
snap-lHey, someone bought myspace01:00
snap-lNow it can die in peace01:00
brouschgreg-g: I am technically a minister of some kind01:55
greg-gbrousch: awesome, we might be out that way soonish, I'll let you know what happens :)01:56
brouschanyone can become one01:57
greg-gI think I did that in undergrad01:57
greg-gdoes that work in Michigan?01:57
snap-lI'd become a minister of the Church of the Subgenius, but I think it's more than $5 now01:58
brouschit works in MI last time i checked01:59
greg-gI wasn't sure if you needed anything else on top of it01:59
snap-lOh, UNiversal Life church?02:00
snap-lI had a frined that got married by somone who I believe was part of ULC02:00
snap-lshe worked out if (i kid you not) a rented office space.02:00
snap-lstrangest wedding I've been to02:00
brouschwell the idea is anyone should be allowed to marry02:01
brouschnot just people who can find a "real" minister or judge02:01
brouschso even though greg-g worships FSM, I can still marry them02:02
greg-gmight get a coworker to do it tomorrow in the office :)02:02
brouschwhat's the hurry?02:02
greg-ghealth insurance for the pregnant lady :)02:03
greg-gok, time for a walk, back later!02:03
snap-lHmm... Subgenius would take time.02:04
snap-lI don't think you can overnight slack.02:04
brouschgreg-g: http://www.themonastery.org/?destination=wedding-officiants&wide=US&narrow=MI02:04
snap-lYou could head to Taylor or Hazel Park and get the shotgun special02:05
snap-lRev, Brother Rauk Zenta of Michigan02:05
snap-lThat's a man that loves titles02:05
snap-lHoly shit, they've created Myspace as well02:06
_stink_greg-g: yeah, anyone who does the Universal Life Church thing is legit in MI02:10
snap-lWho needs Google Plus invites?02:59
greg-g_stink_: awesome03:01
greg-gsnap-l: greg.grossmeier@google'sbigemailserver.com03:01
snap-lgreg-g: Sent03:03
snap-lgreg-g: Did you receive it?03:12
greg-gsnap-l: yep! thanks03:18
greg-gsorry, was too busy categorizing people :)03:19
snap-lHave you posted something? :)03:20
greg-gnot yet03:26
greg-goh crap, now carrie isn't going to come to bed, I invited her to google+03:55
greg-gjjesse-netbook: want an invite?03:55
jjesse-netbookgreg-g:  sure would be fun03:55
jjesse-netbookis it worth it?03:55
greg-gwe'll see. it is well designed03:56
jjesse-netbookgreg-g:  jjesse AT  gmail DOT com03:56
jjesse-netbooklooks pretty cool04:00
greg-gyeah, not bad eh?04:00
jjesse-netbookso am i supposed to replace facebook with it or what?04:04
_stink_greg-g: any invites left?04:10
snap-l_stink_: I have some, I think04:28
snap-lEep, maybe not. :(04:29
_stink_no worries04:31
snap-lgod i am an idiot07:36
snap-lspent way too long trying to figure out an ssh problem that was easily fixrd by not usi g the wrong file07:37
snap-lou well07:39
rick_h_sounds like a fun time10:28
rick_h_made it back safe10:31
rick_h_now just too wired from 11 hours driving to crash10:31
rick_h_and no one's up yet10:31
rick_h_greg-g: ty sir for the invite, only thing is I really want to use with my 'identity' but that's an app account and it doesn't work with apps accounts yet :(10:32
rick_h_but dying to try out after listening to TWiG on the way back up north10:32
rick_h_there's someone10:46
rick_h_wonder if it's just auto join brousch10:46
rick_h_jcastro is up doing what?10:58
rick_h_dude, wth are you doing?10:59
rick_h_with that screenshot on twitter11:01
rick_h_at pre-6am11:02
jcastroI am in ireland.11:02
rick_h_oh riiight, makes a lot more sense11:02
brouschi'll be back in an hour or so :P11:57
greg-g_stink_: email?12:05
Wolfgerwell that didn't take long... Google+ is already blocked by work.12:20
WolfgerMorning everybody12:20
snap-lwhat the fuck?12:34
snap-lwas re decnet12:34
snap-lfigured thr great firewall of chrusler was probably on the case already12:35
snap-lMan, I am tired12:47
snap-lSure that rick_h_ is also tired12:47
snap-lMy FIL keeps getting stuck because of his parkinsons12:48
