
dabaronsfor the .sh .. had to make it executable00:00
holstein^^ thats going to be relavant, but different now00:00
dabaronsthats from 200700:01
holsteinright... thats why i want to imply that it could be different now00:02
dabaronsyes ur correct00:02
dabaronsalright i installed that game, but now how do i open it ?00:02
holsteinagain, without having that hardware in front of me, or the need for 5.1... im going to be limited by what i can help you with first hand00:02
holsteindabarons: if its not in the menu, hit alt+F200:03
dabaronsit said it would make menu items00:03
holsteinand type the name00:03
holsteinthe installer?00:03
dabaronsit installed00:03
dabaronsbut the installer went away00:03
dabaronsi know where the files00:04
dabaronsgot it working yay00:18
dabaronsbut alt tab doesnt work...00:18
holsteinwhats it supposed to do?00:18
holsteinfor me, in gnome, alt tab selects between windows on that workspace00:19
dabaronsalt tab00:19
dabaronsi dunno00:19
holsteinthen how do you know its not working?00:19
dabaronsthere is a default action i see in ubuntu but in the game it didnt work00:19
holsteincould be a bug00:20
dabaronson to real matters..00:20
dabaronsthe second screen is working but how can i move something over to that screen00:20
holsteini just drag stuff over onto mine00:21
dabaronsdoesnt work for me00:22
holsteinim sure if you'd elaborate as to what is going on, and what you want to have going on00:23
holsteinmaybe the orienation is off?00:23
holsteintry dragging off the main screen in all directions00:23
dabaronsi can move mouse to second screen00:23
dabaronsjust invisible wall to move other things00:24
holsteinwhat things?00:24
holsteinopen a terminal window00:24
holsteinand move it over there00:24
dabaronsdoesnt go00:26
holsteini literally dont know what to tell yhou00:26
holsteinthis is what i do though.. i literally google 'ubuntu version cant drag windows to second display'00:27
ubot2Ubuntu bug 777500 in ubuntu "I can't drag windows to second monitor" [Undecided,New]00:28
dabaronssomeone else has it it seems...00:28
holsteinsure, and im not using 11.0400:28
kristian-aalborgholstein, http://www.tzclock.org/01:23
sw0rdfishwhats the best way to start apache201:32
sw0rdfish"sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start" OR just "service apache2 start"01:32
holsteinsw0rdfish: 10.04?01:33
sw0rdfishI'm using one on my  desktop01:33
sw0rdfishI mean its Maverick installed in a laptop...01:34
holsteini dont remember having to start it in 10.0401:34
sw0rdfishwell no I mean I did stop it01:34
holsteinis it not running post install?01:34
sw0rdfishbut I dunno I'm guessing it starts when you boot the system as root?01:34
sw0rdfishif it does then i'll just do it with sudo01:34
holsteinim seeing /etc/init.d/apache2 restart01:35
froqany of you guys using CONKY?!01:36
sw0rdfishanyhow holstein thanks :)01:37
froqsw0rdfish, you not a fan?!  why not?!01:37
holsteini have used conky01:38
froqholstein, done with it already huh?  I think it looks awesome!  just looked @ it for the first time last night.  on mac, I used geektools01:39
holsteinfroq: done with conky?01:39
holsteini just dont really need it anywhere01:39
holsteinconky is one of those things i cant quit messing with and tweaking01:39
froqholstein, yeah, are you done with it.  I just think it looks cool lol.  that is the only reason I do it.01:40
holsteinyeah? i think its a nice way to monitor the system at a glance01:40
froqthe documentation for it all sucks though01:42
holsteinfor conky?01:42
froqholstein, yeah01:42
holsteinfroq: its challenging maintaining documentation01:42
holsteinim sure no one would get upset if you volunteer to help with documentation :)01:43
froqholstein, you are probably right. lol... see I have never had to maintain any, I have only had to read it.01:43
froqholstein, i gotta figure it out first.01:43
froqholstein, making me put my foot in my mouth bro. :(01:43
holsteinfroq: :)01:43
froqyou know i really like that windows8 mockup.01:45
froqso i recently went dual screen guys, however I upgraded one of my screen sizes to 24in and the other is 20in, and wow it makes it hard to scale wallpaper across then.01:54
holsteinyeah, i got luck with mine, it works OK01:55
holsteinyou can always go with a solid color ;)01:55
froqholstein, is that what you did or you got two same size?!01:55
