
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== anyoneofus|bash is now known as anyoneofus
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== _Tux_ is now known as TuxUcChe
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
vubuntor041chao moi nguoi04:54
vubuntor041minh dang dung Ubuntu 11, vi chua thao bo go nen minh tam go khong dau nha04:54
=== TuxUcChe is now known as Tux|Away
vubuntor041sau khi cai ubuntu 1104:55
vubuntor041minh thay khong quen voi giao dien mac dinh voi thanh menu right cua no04:55
vubuntor041minh da chuyen ve giao dien nhu Ubuntu 1104:56
vubuntor041nhung sau khi restart lai thi no khong nho duoc cac thiet lap04:56
vubuntor041minh google nhung co le khong biet tu khoa chinh xac nen khong tim duoc giai phap04:56
vubuntor041ban nao co goi y nao giup minh nha04:57
vubuntor041chuyen ve giao dien nhu Ubuntu 1004:57
C4NoCthe^' ca`i U 10 cho le.04:58
C4NoC.g gnome 2 ubuntu 11.0404:58
bkphennyC4NoC: http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-11-04-natty-login-to-classic-gnome-2-desktop04:58
bksupybotTitle: Ubuntu 11.04 Natty login to Classic Gnome 2 Desktop (at ubuntuguide.net)04:58
=== anyoneofus is now known as anyoneofus|bash
=== anyoneofus|bash is now known as anyoneofus
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
vubuntor171xin chao06:12
vubuntor171dang gio com..nhung cung cho minh hoi06:13
vubuntor171vi buc xuc van de..com an cung chang ngon06:13
vubuntor171van de la: minh dang xai song song 2 hdh (win 7 va Ubuntu)06:13
vubuntor171nhung khong mai w7 bi loi06:14
vubuntor171win 7 minh cai o dia C06:14
vubuntor171ubuntu cai o dia D06:14
vubuntor171bi jo moi cai lai win 7 ma meboot ko con Ubuntu nua06:15
vubuntor171truoc khi win 7 ko bi hong thi minh boot binh thuong win 7 va Ubuntu06:15
vubuntor171jo ubuntu co san trong o D roi..hok le cai lai nua06:16
vubuntor171nho may bac chi giao jup minh06:16
vubuntor171chu nay jo nghien cuu den noi com an chang ngon nua06:16
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== nobawk` is now known as nobawk
=== GeekComp is now known as Geek|TuKi
Geek|TuKi.g mythology09:20
bkphennyGeek|TuKi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mythology09:20
bksupybotTitle: Mythology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org)09:20
Geek|TuKi.g Greek mythology09:21
bkphennyGeek|TuKi: http://www.greekmythology.com/09:21
bksupybotTitle: Greek Mythology (at www.greekmythology.com)09:21
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== anyoneofus is now known as anyoneofus|bash
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
NgocYeuco ai o day dung blackberry k a :|14:06
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
NgocYeuco ai k :|14:13
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== chungbd|away is now known as chungbd
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== chungbd is now known as chungbd|away
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
thinhhoangchào mọi người, mình ko hiểu sao khi upgrade mesa 7.10.2-ubuntu2 lại làm mất hiệu ứng blur (downgrage 7.9 chạy bình thường).17:19
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== lmq2401 is now known as DoanDu
=== DoanDu is now known as lmq2401
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off
=== Lokiheero|Off is now known as Lokiheero
=== Lokiheero is now known as Lokiheero|Off

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