
jeeves_mosswhy does bind keep adding this to the daemn.log file?  " named[1090]: client view internal: RFC 1918 response from Internet for"   also, our network preformace has gone in the toilet00:28
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twbIs "vacation" still the least-worst way to handle staff being on leave?05:41
twbThe vacation package, I mean05:41
twbThe actual use case I'm faced with is a user who just resigned, but still has a (locked) LDAP account, and thus still has a fred@cyber.com.au email address05:42
skritehey all05:42
lifelesstwb: .forward to your admin staff perhaps?05:59
twbThat's plan B05:59
skritehey all, i need some advice on a server upgrade. What is the advantage of a blade setup over a box with lots of power?06:08
twb"The principal benefit and justification of blade computing relates to lifting this [minimum 1RU per server] restriction so as to reduce size requirements."06:10
twbOne rack unit.06:13
skriteI see.06:13
skritespace is not really our problem06:13
skriteWhat we need is the ability to manage scaling by adding hardware.  We run an engine that generates machine data all the time, keeps it in a database, send out text messages, serves web pages, but mostly does a lot of read and writes to the database.06:18
twbDo you care where the machines are, physically?06:18
twbIf not, sounds like an ideal case for farming off the "the cloud"06:19
skritewe do have to have the machines here. The process we run gathers data that reports in off of many machines in the field. We process the data in and create messages out when necessary. and our customers can log into our website to see what their equipment is doing.06:23
skritewe have lots of running processes and cron jobs that process the info06:23
sneumannHi, I am trying to get the hp-snmp-agents 8.50 to work on natty for BLC465G7 blades with a p410i SAS controller.06:28
sneumannProblem is that I get "SAS agent (cmasasd) does not find any supported SAS controller" in /var/log/hp-snmp-agents/cma.log06:28
sneumannThe rest of the hpsmh is working fine06:28
sneumannAny clues how to continue debugging ?06:28
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sneumannHi, I am trying to get the hp-snmp-agents 8.50 to work on natty for BLC465G7 blades with a p410i SAS controller.09:33
sneumannProblem is that I get "SAS agent (cmasasd) does not find any supported SAS controller" in /var/log/hp-snmp-agents/cma.log09:33
sneumannThe rest of the hpsmh is working fine09:33
sneumannAny clues how to continue debugging ?09:33
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uvirtbotNew bug: #804223 in openvpn (main) "openvpn defaults to silently connecting all VPNs on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80422311:02
rashmingi am able to connect to computers in my connection but not to internet on server11:30
centerpointhello , I test mysql's function load_file() :select load_file("/test"); in debian & rhel, it returns content of file "test" ,but in ubuntu it return NULL , please help11:30
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centerpointhello , I test mysql's function load_file() :select load_file("/test"); in debian & rhel, it returns content of file "test" ,but in ubuntu it return NULL , please help11:44
rashmingi am able to connect to computers in my connection but not to internet on server11:46
rashmingplease help some one'11:46
amelinrashming: what does ping says?11:50
rashmingit does not return anything11:51
rashmingexcept the first line11:51
rashmingwhich is "PING ( 56(84) bytes of data11:51
centerpointrashming: do you check your server's IP address and gateway and DNS ?11:52
rashmingip is given as, dns is
centerpointrashming: gateway ?11:56
rashmingit is
centerpointrashming: what does ping says?12:02
xampartsubnet mask?12:02
xampartso your ip's are in different subnets12:03
xamparttry giving them addressess from same subnet12:04
rashmingall these settings are being done by DHCP12:04
alamarso configure dhcp appropriately12:05
alamarand by the way... next time give some more info like12:06
alamarrashming: (ip ro sh; ip ro get; iptables -L; ip link sh; ip addr sh) | pastebinit -b  http://paste.debian.net12:06
rashmingwhat settings u suggest for dhcp configuration12:09
alamarrashming: putting clients in the same subnet as their gateway?12:11
alamarotherwise they won't know how to reach their gateway, as they would need another gateway for that...12:12
rashming@alamar can u explain last command u wrote??12:15
rashmingis it to be written in the same line12:15
alamarit's a gathering of what might be relevant information (routing table, route selection, firewall rules, interfaces, configured addresses)12:26
alamarand the output is alltogether piped to pastebinit (if you have it installed)12:26
alamarwith a parameter that tells pastebinit to use the paste.debian.net website for pasting the output12:26
rashmingpastebin is not there12:37
rashmingand if we try to apt-get install then it says it couldnt be authenticated12:38
rashmingand if we ignore authentication then it says something wicked happened12:39
blinkizHello. I use pacemaker/corosync to control a drbd+mysql+other stuff. I have problem controlling mysql because it has been converted to a upstart script. Corosync is using /etc/init.d/mysql to start, status and stop mysql. It works but "status" does not. "status" does not have the exit code of "3" when mysql is not running. What can I do about this?12:57
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pmatulisblinkiz: tell corosync about upstart scripts i guess13:44
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hggdhUrsinha: please consider being in the #ubuntu-quality also, if you do not mind15:34
Ursinhahggdh: oh, I didn't know that team existed :(15:35
hggdhUrsinha: :-) no problem15:36
jimmy51_what should the file permissions look like on my NFS share?15:45
UrsinhaDaviey: oi15:54
UrsinhaDaviey: do you have like one minute to write what you know here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Quality15:54
Ursinhaplease? :)15:54
progre55hi guys. is it possible to ssh into a server behind a corporate network from outside, not having access to any of the servers available from outside? I have a server running in the office, but would like to be able to access it remotely from outside the office15:54