holsteini know you can have different ones per workspace... differnt ones per screen would be cool01:56
holsteinfroq: mine just looks OK as is01:56
holsteinTBH, im not that worried abou tit01:56
holsteinabout it* ;P01:56
froqso you just have two different photos01:56
holsteinnah, its just one that looks ok when its squished01:57
froqholstein, haha!01:58
st33medSpeakin of puppies. My puppys were fed peanut butter01:58
froqwho is speakin' of puppies?!01:59
Jester_ Hey have any of you got a wusb54gs usb network adapter to work on ubuntu 10.04? I have been searching for a good write-up for days and everything I have tried does not work.03:31
stlsaintJester_: nope sorry03:41
froqJester_, yeah same here, nvm.... I did a while ago back in 8.04 days, but haven't touched it since then & don't remember anything now. :(03:43
froqdo you guys have a preference between twinview and xinerama?!?!  I am running an nVidia graphics card and attempting to determine how I wish to set up my dualscreens.04:11
fuzzeolyhi, i'm trying to install ubuntu v 11.04 for the first time, i've verified my md5 and checked disk with no errors found, i've also tried to run with nomodeset but still no luck07:03
benonsoftwareHay all.09:02
benonsoftwareI was wondering are there any mentors here?09:03
bioterrorcan I help you, benny? :)09:03
benonsoftwareDoes anyone want to teach me?09:03
benonsoftwareI was looking for a mentor for bugs and dev.09:04
bioterrorI saw some mails on list, what are you after?09:04
bioterrorme no bugs and dev09:04
bioterrorbut still I like your "nickname" ;)09:04
benonsoftwarebenny or benonsoftware?09:07
bioterrorbenny ;)09:07
bioterrorI share the same first name09:07
benonsoftwareCool :)09:07
benonsoftwareIt was lucky I got the LP nick for that.09:07
bioterroryeah, I didnt use it ;)09:08
bioterrorI've tried to not use my realname anymore as I used to09:08
benonsoftwareI hardly ever use my First and Lastname but first name ok09:08
benonsoftwareKnow anyone in bugs or dev that could mentor me?09:08
bioterrorwe have dev rather full atm.09:08
bioterrorall the dev mentors are having hands full of mentees09:09
benonsoftwareOh ok.09:09
bioterrorit's rather difficult09:09
bioterrorI took one apprentice or how it is said who is interested in developing and I guided him for a start and he's doing some projects with another mentor09:10
benonsoftwareSounds good.09:10
bioterrorbenonsoftware, come to #ubuntu-beginners-team09:10
truepurpleHow can I set all my windows url links to use a different icon then the text file one?09:56
truepurpleRevising the question- How can I set all my windows url links to use a different icon then the text file one under ubuntu gnome?10:15
benonsoftwareTry #ubuntu10:16
truepurplei did10:18
truepurpleI think its too technical for them or something10:19
benonsoftwareNot for them :)10:20
truepurpleWell noones replying anyway10:20
benonsoftwareTry #gnome them10:20
head_victimWhat do you mean by "windows url links" ?10:21
benonsoftwareI'm not sure either. NOthing to do with Windows I think10:22
truepurplethe icon next to web address, when you drag it to a desk top or folder it creates a link to that webpage, this done under windows is what I mean10:22
truepurpleWhat would you call it?10:22
benonsoftwareWeb Icon maybe?10:22
truepurpleNormally ubuntu gnome doesn't open it, but I got coding instructions to get it to do so10:23
truepurpleBut these links still look like text files and are hard to visually tell apart10:23
head_victimAh you'd have tofind an icon to deal with it and associate it10:23
truepurpleI got a icon, how do i associate it? and all web links, not one10:24
benonsoftwareRight click propities -> icons?10:24
truepurpleright click a web link?10:24
head_victimI can easily change the whole set, just looking up how to add one into it10:24
truepurpleI didn't understand the second half of that sentence.10:25
benonsoftwareI think his searching10:25
head_victimI think benonsoftware has it, just right click the file you want to add the icon to, click on the current icon and it will open the "select custom icon" window to allow you to associate a different icon to the file.10:25
benonsoftwareWell thats what APC Mag told me :)10:26
truepurplehead_victim: That only changes the icon of one link10:26
benonsoftwareHow many do you have?10:27
truepurpleI want all of them to use a icon to visually separate them from textfiles10:27