snap-lso we keep heading over there. Last night was at midnight12:48
snap-land of course I had to start dicking with SSH on the ipHone12:48
snap-land make stupid mistakes12:48
snap-lOK, time to make some coffee12:49
brouschtime for a live-in nurse12:52
brouschi guess my 5:30am wake up from the boy isn't so bad12:52
WolfgerMmm... Coffee.13:00
brouschan excellent idea13:01
greg-gsomeone give _stink_ an invite, I can't find my invites anymore13:01
brouschi have some13:02
brouschhm, it won't let me13:04
brouschis it restricted to gmail and google apps emails?13:04
brouschno, he has gmail13:04
brouschi guess i don't have any invites13:05
WolfgerYeah I noticed last night that I could only invite certain people.13:09
WolfgerNot sure how that works.13:09
greg-gsnap-l: / rick_h_ which one of you wants to receive an Ubunut banner for the LoCo team for events? We get one for free from Canonical, but I'm worried about how long it might take to ship and whether I will be at my address when it arrives13:16
greg-gheh, make that Ubuntu13:18
WolfgerWe're a bunch of Ubunuts. I like it.13:19
snap-lIf we're worried about shipping time, then it might be better to ship it to rick_h_. Not sure how long I'll be at this address.13:19
snap-lMay be longer, may be shorter.13:19
* greg-g nods13:21
greg-grick_h_: PM me your mailing address, plz :)13:21
brouschhah, found the google+ invite loophole13:30
Wolfgerspill it, man13:31
WolfgerThis is full of win: http://shirt.woot.com/shirts/pierate-chart13:31
brouschi guess you can forward a post to the email13:31
brouschso i forwarded a post to _stink_ via email, and he should get some kind of invite13:31
Wolfgerwell, that's only a loophole if doing that actually results in an invite.13:33
* Wolfger waits and sees13:34
brouschyeah, _stink_ will have to report back13:34
brouschI have one confirmation that the loophole works13:52
brouschsent out a bunch more13:52
_stink_brousch: booyah, thanks!14:14
_stink_the loophole works14:14
_stink_you have outsmarted google14:14
brouschhm, i think i saw it on Droidlife14:18
jjessebrousch nice to hang out with  you guys again last night14:22
brouschyeah, it was good to see you again!14:22
jjessethough most of the conversation was over my head, silly coders14:23
brouschyeah, mostly programmers there14:26
brouschwho else uses linux? ;)14:26
jjessebasically :)14:27
WolfgerProgrammers showed up to CoffeeHouse *Coders*? Whodathunkit?14:31
snap-lYeah, no kidding14:31
snap-lWe had a light turnout last night14:31
snap-lthough everyone there wasn't a regular14:31
snap-lDuane, Jim, and Robert Citek14:32
jjessenot coffeehouse coders that grlug social14:32
brouschWolfger: Ours is called the Grand Rapids Linux Social14:32
brouschwe had 10 last night!14:32
Wolfgerbrousch: My bad. Forgot about you west-siders ;-)14:32
brouschYou east siders often do14:33
Wolfgerhow dare you do something different from us, on the same night? :-p14:33
snap-lThere's a west side? :)14:33
snap-lActually, there is. WE call it Novi.14:34
brouschthere's more to michigan than detroit, you ghetto-dwelling auto manufacturuers!14:34
Wolfgersez you!14:34
snap-lYeah, there's Amway14:34
snap-land Van Vander Van Plazas14:35
brouschthose are the same thing!14:35
brouschwe should rename GR to VanDeVos village14:36
snap-lVanAndel Devos Inc14:37
brouschI laugh every time I go in Meijer's and their prescription rack has 3 bins just for Van14:37
snap-lYeah, I remember the photo department had the same problem14:37
snap-lusually UV are combined around here14:38
WolfgerUVW and XYZ, or UV and WXYZ14:40
snap-lNot there, though14:41
jjessepeople still use film14:41
snap-ljjesse: This was in 1989-199314:42
snap-lYou know, prehistory14:42
WolfgerThe Dark Ages14:42
snap-lMan, and Google Calendar got an update as well15:30
snap-lSeriously, they're trying to pull me in again.15:30
snap-land by again, I mean further.15:30
brouschthe google loves you15:31
snap-lYes, I'm feeling quite loved.15:31
