
=== rcmaehl is now known as herobrine
=== herobrine is now known as rcmaehl
=== rcmaehl is now known as Removed_Herobrin
=== Removed_Herobrin is now known as rcmaehl
cozziemotois there a minimal install cd available for oneiric yet?02:10
frewsxcvwhat has better battery life. ati proprietary or open source drivers?02:58
Ian_Corneproprietary iirc09:11
BUGabundowe have composite back10:26
BUGabundoand kmail still sucks.... time to begin looking for another offline email client10:35
micahgBUGabundo: thunderbird :)10:57
BUGabundokmail(3819) KMail::AccountManager::readConfig: Config upgrade failed! Danger! Trying to convert old account type for account ""11:11
BUGabundokmail(3819) KMail::AccountManager::readConfig: Unrecognized account type. Your account settings are now lost, sorry.11:11
BUGabundo"Message could not be added to the folder, possibly disk space is low."11:26
BUGabundohating kmail more and more11:26
micahgBUGabundo: I switched from kmail to thunderbird 4 years ago and never looked back :)11:30
BUGabundo4 years ago, TB would scare a ghost11:31
Ian_Cornekmail even more probably11:39
BUGabundoI've been using kmail since 200511:44
BUGabundowho still remembers grub 0.9 ? :D11:48
* yofel can't say he remembers lilo at least11:48
yofelsoon people won't remember kmail 1 and kernel 2.6 either ^^11:49
* ikonia looks at the topic11:50
bil21ali want to install Canon ip1800 printer  drivers for 11.10 ,the previous drivers it said that it not safe so plz tell me from where i csn get these drivers?13:10
BluesKajso, desktop effects are dead ..again , they were working fine yesterday ..can't the devs just leave well enough alone , if it ain'y broke don't fix it ?14:12
lucidfoxGlobal menu integration has stopped working for Thunderbird for me14:33
micahglucidfox: which version?14:40
micahglucidfox: did you restart thunderbird after the update?14:49
micahglucidfox: anything in the error console?14:54
lucidfoxsikon@maia-desktop:~$ thunderbird14:57
lucidfoxenigmail.js: Registered components14:57
lucidfox(thunderbird-bin:13413): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type `DbusmenuServer'14:57
lucidfox(thunderbird-bin:13413): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed14:57
lucidfox(thunderbird-bin:13413): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed14:57
micahglucidfox: anything in the error console inside thunderbird, Tools -> error console15:06
micahgchrisccoulson: ^^ any ideas?15:06
lucidfoxmicahg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/636371/15:08
BluesKajreinstalled the nvidia driver ...jockey showed it was installed but not being used ... desktop effects are back15:08
chrisccoulsonyou've got 2 dbusmenu versions loaded in to the same address space15:11
chrisccoulsonwhich means you have a third party extension loading the old ABI in15:11
lucidfoxchrisccoulson, aha, it was the Messaging Menu Integration extension15:17
chrisccoulsonlucidfox, right15:18
chrisccoulsonyou need a newer version of it, we fixed that already15:19
chrisccoulsonare you on oneiric?15:19
chrisccoulsonthat has the messagingmenu extension by default now15:19
snadgeim updating my htpc to oneiric17:01
snadgeit needs a kernel 2.6.39 for the wireless to work stable and the one in kernel-ppa doesnt exist anymore.. and the one i got from the ubuntu kernel archive doesn't appear to work with console graphics17:03
snadgei will hopefully contribute by testing and maybe even some fixes if i get lucky17:04
snadgeoh yes.. oneiric works much better ;)18:38
snadgeincludes catalyst 10.6 and linux 3.0 .. very nice hehe18:39
KM0201linux 3.0?18:39
snadgeLinux ritmo 3.0-2-generic #3-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 24 19:14:33 UTC 2011 x86_6418:40
tsimpsonkernel version 3.0, not that anything actually warrants it being 3.018:40
tsimpsonit 2.6.xxx, but with a "OMG, it's 3.0!"18:41
snadgeim using a mini-itx asus amd fusion board18:41
snadgeand updating the kernel and catalyst in natty.. i had no console outside of x18:42
snadgewindow movement with wobble windows enabled was a bit jerky18:42
snadgeoneiric comes with updated kernel and catalyst already.. doesn't appear to have those problems either18:43