truepurpleI don't know how many I have, maybe hundreds?10:27
benonsoftwareWhat's the extension?10:27
truepurpleBut if I could just associate the file type...10:28
benonsoftwareHave a look in  /usr/share/icons for the image file10:28
truepurpleand if I find it?10:29
head_victimtruepurple: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150393 might help10:30
benonsoftwareWhat version again sorry?10:31
benonsoftwaretruepurple: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/changing-icons-577194/10:31
truepurpleThat first thread is too difficult for me to understand10:31
truepurpleversion of what?10:31
benonsoftwareNever mind. I know your using Ubuntu 11.04 right?10:32
benonsoftwareGood how was the second link?10:33
benonsoftwareWhat's your launchpad username truepurple?10:34
truepurpleIt says system > preferences > themes, but I can't find themes10:34
benonsoftwarehttps://launchpad.net truepurple you on it?10:35
truepurpleNo, not familar with that site10:35
benonsoftwareOh ok10:35
truepurplecreating a account now10:36
truepurpleDo you log in with your user name or email address?10:37
truepurpledamn annoying password requirements10:38
benonsoftwareI used my normal password but capiliszed10:38
truepurpledang, now that human verification recapture things giving me trouble10:39
benonsoftwareWhy? Are you a bot? :)10:40
truepurplePlease repeat input10:40
truepurpleOk I am registered, now what?10:41
benonsoftwareWhat you username10:42
benonsoftwareGo to https://launchpad.net/people/+me and then tell me what the URL is.10:43
truepurpleNow what? How does this help me solve my problem?10:43
truepurplebenonsoftware: ?10:45
truepurpleWhat does any of this have to do with getting the icons mass changed?10:46
truepurplebenonsoftware: You there?10:48
truepurplehead_victim: Can you help me?10:48
head_victimThe only thing I could find was the link I already posted10:49
truepurpleBut that link, I can't understand it10:51
kristian-aalborghi ppl13:13
kristian-aalborgcan someone please tell me if this has been fixed? It's absolutely crucial... the only thing that would keep me from putting 10.04 on a certain box13:14
kristian-aalborgI've done a few installations where this was an issue13:14
kristian-aalborgalso, why can't I get on #ubuntu13:30
bioterroryou tell us13:31
bioterrorwe cant see your irc lient13:31
kristian-aalborghi bioterror13:31
kristian-aalborgI just tried #ubuntu again, I join it fine now13:31
balaji_i have apache2 in my system. it is configured as apache will get started on boot. I dont need this, how to make this not to start on boot?14:17
jimmieDon't suppose anyone knows how to change the width of the unity launcher do they?14:38
vlad___hi all15:31
vlad___how can i start developing ubuntu15:32
stlsaintvlad___: hello15:34
stlsaintvlad___: that is a extremely broad question15:34
vlad___yes i know that15:35
vlad___i would like to work on software15:35
vlad___on ubuntu15:35
stlsaintvlad___: still broad15:35
vlad___like adding new features15:35
stlsaintvlad___: are you a programmer?15:35
vlad___yes i know well java and php15:35
vlad___any projects for php for example15:36
stlsaintvlad___: do you have an account on launchpad?15:37
stlsaintvlad___: you will probably want to join the bug squad then15:37
vlad___ok i joined few minutes ago15:37
stlsaintvlad___: when bugs are reported you can easily write a patch or feature and propose it to the program team,15:37
vlad___and the docs for ubuntu are huge so i am kind of lost15:37
stlsaintvlad___: you are a bug squad member?15:37
stlsaintvlad___: usually takes a bit of time, to become bug squad15:38
vlad___yup good idea for the bugs15:38
stlsaintvlad___: bug squad will get you the most hands on programming in my opinion15:39
vlad___mm nice15:40
vlad___will i have to learn python?15:40
vlad___also can i make some money fixing bugs15:41
vlad___i have to mkae my own page right?15:45
vlad___in order to work15:45
stlsaintvlad___: whoa no15:45
stlsaintvlad___: this is a volunteer community unless you go working for canonical or something, no pay here15:46
vlad___mmm ok just asking15:46
stlsaintvlad___: no you do not have to learn python and no you do not have to make your own website or anything15:46
stlsaintvlad___: you can join the channel #ubuntu-bugs to start asking questions about the team, but i suggest you read the wiki first15:47
