
fta2unity 3d doesn't start this morning after an upgrade.. fallbacks to a half backed -2d08:07
fta2unity_support_test shows a "BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)"08:07
desktop2anyone there11:33
micahgpitti: re firefox-locale and breaks, it's not so simple, wouldn't it be possible to then remove firefox from the system on partial upgrades?14:47
micahgnormally you'd have a depends and a breaks, do we still need the langpack to pull in the firefox locale in oneiric?14:48
pittimicahg: right, you'd need to upgrade it or remove it; I thought that's what you want?14:50
pittichrisccoulson: ^14:50
pittimicahg: yes, I think we need langpack depends: ffox-locale-XX, as otherwise nothing will pull in f-locale-X on upgrade14:51
micahgpitti: does language-selector not do any magic on upgrade?14:51
pittino, l-s is not involved in the upgrade process14:52
micahghow do people get other language dependencies on upgrades?14:52
pittithey don't really14:55
pittionly on fresh installs14:55
pittior when they run language-selector14:56
micahgpitti: yeah, so I don't think breaks like that is going to work14:56
pittimicahg: once we fix bug 396414, this will get eaier14:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 396414 in language-selector "When KDE or gnome apps get installed, the corresponding language-packs should be pulled automatically" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39641414:56
micahgso, I'm just going to remove the depends on firefox unless we have a better solution before alpha214:56
pittithat seems fine14:56
pittiI don't think it breaks anything to have firefox 4 and ffox-locale-XX installed14:57
micahgworst case as far is firefox concerned is the langpack will be disabled until they upgrade to the proper version14:57
micahgpitti: right14:57
pittibut that's the kind of stuff you get with a partial upgrade14:57
micahgI think that's better than removing firefox out from under the user14:57
pittifully agree; chrisccoulson didn't seem to like that14:58
micahgpitti: which piece didn't he like?14:58
pittiI'm not sure14:58
pittiprobably being able to install ffox-locale with ffox 4?14:58
micahgyeah, not ideal since the user will lose the translations until they upgrade, but I think that's the lesser of the two evils14:59
chrisccoulsonthe issue with having incompatible versions installed is that we have users who keep installing the addon compatibility reporter, and that disables the compat check on language packs14:59
chrisccoulsonso the old langpacks load and completely break the interface14:59
micahgchrisccoulson: right, but the alternative is the possibility of uninstalling firefox in a partial upgrade14:59
micahgand if people install 3rd party addons, all bets are off in any event15:00
micahg(at least to the extent we can't be responsible)15:00
chrisccoulsonright, but that doesn't mean we can't ignore it15:00
chrisccoulsonwe get quite a few bug reports with this issue in every upgrade now15:00
chrisccoulsondoesn't mean we *can* ignore it ;)15:01
micahgwell, the alternative is that the recommended locale binary won't get installed15:03
micahgfor users w/out other depends on firefox, on installs without a depends on firefox, firefox would probably get removed15:04
pittichrisccoulson: lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.oneiric15:04
pittichrisccoulson: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement15:05
pittiseb128: apport by default for a2?15:27
pitticyphermox: echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches15:44
mterrypitti, bug 80351916:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 803519 in xdg-user-dirs "Use Unity as a registered XDG environment" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80351916:29
ftadpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/language-pack-gnome-fr_1%3a11.10+20110630_all.deb (--unpack):17:25
fta trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale-langpack/fr/LC_MESSAGES/indicator-sound.mo', which is also in package language-pack-fr 1:11.10+2011063017:25
ftapitti, ^^17:25
seb128GunnarHj, hi17:36
seb128fta, can you open a bug against langpackomatic?17:37
seb128GunnarHj, what is the usecase you have a language selection on the logic screen?17:39
desrtseb128: german hard logic vs. french fuzzy logic17:40
GunnarHjseb128: I suppose it basically is people who want to be able to use more than one language, and if they know which language at login, they don't need to log out + log in after having set it in l-s.18:04
GunnarHjBut I'd like to see this detail in a wider perspective. For many non-English users this detail is important. The desired growth in Ubuntu users (-> 200 miljon) probably means that a higher percentage - compared with today - will consider a language-chooser a useful tool.18:04
GunnarHjAs regards old Ubuntu users, they are used to the language chooser. Consequently, dropping the language chooser in LightDM would be considered a regression due to the change of default display manager.18:04
seb128GunnarHj, well, I'm a non native english user18:05
seb128but I don't see the point of changing languages often, I usually just use my native language18:05
GunnarHjseb128: I don't change often either, but people behave differently. And in any case it sends a signal that we care about non-English users.18:08
GunnarHjWould it do any harm to keep providing the feature?18:08
seb128we do care about them but the recommended way would be to change from the language selector18:09
GunnarHjseb128: Sure, l-s is the principal tool for setting languages and locales. The current language chooser on the login screen is a supplement.18:10
seb128well, it can be discussed, but it would be nice ot understand the usecase for switching locale often18:10
seb128if there is a real world usecase out of "translators doing testing" it could for sure be there18:10
seb128there is just no point to clutter the ui for an option that 99% of users don't use18:11
afvdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/language-pack-gnome-en_1%3a11.10+20110630_all.deb (--unpack):18:11
afvtrying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale-langpack/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/indicator-sound.mo', which is also in package language-pack-en 1:11.10+2011063018:11
seb128afv, known issue18:11
afvok ;)18:12
GunnarHjseb128: It has been there for a long time. Has anybody complained? Btw, talking about often... How often does the average user switch session type?18:13
seb128yeah, maybe it should not be there as well18:13
seb128not sure if the new greater design have it18:13
seb128ok, got to go but please start the discussion on the list18:14
seb128it's not because we are used to a workflow that it's the best one ;-)18:14
seb128but that need some discussion and thinking18:14
afvhmm, by the way i noticed that the latest gdm3 doesn't have the language chooser too (or i didn't see it)18:14
seb128right, GNOME dropped that as well18:14
afvis anyone noticing this 1px menu with some themes? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/659315/screenshots/2011.07.01_menu_visible_2.png18:18
afvwell, nevermind, just switched from Adwance to Radiance and it's fine18:23
ftaafv, issue now known as bug 80444918:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 804449 in langpack-o-matic "overwrite file in other debs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80444918:51
pittifta: thanks, I'm on it now20:44
ftapitti, \o/ (it's 804449 in case you missed it)20:44
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