Ether_ManAnyone that could fix or forward to someone that can fix, or at the very least give a timeplan for when the bind9 and bind9-utils packages in the repos will be updated to match the updated libs? Right now it's impossible to install it due to the dependancy missmatch with libs being a newer version and the main packages defined as a specific version.19:26
PiciEther_Man: Is there a bug filed for that?19:27
Ether_ManPici, there was... that was closed as "invalid" and the user told to uninstall bind9 to "fix"...19:28
PiciEther_Man: Can you provide me with a link or bug #?19:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 803679 in bind9 (Ubuntu) "package dnsutils 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive" [Undecided,Invalid]19:29
PiciEther_Man: Thats the same person that logged the bug. And their solution does not involve uninstalling bind9.19:31
Ether_Manapt-get install -f    while the installed bind9 relies on packages that dont exist anymore..  Will result in bind9 being uninstalled19:31
Ether_ManAnd while it may be that it's the same person, it's still seemingly a problem..  Checked multiple of the repos and none of them have the 2.1 bind9 package in the oneiric tree19:33
PiciEther_Man: I'd definitely log a new bug.  It looks like the 2.1 version landed in Natty, which I'm guessing you upgraded from, but not in Oeniric.19:37
PiciAs listed here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9/1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.119:37
Ether_ManTrue I did upgrade from that. However purging the libs, and reinstalling should still be possible then shouldnt it?19:39
PiciEther_Man: yes, I'd do an apt-get clean though as well. It can't hurt, and it'll get those oddly versioned packages off your system.19:40
Ether_ManI have and that's kindof the thing. Even when purged, the libs still say 2.1..  Which I can only conclude have to come from the repos version then :/19:41
PiciEther_Man: What does apt-cache policy say about them?19:43
Ether_Manhmm..  That they're installed. But purging bind9 should have uninstalled libs belonging to it shouldnt it? O_o19:46
PiciEther_Man: purge just removes configuration files. apt-get autoremove will remove unneeded dependencies.19:46
Ether_Manor no wait..  those libs are depended on by ubuntu-standard which Im guessing would be a bad idea to remove19:46
Ether_ManTaking the natty deb and installing manually should work right? Think I'll do that as a temporary fix if so :/19:48
Ether_ManYea. That worked..19:52
Ether_ManMy what strange things happen when dist upgrading it seems :)19:53
PiciEther_Man: You should still file a bug though, since this problem is bound to trouble other upgrades from Natty.19:53
Ether_ManWill do19:54
Ether_ManTakes awhile for registration on launchpad to go through my graylisting though >_<19:57
bil21ali have now upgrade my system from terminal using command  ..and after upgrade i restart than i report a bug but in bug description this is written upgrade to oneirics 3 days ago..what can i do now????20:09
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yofelbil21al: right, the date you updated to oneiric is included in the reports, what's the problem?20:39
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bil21alhmm i ask in bugs they answer me thank for anwering  yofel;20:40
yofeloh right20:41
yofelbil21al: also, as you might realize from 'dist-upgrade', there is a bit of a mixup between update and  upgrade. If someone tells you to upgrade packages he doesn't necessarily mean to upgrade to another release20:44
yofelwell, debian did/does use apt-get dist-upgrade for release upgrades20:44
yofelyou'll get used to it...20:45
RRRRubeDoes anyone know how to prevent mounted volumes appearing on the desktop. You used to be able to open gconf-editor and go to Apps / Nautilus / Desktop and untick "Volumes Visible" in there. But now there is only an option to change the font. Any ideas?22:41
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DaekdroomI'm bored. I think I'm gonna try to upgrade to 11.10 again.23:40
magn3tsIt'd be awesome if the Sound Menu listed applications playing audio and allowed you to adjust the volume for each.23:50
Daekdroomand some of those controls could be directly glued to a in-app volume setting if they had it (audio players, totem?)23:51

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