DavieyUrsinha: sure, where are you?  I'll come and find you and we can talk about it.15:55
Daviey(for the benefit of those not here, Ursinha is sat next to me - and asked me a question on irc.) :)15:56
Ursinhaprogre55: you would need to redirect ports or something15:58
Ursinhaor cheat, connect from inside using screen and then resume it outside hehe15:59
progre55Ursinha: reverse-tunneling?16:00
Ursinhaprogre55: I'm just thinking aloud, I'm not sure how to do that now16:01
progre55I've got this link and reading.. seems to be the way to go http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/238/ssh-reverse-tunneling/16:01
jimmy51_where does the NFS daemon log to?16:15
jimmy51_my share stopped working yesterday16:16
smoserhallyn, around?16:22
jo-erlenddoes Ubuntu have support for SPICE yet?16:23
hallynsmoser: yo16:30
jMCgjo-erlend: apt-cache search spice16:30
jo-erlendjMCg, I didn't think it would be a separate package?16:31
hallynjo-erlend: we're waiting on Daviey to push those to oneiric :)16:31
jo-erlendhallyn, ah, so we can expect to be able to run a SPICE server in oneiric? Looks like we already have QXL drivers in Natty :)16:32
hallynjo-erlend: that's the plan, yup16:32
jMCgjo-erlend: everything is a separate package in Ubuntu.16:33
jo-erlendjMCg, that just isn't true.16:33
matttanyone know if libvirt still supports uml?16:59
skritehey all, i am interested in running mysql-cluster on a number of computers. We would like the computers to share the workload, and I have seen setups that use multiple apache servers, etc..  what hardware goes best with this kind of setup, rack mounts? blades?17:50
ikoniadoesn't matter17:56
ikoniaas long as it meets the technical requirements for your personal setup, there is no "best"17:56
skriteok. ikonia, thanks17:59
JanCyou'll have to investigate what's best economically (both short-term & long-term), ecologically (if you care about that...), practically, etc.  ;)18:00
skritewe need to have something that we can throw hardware at to help when the scaling problems start ( what we do is kinda seasonal)18:00
skritewhat we do is really growing fast too18:00
skritewe want something that we can add to instead of upgrading our server computer every other year or so18:01
skriteand having to start over18:01
pmatulisseasonal smells like cloud stuff18:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #804425 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd 2.2.2-3ubuntu6.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80442518:02
JanCcloud or at least a hosting provider that offers the possibility to add new servers easily & quickly18:02
pmatulisand then remove them when demand decreases?18:03
JanCsome allow you to do that on a month basis18:04
skritepmatulis, no, not really necessary to remove them, sorry, it isn't so much a seasonal thing, but each year there are two seasons where we are growing a lot of new users.  We process data from machines in the field, they report in and we process the day and report to the machine owners18:05
JanCbut virtualisation might be easier & faster  ;)18:05
skriteyou mean virtualisation on a local server?18:05
skritei think getting a host would put too much latency into the mix. We run a lot of processes that update the data, cron jobs and always running scripts that process the info, prepare reports, etc..18:06
skriteand, we are really working the hard drives because we a drawing lots of images.... lots... like about 400 per minute18:08
AmaranthIs JeOS still an install-time option in recently ubuntu server ISOs?18:09
Amarantherr, recent18:09
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jimmy51_syslog is where i found it19:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #804513 in bind9 (main) "bind9 uninstallable from repo in oneiric when upgrading from natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80451321:07
noob_saibotI'm trying to setup a VM for localhost, but when I change the document-root in the 'sites-available/mySite' I get 403 forbidden -page21:53
RoyKnoob_saibot: probably user www-data can't read the files21:55
noob_saibothmm.. but it's plain .html and has all the permissions set21:56
noob_saibotfor the file21:56
JinIs it possible to make a webserver act as a mail server too at the same time?22:36
JinI have a webserver that host a website for me, but I wonder if I can turn it into a mail server too22:36
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JinIs it wrong to have webserver and mailserver on the same machine?22:44
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etceteraok this is an absolute mess. i install ubuntu-server and clicked on the postgresql database option...22:46
etceterawhich installed 8.422:46
etceterasudo apt-get remove postgresql-8.4 says it removed it, but it's still in init.d22:46
etceterawhenever I run sudo dpkg-r postgresql-8.4 it tries to install 9.022:47
etceteraeven though I want 9.0.1!22:47
JanCthere is no PostgreSQL 9 in released Ubuntu versions?22:49
etceteraJanC: no 9.0.1 is in some external repo which installed.22:49
etceteraok there were some weird contrib packages hanging around.22:49
etceteranow! I need to install mono 2.10.2 and ubuntu ships with 2.4. and I cannot find a repo for 2.10.222:50
JanCand postgresql-9.0 might be version 9.0.x22:50
etceteranope, they are different.22:50
JanCe.g. postgresql-8.4 in the repositories is version 8.4.8 in Ubuntu 11.0422:51
etceteraright, they are different. i'm sure.22:51
etceteranow mono 2.10.2 is going to be a PITA. there is no supported package :-(22:52
abadrHi, I just tried to upgrade my VPS from hardy to lucid and ran into a problem: http://pastebin.com/8PrrDGxv. Seems to be bug #516684. Can anyone recommend a fix?23:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 516684 in mountall "After upgrade from Karmic boot fails, mountall and udevd fail" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51668423:04
kumulatoresgermans on this chanel are really shitty23:20
etcetera_anyone on mono 2.10.2 and ubuntu?23:26

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