
meLonI have a laptop running ubuntu-server.  echo $TERM shows 'linux'.  Whenever I ssh into my developing server and open a file with vim, it looks HORRIBLE.  I noticed that on the server, it says my term is 'xterm' and not 'xterm-color'.  How can I set my laptop up so that it uses xterm-color so that when I ssh into another box it will also use xterm-color?00:10
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qman__meLon, the most likely problem is that you have the default vim, which is a reduced feature set vim and is terrible01:11
qman__apt-get install vim-nox to get the full version01:12
lauI am in a fresh lucid install with python-setuptools , pip and virtualenv installed01:14
lauin the virtualenv I just created I cannot pip install pysqlite01:14
lauit returns unable to execute gcc: No such file or directory01:15
laudo I need to install gcc to make it work ? (I am not feeling comfortable installing gcc on a server)01:16
qman__lau, I don't know anything about pip, but from that error message it would appear so01:35
qman__the metapackage 'build-essential' is the best way to install gcc and the things you probably need to go with it, if you decide to do that01:36
qman__FWIW I avoid sqlite like the plague01:38
qman__less functional, less stable, less secure SQL alternative that doesn't even manage its original purpose of being fast01:41
lauqman__: thx , I installed build-essential and other *-dev system packages01:59
lauis it state of the art to install *-dev package on a prod server ?02:00
qman__lau, far from it, but lots of software people run production can have strange requirements02:10
qman__what's ideal and what people actually do are often very, very different things02:10
qman__having compilers and -dev packages aren't a risk in and of themselves, it's more of a compound thing02:11
qman__arbitrary code execution or unprivileged shells plus compilers and dev packages can have nastier results than just the former02:11
qman__at my day job, the web server is plesk on windows 2003, and I can't tell you the last time it's been patched02:13
qman__you're far better off than 95%02:14
=== JasonnAWAY is now known as Jasonn
reisihi everyone! i'm trying to rewrite local-originating requests to a unrouted ip to my up-and-running ssh tunnel; sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --dst -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination; any ideas why this does not work?02:41
twbsensors-detect (of lm-sensors) doesn't find any sensors on my shiny modern core i7 motherboard05:06
twbDoes the system *really* lack sensors?  If not, how to I get them going?05:06
kthomas_vhI am getting tired of the 'D' key clearing the desktop05:53
kthomas_vhkthomas_vh:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159587105:58
twbkthomas_vh: your super key is stuck down06:12
twbkthomas_vh: this is common in remote desktop cases; just close your RDP client and reopen it06:13
kthomas_vhno,  it's a problem with RDP,  evidently :)06:13
kthomas_vhit's persistent :|06:13
twbkthomas_vh: what happens is you hit, say, Alt+Tab to switch away from the RDP window, and the remote guest sees the Alt key go down, but not go up06:13
twbClearly you have done the same thing for some other chord than Alt+Tab, one that includes Super06:13
kthomas_vhit's 100% persistent06:13
twbkthomas_vh: I guess it's stuck down on the remote end then06:14
twbNot much you can do about it other than maybe spoof XTEST events through to the client...06:14
twbAnd just mashing modifiers, of course, sometimes that fixes it06:14
kthomas_vhthe solution above doesn't seem to work06:14
twbInstall xautomation and try the xte program as an easy way to send events06:15
twbDunno if it can spoof just the key up event...06:15
kthomas_vh^^ tks06:15
uvirtbotkthomas_vh: Error: "^" is not a valid command.06:15
twbSigh.  For some reason mutt has started segfaulting (signal 11) today08:17
SyriaHello there!!! Wordpress CMS is installed on my VPS but I can't upload themes, plugins etc... and I think that it is a permessions thing. kindly tell me what to do.. this is an example when trying to update a plugin : Could not create directory. /var/www/site/wp-content/upgrade/alo-easymail.tmp08:41
SyriaPermessions of the folder of the updates and plugins etc... Could not create directory. /var/www/site/wp-content/upgrade/alo-easymail.tmp08:43
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* koolhead11 points Syria to #ubuntu08:49
Syriakoolhead11:  They will to come here by the moment i will mention anything about Servers!08:50
koolhead11Syria, have you googled for your issue before coming and asking here?08:51
koolhead11have you checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WordPress08:52
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koolhead11better ask google and consult the community documentation before asking question here. Ahumble request :)08:53
Syriakoolhead11:  Sure, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=662784 ...08:53
Syriakoolhead11:  And checked ubuntu documentation as well.08:53
Syriakoolhead11: I think That i have a permessions problem of FTP problem because Wordpress is uploading using ftp08:54
koolhead11did you see this line For automatic updates to occur, the folder and all its files and subfolders must be owned by www-data:08:54
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koolhead11 chown -R www-data /usr/share/wordpress08:54
Syriakoolhead11:  I will try this.08:56
