[00:00] marcus: what model C2D do you have? [00:00] where do i download the manual...? [00:00] guitar: What do you intend use ubuntu most (apart of browsing and irc)? [00:00] westz, did you check the compiz preferences? [00:00] wine keep crashing,"program error" [00:00] marcus, if your comp came with 4gb of ram, it's likely x64 [00:00] devral: it is a t6400 at 2ghz [00:00] guitar: did you read the link that ubottu gave you? [00:00] no...i hope to use it indefinitly [00:00] !manual | guitar why don't you try clicking the link [00:00] guitar why don't you try clicking the link: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [00:00] klown, yeah, but compiz isnt controlling my wallpaper [00:00] just did...sorry [00:01] How can i report a bug with out using "ubuntu-bug". My issue is that my sony vaio's ambient light sensor isn't being used at all. This is an issue since my backlit keyboard stays on with every keystroke and it kills my battery when it's not needed. Also screen backlight is reacting with the ambient light sensor as well [00:01] westz: I think it does, try to run compiz from term to see. [00:01] marcus: the Core 2 Duo T6400 does support 64-bit [00:01] There really is no specific package, it's a driver issue [00:02] devral: Again could using x86 on 64 bit cpu cause odd freezing issues? Only time it seems to happen is with video over skype. [00:02] The file '/media/TIA7e_comp1/run.exe' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit. [00:03] this is what i got when i tried to use wine [00:03] qin, i've disabled all "fade" options from compiz through gconf and through ccsm, it still does it. i've heard its done through gtk2 but that was for 9.04 [00:03] devral: I am attempting to determine if it is skype or linux. I am leaning more toward it being a skype issue [00:04] guitar, right click, properties, permissions, check "execute" [00:04] westz: CD? [00:04] No one here knows how to report a bug on launchpad with out the use of "ubuntu-bug" ??? [00:04] right click the file [00:04] thanks westz [00:05] Medjai, I don't remember, it took me forever to figure out [00:05] westz...you get tired of answering questions?? [00:05] lol === JasonO_ is now known as JasonO [00:05] guitar, only when i'm not getting answers to mine [00:05] i really need to figure this out I can barely program when i'm out in the field and my backlight is on during the day light [00:05] Medjai, in some doc somewhere there is a parameter you add to the get request to get a real webpage [00:05] hmm [00:05] maybe i should type ubuntu-bug --help [00:05] lol [00:05] Medjai, do you have a F11 ? [00:06] no i did see that google group though [00:06] my laptop is in the FX series [00:06] besides [00:06] i was going to try this patch [00:06] Sorry, could not change the permissions of "run.exe": Error setting permissions: Read-only file system [00:06] but it's only on a plain linux kernel [00:06] guitar: " minutes [00:06] meaning i'd lose all the ubuntu patches [00:06] 2 [00:06] or am i wrong Oer? [00:07] qin?? [00:07] hello [00:07] guitar, you'll have to copy the files to a local directory (on your drive instead of the CD) then make them executable and run from there [00:07] sup rafaht [00:07] thanks wertz...i'll be back in a min [00:08] i have a problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/636543/ and i try reinstall grub, but not resolved... someone can send me a light? [00:08] this problem appears on boot [00:08] rafaht: after you choose ubuntu from grub? [00:08] hello, when i resume my computer from suspend, the screen is black a majority of the time [00:09] LOL I fixed my apache problem -- two comments in my .htaccess file were causing the 5 second delay. .htaccess is so stupid. [00:09] Engage three day weekend! [00:09] The only other thing I need to solve is my unrecognized bluetooth... [00:10] marcus, have you tried using a different manager? [00:10] km0201, yes, and i try to init the ubuntu with recovery mode inm grub list and don't init too... i try init with other kernels, but i don't have sucess too [00:10] westz: I do not understand the question? [00:10] also, is it a dongle or integrated? [00:10] rafaht: well.. if grub is showing options.. i'm not really sure why reinstalling grub would fix the problem. [00:10] westz its integrated. [00:10] Medjai, i'm not sure that patch works for al the F series.. [00:11] Did you have an F series that you tried it on? [00:11] hmm, reinstall the grub is a attempt solution provided from #ubuntu-br . [00:11] marcus, yoju probably have a hardware switch. is there a key for it? (probably an FN key) [00:11] km0201 so... how i resolve this problem? you know? [00:11] Oer, did you have an F series that you tried the patch on? [00:11] rafaht: now that i don't know, but it doesn't appear grub related at all... [00:11] westz: Any hints on what it would look like for an icon? [00:12] does anyone know how to fix the suspend black screen issue on 11.04? [00:12] westz: But the light is on at the bottom. [00:12] Medjai, nope [00:12] km0201 hmm. i find this topic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9072878 in my search, probably the problem appears is in fstab, but i don't understand what i can make to try to resolve this. [00:13] marcus, try using a different bluetooth manager. there are a few in the repos [00:13] westz: Okay. Will do [00:13] rafaht: had you made attempts to change fstab? [00:13] if not.. i seriously doubt thats the issue. [00:13] marcus, it'd look like that http://www.snowshack.com/images/brandlogos/bluetooth_logo.gif [00:14] and they're often on the f# keys [00:14] ok...in wine, the install app goes as far as to install office 2007 with cd...it will not recognize office 2010, how can i get it to?? anybody [00:14] km0201, i attempt to chance the fstab, but doesnj't works, but i don't understand if i make the correct choice. [00:15] westz: thanks [00:15] rafaht: what i mean, is did you try to modify fstab, prior to having this problem. [00:15] guitar, dont bother with microsoft office, your openoffice/libreoffice can open any of your office files [00:15] guitar: Look it up on winehq.com [00:15] if you didn't, then it's unlikely fstab just mysteriously changed [00:15] what are the dangers of installing an unstable dev file? [00:15] deb [00:15] and folder [00:16] guitar, but if you absolutely must have microsuck, edbian's link is where you wanna be [00:16] claviusmond: well, could be anything from the program not working, to bricking your system [00:16] it's not a choice for me westz [00:16] guitar, why? [00:16] km0201, no, after this problem my battery is finished and i forget to put this in electricf network... and i make this and init the notebook... [00:16] i have to use office 2010 for school projects [00:16] guitar: Have you seen their online thing? [00:17] edbian...i have seen almost nothing...i am new to this [00:17] guitar, like i said, openoffice and libreoffice are cross compatible with microsoft office [00:17] guitar: you should have set up a traditional dual boot system... [00:17] i have a other problem, that this is resolved with a verify with the gparted... post this problem, i have the actually problem [00:17] my english is very bad, sorry [00:17] you are very bad [00:17] km....i did, and failed miserably [00:17] guitar: Using open office you can create ms office formats like .doc and .ppt and nobody will be the wiser. Of course openoffice impress is not as fancy as MS powerpoint [00:17] overwrote my system [00:17] westz: it says I am missing the bluez dameon [00:17] guitar: ouch. :( [00:17] guitar: i don't really see how thats possible, or you were installing w/ your eyes closed... the GUI installer makes pretty clear what it is doing.. but ok. [00:18] I can not find it [00:18] it has to be docx [00:18] What's wrong with this code? I guess alot... http://pastie.org/2152304 [00:18] guitar: Yeah you can make those [00:18] ouch km [00:18] marcus, install the bluez daemon, guitar, you chose the wrong thing when installing. dont you have your windows cd? [00:18] really [00:18] ok [00:18] i'll try that to...seems i'm trying everything [00:19] guitar: I use only libre-office for all my assignments. [00:19] guitar: Also, this: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/ [00:19] guitar: It's look google docs but MS office === EAS is now known as EASSEA [00:19] libreoffic e will save as docx. just checked [00:20] thanks ed [00:20] guitar: don't guess my name! [00:21] km...i did the dual boot, and then tried to uninstall ubuntu, deleted the partition, but then you know the drill....the xp boot seq was gone [00:21] edbian, lol [00:21] ed...it's short for edbian i meant :) [00:21] guitar: Why did you purge ubuntu? === ggreenlee is now known as remyforbes777 [00:21] guitar: You guessed right [00:21] guitar, you just needed to reinstall/fix the windows bootloader [00:21] the only pc i have intertnet access to is at work [00:22] i'm a noobie [00:22] guitar, obviously [00:22] westz: i tried bluetoothd -u and installed bluez and still notta. :/ [00:22] oops...i mean NOOBIE [00:22] !noob [00:22] Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. [00:22] We don't say those here [00:22] wow wes, you're actually nice [00:22] I'm sure I've heard rtfm here :) [00:23] marcus, google a fix? [00:23] Or maybe that was #linux... [00:23] ubottu? [00:23] guitar, ubottu is the channel's bot. it answers questions and does this [00:23] !ping [00:23] Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't. [00:23] TheFuzzball: Do you want me to check logs? [00:23] melvin... [00:23] Im wondering if I should restart gnome [00:23] marcus, worth trying [00:23] qin: A quick grep wouldn't hurt :P [00:23] westz: thanks for your help [00:24] oh...i was gonna ask what is wrong with the other n word...the one that ends in oob [00:24] oobi [00:25] brb [00:25] guitar: It's just has nothing to do with ubuntu support [00:25] It's the cyber bullying [00:25] ha [00:25] guitar: Thats support channel, so obviously some people do not know things other does, no need for branding. [00:25] ok...i feel less inferior now [00:25] :) [00:27] you wont get in trouble for just saying noob. it's a word. but the people in here might yell at you for calling someone a noob or getting angry [00:28] hey wes [00:28] ya [00:28] ready for the next ? [00:28] hey [00:28] i get this error [00:28] ./pSX: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib32/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_datalist_get_data [00:28] how to fix it? [00:28] guitar: Try: wes [00:28] shockrates: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:28] Archive: /home/dave/Documents/cd rom/run.exe [00:28] [/home/dave/Documents/cd rom/run.exe] [00:28] End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not [00:28] a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the [00:28] latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on [00:28] the last disk(s) of this archive. [00:28] guitar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:29] DOUBLEFLOOD [00:29] ha [00:29] oops [00:29] really didn't see that coming [00:29] guitar, you're trying to just double click the exe. you have to open it with wine (.exe's open with archive manager by default) [00:30] guitar, also, use pastebin for erros and post a link [00:30] ok....brb [00:30] !find libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 [00:30] File libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 found in ia32-libs, libgtk2.0-0, libgtk2.0-0-dbg [00:31] paste bin? [00:31] paste.ubuntu.com [00:32] i'll try that ed...brb [00:32] guitar: In terminal: firefox `echo foo | pastebinit` [00:33] qin...forgive me....but i'm not even sure where the terminal is or what to do when i find it [00:33] again with the name... [00:34] edbian...sorry [00:34] guitar: Alt-F2 (key combo), gnome-terminal (program to run) [00:34] guitar: It's ok [00:35] !find libxml2.so.2 [00:35] File libxml2.so.2 found in ia32-libs, libxml2, libxml2-dbg [00:35] ok...did the terminal [00:35] guitar: firefox `echo foo | pastebinit` [00:35] guitar: In terminal, also ` is not ' [00:36] qin...tried [00:37] let me try again [00:37] later people, battery's dying and i'm at mcdonalds XD [00:37] thanks westz [00:38] guitar: I have returned [00:38] qin...i pasted the echo foo [00:38] nothing happened [00:38] edbian [00:38] howdy [00:38] guitar: hahah [00:38] good to know [00:39] ok...edbian...how do i use the pastebin thing [00:39] guitar: Go to paste.ubuntu.com put stuff there, hit submit, give us the link. [00:39] i opened the terminal...thanks to qin...but that's about it [00:39] guitar: Then we can see what you tirped [00:40] ok [00:40] I get a message on login saying something to the effect of 'could not update ICEauthority file'. How can I stop this? [00:41] hey [00:41] i get this [00:41] symbol lookup error: /usr/lib32/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_datalist_get_data [00:41] how can i fixi t? [00:41] shockrates: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:42] brightspark: who owns your .ICEauthority file? [00:42] http://paste.ubuntu.com/636630/plain/ [00:42] hey...i did it :) [00:42] * edbian is proud [00:43] hi!, a fast question ... i'm working with 11.04 ubuntu version, but i can't find /system/storage/default_options/vfat/mount_options by gconf-editor, where i can see this information? thanks in advance [00:43] sup pooky [00:43] edbian, i do. permission is rw for me and r for all others [00:44] brightspark: Not that I don't believe you but... Can I see the output of ls -l on it? [00:44] !find libxml2.so.2 [00:44] File libxml2.so.2 found in ia32-libs, libxml2, libxml2-dbg [00:44] i gotta go for now [00:44] thanks edbian [00:44] later all [00:44] $ ls -lh .ICEauthority -rw-r--r-- 1 kyle kyle 0 2011-07-01 19:30 .ICEauthority [00:44] cya around [00:44] You're kyle ? [00:45] yeah [00:45] hi!, a fast question ... i'm working with 11.04 ubuntu version, but i can't find /system/storage/default_options/vfat/mount_options by gconf-editor, where i can see this information? thanks in advance [00:45] brightspark: Move it mv .ICEauthority .somethingElse [00:45] brightspark: and try to log in again [00:46] mv: cannot move `.ICEauthority' to `.somethingElse': Permission denied [00:46] How do I properly show unicode in vim? http://i52.tinypic.com/28slxk8.png Please highlight if you respond. [00:46] brightspark: suod mv .ICEauthority .somethingElse [00:46] by the way it is a zero-byte file [00:47] brightspark: I don't really know much about it. Maybe it's supposed to be 0 bytes (I doubt it). I just read if you delete it it will work again [00:47] okay I will be back when I log in. [00:47] sure === rewt`` is now known as rewt [00:49] edbian, no improvement [00:49] brightspark_: same error? [00:49] brightspark_: Did .ICEauthority truely move? [00:49] yes [00:49] edbian where i can find vfat mount_options in 11.04? [00:49] and i'll check on the second question [00:50] If you own a file, and you have write permissions on it, and still get a permission denied error, something's b0rked. [00:50] psilvao: I have no idea [00:50] :-( [00:50] ops [00:50] brightspark_: Perhaps the permissions of the folder are off? [00:50] edbian: That one sits in your $HOME [00:50] it truly moved. it's my home directory [00:51] astraljava: I know [00:51] brightspark_: Perhaps your home folder has incorrect permissions? [00:51] where's a good place to put a background tcpdump command in startup scripts so that it'll capture what happens when the ethernet devices are enabled? afaict /etc/rc.local runs last in the boot sequence, which is too late [00:52] $ ls -lh /home total 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 101 1016 1016 4.0K 2011-07-01 19:46 kyle [00:52] brightspark_: why is it 1016 and not kyle ? [00:52] what is your uid ? [00:53] brightspark_: /home/kyle [00:53] usually you get UIDs when the system doesn't have a user with that number [00:53] $ echo $UID 1000 [00:53] hm, Did you copy it form another system? === a is now known as Guest37326 [00:54] You are user 1000 and your home folder is owned by 1016 [00:54] That is the problem [00:54] qin, no [00:54] did you reinstall over an existing system? [00:54] chown -R kyle:users ~kyle [00:54] brightspark_: who cares. sudo chown -R kyle:kyle /home/kyle [00:54] vandemar: kyle:users ? [00:55] vandemar, it is a maverick upgrade of lucid install [00:55] Hi there [00:55] cedriczg: hello [00:55] sudo chown -R kyle:kyle /home/kyle chown: cannot access `/home/kyle/.gvfs': Permission denied [00:55] vandemar: It would be easier to delay networking [00:56] brightspark_: How is root not allowed? Anyway, it did the rest. Try to log in again. [00:56] chown -R `whoami` ~ === zjason` is now known as zjason [00:56] okay back in a minute [00:57] vandemar: And since Ubuntu uses network-manager (it is also a service) you can play with it own script. [00:57] okay, problem fixed. thanks edbian! [00:58] brightspark: sure [00:59] when i open synaptic, i get the following error: E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty-security_main_i18n_Translation-en%5fUS E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. E: _cache->open() failed, please report. [00:59] llayin: Just delete all your lists. sudo rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/* [00:59] hey [00:59] llayin: sudo apt-get update after that to get good ones [00:59] moonlighttravele: hello [01:00] hi [01:00] edbian, i have to say that you have a great nickname it's very inspiring :) [01:00] solayagim: haha, thanks :) [01:00] I wish I had come up with it by myself! [01:01] Hello, I have Ubuntu 11.04 64bits. I was trying to make a .deb file for my distro but I got this message error. I do not know about programing, so can anyone here tell me what's wrong with this and if there is a solution, please? http://pastebin.com/6JTEQ2yi [01:01] ok whats this place all cray and sssss [01:01] Osmodivs: If you are not a programmer why are you making a debian package? [01:01] moonlighttravele: ? [01:01] edbian, thank you [01:01] llayin: fixed it? [01:02] edbian, yep [01:02] edbian, I want to have it as part of APT-onCD, so I can back it up [01:02] llayin: yay! \o/ [01:02] :) [01:02] nothing just findling around [01:02] hm [01:02] Osmodivs: Mmm, IDK then [01:02] i dont think i logged in right [01:02] moonlighttravele: :) [01:02] josh__: You're talking to us [01:02] :)) [01:02] edbian, do you know how to downgrade the kernel on 11.04? [01:03] llayin: I never have done it [01:03] edbian, I thought so... [01:03] :( [01:03] :S i registered my nick joshlegs the other day [01:03] but dont know how to log in with it now ... [01:03] edbian, ok no worries [01:03] can someone tell me how to log in properly? :S [01:04] i need to get me in other chanel with europian girls :) he he [01:04] Osmodivs: You know my horrible secret. I have never downgraded a kernel... [01:04] josh__: /nick joshleg /msg nickserv identify password === josh__ is now known as joshlegs [01:04] can someone help me fix the ubuntu theme? For some reason a bunch of stuff turned white (terminal background, taskbar) and my icons changed [01:04] great :D thanks qin [01:04] it's happened TWICE now automatically [01:04] i have a problem i cant conect to msn messencer since i updated ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 [01:04] I can't fix it [01:05] i was trying the /msg nickserv identify [password] .. i just didnt change my nick first :D [01:05] #cyprus [01:05] Alucard-0: using?... pidgin or what? [01:05] joshlegs: Oh, you got legs, neat! [01:05] lol yup its a joke i made up :S [01:05] whenever i try to execute -screen-, it segfaults - how do i troubleshoot/fix? http://pastebin.com/mPb0d5aS [01:05] ok that dint work [01:05] i have tried with many programs [01:06] .. [01:06] whats the offtopic channel? [01:06] !ot [01:06] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [01:06] ohh yeah i forgot the hashtag [01:06] Alucard-0: well, i'm on MSN right now w/o issue.. and if it's happening to you w/ multiple programs, then i'd suggest the problem is something you're doing (wrong username password?) [01:07] ciao [01:07] hey guys how do join other chanels ? [01:07] ... [01:08] moonlight, type /join [01:08] followed by a space [01:08] moonlighttravele: /join #channelName [01:08] moonlighttravele: /join #channel [01:08] then #[channel] [01:08] Alucard-0: go to meebo.com and see if you can sign on to your live account [01:08] ciao [01:08] ok [01:08] ciao babalu [01:08] no one is italian? [01:09] !it | SBO [01:09] SBO: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [01:09] SBO: i think we all know what ciao means, i just don't understand why you keep saying it [01:09] Hi edbian. Do you use empathy as your chat program? [01:09] cedriczg: I use xchat [01:09] so like, how long should an install of ubuntu 11.04 from cd take ? .... i have 10.04 now [01:09] cedriczg: I also use Debian. But don't tell anybody. [01:09] Hi, how do I add custom shortcuts to launcher in unity? [01:10] what's the easiest way of making PPAs update completely automatically (like ubuntu's security updates)? [01:10] joshlegs: Do you have a separate /home ? [01:10] ok [01:10] thanks for the tip [01:10] hmmm. not sure edbian .... how can i tell? [01:10] edbian, hehe. Well maybe you may know how I can make offline favourite users not to appear on the list on empathy [01:10] (im still getting into linux and dont remember how to check all this stuf ...) [01:10] thanks ubottu [01:10] but i dint got i what i wanted [01:11] joshlegs: df -h [01:11] joshlegs: If you do not have a separate /home and you install using the CD you will lose all your personal data. You can upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 to 11.04 It takes about 1 hour each step [01:11] it works [01:11] thanks [01:11] joshlegs: df -h will tell you if you have a separate /home partition [01:11] Alucard-0: ok, so we know yoru username/password is correct [01:11] what version of Pidgin have you tried [01:11] ? [01:12] Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on [01:12] /dev/sda5 178G 5.9G 163G 4% / [01:12] none 2.0G 332K 2.0G 1% /dev [01:12] none 2.0G 1.2M 2.0G 1% /dev/shm [01:12] none 2.0G 296K 2.0G 1% /var/run [01:12] joshlegs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:12] none 2.0G 0 2.0G 0% /var/lock [01:12] o gosh [01:12] * KM0201 sighs [01:12] sometimes, i think people should just be permabanned when they are that dense [01:12] i wil try to find the reason of the problem in emesene, pidgin , amsn etc... [01:12] joshlegs: use paste.ubuntu.com [01:12] http://paste.ubuntu.com/636645/ [01:12] :P sorry [01:12] that's ok [01:12] joshlegs: You do not have a separate /home [01:13] joshlegs: in here: /exec -o df -h | grep home [01:13] joshlegs: Is it clear how I know that? === kassius is now known as mercvrivs [01:13] no :( [01:13] edbian im not sure how ou know that [01:13] joshlegs: If you got a line ending with /home , then you got a separate home... else you don't [01:13] hi nhr, what do you mean by custom shortcuts? [01:13] ok [01:13] joshlegs: You don't have anything in there called /home You do have something called / (which is your root folder) which is everything in your case [01:13] where can I find the databases for fortune? [01:14] so its the absence of that line that means it :P [01:14] joshlegs: yes [01:14] ebian how come it takes longer if you don't have a /home partition? [01:14] I want to have my own shortcuts - e.g. eclipse in the launcher [01:14] I mean, where they are installed? [01:14] joshlegs: Anyway you should upgrade instead of using a cd [01:14] I downloaded latest eclipse and want to have shortcut to it in the launcher [01:14] ok. ... i started using the cd to upgrade ... and ubuntu basically didnt do anything even after setting for 24 hours .... [01:14] How do I properly show unicode in vim? http://i52.tinypic.com/28slxk8.png Please highlight if you respond. [01:14] i did the cardinal rule of computer junk: i just powered my pc off :S :S lol [01:15] Does anybody knows in which directory are installed the fortune databases? [01:15] joshlegs: Does you ubuntu install on the HDD still work? [01:15] yeah :S [01:15] i'm on it now [01:15] nhr, well on unity that should be simple. Just launch eclipse and then right click on the icon of seidebar and select "keep laucher" [01:15] ... and when i booted up, there didnt seem to be any additional options on the boot screen [01:15] joshlegs: cat /etc/issue what version do you have? [01:15] (i can also boot an older version of ubuntu) [01:16] edbian i have 10.04 now [01:16] cedriczg: tried that [01:16] where is europe [01:16] Does not work correctly, application does not launch again and no icons [01:16] 10.04.2 LTS [01:16] joshlegs: System -> Admin -> Software sources. Change the drop down from LTS only to normal releases. [01:16] is this the us ? [01:16] joshlegs: Then go to System -> Admin -> Update Manager and there should be a button to upgrade to 10.10 [01:16] ahhh ok :) [01:16] moonlighttravele, I'm pretty sure this is the internet [01:16] ill do that next time i try it then [01:17] i hear 10.10 is pretty good too [01:17] and good for newbies like me because it's more stable? [01:17] nhr, what about searching for the application from dash and then drag it to sidebar? [01:17] having a little bit of an issue...when I shut down, my mouse light stays on...how can I completely shut off power to it? [01:17] okj i know that [01:17] edbian, after i upgrade to 10.10, then to 11.04 ... won't i have extra kernels i'll need to remove? [01:18] but what nationalty are you people ? [01:18] joshlegs: I think so? IDK for sure. They're just packages you can remove them easily. [01:18] cedriczg: Will it work for "non installed" applications? Latest eclipse installation is just sitting in my home directory [01:18] moonlighttravele, I'm from the UK...I'm pretty sure there will be many people from different countries in here [01:18] Monotoko: USB mouse? Some (if not all) USB ports give out some power even when the system is shutdown. [01:18] I somehow added a remote printer so that when I select it in the Cups' web-interface, I get sent to the Cups-interface on the remote computer. I thus can't remove it locally! [01:18] cedriczg:Dash does not even show eclipse [01:19] edbian, ok. ill need to do that so my boot list won't be really long after upgrading [01:19] ok thats fine and all i love but i wouid like to speak in cyprus [01:19] astraljava, yeah I thought that...the light bugs me while I sleep so I have to unplug it, was just wondering if there was a way to just shut off the power to it ^_^ [01:19] I think I may have added it as http-protocol... Anyway, which file would such a link be in my local computer? [01:19] gracias for the help edbian :) [01:19] joshlegs: Sure. Look at the list when you boot. Write down which ones you wanna remove. (leave at least one) and then just search those numbers in synaptic and remove those package [01:19] joshlegs: sure [01:19] oooh that's pretty easy :o i thought it was going to be more difficult [01:19] moonlighttravele, I'm pretty sure there is a Turkish or a Greek room for your language? [01:20] nhr, if you don't have eclipse installed you should at least see it as application to download when searching for it [01:20] Monotoko: No idea what to do there, on mine the light shuts off when it goes idle. Sorry I can't be of assistance with that. [01:20] oooooooo i like that [01:20] nhr, did you try to install eclipse from software center? [01:20] Its very old version - 3.5, now 3.7 is out after 3.6 [01:20] moonlighttravele: there is a room for cyprus too , ubuntu-cy [01:21] ops uits gone late i have to get to gym thanks cu bye [01:21] nickgoodfate, thank you...wasn't sure if there was one ^_^ [01:21] Alternatively, is there a command for replacing the config-files with the "virgin" ones from the Cups-package? Maybe some apt or dpkg command? [01:22] Monotoko: Here is the full list https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [01:22] Hello everyone! I reciently installed ubuntu on an HP Mediasmart Home Server. I was having a problem with my network adapter (eth0) not being recognized so I researched it online and found that I simply need to update the driver for the adapter. My problem is that I don't know how to download and install the driver. I was hoping someone here could give me some magical command that would do this for me :) [01:22] nickgoodfate, thank you :) [01:24] Monotoko: you're welcome:) [01:25] is it better to install an nVidia graphics card before or after installing Ubuntu? [01:26] the actual card, or the driver?.. if the card, i'd say before. [01:26] but it probably doesn't really matter... unless you might have a driver installed (ATI) that could conflict w/ nvidia. [01:26] I second KM0201 :) it can be awkward to configure, if it's already in there Ubuntu will configure it for you [01:27] then how will I install the drivers? [01:27] like proprietary? [01:27] i know this is off topic but how do i get eqoa:f to work? [01:27] pr0xy: you'll install them after you install your OS.. just like you do w/ Windows.. it will boot w/ a generic video driver [01:27] pr0xy, when you have installed Ubuntu you just need to go to System -> Administration -> Aditional Drivers [01:27] (not quite sure how to do it in Unity...if your installing 11.04) [01:28] Monotoko: same thing, you just search for additional drivers in the search feature for applications [01:28] Monotoko: it's a good chance, he won't even get unity when he first boots, and will default to gnome 2.x.. because he won't have 3D available [01:28] KM0201, thanks :) I'm on 10.04 LTS so the support I can give in Unity is limited [01:29] Im having difficulty installing phpmyadmin (wht screen of death) which channel do I go to for that? [01:29] tsc_martin, if you have both PHP and Apache installed, you can install it using apt-get (sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin) [01:29] should i use nomodeset? [01:29] pr0xy: why woul dyou do that? [01:30] for installing with nvidia drivers? [01:30] Monotoko I have it installed, but am running into the wht screen of death [01:30] pr0xy: stop overcomplicating this.. install your card, install Ubuntu, if the Live CD won't boot, or the install won't boot, then start looking into kernel options, etc. [01:31] okay. [01:31] ntoombs19_: What adapter? Which ubuntu release? Basically you download the drivers on a computer that's online, copy it to a USB stick, insert the stick into the server, install from said USB stick. [01:31] tsc_martin, did you install libapache2-mod-php5? [01:31] astraljava: the server is completly headless. meaning no interface what soever [01:32] Monotoko yes I have [01:33] tsc_martin, can I private message you? [01:33] Monotoko sure [01:35] I'm having trouble getting my server to work with a static ip address [01:35] ## export JAVA_HOME JRE ## [01:35] if the server has a static ip address my router can see it [01:35] oops, ww [01:35] hey guys i know my question was off topic but i need help [01:35] i mean can't see it [01:36] nvm... i'll ask later [01:36] i can see this place is pretty busy :P [01:37] ntoombs19_: are you setting a default gateway? [01:37] yea [01:37] the whole shebang [01:38] the server ping the router...router ping the server? [01:39] thesheff17: i look at my attached devices in my router interface and the server doesn't show up [01:39] i'm also having a problem with my eth0 adapter not being recognised [01:39] I bet your router only shows DHCP clients. [01:40] it's a $100 router that i bought specifically to accept static and dhcp clients [01:40] my old router would only accept dhcp clients [01:40] hello [01:40] thesheff17: I believe the problem roots back to my eth0 adapter not being recognized [01:41] what is gvfsd-http and why it keeps making connections?? [01:41] if you can ping the router eth0 is working fine [01:41] I just killed it [01:41] thesheff17: my server is compleately headless so i have to transfer the hard drive to my desktop computer to make any changes and the eht0 adapter works perfect but for me to get any sort of connection with my router when I put it back in it's home is to set the network interface to use eth1 [01:43] ntoombs19_: your mac address will change between devices [01:43] causing issues [01:43] I would try to get a console/keyboard/mouse working on the server [01:43] thesheff17: doesn't the eth0 not working in my server due to an outdated driver cause issues too? [01:44] possible [01:44] thesheff17: the server is compleately headless so no posibility of interacting with the server other than through networking [01:44] sounds like a horrible server [01:44] which is why this is such a problem [01:44] it wasn't ment to run linix [01:44] it's a windows home server so yes it is a horrible server :) [01:45] !gvfsd [01:45] yea the network adapter may not work with linux if it was made for windows. [01:46] it does [01:46] i've done research [01:46] ntoombs19_: what's your issue [01:46] share: networking is my issue [01:46] it's always networking [01:46] i hate it :( [01:46] ntoombs19_: but what is the problem [01:46] you need to get a console [01:46] hey is there a way to rearrange the windows i have open in my menu? ... [01:46] ntoombs19_: What network adapter is it? [01:47] i.e., switch my chrome app to be before the xchat app on the menu without closing one of them? [01:47] share: my server isn't being recognised by my router. and the network adapter eth0 isn't recognised by ubuntu. sis190/sis191 [01:47] ntoombs19_: ifconfig -a [01:47] lspci [01:48] lsmod | grep intel [01:48] i know, i know, ifconfig [01:48] that's what everyone tells me to do [01:48] he doesn't have a console [01:48] that just shows the loop back adapter [01:48] ntoombs19_: ifconfig -a [01:48] -a shows hidden [01:48] ntoombs19_: jockey-text [01:48] ntoombs19_: ctrl + alt + t [01:48] :p [01:48] lol [01:49] share: i know what -a does [01:49] think bigger :) [01:49] i've tried all the simple stuff [01:49] this one is a hair puller [01:49] ntoombs19_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:49] question for you guys...I'm leaving for a week and need my computer to do some tests and email me every few hours with the results (I already have the test script) is there any way I can make it boot up from standby, do the tests and send the results, then go back to sleep? [01:49] ntoombs19_: So there is no listed driver in jockey? [01:49] the driver is really old [01:50] and i don't know how to use jockey [01:50] ntoombs19_: man jockey-text [01:50] ntoombs19_: Otherwise ndiswrapper [01:50] anyone can tell how to edit empathy configuration in order to avoid seeing offline favourite contacts? [01:51] thank you :) [01:52] ntoombs19_: if this is an important server I would just buy a pci ethernet adapter that works with linux [01:52] they are cheap. [01:52] Monotoko: wake on lan, or some types of bios let you set a time to turn the computer on, but either way that's fairly hardware-specific and WOL requires something else on the LAN to wake your comptuter up [01:52] if i needed an important server i wouldn't have a windows home server [01:52] a friend gave it to me [01:53] cedriczg: Ctrl-N [01:53] ok my hard drive for the server is hooked up [01:53] i can now type stuff [01:53] oh and see stuff [01:53] cedriczg: Ctrl-H , sorry! [01:54] share: ifconfig -a shows the eth0 adapter in my desktop but i think that is because that driver is supported by the default drivers [01:54] i mean that adapter [01:54] hi. is ubuntu easy to use yet [01:54] qin, you know that for favourite contacts hiding offline contacts does not work actually [01:55] Monotoko: is there some reason you can't just leave the computer on? [01:55] PawnStar: easier than some, harder than some [01:55] share: is the network setting supposed to end in a 0 or a 1? [01:55] in /etc/network/interfaces [01:55] qin, a bug was created for that but it appears that empathy is actually meant to work that way [01:56] is it as easy as Windows yet [01:56] qin, so I was wondering if there is any way to tweak empathy to make offline favourite contacts to not appear as well [01:56] PawnStar, hi, easier than windows harder than vic20 [01:56] cedriczg: Well, did not know that there are favourites in empathy... maybe libpurple have some hefty plugins for it, dunno. [01:58] hey guys, I am trying ot install ubuntu server on some pretty old hardware. PIII, 512K RAM, SCSI hard disk and cd-rom. It boots up fine but when it comes time to start installing it says it can't mount the cd [01:58] qin, yes it is a nice feature on empathy, but since the new version I don't like seeing those favourites that are offline [01:59] any ideas on what I could try to get it going? [01:59] cedriczg: thats one of a couple reasons i think Empathy sucks compared to pidgin [02:01] KM0201, I was trying to give a try to empathy because I like the way it displays the conversations. But since last upgrade this change does really bother me [02:01] KM0201: What is second reason? [02:02] vandemar, I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving it on for a span of days...it gets pretty warm and crashes [02:02] qin: it's a PITA to turn one account off, while leaving one on... [02:03] qin: sometimes i don't want to be on my Yahoo(people i barely tolerate most of the time) but my AIM/MSN contacts are close friends/family, so i almost always have those available [02:03] KM0201, theres aMSN for msn (sudo apt-get install amsn) [02:03] pidgin, it's a pretty simple process... 3rd, I think empathy's interface is absolutely awful === jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer [02:03] the one I use [02:03] Monotoko: pidgin works fine w/ MSN... doesn't bother me at all. [02:04] could someone help me install IDJC so i dont make a mess again with the other applications? [02:04] Monotoko: he was asking why i prefer pidgin over empathy... and i was just listing a few reasons === Chiliblue_ is now known as Chiliblue [02:04] KM0201, I see...sorry, half paying attention ^_^ [02:05] Monotoko: there's 1400+ people in here... happens to the best of us.. :) [02:06] Monotoko: http://blog.gulfsoft.com/2010/05/scheduled-wakeup-in-ubuntu.html [02:06] microsoft is very strong protecting hteir service when it come to instant messengers [02:07] linux chatters over msn for them is too danger [02:08] !ot > dimas_ [02:08] dimas_, please see my private message [02:09] Is it recommended to uninstall apparmor on a home ubuntu system? [02:09] could someone help install IDJC which it come with ubuntu but every time i try install it it messes the rest of my applications [02:10] qin would you be so kind and help me? [02:10] dimas_: Just put IDJS to google ;) [02:10] dimas_: So back in 5 [02:10] qin is not that simple [02:11] qin i had look for documentation about it even in the bibble [02:11] dimas_: jack? whats fun! 10 minutes [02:11] oke [02:12] dimas_: define "it messes" [02:12] qin you come back in ten? [02:12] dimas_: sudo apt-get install idjc [02:13] dimas_: What version, Natty? [02:13] * szal has used IDJC in the past but didn't find it as useable as prevalent Windows programs for the task [02:15] i explain...i had install ubuntu studio which it install pulseaudio and i belive also interact with jack but when i install IDJC also install a dpendency Qjackctl and then the rest of the aplications who use sound server stop working...and even IDJC dont work [02:15] define "then" [02:16] pulseaudio is working with libjack-dev and get uninstall when i install IDJC [02:16] * szal smells a case of inability to use JACK [02:16] and I highly doubt that JACK uninstalls Pulse, I have it on my machine (for another program) [02:17] szal IDJC install another version of jack which uninstall the dependency of pulseaudio which is libjack.dev [02:18] i have a script , xxx.sh , How do I run it besides double clicking it? [02:18] Toph2: in terminal: XXX.sh [02:18] on ubuntu server how do see software raids that are set up from command line? [02:19] Monotoko: computers are not supposed to crash if left on. Either your hardware is broken or your case isn't cooled well, or the computer's in a hot environment with no AC [02:19] qin,,, i tried that,, it doesn't work,, even when in the folder with the script [02:19] Toph2: bash xxx.sh [02:19] dimas_: and you didn't answer the question yet what *buntu version you're running [02:20] Toph2: ./xxx.sh when in the directory [02:20] 10.04 [02:20] Toph2: or, put your script in path, echo $PATH to knoe it [02:20] qin,,, that did it [02:20] thanks [02:20] chaddy,,, let me try [02:20] Do I need gvfsd-http ? [02:20] hmm, to my knowledge 10.04 ships only JACK 1, so there shouldn't be a problem w/ concurring JACK versions [02:21] jack1 jack2 jackd [02:22] vandemar, it's an ancient computer, from 2002...it crashes and it crashes a lot. I only use it to run cron jobs anyway [02:22] I can only speak for Natty, where installing IDJC is not a problem -> http://www.privatepaste.com/b0af5c709e [02:22] chaddy,,, yes,, worked as well [02:22] Monotoko: can you get a cheap low-power embedded computer (even a wireless gateway would suffice... buffalo wifi are cheap at $65-70 and have lots of flash and ram) and run the cronjobs from that? [02:22] toph2: ./xxx.sh [02:23] qin,,, how do I add my directory to Path? [02:23] Monotoko: since you got the computer, have you reapplied thermal compound and reseated the cpu cooler and gotten rid of dust [02:24] Monotoko: and have you run memtest86 overnight? [02:24] vandemar, most likely...it's usually fine, it's just on a really warm day it gets too warm...and were in the middle of summer :P [02:24] szal python-eyed3 is the jack package? [02:25] also the fact that I only need it for an hour out of the 180 hours in the week....179 computing hours gone to waste [02:25] dimas_: does it say 'jack' in the name? [02:25] it does in the process of installation [02:26] Monotoko: is the cron stuff specific to that computer or could any computer do it without much trouble [02:27] Monotoko: even if the NIC/bios supports wake on lan, you'd need another computer on the LAN to wake it up... [02:27] hey guys im new to Ubuntu and i came across this software by readying the Ubuntu 10.04 book, i have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on my laptop, i was wondering if anyone knows how i could place icons on my desktop. i can only send them to my desktop folder but nothing shows up on the actual desktop [02:27] dimas_: please paste your output of 'sudo apt-get install idjc' the way I did above [02:27] dimas_: Did you see this one: http://www.aukondk.com/blog/?p=115 ? [02:27] vandemar, I think any computer could do it...however I'm in the process of implimenting the link quin gave me which involves setting a timer [02:27] Monotoko: the only other option I can think of is some sort of telephone-controlled power switch, if you have a landline [02:28] Monotoko: but that would be more expensive than an embedded low-power system like a wireless gateway [02:29] qin: are you sure that that applies to Lucid? it was published before Lucid's release [02:29] vandemar, even with having to buy it? [02:29] szal http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1792197 === ozior is now known as uryna [02:30] qin i thank that page to help me get my audio server back in place [02:30] szal: Look at the post, he said that jask removes puslaudio, so it makes sens. [02:31] hey guys im new to Ubuntu and i came across this software by readying the Ubuntu 10.04 book, i have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on my laptop, i was wondering if anyone knows how i could place icons on my desktop. i can only send them to my desktop folder but nothing shows up on the actual desktop [02:31] vandemar, I did at one point try to hack the router my ISP have given us...but with no luck [02:31] Monotoko: I meant the telephone power switch. even LAN (web-based) power switches (turn on/off power sockets) would cost $100ish or more [02:31] Toph2: Permanently? Edit ~/.bashrc [02:31] qin,,, ok,, thanks [02:31] qin when i do what that page says then uninstall IDJC [02:31] qin: in that case it's already a non-standard installation of Pulse and/or JACK.. on closer look I find that the poster modifies Pulse to access JACK instead of the soundcard [02:31] although the rest start working again [02:32] vandemar, but I can program it to switch on after a timer in the OS itself using ACPI: http://blog.gulfsoft.com/2010/05/scheduled-wakeup-in-ubuntu.html [02:33] Hi, I have a sound card issue with a Dell XPS 410 running Ubuntu 10.10 [02:33] szal i have my pulseaudio and jack installed the way that page says...what you suggest? [02:33] Monotoko: if that works, that's really cool. I've always regarded desktop power management stuff as unreliable, maybe it's reliable these days === uryna is now known as ozior [02:34] dimas_: unless you need to play sound on apps that don't 'speak' JACK, I suggest you stick w/ an unmodified system & just install IDJC [02:35] while JACK is running, that is [02:36] It's a driver issue. I am seeing an ICH8 sound controller when running lspci, but I cannot find the driver or the alsa-base.conf module entry. [02:36] Also, there is no /proc/asound directory [02:37] dimas_: you might also try your luck w/ the folks in #opensourcemusicians .. though the best time there is from approx. 