
AlanBellwould be interested in feedback on http://libertus.co.uk:8000 (click on europe)00:34
AlanBellthe list bit doesn't work00:40
popeytakes ages to load00:43
popeymay be my connection00:43
popeyshould it do something once europe loads ?00:43
AlanBellseems OK from another server out on the internet00:44
popeyi.e. should I be able to click stuff?00:44
AlanBellUK and france should be orange00:44
AlanBellhover to get a popup thing00:44
AlanBellwhich is not yet clickable, but could contain arbitary text and links00:44
AlanBelllike links to local and locale teams relevant to that country00:45
popeynothing is orange here00:45
popeyall grey00:45
AlanBellooh, broken in chrome00:46
AlanBelltry a gecko browser00:46
popeyyou want all feedback?00:47
popeyI'd put the -xx as -XX, i.e. -UK not -uk00:47
AlanBelloh, I wouldn't actually pick it up from the country code00:48
popeythe purple line feels thicker than it needs to be00:48
popeyi expect to be able to click somewhere ot make the popup go away00:48
popeylike a notification00:48
popeybut it doesnt00:48
AlanBellhmm, ok00:48
AlanBellit goes away when you enter a country that isn't the one you are on00:49
AlanBellit is supposed to stay still so you can click the links that will be on it00:49
AlanBellis the concept sane?00:49
popeyi prefer that than one giant list00:50
popeyespecially as the website starts with a map00:50
popeythen takes you to a giant list00:50
popeywould be more consistent to go from map to map00:50
popeynice one00:50
pleia2nice work AlanBell (it's a bit too slow for me to test much though)00:51
AlanBellyeah, it is running on my laptop00:51
AlanBellcould use a smaller svg file, that is just one I found on wikimedia commons, but one with less detail would work fine00:52
AlanBellit is 530k of svg which is rather a lot00:52
popeybe nice if it worked in chrome ☺00:52
popey(and iOS browsers)00:52
AlanBellthe list of teams link at the top would go to what is currently on /teams but just the Europe section, so 3 times as fast to load00:53
popeythere is a giant space on the right00:53
popeycould put the list there00:53
pleia2yeah, I think it needs to work in chrome but the concept is sound00:53
AlanBellI am sure it could be unbroken in chrome00:53
popeyso text lovers could CTRL+F and type 'france'00:53
AlanBellcould put the list underneith00:53
pleia2I was thinking a list underneath00:53
AlanBellso you can zoom the map and use different font sizes and would be more accessible00:54
popeyalso, make it 3d00:54
popeyand have ponies00:54
pleia2moar sparkles!00:54
popeylike the design team blog00:54
popeyuse 'stickers' in the popup to indicate stuff00:54
pleia2oh man, I ordered from moo.com like 6 hours before that post00:55
popeylike 'approved loco team' or 'forum link'00:55
* pleia2 kickself00:55
popeyi need some of those stickers00:55
popeylike my sons bedroom door doesn't have enough of them!00:55
popeyhe takes every sticker I own, intel, ubuntu, doesn't care, and puts it on his door00:55
popeyand you can tell he is getting taller00:56
popeysticker density is high at the bottom of the door00:56
AlanBellthe source svg00:59
AlanBellit just renders better in firefox than chromium, I wasn't expecting that at all, and the javascript scope or something is wrong01:00
AlanBellanyhow, night all o/01:00
mhall119AlanBell: before you go01:02
mhall119did you see the "My Teams" up on loco.ubuntu.com?01:02
AlanBellmhall119: yay, it got released07:06
AlanBellpopey: fixed in webkit08:36
duanedesignmorning all08:46
vishnigelb: hmm, i think it took 1day to get the invites o.0 , g+ seems to have a huge waiting list09:39
vishnigelb: thanks, btw..09:39
vishnigelb: inviting new folks is by just adding the contacts, right?09:39
head_victimI found signing up via the Android app after being invited was the easiest way. The web links didn't seem to want to work for me.09:43
* vish needs to get an android phone first :p09:50
=== daker_ is now known as daker
nigelbvish: It took only a few minutes. AFter I figured out how to invite :p10:23
nigelbvish: Apparently adding people to contacts doesn't invite them10:23
nigelbGoogle closed invites10:23