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koolhead11Syria, please read the documentation once again08:58
Syriakoolhead11: Okay, thnx :-)08:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #803804 in ec2-api-tools (multiverse) "ec2-describe-group does not print group ID" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80380410:16
adam_gRoAkSoAx: ping10:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #803819 in dhcp3 (main) "package dhcp3-client 3.1.3-2ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script killed by signal (Segmentation fault)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80381911:16
smoserSpamapS, http://paste.ubuntu.com/635713/11:31
SpamapSsmoser: http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/example-preseed.txt11:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #803834 in nagios3 (main) "/etc/init.d/nagios3 has two status functions and no check function" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80383412:06
smoserRoAkSoAx, around ?13:01
koolhead11trying to install phpmyadmin on one of my server to monitor mysql server lying somewhere remote, dbconfig-common not giving me options for host selection :(13:21
koolhead11can that be a bug?13:21
amelinkoolhead11: there should be a config file where you can add those remote servers13:35
koolhead11amelin, yes i can see that, but why the option is not provided with dbconfig-common13:36
amelinkoolhead11: dont know, to be honest i never expected it to do so :-)13:36
koolhead11we never needed dbconfig in that case :)13:37
koolhead11either it should do everything or notthing13:41
koolhead11anyways got it thanks amelin13:43
amelinkoolhead11: np13:47
RoAkSoAxsmoser: i am now14:13
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uvirtbotNew bug: #791454 in mdadm (main) "Oneiric Alpha1 Server x86 and x86_64 RAID1 Test Failed: Device need to be readded manually" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79145415:14
jamespagehallyn: around?15:20
hallyni am, though about to head out for a bit.15:21
hallynwhat's up?15:21
hallynjamespage: \o15:21
jamespagehallyn: so I'm hacking on the jenkins formula for ensemble - just wanted to check that was OK with you15:22
jamespage(as you did the original cut)15:22
hallynjamespage: oh, excellent :)15:22
hallynjamespage: SpamapS was rebuking me on the lack of a copyright file and some other things15:23
jamespagehallyn: right - I'll have a general tidy up as well15:23
hallyn(bug 793735)15:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 793735 in principia "import jenkins formula" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79373515:23
hallynjamespage: awesome, much appreciate15:23
jamespageSpamapS and I did discuss the fact that the slave and master are all in one formula15:24
hallynthat lets me finish up the lxc cgroups-bin interaction, so hopefully we get it upstream by next week15:24
hallynthey weren't originally :)  do you prefer them not to be?15:24
jamespageand we think it needs to be split15:24
hallynok - can you explain the rationale int he bug?15:24
jamespageyeah -  SpamapS said that15:24
hallyni gotta run out, biab.15:24
jamespageit was just not intuitive15:24
jamespagecool - have fun15:24
smoserRoAkSoAx, ping15:31
RoAkSoAxsmoser: pong15:31
smoseryou tried api to cobbler at all ?15:31
smoseri must be doing something stupid15:31
RoAkSoAxsmoser: no, unfortunately I haven't yet played with the API itself, I believe daviey has15:32
RoAkSoAxsmoser: though , your script seems to be working fine for me15:35
smoserRoAkSoAx, ?15:38
smoseryou get "ret=True" ?15:39
smoserand an added system ?15:39
RoAkSoAxsmoser: no apparently not, but yes you are right, seems to be ok but for some reason it does not save?15:40
smoserwell, it does return false15:41
smoserbut i dont know why it does not save15:41
smoserand don't know where to look for why15:41
RoAkSoAxlet me try something first15:42
smoseris the other thing i tried15:42
smoser(basically just copy an existing one)15:42
smoserthat fails on adding ipmi_tool for me15:42
RoAkSoAxsmoser: everything seems correct but it doesn't really seems to save it, or, maybe, not load it15:45
airtonixsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/635828/15:45
airtonix"%s"%("blah") format won't be around for much longer.15:46
airtonixand i hope i never have to take over a project you create... single letter variables just make everyone elses job harder15:47
RoAkSoAxsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/635829/15:47
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/635831/ does work for me.15:48
smoserairtonix, i hope you dont also15:48
airtonixyou missed my point15:49
smoserits sample code.15:49
smoserRoAkSoAx, what did you see there?15:51
smoserit all looked happy to me15:51
smoser(i had looked in cobbler.log also)15:52
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I can add distro's so might be some kind of error with the profiles15:52
RoAkSoAxsmoser: and in the log while adding profiles: Thu Jun 30 10:53:31 2011 - INFO | add_item(profile); ['']15:53
smoserwell, and as i showed.. i was successful modifying a mgmtclass15:53
RoAkSoAxsmoser: there it says that is trying to add a profile, but none is given15:54
RoAkSoAxso that's the problem right there15:54
smoserRoAkSoAx, .. i'm not sure i follwo.15:56
smoserand then i have also had issues adding systems15:57
smoseri'm interested in adding/modifying a system for what i'm working on15:57