1200 UTC because a lot of the regulars there are in Australia [02:38] szal that is a good tip [02:38] aussie musicians, who'd've thought [02:38] I'm getting my .xsession-errors filled up with "Gvfs-remotevolumemonitor-WARNING new owner for volume monitor..." and i can't login. Does anyone knows why? [02:38] Oh, Errol [02:39] hi, I am using ubuntu lucid, and don't why today sound is not working (pulse audio seems to be running, but I hear no sound) [02:39] bye [02:40] dimas_: That outdated page tells you there are no jack modules for pulse, but on 11.04 (which you claim to be using on ubuntuforums.org) there are, so there shouldn't be a need for building them by yourself. [02:41] Test from iPad [02:42] it works [02:42] astraljava i would appretiate you suggest me what to do in my post if that is not too much to ask and thank you for trying to help me [02:42] uRock: thnx [02:42] 8) [02:43] but really i am not to well expirience in all this..just learning on the way [02:43] dimas_: I have no idea, other than what szal suggested. Just install it from the repositories, without breaking pulse setup manually. See where it gets you, then post again if it doesn't work. [02:44] astraljava so what should i do?...sudo apt-get --purge uninstall pulseaudio? [02:45] remove [02:45] dimas_: Oh, one other thing. There shouldn't be a need to run it as root, either. [02:45] dimas_: 02:20 < dimas_ > 10.04 [02:45] sorry [02:45] dimas_: Was it a time or version? [02:45] qin [02:45] sorry [02:46] i am not that smart [02:46] dimas_: `sudo apt-get install pulseaudio idjc`, pastebin any errors. [02:46] dimas_: No worries, we all start from somewhere. [02:46] I keep losing the color theme in nutty and have to logoff and login several times for it to stay. It runs in vmware player on win 7. Any suggestions on how to identify the problem? [02:47] buzain, check if gnome-settings-daemon is crashing [02:49] Escott: I'll do that. How to know the reason for crashing? [02:50] buzain, you could try running it in a terminal and see if it gives you an error message at the end === bobbyd_ is now known as bobbyd [02:51] My Ubuntu 11 desktop icon disappear, then reappear when I mouse over them. Anyone know what the issue is and how to fix it? [02:51] they're supposed to do that, Duck_ [02:52] Is there a way to determine remotely from an ssh session that a version upgrade is done that was started in the GUI? [02:52] MXIIA, i think he means the nautilus desktop not the unity taskbar [02:52] HI! [02:52] MXIIA, really?! If I put something on my desktop... I want to see it. [02:52] deltaray, ps aux | grep apt [02:53] Duck_ h, the actual desktop, not the unity bar. sorry [02:53] escott, ok. It shows the dpkg process, but the load is at nearly 0. I guess its prompting for something like whether to change a file. [02:53] Duck_, thats not supposed to happen, but i don't have a good explanation. do you have any other rendering issues? [02:53] hey [02:53] how is everyone doing tonight [02:53] deltaray, probably [02:54] hi [02:54] alguien habla español [02:54] escott, I'm guessing there is no way to see what its asking or tell it to continue? [02:54] escott, that my only issue, everything else is great [02:54] Duck_, have you configured any application that would draw on the root window like conky or a special desktop background [02:55] !es | Ignacio [02:55] Ignacio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [02:55] estoy baneado! [02:55] deltaray, I'm afraid I don't know a good way [02:55] ah ha! I do have conky running [02:55] I have a question [02:56] escott, I noticed that i has fd 36 open as a pipe. Wonder if its somehow possible to controll it through there. Oh well. Probably met with trouble. [02:56] I installed ubuntu today but it won't let me hack a website that I want and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong [02:56] Duck_, conky can't run on the root window, but you can usually have it run in a normal window [02:56] Escott: gnome-settings-daemon is still running but the theme is gone [02:56] deltaray, you might be able to open that fd with root and pump a "y\n" into it, no idea what that would do [02:57] escott, how do you run conky in a normal window? I like conky running on my desktop [02:57] Actually, from an strace its waiting on fd 0, so I guess it does go through that fd for input. [02:58] has anyone used btrfs as a storage disk? and what did you think. Talking ubuntu server 11.04 here [02:58] Duck_, own_window_transparent yes and own_window yes [02:58] noisewaterphd, ubuntu btrfs utils is old, i also find performance is poor [02:59] noisewaterphd, fsck on boot does a full scan of the entire disk [02:59] how do you uninstall stuff using the terminal? [02:59] hey id like to try out google+ ... am i gonna bitched out if I ask for an invite? [02:59] biggamer11, apt-get remove [03:00] bkanuka: If you ask in a support channel like this, then maybe. === ajf is now known as ajf|afk [03:00] deltaray, for it the fd should be whatever stdin would be === ajf|afk is now known as ajf|offline [03:01] ok and another question how do i setup php on my ubuntu laptop becouse i keep getting no results afterwords [03:01] bkanuka: #ubuntu-offtopic may be worth a shot. [03:01] !php | biggamer11 [03:01] biggamer11: PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html [03:02] thanks ubottu [03:02] gry: thanks. thats what i was looking for didnt want to be a pest. [03:03] bkanuka: Great. :-) [03:03] hey everyone! Gnome has just completely locked up and if I try to click on anything nothing responds but I am still able to get into a virtual terminal and irssi and other things but this happens every once in a while and I have absolutely no idea why. I have tried looking in dmesg and Xorg.log but am not sure what to look for. This problem is really annoying though so if anyone has any suggestions that would be great! [03:04] gdance: Does this happen for another user on the system? [03:04] escott, setting conky's own_window to yes fixes the issue. But who whats a titlebar on conky?! Is there anyway fix the rendering issue but leave conky on the Desktop? [03:04] Sorry, had to check something in BIOS. Does anyone have a guess? [03:04] gry: I haven't actually tested that. I just have this user account [03:04] I rather leave conky on the desktop and live with the issue [03:05] Duck_, check #conky. you may be able to make some changes to !ccsm to make it work the way you want. you could also have it draw to compiz's widget layer and then access it with a hotkey [03:05] gdance: You may try to test that. [03:05] gry: yeah I will give that a try [03:06] Rocknar, please restate the problem [03:06] I am just wondering if there is anything I can do to get it to respond again [03:06] sometimes it happens if I am in the middle of downloading or writting something [03:07] My wifi connection keeps dropping and its quite annoying so is there a fix? [03:08] gdance, is there any processes running wild in top? [03:08] I run lspci and see my card, but my system doesn't. It's on-board, so I don't get why this would be a hard fix... but it has been. [03:08] cvrse: hmmm let me check [03:09] Rocknar, soundcard? what kind of card is it? and is it supported by alsa? have you modprobed the required drivers [03:09] I was wondering if someone could clear an assumption that I have about package mirrors. When I visit a mirror and lets say I look at the section for Lucid. They will list stuff like Lucid, Lucid Backports, Lucid Updates, Lucid Security, etc. Now I am assuming that when a new release is made that all packages are initially put into just plain Lucid section, or the main folder of that release. Then after some updated packages are released, [03:09] The output of a recent diagnostic is here :http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=cdcfb02b783844111c7395357e56dafba74057d3 [03:10] Sorry, a bit looped from working on this thing for so long. [03:10] cvrse: there doesn't seem to be really npviewer.bin and chrome are at the top but the cpu usage doesn't seem to be that bad or anything [03:10] oh and also I can move the mouse in gnome as well [03:10] it just doesn't respond if I click on anything [03:10] LinuxGuy2009, basically, afaik Security is security updates, backports are software from future versions backported to that release, updates are non-security updates. [03:12] The reason I ask is if someone has a DVD repository set for an offline machine, and instead of buying an updated set of DVDs again, they could instead simply make a new DVD to add to the set that just included packages referenced in the Updates section of that release and they would have a current repository set? [03:12] Rocknar, what does lsmod | grep snd outpu [03:12] gdance, np, just thought it might be metacity/compiz locking it up, have u just tried restarting gnome, sudo service gdm restart ? [03:12] This correct? [03:12] LinuxGuy2009, yes, but there may be meta data about those packages (version numbers aren't always incremental) [03:12] NULL [03:13] Rocknar, then modprobe snd_hda_intel snd_hda_codec see if that does any good [03:13] escott: Could you be more specific I dont get what you mean. I know what a meta packages is, I'm just not sure of the problem or issue that your refering to. [03:14] cvrse: hmmm that reloaded it again in alt+f8 [03:14] LinuxGuy2009, the package database would also have to be updated. otherwise the system won't know that foobar-1.2a.deb replaces foobar-1.1c.deb [03:15] cvrse: the other one in alt+f7 is still trying to shutdown though [03:15] It informs me that I do not have a corresponding /lib/modules/ directory. [03:15] cvrse, restarting gdm will kill his entire session [03:15] it says iwlagn Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 0 [03:15] gdance, if compiz is locked up I would just killall compiz [03:16] escott: Well if they were burned with APTonCD and added to sources.list, shouldnt that work just fine? [03:16] Rolling back to latest stable version. [03:16] hmmm I will probably just restart [03:16] LinuxGuy2009, maybe, i'm not sure what files would need to be updated [03:17] there are so many of these issues on ubuntu [03:17] hey guys im new to Ubuntu and i came across this software by readying the Ubuntu 10.04 book, i have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on my laptop, i was wondering if anyone knows how i could place icons on my desktop. i can only send them to my desktop folder but nothing shows up on the actual desktop [03:17] I don't know how so many people say it is more stable then Mac or windows [03:17] maybe at the terminal [03:18] gdance, depends a lot on your hardware [03:18] gdance, ubuntu isnt stable at all [03:18] yeah my brother had a nightmare with his laptop [03:18] escott: Im also wondering would the Security updates need to be on the DVD as well to have a complete repository update DVD? [03:18] mine pretty much works alright [03:18] except for issues like these cropping up [03:18] LinuxGuy2009, probably not, but it would be easier to include them than to not [03:18] windows and mac are like flawless though with everything hardware wise [03:19] escott: Very true. Well thanks so much for your time, its appreciated. [03:19] could anyone please answer my question [03:19] bajah: drag and drop [03:19] bajah: You should have desktop icons by default in 10.04 [03:19] bajah: Make sure the gconf key show_desktop is enabled in /apps/nautilus/ [03:19] yes it worked when i used it in virtual box [03:20] and that nautilus is running [03:20] ok let me try that thanks [03:20] modprobe worked [03:20] hmmm well ill restart [03:20] gdance, what kind of video card do you have [03:22] Rocknar, make sure you are getting a kernel from a legit source, you should have the appropriate /lib/modules folder [03:22] hello [03:22] soreau: i dont see the apps folder under root [03:22] escott: it is a Intel Mobile GM965 [03:22] bajah: It's a gconf key path [03:23] GL960 [03:23] bajah: Use gconf-editor for a gui [03:24] gdance, that is an older graphics card, it should be reasonably well supported [03:24] escott: yeah it works alright [03:24] bajah, its a little confusing what you are asking about. there is no apps folder thats a mac thing [03:24] escott: OTOH, intel drivers are kinda hit-n-miss [03:24] escott: /apps is a gconf key path [03:24] escott: See gconf-editor [03:25] (or ~/.gconf/) [03:25] soreau, bajah sorry missed that you were in gconf-editor [03:26] oh well [03:26] thanks guys [03:26] im going to restart [03:26] cya [03:27] escott: lost my connection. I checked and gnome-settings-daemon still works but I lost the color theme and icon thems [03:28] soreau: im in the nuatilus folder now [03:28] buzain, im not sure what would cause your gtk theme to disappear except for the settings daemon [03:28] bajah, not nautilus, its another program he wants you to run [03:28] bajah: In gconf-editor? look for show_desktop [03:28] escott: thanks anyways [03:29] ok but where do can i find gconf-editor [03:29] do i have to install it or is it already installed [03:29] !info gconf-editor [03:29] gconf-editor (source: gconf-editor): An editor for the GConf configuration system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 123 kB, installed size 660 kB [03:29] bajah, you do have to install it (sudo apt-get install gconf-editor) its a bit like regedit in windows [03:30] whereis gconf-editor [03:30] bajah: Just run 'gconf-editor' from alt+f2 or terminal [03:30] bajah: 'which gconf-editor' will show you where it is [03:30] thanks soreau [03:30] im in [03:31] now that im in there what should i do [03:31] escott: any other suggestions to debug this problem? [03:32] buzain, im afraid its beyond my knowledge. [03:32] apps>nautilus>preferences> it should be in the right side window [03:32] escott: no worries. i'll keep googling [03:32] thanks Ray2 found it === Guest is now known as Nirrian [03:34] it says that this key is not writable [03:34] does that mean i have to enter as root [03:34] bajah: What is telling you that? [03:35] the show desktop option [03:38] has anyone messed around with OpenCL and an ATI card on natty? [03:38] soreau: ok i have enabled it but im still don't able to put anything on the desktop, it just moves back to its former location [03:39] do i have to restart inoder for it to take effect [03:39] rakathan, don't think you can. the opencl libraries depend on the nvidia glx driver iirc [03:39] bajah: What is the output of 'ps ax|grep nautilus|grep -v grep'? [03:40] so ATI hasn't released their own OpenCL binaries yet? [03:40] rakathan: the main thing is you need to be using the fglrx driver to do opencl on linux [03:40] rakathan: sudo apt-get install fglrx [03:40] soreau: this the output [03:41] 1679 ? Sl 1:05 nautilus [03:41] vandemar: right, I've got an nvidia card right now and CUDA works fine...I was just thinking about getting a beefy ATI card in the future :) [03:41] bajah: Well it seems strange that you had a permissions issue error [03:42] rakathan, try http://blog.onlyhype.com/2010/09/06/upgrading-the-ati-drivers-and-configuring-opencl-in-ubuntu/ [03:43] My work here has concluded. Just had to get the level up to 0 and it's all set. [03:43] WIll drop by the next time my roommate almost bricks a machine, though. [03:44] escott: that looks promising...from what I can tell, it looks like ATI has two things going on: their "stream" sdk and a future OpenCL sdk not available yet [03:45] RockHow do you almost brick a machine? [03:45] erm, nm [03:46] soreau: after the permissions issue i re-entered as root [03:47] bajah, you shouldnt do that [03:47] but the icons are still not showing [03:47] bajah, can you please explain your issue a little more clearly [03:47] bajah: That is the wrong thing to do [03:47] bajah: You should not have run gconf-editor as root [03:48] bajah: Instead, do this as your normal user 'sudo chown -R $USER ~/.gconf* && gconf-editor' then try to set it again [03:48] ok [03:49] soreau, when he ran that as root he more likely changed the gconf settings in /root [03:49] escott: no doubt [03:50] soreau: i am running the editor as a normal user now [03:51] soreau: but now the show_desktop option is disabled. when i try to enable it, it says this key is not writable [03:54] nobody wants help? [03:55] I just jailbroke my iPod touch and YAY now it shows up in ubuntu as a removable drive. What software should I use to manage the music? ( iPod touch 2G 4.2.1 ) [03:56] soreau: but now the show_desktop option is disabled. when i try to enable it, it says this key is not writable [03:57] # [03:57] hola [03:58] edbian: i do. i have a problem with natty running in vmware player on win 7. I lose theme once I login for the first time then I have to logout and in several times for it to stay [03:59] bajah: It's a bit of a problem if it's still not writable after that chown command [03:59] which version should I use 10.10 or 11.04? [04:00] where did he go ...**zain [04:01] edbian: u back. got a q for u [04:01] soreau: thanks anyway [04:02] buzain: whatup [04:02] edbian: i do. i have a problem with natty running in vmware player on win 7. I lose theme once I login for the first time then I have to logout and in several times for it to stay. what could be the problem? [04:03] buzain: You lose the theme of what? [04:03] buzain: the theme of the login screen? [04:03] in unity, I lose terminal background color, window color, and icon colors === derp|gone is now known as derp [04:04] edbian: no. after I login into unity. [04:04] bajah: That error means something is messed up with your system [04:05] hello [04:06] hi [04:06] opa [04:07] i have a question and my googlefu fails me, i want to set up two monitors on my box, but have one screen logged in as one person and the other as another (ie main screen for wen surfing etc second is tv for watching movies) [04:07] is this possible? [04:07] I'm on 11.04, and I wanted to know if it was possible to customize the boot splash screen, if so, how would I do it? [04:07] Kuzad: yes [04:07] soreau: it has been like that since the very first day i installed it [04:08] aeon-ltd, like I asked, how would I do it? [04:08] bajah: Did you make sure to check the md5sum of the image you used to install it? [04:08] DarthCaitSith, yes, but it probably requires two video cards [04:08] soreau: i tried this OS first in virtualbox under windows 7 but the lookandfeel was different [04:08] hmmm [04:08] DarthCaitSith, And it seems like it may require a separate X server. [04:09] DarthCaitSith, you could hack it with xnest maximized on one window [04:09] soreau: there were options for applications, places and system at the top of the desktop and i was able to put stuff on the desktop [04:09] DarthCaitSith, the xnest route is probably a much better solution [04:10] edbian: any ideas about the issue? [04:10] buzain: I left and now I am back. What is the issue? [04:10] Kuzad: if you're using plymouth http://www.ubuntugeek.com/plymouth-manager-gui-tool-to-change-boot-theme-and-resolution.html [04:10] bajah: Yes that's how it should be [04:10] thanks :) [04:10] bajah: Sounds like something is wrong with your installation [04:11] soreau: now that i installed it on the computer it shows icons on the left side [04:11] i have a usb that my lubuntu mounts but then when i try to view it it gives me input/output errors because of one of the Directories (does that make sense?) [04:11] edbian: i have a problem with natty running in vmware player on win 7. I lose theme colors once I login for the first time then I have to logout and login several times for the colors to stay. [04:11] buzain: oh yes [04:11] bajah: Sounds like you installed 11.04 instead of 10.04 [04:11] buzain: I'm not really sure [04:11] buzain: very strange issue [04:12] soreau: i don't have 11.04, the one i have is 10.10 [04:12] bajah: Well if you see icons on the left, and 'ps ax|grep unity|grep -v grep' returns anything, you're on 11.04 [04:13] edbian: could it be that I run in vmware player? my laptop which also runs natty doesn't have this problem. [04:13] bajah: perhaps you've upgraded inadvertently? [04:13] How can i fix a directory giving me an input/output error [04:13] bajah: What does 'lsb_release -c' say? [04:14] How can i fix a directory giving me an input/output error? [04:14] How can i fix a directory giving me an input/output error and not displaying? [04:14] soreau:Codename: maverick [04:14] diytto: Try fsck, and if it doesn't fix it, it may be bad hard drive bits [04:14] bajah: weird [04:15] soreau: it's on a usb drive [04:16] soreau: i know right [04:16] Does anyone know how i can make a keyring permanent? so that i dont have to reenter it each time i log in. [04:16] RobotFood: you shouldn't have to enter it everytime you log in.. unless you're using auto-login [04:17] How do I properly show unicode in vim? http://i52.tinypic.com/28slxk8.png Please highlight if you respond. [04:17] KM0201: i'm not using auto login, but it prompts me for the password each time in order to log onto my wireless network [04:17] buzain: It might be [04:17] RobotFood: for your wireless network? [04:17] ader10: same terminals? [04:18] KM0201: it doesnt prompt me for the wireless network password, it prompts me for the keyring password [04:18] guys when I do sudo cat id_dsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys I get permission denied [04:18] RobotFood: is it asking for your network password, or your keyring password? === derp is now known as derp|gone [04:18] ok. [04:18] I want to import my public key for SSH into the authorized_keys file [04:18] RobotFood: and you don't have ubuntu set to auto login? [04:18] I've tan [04:18] ran [04:18] chmod go-w ~/ [04:18] chmod 700 ~/.ssh [04:18] chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys [04:18] cyperbg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:18] KM0201: i do not [04:18] edbian: thought so. thx anyways [04:19] RobotFood: weird. [04:20] hey i can't boot usb ubuntu if i write image to usb stick, what did they hack [04:21] guys please [04:21] metbsd: you can use unetbootin or the usb tool t put a live ISO on a usb, you don't have to hack anything [04:21] when I do sudo cat id_dsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys I get permission denied [04:21] i use win32 disk imager to copy iso to usb [04:21] and can't boot [04:21] cyperbg: Try just `sudo cat id_dsa.pub`. [04:21] <[THC]AcidRain> cyperbg, use sudo [04:21] <[THC]AcidRain> ? [04:21] any other distro can work this way [04:21] except ubuntu [04:22] gry I use it, same problem [04:22] metbsd: Details, please? [04:22] it doesn't even ask for password [04:22] metbsd: so download the tool ubuntu recommends to make a USB... [04:22] cyperbg: `ls -la id_dsa.pub` [04:22] operating system not found [04:22] metbsd: its obviously not setting up the USB properly [04:22] cyperbg: I think you want echo or tee instead of cat [04:22] -rw-r--r-- 1 cyper cyper 601 2011-07-02 04:00 id_dsa.pub [04:23] what's [04:23] anyone have an pci grahics card for sale?.. something like a ati rage pro ? [04:23] <[THC]AcidRain> lets say i wanted to setup a system that would parse out the MessageBody of an email with postfix. but only on a certain email address. how would i do that? [04:23] -rw-r--r-- 1 cyper cyper 601 2011-07-02 04:00 id_dsa.pub [04:23] <[THC]AcidRain> what should i research to do that? [04:23] <[THC]AcidRain> what would that be called? [04:23] -rw------- 1 root root 0 2011-07-02 03:50 authorized_keys [04:25] there used to be a place to enable xdmcp in the system->admin->login where is it now in 11.04? [04:25] metbsd: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ [04:25] hi . . . [04:25] gry any ideas? [04:25] hey! [04:25] I need wacom driver for ubuntu [04:25] wacom? [04:25] i have a "touch screen" pen [04:26] good luck w/ that [04:26] is there any way to set the cpufreq governor to conservative or powersave when booting from the liveCD/installer? [04:26] kagomeS, goolge? [04:26] Anorion|Aurora: can't you do it the regular ways after you boot? [04:27] nope [04:27] I accidentally added a spare to my raid and now mdadm complains that I have a missing spare - I've been reading the man page and googling, but I can't figure out how to remove a spare from a raid - anybody knows? [04:27] the system overheats before the installation is complete [04:28] Anorion|Aurora: hmm, well, the system is set to full speed on boot I believe. Why don't you fix it in hardware? [04:28] because I can't? There are no options in the bios to set the CPU speed [04:28] it's an eee pc 900 === Scribbled2x is now known as register === register is now known as IScribbled2x [04:29] What is the function of the bash script /etc/X11/Xsession? "global Xsession file -- used by display managers and xinit (startx)" === IScribbled2x is now known as register === register is now known as UScribbledIwatch === UScribbledIwatch is now known as register === register is now known as Guest33607 [04:30] Anorion|Aurora: I mean, the system shouldn't overheat, ideally [04:30] Anorion|Aurora: maybe you could use the alternate cd, and when installation starts, quickly go over to another terminal and set the freq [04:30] well, by design, the CPU in the 900 is not meant to run at full speed for very long === Guest33607 is now known as IScribbled2x [04:31] guys please, sudo cat id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys gives me permission denied [04:31] the default speed is 667MHz, instead of the 1GHz, it can run at [04:31] cyperbg: isn't cat the wrong command? [04:31] no, it is mentioned in many guides setting up keys with SSH [04:32] cyperbg: do you have a link? [04:32] one second I managed to open the file using gksudo gedit authorized_keys [04:33] cyperbg: Only root can read authorized_keys. Can you fix its permissions using sudo, chmod, and chown, and then re-try? [04:33] I did fix the permission using chmod [04:33] let me try something and I will report back if it worked [04:33] cyperbg: What are they now? [04:34] cyperbg: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/sudo-and-permission-denied-651619/ [04:34] how can I copy my private key to my Windows machine [04:34] I use SSH and VNC [04:35] I used a flash drive [04:36] hey guys [04:36] What is the command in terminal to find out if I am on 32 or 64 bit [04:37] uname -a [04:37] thank you [04:38] What am I looking for [04:38] well, it did not work - I'm trying to setup Putty to use keys to connect [04:38] it said Server refused our key [04:38] the ls command tells there are 2 links for a file. if I use "find -inum 2341" it gives only one filepath which I know.How can I find another link to a file [04:39] that command did not say it [04:39] I want to find out if I am 32 or 64 bit [04:39] what's ubuntu's off subject channel name? [04:40] can't remember [04:40] #ubuntu-offtopic [04:40] Shoogy: uname -a [04:40] thnx bullgard4 [04:40] It does not say in it [04:40] What am I looking for [04:40] Shoogy: it should [04:41] Shoogy: What ouptut does '~$ uname -a' produce with you? [04:41] I836? [04:41] 386? [04:41] Shoogy: then your running a 32 [04:41] that would be 32 right [04:41] thank you [04:41] Hey, any chance someone could tell me how to get wxpython on ubuntu? [04:41] gry how do I check permissions? [04:41] cyperbg: like how...like ls -l ? [04:42] cyperbg: ls -la path/to/file [04:42] for directory [04:42] cyperbg: Use the command 'ls -al' [04:42] I can't find the links for a file [04:42] if my wireless adapter is showing up as eth1 instead of wlan0, would drivers be the culprit? [04:42] bullgard4: Thank you. [04:42] ola tem brasileiro ai? [04:42] everything looks OK - http://paste.ubuntu.com/636713/ [04:43] !br | brasiil6699 [04:43] brasiil6699: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [04:43] ola [04:43] anyone know anything about ca cert authentication? [04:43] not me [04:43] lottys: I would think someone here does. [04:43] I'd hope so :) [04:43] lottys: So, just ask the question, wait for reply. [04:44] lottys: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority [04:44] I've been issued with a signed csr and intermediate csr... however my squid config uses a cert= .pem file and key= .key file... is it possible to convert the csr file to those formats? [04:45] rickux: not necessarily, yes they would be the culprit in naming it that, but it's not necessarily a problem [04:45] envygeeks: alright, thank you [04:45] qin: may i pm? [04:46] can somone in here help me with my usb drive? there is a drectory on it thwt will not show and i get access denied when trying to access it as well as input/output errors [04:47] =\ [04:47] diytto: have you tried to get access through admin permissions? [04:48] Us3r_Unfriendly: no. ley me try [04:48] let* [04:49] diytto: now some will argue on this but you could try to use the su command or perhaps change the permissions on the directory with the chmod command [04:49] Us3r_Unfriendly: apparently root does not have cd [04:49] :/ [04:49] diytto: type in a terminal: su [04:49] got it [04:50] a external filesystem mounted on point "/media/" but it is nit listed in "/etc/fstab" file. How [04:50] a external filesystem mounted on point "/media/" but it is not listed in "/etc/fstab" file. How [04:51] diytto: well first did you have a password for your root user? [04:51] What is the function of the bash script /etc/X11/Xsession? "global Xsession file -- used by display managers and xinit (startx)" [04:51] Can someone explain how ssl keys are created? [04:51] cvam: because /etc/fstab is for permanent automounts, you can use the mount command and umount to mount and unmount without needing /etc/fstab [04:51] Us3r_Unfriendly: what do you mean. and here is a log of ls of the root of the usb http://paste.ubuntu.com/636720/ [04:52] lottys: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security [04:52] envygeeks: but i cant unmount. the message is "umount: /media/label1 is not in the fstab (and you are not root)" [04:53] envygeeks: And I'm a root user [04:54] Hey guys. [04:54] Speaking of help ... I'm having a problem setting up an NTP server. I have done it before however this time I am receiving 'parent died before we finished, exiting' on a reboot and then subsequent restarts get 'ntpd exiting on signal 15' logged only. Does anyone have an idea please? Executing 'ntpq -p' reports that I can see the servers? [04:54] Us3r_Unfriendly: did you get it? [04:54] I installed Ubuntu on my USB. [04:54] !ask | Product [04:54] Product: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [04:54] Oh ok :)) [04:54] cvam: is the drive in use? [04:54] I installed Ubuntu on my USB, and rebooted, what do I have to do now, nothing came up, only few files on my USB. [04:55] diytto: "sudo passwd" is a start. Change the root password to what you want. then "su" and cd to where your drive is mounted to and you should be able to view the contents...unless it's encrypted [04:55] Us3r_Unfriendly: the Games directory is screwed up [04:56] anyone know anything about ca cert authentication? [04:56] someone must know =\\ [04:56] Product: What do you mean by "USB"? Do you mean an "USB stick"? [04:56] i've got a critical issue [04:56] It's probably better to never set a root password and to leave root disabled and just do "sudo -i" [04:56] diytto: what exactly it is your trying to do? [04:56] Yes, Memory card, I installed on it to test Ubuntu if I like it. [04:56] I rebooted my PC, and I can see a few files on my Memory Stick. [04:56] Us3r_Unfriendly: trying to view the directory but the directory is screwed up [04:57] i gtg [04:57] :| [04:57] good day! anyone can help me? troubles with launching my Creative E-MU 0404 PCI-Express! [04:57] first you need some model rocket engines [04:57] pin1: What exact error message do you obtain? [04:58] just a sec. i'll make manipulations in console [04:58] Can anyone help me with the steps I have to follow to use Ubuntu, I installed on Memory Stick to make it bootable, and when installation was done I had to reboot my PC. [04:58] aeon__: yes [04:58] anyone know anything about ca cert authentication? really need some help guys [04:58] sorry for the delay [04:58] product: did you use the usb creator tool or did you dd the image? [04:59] envygeeks: I'am not sure what I used jo-erlend gave me a link. [04:59] ullgard4 [04:59] it says command not found [04:59] sorry. once again [04:59] lottys: you mean x.509 auth? [04:59] And I had to choose USB: and correct Dirrectoy withch is I:// [04:59] /usr/sbin/alsaconf: строка 929: update-modules: команда не найдена [04:59] And I also has choose Ubuntu, latest version. [05:00] And it was like 700Mb. [05:00] Product: Download the ISO (if you are already on Ubuntu) insert the USB and go to GNOME Menu > Admin > Startup Creator and use that tool, it will guide you [05:00] I came back, and installation was done, I clicked reboot now". [05:00] is there a way to set the cpufreq governor from the grub commandline? [05:00] envygeeks , are you speaking to me ore someone else? [05:00] envygeeks, could you please TeamView me ? I would be pleased. [05:00] I'am fully new to Linux. [05:01] Hi [05:01] Product: I guess I could help you real quick, let me install teamviewer real quick, I don't have it on this laptop becuase normally it's my play machine [05:01] Ok :) [05:01] Thanks very much ! [05:01] anyone know anything about ca cert authentication? really need some help guys [05:01] envygeeks : yeah [05:02] sorry just seen your msg [05:02] troubles with launching my Creative E-MU 0404 PCI-Express! any gelp? /usr/sbin/alsaconf: command not found [05:02] basically... i got sent a new csr to install [05:02] I am unable to open shotwell, I have reinstalled and even updated the source but still no beans, any thoughts? [05:02] so put the new file in the certs dir along with the intermediate one [05:02] !prefix | pin1 [05:02] pin1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [05:02] which seems to display the updated expiry using ssl checker websites... [05:03] however... squid needs a .pem and .key [05:03] which are still using the old ones? [05:03] i'm just all confused by it :| [05:05] bullgard4 , seems like you give some attention. i'm from Russia and i'm quite noob =) sorry if I do something wrong [05:06] anyone have a gmail account but doesn't have Google+ yet? [05:07] pin1: We all need to learn. So please start you messages wth the nick of your addressee. [05:07] new_person: Me. [05:08] do you know anyone with a google + account [05:08] i read this article on http://www.medjai.net/ [05:08] bullgard4: is it ok like this? can we discuss problem with soundcard? [05:08] it requires someone with an existing Google+ account [05:09] The guy claims he did it with 3 of his friends accounts and it worked [05:09] new_person: maybe I could help. I have a Google account, but I do not know what is Google+ [05:09] google+ is Google's replacement Facebook [05:09] but it has a lot of cool features [05:10] new_person: /join ##googleplus [05:10] they have something called circles which lets you create circle of friends to limit who sees what [05:10] and they have something called a Hangout [05:10] ok. I'm not logged on Facebook. Sorry [05:10] this is like a group video chat with circles [05:10] i dont like the sounds of it :/ [05:10] really? [05:10] i thought it was pretty cool [05:10] pin1: 1. You asked: "is it ok like this?" Yes, this is correct and well. -- 2. You asked: "can we discuss problem with soundcard?" I hope so. But I do not know your particulars yet, and I am no great expert on sound in general. Please start your specific question now. [05:11] new_person, connection to ubuntu support? [05:11] i don't know you that well new_person, and i've never heard of it. i'm very weary [05:11] yeah [05:11] i know simpleblue [05:12] sorry to say [05:12] new_person, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic ubuntu tech support in #ubuntu [05:12] i'm not saying for me, i'm just saying it's a good concept in general [05:12] oh [05:12] sorry bazhang [05:13] bullgard4 : when I tyype "sudo alsaconf" in console, my card is displayed incorrect. it says I have Audigy 2. But in fact it is 0404 PCIEx =\. also it brings another error: update-modules: command not found [05:14] Hi guys. Tomboy won't launch for me; there's a weird .note file [05:14] under ~/.local/share/tomboy [05:14] any reads from it give 'Input/output error' [05:14] tried fsck === nikhgupta_ is now known as n00nen9s [05:15] Hello. Im having some major problems Installing Ubuntu and was redirected to this IRC for help. [05:16] maybe i can help if we know the issue [05:17] Fox__: state your problem [05:17] he's probl typing it out [05:17] After restart system wont launch shotwell, I have updated sources, reinstalled from source and still no luck, any thoughts? [05:18] pin1: I do not know anything about alsaconf. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=alsaconf&mode=exactfilename&suite=natty&arch=any : "You have searched for files named alsaconf in suite natty, all sections, and all architectures. Sorry, your search gave no results" [05:18] nicolas: why did you install shotwell from source? its in the repos.. just apt-get it [05:18] well at first it was the black screen with flashing keyboard lights.. But after burning the install disk slower ive now get when it starts to Install a long list of numbers with some call trace.. and the keyboard lights flashing [05:18] KM0201 origenally it was, after restart it would not launch [05:18] bullgard4: ok. thanks anyway. in Russia I did not get anything exept for angry voices: "NOOB!" [05:19] hmm [05:19] Fox__: do you know what graphics processor is on that machine? [05:19] nicolas did you try to uninstall it and than reinstall it again before doing it from source [05:20] confezzor, that was my first plan of action, still no luck, so I got the newest ppa source and tried that, last resort was from source [05:20] Unsure the brand but its on an PCI-E port.. the motherboard doesnt have built in graphics [05:20] what version of ubuntu are you running? [05:20] natty 11.04 [05:21] Motherboard Asus P5P800 [05:22] pin1: In this channel, you will sometimes get an angry answer also. But if you are polite and if you are putting smart questions here and know the Code of Conduct, you will get useful answers, be it after a long time. -- I am sorry that I do not know anything about Audigy 2 either. [05:23] confezzor after seaching and seeing some complaint about shotwell with AMD 64 I thought that might be my prob, but it ran before just fine [05:23] did you use the right ppa nicolas [05:23] exit [05:23] anyone know anything about ca x.509? really need some help guys [05:23] pin1: May be the following will help you a little bit: [05:23] oh that sucks...but it works on mine AMD 64 [05:24] from what I could tell, it did not have an option for 64bit, but did for natty, meerkat etc [05:24] !sound | pin1 [05:24] pin1: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [05:25] did you use this ppa ppa:yorba/ppa [05:25] confezzor - yup [05:25] anyone want some cash? :) [05:25] bullgard4: thanks! but the problem lies much deeper =). I had million tries. thanks for your help! I'll go google some more. bye! [05:25] lottys, wrong channel for that [05:25] confezzor, the shotwell viewer works, but not the manager [05:25] hmmm that's wield...i got other's that might be good to use if you would like to know [05:25] sigh [05:25] sure [05:25] guys, what is the command to leave the room? [05:25] looking for simple [05:26] like shotwell [05:26] pin1: /part [05:26] pin1: Good luck! Vsego nailucego. [05:26] rww: thanks! [05:26] I'm trying to add the user "fredrick" to the group "vboxusers" with the command "sudo useradd -G vboxusers fredrick" the shell returns "useradd: user 'fredrick' already exists" Any idea why? [05:26] bullgard4: OMG! Are you Russian? [05:26] im trying to mount a directory on ubuntu server, on my local computer(not ubuntu) using sshfs. i use this method with some other servers and it works great, but with this ubuntu server it keeps telling me read: Connection reset by peer [05:26] pin1: No. I am German. [05:26] i can ssh in just fine, but sshfs is not working :| === paul__ is now known as raskall [05:27] bullgard4: =D Nice. Auf Wiedersehn [05:27] any ideas...? [05:27] envygeeks:no the drive is not in use [05:27] my computer just went crazy, now whenever I turn it on I get an error message at the login screen and it says "Install prolem! The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator" [05:28] then when I try to log in, with my username and password, and just flashes black and then goes back to the login screen [05:28] so I can't log in [05:28] nicolas you can check out this one [05:28] raskall: According to what I found on Google, it could be because your hard disk space is low. [05:28] http://darktable.sourceforge.net/index.shtml [05:28] or [05:29] when i do 'man' for manual on something how do i kill the process again so i can get out? [05:29] raskall,,, mine did the same until i logged in with Gnome Classic [05:29] Edisto: q [05:29] Edisto, hit the q key [05:29] Logan_: is there anyway to get a command promppt? [05:29] thanks [05:29] the ls command tells there are 2 links for a file. if I use "find -inum 2341" it gives only one filepath which I know.How can I find another link to a file [05:29] Toph2: I keep trying to login with classic [05:29] confezzor - awesome, I will check them out - thanks [05:29] raskall,,, ok,, that worked for me [05:29] Toph2: thanks though [05:29] or just go with f-spot... [05:29] np [05:30] but darktable is really good [05:30] and np...anytime [05:30] raskall: ctrl-alt-f1 [05:31] where can I find my Gnome user picture? (e.g. the image I see when I click 'About Me...', displayed for example on the login screen) [05:31] Nevermind, fixed it with "sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers fredrick" thanks anyway :) [05:31] i did 'cc filerun.c' it created a a.out but not a filerun file to run what did i do wrong? [05:32] trying to play the output from an mplayer capture. any ideas what im doing wrong? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/636732/ [05:34] the stream is usually played via their flash based webplayer. pulled the url from tshark [05:34] Logan_: thank you very much, cleared some space and it works [05:36] raskall: You're welcome. [05:37] hmm... i see -o is not the same as in ubuntu... how do you compile a file in unbuntu using cc or gcc? i'm trying cc -o filerun.c but its saying no input file [05:38] Edisto: huh? [05:38] not the same as what? where does that work? [05:38] unix system [05:38] uh, no [05:38] i can always 'mplayer c2c.aac' on the dump but that doesnt give me fluid, realtime output. [05:38] you can do "cc -o filerun filerun.c" [05:38] -o is output file specifier [05:38] "cc -o filerun.c" works exactly nowhere [05:39] Edisto: perhaps you're looking for cc -o nameofcreatedexecutablehere sourcefilehere.c [05:39] lol thanks random i knew i forgot something [05:39] yeah i forgot to put the file name in front [05:40] hi guys [05:40] you can also just "cc filerun.c" and get "a.out" as the executable [05:41] here is a picture of what my screen shows after clicking install Ubuntu (using 11.04, from CD) with flashign Caps lock and Scroll Lock. http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g432/Tyler_Cantrell/Photo07012328.jpg [05:41] thanks guys for info [05:41] so what is today topic [05:43] and how do i execute a.out it doesn't work by just typing a.out in console [05:43] Edisto: ./a.out [05:43] the current working directory is not part of $PATH (for very good reasons), so it isn't looked in when you type an executable name [05:43] ahhh thanks [05:44] hi everyone !) [05:44] nevermind think i found the problem... dumb host has empty sshd_config :| === Tgl0beUSER- is now known as DotttCom [05:46] hello people out there i got one question... does anyone know how to install third part soft ware to ubuntu linux [05:47] what type of software you trying to install [05:47] Babu, what package name [05:49] time watcher for internet cafee [05:49] Used Offical download from ubuntu for the iso, used DAEMON tools Pro to burn to a sony CD-R at 10x speed. Computer is running Asus P5P800 Motherboard with 2GB ram, 250GBHDD and Pentium 4 3.3Ghz. Disk boots fine but i get the same thing on try ubuntu, Install ubuntu, and the check disk for errors options. http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g432/Tyler_Cantrell/Photo07012328.jpg With flashing... [05:49] ...keyboard Caps Lock and Scroll Lock lights. Please help? [05:49] ive added 2-3 ppa's to software sources while getting some extrs icon themes---is it ok to remove these ppa's now? [05:49] Babu, the exact name is time-watcher? [05:50] hello all [05:50] preecher, sure. you can use ppa-purge [05:50] !info ppa-purge | preecher [05:50] preecher: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB [05:50] bazhang thx-) [05:50] hello, could anyone help me with ld, ld -lc does not work [05:51] anyone know how to compile an VB .net application for windows CE? [05:51] Babu, please tell us the exact package name [05:51] yes time-watcher [05:51] bis0n, ##windows [05:51] ok [05:51] package is ubuntu version 9 [05:51] also i got linux-mint version 9 [05:52] !mintsupport | Babu [05:52] Babu: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [05:53] and say hi to the crickets while you're there. hah [05:53] Babu is that a windows program [05:53] linux-mint is a debian which does not delivered from ubuntu [05:53] Babu: I know what Linux Mint is. It's not supported in #ubuntu. [05:53] yes time-watcher is the a windows program [05:54] just use wine...it might install it might not [05:54] linux mint run as a stand alone operating system [05:54] how do i install wine [05:54] I came here for the toaster pastry? [05:55] Babu: go ask the support channel for your distribution [05:55] go into the synaptic and look for wine [05:55] install that and playonlinux just for more support [05:56] synaptic is something found i software center eh? [05:56] yea you can do the software center as well [05:56] either or doesn't matter [05:56] lol [05:57] alright confezzor [05:57] anyone knows of a stable plugin/extension(not theme) for firefox (want to make it easy to have grey for body background on all webpages) [05:57] yea [05:58] i am not good user of linux that why i got stack there.. [05:58] it's cool..just download wine and playonlinux in the software center..tell me when you do that [05:58] and i'll walk you through the rest...like i said this might work or not.. [06:00] Babu: after you grab wine, dont forget the nifty 'winefile' command. it is a familiar, windows explorer-like file manager :) [06:00] and so i forgot winetricks if it's not add already in the install [06:00] added* [06:01] oh so wine reate file manager in ubuntu where i can use to install other software [06:01] confezzor: i dont think it is. at least it wasnt for me. will have to grab it manually. [06:02] it know's now to work with dill files that windows uses [06:02] yea same here...but in some distro's for some reason when you install wine it adds it...it's weird [06:03] Installing Natty 11.04 and after selecting Install Ubuntu or Try Ubuntu or Check disk for errors i get a screen full of numbers and text reading things like [0.000000] BUG: Bad page state in process swapper pfn:3a1f9. Keyboard lights flashing as well. have link to screenshot if needed. [06:03] the ls command tells there are 2 links for a file. if I use "find -inum 2341" it gives only one filepath which I know.How can I find another link to a file [06:03] Fox__ how did you install your distro..by usb or dvd? [06:04] Fox__: also note the photobucket image from earlier too [06:05] CD-R Iso from the offical site. Used DAEMON tools pro to burn the .iso to a Sony CD-R capable of 1x-48x.. burned the disk at slowest possible speed (10x) [06:05] also if you are using i think it's the i386 architecture ubuntu doesn't support it anymore..or that's what they said [06:05] this web for wine requires me to login by using ubuntu but for the meantime iam just login using windows === mark__ is now known as markamber [06:05] in 11.04 that is [06:05] !nomodeset [06:05] A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [06:06] don't use that web thing..just install wine, winetricks and playonlinux [06:08] hi all, i'm trying to record/capture my desktop and well i took a video of the screen and this was all i got http://picpaste.com/Workspace_1_011-3oS7RS9V.jpeg for the duration of the video. i could see the mouse moving around but nautilus was maximized during the entire recording. anybody have any suggestions? what's broken so i can google it? [06:08] i need a better GPU for mining bitcoin....this sucks....Babu did you install the packages yet [06:09] ok_wait: What are you using to record it? [06:09] does which already included in ubuntu? coz i went to web for download [06:09] recordmydesktop [06:09] ok_wait: It can happen with theora. Using ffmpeg to record is a good idea. [06:10] confezzor: i use a gentoo cluster of old machines. probably not as efficient, but man its fun. [06:10] yes the ubuntu package is side by side in this laptop with windows [06:10] rypervenche, thanks i'll check that out [06:10] ok_wait: Get ffmpeg and x264 here, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 [06:11] nice gohdan ..i was getting like 700 second and now i'm not sure whats going on..i'm going like 40 a second [06:11] ok_wait: I've got a script to automatically record my screen you can use it if you like. Just change the variables at the beginning to your liking. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19330159/Scripts/screencast.sh [06:11] ok tried to install using the nomodeset and same error [06:12] rypervenche, wow thank you very much [06:12] Babu what do you mean you have windows side by side...i'm confussed [06:12] just installed linux 11.04 and trying to boot but it seems stuck after stopping system runlevel compatibility and just a flashing cursor [06:13] and Babu i see what this application does..you can do this normally in ubuntu without this kind of software [06:14] ok confezzor tell me how can i do it normally? [06:14] confezzor: 40-700khash!? [06:14] confezzor my laptop got ubuntu and windows [06:15] well i was doing 700 to 900khash but know it just dropped like 5 mins ago to like 20 to 40 sec [06:15] but now [06:16] it might be this distro..i'm trying something new called linuxcoin...it's a distro based on just bitcoin...it might be the software [06:17] Babu are you trying to set this up for your children? if you don't mind me asking [06:17] 10.10 amd/64..... what am i doing incorrectly, that evolution 2.30.3 does NOT automatically restart after a reboot, even tho it is listed in the startup folder, nor, does it restart if i do a save of currently running programs just before a reboot..... ?? [06:17] you will need to go into system and than look for users and groups [06:17] tim-watcher used to manage users session when they login to their accounts and admin could just give a user one hour to login.. when the time expire the user is automatically logged out [06:17] i believe...i'm not on a ubuntu box right now [06:18] i am jst setting for the internet cafe [06:18] oh ok it's for a business [06:18] confezzor: thats an extremely low hash rate to be running on a gpu. [06:18] Babu: you will probably not be able to run a windows based user management tool on ubuntu in the manner you are attempting. [06:18] gohdan: even at 700 to 900 or you talking about the 40...yea i know [06:19] the windows tool will not control users or most services in on the ubuntu host machine [06:19] yea...go into system/ administrator and look for usergroups [06:19] so what is the solution for such kind of problem [06:20] what's tty2 commands to go into the gui? [06:20] scarylarry, tty2 is not gui [06:20] confezzor: both. see http://forum.bitcoin.org/?topic=1628.0 [06:21] right and to boot into the gui [06:21] from tty2 [06:21] startx [06:21] thx [06:21] scarylarry, X server starts listening(after started) on a new tty.. === lilstevie is now known as lilstevie|ZNC === skynix_ is now known as skynix [06:22] scarylarry: alternatively you can launch a display manager and have that handle your X session [06:22] 10.10 amd/64..... what am i doing incorrectly, that evolution 2.30.3 does NOT automatically restart after a reboot, even tho it is listed in the startup folder, nor, does it restart if i do a save of currently running programs just before a reboot..... ?? [06:22] confezzor i want to know if i am goin into usergroups can i manage the user sessions [06:22] confezzor, you still on? [06:23] display manager? [06:23] gohdan: oh wow..i should be getting 2518728...i'm going to try it on ubuntu 10.10 like it says to [06:23] nicolas yea [06:23] ? [06:23] confezzor, I like the dark table, but still wanting to fix this version of shotwell, you have any ideas that I could try? [06:24] let me go see real quick nicolas..give me a few to look up something [06:24] thank [06:24] scarylarry: such as 'GDM' or 'KDM' etc [06:25] i have got twenty computers at this place and user loggin though i cannt manage their sessions [06:25] hmm [06:25] ok, i startx'ed but now all i got is a blank splash screen [06:26] you can also use the command kdm gdm directly like startx [06:26] if a windowmanager is installed [06:27] and will that work if the hardware can't handle it? [06:27] quabbe: TWM comes with X IIRC [06:27] did you use nvidia card? [06:27] no it's a s*** 2mb mattrox [06:28] normally should work it but you dont have any 3D [06:28] !xsession [06:29] maybe i should just buy a better pci graphics card, the agp slot is not working on this mobo. [06:30] yes session [06:30] scarylarry: X should run fine on the lower end card. i have a machine running openbox on top of a 4mb virge [06:30] xsession [06:30] ok [06:31] i'll try [06:31] scarylarry, you need either an ~/.xinitrc or ~/.Xsession ... to start up your window-manager, etc etc.. [06:31] nicolas did you download all the dependencies for shotwell [06:31] you using 11.04 right [06:31] I did, per their site [06:31] yes [06:31] scarylarry, if gnome is installed u probably just need like gnome-session in the xsess/xinit file [06:32] ok lets try this [06:32] scarylarry, if you want openbox or something like fvwm, you of course don't type gnome-session [06:33] you using a 86x or a 64bit computer [06:33] hi guys, hey quick question since vlc chan seem dead, how to display timestamp on video ? [06:33] confezzor - 64 bit === P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D [06:34] i am trying to stream audio with mplayer and capture the output at the same time. any idea what im doing wrong? my workaround right now is to open two seperate streams, which is not the desired result. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/636732/ [06:35] i hardly know anything about linux, so what would i add to my boot options or type in to tty2 to get it to work === lilstevie|ZNC is now known as lilstevie [06:35] the second line just captures but does not output [06:35] confezzor i will check you oline later iam just leaving [06:35] ok.. [06:35] Hi. This is my SSH hosts, I'm using the same password for all of them, and for my mail. I'm stupid. Therefor I'll pay my price. SSH: / / - remon / yoboy=0359 [06:37] did you installed an wm scarrylarry? [06:37] scarylarry, ?? [06:37] scarylarry, get "what"? [06:37] Anthraxium-64: What are you trying to do? [06:38] a gui that will work [06:38] scarylarry, ?? [06:38] gohdan, did you try ffmpeg ? [06:38] scarylarry, you didn't install X? are you an admin on this system? [06:38] yes [06:38] any error messages during boot time? [06:38] scarylarry, if you're new to linux.. i don't know what you're trying to do [06:38] Hey. [06:38] lighta: in what manner? [06:38] how can I switch a loop back interface to go to NOARP mode? [06:39] Test- [06:39] Hi all. [06:39] Product: Salut. [06:39] nicolas you still there [06:39] are you saying in other words, forget it? [06:39] gry: Salut :) [06:39] well here ffserver, wich do exactly the same thing as you asking [06:39] yup [06:39] anyone know of a PPA that hosts mono 2.10.2 packages? [06:39] sunson, guessing maybe you'd have to recompile or something.. [06:39] question is the whole application not working? and when you installed 11.04 was it not working out the box? [06:40] when I try it was really easy, anyway from you're past he seem to not reach the socket wich is a network issue [06:40] yagoo: eh? recompile? :) [06:40] confezzor, worked out of the box, I tried importing some photos and it crashed, after restart the launcher and app were all still there, but it is like its a dead link [06:41] the viewer still works, but not the manager [06:41] ok this site says you can try to do it in Gnome classic and do the install...you can try that way..maybe something with the install using the full unity system.. [06:41] can you ping ? [06:41] is that you ? [06:41] so log into classic and reinstall? [06:41] Does anyone know how I can edit the options that appear on GRUB at boot? [06:41] gohdan, ?? [06:41] first uninstall it [06:41] from unity [06:41] ok [06:41] and than do the gnome classic [06:42] try that..i'll be here if it doesn't [06:42] cool, let me go try that [06:42] ok [06:42] ?grub [06:42] !grub [06:42] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [06:44] Is there a GUI frontend for configuring GRUB? [06:45] robot food look in the directory boot [06:45] RobotFood, gedit [06:46] GUI front end [06:46] not text editor [06:46] :) [06:46] theres no gui under ubuntu for grub [06:46] lighta: yeah, the server is up. i am streaming from it with a second instance of mplayer right now. [06:46] confezzor, no beans, still dead [06:47] lighta: sorry, i was making a sandwich :) [06:47] ok let me see again [06:47] robinbowes: Search for `grub conf` in Software Center. [06:47] err [06:47] goofy, you would think the uninstall would clear any previous problem [06:47] anyonne good in shell scripting? [06:47] ok but gohdan excuse me if this sound noob but if it's same computer you wont be able to listen you're ip, should use 127.0.0.x instead [06:47] robinbowes: Sorry, un-ping. [06:48] quabbe: Please see what I said and http://grubconf.sourceforge.net/ - there apparently is some. [06:49] i need to copy all the .h files from two different folders and their subfolder to another third folder. how to do this in shell script ? help? [06:49] rah front end suck RobotFood, you should get use to vim and texteditor ! nothing better [06:49] confezzor, got it [06:49] Abhijit: cd folder1;cp -r *.h /path/to/destination and same for folder2 [06:49] lighta: the stream is on a remote server i dont control. its usually accessed via the websites flash webplayer. but, i grabbed the url from tshark and opened it in mplayer for capture [06:50] deleted the hidden data file, somehow the previous crash was keeping it from opening [06:50] Abhijit, rsync -r ./path/to/yours/files/*.h ./path/to/the/new/files/ [06:50] nicolas you got what?...it's working [06:50] maybe the database was blocking or something, seems to be working [06:50] yup [06:50] sweet...cool congrats [06:51] thanks for the help, take it easy man [06:51] i hate it when it's a simple thing to fix and we all try the most complicated work arounds lol [06:51] you to [06:51] I know it [06:51] np [06:51] later man [06:51] ok gohdan are you able to ping it ? are you sure network is ok ? [06:52] gry, cp: cannot stat `*.h': No such file or directory [06:53] lighta, rsync: link_stat "location/*.h" failed: No such file or directory (2) [06:53] use quotes around [06:53] "*.h" instead of *.h [06:53] ok [06:53] I changed my permissions for the var file to root and now my epiphany browser cannot open some web pages I have in www. does anyone know what files will affect epiphany browser? [06:53] Abhijit, are you in good repertory are you used with absoute and relative path ? anyway for your copy I'll suggest rsync, really good tool [06:54] lighta, ok [06:54] lighta: as stated previously, i am listening to the stream from the server right now [06:55] ok gohdan i'll try myself with mplayer then see if I can help, what you're trying to do is an automatic script for listening is that right ? [06:55] listening and record ? [06:55] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/636732/ [06:55] I'm trying to enable compiz desktop effects for a laptop with an Intel 945GM graphics card, after upgrading to 11.04. Help? [06:56] what basic packages are needed for development of qt4 to compile some qt4 applications? [06:56] i want to capture the stream from a SINGLE instance of mplayer, AND capture it at the same time, in the same instance [06:57] I have a REALLY stupid question, it is entirely subjective, I used to program in C++ but now i wonder, what's the best language for linux? [06:57] so can we say record the stream vids on your hd ? [06:57] Senjai: what kind of application? [06:57] C++ is a good one for linux to [06:57] Senjai, depend what for but C++ working well in linux too, you've got gcc to compile it very easy [06:57] I used C++ for DirectX and WINAPI on windows [06:57] the include file I see in the package I want to compile looks like INCPATH = -I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4 -Isrc -Isrc/json -Isrc/cryptopp -Isrc/qt -I. -I. [06:58] but pearl or ruby is good to [06:58] lighta: its an audio stream of the radio show CoastToCoast AM [06:58] Pearl and ruby to create entire programs? [06:58] Perl* [06:58] Im thinking of massive projects [06:58] thought python/C#/ava would be suggested [06:58] Java* [06:58] Senjai: if you're already familiar with C++, it's definitely a solid option for GNU/LInux. [06:59] I want to dual boot my Dell PC with windows 7 and ubunru 10.10 [06:59] I personaly prefer java, but it's because I'm use to it [06:59] but unable to do that [06:59] can anyone help [06:59] ?? [07:00] joyrock install windows 7 first and than ubuntu [07:00] Senjai: Python is a popular one, with PyGTK and PyQt and such. Java, I guess if the goal is more cross-platform maybe? C# is controversial, because of the .NET licensing and Mono and everything -- there are free software implementations for GNU/Linux, but with a bit of a patent cloud hanging overhead. Not a great choice for *new* projects. But C++ is definitely a solid option if you're already familiar with it. [07:01] Senjai: C++ might be a little low-level or overkill when that kind of performance isn't necessary, and I think that's why some people go for languages like Python. But there are lots of GNU/Linux applicatoins written in C++, especially applications were performance is key. [07:02] I hate C# for .net yeah [07:02] confessor I have installed ein 7 [07:02] balleyne, thank you, can you elaborate on C++ being low level? [07:02] lighta, i just like the coding style [07:02] confezzor but what happened that ubuntu is saying my free space as unused [07:03] well C is more for performance yeah, C++ I dunno may depend on you're processor, what exactly are you working on ? [07:04] Senjai: actually, I guess I'm more familiar with C than C++, but say with things like memory allocation or garbage collection. My understanding is that you have more responsibility for that kind of stuff in C++, whereas with Java or Python or C#, there are more library and built-in tools available to handle things... [07:04] how can i check which is my default shell? [07:05] joyrock do you have an open partition on that drive you using? [07:05] Senjai: I don't know very much about C++, but that's because I'm too lazy to learn it. My plan is to stick with Java and Python where I can, and C# and .NET where I must. [07:05] Senjai: ditto for C and ASM [07:05] Abhijit: echo $SHELL (I think?) [07:05] confezzor open partition means ??? [07:05] balleyne, yah. thanks. [07:06] Abhijit: chsh [07:06] :-o [07:06] gry, it ask for password? [07:06] gry, what does it do? [07:06] Senjai: this seems like an interesting read: http://www.dmh2000.com/cjpr/ [07:06] balleyne, I understand. Java is starting to become interesting to me (after seeing minecraft deploy) tntc, thank you for your contribution, ASM is a pain indeed [07:07] Abhijit: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1262577 [07:07] Abhijit: man chsh (it's for changing the login shell) [07:07] Y'all might not know, but I wanted to ask anyway. The other day, I ran some updates, though I'm not sure what all I ran updates on. When those updates ran, my lock button in the "Quit-Log Out" app on AWN broke. The lock command from the gnome menu still works fine. I'm on LUCID [07:07] balleyne, i dont see the power from java though, it lags with every app i use it with [07:07] gry, i do not want to change. i just want to know. [07:07] I guess that's not really a question, I'm just wondering how to fix it [07:08] Senjai: I actually liked writing MIPS ASM, but it's sort of like using a 10lb sledge to hammer in a nail to hang a picture. [07:08] Abhijit: Just ^C it when it asks. It won't change, then. [07:08] Senjai: yeah, C++ gives you much better performance, whereas Java maybe has more tools for a programmer to use. There are tradeoffs, Java's definitely a slower language at runtime compared to C++ [07:08] tntc, I could never wrap my head around asm, and with x64 i hear its nearly impossible, if you have any book reccomendations please let me know [07:08] gry, ok [07:08] Senjai: I imagine a lot of the slowness of modern java is just bad coding practices. Good code is fast. Bad code isn't. :) [07:08] balleyne, but java does more work behind the scenes, I believe complete control of my code fits my style [07:09] tntc, yes I agree, Java allows that, whereas C++ doesn't.. as much. [07:09] I'm not seeing a way to edit the command it uses or anything like that, and I have no idea what it uses to lock. I've tried to rebuild the AWN apps as well as XSCREENSAVER [07:09] Senjai: I've found that python can be slow too, but generally it's slow in places you don't care about. It's really nice for whipping some code together really fast. [07:09] tntc, I thought lisp would be better than python for those cases? [07:09] balleyne, I'm going to read that essay after making ome tea [07:10] * Senjai wonders if anyone has any programming book reccomendations (other than C++) [07:10] * Senjai or sites :P [07:10] * amyleto feels like she wandered in on the same conversation she left in here 6 months ago [07:10] Senjai: throwing together a prototype? Eh. From what I've seen of Lisp, it's elegent, but not easy to work with. too many parenthesis. [07:10] Hi, I want to remove pulseaudio ....I found this >>http://is.gd/ViNFUF ....Which post shoul I follow ? 133 or 134 ? or please tell me the command [07:10] running 11.04 [07:10] tntc, I know racket and schem so I'm used to it :P. it works within emacs flawlessly too.. that's my excuse [07:11] Senjai: cool, I haven't read it, was just skimming it for confirmation of my impressions of C++. Looks like it might have some interesting comparisons *shrugs* [07:11] balleyne, tntc, do either of you have site/book reccomendations? [07:11] Senjai: "Learning Python" from O'Reilly is pretty good, and http://tinyurl.com/thinkcspy is supposed to be excellent. [07:11] I second Learning Python [07:11] You usually can't go wrong with O'Reilly books [07:12] I'm trying to get Compiz working with an Intel 945GM graphics card after upgrade to 11.04. Help? Got an error when first trying to log into Unity about desktop effects, and now compiz seems disabled... [07:12] Book marked ti [07:12] both [07:12] Any other sites/book suggestions for Java/Python/Perl etc.. books [07:12] I used to use Gamedev.net for programming questions === superman is now known as Guest8323 [07:13] Senjai: My suggestion is to avoid perl, from personal experience. It's really really fun when you're first learning it, but all the object oriented stuff feels kludged together to me. [07:13] If you learn a lot by example the O'Reilly cookbooks can be useful tools [07:13] Senjai: legendary Python versus Perl article from ESR: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/3882 [07:13] Senjai: It's hard to beat CPAN in terms of sheer number of modules, but I spent a lot of time fooling around with Perl defaults. [07:14] hi [07:14] tntc, I've never programmed it before all i know is it integrates well in webservers [07:14] * Senjai is entirely ignorant pertaining to perl [07:14] i get message from ubuntu that my du [07:14] balleyne, gonna read it after tea as well! lol, want to finish discussion first so i dont bring it up again [07:14] disk is dammaged [07:14] Senjai: there is a lot of weirness. I always feel like someone waves their hands and yells "Abracadabra" when I run a perl script. There are a lot of weird default variables and stuff [07:14] tntc, also bookmarked your linlk [07:15] so amyleto, you suggest O'reilly books? [07:15] yes [07:15] Anyone have suggestions for Java? [07:15] Senjai: Programming Python (also an O'Reilly book) is pretty awesome too [07:15] * Senjai pulls out credit card [07:15] And yes amyleto I'm more of an example learner [07:15] I teach myself more than anything [07:16] Senjai: http://duke.csc.villanova.edu/jss1/ my uni used this book. it was pretty good [07:16] Learning the intricacies take me awhile though [07:16] (for java) [07:16] they have cookbooks for Perl, Python, and Java [07:16] the cookbooks have example code [07:16] Senjai: 10,000 hours is expert level supposedly :) [07:16] hello, what is "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6"? [07:16] In anything you do tntc [07:16] What do you guys think about capitalism? [07:16] !ot | cafezim [07:16] cafezim: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [07:16] !ot | cafezim [07:16] I think capitalism sucks [07:16] If you don't mind if it's not current version, Used bookstores are wonderful for the O'Reilly books [07:16] I recommend Half Price Books [07:17] I know thinking in C++ is still the best book to learn C++ out there [07:17] But the same author has a thinking in java [07:17] Doesn't O'reilly give updates to their e-books for free? [07:17] yes [07:17] xD [07:17] most programming books do [07:18] C++ is useful only for desktop apps [07:18] I hadn't bought the ebooks before, but that's great to know [07:18] I haven't bought a programming book in... 10 years >.< [07:18] amyleto: I have a whole collection of Python and Perl and Java and C and C++ and VB books XD [07:18] amyleto: I'm a CS major, so it fits [07:18] I was a CS major [07:18] oh, and PHP and MySQL and XML and ... yeah envermind. [07:19] In /var/log/syslog every five minutes an entry like this appears: CRON[2151]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1). What is debian-sal? man/google don't turn up any explanation, and the command doesn't exist on my installation. [07:19] Then I got into the real world, so now that I'm about to go back to school I'm switching to a Lit major [07:19] I don't plan on using my degree, anyhow [07:19] probably will still minor in CS since I have so many credits [07:19] cafezim that is not correct [07:20] tntc, care to share soe of those? I took one cpsc course in uni so far [07:20] I'd be in shock if they used my COBOL credits, though [07:20] My major is commrce [07:20] Senjai, why not? [07:20] cafezim, to say any language is only good for one thing is a sure sign of ignorance [07:20] It means your uninitiated with it [07:21] I know it was used for making OSś like windows and linux [07:21] C was [07:21] not C++ [07:21] yes, almost the same :) [07:21] They are very different. [07:21] Sorry cafezim, i appreciate the enthusiasm, but you really should read before you become so opinionated on a topic you are unfamiliar with [07:21] well you can use C++ in a way that is very similar to C [07:22] I am going to work on some web pages now [07:22] but that's not how most people think of C++ [07:22] Senjai: I already do :) Most of em are out in the hands of other CS students. [07:22] Lol :) [07:22] Senjai, are you a c++ defender or something? [07:22] Senjai, if only you were this pedantic about the channel topic :) [07:22] Random832, many people code in C, and support it as a language, while many professors hate C++ and lobby against it [07:23] Sorry blargg, I'll get back on topic [07:23] really i think the most innovative, unique thing about C++ is probably deterministic destruction [07:23] why the hate on c++ [07:23] I dunno. I think C++ is a fine language if you want to use it. I just... don't. [07:23] I love C++, just a lot of people are against it [07:23] F# is the best [07:23] I've heard that python is very common in ubuntu. [07:23] Anyways [07:23] which enables the RAII pattern, and more mundane things like a vector or string of arbitrary size treated just like a local variable [07:23] C++ is good, but does not have automatic memory management, such as Java [07:23] we should really get back to talking about Ubuntu, as blargg pointed out [07:23] C++ was my favourite, too [07:24] I haven't coded it in years, though [07:24] gry, balleyne , lighta this one worked!!! find folder/one folder/two -iname '*.h' -exec cp {} third/folder \; [07:24] :-) [07:24] amyleto, what do you code in now? [07:24] how do you guys feel about LISP [07:24] I actually don't code much anymore T_T === greezmunkey is now known as Guest55977 [07:24] But c++ is good, but I don really know it :) [07:24] Python teaches good habits, good for open source development and good for beginners but its a high level language so its slow [07:24] I dabble in Python every now and then, but life is busy [07:24] How do you feel about the debian-sal command? [07:24] amyleto, then... what do you do? [07:24] lol [07:25] ah yeah nice one Abhijit =) well rsync could work with 2 folder but glad you make it [07:25] housewife [07:25] cafezim: technically, you can code in C++ without ever creating an object by pointer ("new") - destruction as things go out of scope can be considered a form of automatic memory managemetn [07:25] lighta, yah! [07:25] and just a couple months from student [07:25] ahh, like my girlfriend [07:25] any guides for troubleshooting compiz problems? can't get unity to run at all on this laptop... no compiz, but I've definitely used desktop effects in the past [07:25] lol [07:25] But guys, the most important is the programming logics, the rest is syntax :) [07:25] How do I properly show unicode in vim? http://i52.tinypic.com/28slxk8.png Please highlight if you respond. [07:26] hiatus: c-programmer would say python teaches you bad habits :) [07:26] ader10: what is output of :set fenc ? [07:26] not only logic, some parameter quite important, like host, usage, performance, security... [07:26] one moment [07:26] perl teaches bad habits, too [07:26] perl and python aren't good for beginners [07:26] learn F# [07:26] new dynamic language [07:26] best ever [07:26] loll [07:26] forget c [07:27] Random832: fileencoding=utf-8 [07:27] yeah right [07:27] ader10: what version of vim do you have installed? [07:27] you are not going to get much attention to that in a linux chat [07:27] Abhijit: Great. [07:27] ader10: and that is the output on ubuntu, correct? not arch? jut checking [07:27] So, no ideas on what debian-sal does? [07:27] go learn vb too ? [07:27] Random832: VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Apr 16 2010 13:34:36) [07:27] er, i mean [07:27] what package - vim-tiny vim-gnome etc [07:27] anyone know y "cat test | cat <(echo -n -e "\0357\0273\0277") - > test" failed to insert BOM :< ~ it replace the file with BOM :< [07:28] i got my associates in CS... 11 years ago. i used it for a total of... 6 months. [07:28] wildbat: becaue > test erases the file before it execute the commadn [07:28] how do linux developers get time to work at it? [07:28] maybe retired persons [07:28] cafezim: Volunteer effort. :-) [07:28] This is something really good man [07:28] F# is a joke lol [07:28] wildbat: try "sed -i '1s/^/\xeb\xbb\xbf/'" [07:29] Random832: I have vim, vim-common, vim-runtime, and vim-tiny installed. I think that's vim. (not vim-tiny) [07:29] ader10: are you sure the vimrc is the same? [07:29] Random832: OH ! [07:29] cafezim: 75% of linux developers are employed to work on it [07:29] Shows that people think not only money all the time :) [07:29] th^^: to be fair, a C programmer would also take several times as long to solve a problem like "Pull some data from WMI calls, then output them to a file." [07:29] Random832: and yes, fileencoding=utf-8 is for ubuntu [07:29] ader10: do a md5sum of the vimrcs [07:29] Who employs them? [07:30] er, not the vimrcs [07:30] th^^ [07:30] the bashrcs [07:30] wildbat, what's with piping AND using < at the same time? I just tested using both and it seems that < dominates [07:30] here cafezim take a tour http://www.linuxfoundation.org/ [07:30] Random832: the .vimrcs were identical until I started fiddling with Ubuntu's in order to show that unicode and another language right [07:30] tntc: and python programmer would never be able to do more than a few things related to 3D renderers, but lets not go there ;-) [07:30] cafezim: NVidia, Intel, RedHat, Canonical, a few even at microsoft, since they submitted some patches. [07:30] blargg: redirection _always_ sets the input/output -of the pipe- [07:31] lighta: thanks [07:31] th^^: sure, but they'd write those bits in C :) [07:31] blargg: i.e. the input of the first command and the output of the last command [07:31] redhat, intel are the biggest contributors iirc [07:31] it doesn't matter where on the line it goes [07:31] But still not many users use Linux [07:31] !ot [07:31] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [07:31] blargg: but wildbat's command had <() not < [07:31] Random832, echo 1 >a; echo 2 >b; cat a|cat Random832: oh, the bashrcs are also nearly identical. I commented out almost all the differences, but I can try the rest if it helps you help me [07:32] This is for technical persons [07:32] it's different... it makes a command line argument of a file containing the output of the (command) [07:32] [well, a fifo] [07:32] Random832, but I'm not a shell expert [07:32] I like using it === jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer [07:32] blargg: but he is ;p [07:32] i created usb with pendrive, it doesn't boot at all [07:33] I think that it should have more games available [07:33] Random832: and I should mention that the text being displayed in those screenshots is identical [07:33] bash chanel very good for shell, (even if they bash people sometime haha) [07:33] or supposed to be [07:33] but is not displayed identically === LUxe is now known as Luxe [07:34] ader10: my question is are you _sure_ it is the same - have you done a hex dump of the files [07:34] Random832: thanks ^^ [07:35] wildbat: heh i was kind of uniquely suited to answer your question just because i've been in the position of having to write a script to insert a BOM [07:35] Random832: How do I compare the files with hexdump? [07:35] i created usb stick with pendrive, but usb doesn't boot at all, i don't think that pendrive works [07:35] for a fanfiction.net downloader in batch file [07:35] ader10: er, just do a hex dump (xxd is good) and look for the section correspondign to that PS1= [07:35] how can I figure out which video driver I'm using? [07:36] what's the way to do xxd in vim, :!xxd%? [07:36] lshw -C display balleyne [07:36] Random832, very cool, I just played with <(). Thanks for the explanation, it makes sense now. [07:37] :!%xxd [07:38] ader10: it'd be better to xxd from outside vim, in case you have some doubt as to whether vim is mangling the contents or not [07:38] lighta: does that show the software driver in use? or my hardware video card? [07:38] Random832: i see ~ i sin't familiar with sed ;p the man page is just hard to read T.T [07:39] actually it show both, what do you want to know from there ? [07:40] heh, reading xxd is a pain for these large files. I'm going to cut out all but that line [07:41] hey back to my 1st purpose does someone know how to display timestamp on video with vlc ? [07:43] Random832: The files are encoded differently, but I haven't heard of this before: [07:43] Random832: Arch has UTF-8 Unicode text while Ubuntu has UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text [07:44] How do I get a list of channels? [07:44] type /list [07:44] type /list [07:44] /list [07:45] !alis | cafezim [07:45] cafezim: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* [07:45] cafezim: if you want to be booted from the server for flooding use alis [07:45] ader10: that doesn't make a difference, that's what asking what :set fenc told you was to eliminate [07:45] cafezim: your client should come with a channel lister [07:45] what is the name of the client? [07:46] Random832: The files have different binary for that line [07:46] XChat [07:46] do you have any sugestion? [07:46] cafezim use alis to search [07:46] cafezim: click server then click list of channels [07:46] server-> list of channels [07:46] Random832: which is strange, because I just ran the same wget command on Arch and Ubuntu to get my bashrc [07:46] Is pidgin good? [07:46] bazhang: thats the wierd way to do it [07:47] cafezim: not for irc for im its great [07:47] xchat is great for irc [07:47] Random832: so , there is no way to redirect to the orginal file say "cat $1 | iconv --verbose -f BIG5 -t UTF-8 > $1" ; i have to create a tmp file? [07:47] [07:47] Yes it is pretty good [07:47] xchat [07:48] wildbat, try #bash they're the more designed for this kind of question [07:48] Be sure to get XChat, not XChat-GNOME. [07:48] I have a directory named "~" in my home directory. How can I remove it without losing any stuff in my home directory? [07:48] i think the ubuntu gui is ugly [07:48] it gets in the way [07:48] lol at xchat-gnome [07:48] as opposed to windows 7 which is sgreat [07:49] <[an]droidman> hate_life, compizconfig [07:49] cafezim: you got the list? [07:49] hate_life: customize it to suit your needs, then [07:49] Cradam, it's confusing since they both sound like the same program, so it was a while before I figured out that people recommending xchat were recommending something way better than what I was using. [07:49] !classic | hate_life [07:49] hate_life: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". [07:49] I think gui can be changed very easely and aren't this important.. [07:49] dpham, rm -- ~ should do it.. but you can rename it first. 'mv -- ~ sillydir' [07:50] lxde ftw [07:50] lubuntu :D [07:50] Cradam, your taste [07:50] using lxde right now. It still needs work in some areas. but its very decent [07:50] <[an]droidman> just put xfce or lxde or kde etc. on it and youd be fine [07:50] xfce ftw yeah, i'm on lxde atm, and only thing I've got to say is oh sweet xfce I miss u [07:51] given how much larger these others are then LXDE.. its not supriseing they ahve a bigger featureset. [07:51] but lxde is the kind of thing you can toss on a pc. and anone thats used windows can figure out decently quick [07:52] dr_willis: it doesnt seem to work. mv: cannot move `/home/dpham' to a subdirectory of itself, `sillydir' and rm: cannot remove `/home/dpham': Is a directory [07:52] yeah more or less [07:52] dpham, whats the exact command you are using? [07:52] I think gnome was more easy then lxce for windows user [07:52] oh its a directory....... [07:53] dpham, specify -r on option [07:53] dr_willis: rm -- ~ sillydir and mv -- ~ sillydir [07:54] dpham, tjhat fact its a dir makes it a little harder it seems [07:54] ader10: what dos the binary for the one on ubuntu look like? [07:54] lighta: im too scared to do that, it thinks ~ is home [07:54] one moment [07:54] dpham, why do you want to remove you home folder ? did you set another somewhere else before doing that ? [07:54] dpham, $ mv '~' sillydirectory [07:55] dpham, note the use of SINGLE quotes. [07:55] some script may of messed up and created a ~ directory in your /home/username/ dir :) [07:56] don't you think it's a link he's trying to erase ? like ln ? [07:56] dpham, if you're worried about '~' denoting your home dir, you could do echo ~ '~' to see the difference, or rename '~' to something else before removing it. [07:56] he said it was a directory.. if it was a link. i think that rm command should of worked.. perhaps rm '~' [07:56] it's not a link, it's a directory [07:56] dpham: Yea, do ls '~' or so first [07:56] dpham, $ mv '~' sillydirectory <--------------- worked i just tested it.. here. [07:56] i can't move or rename, i just tried that above [07:57] Random832: http://i54.tinypic.com/oad8iv.png [07:57] does anyone know a good site for templates? [07:57] for web design [07:57] soecify template [07:57] dpham: open a terminal and type dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda/ it will remove the home folder [07:57] yeah, that got double-encoded somewhere along the way [07:57] AND EVERYTHING ELSE ON YOUR DISK DONT DO IT ITS A JOKE [07:57] dpham, saying you can't do something helps less than saying what happens when you TRY [07:57] lighta: thanks [07:57] dr_willis: got it, it works, thanks! [07:57] cafezim: Templates for what engine? [07:57] ! dangeer [07:57] ! danger [07:57] DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! [07:57] HTML [07:57] ader10: bet your prompt doesn't actually work, either [07:57] blargg: read above, i pasted the exact outputs of the commands [07:58] ader10: i don't know if it's fixable, how did you download it? [07:58] HTML template [07:58] hate_life: you're funny [07:58] Random832: The prompt works perfectly on Arch, but on Ubuntu, lines don't wrap right [07:58] dpham, not funny, lets move on [07:58] Hm. [07:58] lighta: what is a good template for HTML [07:58] a web site [07:58] hate_life's command will only work if you've got administrator access by default, yet another reason to not do so :) [07:59] cafezim: People use drupal, wordpress, django, and many others [07:59] because i am going to make some own work [07:59] Random832: wrote it on my desktop here, then put it on Dropbox, and ran wget from the servers, then pasted it into .bashrc with :r PS1 [07:59] gry: thanks man [07:59] yep I heard cafezim I don't know really i'm thinking, html5 ? [07:59] cafezim: http://www.google.com/search?aq=f&sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=soecify+template#pq=soecify%20template&hl=en&cp=8&gs_id=35&xhr=t&q=html+templates&qe=aHRtbCB0ZW0&qesig=UQ-4vUNg7XYNCu16jiERpA&pkc=AFgZ2tkbiIORjSlnH-FXPFyzlaW2iLbRIkK3n5y5jF9fY9web10FIVCgrOU62Ud8WrLOxcUuoJ6dQ--jnY-eozjQiDQ5IAdUVQ&pf=p&sclient=psy&client=ubuntu&hs=jlF&channel=cs&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=html+tem&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw. [07:59] &fp=cdcc36003f51c802&biw=1280&bih=912 [07:59] just to make sure there were no encoding errors by pasting it through mintty [07:59] outerlmitz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:59] i'm not very web fan [08:00] cafezim: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_content_management_systems [08:00] !google | outerlmitz [08:00] outerlmitz: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. [08:01] i just linked to a quick html template for him [08:01] sorry [08:01] outerlmitz: Hm, can you open it in browser and copy it from URL bar? It may redirect to a smaller URL. [08:01] yeah, you need to tell them to bing it instead. [08:01] I have a question on installing webcam (logitech orbit) [08:01] sorry, couldn't resist. [08:01] ka1gdq, yes? [08:01] i am trying to install it [08:02] but i am getting errors [08:02] outerlmitz, you may find this site very useful for lengthening your URLs: http://www.longurlplease.com/ [08:02] wait one i will give you the link I am following [08:02] I like Joomla is better [08:02] outerlmitz, whoops, I meant http://hugeurl.geeks.org/ === himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf [08:02] cafezim, oh, missed that. It is on the most-popular list too. [08:03] ty [08:03] http://www.quickcamteam.net/software/libwebcam this is the link i am using [08:03] ka1gdq: Does it work `out of the box`? [08:03] But what actually i need is free templates for editing content [08:03] !ask | ka1gdq [08:03] ka1gdq: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [08:03] So I dont have to make it from scratch [08:03] cafezim: Content management systems (including Joombla) do that. [08:04] worked when this was a windows box.. [08:04] all in one line, hard to follow what you wanted here [08:04] Ok, Then i will take a look [08:04] but i haven't got it worki9ng since I installed Ubuntu 11.04 [08:04] cafezim: I linked you to a list of them earlier. [08:05] thanks gry [08:05] ka1gdq: Please include description of your hardware details, software details, and problem in one line. Thank you. [08:08] . [08:10] Ok let me start again. I have a logitech QuickCam Orbit. I am trying to install it from the directions on http://www.quickcamteam.net/software/libwebcam but I am getting errors. The link on the first page sends me to here..http://www.quickcamteam.net/documentation/how-to/how-to-install-the-webcam-tools I followed these instructions.. I am getting errors when I go to where I found the uvcvideo (did not use the h, could no [08:10] t fidnd it with the .h extenstion) and there is no webcam-tools folder [08:10] ka1gdq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:11] i h it enter to send [08:11] ka1gdq it should work by just pluging it in [08:11] i am just trying to find some help, you told me to put it all in one so I did... sorry [08:11] ka1gdq it should work by just pluging it in [08:11] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras ka1gdq check this list please [08:12] it's ok ka1gdq justa bot don't paid attention, can you copy past error on past.ubuntu and link it here ? [08:12] How do I properly show unicode in vim? http://i52.tinypic.com/28slxk8.png Please highlight if you respond. [08:14] how can I change my video driver from vesa to intel in Ubuntu 11.04? [08:15] go into sound perferences === greezmunkey is now known as Guest2587 [08:18] How to change the default window manager? [08:18] pkkm, from what to what? [08:18] which one do you want [08:18] hi [08:18] new ubuntu user [08:19] friend told me about this irc [08:19] what do you need to know lwq1996 [08:19] not knowing what to put in the paste...i pasted the entire terminal screen [08:19] how do i extract tar.gz files [08:20] what application you trying to install [08:20] i dont need it now but i need to know how to do it for programs [08:20] tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz [08:20] webcam (quickcam orbit from logitech), but I now noticed not all orbits are listed [08:21] im trying to install a irc client named bitchX [08:21] you can extract it from the .tar and cd into the path [08:21] dr_willis, from Metacity to Compiz [08:21] is there anything else i need to do [08:22] when you cd into the path type build&install i forget if it's together or apart [08:22] than ./configure [08:22] im not on the computer i installed ubuntu on right now but i will be tomorrow [08:22] than make [08:22] How do you set SPDIF output sample rate in Ubuntu 11.04? I'm getting just 44.1kHz output. I'd like 96kHz/24bit. [08:22] than make install [08:22] lwq1996, you might want to consider installing the program with apt-get or the package manager instead of compiling it. [08:22] ok...will remember that [08:23] How to change the default window manager from Metacity to Compiz (I have both installed)? [08:23] don't add the than in the command lol [08:23] thanks all i needed to know for now because a friend told me some stuff [08:23] install compiz icon [08:23] and use that to switch it [08:24] well i gtg need sleep after 14hours of trying to get stuff to work on it [08:24] lwq1996: you should probably avoid using bitchx for security reasons [08:24] good night lwq1996 [08:24] ok my friend got me using pidgin to is that a good thing [08:24] lwq1996: try weechat, it's cool :) [08:24] yea pidgin is good [08:24] just install all the extra stuff [08:25] pkkm, compiz --replace in a terminal. [08:25] ok [08:25] pkkm, most window maangers supoport the --replace option these days. [08:25] well i gtg...bye and will try weechat [08:25] confezzor, you mean 'fusion-icon' ? :) [08:25] hey gang, when I try and start screen on my ubuntu machine I get "No more PTYs" any ideas? [08:25] lwq1996, i like weechat - it has some neat features [08:25] yea fusion [08:26] icon [08:26] sorry [08:27] I am also trying to install skype by using the following commmand sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype and i am getting the following error W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found [08:27] W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found [08:27] E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. [08:27] can i get help with that.. [08:27] pastebind please. [08:27] what should the permissions on my /dev/pty* dirs look like? [08:27] Help needed for registering a new user name. Anyone please guide? [08:27] it's because the ppa is outdated? [08:27] which version of ubuntu you have....just go to the website and install it from there [08:28] skype has the .deb file to install it on there website [08:28] dr_willis, I mean I want to make compiz the default. [08:28] evoain you trying to add a new user [08:28] How do you set SPDIF output sample rate in Ubuntu 11.04? I'm getting just 44.1kHz output. I'd like 96kHz/24bit. === m4sker_ is now known as m4sker [08:29] confezzor: *Register* [08:29] So that it starts after startup instead of metacity [08:29] If I am running 11.04 will the 10.04 version for skype work [08:30] just go to the website and insall it from their [08:30] which one do I choose... the ubuntu 10.04 or the deb 5+ [08:32] the ubuntu 10.4 + one [08:32] and depending on you running a 64 bit or 86x pc [08:32] pkkm, comiz --replace does make it the default here.. it is normally the default for the unity desktop [08:33] dr_willis, by default I mean make it start up upon boot instead of Metacity [08:33] permanently [08:34] if you downloaded the fusion icon and switched it to compiz it should start at boot up all the time..or emerald which ever you want [08:35] pkkm, compiz --replace has done that for me in the past. [08:35] thanks [08:35] np ka1gdq [08:36] fusion-icon is a gool pkkm to set it also.. but that might not work totally right in unity due to how they blacklist things from showing in the systemtray [08:36] dr_willis, for me it replaces Metacity only for the current session. [08:36] I don't use Unity, I use GNOME 2 [08:36] yea see...just install fusion icon [08:36] pkkm, could be some how compiz is crashing so its defaulting back. try fusion-icon tool.. You mean you are using GNOME-Classic? what release of ubuntui are you using? [08:37] 11.04 [08:37] oh yea not going to work [08:37] guys, i am reading here about open laszlo [08:37] thats gnome-classic then. [08:37] I manually removed Unity because I like GNOME 2 more [08:37] open source rich internet applications [08:37] the old compiz doesn't work...the unity compiz is different from the unity one [08:37] pkkm, there was no need to remove anything.... [08:37] good stuff [08:38] oh ok [08:38] pkkm, that may be what broke things and why its not working right. [08:38] you should of gone Gnome 3...really good [08:38] try fusion-icon, and whitelist so its shown in tye systemtray thing. [08:38] i find gnome-3 just as annoying as unity. :) [08:38] hi, i want to create a file sharing server by sharing a folder on ubuntu - whats the difference between cifs, nfs and smb? the rest of my network is windows machines [08:38] both are works in progress and will get better... soon i hope. [08:38] i did to at first..but i gave it a long try [08:39] con-man, I tried it, but I prefer classic menus over docks [08:39] devral, what os's are you shareing to and from? [08:39] confezzor* [08:39] pkkm, theres classic-menu items you can add to unity now. [08:39] but right now i'm using pinguy os...very nice gnome 2 linux mint remix [08:39] I got a rather classic style menu at the top left. :) [08:40] dr_willis, i want to share a folder on ubuntu 10.04 to a mixed windows xp & 7 network [08:40] http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/use-classic-menu-in-unity-classicmenu.html [08:40] devral, then you want to use samba/smb - or set up ssh, and use winscp on the windows machines. [08:40] run a samba sever [08:41] devral, right click on a folder, share.. and in theory that will set up samba and share that folder for you. [08:41] or dropbox...but don't put nothing important in it [08:41] devral, you may need to set a samba password for the user with 'sudo smbpasswd -a YOURUSERNAME' [08:41] hello [08:42] ubuntu one - is supposd to have a windows port in testing i think [08:42] is it possible to have a wireless network configured, but not automatically connected to? === RVDigital is now known as RVDigital|3D [08:42] mario you don't want to connect to your router at login..that's what you mean? [08:42] just deslect connect automaticall [08:42] cousin_mario: yes, connect, then go into network options and uncheck auto connect [08:43] or right click on the icon and uncheck wifi [08:44] dr_willis ... Can you read me ? [08:44] dr_willis, the smbpasswd would be the user a client uses to login? [08:44] mrdeb: oh, thanks [08:44] confezzor: I wanted to keep the wifi available for scanning purposes [08:45] oh ok..than just do what mrdeb said [08:45] Is a newbie welcomed here ? [08:46] yes they are [08:46] ty :) [08:47] hello [08:47] there have chinese [08:47] yellow caoxiaomin [08:47] ader10: it's possible that it misread the PS1 file as being encoded in non-utf8 [08:47] when you did the ;r command [08:49] !cn | caoxiaomin [08:49] caoxiaomin: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk [08:51] devral, the smb passwiord can be identical to their normall password. or not.. [08:51] BiggFREE, ? [08:52] f u c k y o u b a b y [08:53] Yes [08:54] I was checking if you were available anytime. [08:54] confezzor: what's going on? [08:54] wtf is wrong caoxiaomin [08:54] not sure lol [08:54] yes [08:54] confezzor: control your language. He has been removed [08:54] sorry [08:55] didn't mean to won't happen again [08:55] peace restored in ubuntu valley [08:56] lol [08:56] 草你吗管理员 [08:56] mmm anyone use ipv6? [08:56] Is this the appropriate place for a quick, simple, and probably easily answered launchpad question? [08:57] im noticing a bug related to ipv6 [08:57] at least i believe its a bug [08:57] dr_willis in smb.conf, how do i specify to use the smbpasswd users? it looks like it let my W7 PC login as a guest [08:57] RealOp: Tell us about it! [08:57] Jadoo1989 what's your question? [08:58] I cannot for the life of me find out how I update languages and my IRC nick. [08:58] devral, i use the same user name on linux and windows. It should ask what user to login as i think 'unknown users' get remapped to guest. [08:59] dr_willis so how do i forbid guests from logging in? [08:59] devral, in smb.conf there is a section to share the users 'home' directory - i normally enable that to share their whole home dir. that way i dont mess with specific shares. === Nick_ is now known as Guest32649 [08:59] devral, that would be in the smb.fonf somewhere.. map guest to somthing I think. but what if you want publuic shares? [08:59] !info samba-doc [08:59] samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 (natty), package size 1627 kB, installed size 7744 kB [08:59] devral, the samba docs (books) in the damba-doc package. have details on all this. [09:00] Jadoo1989: once logged in, click on your account name (top/right) [09:00] well when i do have ipv6 enabled and configured automatically i cant get an address from my router. but since ive disabled it, i get an ipv6 address [09:01] oCean, I have done so. To my understanding, there is supposed to be a pencil beside those items that allows me to edit them, similar to the way I have added my PGP key and whatnot. However, there isnt and it isnt listed as a preference under account options. [09:01] If I had a question about some issues I am having after attempting gnome 3, where would be the best place to ask (I am sure I am not going to get very far asking here) [09:01] kLown, perhaps the forums or the gnome channel. [09:01] !gnome3 [09:01] Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely. [09:02] that ppa may have some links to forums also [09:02] question: when running checkinstall what does a cp cannot stat error mean? [09:02] ill check it out, thanks dr_willis [09:02] RealOp: Did you try automatic addresses only method? [09:02] Jadoo1989: indeed, there should be little pencil icon. There is a specific #launchpad channel, but I'm not sure if that's the correct place to ask. You could try [09:04] oCean, thanks. It was this way for all of the items. I have tried to change, the pencils are missing. I successfully uploaded my ssh and gpg keys because the help pages have a direct link, but I cant figure out the direct link for the other options. I´ll look into it some more. [09:04] It is just strange that they are missing. === Guest32649 is now known as nick_2 [09:04] greezmunkey, nope just 'automatic' [09:06] question: when running checkinstall what does a cp cannot stat error mean? [09:08] oCean, Nevermind, I found the direct link in the source, it just isnt showing up in FF. Weird. [09:08] Does anyone use xbmc and know if it compares to Plex? [09:09] zatch-x-lio: the file probably has some special characters in it? [09:09] Jadoo1989: weird indeed [09:09] RealOp: You could see if your firewall is blocking IPv6, try "service iptables stop" and then try your IPv6 automatic again. It may server you well to be sure that IPv6 is enabled on your interface as well. [09:09] oCean: special characters? [09:10] hey guys anyone here running compat-wireless 2.6.37 in natty? [09:10] zatch-x-lio: no regular characters (a-z) but a { or [ or % etc... [09:10] hi all...cheese shows me on laptop no device found, and /dev/video0 not found...I have dell N7010 Inspirion laptop [09:10] Erik500002: didn't they add that to the linux-meta package recently ? [09:10] I copied over Mozilla Aurora (think of it as an alpha for Firefox). It comes as a tarball you untar in a folder. Now how do I create a launcher for it using Unity? Selecting the Create Launcher menu item in the desktop context menu does nothing. There is no context menu for the launcher bar or the Ubuntu menu. So how do I get a launcher? [09:11] oCean: not that I can see e.e [09:12] Jarvis: Not really sure, i'm right now on maverick, and well i had many problems with the ath9k driver back in natty [09:12] Is working with UBUNTU without UNITY as a VM a good idea ? [09:13] Jarvis: and well after hours of investigating and irc, the most stable version for compat for my card is the one i mentioned [09:13] anyone pls? [09:13] BiggFREE, if thats what you want to do... why not [09:13] zatch-x-lio: try copying that file manually, using tabcompletion using the first characters of the filename, then hit cp filen [09:13] How do you install multimedia stuff on 11.04/x64? It's like for vlc and mplayer it says they can't be installed. I even have multiverse enabled. Did canonical get in poop for hosting codecs or something? [09:13] !webcam | bosko [09:13] bosko: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [09:14] bosko, not all webcams are supported. some may be too new. [09:14] dr_willis ... Yes It is [09:14] zatch-x-lio: if there are special characters (maybe even a space) tabcompletion should auto-escape those (with backslash) [09:14] BiggFREE, so go do it then. :) [09:14] greezmunkey, i believe its a bug. [09:14] dr_willis: but it worked just before few days and it just stopped with no reason [09:14] Thanks ! LET'S GO then !!!!! [09:14] !nick [09:14] Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode. [09:15] RealOp: could be, I haven't checked for that yet... [09:15] bosko, clarify what its douing and what its not doing to the channel. [09:15] bosko, if it broke after a kernel update. try an older kernel. [09:15] i have an ecryptfs partition for /home on my currect os (9.10), and now i wanna install 11.4 on top of the system but keep /home the same. is this possible? === administrator is now known as Guest95267 [09:16] oCean: tabcompletion? can you clarify that? my compiles have gone pretty smoothly so I haven't had to do much debugging e.e [09:16] dr_willis: when I start cheese it says no device found...i did not do any updates [09:19] Good afternoon, all Ubuntu people! [09:19] zatch-x-lio_: I try: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/636796/ [09:20] oCean: that makes sense, thanks === neo is now known as Guest86513 [09:22] in SAMBA i have enabled the [homes] section, but i'm curious how i access another user's folder (if i'm logged in as A, how can i access B's home directory if I know B's passwd) === linux_probe is now known as ID-10-T [09:24] devral, you can access the /servername/otherusername share and i think it will ask for the other users password [09:25] WillPittenger: installing OOo RPMs on *buntu? you gotta be kidding.. [09:25] devral, by default i think the home share. tries to access the current users name. [09:25] devral, i always fine it easier to just use identical user names on my linux and windows machines. [09:26] * EO discovers medibuntu [09:26] !medibuntu [09:26] medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [09:27] dr_willis right now, windows 7 isn't asking me for any creds, but i can RWX to my own directory (same username on win/ubu) [09:27] what [09:27] dr_willis but i can READ other users directories [09:27] what's the fedora equivalent? freshrpms or something. [09:28] devral, you want to be able to write to theirs as well? [09:29] !ppa | EO [09:29] EO: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. [09:29] EO, then theres unoffical repositories (often avail as a ppa) from sites like webupd8 or omgubuntu. (use at your own risk) [09:29] dr_willis i want their directories to be secured (i.e., when i type /servername/otheruser, windows 7 should ask me for their user/pass - right now it isn't doing that) [09:30] quit [09:30] devral, they need to set their permissions on their homes I guess.. [09:30] dr_willis: what's the most official codec/multimedia repo out there for ubuntubes? [09:30] i tend to only use samba in the simpleist of ways. [09:30] EO, proberly medibuntu. but i find i rarely even need the medibuntu stuff these days. [09:30] vlc plays all my videos i need. [09:31] and vlc is cool in the official distro? [09:31] medibuntu does have some enhnaced/added versions of some apps. [09:31] !info vlc [09:31] vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.9-1ubuntu1.2 (natty), package size 1374 kB, installed size 3536 kB [09:31] I use vlc on windows and linux. :) [09:31] too bad i cant find it ported to my android phone. :) but i got a vlc -remote for my phone [09:31] how is it that vlc codecs are cool but others are not? seems weird. [09:32] I thought the whole point of basing the company in SA was to get around the stupid codec/crypto rules of the USA. [09:32] see vlc homepage i guess. [09:32] szal: I had my reasons for preferring OpenOffice over LibreOffice. I just didn't know how to install it. Now I am concentrating on finding a way to run Aurora through Unity. [09:32] mplayer uses the codecs.. vlc has them built in. [09:32] and i doubt if that was the only reason to base the company in S.A. [09:34] * szal guesses the reason was more like M. Sh. being from SA [09:35] szal, yep. :) [09:37] in 11.04 theres that codec pack you can install during the initial install from the partners repo? i think that covers a lot of the things meduibuntu used to be needed for [09:37] hi, i have ubuntu 10.10, and i just installed docky, and it says i need a compositing manager [09:38] and, contrary to other post on the forum, it is not working as expected, and displays a black area around the dock. [09:38] sattu94, thats what compositing handles.. the transparency area [09:38] so thats not supriseing you see a black area [09:38] dr_willis: i figured that out, [09:38] what desktop are you using? [09:39] gnome, metacity, no extra effects [09:39] Hi [09:39] dr_willis: and, i have to run sudo metacity --replace& on each startup, to get my windows decorations back. [09:39] sattu94, that why.. you need to enable the compositing in metacity [09:39] or use compiz. [09:40] hi! m using 11.04 ubuntu ,tryin to connect to network printer on windows xp.,but unsuccessful. help appreciated [09:40] How do you prevent video tearing in Totem? Is there a vsync option somewhere? [09:40] dr_willis: i already have composting enabled in gconf editor, for metacity, and i cannot use compiz, because this computer is not capable. [09:41] sattu94, sounds like its not enabled. or some how getting turned off. [09:41] i own a notebook, with this processor: http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=47554 it uses turbo boost which can clock from 1Ghz to 1.866Ghz ondemand. But no matter what I do , i can only see max 1.066Ghz in /proc/cpuinfo [09:41] EO, compuiz has a vsync option. otehr video players like vlc and mplayer also have filter options that can reduce tearing. [09:41] can someone tell me if turbo boost is supported in ubuntu 11.04 [09:42] dr_willis: i can see it is checked in gconf editor, and as i told earlier, i always lose my window decorations, so i have to run sudo metacity --replace& on each startup. [09:42] 2.6.38-10-generic 64Bit system [09:42] dr_willis: hrm ok vlc it is :) [09:42] hi! m using 11.04 ubuntu ,tryin to connect to network printer on windows xp.,but unsuccessful. help appreciated [09:42] hi guys, I did a fresh 11.04 install and vlc is not working with some mkv files, I did some searching and found out I have to downgrade the libva1 package but I can't find any previous versions since this is a fresh inshalla, any ideas? [09:43] where the heck do ppl get the 2.6.38-10 from? [09:43] dr_willis: maybe that is what is disabling the compositing, however, i still get that black screen, before replacing metacity. [09:43] sattu94, could be the video cant handle compositing, thats why its crashing with it enabled. What is your video chiopset? [09:43] MohShami, reencode the videos perhaps? may be easier. [09:44] there may eventually be a update to fix that bug in the libva1 package. [09:44] dr_willis: onboard. probably intel, i'm not sure and dont knwo how to figure out. [09:44] !video [09:44] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [09:44] hmm.. what is that factouid to figure out the video chipset. [09:44] dr_willis, I've run into a few files like that, reencoding a 23GB MKV file on my 5 year old system won't be easier :) [09:45] lspci can show the info.. i forget what to grep for video info [09:45] dr_willis: I don't think VLC has any vsync option. It seems to be a video driver thing. [09:45] MohShami, a 23gb video file? thats.. a little extreme. [09:45] dr_willis, most of my files are 14GB + [09:45] EO, vlc has more options thatn you can imagine.. most are hidden under the advanced features.. it has some filter features.. [09:45] MohShami, what in the world are they? security videos of 3+month exposures? [09:46] dr_willis, BR rips [09:46] dr_willis: yea but vlc forums seems to explicitly say it's not in there. and a look through the advanced video output module section didn't show me any vsync stuff either. [09:46] 1080p [09:46] Hey Guys, I'm supposed to install the driver for the GFX card on a laptop. But I don't know which kind of card that's inside the machine - and the firm I bought it at is bankrupt now - so can't even check their website. [09:46] EO, i just normally enable sync in compiz then play with filters in vlc. [09:46] Does anybody know of a program to detect my hardware? - So I can install the correct driver. [09:46] MohShami, thats scary. :) [09:47] dr_willis: smplayer looks like a nice wrapper around mplayer. [09:47] MohShami, perhaps the vlc ppa's may have patched videos. [09:47] dr_willis, lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring extended edition in 1080p, it's a 4 hour movie :) [09:47] EO, thats correct.. [09:47] dddbmt: "lspci | grep -i vga" [09:47] MohShami, extended.. makes it som uch better.. gotta have more fighting.. :) [09:47] dr_willis, yep :D [09:47] * dr_willis goes back to watching his 30mb per eposide anime.. [09:48] dr_willis: it's the S3 unichrome pro IGP graphics, from VIA. [09:48] hi! m using 11.04 ubuntu ,tryin to connect to network printer on windows xp.,but unsuccessful. help appreciated [09:48] sattu94, egads... s3... run away.... [09:48] sattu94, im spurised the system even boots to the desktop. [09:48] dr_willis: :D [09:48] sattu94, i would guess that chiopset cant do compositing at all... [09:49] sattu94, so deal with the black bar, or try xcompmgr. or try a differnt dock [09:49] sam_, fire up cups web inerface. add the printer.. [09:50] sattu94, i think 'wbar' can do basic dock functions with no compositing needed [09:50] but comapred to ones like avant-window-navigator - its very basic. [09:50] llutz, thanks alot. It gives me 2 results. "Intel integrated graphics controller" and "Radeon HD 5000 series". The last one would be what I wan't to configure? [09:50] i was thinking avant-window-navigator had a no-compositing feature also. [09:50] dr_willis: how bout AWN>? [09:51] dddbmt: if the internal one is disabled, yes [09:51] awn = avant-window-navigator :) [09:51] Would someone please help me associate a icon with a file type? [09:51] im using that one now on Lxde [09:51] s/internal/integrated/ [09:51] dr_willis: yea it's still tearing in mplayer :( [09:51] this is what kills me about linux [09:51] sattu94: With the 'gnome classic' there would be some software composite for the WM metacity. Also e17 would give you software composite. [09:51] it's too hard to make video not suck [09:51] dr_willis: i know, i use it on my other system.. [09:51] dr_willis dint get u.. pl ellaborate :) [09:52] EO, all i recall doing on my box was enable vsync in compiz, and set vlc to use some 'bob' filter. [09:52] but i dont watch muich video on the pc any more.. thats what my cellphone is for, :) [09:52] sam_, cups web interface --> http://localhost:631 [09:53] dr_willis: bob is for deinterlacing, not tearing. [09:53] minimec, i just installed e17 here.. :) trying to bild my own desktop === Onatax is now known as Donatas_B301 [09:53] EO, whatever then.. i dont have any tearing issue. I just play with the settings.. [09:53] what video card/driver? [09:54] minimec: so is e17 in the repos? [09:54] laptops all have nvidia, latest is a m360 i think [09:54] ive not even had that laptop on in a month. [09:54] dr_willis: Do you use the oneiric 5525 'something' snapshot? The packages for current ubuntu distros are outdated. [09:54] EO, theres also that special nvidia 'feature' built into vlc. i forget what its even called... [09:55] sattu94: It is, but an older snapshot... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=e17&suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names [09:55] minimec, i just added some ppa like 20 min ago.. not even booted to E17 yet. [09:55] dr_willis: vdpau, don't put it in quotes, it's really cool. :) === ||ll||ll|| is now known as Tibi === Tibi is now known as Tibi77 [09:55] hali [09:55] minimec, merlwiz-97 ppa it seems [09:55] dr_willis: I look to be running noveau. maybe it doesn't support vsync at all [09:55] mi a kde csomag mostani neve? [09:55] dr_willis: Hm... I thought that the e17 ppa is outdated... (packages for jaunty)... [09:56] English...sorry [09:56] EO, i can never rember its name.. I cant evenget a decent desktopp with noveau.. i have to use the nvidia drivers. [09:56] minimec, they seem new here.. [09:56] dr_willis, updated vlc, same error :( [09:56] so what the nema kde destop package? [09:56] dr_willis: sadly I'm running off the CD. I think if I try to restart X it'll probably reboot on me. [09:57] MohShami, assume people on irc have the attention span of a goldfish.. :) what error are you even talking about? :) [09:57] dr_willis: Cpuld you give me the link to that ppa? is it this one? http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CB8QFjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Flaunchpad.net%2F~barbieri-profusion%2F%2Barchive%2Fe17-snapshot&rct=j&q=e17%20ppa&ei=K90OTuHMMsOZOsigrJUN&usg=AFQjCNG6AsaVmL7rKskm8pCTSE8uYBFQ4g&cad=rja [09:57] EO, i can barely get the live cd's working with my nvidia system. I basically have to use nomodeset , install then install the nvidia drivers from the console befor i can get a working desktop [09:58] dr_willis, we were talking about downgrading libva1, you said reencoding was easier, I said the files are 14GB+, you said to check latest vlc PPA [09:58] minimec, http://ppa.launchpad.net/merlwiz79/e17-svn/ubuntu [09:58] minimec: i just installed e17, so i need to reboot reboot, since i guess it is a new WM.? [09:58] Complete linux noob here, Do I have to read all the manpages, I was kinda shocked when I seen how many commands ls had... [09:58] ? [09:58] rtbt: yes. [09:59] really? [09:59] rtbt: it would be helpfull :) [09:59] holy sh!t [09:59] sattu94: Logout/login will be enough. You will have an 'Enlighenment' option in gdm. [09:59] rtbt: however you can go through them as you encounter new problems, and need to find new sokutions to them, thats how i do it.. [09:59] dddbmt: you might wanna try 'lshw -html > lshw.html' (on the terminal), that'll give you a file 'lshw.html' in your home directory containing a detailed list of your hardware you can watch with your web browser.. search the output for 'VGA' and see whether it reports a driver there under 'configuration' [09:59] dr_willis: Packages are indeed even newer then the oneiric repo... THX for that link. [10:00] dr_willis the problem is ..might b some error in path...my worgroup is SA , and machine is UK , and printer name is HPLaserJ....wat shud b my settings like [10:00] dddbmt: since you say you have 2 graphics adapters, that should give a clue which one you're actually using [10:00] that may be a better option, Because There was like 50 sub arguements (for lack of a better word) on ls alone [10:00] rtbt: they are called options :) [10:00] llutz, I realised that I just did the "lspci | grep -i vga" on the this machine. From the machine actually having the problem it gives me "SiS 771/671 PCIE". [10:00] sam_, for my samba shared printers i never really had an issue.. just a few clicks and they got added. [10:00] rtbt: of course you don't need to read all manuals. [10:00] *face palm* [10:00] that was for szal as well [10:01] rtbt: yes, read only those that u think u will use. [10:01] sam_, its possuible for a HP printer you may need to install the hplip service. [10:01] dr_willis... me too didnt hav any issues in 10.04..but dont understand y issue raised here [10:01] dddbmt: same recommendation; I wouldn't know out of my head what driver drives an SiS gfx card [10:01] I dont even share printers any more. :) i got a printer that is networked directly. [10:01] sattu94: Okay, are a lot of the options just to give each command more flexibility? [10:01] SIS cards - are so poorly supported. its scary [10:02] * szal guesses so [10:02] rtbt: right, so u can change the output to your needs. [10:02] If the thing even gives you a basic desktop.. consider yourself lucky [10:02] sis hardware is a headache in making [10:02] Would someone please help me associate a icon with a file type? [10:02] sis is top on my list of 'company to never buy from' , near the top is 'canon' also. :) [10:03] I need help with something probably simple. :P [10:03] SiS chipsets are crap, just like VIA [10:03] sattu94: aha, I see. So should I try and understand bash and the other shells before I go on to learn programming languages like python or c++ [10:03] truepurple, why is it so critical to change a filetype icon? [10:03] If you ever run across a CPU named cyrix, please run the other way [10:04] dr_willis: Its something that will make my life a bit easier, I never said "critical" [10:04] Every time I try to run a program after it compiles just fine in Geany IDE, it gives me this message: http://pastebin.com/6H7V4uR9 [10:04] dr_willis: Can you help? [10:04] as for all other IDE's for C and such [10:04] are Cyrix still in business? I remember them as one of the competitors during the Pentium/PII era [10:04] truepurple: cyrix is old skool [10:04] Is there an alternative to cheeze? I have tried two cams, a low end, and one of the latest Logitech HD cams. Both don't record well at all. I even tried installing the restricted extras package but that made no diff. [10:04] clear [10:04] truepurple, i would have taken a normal icon them and just replaced the icon... [10:04] although I have the last incarnation thereof in my router [10:04] as AMD Geode [10:04] greezmunkey: camorama [10:05] szal, the only search for "VGA" is a box with information about my gfx card. (id: display) ? [10:05] so can someone tell me what's going on, please? [10:05] Vex_Vega: what is Untitled2? [10:05] rypervenche: ty [10:05] dddbmt: that's the one you're looking for [10:05] dr_willis: I want to associate a icon with a file TYPE [10:05] truepurple, but i thought there was a way to put iocons in your .icons directory or somewhere that overrode the theme icons [10:05] truepurple, so change the icon in the theme for that speficic filetype. [10:05] it's my c source file [10:05] I never did finish my fancy icon theme i was working on. :) [10:05] Vex_Vega: what's in that script of yours? [10:06] theres just so many out there. [10:06] Vex_Vega: Source, or compiled? [10:06] dr_willis: Where is the "theme"? anyway the file type is nonstandard, so not likely to be listed in any theme. [10:06] Do I need the source in the same folder as the program? [10:06] wait, what? [10:06] szal, but I'm not sure what I'm really looking for :$ here's a paste if it makes any diff - http://pastebin.com/9zYX84ya [10:06] szal, does it sat anything about a driver there? [10:06] I'm made a basic calculator in C and it compiled and ran fine in Windows. But on here, it gives me that messages with all IDE's [10:07] Vex_Vega: You have a file with C code. You compiled it. What is the name of the source file, and what is the name of the compiled binary? [10:07] could it be that I need the source file(s) in the same folder as the program [10:07] Vex_Vega: That shouldn't matter, but you do need to run the binary with a proper path. [10:07] Untitled2.c [10:08] it says it compiles but it doesn't show it [10:08] Vex_Vega: Run the binary from the command line and show me the terminal output. [10:08] dddbmt: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. strange, it doesn't report a driver [10:08] Hold on [10:08] truepurple, whatever icon theme youa re usign . has a directory somewhere with all the images in it.. if you are createing a NEW 'type' well thats proberly a different thing all thing all together. and would detail xmime stuff as well. [10:08] dr_willis: could that mean that it's running on vesa? [10:09] szal, i think that may be the case. [10:09] natty has no execshield, is there anything else that replaced it? [10:09] dddbmt: try 'lsmod | grep -i vesa' <- does that return anything? [10:10] szal, returns "vesafb 13449 1" [10:10] szal, "vesa" in red, "fb" in white [10:11] hi everyone.... does anyone know a software to convert pics to sketch? [10:11] that's prolly not it, I have that too, that is for the framebuffer (outside X) [10:11] for ubuntu of course [10:11] dddbmt: if you replace 'vesa' by 'sis', does that return something? [10:11] isteve, download gimp from gimp.org and google "Gimp sketch tutorial" [10:11] dddbmt: no need to download from gimp.org, that's what the package management is for [10:12] isteve_: use gimp from repo, not fron gimp.org [10:12] isteve_: 'sudo apt-get install gimp' [10:12] i already have gimp [10:12] isteve_: then do the other part ;) [10:12] hi [10:12] szal, http://pastebin.com/8dQ1DC8K [10:13] any experience on using wacom bamboo tablet with ubuntu? [10:13] dddbmt: 'sis_agp' sounds like what we're looking for [10:13] my specific problem is that after everything the tablet is working, but as it's a "wide" model, it doesn't work on a normal screen without specific mapping [10:13] llutz, szal, isteve, sorry bout the gimp.org thingie [10:13] hi all [10:13] dddbmt: in other words, an open-source driver that is unlikely to deliver anything more than basic 2D performance [10:14] szal, okay - I'll just google for it to 11.04 ? [10:14] dddbmt: no worries [10:14] when installing a plugin, I get "package dependencies cannot be resolved", can anybody help me please? [10:15] dddbmt: I don't think there is anything to install to improve gfx performance [10:16] have I missed a step somewhere? [10:16] szal, so my only option is to install windows xp back onto my sisters pc? :( [10:16] Maxx640: Where did you get that 'plugin' package form? For what software would that plugin be? [10:16] dddbmt: option for what purpose? [10:17] minimec: it is the GRASS plugin for Qgis - this error is going through the Ubuntu Software Center [10:17] szal, I thought you meant there was nothing I could do at all? but you meant that there's nothing else, besides sis_agp ? [10:18] szal, the problem is that she can't see movies or run flash in full screen. (She can, but it's laggy) [10:19] Maxx640: There is a ppa for your software... See https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntugis-unstable [10:19] Maxx640: Link found here http://www.qgis.org/wiki/Download#GRASS [10:19] minimec: thanks, what does ppa mean? [10:19] dddbmt: I doubt that this is possible in Windows with this excuse of a gfx chip [10:21] Maxx640: ppa is a 'personal package repository', ---> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu [10:21] hi [10:21] if you could help me [10:22] dddbmt: if that machine has at least an AGP slot, you might wanna buy a GeForce 6 or 7 series gfx card; they should still be available new & deliver enough performance for full-screen Flash and video [10:22] szal, but the machine has been running fine with XP for some years. [10:23] how do I install the Epson 1390 printer in ubuntu, I've tried to download still does not exist. I am forced to use the Epson 1400, 1400 and R1800 but still can not [10:23] szal, though I had it's troubles in the end. That's why I suggested her Ubuntu. [10:23] dddbmt: flash + sis-graphics on linux is a real bad combo... [10:24] does not support linux epson 1390 [10:24] dddbmt: both were poorly supported and slow as hell [10:24] llutz, alright - that's to bad:/ thanks alot anyway though! [10:25] thanks szal as well! [10:25] if you can help how to install the Epson 1390 printer on linux [10:25] dddbmt: other than that -> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-sis-771671-mirage-3-video-drivers-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid.html <- is for Lucid & indications are that this driver doesn't work in Natty, so no guarantees [10:27] szal, okay - maybe I should try install 10.04 then. She doesn't use Unity anyway - so I guess she won't feel much of a difference? [10:28] dddbmt: I'd really suggest investing in a proper gfx card [10:28] hey ppl, is it possible and how to add Firefox 3.6 if my default install is FF5? [10:28] minimec: I installed the ppa with sudo apt... then I tried installing the qgis plugin through the terminal but get the message: "some packages could not be installed... the following have unmet dependencies" [10:29] n8wulf: and what's your problem w/ FF5? [10:29] I got a plugin i wanna use & it only works on legacy FF, no FF5 support yet [10:29] szal, okay. Think she's just gonna buy a new laptop then ;) [10:29] minimec: "depends: libgdal1-1.6.0-grass but it is not going to be installed E: broken packages" [10:29] n8wulf, thers some devleoper tools taht let you 'force' a plugijn to load in newer versions of FF.. but it still may not work :) [10:30] is it possible to remove the background which the pic has from the sketch? [10:30] I copied over Mozilla Aurora (think of it as an alpha for Firefox). It comes as a tarball you untar in a folder. Now how do I create a launcher for it using Unity? Selecting the Create Launcher menu item in the desktop context menu does nothing. There is no context menu for the launcher bar or the Ubuntu menu. So how do I get a launcher? [10:31] WillPittenger, when you run it.. you cant pin it to the panel ? [10:31] isteve_, that's another google "Gimp remove background tutorial". You might find more help in #gimp [10:31] Yes. I finally saw I could do that. But until I rebooted, it had no icon. [10:31] That happened just now. [10:31] Maxx640: Well I don't use that software. You could trace the problem using 'synaptic' package manager instead of that software center. With synaptic you are able to verify dependensies for the packages. [10:32] minimec: I am under xubuntu do I have a synaptic? [10:32] dr_willis: I also tried to drag Konsole to the dash, but it wouldn't stay there. The Dash allocated space, but when I dropped the icon, it vanished. [10:32] o yes i do [10:32] Maxx640: I think synaptic is part of xubuntu. Could it be that you have some package conflicts with the Qgis verson you installed before? [10:33] Hey guys === varogami is now known as alvaro [10:34] szal & llutz, thanks again - I'll be outta here! [10:34] I need some help, I accidently formated my SD card and I need to recover the lost photo's, it's probably not the right place to ask it on but you might have any good suggestions as I really have to get them back [10:35] Simon1245: photorec works well, although it'll be a little trickier after formatting than just deletion. [10:35] tonyyarusso, Will that work on Windows? [10:36] Simon1245: No idea. Not a Windows guy. [10:36] tonyyarusso, I checked there website and it supports Windows, gonna download it, have you ever used that? [10:37] Simon1245: Their. [10:38] hey guys i installed my printer but i need to restart it everytime i send a job to printer what should i do? it works fine in linux [10:38] in windows* [10:38] Hi, could anyone help me? I'm get trouble on setup printer server on ylmf os. Fyi, I'm using Dlink printer server on my network. [10:38] dr_willis: tried the extensions.checkCompatibility hack, no go [10:39] pc1-linux: ylmf? [10:39] pc1-linux: This is an Ubuntu channel, not a ylmf one. [10:39] tonyyarusso, You know if someone could help me out in Windows as i'm not really good Linux user and I don't wanna risk doing it on Linux to mess it up even more, any other channel where people would be able to help me out and get the pictures back in Windows [10:39] pc1-linux: Get support in your operating system's channel. [10:39] Simon1245: ##windows [10:39] ya, ylmf based ubuntu 10.04 [10:40] never even heard of [10:40] tonyyarusso, Thanks, i'll try there, thanks for the help : === themill_ is now known as themill [10:40] pc1-linux: such derivatives are not supported here [10:40] szal : its from china === fairuz1 is now known as fairuz_ [10:40] I'm still newbie on using linux [10:41] pc1-linux: most of us jhavent even heard of ylmf, you may want to stick with the normal 'ubuntu' [10:42] anyhoo, wrong channel here for this ylmf thing as stated above.. kinda the same as if a *buntu user came asking for support in ##debian or a PCLinuxOS user in #mandriva [10:42] dr_wilis : It's more easy than normal ubuntu. ylmf os like xp interface [10:42] ………for ylmf best way to find help is via qq [10:42] pc1-linux: so it has a differnt default desktop.. i perer lubuntu in such cases.. [10:43] dr_willis: perer? [10:43] <|Alexia_Death|> trouble with the derivates is that you never know how they are different. [10:43] hi again :-) === |Alexia_Death| is now known as Alexia_Death [10:43] Lubuntu is fairly close to the old windows/xp layout in most areas pc1-linux - you may want to check it out. [10:44] On internet i saw many people follow ylmf installation instruction and then have their windows deleted… [10:45] dr_wilis : Ok, I will check it. btw thanks for your advise. Sorry for the delay, because my english is'nt to good. [10:46] Is there any way to disable disk cache if you've got a SSD? [10:47] data cached in ram is still faster then same data on a ssd. so I doubt it Iszak[L] [10:48] yeah I know, but I doubt I'll notice the difference. [10:48] hi guys [10:48] I have a usb drive with an ext3 oder 4 filesystem on it, I want to force a disk check, how do I do that? [10:49] szal : thanks for your help before and sorry for a bit late response you. Btw, you can check that ylmf is truely based on ubuntu 10.04 on "http://www.ylmf.org/en/" [10:49] wohnpal: use the sudo fsck command on it is one way. [10:49] does it need to be unmounted first? [10:49] pc1-linux: It doesn't matter if it's "based on" - it's still not supported here. [10:49] pc1-linux: dosent matter if its based on ubuntu or not.. its not an official supported variant. [10:49] wohnpal: yes.. always unmount befor fscking [10:50] okay thanks man! [10:50] wohnpal: i often do fscks from a live cd. so all disks are unmounted [10:50] tonyyarusso : Okay. thanks for the response [10:51] pc1-linux: looks like a doomed-to-fail approach similar to what some Russians did under the name LinuxXP [10:51] Ylmf is the sort of thing that MS would love to get their lawyers involved in.,.. [10:51] szal: yep. :) [10:52] so absolutely no way to turn it off? [10:52] whats ylmf [10:52] hola all [10:52] although I know it'll free it up when applications require it, when it does slow down when it needs to free it. [10:53] linuxuz3r: ubuntu with an xp theme. [10:53] linuxuz3r: he who can read clearly has the advantage ;) - see the link further up [10:53] anyone has google + invitation? [10:53] !offtopic | puchaty [10:53] puchaty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [10:53] didnt know that ubuntu-offtopic exist ; [10:53] thank u [10:54] !irc | puchaty, perhaps some more channels to discover for you ;) [10:54] puchaty, perhaps some more channels to discover for you ;): A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [10:54] minimec: hi, i screwed up the auto first start configuration of enlightenment, do you know how can i retrigger it, ? i know i can configure it manually, however the automation might just be easier.. [10:54] hello, I have Qgis 1.4 installed, how do I upgrade to 1.6 or 1.7 that are out [10:54] Maxx640 what does qgis do [10:55] !info qgis [10:55] qgis (source: qgis): Geographic Information System (GIS). