
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
nhandlerAnyone know why we have the touchlay meeting on the Fridge calendar? The irc channel is on a different network, and the website doesn't appear ubuntu related14:13
NRWliongotta check this!14:50
NRWlionkeep you posted!14:50
holsteinnhandler: spam?15:06
nigelbholstein: you will be around over the weekend?15:07
nhandlerholstein: Nope. It is a legit project, and I know I've heard of it from somewhere. It is also being built on top of Ubuntu. I just don't think it belongs on the fridge15:07
holsteinnigelb: i'll be in and out, but i should be able to do summaries15:08
holsteintomorrow is pretty loose15:09
nigelbok, I'll try to be around. But there's a possibility I have to go home (family emergency)15:09
holsteinnigelb: sorry to hear that... im sure we'll work it out15:10
NRWlionhey there15:20
holsteinim going to try and recruit some newsies today at our local LUG meeting :)15:23
holsteini hate to ask, but... do we have a news team mailing list that i should be on?15:27
holsteinseems like something i should already know the answer to15:27
holsteini remembered getting something from lyz not to long ago, but i actually checked, and that was to the xubntu list15:28
NRWlionmoin moin holstein and nigelb15:29
NRWlionnhandler: u there?15:30
nhandlerLooks like I missed NRWlion. I'm in and out a lot, so if someone catches him, tell him to just ask what he needs to ask (either here, PM, or email), and I'll reply when I get back18:07
NRWlionhey there22:29
holstein13:03 < nhandler> Looks like I missed NRWlion. I'm in and out a lot, so if someone catches him, tell him to just ask what he  needs to ask (either here, PM, or email), and I'll reply when I get back22:29
holsteinNRWlion: o/22:30
NRWlionholstein copy that22:30
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO

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