuntu-ops , offtopic23:16
bazhangplease unban him from here. thats silly23:16
tsimpsonbazhang: ^23:19
bazhangthanks tsimpson23:19
vibhavOk done23:19
bazhangvibhav, first then, and lets make this clear: dont blame others for why you were banned23:20
vibhavI am not blaming others23:20
vibhavLet me tell you the whole stuff once again23:20
bazhangexpressing hate about you being banned seems otherwise.23:20
bazhangvibhav, I know it very well.23:21
ikoniaI've just read what has been said in #ubuntu-irc23:21
vibhavAnd I mean it23:21
ikoniaI did NOT ban you in this channel.23:21
vibhavYou did23:21
bazhangvibhav, please no23:21
vibhavYou banned me on Ubuntu-offtopic23:21
tsimpsonvibhav: no, he didn't23:21
ikoniaI did not, I have no access in this channel - so I suggest you do not make things up23:22
vibhavThen How was I banned????23:22
tsimpsonthis is not #ubuntu-offtopic, this is #ubuntu-ops23:22
vibhavI know23:22
vibhavI can give you the screenshot23:22
tsimpsonhe said he didn't ban you in _this_ channel23:22
vibhavThen am I repoted that I cannot join #ubuntu-ops23:23
vibhavI am going to upload the screenshot23:23
tsimpsonvibhav: you're not listening23:24
vibhavI am23:24
tsimpsonall ikonia said was that he did not ban you in this channel, which he didn't23:24
vibhavOh really?23:24
vibhavCan you check the logs ??23:25
vibhavIkonia banned me from #ubuntu-offtopic also23:25
tsimpsonI already have checked, that's why I said that he didn't23:25
vibhavThen how com e was I banned?23:25
tsimpsonbecause someone else banned you from this channel23:26
vibhavwho did that now?23:26
tsimpsondoes it really matter, I thought you wanted to resolve your ban in #ubuntu-offtopic?23:26
vibhavohh yes23:26
vibhavand in #ubuntu too23:26
ikoniavibhav: give tsimpson a minute please23:31
bazhang!guidelines | vibhav23:31
ubottuvibhav: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:31
vibhavI know23:32
bazhang!codeofconduct | vibhav23:32
ubottuvibhav: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct23:32
vibhavI signed the code of conduct too23:32
vibhavread it carefully23:32
vibhavI just offered wrong advice23:32
bazhangvibhav, please take a few minutes and re-read those both very carefully23:32
vibhavBut this was the first time I did it23:32
vibhavI always help people with good results23:32
bazhangvibhav, we wont move forward until you have re-read those both very carefully23:33
vibhavReading it right now23:33
vibhavread it23:36
bazhangvibhav, there are two.23:36
bazhangso please read them *both*.23:36
bazhangvibhav, so after reading them both very carefully, you know why you were banned?23:38
vibhav*sigh* yeah23:38
vibhavI have read it23:39
bazhangyou know why you were banned?23:40
bazhangvibhav, ^23:40
vibhavyes , cause I was impatient and not collaborative and did not use !best23:40
vibhav@ikonia - instead of !hcl you should have use !best23:41
bazhangvibhav, thats hardly it, no23:41
vibhavI was not respectfull to the ops23:42
bazhangvibhav, you seem  to think it was a single issue. it was not.23:42
vibhavSo can you tell me what was the issue23:42
bazhangvibhav, I just said it was *not* a single issue.23:42
vibhavOk can you tell me the issues??23:43
bazhangvibhav, I'm not comfortable with removing the ban on you in #ubuntu as this point in time.23:45
bazhangyou have no clear idea why you were banned there, it seems.23:45
vibhavI hav23:45
bazhangnot in my view.23:45
vibhavSee I gave wrong adive and ignored ikonia23:46
bazhangvibhav, you ignored many people asking you to stop, myself included (on many occasions)23:47
vibhavstop what bazhang, stop what?23:48
vibhavDid I troll23:48
vibhavDid I flame23:48
vibhavstop what23:48
bazhang /me wants to help!!   who wants help!!23:48
bazhangamongst others23:48
vibhavI was trying to help others23:49
vibhavAnd it kinda worked23:49
bazhangand asked not to do that repeatedly23:49
vibhavI accept my mistake23:49
bazhangvibhav, so you have a very hard time listening to others, and following the channel guidelines; indeed even remembering that someone asked you to stop something a short time after. that, in sum, is why I think lifting your ban in #ubuntu is not warranted at this point in time.23:50
vibhavOk I promise I will not do thayt23:51
bazhangvibhav, that time is past.23:51
vibhavNever dwell in the past23:51
bazhangvibhav, your ban will not be lifted in #ubuntu .23:52
vibhavand if not , when will it be lifted?23:52
bazhangvibhav, I just said why. three or so lines up^.23:52
vibhavBut I promised to 6 lines up ^23:53
bazhangvibhav, lets not argue about this. you will not be unbanned at this point in time.23:53
vibhavwhat about offtopic23:54
bazhangvibhav, that is outside my purview, as I have no access there. this was purely about #ubuntu . a word of advice though: blaming others, saying you "hate" certain people, and calling the !ops to get attention, are not the quick route to getting unbanned, or a favorable response from those in charge of making that decision. something to think about.23:56
vibhavBut How do I get unbanned in #ubuntu-offtopic?????23:57
vibhavbazhang - You dont know how does it feel getting banned for days23:57
bazhangvibhav, because I behave and never get banned in the first place.23:58
bazhangcause and effect have a relationship there.23:58
vibhavstill you dont know23:59
vibhavI have no Friends In USA23:59
vibhavIRC was my only styff23:59
vibhavthat too I was banned from offtopic23:59
ikoniayou where in India when you got banned from offtopic23:59

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