
ScottKYes ...03:52
ScottKBut now he's not.03:52
=== seajey_ is now known as SeaJey
valorieif anyone wants a google+ invite, tell me or PM me your email address09:25
debfxScottK: re release meeting: bug #800857 hasn't been fixed yet09:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 800857 in firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric) "language packs pull in Firefox on upgrade" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80085709:46
bambeeyofel: you have told about python-kde4 yesterday, it's a mistake, I have to rename the source package to "pykde4" 11:12
yofelwhat I meant was the branch name on LP, but that's trivial to fix11:33
yofelbut right, the package name is wrong too11:34
Riddellagateau: do you know anything about git's support for gpg signatures?12:11
agateauRiddell: nope12:12
ScottKdebfx: Thanks.13:11
ScottKdebfx: Release team meeting is being canceled due to a conflict with closing meeting of the Canonical sprint that's on this week.15:11
macoalpha 2's next week? well crap16:50
macoi still dont know what to do about the keyboard crashyness on the installer16:50
ScottKRight about now would be a good time to get it sorted.17:32
bambeePlay a dvd using phonon-gstreamer is just perfect!! seriously it rocks! :D17:34
LaserJockhmm, that burndown chart on the TODO is going the wrong way :-)18:34
ScottKPackage splits for KDE 4.7 from upstream turn out to be a huge PITA.18:39
ScottKOf course it's mostly a one time effort, but it's certainly distracting from other things.18:39
LaserJockI bet18:46
LaserJockwill they change again after 4.7?18:46
ScottKI hope not.18:49
ScottKI'd guess minor changes for 4.8 and then who knows what's next after that.18:49
yofelwell, on the good side we're >50% done, although the copyrights are still a headache18:54
yofelbambee: if you want some easy packaging tasks: 4.6.5 was tagged. Shouldn't be more work than copying the 4.6.4 packaging over and doing some QA18:55
yofelat least it seems Dirk didn't mess up the application versions in 4.6.5 this time18:59
shadeslayerCopyright (C) 2001 The Kompany <= hahahaha19:06
yofelhm, good idea, put that into smoke and I'm happpy19:06
yofelor kappy19:06
yofelshadeslayer: since I can't find someone that does, could you look at the upstrem copyright for libkdeedu?19:08
shadeslayersure, i'll have a look at it after kamera19:08
yofelI added L/GPL which is fine for most files, but there's some qtmmlwidget source from nokia whose copyright I don't get19:08
yofel(or at least where the hell to get that LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt from)19:09
yofelsomehow I'm wondering if we're the only distro  that care about those files...19:13
yofelI don't get how the others are shipping smokeqt/kde though which don't have any copyright, didn't that equal being proprietary in some world?19:16
* yofel isn't good with licenses19:18
ScottKyofel: Did you see pykde and smokegen uploaded to Debian?19:18
yofelI did, I'll resync smokegen later, and I told bambee to look at pykde19:19
yofelScottK: btw. is there an upload mailing list like our -changes for debian?19:24
yofelcouldn't find one last time I searched for it19:24
ScottK"Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers" <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org> gets all the Qt/KDE ones.19:24
shadeslayeryay, kamera missing COPYING file19:26
yofelhm, we can probably just sync kross-interpreters19:30
yofelI'll look at it19:30
yofelhas no debug package, but looks fine otherwise (EXCEPT for the missing copyright copies)19:37
ScottKWe'd have a dbgsym package, so I think no debug package is fine.19:38
ScottKIf copyright was good enough for Debian, it's good enough for us.19:38
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kross-interpreters] Philip Muškovac * 1 * (9 files in 3 dirs) Add split packaging19:43
ScottKI would suggest maybe we ought to go ahead and start uploading what's split so far.19:44
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kamera] Rohan Garg * 1 * (10 files in 3 dirs) Initial packaging for kamera19:44
shadeslayeryofel: i think you missed something in kross-interpreters, might be wrong tho19:44
yofelshadeslayer: as in?19:44
shadeslayerwell .. from what i've seen, we usually have 10 files in 3 dirs19:45
yofelnot really, it has only one install file though19:45
yofelchangelog compat control copyright krosspython.install rules source/format19:46
shadeslayerright, with one install file, i have 10 files19:46
shadeslayeryofel: i also have debian/docs19:46
yofelsee :P19:47
shadeslayerwel, now i have to think whether to keep it or not ^_^19:47
yofelwell, kross doesn't have anything to put into docs19:51
shadeslayer /usr/share/doc/kamera/README << i'll leave that 19:54
bambeeyofel, ScottK: pykde4 has been uploaded into ninjas 3 hours ago :)19:54
bambeeeverything is synced with debian git19:54
yofelgood :)19:54
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kamera] Rohan Garg * 2 * debian/changelog Minor fix to the changelog19:57