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.0+12730-5ubuntu1 (natty), package size 3384 kB, installed size 8060 kB [10:55] #ubuntu-cn [10:56] I would like to install the latest version [10:56] do I have to unistall and reinstall [10:56] or is an upgrade possible? [10:56] sattu94: Login with gnome environment and delete/rename the .e folder in your /home/yourname directory, then logout and login with enlightenment again. It will give you a clean default config again. [10:57] Maxx640: depends if it's been backported [10:57] minimec: i expected it to be deletion of some folder, just like in gnome, thanks. :) [10:57] sagaci: what does that mean? [10:57] sattu94: no problem [10:58] sattu94: testing out e17 here also.. so far.. i rember why i always seem to test it out for a few min.. then ditch it.. [10:58] dr_willis : I've been check lubuntu like your suggest on the website and I'm asking to my friend whom use it. as said with my friend, lubuntu is a little getting problem to connect with the citrix client. I need linux that can easily connect with citrix, because my office need to access SAP via citrix client. Did you ever know about this? [10:58] I have no idea on anything with citrix. [10:58] Maxx640: http://www.qgis.org/wiki/Download#Ubuntu [10:58] Maxx640: the qgis package is essentially frozen in natty, you won't be able to upgrade to the "newer" version unless a dev has gotten the newer version and repackaged it for natty [10:59] pc1-linux: the core tools are still there. and you can install any needed to connect to citrix. its just th GUI;s that are differnt in most cases [10:59] there you go, add that apt repo and just upgrade that package [10:59] Maxx640: strengthen your google-fu you must ;) [11:00] szal: yes haha, but I have just switched to linux and the learning curve isn't that easy for me [11:00] Hello everyone [11:02] I lost all of my sound when I tried to upgrade my sound drivers. [11:03] upgraded how exactly [11:03] Using realtek's website instructions... let me pull up the link [11:04] Is there a way to change the icon for a shortcut on the Dash? I have one for Mozilla Aurora on it, but the icon is the standard FF icon rather than the Aurora icon. [11:04] I would like to thank you all for the great help you have brought. when I come here with a problem there is always someone to help me out. [11:04] Hi guys [11:05] someone here with php knowledge? [11:05] i have a problem with Bluez Agent API [11:05] how to get this in one php ? [11:05] can anyone here help me?? [11:05] dr_willis : sorry, the power on my office just been failure === Mike1_ is now known as Mike1 [11:06] I used the ubuntu download link listed here: http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false [11:07] hello everybody [11:08] And these are the specifications of my computer... except I installed a Galaxy GT240 1GB Geforce card in my system as well. http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01386826&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&site=null&key=null&product=3704514#N376 [11:08] dr_wilis : as said my friend, He's getting problem in connecting SAP via citrix client after already installed citrix client for linux. but on ylmf, is easily to connect on SAP via citrix. Have any idea about this problem? [11:08] I also noticed there is very little customization of Unity. Its author appears to like dark themes. :p I also need to move the Dash. Ubuntu is running in a VBox guest window inside Windows Vista. I have it in my primary monitor and the secondary monitor is to the left. So it is tough for me to use the mouse to call up the Dash as I have only one pixel. [11:10] pc1-linux: i know nothing of citrix. If the tools exist in one ubuntu variant. they should be installable in any of the various ubuntu disrtos. [11:11] WillPittenger: you can set the panel to always show. i also added a thing to give me normal gnome menus in Unity. I rarely use that dash thang. [11:11] WillPittenger: they also seem to love keyboard shortcuts. :) [11:11] hello everyone. [11:12] dosent the win key - call up dash? Im not using Unty any more. [11:13] dr willis : Ok. I'll try to download lubuntu first and try to connect it with citrix client. Btw, thanks for your help. [11:13] me, I saw unity 15 minutes, then I changed to KDE and it works sooooooooooooooooooooooo great!! [11:13] spikehead: your videocard does not work? [11:14] Everything on my system works except for the sound. [11:15] !sound > Spikehead777 [11:15] Spikehead777, please see my private message [11:15] How do I view private messages? [11:16] !sound [11:16] If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [11:17] I'll check out those links [11:17] :-) [11:18] :) [11:20] if you tried compiling/installing a newer alsa version.. well.. thats a bit beyond the scope of theis channel. :) [11:20] theres proberly forum posts on teh topic. [11:21] Hmm... I'm looking at stuff on that second link, and sudo aplay -l returns aplay: device_list:235: no soundcards found... [11:22] looks like the system is not even seeing or loading the drivers for the card. [11:22] That's what I'm guessing [11:23] Because lspci -v | less lists my audio device [11:23] Spikehead777: an interesting test would be to get a 11.10 live cd (yes its in alpha) and see if the card works properly in it. If so. check what modules are loaded and its alsa version [11:25] Well, the card worked before, except I was missing the ability for 2 input record at the same time like I could in windows. I thought if I installed the correct drivers, that would help. [11:25] But it didn't. [11:25] Spikehead777: what *buntu version are we talking about [11:25] No idea on that. I never record. :) its possible that jackd would let you configure that. but ive never used that tool eiother === Timvde is now known as Glowball [11:26] Ubuntu Studio 10.10 [11:26] I haven't updated to 11.04 yet [11:26] Mainly because one update failed on me and I had to reinstall Ubuntu from scratch. [11:26] Spikehead777: then do that & your efforts will prove a waste of time ;) [11:26] !info alsa-base [11:26] alsa-base (source: alsa-driver): ALSA driver configuration files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.24+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 136 kB, installed size 516 kB [11:26] intel 855 don't work unity.... [11:28] Spikehead777: if you read the readme in the tarball you downloaded you'll see that it's just the source code of alsa 1.0.24 from alsa-project.org [11:28] I need to reset the placement of my properties for my workspace selector [11:28] in gnome [11:28] its half off the desktop :( [11:29] Hmm... [11:30] So it's possible my existing alsa configuration got messed up? [11:32] Spikehead777: if you compiled a newer alsa from source. anything is possible [11:32] guys, is getdeb repo stable? [11:32] stable as in its up normally? [11:32] or the packages are throughly tested? [11:32] or is the maintainers of sane mind? :) [11:33] BlouBlou: getdeb is a 3rd-party source, meaning UNSUPPORTED [11:33] Well... hmm... =\ [11:34] !info alsa maverick [11:34] Package alsa does not exist in maverick [11:34] !info alsa-base maverick [11:34] alsa-base (source: alsa-driver): ALSA driver configuration files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.23+dfsg-1ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 308 kB, installed size 512 kB [11:42] How does one update clamtk? [11:42] clamtk - or clam, itself? [11:43] clamtk... I just figured this out earlier. Use freshclam in a terminal window [11:43] just put "freshclam"? [11:43] clam itself I suppose [11:43] Yeah freshclam [11:44] what should i do, i accidentally removed soundswitches from the tray - how can i get it back there? [11:44] It lists updates available, but no way to install them [11:44] If that doesn't work, then sudo freshclam [11:44] ERROR: Can't open /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log in append mode (check permissions!). [11:44] ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile = /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log). [11:44] Huh, that's weird. [11:45] I didn't get that issue. =\ [11:45] ClamAV update process started at Sat Jul 2 05:44:53 2011 [11:45] WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED! [11:45] WARNING: Local version: 0.97 Recommended version: 0.97.1 [11:45] DON'T PANIC! Read http://www.clamav.net/support/faq [11:45] main.cvd is up to date (version: 53, sigs: 846214, f-level: 53, builder: sven) [11:45] daily.cvd is up to date (version: 13261, sigs: 131335, f-level: 60, builder: guitar) [11:45] truepurple: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:45] truepurple, And you're doing: sudo freshclam [11:45] that was after sudo freshclam [11:46] Hmm... === LUxe is now known as Luxe [11:49] So noone knows? [11:50] hi. df gives me "1k blocks 1834180, used 1656092, available 84916". Where are my remaining 93172 blocks / how can i find out? [11:51] dvrcoder: 'df -h' [11:51] I'truepurple, this is about as far as I can get you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV [11:51] dvrcoder: other than that it gives you the block size, so do the math ;) [11:52] hello. [11:52] i have a problem with installing [11:53] i made a USB bootable with Ubuntu 11.04 [11:53] szal: but the point is that there are ~100MB "missing" somewhere... [11:53] Hi! After update yesterday ubuntu doesn't boot into gnome anymore. It's stuck at a full black screen (monitor turns off afterr switching between analog/digital a few times), then does nothing. After i press alt-ctr-delete the system reboots and i see a brief flash of the purple screen with the dots, and see that it's stuck at the second dot. Any help? [11:53] when i try to boot, it shows Start Booting from USB device and shows a name some Peter and gets stuck [11:54] hmm,its not working like that though [11:54] Vishnu_S, that would be Peter Alvin i think ;) [11:54] dvrcoder: 5% reserved for root/system purposes, standard behaviour on ext3/ext4 [11:54] Ok, what is another good linux antivirus people can recommend? [11:54] umm ya :) [11:54] szal: ok, thx :D [11:54] so what do I do Nikhil ? [11:54] truepurple: don't use one is the best option [11:54] truepurple, theres only like 4 of them out.. Clamav is in the repos. ANd i think there a few otehr companies that make them, avast is one. [11:55] I don't know that to be true ikonia [11:55] truepurple: it is [11:55] Vishnu_S, try some other media, another USB device maybe [11:55] truepurple, you do realize that the main task of them is to scan files for windows viruses. [11:55] truepurple: there isn't really a Linux antivirus product [11:55] ikonia: Please back up up your words [11:55] yes i did that already. [11:55] truepurple: on Linux you hardly need antivirus, so the only useful purpose for antivirus on Linux is to scan Windows partitions [11:55] In my opinion, having an antivirus for ubuntu helps out a windows partition [11:55] truepurple: I don't have to, do some research [11:55] im downloading again now :( [11:55] ^_^ [11:56] From what I have found, linux can be infected like any other OS [11:56] when 995+% of the virus definitioons are for Windows viruses.. [11:56] i checkd md5 and it was verified [11:56] I just antivirus'd 80 viruses from my dad's hard drive earlier. [11:56] 995%? :o [11:56] Vishnu_S, are you trying to install on a notebook or desktop? [11:56] :) [11:56] notebook [11:56] dell xps 1530 [11:56] truepurple: it's a well known status, the antivirus products for Linux don't actually protect against Linux - they scan for windows exploits that are served to your windows machine [11:56] Vishnu_S, please reply to *me* if you are by typing [n] so that I can see the reply [11:56] I cant think of any current linux viruses that are running about. [11:56] Vishnu_S, it's hard to scroll through a log, and i'm not always in this window [11:57] ikonia my reseach and what others have told me contradict you [11:57] Vishnu_S, just a sec [11:57] * szal suggests using more than 1 letter to start for auto-completion in this channel [11:57] truepurple: then explain why you can't find any Linux anti virus tools...... [11:57] Overconfidence within the linux community? [11:57] sorry im new to this IRC. how do I reply to you in particular? [11:57] truepurple: show me the research that says there are antvirus tools for Linux that protect against Linux virus's ? [11:57] truepurple: no, just experienced and well researched [11:58] Noone will never steal from us within this neighborhood, just leave the door unlocked [11:58] There are ikonia, but I don't feel like pulling out links just to prove it to you [11:58] truepurple: no - not at all, virus's work different on Linux platforms, hence why normal antivirus software would not be worth while (hence why people don't make it) [11:59] I cant even find mention of a current linux virus at http://www.us-cert.gov/current/ [11:59] other then a flash exploit.. but thats not really a virus now is it. [12:00] And browsers use common language no matter the OS [12:00] http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/free-linux-antivirus-programs/ [12:00] nikhil_: is this how ? [12:00] That is why they can communciate with a webpage, whether windows or linux [12:00] Vishnu_S, that's it [12:00] browser exploits are not exactly a virus. [12:00] truepurple: you don't communicate with a webpage. [12:01] lol... [12:01] nikhil_: cool :) [12:01] Vishnu_S, i can't find many problems with your laptop. I suggest you do a google search along the lines of "dell xps 1530 won't boot ubuntu" [12:01] ikonia: Now your just arguing symantics [12:01] you can buy antivirus software for linux, and get free stuff too [12:01] truepurple: I'm not, I'm trying to show the clear difference [12:01] truepurple: quoting from 'Bowling for Columbine' (probably not exact): "When Americans lock their door, they feel they keep the bad guys outside. When we lock our door, we feel we're imprisoning ourselves inside." -- I think the sentiment is similar for Linux and malware [12:01] in the main, true, they detect windows viruses though [12:01] even if there were viruses [12:02] clamav, avast, avg, and i think theres 2 others. i belive avast and avg now have live-cd's on theior sutes with av software.. to scan wineows systems mainly. [12:02] truepurple: here are the options - accept the fact that you don't need anti-virus, b.) spend the rest of your time googling for antivirus software on linux that scan and protects linux clients [12:02] truepurple: either way, we are moving way beyond the scope of supporting ubuntu [12:02] truepurple, ##linux [12:02] nikhil_: i have had 10.04 32bit before. after i installed win7 64bit, the bootloader was gone. now i was trying to install 11.04 64bit. so the drives are all there, does it have anything to do with this ? [12:02] trojans are the worst thing for linux imo; and they ARE a real threat once stupid users get into the OS [12:02] dr_willis: Which one would you recommend, avast or avg? [12:03] Ill go into #ubuntu-offtopic :) [12:03] truepurple, they all scan for windows viruses.. if you were scanning a windows box and wanted to be 'most safe' you would use ALL of them that exist [12:03] Vishnu_S, i don't think so, because you are booting from another device, so the boot record of the physical disk shouldn't matter until it comes to installation time [12:03] dr_willis: and then accept you missed one :) [12:03] i tend to use clamav. but it has a lot of false positives.. [12:03] linxeh, there may be more then 1 ive missed :) [12:03] Clam is no good since I can't update it [12:04] truepurple: it will not scan your Linux file system for "Linux" virus [12:04] oops [12:04] http://www.avg.com/us-en/avg-rescue-cd a linux live cd - it seems :) nifty === Vishnu_S_ is now known as vishnus [12:04] i have no issues updateing clamav. [12:04] I do [12:04] nikhil_: sorry got disconnected.. [12:05] Vishnu_S, i don't think so, because you are booting from another device, so the boot record of the physical disk shouldn't matter until it comes to installation time [12:05] sorry [12:05] vishnus, that is [12:05] nikhil_: okay. let me finish this new download and try once more. else i'll try burning a CD [12:05] nikhil_: no prob :) [12:05] dr_willis: Many of those you named aren't showing up in ubuntu software center [12:05] truepurple: you haven't pasted a full error log yet, have you? [12:06] Yes I did [12:06] vishnus, goodluck ;) [12:06] nikhil_: thank you :) [12:06] truepurple: URL please [12:06] truepurple, since they are not In the software center.. thats not supriseing. [12:06] truepurple, clamav is the only one in the default repos. [12:06] I just cut and pasted it here, give me a moment to make one [12:07] So how do I install them? [12:07] updateclam [12:08] clam misses a lot of things too [12:08] clamav in the repos can update the definitions. but not the main app. (that would be updated via the package manager) - but its the definitions that are the imporntant part. [12:08] truepurple, as for the other av tools. You get them from their homepages. [12:08] http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14434/scan-a-windows-pc-for-viruses-from-a-ubuntu-live-cd/ [12:09] http://www.avast.com/linux-home-edition seems popular [12:09] Check out nod32 scanner for linux [12:09] black screen @ boot after update. help! [12:09] !nomodeset | Sutibuxyz [12:09] Sutibuxyz: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [12:09] Sutibuxyz, then perahps reinstall your video card drivers [12:09] dr_willis: But how do I install them? [12:10] truepurple, how to install 'them' what exactly? [12:10] dr_willis: The programs you named that you get from their home page [12:10] http://www.avast.com/linux-home-edition seems to have a 'download' button...... [12:10] dr_willis: why did it suddenly change after the update yesterday? I have been updating this install for 2 years and never had problems.. [12:10] downloading and installing is easy in windows, but in linux its a much different thing [12:10] Sutibuxyz, no idea. i never upgrade [12:11] truepurple: do you want to scan your Linux machine, or a Windows machine with these tools ? [12:11] truepurple, click on a link. download.. double click the file to install.. ener admin password.. is that much differnt? [12:11] truepurple, seem to be virtually identical to me. [12:11] dr_willis: They haven't worked like that for me before [12:12] truepurple, i guess you are special.. its worked that way in the last 2-4 releases for me. [12:12] or download the deb and 'sudo gdebi foo.deb' [12:12] which is also common. [12:12] dr_willis: Ok thx i will try the nomodeset thing. thanks! [12:16] avg wants you to register for their 'free' version. how annoying. [12:17] why do you want avg? [12:17] folx, i am unable to use the 'at' command, no eroor, but no command is executed either, hints&tips pls http://paste.ubuntu.com/636861/ [12:17] just to try it out. :) [12:18] Doesn’t avg free registering apply to windows users as well? [12:19] you dont need antivirus [12:19] Dl0, yep. [12:20] Have a problems. =Duplicate sources.list entry http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-security/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_lucid-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages)= what should i do? [12:20] dsathe1, we had that debate an hr ago.. :) [12:20] and conclusion ? [12:20] :D [12:20] All you need is common sense [12:20] :D [12:20] Nic[k], remove them and update [12:21] dsathe1, you use them to scan your moms windows box to remove the viruses she got suckered into installing.. [12:21] Nic[k], its a bug, I got that as well [12:21] haha what if i made mom switch to ubuntu [12:21] :D [12:21] What?Ok thx.. [12:22] 'sudo make me lunch' [12:22] anyone having issue [12:22] of stop boot at bat state on boot [12:22] on gnome 3 ppa [12:22] ??? [12:22] !enter | dsathe1 [12:22] dsathe1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [12:22] dsathe1, thats not supported here. [12:23] + [12:23] !gnome3 | dsathe1 [12:23] dsathe1: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely. [12:23] ubuntu+1 [12:23] i know [12:23] dsathe1, then why ask [12:23] but people use it and was asking [12:23] someone ought to have a solution [12:24] dsathe1, its NOT supported. please dont ask. [12:24] fine === Ksg89 is now known as Ksg89_ [12:31] !pm | truepurple [12:31] truepurple: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [12:33] hi, is this considered as a bug? in ubuntu 11.04 unity, ctrl+c copy things in QT app (eg: kate) will not be able to paste into gtk app (eg: gedit) with ctrl+v. [12:34] sgo11, Hmm.. i thought it worked here.. there are clipboard manager tools also. [12:34] let me try.. loading kate and gedit [12:35] sgo11, it works here. [12:35] dr_willis, really? how come doesn't it work in my place? [12:35] sgo11, im special? :) [12:35] No idea. Im using Lubuntu right now. ran kate, and gedit. and itd working. [12:35] running latest virtualbox 4.0.10 with latest guest additions installed, 3d acceleration enabled and unity is not happening :-( [12:36] dr_willis, maybe this is unity problem. I am running unity. [12:36] works for me (kate -> gedit) [12:36] sgo11, unity and 'problem' are commonplace.. [12:36] ubuntu 11.04 [12:36] spacebug-, using unity? [12:36] yes [12:36] seems it hates sgo11 :) [12:36] hehe [12:37] could be some sort of clipboard manager thats not working right. or conflucting [12:37] sgo11: are you running some kind of clipboard thing? [12:37] Im not running anything special here. Lubuntu/lxde and avant-window-nagivator [12:38] ikonia: hey sexy [12:38] shockrates: what do you want ? [12:38] spacebug-, no. I just did another test. it works if i use mouse right click copy and then right click paste between kate and gedit. [12:38] dr_willis, spacebug- so the problem is just the shortcut doesn't work. [12:38] folx, i am unable to use the 'at' command, no eroor, but no command is executed either, hints&tips pls http://paste.ubuntu.com/636861/ [12:39] well ctrl+c and mouse copy is not same for me [12:39] spacebug-, sorry, I don't know much. I thought mouse copy is the same to ctrl+c [12:39] should be [12:39] spacebug-: are you coping from console? [12:40] spacebug-, should be? so why did you say they are not the same for you? [12:40] shockrates: yes [12:40] spacebug-: in this case ctrl + shift + c is copy [12:40] sgo11, the menu item works then? [12:40] spacebug-: mouse copy does this [12:41] dr_willis, what do you mean by "menu items works"? [12:41] shockrates: sorry no not console [12:41] sgo11, the menu cut/paste entries.. [12:41] dr_willis, the mouse right click copy and paste works btw kate --> gedit. yeah. [12:42] keyboard shortcuts and menus both work here for kate <--> gedit. [12:42] does any one know of a way to havea keyring to unlock on login? [12:42] dr_willis, ok. but the shortcut doesn't work here. [12:42] shockrates: just marking some text with mouse curser makes it pasteable with middle button, but that buffer is different som copy/paste buffer [12:42] kisuke, you can set the default keyring password to be blank. then it wont ask. it will just unliock [12:42] !keyring [12:43] We need a factoid ion that.. [12:43] dr_willis: *facepalm* thats how i managed it before, thanks [12:43] spacebug-, that techniocally is called the 'selection' buffer. :) [12:43] kisuke, :) [12:43] ah hehe [12:43] that buffer does not always work between programs [12:43] spacebug-, old school. there are ways to sync that selection buyffer with the clipboard. [12:44] like spotify under wine and such [12:44] selection buffer can take some 'getting used to' [12:44] Im not supruised wine cant handle it. [12:44] From the old school days when a 3 button mouse - actually had 3 buttons.. not a wheel. [12:44] dr_willis: that would be a kludge. just gimma proper VM. [12:45] I think it's a bug in my place. not sure what causes it. Anyway, I am wondering why gedit team can not make a good editor compared to kate... [12:46] ah yess the sound of a nix distro installing from CD, the fun part is gonna be getting the front end back on... [12:46] * szal rather thinks that gedit is not supposed to be a comprehensive text editor like Kate but rather a dumbed-down one like Kwrite (which isn't installed on *buntu by default) [12:47] sgo11, i perfer 'geany' for my text editing needs. [12:47] dr_willis, I never heard it. let me google it. [12:47] i imagine they could add 10000x features to gedit and enlarge it size greatly.. but its just designed to be a simple text editor. :) [12:47] Geany - also ported to windows. [12:47] its a bit of an editor + some ide features [12:48] bluefish I found nice for that [12:49] It has 'vertical' (colum) type cut/pasteing that i use a lot. I dont use the ide features [12:49] dr_willis, just saw some screenshots, its UI doesn't look good. ^_^ if gedit just designs to be a simple text editor, what is the complex text editor in gnome/gtk/unity? [12:49] sgo11: vim [12:49] sgo11: why would a desktop environment necessarily provide one? there are dozens of good ones [12:49] I'm actually using xclip for some actions for the clipboard stuff [12:50] like the UI for a text editor matters.. its all about the editing of the text... [12:50] Use vi [12:50] joe! ;) [12:50] WhitePride: or vim, cos we tend to like more advanced features than vi [12:50] first thing I install after the OS [12:51] ive seen 'retro' editors out for windows that are just simple editors. no menus no fancy thangs.. :) just so you an focus on the text. [12:51] gvim is handy also. avail for windows as well [12:51] * Mike1 loves Kate. But there is a nice comic which describes the whole „what is best“-thing: http://xkcd.com/378/ [12:51] I am using vim for programming only. with all other purposes, I use kate. but today, i met this problem. [12:51] sounds like leafpad :) [12:51] dr_willis: what i would like on *nix is notepad++, but not really gonna have any luck with that. [12:52] wine notepad+++ [12:52] hai, when using multiple monitors is it possible to pin an application to a screen so that when you move between workspaces it's always on the right hand screen? [12:52] i dint recall any features notepad+++ had that i really needed.. but it depends on what you get used to i guess [12:52] notepad++ works fine with wine afaik [12:52] 99% of the time I'm not just editing text though, I'm editing structured files. 99% of the structured files are code, so I tend to use an appropriate IDE. [12:52] dr_willis: gag me wit ha rusty spoon, win is worse than WINME [12:52] Im used to vi and geany. so thats what i use on windows. [12:52] * dr_willis sticks a spork in kisuke [12:52] vi or vim? [12:52] vim is an enhanced vi. [12:52] sure [12:53] ed! [12:53] Going to a braii - later [12:53] I've seen plenty of people come unstuck in vi though that are used to vim [12:53] with a* wine* ugh damn PS/2 keyboard, its even got old bouncy buttons... [12:53] :) [12:53] kisuke, cant say ive noticed the issue. [12:53] time for poached eggs I think [12:54] anyone have a problem when they full screen youtube that the flash goes black.. but the ad stays on? [12:54] theres a few windows apps i use in wine. just because im used to how they work and im too lazy to learn/discover linux alternatives. [12:54] *modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why. *starting bluetooth . * Pulseaudio configured for per-user sessions saned disabled edit /etc/default/saned ..... unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null). What it is? I was using Firefox and Thunar was opened. [12:55] dr_willis: is a mid '90s era keyboard, im used to the modern laptop thin switch kind, this on has a lot more travel oin the keys than i m used to. [12:55] now, did sgo11 get an answer/help in his/her issue? [12:55] kisuke, i got some old HEAVY ibm clicky keyboards. :) i like.. no windows key.. [12:56] spacebug-, sorry, actually no. [12:56] soooo, anybody know how to pin an application to the screen while working with multiple workspaces? so that when i move from workspace 1 to 2 the tutorial that i have open in chrome sticks to the screen? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [12:56] spacebug-, I think I just give up shotcut copy btw qt and gtk apps. not a big issue. [12:56] dr_willis: the meta key is kinda useless in *nix isint it? [12:57] MrBushido, right click title bar' theres should be some 'sticky' thing. [12:57] sgo11: should work though. Strange [12:57] MrBushido, or an 'on all desktops' item [12:57] spacebug-, yeah, it should work. weird.... [12:57] MrBushido, FVWM can do that but I have not seen it in other desktop managers [12:57] kisuke, unity makes use of the windows key a lot. [12:58] sgo11: is it both ways? kate -> gedit and gedit -> kate ? [12:58] doh, it is there when you right click it just doesnt appear when you have the window maximized [12:58] Most window maangers can do it.. its just how you do it. that differs. "always on top' and sticky -> its seen on every desktop above everything. [12:58] thanks for the help guys! muchos love <3 [12:58] MrBushido, :) [12:58] I often put the video player on monitor 2. and make it sticky/ontop. so it is always where when i change desktops [12:59] dr_willis: the only time ive played around on unity is wit ha dellmini 9 that i had to get the wifi adapter working, i could not stand to use it as a normal thing. on a tablet it would be beautiful, not so much on a desktop IMO [12:59] spacebug-, I just tried it. actually not both way. gedit-->kate works. only kate-->gedit doesn't work. [12:59] sticky = think of somthing 'stuck' to the glass of the monitor. [12:59] kisuke, i think on a tablet.. unity couldbe even worse. :) it seems to really want to get people to use keyboard shortcuts a lot [12:59] but Unity is badly broken here for me.. i cant even use it. [13:00] at least not without rerunning 'unity --replace' 100 times an hr.. [13:00] sgo11: hehe strange. Could it be some missing kde-lib? [13:00] *modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why. *starting bluetooth . * Pulseaudio configured for per-user sessions saned disabled edit /etc/default/saned ..... unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null). What it is? I was using Firefox and Thunar was opened. [13:00] gulzar: you on a VM by any chance? [13:00] bbl [13:00] spacebug-, it can be. I just apt-get install kate. that's all. I didn't install the entire kde. [13:01] sgo11: or that ctrl+c in kde/kate is set to do some other action [13:01] kisuke: No! [13:01] kisuke: but i installed Qemu and VirtualBOX long back [13:01] spacebug-, no, I don't think so. ctrl+c and ctrl+v works within kate. [13:01] sgo11: ah ok [13:01] well, I'm lost [13:01] gulzar: no need to bite my head off, thats just hre only thing i can think of off the tob of my head with "vboxdrv" in it [13:02] spacebug-, anyway. thanks a lot for your help. I think i just leave it. use mouse copy instead. thanks. [13:03] Hello all. I currently have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Is there an easy way (aptitude) to install gnome3 into 10.04? [13:03] or would I need to upgrade to 11.x? [13:04] Elirips: did you look around gnome.org? [13:04] !gnome3 [13:04] Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely. [13:04] hi guys [13:04] Hiyas [13:05] i need some help as i can create and delete folders on the samba server but not rename it, anyone have any idea [13:05] Elirips: http://blog.sudobits.com/2011/04/24/how-to-install-gnome-3-on-ubuntu-10-10-10-04/ [13:06] thanks for all the help again. I gotta go now. bye. [13:06] any know off hand what the diffrence beteween debin debs and *buntu debs are? [13:06] kisuke: debian debs are for debian, ubuntu debs are for ubuntu [13:07] pikkiem: off hand i want to say its a permisions issue, but dont quote me. [13:07] i have looked into that but it is not. i have changed the permissions on the share to 777, did not help [13:07] ActionParsnip: *sigh* i know that, im tring to remember what the diffrence is structure wise, but them againi might be crossing wires with cydia .debs.. [13:07] kisuke: no, it's a common sense issue; you don't install packages on one system that are designed for another system [13:08] Sidewinder1, ActionParsnip: thank you. Hm, how unstable is it going to be.. :P Is it possible to keep my existing gnome2 while installing gnome3? So I can switch back to gnome2 easily, if it wont run nicely? [13:08] all the pc/s pn the network can rename except one that runs vista and i thought it might be that [13:09] i will log in later as i have to go now [13:09] *modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why. *starting bluetooth . * Pulseaudio configured for per-user sessions saned disabled edit /etc/default/saned ..... unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null). What it is? I was using Firefox and Thunar was opened. [13:09] Elirips, While I use 10.04 also, I've never tried gnome3 so I can't really answer your questions; but I suspect that installing it "may" bork your gnome2. [13:09] gulzar: broken virtualbox installation ? [13:10] szal: ubuntu is is a debian distro unless something major changed sence the last time i looked, and im not tring to install on, just tring to reember what thediffrence is. [13:10] Elirips: no you cant switch easily, think installing gnome3 will remove parts of your current gnome [13:10] Sidewinder1, hehe, yes, I'm afraid it "might" do so, but on the other side I'm really excited to have a look at it [13:11] acicula, did you test gnome3 by chance? [13:11] i have tried it awhile ago [13:11] lots of problems? [13:12] i encountered some yeah, but thats no indication of how things may be now [13:12] kisuke: it's the same thing as that you don't install, say, RHEL RPMs on Fedora or Mandriva, despite the latter two being spin-offs of Red Hat [13:12] !debian | kisuke [13:12] kisuke: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! [13:12] ambiance is not working with natty on virtualbox, any suggestions? [13:12] Hi guys, My wireless does not detect any wireless networks. Using ubuntu 11.04 fresh install - acer 3620 [13:13] BluesKaj: thank you for the useless factoid. [13:13] orchata: did you do an online installation/updated the machine yet? [13:13] jnlsnl_: define "not working" [13:13] kisuke, you're welcome [13:13] acicula: no I have not updated yet [13:14] orchata: best to do that first then if you have access to a network cable [13:14] sazl i try to "killall gnome-settings-daemon" but says process is not found, the theme is gray and i can't change it seems [13:14] acicula: OK. Thanks, that is what I am doing now [13:15] *modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why. *starting bluetooth . * Pulseaudio configured for per-user sessions saned disabled edit /etc/default/saned ..... unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null) [13:16] gulzar: do you have a broken virtualbox installation ? [13:16] gulzar: try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install dkms [13:16] acicula: No. I installed VB4.0 from .deb [13:16] hmmm, anybody on 11.04 that can check to see if they can set the keyboard shortcut for "Toggle whether window is on all workspaces or just one"? I've set it but it doesn't appear to work [13:17] ActionParsnip: It is asking for 11.04 disk? [13:17] Has anyone successfully setup Gnome-shell on Natty? I don't care if Unity doesn't work afterwords. I can't stand it [13:17] gulzar: then remove the CD as a repository in software centre [13:18] astropirate: log off and log in to Ubuntu Classic [13:18] astropirate: it will look like maverick then [13:18] !classic | astropirate [13:18] astropirate: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". [13:19] astropirate: id imagine so, google would probably a berr place to look, let me sde if i cant find some thing real quick [13:19] ActionParsnip, should have also mentioned i love Gnome 3. I used it on fedora for a month or so but Fedora dosn't have as good as Ubuntu graphics driver support [13:19] Hi alla ubuntusers! [13:20] astropirate, are you using gnome3 on ubuntu right now? [13:21] astropirate: fedora uses the same video drivers as ubuntu [13:21] Elirips, no right now i'm on kubuntu getting ready to make the switch [13:21] with a fresh install [13:21] ActionParsnip: Ok done. By the way what was the problem? [13:22] astropirate, i'm just thinking about installing gnome3 on my 10.04, but i'm little bit afraid it wont run smoothly and i have to reinstall (okay, its weekend :P) [13:22] Have a question about Postfix, can't seem to get it to send outgoing mails via PHP. All i get is "connect to aspmx4.googlemail.com[]:25: Connection timed out" [13:23] astropirate, you never tested it on ubuntu 10.04 or 11.04? [13:23] Elirips: astropirate try it on a test system first, you can try a permanent liveusb or virtual machine in virtualbox [13:23] Elirips, I tried it once when it was in beta it broke my system :p [13:24] astropirate, haha, well, we can blame the beta-status and hope its better now :D [13:25] well id imagine thats why there is the gnome3 factoid about it not receiving support here [13:25] acicula: i imagine thats more about it not being included by canonical. [13:25] astropirate, acicula im also unsure if it is better to install gnome3 in a 10.4 or 11.04 system, any ideas or guesses? [13:26] kisuke: i imagine if gnome3 was ready gnome3 would have been included regardless of preference for windowmanager [13:27] hello :> i use the official oracle java sdk, but the version in the "partners" repository is out of date/vulnerable to some security issues...is there a ppa that tracks the latest version perhaps, or a guide on installing the official jdk from their site? [13:27] acicula, I have used both Unity and Gnome 3. Gnome 3 is a MUCH MUCH MUCH more stable than Unity [13:27] hey [13:27] astropirate, is unity the new desktop used by 11.04? [13:27] yes [13:27] acicula: not always, it could have come in after a dev freeze, plus i dont think gnome 3 is out of beta yet. [13:27] agree.. [13:27] where can i find flash 10. i have install flashplugin-installer ,and youtube videos dont work [13:27] gnome 3 was out of beta like 2 months ago [13:28] astropirate: officialy or actually? [13:28] both [13:28] I am sure it was out before natty was [13:28] no wait i'm not sure [13:30] Elirips: its still gnome, unity is just a shell [13:31] OHCRAP i forgot this thing has a nivida GFX card, how many reboots am i gonna have to go through this time? [13:31] kisuke: the gnome libs touch a large portion of the system, so not something you want to change at the end of a development cycle [13:32] hello, is there anybody who can tell me something about ASUS WLAN Adaptor WL-138G under 11.04? [13:32] kisuke: eh go to hardware drivers, enable nvidia driver, restart (or just restart gdm) [13:33] mattes: whats wrong with it? [13:33] mattes: i doubt people memorize their brand and part number of their wireless card ;) is your wifi not working? what does work, can you see other networks? is this a fresh install, have you updated your installation yet? [13:34] hi [13:34] hi [13:35] i get no connection to WLAN - and i don't see the device (mac-Adr) under "Networks" [13:35] Mornrn' stealth [13:35] what [13:35] therefore i mean there is no driver [13:35] the hell sidewind [13:35] mattes: if you run: sudo lshw -C network you will see the chip it uses, what is it? [13:35] acicula: last time i did this (setting up HTPC ubuntu w/ medibuntu codecs, SFTP server, uPnP server w/ XBMC front end) i could not get to work after installing nvidia-current for the life of me. it was only through actionparsnips help that i didnt throw the blasted thing throught the nearest window. [13:35] sounds like a gay gas [13:35] erm. [13:35] hi [13:36] kisuke: i see [13:36] stealthboy: do you have an ubuntu support question? [13:36] well install is done, wish me luck. [13:37] ActionParsnip: i don't know - it's the PC of my neighbour - i must check it! [13:38] mattes: Following links are rather old threads, but probably still relevant. [13:38] mattes: You might need to use ndiswrapper with your WL-138 https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/15137 http://www.megalinux.net/asus-wl-138g-wifi-and-linux/ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=0aa53e35d9787e428129be11dee9eb5f&t=288341 [13:39] acicula: it's new installed! Network runs properly under win [13:39] mattes: cool, the adapter doesn't tell us much. You drive the chip so we need to know it [13:40] mattes, And I have read that ndiswrapper should be your "last ditch effort"; with all due respect to minimec. [13:40] :-) [13:41] hello [13:41] i can't sudo su - on my ubuntu lucid [13:41] Sidewinder1: I do agree with you... [13:42] sudo su - [13:42] sudo: must be setuid root [13:42] what that means , === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [13:42] ? [13:42] hi Guys [13:42] minimec, Now, if you could just convince my wife.. :D [13:42] hello is that official ubuntu room ? [13:43] azertyu: do become root via sudo it has to be set setuid for root [13:43] can one tell me an non-interactive alternative to top (I want to generate information about the system load and process into a file) ? [13:43] minimec: i'll looking for ndiswrapper === brechdurchfall is now known as brechdurchfall|a [13:43] Shinoby, ps (use "ps aux" to get detailed info for all processes) [13:43] what i have to do technically ? acicula [13:44] azertyu: what did you do to make it stop working? [13:44] !root > azertyu [13:44] Sidewinder1: I am definitely very convincing when it comes to women, but this is somehow offtopic... ;) [13:44] azertyu, please see my private message [13:44] andycc: thank you [13:45] it will be so easy if i know what it is problem acicula [13:46] i can connect as root on my pc, the problem is just only i can't sudo su - once i logged in as user and to have root access acicula [13:46] azertyu: you will need to restore the suid bit to /usr/bin/sudo, check man chmod but i think its chmod +s /usr/bin/sudo. you'll need to be root to do this either via su, the revovery console or a livecd [13:47] sudo passwd root [13:47] chg root pwd [13:47] then su - [13:47] d1ck0: cant [13:47] d1ck0: don't advice that here [13:47] d1ck0: don't recommend that, it's non-standard practice on *buntu and UNSUPPORTED! [13:47] d1ck0: sudo does not work if its not suid [13:47] * Sidewinder1 Knew that was comming. :D [13:48] !root [13:48] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [13:48] perfect working thanks acicula [13:48] azertyu: now dont remove suid from prorgams again, they are there for a reason ;) [13:48] Sidewinder1: if you do that for yourself, fine, but don't expect help on it here if something goes haywire ;) [13:48] sure thanks [13:48] ? [13:49] azertyu: Anyhow, as already advised... You need to chmod 4111 /usr/bin/sudo [13:49] btw guys one of my friend said linux going to remove root ? [13:49] how do I add this to my git client? git://kradio.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/kradio/kradio (read-only) [13:49] git clone [13:50] so, open a terminal, regardeless of directory, type git clone git://kradio.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/kradio/kradio (read-only) ? [13:50] acicula, ? [13:50] I am trying to install gambass on my ubuntu 10.10, I downloaded the source and there is a readme install file inside, it says I'll have to run ./configure but there isnt any configure file inside the archive folder [13:50] I did cd to the directory [13:50] szal, It was just some well meant advice not to mess with root for him/her; I, personally, have never messed with it. As an LTS guy, I firmly believe, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." If I was unclear, I apologize. :-) === ajf|offline is now known as ajf [13:51] claviusmond: without the (read-only) yueah [13:51] claviusmond: it will dump it in your current working directory [13:51] acicula, the source specifies that read only [13:52] acicula, http://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=git&group_id=45668 [13:52] claviusmond: since you are copying that is not a problem [13:52] but there is a configure.ac which on running says Permission Denied [13:52] I did configure.ac [13:52] claviusmond: git is not like svn or cvs, best read up on git in the git manual, its pretty good [13:52] bhavesh: configure.ac is not ment to be run directly [13:53] acicula: so how is it supposed to run? [13:53] bhavesh: there is an INSTALL file in the root of the source package, best start there. usually its ./configure to configure and make to build === muellisoft is now known as Muelli [13:54] hi, I have a problem with my touchpad in ubuntu 10.10, the right click is disabled [13:54] acicula, seems to work [13:54] acicula: on running install-sh file my terminal says ./install-sh: no input file specified. === WLP|Away is now known as WillPittenger [13:56] well I extracted my tar.bz2 [13:56] bhavesh: that script you should also not run [13:56] ehm run autoreconf -vi [13:56] and then try ./configure [13:56] ok [13:56] bhavesh: are there not prepackaged packages that you can use? [13:57] acicula: they are quite old [13:57] soziety: what make / model laptop? [13:58] ActionParsnip, hp pavilion dm4 [13:58] hello. i have a problem with my adobe flashplayer. i cant type into textareas in flash. what can i do? [13:59] soziety: There is an answer on ask ubuntu you have to define the touchpad zone to 3500 and add a startsript in rc.local... search ask ubuntu [14:00] soziety: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15208/touchpad-issues-on-hp-pavilion-dm4-cant-right-click [14:00] thanks minimec [14:00] hmm, gnome 2.x is still in the repos for natty right? [14:00] soziety: Just got one for my mother some days ago. Will install tomorow... [14:01] ;) [14:01] kisuke, just log out, click your account then use the bar at the bottom to change it to "Ubuntu Classic" [14:01] soziety: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15208/touchpad-issues-on-hp-pavilion-dm4-cant-right-click may help [14:01] in my natty narwhal, uplink seems to be blocked... [14:01] kisuke, no repos needed! [14:01] kisuke: yes, its the default gnome version in natty [14:01] ny request for uplink fails... ny help wud be useful [14:01] ActionParsnip thnks [14:02] gsunder, uplink? [14:02] Monotoko: if i saw the dm switcher i would hav used it, any way to make it sticky? [14:02] i mean, if i try to send some file, it fails [14:02] the same works fine under windows [14:02] when i do a speedtest, downlink speed is fine [14:02] uplink, the tester is not able to connect at all [14:03] kisuke, huh? Sticky? If you log out and select "Ubuntu Classic" before putting your password in it should default to "Ubuntu Classic" from there on [14:03] unless his .dmrc file has the wrong permissions [14:04] Monotoko: ok, thats what i needed, this is gonna be a HTPC so loging in si just about equivilent to fliping it on. [14:04] kisuke, just log out and then log back in? [14:04] Monotoko: you have any idea regarding this issue? [14:05] Monotoko: i jsut need to know if it stuck after you changed it once, wich you answered. [14:05] gsunder, not sure...uplink test is working fine for me on speedtest.net [14:06] it used to work fine for me... it has suddenly stopped working [14:06] sites like gmail, facebook and twitter also not loading... other sites are fine... [14:07] gsunder, have you tried a different browser? [14:07] i tried in chrome as well as FF [14:07] sounds like a networking issue...I assume it's persistant when you reboot? [14:08] <[THC]AcidRain> gsunder: what are the last things you have done before it stopped working? [14:08] <[THC]AcidRain> are there any browsers at all that work? [14:09] i just shut it down yday and started seeing this issue from today morning... [14:10] Is there a way to manually edit the Sound Preferences config? [14:11] <[THC]AcidRain> hmmm [14:11] hello everyone :> i was hoping that gnome 3 would be packaged in 11.04 but that doesn't appear to be the case...does anyone know if it'll be included in 11.10? and with respect to the gnome-team ppa, anyone using it currently that can comment on the stability/what issues you might have if you install it? [14:11] <[THC]AcidRain> what do you mean they wont load? [14:11] <[THC]AcidRain> the flash content? === vlt is now known as vlt_phone [14:11] Acid, you talking to me? [14:12] <[THC]AcidRain> no. gsunder [14:12] kk === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [14:12] <[THC]AcidRain> KG, im sure there is a way [14:14] <[THC]AcidRain> im doing a little research [14:14] <_Fly> problem with usbaudio device in oss [14:14] <[THC]AcidRain> the only thing i found was scripts to change it [14:14] prower_: maybe try the #ubuntu+1 channel. gnome3 will be much more stable in 10.10, as oneiric will use gtk3. [14:14] prower_, not in 11.04. supposed to be optional in 11.10 [14:14] prower_, it can break things in 11.04. not adviseable to use it. [14:14] prower_: 11.10 ;) [14:14] 11.11 :) [14:15] at 11:11 on the 11th, [14:15] i always found the version #'s a bit silly.. almost as silly as the animal names. [14:15] :S end of the world [14:15] ill be glad when we do get gnome3. then people can quit asking about how to get it.. :) [14:22] 11.11 would be somewhat cool.. kinda like Slackware 13.37 ;) [14:24] Hi all [14:25] Is there any reason why dpkg hangs when "Removing libappindicator0.1-cil from Mono"? [14:26] dr_willis: hopefully that'll be the case in 11.10 then, unity is an unstable mess :/ i've tried gnome 3 in fedora 15, it seems to be more more stable in comparison at least [14:26] how can I tell Sound Preferences to just use /dev/dsp_in ? [14:27] I tried a fedora live cd.. did niot care for Gnome3 either. [14:29] dr_willis: it certainly is unusual, i prefer kde myself but i can see where they're going with it :> the gnome team seems to be betting the farm on tablet pc's judging by the interface [14:29] im having trouble connecting to my wifi internet, the network name is NETGEAR and the network not invisible, nor is it password protected. I tried 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid NETGEAR' with no success [14:31] skilz: If using a GUI you might have conflict with an eventually loaded nm-applet. maybe 'killall nm-applet' first. === iqpi is now known as iqpi|afk [14:36] skilz: please put the output of "iwlist wlan0 scan" on pastebin === lwq1996_ is now known as lwq_mowinggrass [14:40] using fdupes I go this on terminal- Set 1 of 6666, preserve files [1 - 2, all] (12968 bytes each): and cursor is blinking. What to do? I issued this- fdupes -S -r /media/Data. [14:41] Sorry guys I forgot to mention, I want to use Window Maker and Fluxbox so I need to do it in the console [14:42] skilz, i recall some guides showing the exact commands to connect via the terminal commands.. but ive not done it that way in agezx. [14:42] you an run nm-applet in flusbox/windowmaker if you wanted to [14:43] http://blog.tplus1.com/index.php/2008/06/13/how-to-connect-to-a-wireless-network-from-the-ubuntu-command-line/ === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [14:44] you did run the dhclient after connecting? [14:44] does anyone have any problem with libappindicator? === vlt_phone is now known as vlt [14:45] ticky, thats a little vague.. what sort of issue are you having exactly? [14:45] dr_willis: apt hangs on "Removing libappindicator0.1-cil from Mono" [14:47] using fdupes I go this on terminal- Set 1 of 6666, preserve files [1 - 2, all] (12968 bytes each): and cursor is blinking. What to do? I issued this- fdupes -S -r /media/Data. [14:50] I have been trying to get hel in the kde channel, but nobody seems to care, so I turned here: using kradio I have the following error message: V4LRadio::radio_init: Cannot open radio device /dev/radio0 [14:52] is the module loaded for your radio? does that device exist? [14:53] is kde invite only? [14:55] I can't mount my main partiton, it says: 'mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.' [14:55] any help? [14:55] gumbo: you may need to fsck the partition when it is unmounted [14:55] right now it is unmounted, I'm on a live cd [14:56] cool [14:56] It tells me the superblock or the partition table may be corrupted [14:57] dr_willis: any ideas? [14:58] using fdupes I go this on terminal- Set 1 of 6666, preserve files [1 - 2, all] (12968 bytes each): and cursor is blinking. What to do? I issued this- fdupes -S -r /media/Data. [14:59] in my openbox install the text in facebook textboxes are not shown [15:01] Bl4Ck0uT: as all users? [15:03] any idea of what to do now? [15:04] spierdalam [15:06] „unable to enumerate USB device on port 2“ I get lots of these messages, is it a problem? [15:08] Mike1: try the device in a different port [15:08] hi, which package do people install, vim-gnome or vim-gtk? I know I only need to choose one of them and vim-gnome based gnome lib and vim-gtk based on gtk lib. just wondering which one do people choose? thanks. [15:08] Mike1, run lsusb to see which device it is [15:09] ActionParsnip, BluesKaj: I have no device connected, which leaves the internal camera of the netbook as only USB device [15:09] sgo11: -gnome would be most appropriate of you're using gnome -gtk if you are running kde [15:10] fonzie, thanks. I guess unity is based on gnome. so I should choose -gnome then. [15:11] Mike1, is the camera listed as a usb device ? [15:12] BluesKaj: no [15:13] sgo11: either will probably work. And the packages will pull in all the libraries they need. [15:13] fonzie, sure. thanks. just chose vim-gnome. :) [15:14] in my openbox install the text in facebook textboxes are not shown [15:14] Mike1, does the camera work ok ? If so then the message could be irrelavent [15:15] BluesKaj: no it’s not working, which is no wonder considering that lsusb does not eve nlist it [15:16] Bl4Ck0uT: does it happen as all users? [15:16] hi. could you please, someone, help me on this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/636920/ [15:16] join #ubuntu-it [15:16] sorry [15:17] BluesKaj: let me try some stuff [15:18] ubottu lies. [15:18] Mike1, not all builtin cameras use the usb setting altho some do , run lshw and check for it [15:18] and i can prove it, just check the gnome factiod. [15:18] I mean i can type and everything but the text is not ina a visible color both the box and the text are white [15:19] BluesKaj: oh noes, now it hangs at boot time (before bootloader, during POST) at “Initializing USB Controllers” [15:19] kisuke, whats the issue [15:19] how do you install ubuntu on vmware esxi Allocate and commit space on demand (Thin Provisionin . Disk is 500 gig , in fdisk I set 256, but vmware allows it to go bigger. So lets say it goes to 400 gb how to fdisk know it? [15:19] BluesKaj: I remember that I had this problem long ago allready and had to open the Netbook and unplug the BIOS battery -.