stlsaintvlad___: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs15:47
vlad___ok will i fix bugs that i get in the ubuntu system15:49
stlsaintvlad___: you can fix bugs for ubuntu, debian, kubuntu, anybody15:52
stlsaintvlad___: but the ubuntu bug squad team is specific to ubuntu buugs really15:52
vlad___where can i find docs for canonical16:01
vlad___to work for16:01
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holsteinvlad___: http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/careers maybe ??16:04
vlad___thanks guys16:08
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E3D3How do I use a build.sh ?17:58
E3D3Yes, I need to install (Opera's Dragonfly for offline use)17:59
holsteinsh /path/to/whatever.sh17:59
E3D3What does sh do ?17:59
holsteinmight need to make it executable17:59
E3D3Thanks, I forgot that18:00
holsteinthat particular one will install whatever that is you are talking about aparently18:00
E3D3Thanks for your help, I try again.18:00
holsteinE3D3: sure... if you get an error, just paste it here or ubuntupaste18:01
E3D3holstein: Guess I need to quit this IRC-chat because its using Opera. Maybe later.18:06
E3D3I mean, I need to free/restart Opera etc.18:07
E3D3holstein: My installation seems to hang & only shows the msg : "ui-images in destination not empty". Guess its a specific Opera-problem/requirement ?18:19
holsteinE3D3: hard to say... youd probably have to ask the maintainer18:20
E3D3Thought so although I a Noob, still thanks for your offer. Good day & luck.18:21
holsteinE3D3: i find some things googling that18:22
holsteinhttps://bitbucket.org/runeh/dragonfly-stp-1-screenwatcher/src/c591cd4fbf9a/tools/dfbuild.py for example18:22
holsteini cant imagine a browser plugin that would be difficult to install18:23
holsteinnot with the competition being so steep18:23
E3D3I just quit using Mozilla after years fun.18:26
holsteinit just got fast again18:26
E3D3Could be but I'm really disappointed of the unfriendly/a-social attitude of the team.18:28
holsteini quit using it when it got slow18:28
holsteinopera is nice though... i mostly use chromium, but i have FF, opera and midori installed and use them from time to time18:29
E3D3About the Dragonfly, I have the scope-version.18:29
E3D3Chrome is also Mozilla who's only interested in big money for Google-searching, so I try to avoid those. Sometimes I use Epiphany mostly Opera <= nice community/developers18:33
holsteini think the chrome and mozilla teams are quite seperate18:34
holsteini can understand your convictions though18:34
holsteini tend to use what works as long as its not actively totally evil18:35
E3D3I Agree with that.18:37
E3D3I just search the code & I see the used install path. Will try to experiment there a little bit.18:37
E3D3Funny, I see its Python-code. As a Dutch guy was I proud on its Dutch inventor. Was - because now he works for Google so I also stopped programming Python.18:40
Tyr999999Hi can someone help me with polipo?18:48
AbhijitTyr999999, http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/TOR#Polipo18:49
E3D3Abhijit: May I ask you if that is your site/blog ? Hope I'm not rude.18:54
AbhijitE3D3, nope. its not mine. each time any tor related queary i give that link. its the finest one *I* know of!18:55
AbhijitE3D3, the website owner is here and his nick is bodhi_zaze n (to avoid unncessary highlight)18:55
E3D3Abhijit: You're great, thanks.18:55
Tyr999999Surprisingly Polipo works now, or at least it didnt crash. Tried several confs but neither worked18:56
AbhijitE3D3, :-)18:57
E3D3Abhijit: Yes18:57
E3D3Sorry, nevermind18:58
holsteini think python is great... im not a coder though... i say, the guys gotta eat, and he's gotta work somewhere... i personally dont volunteer at soup kitchens and live off my investments in chartible organizations though19:00
E3D3holstein: I understand but that developer preached a free world but now works for big money. For me it looks like collaboration/corruption although I know everyone has its limits/price etc.19:03
Tyr999999HOw i check if polipo is properly connected to tor?19:03
AbhijitTyr999999, you may ping him the website owner. he knew all about this.19:05
Tyr999999Thx, but i just checked it works, via xenobite19:07
bodhi_zazenE3D3: poke19:16
kristian-aalborgLibreOffice or OpenOffice?19:30
E3D3Libreoffice, because its 'more' open source. (I know its a bad explanation)19:32
