=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO [01:03] Goodbye [02:49] what would someone recommend to fix a hd partition that wont mount? [02:50] philipballew, fsck [02:50] My Ubuntu 11 desktop icon disappear, then reappear when I mouse over them. Anyone know what the issue is and how to fix it? [02:59] Duck_: just the 'desktop' icon? [02:59] holstein, its a problem with his conky config [03:30] /leave [03:30] oops [04:11] hey all [04:11] has anyone set up snorby with snort? [05:41] has anyone here seen a way to make a loggin page where you accept terms and agreements before you can join a network. like at coffee shops. [05:43] figure it wouldnt be hard with ubuntu [06:00] i think it has to do with DNS but I don't know anything about it, sorry :p [06:01] semitones captive portal [06:05] proxy server? [09:59] Would someone please help me associate a icon with a file type? [15:29] hi [15:29] is there a way to know which were the updates I install?? [15:30] DiegoTc: i usually check in synaptic [15:31] in which part holstein? [15:31] I don't see a link that says Installed Updates or similar [15:31] actually, to be more accurate... these days, i look *before* the updates go through :) [15:32] in synaptic... file - history [15:32] holstein, and it is possible to remove them? [15:33] like a button that says 'downgrade, or undo the last update' ? [15:33] or remove the history? [15:33] nop [15:36] http://hartmansblog.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-to-undo-and-update-in-ubuntu-lucid.html might be relavant :) [15:37] ideally, you would maybe go a little slower though, and try and sort out what package is problematic, and why... and try and properly report it [15:52] thanks holstein [15:52] the system is fine, but it gives me problem for building calligra :S [15:55] DiegoTc: i would probably look for a PPA [15:56] i would start researching what this PPA is for https://launchpad.net/~yofel/+ppa-packages [15:56] holstein, yes but there are no packages for ubuntu 10.04 [15:57] DiegoTc: theres probably a reason for that then [15:57] maybe something that is conflicting [15:57] holstein, no calligra was until the year 2011 that began [15:58] before it was koffice [15:58] so I can still work with the koffice dependencies and calligra will run [15:58] it was running until today on the morning that I update the system [16:00] DiegoTc: you might just want to give the PPA maintainer a minute to catch up then [16:00] maybe email and mention what updates you did, and the breakage [16:00] that PPA seems quite active [16:07] how do you resize ubuntu's boot partition to install a windows OS? [16:08] you dnot need to resize /boot to install windows Nano2nd [16:08] my boot partition is 294gb [16:08] i thinks its my only option [16:09] Nano2nd, And if you install win, it will kill your GRUB. [16:09] it says boot under flag [16:09] hmm [16:09] I would like to dual boot windows vista with ubuntu [16:09] Nano2nd, Then you'll have to repair GRUB. [16:10] ok [16:10] how can I do this [16:12] Nano2nd, Have a look at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub [16:32] So, 1. Boot the Ubuntu CD and use gparted to resize your Ubuntu partition. 2. Install Windows on the freed space. 3. Restore grub. [16:34] Another option is to just install windows in a virtual machine, but if you need to run heavy windows programs or games, you'll want a proper install. [16:35] geirha, He/she's gone. [16:37] Oh, so much for paying attention :) [16:40] Been there, done that. :D [16:50] DiegoTc, holstein: what's the problem? (that's my ppa) [16:51] or rather my ppa page [16:51] yofel, I am using ubuntu 10.04 and I am building calligra, so there is no any ppa of calligra for ubuntu 10.04 [16:52] it was working fine until today on the morning that I installed some updates, and now I can't run calligra words [16:52] not that I know of, and project neon is only for the latest stable release and the devel releas [16:52] *release [16:52] holstein, was telling me about that ppa [16:55] DiegoTc: if you're building calligra yourself, you might want to ask in #Calligra too, they should know more about what you need to build it [16:56] yofel, yes I am there I am working (supposly) for the KDE Season [16:56] but I have some (many problems buiding it :p ) [16:57] heh === yofel_ is now known as yofel [22:16] evening :-) === JasonO_ is now known as JasonO [23:54] How is everyone doing!!!