nigelbBut today it seems that Plus is out of Beta and open to all :)10:24
nigelbI used a hack wherein you mention someone's name and they get invited :D10:24
nigelbkim0, jcastro, dholbach, dpm: AWESOME PHOTO of you all!10:25
dholbachnigelb, gmb did it10:46
nigelbdholbach: wow, he's such a pro :)10:47
dholbachhe is10:47
vishhmm, Google+ posts are not really "private" as we expect, cause I can see dholbach's photo, because nigelb is in my circle and he has posted a reply/comment on it11:09
dholbachvish, my post was intended to go "extended circles"11:10
vishdholbach: got confused because when I look at your profile I cant see it or any other posts, but it's there in my stream11:13
dholbachNigel re-shared it too11:15
kim0nigelb: thanks man :)11:24
jcastrodholbach: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/06/one-hundred-paper-cuts-oneiric-cycle-has-started-get-involved/#comment-23784503611:32
jcastrokim0: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18413/what-is-nux-and-whats-it-used-for11:44
duanedesignnigelb: aha, finally found the photo you were talking about. Saw the tweet about it earlier. It is really cool.12:26
popey☹ no google+ for me12:33
czajkowskipopey: want one13:56
czajkowskiyou're in my circle13:56
cjohnstonI want to have a square13:58
popeyczajkowski: I cannot use it, I'm a google apps user14:06
cjohnstonpopey: ya.. it sucks.. I had to create a gmail account :-/14:07
popeyAlan Bell, and 8 others added you on Google+14:07
* popey uses his gmail account for a bit for it14:08
czajkowskipopey: aye14:09
czajkowskitime to add movies and tv stuff onto HD to keep the sister happy. amazing how tv shows keeps her quiet for hours, you'd swear she was 5 not 2914:14
nigelbvish: the reshare is a security hole.15:12
nigelbIf I make something private only to you, be default you can reshare it15:12
nigelbI have to explicitly mark it as Don't allow reshare for it to be actually private15:12
nigelbjcastro: lol, making the bug critical makes you owe me cookies and cake :P15:20
nigelb(for summit that is)15:20
tsimpsonpopey: nothing stopping you from having plus and other apps stuff open at the same time15:20
jcastropaultag: LEP!!!!!15:47
jcastronigelb: yeah, sorry, it's the only way I can prioritize15:47
jcastroI am handing some sponsorship off to dholbach and he realized I am doing things dumb.15:48
jcastroso we filed some bugs15:48
nigelbjcastro: Cool :)15:48
nigelbjcastro: It totally makes sense :)15:48
nigelbThe thing is, we haven't touched sponsorship much because its been "okay". time to mess with that too15:49
jcastroyeah, why not, heh15:49
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
duanedesignnigelb: can not seem to find the blog post on jekyll?16:09
nigelbduanedesign: http://nigelb.me/webdev/2011/07/01/nerd-friendly-blogging.html16:09
duanedesignthank you16:09
popeytsimpson: its not as simple as that16:17
tsimpsonpopey: why not?16:17
popeytsimpson: I use my google apps account for mail, youtube, reader etc. If I use a non-apps account for plus then when I click links its not seamless16:18
tsimpsonah, well that is an issue16:18
popeye.g. if someone posts a youtube video, i can't click the thumbs up because that wont reflect in my youtube profile16:18
popeythere are many other examples16:18
tsimpsonhopefully once plus is out of testing they'll let you use your apps account16:19
popeyhope so16:19
nigelbjcastro: haha, there is a picture of the flip flops! :D16:19
popeybecause if I continue to use a gmail account then once it is accessible on my apps account I'll have to move it all over16:19
popeywhich is annoying16:19
popeyI went through this with youtube, reader etc when they were 'allowed' on apps accounts16:20
nigelbpopey: you can take your data with you16:20
nigelbI think that means you can restore it at a later point, don't know if you can restore to another account though16:20
popeyI suspect I wont be able to port it from my gmail account to my apps account16:20
popeyit also means I have to have a whole separate browser open for it16:21
popeyrather than having it pinned as a tab16:21
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado

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