
mhall119new loco-directory has gone live!00:28
pleia2ooh, to .400:51
mhall119we can arbitrarily start calling it 3.0, but it'll still be just an evolutionary release :P00:52
pleia2well, it was 0.3.2 before today :)00:52
mhall119see, you get 2 releases for the price of 101:02
mhall119also, meetings now support timezones!01:06
pleia2yes! that's the part I'm excitedest about the most :)01:10
* pleia2 told cjohnston she'd write a blog post about it, taking screenshots and doing so now01:10
pleia2oh bother, I broke it01:18
mhall119no, doctormo broke it01:18
pleia2oh, phew01:18
mhall119I assume you were adding an event?01:18
pleia2checking out new virtual events thingy01:19
mhall119yeah, doctormo's code, not working for some reason01:19
mhall119pleia2: fixed01:30
mhall119hope that's all that's broken, cause I'm out of vangards01:31
pleia2bugs are easy, but if people had questions about the functionality what is the best way to get in touch with you guys, #ubuntu-website? mailing list?01:32
mhall119#ubuntu-website is fastest when we're awake01:32
mhall119pleia2: ping02:20
pleia2mhall119: pong02:21
mhall119pleia2: was it you that brought up the fact that the ical had broken timezone info?02:21
pleia2mhall119: no, it was someone on the loco-contacts mailing list02:21
mhall119ok, thanks02:22
cjohnstonpleia2: would you fridge the blog post please?02:27
pleia2cjohnston: it's there!02:28
pleia2oh, fridge02:28
pleia2sure :)02:28
cjohnstonpublicity is key ;-)02:28
* pleia2 is kind of slow02:28
cjohnstonyou got a blog post out in less than two hours... thats not really slow02:28
mhall119pleia2: awesome writeup, thanks02:34
pleia2ok, it's up on ubuntu-news.org now too02:35
pleia2sure, thanks for all your work guys :)02:35
* pleia2 made meeting event \o/02:36
cjohnstondid it work all good and stuffs02:38
mhall119pleia2: can you check your team's ical to see if the timezone info on that is correct?02:38
cjohnstonis that on your brand new event?02:41
pleia2this is a 07/03 event at 19:00 PDT, still in UTC on ical02:41
cjohnstonlink to the event02:45
pleia2we can take this over to -website if you want02:45
cjohnstonpleia2: would you mind too horribly much updating the "my teams" screenshot02:47
cjohnstonthat one doesnt look right02:47
pleia2ooh, prettier now02:47
cjohnstonya.. there was a lil problem02:47
mhall119pleia2: the ical is correct then02:47
mhall1197/4 0200 UTC == 7/3 1900 PDT02:48
cjohnstonI see the meeting as 2200 in google calendars pleia2 02:48
mhall119cjohnston: because your google calendar is in EDT02:49
cjohnstonthe calendar app should change it to your tz02:49
mhall1192200 EDT == 19 PDT == 0200 UTC02:49
cjohnstonmhall119: we do have one bug02:49
mhall119what was missing before was the bit where the ical specified that it's times are in UTC, so your calendar would assume it was in local time02:49
mhall119cjohnston: what's that?02:49
cjohnstonmaybe i can talk lyz into filing it.. hehe02:49
cjohnstonwith the addition of the virtual event support, a virtual event that does not have a venue will not have a time zone... so a time zone needs to be able to be picked in the create an event...02:50
pleia2k, updated My Teams screenshot in both places, much better :)02:50
mhall119cjohnston: wrong!02:50
cjohnstonand then we need to figure out how to determine if we will use the venue tz or the event tz02:50
cjohnstonty pl02:51
mhall119cjohnston: when an event doesn't have a venue, it's time will be in the timezone of the first team associated with it02:51
pleia2oh wow, the my teams page itself looks much better too02:51
pleia2I should update all these screenshots02:51
mhall119pleia2: I noticed that, yeah, was going to say something02:52
cjohnstonthat rocks mhall119 02:52
cjohnstonthere is an issue irc channel02:52
mhall119cjohnston: yeah, it's wrapped in <label> tags, not sure why02:53
cjohnston<th class="form-item-label" scope="row">{% trans "Where:" %}</th>02:55
mhall119wrong line02:55
cjohnstonI thought they were the same02:56
cjohnstonI saw it now tho02:56
head_victimNice work on the new loco.u.c update one and all involved.09:07
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mhall119thanks head_victim 14:56
jpds!cn | locodir-user 15:22
ubot4locodir-user: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk15:22
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Ddpbfhi to all18:01
DdpbfI would like to ask few things18:01
Ddpbfwe, serbian LoCo18:01
Ddpbfhave requests from users to support facebook page18:03
DdpbfUbuntu Serbia18:03
Ddpbfafaik 18:03
Ddpbfubuntu does not have official fb page and does not promoted in oficcial manner on facebook18:03
Ddpbfwhat to answer?18:04
Ddpbfbtw I am new owner of #ubuntu-rs irc channel18:04
leoquantlinkedin maybe Ddpbf  ubuntu is present there afaik18:07
Ddpbfi saw page18:08
leoquantmaybe google+ gives you more then facebook can by the way18:08
pleia2there is facebook.com/ubuntulinux that the community maintains ("official" is hard to say with community run things)18:09
Ddpbfbut there is no any mention of it on any of *buntu sites18:09
Ddpbfit would be officila support18:09
pleia2and a lot of loco teams have facebook pages too (my team does)18:09
Ddpbfi said it is terra incognita for us18:09
Ddpbfso some LoCo teams does have fb pages?18:10
pleia2for instance: https://www.facebook.com/ubuntu.california18:11
Ddpbfand they put links to fb pages on their sites?18:11
pleia2we do18:12
pleia2every team is different though :)18:12
Ddpbfthanks for info18:12
Ddpbfi see18:12
pleia2we found it was a good way to reach out to people we might not usually find online through mailing lists and chat and things18:12
Ddpbfi guess we in serbian LoCo could be described as floss zealots18:13
AlanBellwe just set up http://facebook.com/UbuntuUK19:21
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