- [15:20] bazhang: as of natty, gnome is no longer installed my default, its ubiquity, it might keep it on an upgrade, but wont install it on a new install. [15:20] whats the name of the conf file thats like /etc/resolv.conf but for ports? :< [15:20] BluesKaj: so I guess it’s kind of a hardware problem [15:20] kisuke, ubiquity is the name of the installer (live mode) [15:20] Im having trouble with wicd, it just hangs on 'Getting IP'. 'Connection failed, unable to get IP address.' [15:20] ok Mike1 ..seems you know more about it than me so ...... [15:20] bazhang: excuse me i mant unity. [15:21] kisuke, if you dont like unity choose classic [15:21] Bl4Ck0uT: fine, but does it affect all users or is it just yours? [15:21] !classic | kisuke [15:21] kisuke: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". [15:21] yes all users [15:21] How easy it is to switch desktop environments? [15:22] dont work if it not there. < has used it in the past, to switch betewenn gnome, KDE and lxde (dont ask) [15:22] Bl4Ck0uT: what is the output of: lsb_release -d [15:22] I'm not liking the entire Unity usability .. and especially it has nothing for a dual monitor setup. I'd like to try out something else. Any recommendations? [15:22] Soothsayer: log off, select desktop, log in [15:22] Soothsayer, very easy. choose at login window after installing kubuntu-desktop for example [15:22] Soothsayer: lxde :) [15:22] afternoon all! [15:22] I am trying to format a HDD I have using mkisofs using kde 11.04... however mkisofs oder mkisofs.ext4 is not installed, how can that be? # [15:22] Soothsayer: gnome and KDE are the two big ones. [15:22] I thought it was part of the standard linux programs [15:22] Soothsayer: Easy as 1,2,3. [15:23] bazhang: dont work if it not there. < has used it in the past, to switch betewenn gnome, KDE and lxde (dont ask) [15:23] great... any recommendations for something that's better suited for dual monitor ? [15:23] just the os [15:23] kisuke, classic is there in 11.04 [15:23] I mean, even Windows 7 has better taskbar capabilities and with 'Ultramon', I get a perfect taskbar on my second conitor [15:23] wohnpal: don't you mean mkfs.ext4 ? [15:23] monitor* [15:23] Soothsayer: Gnome [15:24] bazhang: not on my machine for some reason, unless ubiquity SNAFUd. [15:24] Bl4Ck0uT: do you use effects (compiz), if so try disabling it and retrying [15:24] skilz: classic gnome? it already comes with Ubuntu 11 as well right ? [15:24] what's the conf file that lists meta names for ports, e.g. www = 80. It's somewhere like /etc/hosts but obviously thats for ip to hostname relationships [15:24] yes [15:24] skilz: Anything with taskbar support like Windows 7? I hate it when you click on some program in the taskbar which has multiple windows open, ALL OF THEM open. [15:25] Seems to work fine for me [15:26] skilz: do u have a dual monitor setup as well? [15:26] yes [15:26] MrBushido: I don't think there is one. There is just standard numbers that people use for everything below 1024 (and some above too) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers [15:26] Soothsayer: Well I used to [15:26] Soothsayer: I had a 24" and a 19" [15:26] skilz: did you have a taskbar on the second window? [15:27] yes [15:27] skilz: anything you had to configure for it? [15:29] wohnpal, you are trying to format a hard disk partition using mkisofs ? dont you mean mkfs.ext4 ? [15:29] * dr_willis is slow. === jonas_ is now known as Guest55582 [15:30] hello I need help [15:30] DrFreeman, then ask [15:30] And are there any other useful tools to use in a dual monitor setup? [15:30] Alright. Well I was deleting partitions on my Hard drive. But now I messed up my GRUB bootloader [15:30] xrandr Soothsayer [15:31] I was just trying to make Windows my only OS on my computer. [15:31] So I can put another version of Ubuntu on here. [15:31] tried it looks like a theme problem [15:32] bazhang: what does it do ? [15:32] MrBushido: /etc/services [15:33] !xrandr | Soothsayer [15:33] Soothsayer: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 [15:34] DrFreeman: can you just skip to installing another version of ubuntu? [15:34] Hello. [15:34] hi Tetracomm [15:34] Does anyone know how to set up the D-Link DWA-125 USB wireless dongle in Ubuntu? [15:34] Hello everybody... I am happy to be here too... [15:34] Tetracomm: What's the chipset on the dongle? [15:37] well, I already have that setup configured I believe. The issue is not getting dual monitor working.. its the usability issues. [15:37] I cant istall Ubuntu 11.04..... it has some problems with my HDD i guess....., Suse 11.0 istalled just fine... [15:37] I can't have a taskbar for the second monitor, so to access a minimized window there, i need to go all the way back to the first screen and click from there. [15:37] ItalianGuy: what file system did you select? [15:37] Soothsayer: Welcome to Linux. Dual monitor has been bad for years and is just barely starting to get better, Wayland will help with a lot of that because it's not based on code from the 80's like X [15:38] Soothsayer: What is your graphics card? [15:38] envygeeks: nvidia XFX 9600GT [15:38] none.... the Installation Routine told me the are no OS found on my System which is false [15:38] BluesKaj: I just disabled the camera in the BIOS now (don’t need it anyways) and I hope the kernel errors and especially the boot problems are fixed for good now [15:38] ItalianGuy: do you know the architecture of your PC [15:39] Centrino Duo = x86.... [15:39] Soothsayer: Last I remember the proprietary driver for Nvidia has the ability to make each monitor it's own desktop, thus enabling your ability to have a bottom taskbar on each [15:39] BluesKaj: I would have never thought about the built-in camera until you asked for usb devices, so thank you! [15:39] Mike1, it might just need the rifgt drivers to operate properly [15:39] BluesKaj: I know what the problem is! [15:39] and it doesn't install at all....do you have an i386 or a i686 architecture? [15:40] Can anyone help me with my GRUB bootloader? [15:40] Soothsayer, in the old gnome (befor 11.04) i was able to have a panel on each of my monitors using twinview. i just drug one over there using alt-click draging it.. [15:40] envygeeks: Uhm, linux is from the 90s, does it make it bad? [15:40] BluesKaj: the cable connecting display/camera to the rest of the netbook seems to be in bad shape [15:40] how to work with the old software-center? (ratings, sorting, ...!!!) [15:40] Mike1, ok , got it [15:40] BluesKaj: when I open/close the device the screen flickers etc. [15:40] Omega: Selectively taking things out of context makes your refute invalid. Please put your question into context. [15:40] BluesKaj: most likely the USB connection is damaged as well [15:40] DrFreeman: sure [15:40] confezzor: ? [15:41] BluesKaj: which would explain the bootproblems and the kernel messages [15:41] hi [15:41] my scsi scanner is not detected automatically anymore [15:41] Ok. Well when I start up my computer, I'm not able to go into any of my partitions. It says GRUB rescue. [15:41] confezzor: Its a modern Pentium Centrino Duo [15:41] envygeeks, dr_willis : ye I have twinview configured, but I've been using Unity all this while. Might switch to gnome classic I guess. But even though you might achieve two taskbars, one is a replica of another. So they actually contain entries for windows which are in both the monitors combined. Which defeats the purpose of having a second taskbar. [15:41] And no partition available. [15:42] Soothsayer: Ah yeah that would be your problem then. I don't think twinview supports Unity yet, if it will at all. [15:42] Soothsayer, unity has a lot of issues with dual monitor setups.. [15:42] spacebug-: delayed thanks <3 [15:42] must be a 686 [15:42] Soothsayer, you can run gnome-panel while using unity. and drag the gnome panel to the 2nd monitor [15:42] ok hold on let me check it out for you [15:42] to confezzor : ? [15:42] how to work with the old software-center? (ratings, sorting, ...!!!) [15:42] dr_willis: I love the Unity app launcher though :-( [15:42] MrBushido: yw ;) [15:42] dr_willis: hmm.. gnome-panel ? [15:43] ItalianGuy, its 32 bit yes [15:43] Soothsayer, unity app launcher cionstantly gets messed up gfx for me.. unity is totally unseable here. [15:43] hi, for those who came from windows what's better: Mandriva or Ubuntu? [15:43] bazhang : yes it is [15:43] Danniel, get tehm both and decide for yourself. [15:43] DrFreeman, did you try holding down the shift key at the bios scrn til the grub menu appears [15:43] Danniel, this is ubuntu tech support. chat in #ubuntu-offtopic === iqpi|afk is now known as iqpi [15:43] ok, tnks [15:43] Anyone using KDE on Ubuntu ? [15:44] Soothsayer, whats the real question [15:44] bazhang: reason for switching to KDE ? [15:44] Soothsayer, all the time... care to ask somthing worth ansering. :) [15:44] Soothsayer: Using KDE on Ubuntu makes it Kubuntu irregardless of it starting out as Ubuntu :P [15:44] no I didnt [15:44] Soothsayer, preference. try it [15:44] Soothsayer, you can pick either one from the login screen.. i use kde if i want.. or try unity.. or use lxde.. depends on my mood. [15:45] right now im using Lubuntu/Lxde + avant-window-navigator on the right hand side of the monitor. [15:45] Now days I think I would rather use LXDE before XFCE when I want to power house Terminals too. [15:46] Why isn't any of you talking about Gnome3? [15:46] Soothsayer, yeah try it KDE 4.6 is really good. [15:46] Soothsayer, its not supported here [15:47] Soothsayer, chat about it in #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish [15:47] Well I no longer have 2 OS on my computer either. I only have windows [15:47] I'm runing ubuntu inside ubuntu ;) [15:48] how to work with the old software-center? (ratings, sorting, ...!!!) [15:48] DrFreeman: That would explain your problem. Boot into the Windows CD and use the Windows Terminal to restore Windows bootloader you'll have to Google how to do that since you've just implied it's no longer a Linux problem [15:48] raven_, what do you mean old [15:48] hello [16:45] are you able to help me istalling Ubuntu onto my System ? [16:46] Installed openSUSE 11.0 without any problems [16:46] but Ubunto doesnt recognize any Operating systems on my HDD [16:47] but I am using Windows and SUSE, both on my System [15:49] ? [15:49] -- help [15:49] -? [15:49] Is there a way to make dpkg ignore a package entirely (Not attempt to install/update it at all)? [15:49] !helpme | ItalianGuy [15:49] ItalianGuy: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude [15:49] DrFreeman: sorry if I'm late. Boot up a liveCD and use gparted to fix it all. [15:49] thanks [15:49] !help [15:49] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [15:50] ticky, via pinning? [15:50] ok thank you [15:50] !helpme [15:50] ItalianGuy, please stop that [15:50] !pinning | ticky [15:50] ticky: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto [15:50] ItalianGuy, 'read' what people are saying.. dont spam the channel with contant 'help me' lines.. [15:50] I guess I'm going to have KDE a shot after all. [15:50] ItalianGuy, while you are waiting you should check the ubuntu forums and the askubuntu.com web site. [15:51] Soothsayer, kde is nice in many ways.. but annoying in many others.. its just so differnt in some aspects.. its awkward [15:51] bazhang software center with ratings and sortings [15:51] I paid 13 Euros and cant install Ubunto..... [15:51] raven_, what about it [15:51] dr_willis: is it closer to any of the following? a) OS X b) Windows 7 ? [15:51] ItalianGuy, patience. [15:51] bazhang, WHERE is this feature [15:51] haha --> italianGuy [15:51] ItalianGuy: if you boot your computer with an ubuntu live cd, does it see your harddrive then? [15:51] Soothsayer, very differnt then both actually [15:51] SubKid, please dont [15:52] Soothsayer, it does have some features of win7. had them befor win7 did. :) [15:52] just tell what the Problem italianGuy ... [15:52] bbl. [15:52] bazhang: Does pinning cause it to remain in its current state, even if the current state is corrupt? [15:52] what doesn't work ? [15:52] ItalianGuy, "Can't install?", what is the exact error message or problem? [15:52] ticky, did you check the link? [15:52] hi, in terminal, I can use rmdir to delete a directory and make sure it's empty. is that possible to do it in nautilus? delete empty directory otherwise popup warning? thanks. [15:52] bazhang: yes. [15:53] ticky, if you have damaged packages, thats a different issue. PPA? [15:53] NO OPERATING SYSTEMS ARE FOUND ON MY HDD BY UBUNTU 11.04 [15:53] ItalianGuy, no caps please [15:54] bazhang: What are you asking, exactly? [15:54] yeah I'm going to have to restore Windows. [15:54] Thanks anyways [15:54] how to work with the old software-center? (ratings, sorting, ...!!!) [15:54] I am using Windows default Filesystem [15:55] ticky, you want dpkg apt etc to ignore not upgrade a package? or something else. your original question might use some clarification if I am misunderstanding you [15:55] sgo11, Try gksudo nautilus to get rid of directories;CAUTION, make sure you have back-ups of your data prior to initiating,... [15:55] Windows 7 [15:56] bazhang: Basically, dpkg thinks it needs to reinstall this package, but it can't because mono doesn't work properly on armel. I need to tell it to just ignore the package entirely and let me install other things. [15:56] ItalianGuy, You're not using WUBI, are you? [15:56] Sidewinder1, why do I sudo nautilus? I don't really get it. thanks. [15:56] what it WUBI ? [15:56] !wubi | ItalianGuy [15:56] ItalianGuy: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe [15:57] Wubi looks like nonsense to me [15:57] sgo11, That will allow you to have temporary root privleges in Nautilus if the directories are not owned by you. [15:57] envygeeks: I was pointing out the fallacy in your argument. [15:57] The Operating System called UBUNTU 11.04 doesnt recognize my Harddrive.... [15:57] Omega: There was no fallacy, you tried to make one up out of nowhere, get better please. [15:58] ItalianGuy: did you boot to the ubuntu CD and install, or did you run a program on the Ubuntu CD from within windows? [15:58] OpenSUSE 11.0 does... [15:58] envygeeks: "because it's not based on code from the 80's like X" [15:58] here is great solution if you ever screw with the panels in ubuntu: http://bithacker.blogspot.com/2010/05/restore-default-gnome-panels-in-ubuntu.html (sorry spam, i'm just happy for the how-to) [15:58] ItalianGuy, It is, with all due respect to the developers. [15:58] envygeeks: Is code from the 80s bad? [15:59] I did both variants.... none worked out [15:59] Sidewinder1, ok. but that is not my question at all. In terminal, to remove an empty directory, I can use rmdir. if the directory is not empty, it will give me warning. this is good and safe. I am just wondering if nautilus has the same functionality. so when to delete a directory, it will warn you whether that is empty or not. currently, it doesn't. [15:59] (Get better, please) [15:59] Omega: Obviously it is if the developers are too hesitant to rewrite and engine for the future. I think you're arguments should get better, or you should do some research into the comment. [15:59] jakeriver: ubottu already has a factoid for that [15:59] !panels | jakeriver even easier, no software required [15:59] jakeriver even easier, no software required: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [15:59] !ot | Omega envygeeks [16:00] Omega envygeeks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [16:00] This is getting ot. [16:00] Yes, that. [16:00] gotten there already [16:01] bazhang: did you get what I said earlier? [16:01] sgo11, In Nautilus, if it's empty, won't it sat "0" files??? [16:01] anybody willing to help me in Private Chat ? [16:01] ticky, armel and mono issues, from what I have been informed [16:01] say, even. [16:01] ItalianGuy, did you try as suggested booting the live cd yet? [16:02] I tried many times [16:02] Sidewinder1, it doesn't say anything useful. just warn you you are about to delete a directory. that's all. [16:02] ItalianGuy: not finding an installed operating system and not finding a harddrive are two very different things. Which do you have problem with? [16:02] ticky: you can use echo packagename hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections to prevent it from being upgraded [16:02] Sidewinder1, you can just try it. [16:02] spacebug... ask Ubuntu [16:02] bazhang: Yeah. I just want to be able to install completely unrelated packages, and because this hangs at 100% CPU I can't do anything. [16:03] ticky, I'd try oCean 's suggestion then [16:03] ItalianGuy: so when you boot the liveCD you cannot see your drives? [16:03] bazhang: ok. [16:03] Booting up the system it gave some error message like ata3: error [16:03] I have a multi monitor setup, and I'd like to set up a different user for each monitor [16:03] sgo11, I only use terminal as a last resort; I prefer GUI, hence my suggestion of Nautilus; if I was unclear, I apologize. [16:03] is there any way to do so? [16:03] ItalianGuy: have you fsck'd your partitions? [16:03] Is it possible to replace the Compaq presario laptop bought in 2005 with any 14.0 WXGA lcd ? [16:04] I am a Windows User..... no i did not [16:04] JohnnyonFlame, and they be logged on simultaneously? [16:04] Yeah, that's what I'd like to [16:04] JohnnyonFlame: you can set up a multiseat if you wish [16:04] Sidewinder1, no worries. thanks for your help. [16:04] same KBD/Mouse? [16:04] thegladiator, thats really a hardware issue, try ##hardware [16:05] sorry [16:05] JohnnyonFlame: if you add another keyboard and mouse, you can have 2 people set using the processing power of 1 PC [16:05] ItalianGuy: you have only one harddisk or more? [16:05] Yeah [16:05] only one HDD [16:05] ok [16:05] ItalianGuy: boot to the liveCD and you can ensure your Linux filesystems are healthy [16:06] ActionParsnip: I am a Windows User [16:06] ActionParsnip, the biggest issue here is actually that I need two different focuses on each monitor [16:06] ItalianGuy, how does that relate to booting a live cd [16:06] but I'd still like to use the same KEYBORD/MOUSE for both [16:06] ItalianGuy: ahhh, so linux isn't installed yet? [16:07] bazhang: Looks like it won't help. I just tried to install something and it's still saying "The following partially installed packages will be configured:" and lists the package that's causing issues. [16:07] bazhang: i was relating to ActionParsnip [16:07] ItalianGuy, you said you had suse on there [16:08] Italianguy which ubuntu are you trying to install again? [16:08] I just installed that because i was angry that ubuntu was able to install, to i thought it could be some Problems related to Noteboos or Laptops [16:08] and you said you bought the cd? [16:08] what app can i use to join spliited clips? [16:08] wasn´t able to install [16:08] splitted* [16:08] ActionParsnip: THe big issue here is that even if I were given two different desktops, they are still the same user, so I have some issues with windows focusing, not being able to open firefox in both, etc. [16:08] DamnSoGooD, what format [16:09] I am a illegal Woindows User [16:09] Windows User [16:09] DamnSoGooD: you can cat the files together using: cat file1.avi file2.avi file3.avi > result.avi [16:09] how to work with the old software-center? (ratings, sorting, ...!!!) [16:09] ItalianGuy, please stay on topic. [16:10] if you bought the cd it might of come faulty so you can try to download the iso from the website [16:10] DamnSoGooD: you will need to run: mencoder -forceidx -oac copy -ovc copy result.avi -o outfile.avi to sort the audio [16:10] >so i have to use LINUX [16:10] Hola, alguien habla español? [16:10] I have to switch to LINUX [16:10] ItalianGuy: fine, but does the Ubuntu CD not pick up your drives, just to clarify... [16:10] bazhang, any format, many of them such as .mkv .avi .rm .mp4 [16:10] JohnnyonFlame: I just got here, so excuse if this isn't to your point. If you set up firefox to open new windows instead of new tabs, you should be able to open firefox on both desktops, I think [16:10] !es | edward_ [16:10] edward_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [16:11] DamnSoGooD, then what ActionParsnip suggested [16:11] simple solution always works best :) [16:11] oi! mates, which php editor do you use on ubuntu? [16:11] just simple jEdit? [16:11] th0r: not quite, it will rotate the desktop cube when you try to switch desktops like in windows. [16:11] DamnSoGooD: http://www.arsgeek.com/2006/08/07/how-to-join-multiple-avi-or-mpg-files/ [16:11] ActionParsnip: Yes, exactly... my HDD is recognized by Ubunto as sda (HD1) [16:11] tkruise: always use vim. no offence to emacs fans [16:11] ItalianGuy: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? [16:11] can someone help me dual boot vista and ubuntu; ubuntu is my only installed OS right now [16:12] mahir256 I dont know what's vim [16:12] ah....the 'new and improved' ubuntu....haven't tried that. In fact, that is what sent me to debian [16:12] :[ [16:12] @ActionParsnip will it work n any format? [16:12] It is a live CD I bought for 13€ [16:12] Nano2nd: boot to ubuntu liveCD and resize the Ext4 partition to make some room for windows [16:12] !dual boot | nano2nd [16:12] nano2nd: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [16:12] DamnSoGooD: should be ok [16:12] tkruise: http://www.vim.org/ [16:12] Nano2nd: you will need to boot back to the liveCD after installing as Windows will blindly overwrite grub [16:13] Nano2nd: make sure your backups are recent enough in case of catastrophe [16:13] <------------- On private with confezzor [16:13] Action: How can I resize my ext4 partition for windows install [16:14] !resize ext4 |nano2nd [16:14] DamnSoGooD: http://adammichaelroach.com/blog/092109-merging-multiple-video-files-ubuntu-linux [16:14] !resize ext4 [16:14] Nano2nd: use gparted in ubuntu livecd [16:14] !resize partition | nano2nd [16:14] ok thanks idol! [16:15] envygeeks, please /msg ubottu to learn them [16:15] so boot into live cd [16:15] <[antenia84]> have you a google+ invitation? [16:15] Nano2nd: yes [16:15] [antenia84], wrong channel [16:15] Hi, anyone got a good website for ubuntu desktop themes? [16:15] thx [16:15] !partition | Nano2nd [16:15] Nano2nd: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [16:15] !theme | karasrk [16:15] karasrk: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [16:15] karasrk, gnome-look.org [16:15] i'm looking at this and they look so good http://dailyapps.net/2008/08/15-most-beautiful-looking-linux-desktops-youll-ever-see/ [16:15] thanks [16:15] Nano2nd, Before you get started, please have a gander at: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php [16:15] !theme [16:15] bazhang: I did not get the syntax wrong... It just did not find any documentation... [16:16] <[antenia84]> where is the right channel? [16:16] !ot | [antenia84] [16:16] [antenia84]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [16:16] hi, why does my system have no beep sound? ubuntu 11.04 upgraded from ubuntu 10.10. musics and videos have sound. I just install beep and run it in terminal. nothing happens. [16:16] envygeeks, thus the need to learn the correct ones in /msg with the bot [16:16] thanks! [16:16] is this a hardware issue? [16:16] bazhang: well while were at it perhaps you could learn to colon syntax instead of comma? [16:16] since we want to nitpick and all... [16:16] Sidewinder1: the ubuntu wiki contains a lot more information than that website [16:16] envygeeks, pardon? [16:17] hi i have a problem with a vpn connection..i get connected and the ip adress for tap0 gets to sthg like 10.x.x.x ..i have configure to use a dns from google and also tried to set it to automatically [16:17] bazhang: << [16:17] !fishing > envygeeks [16:17] envygeeks, please see my private message [16:17] but no connection possible [16:17] how to upgrade any single package from command line? [16:17] @ActionParsnip , how can i use that mencoder? is it a terminal thing? [16:17] i have checked the routing table and it looks fine [16:17] DamnSoGooD, yes in the terminal [16:17] Abhijit, i guess you just apt-get install it [16:17] DamnSoGooD: yes [16:18] sgo11, it is installed. now i wish to upgrade [16:18] Abhijit: apt-get update (package-name) [16:18] Abhijit, if an upgrade is there it will give it. [16:18] Abhijit, the same thing. if it has a new version, it will upgrade. otherwise, it does nothing. [16:18] how about the location of the file? my video files are in a seperate ntfs partition [16:19] Abhijit: '$ sudo apt-get -u install ' [16:19] bazhang, there is upgrade. and there are lots of packages. but i wish to upgrade only one package out of that list [16:19] DamnSoGooD: then have the NTFS partition mounted and you can access them [16:19] Abhijit, which package what version of ubuntu [16:19] Abhijit: read [16:19] Abhijit, if one package upgrade, all the dependencies have to be upgraded. [16:20] im having an issue, when i connect with VPN it works for my internet browser but when my irssi can't connect, always saying timed out. [16:20] oh no, i'm dumb when it comes to terminal.. do we have a gui'd app :D [16:20] morth: is your VPN blocking it on their firewall? [16:21] DamnSoGooD, mencoder is really the best way to do this [16:21] bazhang, i currently have updates to install. now i install mumble. after that i added its ppa. now i want to get newser version from that ppa. for this i need to upgrade only mumble. not all the updates availabnle [16:21] DamnSoGooD: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=490609 [16:21] io, sgo11 mahir256 ok [16:21] envygeeks: how can i tell? [16:21] morth: there should be a setting in network manager that tells ubuntu not to route everything through the VPN connection [16:22] * yeats assumes morth is using networkmanger [16:22] Abhijit: '$ sudo apt-get -u install ' [16:23] yeats: errrm how can i tell LOL [16:23] io, ok [16:23] morth: how did you set up the VPN connection? [16:24] io, yeah that worked! thanks! :-) [16:24] yeats: using ubuntu 11.04, the two arrows on my top panel [16:24] yeats: then i went to VPN connections>Configure VPN === israel is now known as vicio [16:24] hi all, any quick answer: trying to setup VirtualBox in Vista but error : "more than one instance"? [16:24] morth: okay - good - that's called "Network Manager" [16:25] morth: go to VPN Connections > Configure VPN, then click on the IPv4 tab [16:25] DamnSoGooD: how can you be dumb with copying and pasting text??? [16:25] yeats: will this allow me to use my VPN on irssi? [16:25] !ot | ITpro [16:25] ITpro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [16:25] morth: then select Automatic (VPN) addresses only [16:25] morth: hopefully [16:26] anyone know of a partitioning tool that does not use libparted? [16:26] ITpro, try #vbox [16:26] ITpro: youor issue is with Windows, not Ubuntu [16:26] kisuke: fdisk, cfdisk [16:26] well I want it to install ubuntu! i thought someone had this b4 [16:26] morth: what's probably happening is that Ubuntu is routing all internet traffic through your VPN connection (which may be blocking irssi) [16:26] Abhijit: no problem [16:26] bazhang: test disk will repair partitions, fdisk, cfdisk. [16:26] yeats: okay, after automatic vpn, address only now what [16:26] ITpro: sure, but you are installing virtualbox in windows, the problem is a windows one [16:26] maahes, perhaps you mean kisuke [16:27] morth: click Save and try again ;-) [16:27] k thanks i'll try #vbox [16:27] ITpro: try asking in ##windows and/or #vbox [16:27] bazhang: sorry, yes I mean kisuke :) [16:27] yeats: okay brb in a few === Granis` is now known as Granis [16:27] ActionParsnip, ITpro: Sounds like you already have a VM running, turn that VM off first [16:27] how to work with the old software-center? (ratings, sorting, ...!!!) [16:28] raven_, please clarify: what do you mean old [16:28] raven_: do you mean synaptic? I'm not aware of an "old" software centre [16:28] bazhang software center with ratings and sortings [16:29] Nope, I checked running processes [16:29] raven_, old? what version of ubuntu do you have, and from which version of software are you talking about [16:29] morth: I'm leaving in a sec, but keep asking in the channel so others can help [16:29] yeats: i got " Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Name or service not known]" when i try to connect [16:29] bazhang actual 10.04 - talking about the software center in 9.04 [16:29] hi, why does my system have no beep sound? ubuntu 11.04 upgraded from ubuntu 10.10. musics and videos have sound. I just install beep and run it in terminal. nothing happens. is this a hardware problem or software? [16:30] raven_, did you try and mix different version packages from different versions of ubuntu? [16:30] morth: try /connect server irc.freenode.net/6667 ? [16:30] minus the ? [16:30] bazhang, ???? no [16:30] hi [16:30] actually i do use ubuntu on a stick though, so u guys r right to check the other channels [16:30] raven_, then why ask about it [16:30] maahes: hmm, let me retry. [16:30] sgo11: what beep? you mean control-g? if that's it then its a hardware problem [16:31] raven_, 9.04 is end of life [16:31] I wish to upgrade my 10.04 server to 11.04 [16:31] mahir256, just beep sound. what is control-g? [16:31] what's the most optimal manner to do this? [16:31] !upgrade | Gekz [16:31] Gekz: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [16:31] Gekz, 10.10 then to 11.04 [16:32] bazhang, every new version of ubuntu makes me more ill. its getting more and more worse!!! [16:32] mahir256, beep sound from the PC box. eg: if you type something wrong, terminal may give a beep sound. [16:32] morth: is the VPN your only means of connecting to the Internet? [16:32] @ActionParsnip , hehe just joking idol! === dean is now known as Neohasreturned [16:32] sgo11: okay...that's what control-g does when you press it in a terminal. [16:32] i installed the new nvidia driver and when i try to start any games i get blank screen / can you help me please ? [16:32] sgo11: that's definitely a hardware problem [16:33] Hi all I have had to reinstall ubuntu and have tried to restore my programs and settings with aptoncd but it said it hasn't installed them but copied the files to cache can someone help me? [16:33] any ideas please? [16:33] mahir256, ok. just tried it. no beep sound with ctrl+g. I am using dell PC. weird. even my no brand PC has beep sound. [16:33] :-( [16:33] xxmmaann, installed from where [16:33] actionparsnip, maahes: thanks, you just saved my 320 gig external. [16:33] \7 [16:33] from nvidia site [16:34] xxmmaann, use additional drivers method, that method is not supported [16:34] Since you guys talking about VPNs, any good and cheap one? someone gave me a link to a $2/year! VPN but lost it! [16:34] ITpro, #ubuntu-offtopic for that please [16:34] kisuke: np :) [16:35] hey [16:35] hey you [16:35] ITpro: http://www.bestfreevpn.com/ [16:35] thanks [16:36] maahes: and now it goes into the 2nd gen PS3., i have got to figure out where this "he can fix it" vibe comes from. [16:36] so . i need install the old driver? [16:36] isnt 800kbits slower than using TOR [16:36] can I ask for help here in the channel? [16:36] johnnywhite: surey, go right ahead [16:37] *sure [16:37] Hi could someone help me with aptoncd? [16:37] xxmmaann, the old driver? you mean the supported method, then yes [16:37] kisuke: power of linux! I remember the first time I chrooted into a drive that had had a failed upgrade that made the system unbootable. Someone walked me through and I was like: ARE YOU A WIZARD?!?!? [16:37] a111, what do you mean? [16:37] well the problem is the following: I'd like to use Ubuntu but I cannot, because apparently there is no driver for my wireless adapter :( [16:37] hey guys i got a quick question to ask if someone knows the answer...if i was to have a cap on my data like 5GB a month and i wanted to download something without wasting my data...can a friend use dropbox and give me his info to get the item i want...would that waste my data?..i think it does..but just want to make sure [16:37] on that free vpn link it says the speed is at 800kbit/s [16:37] johnnywhite, thats like the most common problem of them all [16:38] this driver work better but i cant play games [16:38] confezzor, that has zero to do with ubuntu support [16:38] how can I fix a corrupt partition? [16:38] a111, tor speed is random, so that might be more consstent [16:38] xxmmaann: https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/nvidia/+build/2572337 <- use this if you want the 275 -- attention: UNSUPPORTED [16:38] maahes: sadly im my case i have everyone i know tring to get mt to troubleshoot/hack/pwn their electronics. [16:38] well I read on the forums and apparently there are many people with the same problem with this adapter [16:38] a111: depends where you are, I think, showing me 1.2MBps [16:38] confezzor: ....er...why not just give it to you on dropbox, or use a file dropping service like megaupload or whatever, and direct download. [16:38] i know sorry...i'm trying to help someone get the iso without wasting data [16:38] kisuke: this is when you pretend to have suffered brain damage. [16:39] tor connects to difffferent people, some might be slow some fast, they are all users so speed varies all the itme [16:39] and some people could solve the problem [16:39] confezzor: you could direct them to the free cd's ubuntu gives out. [16:39] how can I fix a corrupt partition? [16:39] maahes: nope, call blocking. [16:39] someone shared the code of the driver but I cannot compile it :( [16:39] gumbo72, try fsck n the drive [16:39] gumbo72: what kind of partition is it? if it's ext4 just use fsck [16:39] oh they give out free cd's...i didn't know..i thought you had to pay for the cd's? [16:40] gumbo72: with gparted [16:40] confezzor: nope. Ubuntu will send you nice free ones. ^_^ [16:40] do you know were can i find that info [16:40] maahes, confezzor canonical stopped with that [16:40] maahes: they don't do that any longer [16:40] it's ext4, but with other people on the spanish ubuntu channel we've discovered that even though it is listed in gparted, fscking it gives http://pastebin.com/SkL7igBg [16:41] confezzor: if the cap is on the ISP's side there's nothing you can do to circumvent it [16:41] which means it doesnt recognise it [16:41] confezzor, youd still have to download it, so yes [16:41] You can buy a CD [16:41] Could someone tell me how to restore backups using aptoncd? [16:41] So, if you want to and you are concerned about the cap, by a cd [16:41] !aptoncd | Neohasreturned [16:41] Neohasreturned: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline [16:41] Plus,you are giving to the cause :) [16:42] ok thanks guys...sorry for the none ubuntu question lol [16:42] confezzor, or think about changin isp maybe? that must be a nightmare 5gb a month [16:42] Anyone knows how to make a network-install custom install CD or use debian-cd ? [16:42] Abhijit, I have already backed it up and restored it to cache but not sure what to do to actually install the backup? [16:42] plzplz [16:43] it's not me it was a person in the chat room...was trying to help him out [16:43] confezzor: see e.g. here -> http://www.osdisc.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi/products/linux/ubuntu?affiliate=distrowatch [16:43] gumbo72, Your pastebin says "ext2", why not, using Gparted, just reformat it to ext3/ext4; backing up data, first, of course? [16:43] i could waste all the data i want [16:43] NeoBlaster, updates will be automatically shown. for applications you need to install them manualy one by one. please read the apton docs first and then ask. [16:43] thanks szal [16:43] yeats: i still can't seem to get it working, i just tried irssi -c irc.freenode.net -p 6667 and it just sat there saying connecting forever. [16:43] Sidewinder1: in gparted it says it's ext4 [16:44] ln follows correct? [16:44] Anyone here from the Ubuntu development team? [16:44] I've seen the ext2 on ext4 error before, and it happened when we had a failing drive, I remember reading a while back that it can also be caused by an unrecoverable partition that is entirely done [16:44] Medjai, whats the actual question [16:44] kisuke: What you asked is ambiguous. the man page for ln says ln target linkName [16:44] Well I'm looking for the person who created the ambient light sensor support for Macbooks [16:45] so what could i do, envygeeks? [16:45] hi, in nautilus, when double click a program, a default app is launched. I know I can change the default app in Properties of the file. But instead of changing one by one, is there a place that allows me change all extensions at once? thanks. [16:45] gumbo72, If fsck didn't solve the problem, you could simply reformat with Gparted, no? [16:45] Medjai, check the mailing lists then [16:45] !lists | Medjai [16:45] Medjai: Mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com [16:45] gumbo72: in both cases you could be screwed without forensics, it's easier to just wipe and repartition if it's that bad [16:45] That will list developers and their contributions bazhang ? [16:46] gumbo72: or backups, sorry forgot backups. [16:46] edbian: let me rephrase that, ln follows "ln origin detour" similiar to the syntax for mount, i read man, and just want to be sure i remember it right before i bork something [16:46] Medjai, there are different lists, yes some for development [16:46] ok thanks [16:46] Sidewinder1, but I have in it important information I can't access to (because it's corrupted). [16:46] hi all [16:46] Anyone knows how to make a network-install custom install CD or use debian-cd ? [16:47] kisuke: No I think you have it backwards? it's ln /path/to/file /path/to/link/name is that clear? [16:47] envygeeks, isn't there any possibility to access to the data inside? [16:47] edbian: that bis what i thought, thanks for making sure i had it clear. [16:47] kisuke: sure [16:47] gumbo72, There's also System-->Administration-->Disk Utility; but if the partition is totally corrupt, you may have already lost the data. :-( [16:47] There's not one person in here who can help me restore my backuo from cache? [16:47] Fabrice you can do that on a USB memory stick a floppy disk or a CD/DVD. [16:48] Fabrice, i think the ubuntu minimal cd is htat [16:48] gumbo72: you can search for Forensic software and try to recover pieces as long as you haven't tampered the drive, if you have then like sidewinder1 said, it could be gone forever [16:48] !volunteers > Neohasreturned [16:48] Neohasreturned, please see my private message [16:48] Create an ISO and burn it to a CD or anything disk and boot from it. [16:48] Poindexter_, i need to build a custom iso [16:49] Poindexter_, similar to minimal but pointing at a diferent repository [16:49] !remaster > Fabrice [16:49] Fabrice, please see my private message [16:50] Ok, so if you could give me some advice in which program to try I'd be great (I'm already looking) [16:50] Sidewinder1, I'm sorry if I sounded rude but I have backed up my laptop and I am trying to restore it and I am unable to do it I thought aptoncd would just reinstall everything [16:50] ubottu, as i said not a live cd, a network install aka minimal cd [16:50] Fabrice: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:50] gumbo72: normally I don't attempt forensics on my drive, we have sufficient backups so once a drive burns we hotswap it and then follow procedure to destroy the old drive, so I cannot recommend any, sorry [16:50] gumbo72, It's been a while; let me see if I can find some sources, please stand-by... [16:51] Fabrice it has already been done. Go to Bart's Boot Disk .com or Flavian's or Hirens Boot disk for tutorials. [16:52] Thank you both, Sidewinder1 and envygeek [16:52] Poindexter_, ok obviously you just cant read or something , i want to make a custom minimal cd that points to my repository and installs my metapackages, everything your suggesting has nothing to do with that [16:52] !uck | fabrice [16:52] fabrice: uck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/ [16:52] gumbo72, Please have a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1784873&highlight=recovering+lost+data [16:52] ubottu, again now a live cd [16:52] Fabrice: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:53] Fabrice making a minimal ISO is simple. Build a machine and create the ISO on a disk. [16:53] Fabrice: you want a netboot cd? [16:53] fabrice: a netiso image is already minimal anyways, if I remember right all of the netiso images only install the minimal to get booted, the absolute minimum. Why would you want to customise it? [16:54] envygeeks, point it at my repo and make it isntall my packages [16:54] You can Google the Ultimate XP boot disk and burn it. That will give you network possibilities but I am not sure what you want to accomplish. [16:54] Poindexter_, then stop talking [16:54] Poindexter_, why would you recommend windows solutions in ubuntu channel [16:55] ChogyDan, yes [16:55] !preseed | fabrice [16:55] ChogyDan, ubuntu uses debian-cd to make those right ? [16:55] blah [16:55] Fabrice: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Preseed [16:55] ok. I just found I could change the default app in mimeapps.list file. any UI tool for this purpose? [16:55] so does 11.04 still suck the big one, or is it safe/worth-it to upgrade? [16:56] hahahaha [16:56] Fabrice: I don't really know, but I thought Ubuntu uses debian tech for everything but the main graphical installer (Ubiquity?) [16:56] i'm on 10.10 and i've been putting off moving to 11.04 because of all the horror stories [16:56] abstrakt: its not as buggy as maverick was. [16:56] ChogyDan: They have tons of their own stuff now [16:56] envygeeks, that again dosent help [16:56] ChogyDan: Like the notifications were created by them [16:56] kisuke, i've heard a lot of complaints about the UI though also [16:56] kisuke, GNOME3 is it? Unity? something like that [16:57] edbian: yeah, but in terms of installation, the debian installer is used [16:57] i'm a coder, i don't want a consumer UI, i want a power UI [16:57] abstrakt: you only need to open it long enought to log out and log backinto classic gnome [16:57] abstrakt: why not just use classic view? [16:57] morth, probably cuz I wasn't aware of it :P [16:57] abstrakt: this channel is not for general discussion and opinions. Try #ubuntu-offtopic [16:57] ChogyDan: The installer is completely written by Ubuntu. Debian uses a CLI installer (it's not a live CD) [16:57] could also install a different DE, like LXDE or kDE [16:58] abstrakt: 11.04 comes with unnity, the only gnome 3 packages avalible have more bugs than a bait shop AFAIK [16:58] abstrakt: hehe, that's what im using atm [16:58] abstrakt: but gnoome2 or KDE work fine. [16:58] Could someone tell me how to restore backup from cache using synaptic after using aptoncd? [16:58] abstrakt: You could install one of the other window managers. Like fluxbox [16:58] kisuke, ah ok, thanks [16:58] Neohasreturned: mount the ISO / CD and it will run [16:58] Yeah didn't Ubuntu drop Anaconda for Ubiquity in full? [16:58] i haven't really been following the UI scene [16:59] envygeeks, anacon da is for fedora [16:59] * morth sings "i just had seeeeeex, and it felt so gooood." [17:00] morth, stop that [17:00] morth: not the place. [17:00] Bazhang again you missed the point. Creating an ISO has nothing to do with Windows. Most people who come are are trying to convert from Windows to Linux. People like myself come here to give free advice and free experience NO CHARGE. So decline with your comments. [17:00] abstrakt: try AwesomeWM :) [17:00] ActionParsnip, I have it saved as an iso? [17:00] Poindexter_, please stick to ubuntu solutions for ubuntu issues [17:01] can any one tell me pls how to install audio plugins [17:01] ActionParsnip, I have restored it already but to cache it says I need to install them via synaptic or apt-get? [17:01] maahes: i'm still having issues, i tried irssi -c server -p port and it just sat there saying connecting and never connected. [17:02] !aptoncd [17:02] APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline [17:02] hmm [17:02] morth: are you sure 6667 is open? try a different port, freenode has some alternate ports (ask in #freenode), or...try a different client real quick. [17:02] maahes, hmmm, interesting - I will consider it [17:02] this looks like ion [17:02] how to install audio plugins help [17:02] like, mouseless? [17:03] Neohasreturned: may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/APTonCD [17:03] Sidewinder1: thank you, I'll try to att [17:03] abstrakt: mouseless by automagic window control, unlike ion. [17:03] Sidewinder1: thank you, I'll try to attempt to recover the date once I ge all the information [17:03] oh, and dynamic window tagging! :) [17:03] hello, how can I install other languages on an installed ubuntu, like italian, french, russian, etc? [17:03] and you can reload your rc without restarting the X server. [17:03] hello [17:04] n0kS: press Super then type 'language' and it will appear [17:05] ActionParsnip thanks [17:06] how can I see the info of the hd and partitions installed in a box, from the command line in a human way if possible? tried more /etc/fstab and blkid [17:06] maahes, hmm, ok, well yeah I'll consider it [17:06] uhm, how to make ubuntu to connect autmatically to a wifi network? every time I reset I have to input the password... [17:07] ActionParsnip, I had no idea (aptoncd), it seems I learn more here than I try to impart. A hearty thank you! [17:07] chompiras: sudo fdisk -l; df -h [17:07] n0kS: if you reset it then it's obviously going to forget the password [17:07] Sidewinder1: no worries duder :) [17:08] io wrong word, I wanted to say "restart the system" [17:09] anybody want to help me with what i'm sure is a dumb question about downloading pdfs? I can open ones already on my computer fine, but I can't click a browser link and download them from anywhere. instead, I get an error message about the source file being unreadable. [17:09] ActionParsnip legend! thanks v much [17:10] hallo! [17:11] i'm searching for a way to hide my ubuntu host from windows network resources over my lan. Can someone help me? [17:11] rakshasa73: Did you set Ubuntu up as a file server or web server or ssh server or something? [17:12] Anoria, How about, in the program that's viewing the pdf, simply "saving as"? [17:13] Sidewinder1, I hadn't tried that, but now that I do, nothing at all happens. the context menu disappears when I click save as, and then... everything is exactly the same as it was before I tried to do anything [17:14] (tried three times on different pdf links just to be sure) [17:15] Anoria, That's strange; it's always just worked for me; never needed to trouble-shoot it...:-( [17:17] Sidewinder1, same here, it's not the kind of thing that you'd expect to break. I suspect restarting will fix it. at least now I know it's not a super well known issue that everyone has seen and fixed or anything. [17:17] why does ubuntu.com not mention anywhere about linux? [17:17] lol [17:17] edbian: no i didn't anything, i had installed mint, in network shares i see my host name. So i think it 's visible to other hosts of my lan. Waht i want is still see windows shares or host names without show my hostname,. [17:17] could someone help me compile a program? [17:18] hello, what do i need to install on my ubuntu in order to run a web page? [17:18] Anoria, A reboot never hurts; well, almost never. [17:18] which program dimas_ ? [17:18] Trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 and getting Kernel errors when selecting Install. Asus P5P800-SE Motherboard with 2GB Ram 250GB HDD Intel Pentium 4 3.06GHz NVidia GeForce 6200 [17:18] stefanos: to run a web page?? or to make a web server?? [17:19] chaddy i dont unsderstand much about GIT this is the source http://idjc.sourceforge.net/install_build.html [17:19] Fox__, Did you run an MD5sum on the ISO, prior to burning it to CD? [17:19] vico to run a web page and after making some test upload it to a paid server [17:20] stefanos: to run a web page you just need to instal firefox [17:20] !info idjc | dimas_ [17:20] dimas_: idjc (source: idjc): graphical shoutcast/icecast client. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.4-4ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1176 kB, installed size 3588 kB [17:20] Yes. The disk fully installs on my laptop (win 7 now dual with Natty) but i try this on the tower with the specs i gave and it crashes [17:21] http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu torl take a look [17:21] dimas_: no need to compile since it's in the repository [17:21] dimas_: what's wrong with just apt-get'ing it? [17:21] vico hmmm i think i answered wrong, to make a web server? I instaled apache2 do i need somthing else? [17:21] yeats i am having a little problem with that version after every thing is done i get to sound from it [17:21] i've problem with update manager i see updates but when i click install updates i see Applying changs but nothing happen no progress [17:22] Hi.. Im using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo for a guide to enable simple iptable config on my little vps, but one command aint working. the 'iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT' gives back 'iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.' any ideas? [17:22] this is my source.list file http://pastebin.com/rnDBcNKu [17:22] yeats [17:23] aborady, the full output from apt-get update in pastebin please [17:23] ActionParsnip, Hey I tried opening the iso and it brought up loads of deb files can I install them altogether or do I need to do it one at a time? [17:23] dimas_: did you read this page?: http://idjc.sourceforge.net/install_first_run.html [17:23] chaddy i fixed the problem with jack and the program seena to be working perfect but that is the onlly progra i dont get sound on [17:23] yes [17:23] Sidewinder1, sorry ment to put name in front of my reply to you [17:23] here is my post in ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10988788#post10988788 [17:24] * yeats has not used this program before so that's all the support he can give on it ;-) [17:24] dean: add the folder in software centre, or you can just run: sudo dpkg -i *.deb [17:24] yeats http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10988788#post10988788 [17:24] chaddy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10988788#post10988788 [17:24] bazhang >> i said that ubuntu.com does not metion anything about the kernel which it is built on [17:24] its working now but i got this error Err http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main Sources [17:24] 404 Not Found [17:24] Err http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main i386 Packages [17:24] 404 Not Found [17:24] aborady: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:24] ActionParsnip, How do i do that in software centre? [17:24] torl, thats hardly an ubuntu tech support issue though is it? [17:25] ok sorry [17:25] stefanos: the easy way is intalling lamp [17:25] dean: open it up and under Edit -> repositories (I believe, I don't use it) [17:25] aborady, try commenting out the ppa with # then save and update again [17:25] dimas_: so did you reinstall as suggested (might not be a necessary step, IMHO) [17:25] Hi, I have a couple of files like a.zip b.zip in a dir. What would be the fastest way to put a.zip in dir a and b.zip in dir b, etc. [17:26] ? [17:26] ok [17:26] reinstall ubuntu? you crazy?..nooo...the other application are working just fine [17:26] ActionParsnip, It don't mention repositories on software centre? [17:26] Fox__, Yes, I saw your reply; why the install would work on one system but not the next might be just about anything... How many times have you tried? [17:27] dimas_: ok ;-) - like I said, I thought that suggestion was a bit extreme [17:27] yeats i just want to give it a try to the new version and see if it work [17:27] stefanos:sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 [17:27] Somelauw: for z in "*.zip"; do unzip "$z"; done [17:27] screenshot problem. the "Pr Scrn" button won't work if my mouse is pressing the top right menu.. not sure how to express properly. [17:27] yeats i am agree with you [17:27] oh PPA not found in source.list file [17:27] stefanos: and reboot [17:27] Sidewinder1, in case you were wondering, reboot fixed it. I am mystified but content to be grateful it works and move on with my life. [17:27] so what ? [17:27] aborady, what about in sources.list.d [17:28] Hi Folks! Is there an easy way to make my laptop work as a radioclock/alarm while in hotels? [17:28] eg: mouse clicks shutdown icon in the top right bar (unity). then "Pr Scrn" button won't work. how to take screenshot then? thanks. [17:28] ActionParsnip: Almost what I want, since unzip a.zip won't created a dir called a. [17:28] ActionParsnip, I tried that sudo -i thing it said no such file or directory? [17:28] Traintop: you can use the at command [17:28] Sidewinder1, ive tried 4 times. Last night i was told something about nomodeset or something but i didnt know the graphics card info at the time, now i know its a NVidia card [17:28] Traintop, with cron and a streaming radio app? or something like that? [17:29] ActionParsnip: Since some of the zip files contain files with the same name [17:29] Fox__, That's certainly good news! :D [17:30] ActionParsnip,bazhang: to be more specific; I want to enter a time when I go to bed; turn the laptop off and it then wakes up at the specified time and starts playing a playlist/web-channel/mp3/divx/... [17:30] Traintop, you mean sleep right? [17:30] I'm using 11.04 and hoped such things would go via GUI [17:31] Traintop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV at the bottom has a great at example === DaZ_ is now known as DaZ [17:31] bazhang: if I really turn it off or just go to suspend-to-ram/hd does not matter [17:31] i found many files for PPA [17:31] Traintop: the laptop will need to be on, or you will need to tell your BIOS to fire up the PC 5 minutes before [17:31] aborady, so comment them out? [17:32] Traintop: if the laptop is fully off, how is the software that supposed to wake it up supposed to get any CPU time to do its job? [17:32] ok [17:32] Traintop, the only thing I know of capable "timed events" is CRON... have you searched for a GUI for CRON jobs? [17:32] mneptok: some BIOSes can be told to boot at a set time:) [17:32] I thought ACPI would be sufficient to do this [17:32] ActionParsnip: yes. but see if that works with the AC and battery pulled ;) [17:32] -turning the machine back on [17:32] Traintop: there is gnome-schedule === llutz is now known as llutz- [17:33] ActionParsnip, Can you see my messages come through? [17:33] Does anyone know if its normal for firefox-bin and plugin-container, in system monitor, to take up a total of 400mb of memory? [17:33] ActionParsnip: IOW, there has to be *some* power to the laptop from *somewhere( === llutz- is now known as llutz [17:33] evan__: firefox is famous for memory leaks [17:33] #friendly-coders [17:33] What could I use to edit .fla files for a game and update the loader.as part in it? [17:33] Sidewinder1, i read across while learnign about the nomodeset about NVidia needing to be set before setup.. Any idea what needs to be done? [17:33] ebian, i see. so thats just the way it is? no fix? [17:33] evan_, do you have a lot of tabs open, or possibly using flash on any of it? [17:33] how do i remove a book makr from my places menu [17:34] *bookmark* [17:34] evan__: http://linuxatemyram.com [17:34] if you download a lot, firefox use a lot of ram [17:34] evan__: restart firefox. What version are you using? (any plugins?) [17:34] Jakman85, 2 tabs 1 flash open [17:34] mneptok:true, the motherboard battery, as long as there is charge the system can boot and the scheduler resumed. It's messy but possible [17:34] mneptok: the laptop is connected to AC all night to load the battery; so energy is not the problem; but adjusting the acpi-timer and then start some script/prog to "wake me up" :-) [17:34] What should I use to update a .fla file ? I can't find anything to export them. [17:35] edbian, version 5, plugins are Divx web player, quicktime, shockwave, vlc, windows media player [17:35] VirusGerm: isn't this a flac-file? [17:35] Traintop: you want to tell the BIOS to boot, then create a cronjob to fire up your music. [17:35] Traintop, I believe so. [17:35] evan__, are you running windows? === llutz is now known as llutz- [17:35] evan__: windows media player? [17:35] evan__: Is this windows? [17:35] FLAC= Free Lossless Audio Compression [17:35] mneptok, thanks I'll check that out [17:35] evan__: Check that out?! It's your OS! [17:35] edbian, no ubuntu. That plugin was there when I installed firefox [17:35] bsmith093: what do you exactly want to do [17:35] apt-get install flac, Traintop ? === llutz- is now known as llutz [17:35] mneptok: and this still has to be done manually these days? [17:36] Traintop: most mobile phones have alarms, much MUCH easier [17:36] evan__: Get ride of quicktime, and window media player at least [17:36] edbian, sorry wrong person [17:36] evan__: that's ok [17:36] remove a bookmark from my places menu [17:36] is http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download some sort of "all versions" version? i.e. can I run it as a live thing? I need to chroot and fix a kernel [17:36] VirusGerm: I don't know for sure; but I'll assume so [17:36] Yeah, TT. It worked. [17:36] Hi could someone tell me how to install deb files on my aptoncd backup? [17:36] :D thanks. [17:36] indietrash: well no, but yes it a livecd [17:36] evan__, how did you install ubuntu? [17:36] Traintop: no, just like MacOS, you only need to visulaize in your mind what you want, and never have to touch the keyboard. ("manually?" is there any other way?) [17:36] I need to setup a password for wifi for my router, but I don't have the router installation CD anymore [17:36] how do I do it? [17:36] I have accidentally removed a USB stick that was not unmounted. Now it is not recognized anymore, it's not mountable and not even the partition manager can see it, so I can't even format it. Any ideas how to repair it? [17:36] Jakman85, minimal installation [17:37] ActionParsnip: but the speakers from my laptop are WAY better than the one in my smartphone [17:37] http://paste.ubuntu.com/636983/ [17:37] Traintop: plug the phone into the speakers [17:37] bsmith093: OK hopefully it supports intel 5100 out of the box (disc)? [17:37] Traintop: I guess. Just leave the laptop running on a table [17:37] mneptok: manually != done by package :-) [17:37] i found these lines and commented them out [17:37] evan__, are you running gnome as your GUI? [17:37] im not sure what that is [17:38] Jakman85, yes [17:38] what about this line [17:38] Err http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main Sources [17:38] Jakman85, well i actually removed gnome panels and am now using Awn window navigator with dockbarx [17:38] bsmith093: wait a minute and i'll tell you how to do it [17:38] ActionParsnip: I found it on another chan, someone told me: for f in *.zip; do dir="${f%.*}"; mkdir -p "$dir"; ( cd "$dir"; unzip "../$f"; ); [17:38] evan__, ok, I have never heard of WMP plugin in firefox while running linux... try disabling that and a combination of others and see if your memory usage decreases to a sane amount [17:39] Jakman85, its there because of Totem music player [17:39] aborady, and then updated? [17:40] anyway, thanks to all helpfully intended answers, I just will have to make an app for this "manually" :-) [17:40] evan__, ok, I will remember that if something like comes up again... you would think they would call it Totem add-on :-) [17:40] Jackman85, :) [17:41] where does empathy store user information on ur ~ dir... i know pidgin uses .purple. Where's empathy's ? [17:42] evan__, I am running firefox 5, 8 tabs running, with flash, HTML 5, etc... memory usage is 141 MB [17:42] [11:42] [vicio(+i)] [3:Ubuntu/#ubuntu(+CLcfjnt)] [Act: 2] -- more -- [17:42] [#ubuntu] gtk-bookmarksC [17:42] [11:42] [vicio(+i)] [3:Ubuntu/#ubuntu(+CLcfjnt)] [Act: 2] -- more -- [17:42] vicio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:42] [11:42] [vicio(+i)] [3:Ubuntu/#ubuntu(+CLcfjnt)] [Act: 2] -- more -- [17:42] why i dont get at upgrade of the new version of an application if the repositories are in ubuntu? [17:42] Reading package lists... Done [17:42] Jackman85, Yea, i figured something was wrong =\ [17:43] now update manager must work fine ??? [17:43] hi [17:43] can anybody tell me how to map the Pause-Key to "< > |" with xmodmap? [17:43] evan__, 64-bit or 32-bit? [17:43] aborady, try it, should do [17:43] Jackman85, i disabled windows media player, divx, quicktime and restarted and now its at 139 mb usage [17:43] my usb flash drive has always this name /media/466E-F210 [17:43] Jackman85, 64-bit [17:43] can I rename it? [17:44] stowoda, give the filesystem a proper label. with windows (or windows tools) or tune2fs command [17:44] or via gparted [17:44] understand.. thx, dr_willis [17:44] evan__, ok, one of them is the culprit then... if you have enough memory for the plugins without it affecting the performance of your computer, then 400 mb shouldnt be an issue [17:45] bsmith093: still there?? [17:45] yes [17:45] just found out how, though so thanks. [17:46] Hi, does anyone use evolution with gnupg? I'd like it to automatically encrypt replies to encrypted mails, but it doesn't and there seems to be no such option. Does anyone have a solution? I found none in several forums. [17:46] bsmith093: ok [17:46] Anyone that has a fully set up Samba4 on natty that knows the new instructions mentioned http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.samba.internals/54920 are? Because I kindof have that same error and cant find anything about what to do about that error :/ bind does read the keyfile so it's not a permission or location thing (verified with strace) [17:46] Yes bro working synaptic is reloading too , thanks bro for good info [17:46] Jackman85, well its definitely helped some. Now I have 8 tabs open with flash and its less than 300, firefox-bin and plugin-container [17:46] ++ [17:46] What do i have edit in the boot options line when installing 11.04 to a tower with a NVidia graphics card [17:47] Jackman85, thank you for that :D [17:47] Fox__, what options? [17:47] evan__, no problem! [17:47] !nomodeset | Fox__ [17:47] Fox__: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [17:47] Fox__, i have to use nomodeset for my nvidia systems to boot properly, [17:48] dr_willis, ive tried nomodeset but i still get the same crash. Is there more i might need to do? [17:48] dr_willis, really? I have 8800 GTS 512 SLI, and it boots perfectly. Any particular generation of cards you had to do this with? [17:48] No one using evolution and gnupg? [17:49] Jakman85, all 3 of my nvidia systems have issues with novual or whatever taht driver is called.. ones an 8800gtsxxx, other was a 5500, 3rd is a laptop with a 360m [17:49] tom_ubuntu, I use evolution, I dont think i use gnupg, but I could be wrong [17:49] dr_willis, its a Nvidia GEForce 6200 [17:49] Okay, so you don't encrypt emails usually? [17:50] Jakman85, and a forth.. with GeForce 6150SE [17:50] thanks anyway, bye [17:50] Fox__, all i can say is i have to use nomodeset, and nosplash on most all of them to disable plymouth and get to a low-res screen so i can run the installer.. or use the alternavei installer cd. and then install the nvidia drivers after you get the system going [17:51] dr_willis, oh, you are using the open-source driver... I use the one from nvidia. Thats the discrepancy. [17:52] Jakman85, i HAVE to use the one from nvidia.. but i cant even get the live cd to boot with the open sourced ones without those options.. I use options.. install the os.. then install the drivers from Nvidia. I dont need the options then. [17:52] in the past. ive remastered my ubuntu cd's to include the nvidia drivers. :) [17:53] can I - with the ubuntu liveCD-thing - chroot into a Gentoo Linux environment and use make menuconfig and make && make install my kernel & modules? [17:53] hello again :> the java packages provided in "parters" is out of date/vulnerable to a few security issues...is there any way that i could install the official jdk from their website and use that instead? [17:53] dr_willis, I see. That is interesting. Is there any error messages with the open-source driver, or does it just segfault and die? [17:53] indietrash, you shouild be able to.. [17:53] dr_willis, ive done the nomodeset, but how to nosplash? [17:53] Jakman85, it eitehr just shows black screen, or totally garbled display,. [17:53] Fox__, try it.. its not like its going to cost you money. :) [17:53] dr_willis: thanks. hope it works. [17:54] Fox__, i always use nosplash and noquiet with nomodeset [17:54] I hate plymouth with a passion. :) [17:54] dr_willis, i dont see those on the F6 options tab.. only nomodeset [17:54] type them in perhaps.. [17:55] hm... can you switch terminals? (ctrl+alt+F1 - F6) [17:55] I normally set up a live-flash drive with them all in the default syslinux.cfg settings [17:55] what is the specific commmands for those? [17:55] how to force manually software-updates to versions newer than the actual installed ubuntu [17:55] edit the boot line --> 'nomodeset noquiet nosplash' [17:56] how do I add a panel to my second monitor in gnome classic ? [17:56] could someone help compile an application without asking why i dont use ubuntu installer? [17:56] dimas_, sure [17:57] Soothsayer, try right-clicking on an existing panel on the first monitor, then clicking "new panel", then moving the new panel where you want [17:57] how to force manually software-updates to versions newer than the actual installed ubuntu-version provides? [17:57] dimas_, real men compile from source [17:57] dr_willis, just tried it... same crash [17:57] noisewaterphd, i concur ;-) [17:57] !compile [17:57] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [17:57] Soothsayer, create a new panel, alt-click on it, drag it to the other display [17:57] well i will throw the site here and we start step by step? [17:58] how i install a ralink 802 11 wlan driver?? [17:58] dimas_, usually inside the application source you downloaded there will be a readme file that will outline all of the commands and arguments you need to run [17:58] I got a problem running Jack [17:58] http://idjc.sourceforge.net/install_build.html [17:58] i know i know [17:58] not that stupid [17:58] dr_willis, trying that, not happening. I'm alt+clicking but it doesn't move anywhere... not even on the same monitor [17:58] isnt Jack deprecated? (i could be wrong) [17:58] as far as i know it isnt [17:59] Soothsayer, could be thats been removed from 11.04 - i dont use unity or gnome-classic any more [17:59] dr_willis, KDE ? [17:59] I perfer Lubuntu/lxde for now.. [17:59] kde is ok. but overkill for me [17:59] beyoblue, are you compiling from source or is there a package in the software center? [17:59] how to force manually software-updates to versions newer than the actual installed ubuntu-version provides? [17:59] I just bought a new monitor today. :) so soon will ahve dual monitor setup also [17:59] software center [18:00] dimas_, all of the compile instructions for the make file are right at the bottom of the page you posted? [18:00] dr_willis, lxde looks ugly. [18:00] Rave1, clarify what you mean.. you have some newer .deb package? or what exactly [18:00] Soothsayer, never noticed.. looks fine to me.. [18:00] dimas_, so you are going to have to be specific about your problem [18:00] hi does some one knows how to disable acpi on kubuntu? [18:00] dr_willis, let me know if you find any good add-on's for dual monitor [18:00] Beerforfree, use the noapcpi kernel boot option [18:00] Jakman85 would you help me then? i already installed the dependencies but i get stocked with the compiling after i say ./env-up it tells me that a file is missing and cant automake [18:00] what Im actually trying to do is this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1260057 [18:01] Soothsayer, what sort of addons you mean? i used to use dual monitors all the time. never really needed any 'addons' [18:01] get Fl Studio running by Wine [18:01] dimas_, can you send me a link to the source? [18:01] Beerforfree install startup-manag3r and you can disabl3 th3 s3rvic3s from th3r3 [18:01] sure === ron is now known as Guest38993 [18:01] dr_willis, i need a taskbar in the second monitor which tells me which all windows belong to the second monitor. [18:01] dimas_, pastebin the complete actual error [18:01] Soothsayer, any of the docks can do that also.. gnome-panel used to work that way. i dont have ubuntu on my dual monitor setup at the moment. [18:02] Jakman85, http://idjc.sourceforge.net/install_build.html [18:02] Jakman85 http://idjc.sourceforge.net/install_build.html [18:02] how to install ralink 802 11 wlan driver? [18:02] Beerforfree sorry , is bootup manag3r [18:02] dimas_, pastebin the whole error [18:02] Soothsayer, and I dont think the window-listing apps can tell which one is in what monitor.. just what 'desktop' [18:02] Soothsayer, multi-monitors dont work that way [18:02] Soothsayer, unless you ran 2 seperate X sessions.. but that has its own issues. [18:02] noisewaterphd i want to start from the begining so i am going to delete the package from downloads and start with your help [18:03] how to install ralink 802 11 wlan [18:03] dr_willis, well, they do work that way on Windows at least. [18:03] Soothsayer, cant say ive ever noticed having 2 panels on windows.. [18:03] or 2 seperate window-listing things in windows.. but this isent windows.. :) [18:03] how to install ralink 802 11 wlan [18:04] how i install ralink 802 11 wlan [18:04] !wireless | godtrunks1 [18:04] godtrunks1: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [18:04] i have a asus wsb driver [18:04] dr_willis, tried "nomodeset nosplash noquiet" in all different orders, by them selves.. everything.. still get this screen http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g432/Tyler_Cantrell/Photo07012328.jpg [18:04] godtrunks1: what is the model of your asus and the model of the chipset? [18:05] lsusb erwähnt Bus 001 Device 004: ID 058f:1234 Alcor Micro Corp. Flash Drive [18:05] is a usb wireless [18:05] godtrunks1: please run lsusb and give us the output of your Asus line for the wireless [18:05] Fox__, that looks more like a badly burnt cd,. or bad iso file issue to me.. not a video issue [18:05] ASUSTek Computer, Inc. 802.11n Network Adapter [18:05] Fox__, those PAGE error messages may be refering to bad memory also. [18:06] dr_willis, i used the same CD to install it to the laptop i am on now (win7/Natty) [18:06] how to force manually software-updates to versions newer than the actual installed ubuntu-version provides? [18:06] Fox__, could be dirty.. hard to tell. [18:06] and i don't know how to install the drivers [18:06] Fox__, those messages are nothing liek the errors i get with my nvidia cards [18:06] godtrunks1: can you look on the dongle and give me a model number? [18:06] Without a model number I can't help you as I won't know if you can use built in drivers or if you need to compile [18:07] how i do that? i'm new with linux [18:07] Anyone have any idea why they decided to remove clipboard support from vim in 11.04? [18:07] dimas_, i got it to compile [18:07] dr_willis, this tower was using XP and crashed.. ive since then completely wiped it off.. possibly bad HDD? [18:07] raven_, clarify what you mean by that.. I dont think anyone understands what youa re trying to do. [18:07] Fox__, or bad ram.. [18:07] godtrunks1: pull out the wifi dongle from the USB port and look on it, there should be a model number [18:07] Fox__, or mouse in the case making a nest.. eatting your cables.. :) [18:07] dimas_, I was also able to compile and install [18:07] Jakman85 would you help me do it then? [18:07] Fox__, had that happen once.. [18:07] model usb-n13 [18:08] dimas_, if you just post the error I think you are just missing some tools [18:08] i know you guys know what to do [18:08] dimas_, or the wrong version of automake, etc.. [18:08] 'bad page state in process swapper' sure sounds like some sort of memory type error [18:08] dr_willis, yeah seen one like that before..but this one is clean.. gonna try the ram in diff slot.. 4 to use only one 2gb stick [18:08] Hey guys, I have a dying harddisk and want to copy all data from it before it is totally done. Basically, I want to copy the files one by one and use md5 (or crc if possible) to check wheter the file was copied correctly. However, I want the md5 (or crc) to be determinded on the fly, so I don't tax the almost dead drive more than needed. Any ideas on how to do this? [18:08] Fox__, the live cd has a memtest option [18:08] Bliepo, rsync, or fsarchiver [18:09] thanks, I'll look inot it [18:09] Bliepo, or dd (or dd_rescue) (or ddrescue) it to a file on a backup drive. then recover from that file. === jrn is now known as notronrj [18:09] dr_willis, running memtest [18:09] xangua where do I find the boot manager? [18:10] Unable to get exclusive lock. This means another package management app like aptitude is already running. [18:10] on softwar3 c3nt34 [18:10] How do I fix this? [18:10] synaptic [18:10] dr_willis, im getting ALOT of red... [18:10] dr_willis, I would do that, but the drive 'disconnects' during file copies. I only have about an hour to copy files each time I connect it. [18:10] Fox__, so quickly? thats.. bad. [18:10] envygeeks: what shoud i do? [18:10] Bliepo, ddrescue is designed for such a issue.. [18:10] Bliepo, it can keep a log file. and try to recover other parts on each run. [18:10] http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/ddrescue.html [18:11] Bliepo, if usiong ddrescue be SURE to tell it a logfile. or you miss out on its best features [18:11] godtrunks1: please hold, getting the driver information for you [18:11] The logfile is periodically saved to disc. So in case of a crash you can resume the rescue with little recopying. [18:11] ok [18:11] dr_willis, its all errors.. nothing has passed so far [18:11] dr_willis, thanks, will do that. [18:11] i have the driver [18:11] Fox__, time for a cleaning and check up. :) [18:11] i read the readmefile [18:12] i try to do what is in there but no result [18:12] and not all the commands r working [18:12] godtrunks1: did you download: http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/wireless/USB-N13/Linux_2302.zip then make all install and then unplug and replugin the dongle? [18:12] Bliepo, i had a 1.3 tb hd go bad on me.. ddresued'd it to a file on a new 3tb hd.. and revovered most everything.. took over a WEEk to do.. but it worked.. :) [18:13] godtrunks1: you also need to make sure to edit os/linux/config.mk and change wpa_supplicant (both of them) to y [18:13] Bliepo, then the silly 1.3 tb hd started working again!. :) it went to the kids pc to hold their cartoons after that.. [18:13] dr_willis, suggesting new ram? kinda short on funds [18:13] how to get latest mesa [18:13] i have that but i don't know how to install it [18:14] Fox__, take apart. clean, reseat. try one stick at a time.. try differnt slots.. see if you can narrow it down. [18:14] Fox__, i had a MB with one slot that went bad. not the ram [18:14] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [18:14] dr_willis, thanks. I already knew about ddrescue, but I hadn't though of using it. Stupid me. [18:14] Bliepo, :) its a lifesaver [18:14] Bliepo, if you got the HD space. [18:14] i mannage to unpack it [18:14] how to get latest mesa [18:14] dr_willis, its a 4 slot motherboard and i have ONE 2gb Kingston [18:15] but i don't know what shoud i do after [18:15] godtrunks: unzip it then do sudo -i [insert password when it asks] then cd to the directory, then do "make all install", then after it compiles and installs, unplug the adapater and plug it back in [18:15] how to set root password, just "sudo passwd root" [18:15] When I do a sudo dpkg --configure -a the problem doesn't get fixed. It's this package called 'noip2' which does not install perfectly. [18:15] Fox__, that narrows down the ways it can be installed then. [18:15] how to get latest mesa [18:15] mmh...so no one knows of a way i could install oracle's jdk manually in 11.04? :< i've been searching on google for a guide but all of them reference a program called make-jpkg, which hasn't been in ubuntu for a long time...the partners version is vulnerable, including the browser plugin [18:15] Soothsayer, try removeing it? [18:15] Soothsayer, create lots of panels, they will fill all sides of the screen in the first display, then fill the ones on the second display. After that, delete the unnecessary and leave the one on the second display that you wanted to use [18:15] how to get latest mesa [18:15] dr_willis, ram is a little warm.. maybe its the wrong voltage? [18:16] kaziem, thats.. creative.. :) [18:16] dr_willis, it removes successfully [18:16] dr_willis, yep... but that's what I was forced to use myself too :) [18:16] kaziem, haha.. im going to try that soon :) [18:16] Fox__, hard to tell. memtest is putting it through its paces. [18:16] how to get latest mesa [18:16] kaziem, :) [18:16] trying to start the KDE download here [18:16] dr_willis, Soothsayer and trust me it works!! [18:16] hehe [18:16] stealthboy, ppa, or source.. [18:16] ok [18:16] thanks [18:16] stealthboy ubuntu's mesa is fairly recent, being based on debian sid [18:16] stealthboy, dont repeat so quickly [18:16] dr_willis, never known a kingston DDR2 to go bad on me before [18:16] haha [18:16] got the panel after creating 3 panels, kaziem [18:17] Soothsayer, hehe.. I did have the same problem like you explained... before 10.10 I was able to move panels, but not anymore [18:17] how i give the path? [18:18] godtrunks1: cd path/to/file [18:19] dr_willis, powersupply is a mess.. wires are just about covering the ram... interference? [18:19] Fox__, tape and wireties.. ive never had wires cause interfearance befor. [18:19] lol [18:19] Fox__, i have had sharp edges cut wires, and cases touching the edges of heatsinks cause issues. [18:20] xangua, I'm too dum give another hint System Settings....? [18:20] dr_willis, btw i didnt build this tower it was my gf's fathers... built from ground up [18:20] op3n synaptic and seeeeeeee3arch boot up manag3r [18:20] agg my k3yboar is ebrok3n :S [18:20] s33 you [18:20] * dr_willis getxs xangua a new keyboard. [18:21] i mean k3b0@rd [18:21] I wonderd if xangua was having mechanical issues.. or just typed worse then i do - when im on my cellphone [18:21] how can i make pics smaller before emailing them? [18:21] is there a linux equivalent to network magic? [18:22] with the gimp [18:22] evon: network magic? [18:22] load them in the gimp scale them down [18:22] envygeeks: it allows you to view what computers are connected to your wireless network [18:22] envygeeks: i suspect someone may be sapping my connection [18:22] and save them as jpeg with lower qualitiy [18:23] evon: and what is network magic [18:23] maybe 21% quality or so [18:23] J-mNB: use GIMP [18:23] evon, my router has a feature to do that.. show clients.. [18:23] * Soothsayer is downloading KDE.. sick of gnome :@ [18:23] lets hope i live.. her father was found on floor beside this tower.. [18:23] dr_willis: mine does not [18:23] evon: normally I check that within the router rather then using some high level application [18:23] evon, change your password.. restart router.. see it gets better. :) [18:23] envygeeks: my router doesn't have that feature [18:24] turn off all wireless gizmos.. see if wireless light still blinks. :) [18:24] dr_willis. I will do that but I want to find out who is doing it first [18:24] You dont even know IF someone is actually doing it. [18:25] evon: you can install etherape [18:25] fuck, wait you got to be kidding me. [18:25] evon:or u can use nmap [18:25] I'm moving Windows from one monitor to another and it disappears from the taskbar in that monitor [18:25] Soothsayer, no cursing here [18:25] What [18:25] bazhang, im sorry.. [18:25] dr_willis, kaziem: did you hear me? [18:25] Soothsayer, the window listing widgit may have settings for that :) i tend to make them show ALL windows on all desktops.. [18:25] Could also be a congested channel. Take your router off of auto and go below 11 (most routers tend to auto at 11 or 14 if they're Cisco I've noticed) [18:26] dr_willis, where exactly do I find those settings? [18:26] I dont work with monitors the way you do. :) [18:26] Soothsayer, use to be right click on the windows widgit in the panel. [18:27] nothing happens with right click.. i only get the options for it! I can't even remove this widget from the panel if I want to! [18:27] vicio, i will try both of those [18:27] thx [18:27] guys [18:27] now one more thing [18:27] You have to right click in the right place Soothsayer i belive... [18:27] evon: etherpae has gui nmap is in terminal [18:27] but again. this may have changed in the ubuntu-classic. I dont use classic. [18:27] Soothsayer: I thought its ctrl alt right [18:27] vicio, installing them now. I will try them out [18:27] evon:ok [18:27] dr_willis, oh, there is a right place.. at the extreme left. [18:28] how does the position of a new widget in the panel get decided? Why does it randomly appear in the centre.. what if I want a widget to the right of a panel? [18:28] I have an issue with Karmic ( yes, I know I need to update ... that's what I'm working toward right now ) that after I burn a DVD with Brasero, I can no longer access the DVD writer. Anyone know how to 'reset' it? [18:28] what will happen if my computer is open and i put a videocard ? [18:29] Can I kill/restart something in the hardware layer to have it recognize the drive again? [18:29] dr_willis, what if this feature disappears the next time I reboot :-( I have no idea how this happened lol [18:29] vicio, etherape is telling me it can't find a suitable device [18:29] stormzen: sudo aptitude --purge remove brasero then sudo apt-get install brasero [18:30] I'm having problems finding the documentation on how to move an installation to non-stable packages [18:30] evon:you have to tell eth0 is the device [18:30] hi there [18:31] does anyone know where those docs are? [18:31] vicio, i've looked through the prefences and I cannot find a place to tell it what device to use [18:31] evon: and you have to run it with sudo [18:31] vicio oh i c [18:31] WOW, all of a sudden everything about the panels is working for me. Is this because I'm trying to install KDE in the background? :-P [18:31] does anyone know a good non-linear video editing software that runs on linux [18:31] vicio, Thanks. Did that. DVD drive still doesn't respond. [18:31] ( It won't even open. ) [18:31] vicio, ok running it with sudo worked [18:32] evon:ok [18:32] Sigh... So many problems with openchange... And it's even missing several required components like the provisioning scripts... [18:32] vicio, now I just have to figure out how to read it ;-) [18:33] evon:it isnt hard to understand [18:33] Greets to Dr_Willis. Nice to see you again. :) [18:34] vicio, i can't tell which node is my computer [18:35] vicio, ah, trying to mount it seemed to re-enable it. Thanks! [18:35] stromzen:youre welcome ;) [18:36] evon:just watch the name of your pc in the window [18:36] Is anyone aware of a install/setup-guide for ClassBot ? We're trying to setup a local system here in DK [18:36] hi...well...I'm having a error in Ubuntu, a caps lock delay...like, when I'm in ubuntu if I type fast...the text is like "ABcdefg..." not "Abcdefg...", have a fix for that? [18:36] i have an error [18:37] can anyone give me the link? [18:37] i don't want to flood [18:37] hi, i have ubuntu 10.10, and i'm trying to install mozilla-plugin-vlc, and i get this mozilla-plugin-vlc : Depends: vlc-nox (= 1.1.4-1ubuntu1) but 1.1.4-1ubuntu1.6 is to be installed [18:37] pastebin ? [18:37] godtrunks1:link ??? [18:37] paste bin [18:37] pastebin [18:37] Evon try this for kicks dmesg. [18:38] cool so many bots in here [18:38] hehe [18:38] eliminate teh . [18:39] what was that supposed to do? [18:39] I didn't know there many "bots in here" Is that true? [18:39] it listed a whole bunch of stuff [18:39] Evon it shows your hardware stuff. [18:39] . [18:40] Evon I get goose bumps watching that command window open up. :) [18:40] You may need to sudo before using that command though. [18:41] http://paste.ubuntu.com/637006/ [18:42] can anyone help? [18:42] Maybe [18:42] pls [18:42] I have fallen and i cannot get up. That kind of help? [18:42] godtrunks1:what do you need? [18:43] Poindexter_, please stop with the unhelpful commentary [18:43] i try to install driver for asus usb wlan [18:43] right. [18:43] godtrunks1:and whats the problem [18:44] i have this error [18:44] http://paste.ubuntu.com/637006/ [18:44] Bazhang stop your nonsense. You have been told on multiple times to curb your foolish comments. It is time you cease and desist. [18:44] oooi all who can help my ubuntu 11 is cr*p slow [18:46] GatekeeperZA: There's no such thing as "ubuntu 11" - specify your actual version when asking for help, and preferably provide more diagnostic information if you can. [18:47] godtrunks1:ubuntu version?? [18:47] 11 [18:48] http://paste.ubuntu.com/637010/ [18:48] godtrunks1:sorry have no idea [18:48] i want to install ASUSTek Computer, Inc. 802.11n Network Adapter driver [18:48] hey, anyone experience ubuntu asking for Default key-ring password whenever they boot and it always fails (regardless if I enter the correct password or if I remove the password altogether)? [18:49] so vicio can u help me install the wireless driver? [18:49] Jakman85: when that window apear you just write your sudo password [18:49] vicio, I do, and it still fails [18:50] its ubuntu and its 11 and . and 04 and its desktop, i316 its called natty on a p4 3.2 , 2gb ram ati rv350 with tweaked xorg running unity, 2 bonded nics, etc. [18:50] I even removed the password from the keyring manager... and it still does it [18:50] can anyone help me with my driver? [18:51] it repeats the asking of the password 3 times, and then it stops [18:51] godtrunks1: I would try using the windows drivers and ndiswrapper before trying to compile from source [18:52] i don't know how.i'm new in linux [18:52] th0r: why the hell would you use a buggy wrapper if you had the source code available to compile? [18:53] Nisstyre: you cant just transplant kernel drivers between versions and expect it to work [18:53] Nisstyre: because he has no idea how to even use ndiswrapper, much less try to set up ubuntu to compile successfully. That's why the hell I would [18:54] godtrunks1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/ndiswrapper.html [18:55] acicula: there's this thing called a kernel module [18:56] im aware of linux internals, its just not a good idea [18:57] acicula: people do it every day. Compiling kernel modules and then loading them is not a big deal, or a problem, or even close to a bad thing to do. [18:58] godtrunks1: also look at installing ndisgtk, it will give you a gui interface to ndiswrapper === TheDreamer is now known as Youri [18:59] teste [18:59] 2 [18:59] 3 [18:59] xtra teste? [19:00] fine your sound argumentation convinced me [19:02] How can I find out if I have wireless driver installed in my laptop (Ubuntu 11.04 - Acer Aspire 3620) === fabrizio_ is now known as fabbo [19:02] sudo lspci [19:03] oops lsmod [19:04] orchata: if its supported in most cases it is installed by ubuntu or can be enable via the hardware driver tool [19:05] *enabled [19:05] acicula: Well, I am not sure if it is installed [19:06] hey has anyone had any luck getting the debug version of libflashplayer.so working with firefox in ubuntu 11.04? [19:06] orchata: can you see any wireless networks ? [19:06] it worked in 10 but i havent had any luck in 11 [19:06] hi [19:06] acicula: Nope [19:07] i copied it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/. replacing the original, but wheneve i load a site with flash i just get an error message saying the site requires flash 10 or higher [19:07] I'm trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 on my netbook so I'm doing it via a USB stick. But when I boot it, it simply prints out the "SYSLINUX 4.04..." text and hangs there. === Mike1_ is now known as Mike1 [19:07] my sound just randomly stopped working on natty, dell vostro 3350 - worked fine on starting a video then stopped abruptly [19:07] orchata: have you installed any updates yet? [19:07] help? [19:07] acicula: It is not my computer, I am just trying to reanimate it. It used to run XP and now installed ubuntu 11.04. (Wireless works just fine in XP, even the indicator light is on) [19:08] orchata, likely the wireless chipset isnt recognized by the generic drivers available to the kernel [19:08] you'll need to find which one is compatible, or download from the vendor's site if available [19:09] acicula: I believe it did. Because put it to update and just left [19:09] acicula: Now I don't have any internet access on that computer [19:09] orchata: the initial basic steps are make sure its updated, that means plugging in a cable, then use "Additional drivers" and check if you need to enable a driver for your wifi. If you still dont see networks in your network applet you may need to do more. Also lspci in a console will list exactly what wifi card. [19:09] orchata: the wired connection does not work either? [19:12] I just did a System Testing and it detected "Broadcom Corporation BCM4318[AirForce One 54g]802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 1) Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C+(rev 10)" [19:13] orchata: try installing the fwcutter for broadcom [19:13] Hi there! I made an apt-get upgrade in my ubuntu 10.10 and I lost all network configuration. I rewrote an /etc/network/interfaces from scratch, but my wireless (proprietary driver) doesn't work anymore. Can anybody help me? [19:13] is there anyone here? [19:13] myxlplykx: many are here, do you have a support question? [19:13] myxlplykx: quite a few [19:14] acicula: I don't have any internet access right now. I am connected to my cell phone with my own