
ScottKHow well are Intel HD3000 graphics working on Natty?02:57
hyperairHD3000? the ones that come with the sandy bridge?03:00
ScottKWhich it turns out I have, so I actually know the answer to the question.03:03
hyperairScottK: hahah. so how has the hd3000 been for you?08:34
tjaaltonworks fine for me, on a desktop anyway (natty)08:39
tjaaltonthere are bugs with external monitor handling at least, but a partial fix is being prepared08:40
tjaaltonpartial in that the rest is yet to be fixed upstream, but easily worked around08:42
tjaalton(cycling through the external display modes can leave the other monitor blank, but another cycle fixes it)08:43
tjaaltonRAOF: mesa in NEW because of libgpm, but you already knew that. get the archive admin privs stat, so you could push it through ;)11:06
RAOFtjaalton: I was looking at that and they didn't seem to be NEW.  Or perhaps launchpad has changed its display of NEW packages.11:07
tjaaltonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/mesa/7.11~1-0ubuntu2 shows them as such11:11
RAOFRight.  But https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/7.11~1-0ubuntu2/+build/2600799 (for example) doesn't list any of the packages as NEW.11:12
tjaalton"Binary packages awaiting approval in NEW queue", though it lists them all. never seen it to list only the diff11:13
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SarvattRAOF: master builds fine too with your packaging, no clue what problem that other guy is hitting https://launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/mesa/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all13:30
SarvattRAOF: mind if i lower the debhelper build dep in the ubuntu branch to the actual version we need?13:30
Sarvatti'm just going to add a llvm build dep for the /usr/bin/llvm-config, and use llvm-dev instead of hardcoding 2.9 in edgers13:33
Sarvattgotta make sure i dont run a script that uploads a 7.12.0+git this time by mistake, screwed up every release since 7.813:40
tjaaltonshould we update to xserver or branch tip? should fix at least bug 44165314:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 441653 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "radeon graphics mode and console does not start - xf86OpenConsole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interrupted system call (affects: 62) (dups: 2) (heat: 342)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44165314:47
tjaaltonRAOF: btw, dunno if you saw but the raw events patches are not going in 1.1114:49
RAOFtjaalton: I saw.  I've pulled what was on the list, though; I just need to check that it actually *works* :)15:11
tjaaltonheh, ok15:17
RAOF(Which means writing a tiny XI 2.1 client that subscribes to raw events)15:27
tjaaltonfiling sync-requests for some input drivers15:44
tjaaltonhmm we have an old -ati?15:52
tjaalton6.14.0 vs 6.14.215:53
tjaaltonmerging it15:55
RAOFAny reason we have an older ati?15:55
tjaaltonjust general lazyness?-)15:55
tjaaltondunno, don't think so. probably just an oversight15:56
Sarvattcan drop the patch bryce brought in a few days ago cus its in 6.14.215:57
Sarvatthttp://sarvatt.com/downloads/500_xi2.1.patch is the refreshed one for the latest 1.10 branch16:00
tjaaltonSarvatt: what's the gbp.conf used for?16:04
tjaaltonin -ati16:04
Sarvattpretty sure he's the only one that uses git buildpackage for it :)16:05
RAOFYeah :)16:05
RAOFIt makes ‘git-buildpackage’ work.16:05
tjaaltonthis is the only package that has that?16:05
tjaaltonhaven't come across this before16:05
Sarvattnope there's a few others like nouveau16:05
RAOFNo.  mesa does too, as does... intel?16:05
tjaaltonok, maybe I just haven't touched those16:06
tjaaltonso it doesn't work if you're on ubuntu-natty or such?-)16:07
tseliotRAOF: in Natty I should still use gl_conf for tegra, right (even though it's gles)?16:08
Sarvatterr, our libgles is in /usr/lib in natty isn't it16:11
Sarvattprobably going to have to go the diversion route instead?16:11
tjaaltondropping the change of removing existing radeon-kms.conf, since lucid final already had that16:12
tjaaltonpushed to git16:26
tjaaltonwell, pushing..16:26
tjaaltonthanks to the xauth timeout it's taking time16:26
tjaaltonhuh, diff shows we're missing src/bicubic_table.py16:28
tjaaltonah, actually debian has that as a diff to upstream16:30
Sarvattwould anyone mind if i changed x-x-v-intel's build deps to libxcb-aux0-dev | libxcb-util0-dev to make backporting easier, or the debhelper (>= 8.1.2ubuntu2) for mesa?18:27
Sarvatt8.1.3 isnt in natty and we had all the multiarch stuff backported in 8.1.2ubuntu218:28
brycehSarvatt, fine by me; backporting sounds good19:15
ScottKSarvatt: There was an update from natty-updates yesterday that I think caused me to lose your PPA package with the crash fix for Sandybridge.  Any chance you would update your PPA (X just died again on me)?20:31
ricotzSarvatt, i hope adding the missing xfixes packages will fix the xserver build on natty20:47
ricotzi restarted them so hoping the best20:47
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ricotzSarvatt, your xserver tarball lives in the futurue :P21:52

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