bambeeIs it easy to rename a repository on launchpad ? (I am asking this question for ~kubuntu-packagers/python-kde4)20:05
yofelbambee: sure, open the branch -> details, there's a field for the  branch name20:27
bambeecould you do it please ? (I've not the rights for that) Then I will propose a merge :)20:28
shadeslayeryofel: http://qt.digia.com/en/license-agreements/20:31
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelbambee: renamed20:37
yofel(as long as lplip didn't ignore me)20:37
shadeslayeryofel: that is one weird license i tell you20:39
yofelScottK: what packages are we going to try to get into main? I'm not convinced it makes sense for all of them. (If we keep cantor in universe for example we could build the R backend)20:51
ScottKyofel: I think for now try to match what we had before and then go back and re-evaluate stuff like that after the first pass is done.20:52
shadeslayerkdegames might have to be moved into universe if we want granatier20:55
yofelI believe we have something of that in the default install, so that's a problem20:56
yofelI don't know for sure though20:56
shadeslayerah, then in that case, we will have to drop granatier because iirc libopenal failed a MIR20:57
yofelwhich I would say we do, or we check if we really need games in the default install20:57
ScottKWhy can't just that be in Universe?20:58
yofelScottK: not split20:58
ScottKWe touted getting a game onto the CD in the last release.20:58
ScottKI think it'd be better not to drop it if we can avoid it.20:58
bambeeyofel: thanks20:58
shadeslayerScottK: i guess we will have to drop granatier from the archives then20:59
yofelwe could try to pre-split granatier...20:59
ScottKFor now.20:59
ScottK(drop for now)20:59
shadeslayeryofel: how did you handle documentation copyright?21:07
yofelthe docs are usually under GFDL, check the docbook source21:07
yofelthere should be a 'FDLNotice' line or so21:07
shadeslayeryeah, but what version is that?21:08
shadeslayer1.2 or 1.3 ?21:08
yofelif I open the handbook for konsole 4.6 it links to 1.2, not sure how21:09
shadeslayerwell ... i'd say it gets that from kdelibs21:09
yofelhm, it links to help:/common/fdl-license.html21:10
shadeslayerok, in neon its 1.221:10
shadeslayerso 1.2 it is21:10
yofelright, kdelibs21:10
bambeehttps://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/kubuntu-packaging/pykde4/+merge/66652 :)21:11
shadeslayerplease review : http://paste.ubuntu.com/636537/21:17
shadeslayeroh hold on21:17
shadeslayerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/636539/ << this one21:18
yofelabout that Format line... I read the part of dep5 again,  and I believe that needs to be a Vcs line with the exact version of the spec.21:18
yofellike the example has21:19
shadeslayeroh hmm21:19
yofelI used21:19
yofel 21 Format: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/dep/web/deps/dep5.mdwn?view=markup&pathrev=17421:19
yofelfor cantor for example21:19
kubotuyofel: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"21:19
* yofel douzes lava over kubotu21:20
kubotuScottK meant: "s/douses/douses"21:20
shadeslayerok done21:20
shadeslayerhahaha :P21:20
shadeslayeryofel: anything else?21:20
yofeloh right, thanks21:21
yofelnope, seems fine21:21
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokegen] Philip Muškovac * 5 * debian/ (10 files in 2 dirs) resync with debian21:25
shadeslayeryofel: debian has 4.7 ?21:27
yofelthey are working on it, and they have parts of 4.6.80/90 in experimental21:27
* shadeslayer will have a look21:27
yofelI just used kross-interpreters directly from debian for example21:27
yofeland  dpalacio was working on smoke and qtruby21:27
yofelMoDaX on pykde21:28
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kanagram] Rohan Garg * 1 * (9 files in 3 dirs) Initial packaging for kanagram21:30
shadeslayernothing for me21:32
yofelfeel free to ask them21:32
shadeslayerdo they have a status wiki page?21:32
yofelno idea21:32
bambee"Launchpad encountered an internal error during the following operation: generating the diff for a merge proposal.  It was logged with id OOPS-2008MPJ2.  Sorry for the inconvenience."  WTF ? o_O21:51
yofel-> #launchpad21:55
JontheEchidnaHmm, think it's time to remove the council election bit from #kubuntu's topic? My #kubuntu tab turning red on startup getting a bit annoying :P22:02
ScottKNot shutting down would also stop that problem, but I agree.22:03
JontheEchidnaI loves me some Team Fortress 2, so I need windows from time to time22:04
apacheloggerusing a quassel core then22:05
apacheloggerusing a bnc then22:05
apacheloggerah right, konversation has problems with that :P22:06
JontheEchidnaSho_ uses a BNC regularly, so some work properly22:06
JontheEchidnaI've just been too lazy + don't have a suitable server22:06
yofelagreed though, but Quintasan is absent, and not sure why debfx is MIA22:08
apacheloggerdebfx: y u no here?22:09
apacheloggerI miss you :'(22:09
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: heh, TF2 is a *huge* game, i'm downloading it myself these days22:11
JontheEchidnaIt took me nearly 24 hours myself22:11