kristian-aalborgyes, that's what I'm gathering, too19:34
kristian-aalborgbut is it as stable ?19:34
E3D3Cant tell you because I use it very rarely, sorry.19:38
kristian-aalborghairy stuff19:39
kristian-aalborgE3D3, neither do I. but I'm going to install one of them for someone19:39
kristian-aalborgthis person is using OO for now, so perhaps I should stick with it19:39
E3D3I have a lot operation systems & on this also OO, its okay. I'm also interested in the topic but use OO not enough to bother for now. Good luck.19:42
E3D3Personally I dont like Oracle, neither most of its software, but ... love its Virtual Machine that I cant refuse.19:44
kristian-aalborgI have no strong feelings on Oracle... but this seems like one of the sadder forks19:47
kristian-aalborgand this is possibly *the* most seen by "casuals" OSS software19:47
E3D3I citate hollstein (above) : i tend to use what works as long as its not actively totally evil19:48
E3D3Can also tell that I never had any problem/crash with OO.19:56
holsteinno java too right?20:00
holsteinnot that i actively hate java for any good reason other than unecessary overhead20:00
E3D3Me the same20:00
E3D3Half of Oracles's progs are bloated / heavy overhead but their Virtual Machine works great ?20:01
E3D3Another question: Since I started using Linux (mostly Ubuntu & derivates) I hardly learned anything because I don't need to. Everythings works, me to instead of cracking, R.E. etc. Guess I always have to come here for questions.20:05
holstein*have* to?20:06
holsteinyou dont have to... you get to :)20:06
holsteinif you want20:06
holsteinthe wiki pages are really where its at.. thats a place to find help, and store helpful info for others as well20:07
E3D3I always be a Unix beginner if it doesn't force me. No excuse to program because there is enough better software.20:08
E3D3Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE UBUNTU since we met. Sometimes miss my old habbits, pretending to become smarter.20:08
holsteini think the goal of ubuntu is to be a desktop solution for anyone, and in that way, things become arguably more simplified20:10
holsteinnot necessarily hidden though20:10
holsteinpersonally, i set up an ubuntu server box here at the house... headless... no X... so im forced to learn to do everything on and to that box in the command line20:11
holsteini would like to have a command line only install on a netbook, but im pretty far from qualified to pull that off (setting up wifi on the fly and whatever else)20:12
E3D3Ubuntu is to good sometime. Really, when I show my struggling friends my magic (like Compiz, Virtual Machine's) they think I'm a geek. They dont believe its really good & easy.20:12
holsteinubuntu is ubuntu all the time... if its appropriate for your needs is always up to you to decide20:13
holsteinits challenging because 'good' and 'easy' can be such a matter of opinion20:13
holsteincompiz is good to turn some heads, but the community is really what pulls me into ubuntu20:14
E3D3Its different versions & derivates are also great. Linux Mint is my favorite, SuperOS a nice second. Even giving LiveDVD's to my friends didn't convince them so they still buying & cant do anything. I guess greedy people get payed by their blindness ?20:15
kristian-aalborgE3D3, holstein is pure evil :P20:22
E3D3.WHAT, why ?20:22
kristian-aalborgjust kidding around20:22
* holstein makes fake devil horns with fingers ;)20:22
E3D3thought so but had to be sure.  :p20:23
kristian-aalborgholstein, remember DJ Sash? That !"#¤R( is playing a "concert" right outside my window now20:23
holsteinkristian-aalborg: i dont, but that sounds either pretty awesome, or loud and annoying20:24
kristian-aalborghit major hit was "Equador"... circa 1998... also, "Encore en fois"20:24
kristian-aalborgbut that was o/t, sorry20:26
kristian-aalborgI'm confused to what java is and isn't...20:26
kristian-aalborgjust ran vrms and it only reported 0.02% back, so I'm doing pretty good it seems... trying to keep things "free" but I admit to caving in now and then20:27
kristian-aalborgholstein, CLI only? My kind of stuff :)20:28
kristian-aalborggive Debian a shot, it's aces with CLI... Ubuntu is good also, but Debian has a slight edge in that department I think20:28
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holsteinanybody using a bluray burner??22:47

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