brouschI love FB, the place where people you haven't spoken with in 15 years wish you a Happy Birthday15:36
WolfgerI have a love/hate relationship with old code.15:39
WolfgerI hate my old code, but I love the fact that I can look at it and instantly see what I should have done better.15:40
rick_h_ugh, dammit for not letting me sleep more15:45
brouschyou get a "Daddy, I awake"?15:45
rick_h_no, wife and boy are gone15:45
rick_h_maybe grocery store? I'm not sure15:46
brouschthey didn't tell me either15:46
rick_h_sneaky family, plotting to kill me in my weakened state15:46
brouschI like the "Daddy, I want to snuggle you" elbox drop at 5:30am15:50
rick_h_meh, he needs to stay away to survive15:50
rick_h_he didn't sleep through the trip like he was supposed to15:53
rick_h_daddy doesn't like driving through mountains with screamy boy in the back15:54
_stink_that sucks.15:54
rick_h_mom didn't follow the rules either. Maybe they both left to crash in a hotel for safety15:54
rick_h_yea, daddy takes one for the team and drives through the night so that the family can sleep and have a normal schedule/day15:56
rick_h_if mom and boy don't sleep through the night, but make for a longer, harder, cry filled trip...they break the rules.15:56
rick_h_wtf was dad doing driving through the night for then?15:56
brouschinteresting. i just tagged a photo of myself in snap-l's photo gallery and it reports it as craig maloney tagging me15:56
_stink_rick_h_: did the wife scream too?15:57
rick_h__stink_: hah, no, guess not15:57
brouschwho is ryan kather?15:58
brouschsure, now he logs in and it's obvious16:03
krondoranyone have any probs with freenode SSL cert today, or chat.us.freenode.net round robin connection?16:10
jjesseis the google notice "there was a problem completing this action" the same as a fail whale on twitter?\16:16
brouschjjesse: sometimes i get that when i'm not logged in quite right. a logout and login may fix it16:23
rick_h_ok, hangout is cool, that is some smooth web ui16:24
rick_h_jjesse: only works with a gmail account16:24
rick_h_so you have to be on that vs your google apps account16:24
krondorthere's a bug in the android app, if you have more then one google account it will only show one.  Hope that's your plus account or you're SOL (like me)16:27
rick_h_hmm, maybe because I just added my old gmail just for this it was the latest one and I could add it16:28
jjessei'm logged in with my gmail account, just getting the notice when i try to click on some pages or try to post, wonder if the server is overwhelemd16:31
greg-gwhat was that service Shawn Powers used when his house burned down to raise money?17:47
greg-gI got a buddy in Madison who's restaruant burned down today :(17:47
greg-gchipin, thanks :)17:51
WolfgerUgh. Corp e-mail... "Outlook Tips: Did you know that you can add a page break to an e-mail message?" .... No. Did you know there's no earthly reason *to* add a page break to an e-mail message?17:54
brouschi love this thing18:27
jrwrenanyone use a default command with ssh?19:33
jrwrene.g. I'd like byobu to be launched by default when I ssh to host... unless i tell ssh a command... but I'd really like to config this on my source host.19:33
jrwreni guess I can just config it on the target host.19:34
brouschgreg-g: Married yet?21:26
_stink_clearly his first minutes as a married man should be to get on IRC21:27
brouschi was hoping21:29
brouschif he had a smartphone his pocket would be buzzing21:29
krondorsomeone called me during my vows, fortunately I had the foresight to let my best man hold the phone making him out to be the ass21:32
krondorI never did find out who the caller was...21:33
snap-lI'm sure greg-g will tweet when the deed is done21:40
snap-lSee, I told you he'd post when the deed was done.22:20
greg-galright, home time22:21
* greg-g goes22:21
snap-lgreg-g: ^^22:21
gamerchick02congrats to greg-g. :)22:21
_stink_greg-g: congrats!!23:41

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