apacheloggerI am proper geek22:12
apacheloggerI be writing me games myself22:12
apacheloggerin BASIC22:12
JontheEchidnaare your games 11 GB?22:12
apachelogger2 million lines of BASIC for a horse22:12
yofelc2tarun and Tonio are MIA too :(22:12
apacheloggersuffice to say most of my games feature ponies, so it is reusable 2 million lines of BASIC22:12
yofelwhy would anyone use BASIC? Use Java!22:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: can i shoot the pony?22:12
apacheloggerwe shall not talk about java22:12
shadeslayerand does the pony have a ... MEDIC :P22:13
apacheloggerlets not talk about java until next week22:13
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: Your skype status says Java is the love of your life22:13
apacheloggerjust to be sure22:13
apacheloggerwe would not want people to have a nervous break down or something22:13
* yofel gets a java gl error when trying to play minecraft in oneiric :(22:13
apacheloggerthat is no surprise22:13
apacheloggeryofel: you should mail the c2tarun and the tonio22:13
apacheloggeralso tell the tonio we have free beer, maybe it helps22:14
apacheloggerkubotu: order beer22:14
* kubotu gives apachelogger a nice frosty mug of beer.22:14
JontheEchidnayofel: I had that, but I fiddled around with upgrading mesa via xorg-edgers, but then after an update that broke again and I downgraded to the repo versions and things worked22:14
JontheEchidnaI'm not quite sure that the upgrades actually helped22:14
yofelI'll fiddle around tomorrow22:14
JontheEchidnaxorg-edgers seemed to work, but then it broke, and then the repo version worked again22:15
* apachelogger could also fiddle around a bit22:15
apacheloggerkinda boring right now22:15
JontheEchidnayofel: Yesterday I found 56 coal in a vein, and fell in to lava while mining them. :( I was barely under the surface and was not expecting lava.22:15
JontheEchidnalost a new diamond shovel and pick22:16
JontheEchidnaand 3 powered rail, which I don't know why I was carrying in the first place22:16
yofelthen again, I was pushed into a lava lake by zombies in the nether last week, lost my compass and watch :(22:16
apacheloggerat least shadeslayer had the decency to make up excuses for not doing anything useful22:17
* apachelogger fears the ScottK's comment on all this talk of zombies and mining and stuff22:17
yofelhmpf, I did package too, so calm down22:18
yofelbut minecraft is a pretty good medicine for broken copyrights -.-22:18
apacheloggernono, fiddeling helps there22:18
yofelin your case :P22:18
apacheloggerI dunno, plenty of people seem to get quite a relieve out of fiddeling around22:19
JontheEchidnaCheck out my kickin' rad automated minecart station: http://i.imgur.com/6eg83.png http://i.imgur.com/PTUZW.png http://i.imgur.com/KUxYm.png22:20
JontheEchidna(Note that neither the desert base nor the tracks to where it will be exist)22:20
JontheEchidnaThe location switched use a redstone NOR latch to switch the tracks22:21
JontheEchidnaThere's a minecart pez dispenser underground that gives/receives carts22:22
JontheEchidnaI dug a 10x10 hole 9 deep for that room22:23
JontheEchidnastill trying to figure out how to make it creeper-proof, while still being able to enter22:24
JontheEchidnapistons should help with that22:24
JontheEchidnaI can use a detector rail to activate a sticky piston to pull a creeper-blocking block up from over the rail entrance/exit22:27
JontheEchidnaWell, another day. I've already sunk 7 hours in to that station total, and there's packaging to do22:27
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JontheEchidnaI'm waiting for optifog and optimine to update before upgrading to 1.722:33
JontheEchidnaWith them I can usually get 30 FPS on Short render distance22:34
JontheEchidnaotherwise I only get ~2022:35
JontheEchidnawhich is passable, but not very nice. It makes combat a bit hard too22:35
JontheEchidnaWhere do I grab 4.6.90 tars?22:40
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: ftp.kde.org or ftpmaster22:40
* JontheEchidna grabs kolourpaint22:41
yofeloh, I think I know why minecraft stopped working22:41
yofel[    11.297] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module; please check in your X22:41
yofelwhy does kwin work though o.O22:42
JontheEchidnaxrender fallback?22:42
* yofel reinstalls nvidia22:43
JontheEchidnaXRender is really not bad these days. I had KWin effects working on a Debian VirtualBox and you could barely tell the difference22:43
yofelupdate-alternatives: using /usr/lib/nvidia-current/alt_ld.so.conf to provide /etc/ld.so.conf.d/i386-linux-gnu_GL.conf (i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf) in auto mode.22:44
yofelalt_ld.so.conf is empty22:45
shadeslayeryep, if only they could get those fancy effects to work :)22:45
debfxapachelogger: I am here, sort of23:16
yofelmeh, forgot to add COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS to cantor23:16
yofeluh, does someone know where that file is supposed to be from? It wasn't in kdeedu either23:20

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