RoAkSoAxsmoser: when executing your script, cobbler.log shows "Thu Jun 30 10:53:31 2011 - INFO | add_item(profile); ['']" when it should show "Thu Jun 30 10:53:31 2011 - INFO | add_item(profile); ['PROFILE_BEEN_ADDED']"15:57
smoserRoAkSoAx, i see:15:59
smoserThu Jun 30 15:58:59 2011 - INFO | add_item(profile); ['profile1']15:59
RoAkSoAxuhmm I don't see that :S15:59
smoserwell it seems like something is busted16:01
RoAkSoAxsmoser: done16:07
RoAkSoAxsmoser: it is fixed now16:07
RoAkSoAxsmoser: add this to your profile script: [ "parent", "<any-parent-distro-you-have-available>" ],16:08
RoAkSoAxsmoser: or a null profile I guess16:12
smoserRoAkSoAx, how did you figure that out?16:13
RoAkSoAxsmoser: looking at the other profiles.. I just figured that either distribution or parent profile are missing. and it worked specifying the parent16:14
RoAkSoAxsmoser: so it is either one of those16:14
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok so [ "parent", "testing-mini-x86_64" ] is for a parent profile, and [ "distro", "testing-mini-x86_64" ] for a distro it belongs too16:16
RoAkSoAxsmoser: both can be used at the same time, but when importing isos with cobbler, it creates a profile for a distro16:16
RoAkSoAxinstead of a subprofile of a parent profile16:16
RoAkSoAxso either one of them can be used to not fail16:16
RoAkSoAxor both16:16
smoserthank you RoAkSoAx16:24
mendel_guys, if I want to create a install script for a server, what can I use for it to do that16:54
mendel_(install of packages, settings, etc)16:54
RenskiIm looking for a tool to periodically test to see if server and services are up using tcp and icmp. can anyone recommend anything?16:55
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kirklandsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/635880/17:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #804022 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.3-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80402219:41
deahello I need help with vnc server on this ubuntu machine20:13
deaI'm running ubuntu server 10.0420:13
patdk-wkhmm? ubuntu server doesn't have vnc server20:14
patdk-wkmaybe you want #ubuntu (the desktop gui people)20:15
mendel_what's the best way to make a install script (install packages, set settings, etc), (or make a image of an installation)20:15
mendel_for new server installations20:15
patdk-wkyour own preseed file20:16
genii-aroundmendel_: You can get preseed prototype file from a running box with stuff you want installed by: debconf-get-selections >> preseedfilename20:24
mendel_thnx @ both20:25
sneumannHi, I am trying to get the hp-snmp-agents 8.50 to work on natty for BLC465G7 blades with a p410i SAS controller.20:32
sneumannProblem is that I get "SAS agent (cmasasd) does not find any supported SAS controller" in /var/log/hp-snmp-agents/cma.log20:32
sneumannAny clues how to continue debugging ?20:32
sneumannThe rest of the hpsmh is working fine20:33
burak575hello, can I acquire back output of some running process?20:34
pmatulisburak575: what is back output?20:45
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=== JasonnAWAY is now known as Jasonn
sneumannHi, let's ask again, anyone here having experience with HP System Management Homepage (hpsmhd) ?21:02
sneumannI am trying to get the hp-snmp-agents 8.50 to work on natty for BLC465G7 blades with a p410i SAS controller.21:02
ajsharpanyone know if there's an updated repo with a patched version of the natty 2.6.38 kernel21:09
ajsharpi really need this fix, but really don't want to rebuild the kernel: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3292221:09
uvirtbotajsharp: Error: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.kernel.org: The read operation timed out21:09
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hallynSpamapS: bug 790145, did you reject the upload?  Could you explain why?22:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 790145 in qemu-kvm "kvm husb: ctrl buffer too small" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79014522:13
hallynhm, i see, there is actually still a copy sitting unapproved.22:17
hallynSpamapS: the uploads for qemu-kvm lucid-proposed and maverick-proposed, it'd be really great if those could get approved22:18
yann2am having a *possible* serious regression in last samba for lucid, have installed 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.6 . Am having a similar configuration with a 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.2 which works. I'm missing the changelog here http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/s/samba/samba_3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.4/changelog from ubuntu 3.5 and 3.6 - any other place I could look?22:44
yann2http://pastebin.com/vyVyJLgD  doesnt look right, machine has about 15GB of free RAM22:47
yann2wow crazy I'm googling my error I'm getting my paste from 15mins ago in the top results :s23:09
littlebearzyann2: congratz23:17
storrgieI have a machine with an 82567LM ethernet card in it, I cant seem to get it working in 11.0423:22
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jeeves_mosswhat causes jbd2/sda2-6 to be popping up all the time and accessing the disk like mad?23:56
hallynjbernard: hey, do you mind if i add freezer to default mounted cgroups in /etc/cgconfig.conf?23:56
hallynjbernard: also, do you have any objection to by default setting cgroup.clone_children=1 in all cgroups?23:58

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