laptop. But I cannot do that to the other laptop because updating computer with my cell will be pretty expensive [19:14] orchata, ah thats the same as the one in my laptop. it worked fine when i used the detect proprietary drivers applet [19:14] orchata: yeah i can imagine [19:14] can anyone help i got a new bigger harddrive and installed Ubuntu 11.4 on it and it cant recotnize my wireless card can anyone help? [19:15] orchata: ill have a look at that chip, but i guess its going to be what limpc says, its supproted but you need to update first [19:15] !wireless | myxlplykx [19:15] myxlplykx: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [19:15] tried that nothing came up [19:15] orchata: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [19:15] hi I have a d-link switch I don't know how to configure it on ubuntu [19:15] centHOGG: what is fwcutter ? [19:16] ubottu: nice! I'll try. Thanks a lot! [19:16] lbracher: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:16] google fwcutter & broadcom ubuntu [19:16] how do i select which kernel grub boots with on startup? is there a key ? [19:16] centHOGG: please don't suggest 'to google', thanks [19:16] thor is not working.. [19:16] centHOGG: Who are you talking to? [19:16] how are you guys [19:16] orchata: Do you have a broadcom card? [19:16] anybody knows how to configure a dlink switch? [19:16] myxlplykx: #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, not here [19:16] orchata: b43-fwcutter [19:17] centHOGG: thanks [19:17] dork, theres settings in the grub config files. [19:17] !grub2 | dork [19:17] dork: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [19:17] man, i guess broadcom chipsets still have to use ndiswrapper? [19:17] pyghassen: Usually one does not have to configure a switch for any OS. Is this a switch or a router? What is the problem? [19:17] Jakman85: no [19:17] Jakman85: Some maybe. What card do you have? [19:17] lol, then why use it? [19:17] oCean: sorry will sdo that [19:17] Jakman85: Some broadcom chipsets need it [19:17] karmic? seriously? [19:17] it's a switch edbian [19:18] i had nightmares 5 years back getting it to work... and it was buggy as all get-out [19:18] pyghassen: What is the problem? Plug it in, it should work. There is nothing to configure [19:18] pyghassen: configure a switch? [19:18] 5 years ago is a long time in computer-years :) [19:18] hi i make a black list using this command [19:18] echo -e "blacklist bcm43xx\nblacklist b43\nblacklist b43legacy\nblacklist ssb" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist [19:18] Jakman85: 5 years ago was a long time ago. Especially in linux [19:18] orchata: according to the wiki it might work without updating if you run apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source and then try to active the driver via additional drivers [19:18] still requires some downloading though [19:18] how i undo it? [19:18] I googled the matter, they said, I have to open the browser on [19:18] godtrunks1, edit the blacklist file with a text editor and remove the changes [19:18] pyghassen: That assumes you have a router. [19:18] but nothing came up [19:18] how [19:19] :-s [19:19] pyghassen: What is the problem? [19:19] godtrunks1, use a text editor.... run it as root with sudo or gksudo. edit the file.. [19:19] !info gedit [19:19] gedit (source: gedit): official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.4-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 515 kB, installed size 1860 kB [19:19] gksudo gedit /path/to/the/file [19:19] what file shoud i edit? [19:19] I can't connect it [19:19] it doesn't work [19:19] pyghassen: your question is unrelated to ubuntu [19:19] the blacklist file. /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist [19:19] pyghassen: Can you connect without this switch? === a is now known as Guest53606 [19:20] pyghassen: it may have another ip set [19:20] OK. Thanks gusy, I will be have to switch my internet to another laptop so will tell you later if it worked [19:20] hi, I have a problem with macbook pro (7.1) and backlight control which does not work (probably a missing kernel module?), latest kubuntu 11.04 with nvidia 275 (beta) driver...when trying to modprobe mbp_nvidia_bl, it says no such device.....any ideas on how to make the backlight working? [19:20] orchata: good luck [19:20] edbian, i know, which is why i thought ndiswrapper was gone by now... but i guess it just has to be used with newer broadcom chipsets [19:20] I have a 3G broadband I need to make it work in my desktop too [19:20] i simply delete the folder? [19:20] godtrunks1: no dont do that [19:21] Jakman85: I'm not sure which chipsets require it and which don't. Do you have broadcom card you're trying to get working? [19:21] I have no idea what is the IP of the switch [19:21] godtrunks1, use a text editor.... edit the file.. no one said to delete a folder... [19:21] i delete what is inside? [19:21] godtrunks1, you EDIT the file that is in the folder.. [19:21] godtrunks1: no some of the files in there need to be there [19:21] blacklist bcm43xx [19:21] blacklist b43 [19:21] blacklist b43legacy [19:21] blacklist ssb [19:21] godtrunks1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:21] or it's not necessary ? [19:21] how can me start network manager in lxde please [19:21] you can remove those lines [19:21] this is in file [19:21] godtrunks1, we have no idea why you added those lines.. or what you are doing. with them. [19:22] godtrunks1, those lines were added by the command you showed earlier. [19:22] this r in the blacklist [19:22] so i delete? [19:22] those? [19:22] ok if I want to connect to my desktop through that switch what should I do exactly? [19:22] godtrunks1, we have no idea why you added them.. or why you want to delete them... if you want them gone, then delete them and save the file. [19:22] mck182: does it work with the drivers installed via the additional drivers tool? [19:23] pyghassen: What does the switch connect to? [19:23] my labtop [19:23] i try to install my usb wireless adaptor from a tutorial [19:23] laptop [19:23] pyghassen: On the other side. [19:23] desktop [19:24] acicula: I think so...but I needed to switch to the beta drivers as the stable one from that tool currently does not work with latest kwin (trunk) [19:24] and now it's gone [19:24] pyghassen: You have to tell the desktop to share the internet connection first [19:24] pyghassen: What OS is the desktop? [19:24] both ubuntu [19:24] pyghassen: How does the desktop get online? [19:24] how to start gnome network manejar in lxde ? [19:25] pyghassen: Use this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [19:25] mck182: not using the trunk from kwin is not an option? === coyote_ is now known as coyote| [19:25] hi all... no https site is loading in ubuntu natty narwhal... i tried in both Chrome and Firefox... [19:25] acicula: not really...I'm a kde dev :) [19:25] dr_willis: how can i use an older kernel? grub.cfg isn't editable, my sound just stopped working out of nowhere [19:25] I am in a hurry... so any help would be great... === coyote| is now known as Guest6254 [19:26] dork, you dont edit grub.cfg you edit the grub2 config files in /etc/ like the grub2 docs show.. [19:26] check proxy ? [19:26] edian I got the laptop who connects to the internet through 3G, I want it work on my desktop through LAN, that's why I bought the switch [19:26] dork, theres some setting to select what kernel to use by default. or a setting to rember the last selected entry [19:26] !grub2 [19:26] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [19:26] pyghassen: Ahh, the use that guide on the laptop. [19:26] mck182: heh yeah i can see how that is an issue [19:26] then* [19:26] pyghassen: set the laptop to share it's Internet, see the link already given [19:27] what would be a better dns server to run at home to cache DNS. Bind 9 or windows server 2003? [19:27] mck182: ehm does the backlight entry show in /proc ? [19:27] RadarG: What do you think we'll say? This is an Ubuntu room. [19:27] RadarG: personal experience serv2003 [19:27] RadarG: windows server 2003 in my opinion is overkill for a DNS server [19:27] idk [19:27] but the switch is not responding on! [19:27] Semi-ubuntu question: I'm writing a bash script that will be run in cron. I'm running the script manually for testing, and when it connects to ftp it's dropping back to the terminal instead of logging in and continuing. I tried adding prompt off,which I found on some tutorials, but it did not change anything. What am I doing wrong, or where would be a better place to ask? [19:28] pyghassen: It's not going to. The guide doesn't say it would! [19:28] acicula: no...and there's also no kernel module controling the backlight [19:28] Rivenge: #bash [19:28] io thanks [19:28] so I just connect the ethernet cables and it'll work? [19:28] pyghassen: Are you kidding me? [19:28] acicula: I assume that the mbp_nvidia_bl should do the trick, but it can't be loaded and the log does not contain any error info [19:29] :) [19:29] pyghassen: I told you multiple times to read this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [19:29] ok I'll try it and i'll be back :) === nerd is now known as nerdy [19:30] mck182: well explains why its not working i guess, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging/Backlight at the top, acpi_backlight=vendor you could try [19:30] dr_willis: the answer was 'hold down the shift key' but there are no other kernels available [19:31] i can't believe my sound just stopped working for no reason. [19:31] mck182: but beyond that honestly idk. might be wort trying the beta on a test version of #ubuntu+1 in the hope that the kernel/x version is more agreable with the drivers? [19:31] dork, that is the answer to 'how to show the grub menu when its hidden' [19:32] so now i can't install an older kernel, apt-cache search kernel only shows the one that's being used [19:32] acicula: I guess I'll try some more recent X if that link won't do any good...checking now [19:33] dork: you can install older kernels by referencing the package directly [19:33] edbian, true but if its running in a vm maybe not [19:33] acicula: the only one available is the current build in the repositories [19:33] RadarG: I'm afraid i don't know what you're talking about. [19:33] well I did expect some bias [19:34] RadarG: ;) [19:34] dork: hmm i just tried it, seems thats the case indeed [19:34] dork, why do you think an older kernel would work when aparently an older kernel has never been installed... [19:35] RadarG: If the windows 2003 server is running in a VM? Then that's even more reason to not used the massive windows 2003 just to run a DNS server [19:35] RadarG: bind9 runs in the background on my desktop machine acting as a DNS cache and I don't even notice it. [19:35] dr_willis: i don't know, because my sound was fine and i can't remember the last time i did an upgrade, but my sound stopped working completely randomly so i'm troubleshooting it the best i can? [19:35] RadarG: A DNS server does not need the entire windows OS to do what it does [19:36] dork, as a test. try adding a new user. see if sound works for them., iother then that.. no idea on how to trouble shoot sound. I rarely have sound issues. [19:36] dr_willis: if you have more suggestions as to why my sound stopped working i'd be willing to hear it [19:36] <_kad> hey!! need help how to force the left menu in the unity to hide !! is there any keyboard shortcut for this? sometimes if i open program it kept open and annoy me !! Thanks [19:36] dork, theres also the various sound wiki/guides that may give some clues.. you dont hafve it just muted do you? cables are correct? dont have somthing plugged into the headphone jack? [19:36] dork, cat dident eat the speaker cables? [19:36] dr_willis: never had sound issues until natty, and i don't get sound at the splash screen so i don't know what adding a new user is going to do since sound doesn't even work at that point [19:36] _kad, good question, i would like to know this as well [19:37] it's a laptop and the sound literally stopped while watching a video. [19:37] dork, so you Had sound in natty.. then it stopped? [19:37] hi. I want to build unity-2d from source but without having utouch as dependency. I downloaded it with bzr 'branch lp:unity-2d' how can I configure that I don't need utouch? http://pastebin.com/wTLYBHzp [19:37] yes. [19:37] interesting.. [19:37] reinstalled alsa and pulse [19:37] dr_willis: s/interesting/fucking annoying/g [19:37] dork: It stopped while watching a video? You weren't upgrading any packages or anything? [19:37] reinstalling to fix things is 'windows' mentality. [19:37] edbian: no [19:38] <_kad> Jakman85, i hate it when it kept show that menu [19:38] dork, no cursing please [19:38] edbian: literally watching a video and it just stopped. [19:38] I do think there were some alsa updates the other day waswent there? I thought i saw some. [19:38] oh please === Cain` is now known as Cain [19:38] hi [19:38] dork: I think the speakers died. Either you blew them or the power went out, or they just died. [19:38] kaka, ./configure --help will list all available options [19:38] at least, it should [19:38] dork: Can you get them to work on any other device? [19:38] dork, test with a live cd perhaps. verify that they work on a live cd. [19:38] it's a laptop [19:38] dork: liveCD [19:39] does ubuntu 11.04 have any hdd defrag app installed by default? [19:39] heh [19:39] b0nghitter, you rarely need to defrag linux filesystems. [19:39] !defrag [19:39] The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. [19:39] Jakman85: well thanks, but the problem is, that there is no ./configure ... You see the output of cmake ... [19:39] dr_willis: awesome, thanks [19:39] it's a brand new laptop [19:40] dork, ive had brand new laptops be totally dead when ive opend the boxs :) [19:40] kaka, sorry about that... ill see if i can check it out [19:40] Gotta love warrenties.. [19:40] i cant start the graphic interface after remove nvidia driver can you help me ? [19:40] dr_willis: this worked fine out of the box. not the same. [19:40] sound componants just don't randomly die typically [19:40] dork, the fact its 'brand new' dosent mean anything really.. except that its.. not old. :) [19:40] im on live cd now [19:40] any ideas [19:40] hi [19:40] dr_willis: the fact is 'sound cards don't just randomly die when watching videos' [19:40] dork, prove they work in a live cd situation. [19:41] Jakman85: Thanks that would be nice, here you get the source 'bzr branch lp:unity-2d' [19:41] i had two doas consecutively before i finnaly got my brand new working laptop, hehe [19:41] 1487 [19:41] i have a nvidia gt 430 graphics card an tried installing the non-free driver from nvidia, but it doesn't work [19:41] dork, pcs can die at any time.. they are complex little beasties. [19:41] !nvidia | xuser1 [19:41] xuser1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [19:41] dork: sound software doesn't just 'shut off' either [19:41] "doesn't work" as in, only black screen after reboot as soon as X starts [19:41] dork: I really think they did die. physically and it had nothing to do with the OS. [19:41] dork: You think audio equipment never dies? === himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf [19:42] Id be curious if the headphone jacks, and what the mixer settings look like also. [19:42] edbian: it's intel HD integrated sound, if the sound just died there would be residual effects that would suggest it [19:42] this is not failed hardware. [19:42] debate it all you want.. do tests and trouble shoot i guess. [19:42] dork: alright. Here is this rigorous guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting [19:42] dork: If it's a software issue that guide is very good to solve it. [19:42] dr_willis: i will boot a live cd, this isn't my first computer either so if the livecd doesn't produce sound i will literally quit my job and become a bar tender. [19:43] dork: hahahaha [19:43] any ideas? [19:43] dork, doesnt matter to us one way or another. [19:43] ive had weirder things happen to pcs...... [19:43] dr_willis: that is blatantly obvious. [19:44] dork: I disagree this is a strange and confusion issue :) [19:44] Prove hardware is good.. is a rather basic test.. [19:44] hi, I've got ubuntu 10.04 from an old boot cd, and it boots for a split second, showing a light blue screen, but then it just goes black and shows a dead mouse pointer that you can't move. No function keys work to get you to a terminal or reboot and the whole thing looks frozen. Any idea what I could change from a boot cd to fix it? [19:44] I'm thinking X issues... [19:44] I had turned on commercial drivers just before this happened [19:45] I spent a week recovering data from a dead hd.. which then came back to life as soon as i was done.... i got a laptop that the web cam dosent work.. unless i hit it upside the display... ive had pcs not boot IF they are sitting uprigth. but work if they are laying on their side... [19:45] can you help me i want start ubuntu using gdm not nvidia driver [19:45] xuser1, what driver do you want to use? [19:45] dr_willis: are you from the twilight zone? [19:46] edbian, dont forget the 'mouse chewed on the cables' i had to fix for a friend.. :) [19:46] nvidia 260 [19:46] could be that the physical contacts for the electronics on those pcs are loose or broken dr_willis [19:46] kaka, have you tried the interactive option of cmake? [19:46] shomon, yep. :) loose wires. cut wire,. and in one case a heatsink touching the metal case.. [19:46] a little black tape fixed that one. [19:46] ah very safe [19:46] cmake -i [19:46] :) [19:47] i haven't done level 1 break fix since i was in high school but by those events dr_willis, you should probably become a bar tender as well. [19:47] can i edit the xorg.conf from live cd? [19:47] how can I reset X11's configuration and reinstall the base ubuntu drivers? [19:47] I work on Multi Million Doller machines at work.. trouble shooting them :) [19:47] xuser1, yes you can. but normally X auto configures and the xorg.conf is rather empty [19:47] i'm all out of medals, i run a national ISP [19:48] xuser1, you coukld boot to text mode and edit them that way also. [19:48] Jakman85: thanks a lot, that's what I needed, now I can port unity-2d to other distributions [19:48] !text | xuser1 [19:48] xuser1: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode [19:48] kaka, glad it works for you :-) [19:49] xuser1, from text mode you can chagne things then try 'startx' to see if the change worked or not. You may want to install ssh, and have a ssh login friom a differnt pc in case you need to restart the X server [19:49] actually, how do I interrupt grub and go to a root prompt? [19:49] i can start on text mode but i cant start the graphic interface withowt nvidia driver [19:50] i tryed install nvidia from text mode nut not work [19:50] You can install the nvidia driver via text mode.. 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current' i belive [19:50] or does 'sudo jockey-text' work? i forget. [19:50] i did it that way once.. ages ago [19:50] xuser1, are you downloaded the latest and greatest from nvidia, or are you using the one provided from Ubunutu? [19:51] yes i downloaded the last driver from nvidia but i reinstalled it [19:51] and now teh gui interface not start [19:51] what card is it? [19:52] any ideas ? [19:53] works with external speakers [19:53] xuser1, what card is it? [19:53] nvidia geforce6100 nforce405 [19:54] it used to be easy to "convert" a website to a local application in Firefox. That is, to run the website as its own application window. I can no longer figure out how to do that. How do I do that? :) [19:54] is the geforce 6100 supported with the newest drivers? [19:54] Jakman85, support is often a relative term. I would just test it and see how well it works. [19:55] jo-erlend: nvidia maintains 3 different driver branches for 3 different groups of gpus, which are not interchangeable, its not relative its fairly exact ;_ [19:55] oh dear [19:55] the driver loads, X starts, but I get no image [19:56] what could be the reason for that? [19:56] acicula, I mean that even if a device is supported, it doesn't necessarily mean it's 100% stable, fast or correct. [19:56] dork, so the headphone jack works. but the interspeakers dont. ive seen issues where peole have those jacks fail to toggle the internal speakers on or off properly [19:56] xuser, 64-bit or 32-bit system? [19:57] scumos was it working before or during the installation? [19:57] 32 [19:57] http://free.avg.com/us-en/download.prd-alf Which one should one download for ubuntu 11.04, 64 bit version? [19:57] jo-erlend, i understand, but i am just making sure he has the correct driver and actually took the time to see if his card is supported. If it is, then we dive deeper === bullet is now known as Guest78509 [19:57] this is the /var/log/Xorg.0.log" http://pastebin.com/1HKZLmRg [19:57] hey [19:58] is there a 64bit wine available for 11.04? [19:58] jo-erlend: this may help in your Firefox question: http://www.salsitasoft.com/blog/2011/04/18/packaging-webrunner-applications/ [19:58] Jakman85, oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were talking to someone in particular. I thought it was your question. :) [19:58] jo-erlend: looks like it was Prism that allowed you to do that, and it's no longer being developed [19:59] Fatal server error: no screens found /any ideas? [19:59] i have a problem installing wine [19:59] xuser1, do you have a screen? ;-) j/k [19:59] when it tried to get some fonts from sourceforge, it cant connect [20:00] yes ;-) === bullet_ is now known as Guest22972 [20:00] try running the nvidia installer again... when it spits out information when it is installing, pastebin it [20:00] xuser1, did you just update and reboot [20:00] hi i have an error installing 11.04 (cannot mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem. squashfs), the error exactly the same as in thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1588547 [20:00] what? [20:01] who is the idiot who packaged wine in ubuntu? [20:01] VolodymyrB: how much memory is there in your machine? [20:01] xuser1, try running the nvidia installer again... when it spits out information when it is installing, pastebin it [20:01] 512 mb [20:01] wow, my xorg.conf has 1337 characters ;D [20:01] shockrates: apt-cache show wine shows you the maintainer === tPl0ch is now known as TheIncredibleHul [20:01] hay all, i have a problem with SDL on my ubuntu 11.04-64bit installation, when launching kdenlive, it gives me error: "Failed to initialize SDL: No available video device" === TheIncredibleHul is now known as tPl0ch [20:02] scummos, nice... i dont think it is just a coincidence [20:02] i already did from text mode but my ubuntu start on text mode again [20:02] acicula: Maintainer: Scott Ritchie [20:02] is he on the irc? [20:02] hey, quick question: is smart boot loader on the ubuntu livecd? [20:02] i tryed apt-get install nvidia-curernt [20:02] Jakman85: but it still doesn't work. :( [20:02] I want to use the ubuntu cd to boot a dvd [20:02] acicula: 512mb RAM and 240 gb + 40 gb hd [20:03] xuser1, you already pastebin-ed the install log? [20:03] shockrates: i doubt that, what is the problem you are having? [20:03] scummos, bummer [20:03] http://free.avg.com/us-en/download.prd-alf Which one should one download for ubuntu 11.04, 64 bit version? Which is the right type for installing? [20:03] VolodymyrB: ehm i think 512 is enough, not sure [20:03] when can i find the install log ? what location ? [20:03] shockrates: people here are volunteers or people with a problems, not likely to get direct support from a package maintainer here if he/she is even here [20:04] truepurple... do you really need AVG antivirus? [20:04] truepurple: hold on ill chek for you [20:04] acicula: its was enough fro 8.10-10.04 [20:04] acicula: i try to install wine (11.04 ubuntu 64bit here), specifically wine1.3, the installation gets the package from ubuntu then it tries to get some fonts/sources from sourceforge. those sourceforge links are broken/dont connect, so installation hangs. i have tried 3 times to install wine and it fails.... [20:04] truepurple: http://download.avgfree.com/filedir/inst/avg85flx-r874-a3473.i386.deb its a multi arch install file.. if you are running a debian base system (ubuntu) [20:05] at least packages like this which are basic should be taken care of... [20:05] !bug | shockrates [20:05] Just run sudo apt-get upgrade on Ubuntu 10.04. It gives this error: trying to overwrite '/etc/xul-ext/ubufox.js', which is also in package xul-ext-ubufox 0:0.9-0ubuntu1~mfs~lucid1 [20:05] shockrates: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [20:05] shockrates: that would be a bug, you can file that on launchpad [20:05] xuser1, do you have 2 video cards? [20:05] no [20:05] Krenair, you could remove the offending package. [20:05] VolodymyrB: i cant think of anything obvious why it wouldnt work, can you try the cd in another machine or install via usb? [20:05] acicula: i have recently created an account in ubuntu forums. is there a tool to get to report bugs? [20:05] xuser1, your xconf is configured for 2 DRI modules [20:06] shockrates: read the link ubottu send you [20:06] shockrates: see the factoid ubottu just gave you [20:06] dr_willis, how might I go about doing this? [20:06] so what should i do? [20:06] Krenair, sudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME [20:06] acicula: i have old machine, so instaling via usb dont fully works [20:06] Jakman85: Is there another antivirus or maleware program you would recommend more? [20:07] truepurple, i used this file earlier today --> avast4workstation_1.3.0-2_i386.deb [20:07] and? [20:07] truepurple, it a av scanner.. there ya go.. have fun. [20:07] VolodymyrB: yea i feared that might be an issue, otherwise perhaps the alternate installer? i checked a forum thread on the error message that you got but i could not find a solution there [20:07] xuser1, backup your xconf, then removed the DRI2 things in it... try to start up xserver then [20:08] avast, avg, clamav, the big 3 from what i researched earlier. [20:08] avast seems to be the most popular. [20:08] yes dr_willis but do you find it better then avg? [20:08] dr_willis: Great, thanks [20:08] Do you have reason to believe avast is better then avg? [20:08] * yeats uses clamav when he uses av at all [20:08] truepurple, better in what way.. None of them have found anything. :) so from my ussage they are all identical.. [20:08] acicula: I read it already too [20:08] the install log is http://pastebin.com/72QPBCbg [20:08] clamav won't update properly [20:08] truepurple, personally, i dont use anything in linux... the odds of getting it is fairly slim [20:09] truepurple, ive no issues with 'sudo freshclam' [20:09] That only updated the database [20:09] not the scanner [20:09] truepurple, and thats all that really needs to be updated the database.. [20:09] or the gui [20:09] there is no gui to clamav.. theres front ends. [20:09] Well its a problem if the scanner never gets updated [20:09] GUI/front end, same thign [20:10] hay all, i have a problem with SDL on my ubuntu 11.04-64bit installation, when launching kdenlive, it gives me error: "Failed to initialize SDL: No available video device" [20:10] any ideas? [20:10] I also have a Broadcom wireless card, I followed the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx but no success. lshw shows the card as disabled. Could anybody help me, please? Thanks! [20:10] its not really a problem. its the database thats the heart of it. [20:10] clamav .... wait for it... [20:10] acicula: thanks, i'll try debian [20:10] http://pastebin.com/72QPBCbg [20:10] BWAHAHHAAAAHAAA [20:10] sorry [20:10] truepurple: the scanner compares the files on your computer with the files in the updated DB (which is how all of them work afaik) [20:10] and if you install the clamav package from the clamav homepage. not via the repos.. you can update all of it i belive. [20:10] shockrates: i just installed wine1.3 and didnt give me any troubles with missing font packages as its downloading them right now? [20:10] yeats: What scanner? [20:10] VolodymyrB: eh ok [20:10] WARNING: Local version: 0.97 Recommended version: 0.97.1 [20:10] DON'T PANIC! Read http://www.clamav.net/support/faq [20:11] 15:09 < truepurple> That only updated the database [20:11] 15:09 < truepurple> not the scanner [20:11] acicula: did you get the fonts or whatever it downloads from sourceforge? [20:11] dr_willis: Oh I see [20:11] shockrates: yeah works just fine [20:11] shockrates: if a bit slow [20:11] :-D [20:11] acicula: for me it doesnt [20:11] acicula: i dont know why, i try to manual open the links with firefox, doesnt work either [20:12] hello, how can i measure video perfomance in ubuntu? [20:12] shockrates: are you behind some sort of proxy perhaps? [20:12] sender as in benchmark? [20:12] every 'virus' ive ever discovered with clamav, avg, or avast. have alwasy been false positives.. :() [20:12] acicula: yes exactly [20:12] ehm, phoronix maintains a pretty large benchmark collection suite [20:12] xuser1, have you tried removing the DRI2 portions of your xconf like i suggested? I think your video card has been configured twice in it. [20:12] acicula: im running 11.04 classic mode and workspace switching is very ugly [20:13] sender, what do u mean with "video performance"? [20:13] Aside from whether linux can be infected or not, I do plan to set up a duel boot with win7 [20:13] how can i do that? [20:13] acicula: i'd like to know it's due to video performance [20:13] zeroburn: performance of the GPU, rendering [20:13] does anyone here use drapes? can i modify the "mode" of wallpapers (scale, zoom, center etc) without actually setting it as the wallpaper? im getting really sick of having to switch to a wallpaper to modify it's settings [20:13] eh do you know what gpu you have? [20:13] acicula: i dont think so. can you give me the first link of sourceforge in your installation to try it? [20:14] I need help from someone who knows C++ [20:14] acicula: yes, nvidia 8600GT - i know it's not the most recent card [20:14] Hmm. Updated clamav is supposed tobe in the 'backports' repoistory.. [20:14] shockrates: its the same as you, its a generick link which redirects [20:14] i pasted it fron a backup http://pastebin.com/3ZK4spjb ia good now? [20:14] ;-) [20:14] acicula, zeroburn: would this be sufficient for compiz [20:14] sender: did you enable the nvidia driver via additional drivers ? [20:14] truepurple, dual booting is fine, i do it right now. I just only have antivirus and malware protection in windows 7 [20:14] ??????? [20:14] acicula: yes, it gave me the 'driver is activated but not in use' [20:15] acicula: is there a different launchpad for ubuntu [20:15] ? [20:15] xuser1, looks good on my end [20:15] anyone? drapes?? [20:15] acicula: or i report kubuntu bugs in launchpad [20:15] sender: restart x or your system for the driver to take effect [20:15] acicula: yes i did.. [20:15] ok i will restart now to see [20:15] Jakman85: But I want to be able to check for said infections in a environment immune to said infections. [20:15] I have an issue with flash player, its playing all my videos at x2 speed with no sound. I have tried to reinstall it still same issues, any ideas? [20:15] acicula: actually i've installed the latest from nvidia.com [20:16] sender: ah [20:16] sender: remove those and use the ones provided via addtional drivers [20:16] Hi, I have a quick question. My mother came to visit and firestarter started getting hits from her computer against a series of ports. Her firewall is not logging these outbound connections. Possible rootkit on her windows laptop? [20:16] truepurple, ahhh, gotcha! Just ignore me now ;-) [20:16] ownz0rjoo, all flash video sites? [20:16] Can I have some help me debug some C++ code? [20:16] Jakman85: That way the infection can't hide itself, or prevent its own eraser. And it might run faster under linux [20:16] Geekydude4: try #C++ [20:16] Westz yes [20:16] Thanks [20:16] jasonrichardsmit: rootkit revealer time [20:17] sender: seems like the best way to benchmark true 3d/video performance is installing a 3d intensive game and chekking the FPS of the game... [20:17] acicula, zeroburn: are you sure? i had that before but gave me this: "driver activated but not in use", i subscribed to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/771788 [20:17] sender, drop to a tty by doing, ctrl+alt+F1 , sudo service gdm stop, then sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current [20:17] Ubuntu bug 771788 in jockey (Ubuntu) "nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not being used by jockey-gtk" [Medium,In progress] [20:17] zeroburn, thats the most practical [20:18] Jakman85: Anyway, I have found information that linux is not immune to infection, especially not its browser. Speaking of, I would really like to find a antimalware program for linux so I can keep my browser clean without some absurd sandboxing setup [20:18] edbian: i think your assessment is probably the most accurate, unfortunately i can't get a fresh iso for proof. [20:18] sender then reboot [20:18] BluesKaj: i find myself having the "driver activated but not in use"-problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/771788 [20:18] edbian: with that said, what drink would you like me to make for you? :P [20:18] dork: Can't you download an ISO? [20:19] sender various reasons why that could happen, id try the default driver [20:19] ues sender , that's what I did to get rid of the glitch in jockey [20:19] yes [20:19] dork: I drink if statements and code refactoring [20:19] edbian: i just moved, haven't transferred internet yet and i'm stealing a neighbors, seems he has a limited dsl connection [20:19] sender: oka.. have you activated desktop efects? [20:19] dork: ouch! [20:19] truepurple, the great thing about linux is, even if your browser gets hacked, they only have standard user permissions (not SU). [20:20] acicula, zeroburn, BluesKaj: can't activate desktop effects, the tab is missing, ive installed compiz settings and can set everything quite allright, but performance is very bad [20:20] acicula, zeroburn, BluesKaj: i wonder if my card is too old === michael is now known as Guest50929 [20:20] truepurple, unless, of course, you are runnning the browser as a super user... and in that case... shame on you ;-) [20:20] sender tis, not, you probably just installed the wrong driver [20:20] acicula, zeroburn, BluesKaj: 8600GT from 2007 [20:20] Jakman85: Which afaik means they can still say steal passwords and credit card information, even if the infection can't spread beyond the browser [20:20] external speakers work, i had to max out the volume for one of the videos i was watching. i think i have an older xubuntu build on a mp3 player but i didn't get decent results from xubuntu lucid when i went to install it originally so i went with natty and it identified the hardware properly [20:20] sender, try the commands that I posted ..it should work [20:21] so worst case scenario i have to return the laptop, best case scenario is it will be recoverable once i proove the speakers work [20:21] BluesKaj: also when i've got the 275 (latest) from NVIDIA installed right now? [20:21] dork: worst case scenario is the world ends tomorrow [20:21] edbian: i'll drink to that. [20:21] !log [20:21] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [20:21] BluesKaj: I've tried to go back via additional drivers and booting would hang on a black screen === vlt_ is now known as vlt_phone [20:21] sender . just do it [20:21] sender: are you using 64bit linux or 32? [20:22] « /win» [20:22] zeroburn: 64 bit [20:22] * BluesKaj shakes his head [20:22] any ideas? the nvidia module loads, no error messages anywhere (not in X log or so) and still only a black screen [20:22] zeroburn: i'd switch over to 32 if this helps - couldnt decide in the first place [20:22] wrong VSync or so? [20:22] BluesKaj: i'd give it a try for sure [20:22] hello, please tell me if there is a command to reset the network adapter ... i'm desperate :( [20:22] sender: 11.04 has a bug with nvidia drivers.. had the same issue.. try installing ai32-libs and reboot and see if that helps [20:23] alex4443: reset the network adapter? [20:23] yes [20:23] zeroburn: package couldnt be found.. [20:23] scummos, can you switch to a terminal? (ctrl+alt+F1 - F6) [20:23] zeroburn: how did you do that? [20:23] sender, I had the same problem , and those commands worked for my nvidia card [20:23] sender: sorry ia, not ai.. haha typo [20:24] BluesKaj: thanks, i'll defo try this - but tried similar and it borked [20:24] alex4443: auhm.. what do u mean.. [20:24] reset [20:24] dr_willis: u dre? [20:24] just like in windows zeroburn [20:24] rajat123, im in and out all day... getting ready to head out for a few hrs. [20:24] similar isn't the same ,,do the exact commands posted, sender [20:24] alex4443: aah oka.. gime a sec.. [20:24] make it fast. :) [20:25] zeroburn: ia32-libs/natty uptodate 20090808ubuntu13 is already installed [20:25] zeroburn: so that's not helping anymore [20:25] too many cooks [20:25] BluesKaj: i'll try [20:25] BluesKaj: sudo service gdm stop, sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current [20:25] BluesKaj: right? [20:25] sender: what version drivers do u have installed ?? [20:25] BluesKaj: are you on 32 or 64? [20:26] yup, sender , but in the tty ., notthe teminal [20:26] zeroburn: 275.09.07 nvidia [20:26] alex4443: try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" [20:26] So noone knows of a antimalware for linux? [20:26] BluesKaj: yes, i know, thanks [20:26] zeroburn i'm restarting every time to get the computer reseted and i can't take it anymore. this should be done in seconds. i need to find a specific dynamic ip if you understand [20:26] ok good [20:26] is it posible ? [20:26] truepurple: clamav, free avg are a few === bullet_ is now known as Guest90723 [20:26] truepurple, theres also various browser extensions.. but really its just not that big an issue. [20:27] acicula: I said maleware, not virus [20:27] dr_willis: i jst updated my ubuntu to 11.04. i have a nvdia graphic crd in my pc. now the problem is....10.04 ver of ubuntu showd some special effects while using d nvida drivers. bt dis ver does not show. ny solution? [20:27] truepurple: There is some but nobody uses them. I just googled this: http://www.mylinuxsoftware.com/linux_malware_software.html [20:27] truepurple: the difference is moot [20:27] truepurple: strictly speaking, a virus is malware [20:27] malware is just malicious software [20:27] truepurple, i agree with clamav. i use it on windows too, it's a great little scanner, but i wouldnt use it for live applications [20:27] sender: download the 270.41.06 version.. its the one i run.. its the most stable of all the ones ive tested to get this issues sorted out.. maby itll work for u aswell... [20:27] alex4443: sure.. got u.. did u try that command i gave u? [20:27] clamav for linux dosent do realtime scanning.. actually im not sure if any of the av software ive seen does realtime scanning. [20:28] dr_willis: When I tried to install the avast you mentioned, it said "Wrong architecture 'i386'" [20:28] truepurple, i am, on a 32bit system. [20:28] it may have 64bit version.. or it may not.. [20:28] oh, i didn't notice that zeroburn thanks i'll try and report back [20:28] dr_willis: Oh that error is because its for 32 bit, not 64bit? [20:28] alex4443: sure np :) [20:28] dr_willis: i jst updated my ubuntu to 11.04. i have a nvdia graphic crd in my pc. now the problem is....10.04 ver of ubuntu showd some special effects while using d nvida drivers. bt dis ver does not show. ny solution? [20:29] truepurple, i think so. [20:29] acicula, zeroburn, BluesKaj: thanks for the help so far, back in a sec to let you know what worked (and if) ;) cheers! [20:29] rajat123, enable compiz. be sure yiouy got the nvidia driveers going first. [20:29] bbl - gotta run to the store. [20:29] dr_willis: But your not sure? [20:29] How do I know what the root password is for my MySQL system? [20:30] truepurple, i would have to hit up google with that exact phrase. but its wording suggests it dosent like your arch. [20:30] kwtm2: if you installed it from the repos, it asks you to set one when installing [20:30] truepurple, "Wrong architecture 'i386'" does suggest you are running a 64bit OS, are you? "uname -m" if you aren't sure. [20:30] oCean: Okay ... and how do I know what that is? [20:30] I do know this is 32bit os i am using. :) [20:30] bbl. [20:30] kwtm2: well, try to remember? [20:30] oCean: Do I need to have recorded that password? Also, assuming I did not install it from repos, how do I know? [20:30] ZykoticK9: Yes I am running 64bit [20:30] oCean: (I think it was part of the Amarok installation, present by default) [20:30] seriously, i need a decent wallpaper manager that wont lag! [20:30] truepurple, is it a deb file? [20:30] ZykoticK9: Yes [20:31] kwtm2: assuming you did not install it from the repos, it's not supported here. The mysql documentation shows how you can recover from lost root password [20:31] oCean: Thank you. Which MySQL documentation? I google for it, or is there man mysql? [20:31] oCean: Wait, what do you mean it's not supported here? It's v 10.04 --it should be long-term support, no? [20:32] truepurple, you could try to force the deb install using "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture" be sure you have the 32bit compatibility installed however! [20:32] truepurple, you could try to force the deb install using "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture foo.deb" sorry [20:32] kwtm2: yes, there's plenty mysql documentation. I said that "if it was not installed from the repos" - meaning it's 3rd party software, then it's not supported here [20:32] oCean: My ultimate purpose is that I'm trying to do a fresh reinstallation of mythtv, but "apt-get purge mythtv" did not work (after reinstalling, it still said password was wrong) [20:33] oCean: Okay, so if it was installed from the repos, but I did not install it from the repos, what then? [20:33] ZykoticK9: 32 compatibility? Please tell me about this [20:33] I've used ubuntu many times and stopped and wanna start again. I'm thinking about kubuntu, would it be much of a change? would I lose a lot of features or anything? is it less stable? [20:33] * yeats sighs [20:33] oCean: meaning if the installation was there by default and I had no hand in installing it? [20:33] kwtm2: what now? [20:33] kwtm2: in that case you should aks the person that did install it === Aleksi is now known as Guest47911 [20:33] Hello happy people. [20:33] StephenWins: Ubuntu has a new interface now called Unity. [20:33] truepurple, i forget the ubuntu package name, try "apt-cache search ia32libs" and see if it exists === Guest47911 is now known as happi [20:34] oCean: Well, I installed it from the live DVD but I don't recall it asking me for a password -- I just let it run, and it came up with a working Ubuntu system. === happi is now known as hiilidioksidi [20:34] dr_willis: how do i enable compiz? m sorry but m a beginner! [20:34] kwtm2: are you talking about password for ubuntu or mysql? [20:34] truepurple, you should verify that the package doesn't have a 64bit version before going though all this however [20:34] truepurple: ia32-libs* [20:34] ZykoticK9: I found this link that seems to know about this, and it doesn't seem 32bit or 64bit matters, but I am having a little bit of trouble understanding the information in this thread http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=41709.0 [20:34] oCean: MySQL. I need it to fix MythTV, apparently. [20:34] edbian, looks fucking awesome to me :p [20:34] kubunt doesn't have that? [20:34] Does anybody know how to fix mouse freeze in down right corner with ati drivers? [20:35] StephenWins: control your language [20:35] I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 on a new laptop, and I'm having trouble booting it. The Ubuntu installer created an EFI boot, which apparently doesn't seem to work out - while my USB stick booted just fine, the install is not booting at all. [20:35] Can I copy VLC player from one ubuntu to another (fresh install) both are 11.04 [20:35] StephenWins: kubuntu isn't that. It's ubuntu with KDE. KDE, Gnome, Unity are different things and cannot run at the same time. (although some say unity it built on gnome so the lines are blurry) [20:35] truepurple, good luck - hopefully someone else can help you. I think installing an AV on linux is silly. [20:36] kwtm2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset [20:36] is it possible to change the font size for the ubuntu server 11.04 console text? [20:36] zeroburn thank you sir, you are a life saver. it worked [20:36] this is actually becoming a serious issue, does anyone else get major lag when switching wallpapers (during the fade) and can anyone shed some light on it? [20:36] dr_willis: how do i enable compiz? m sorry but m a beginner! [20:36] alex4443: haha hay no prob.. glad it worked for you.... im running CoD4 at like 50fps on my laptop running those drivers.. enjoy haha [20:36] rajat123, you could try "compiz --replace" from a terminal or alt+f2 [20:37] haha [20:37] ZykoticK9, thats only a temporary fix, it goes away if you close the terminal. try "compiz --replace & exit" [20:37] This is my first time using Linux and I'm really impressed so far. Can someone point me to a clear guide on how to install Settlers 4? I've been trying for hours with wine, but it won't install correctly or run [20:38] westz, alt+f2 then??? [20:38] hay all, i have a problem with SDL on my ubuntu 11.04-64bit installation, when launching kdenlive, it gives me error: "Failed to initialize SDL: No available video device" [20:38] sentinel the winehq site has an application database with pointers on how to get them working using wine [20:38] sentinel2, winehq.com has the best doc you'll find [20:38] sentinel2: also #winehq channel [20:38] ZykoticK9, that works too, but i almost never use alt+f2 [20:39] !appdb | sentinel2 [20:39] sentinel2: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [20:39] ZykoticK9: You said to do apt-cache search ia32libs in a terminal window? When I did, nothing happened === turtle_ is now known as turtl3 [20:40] truepurple, someone else suggested it was ia32-libs try searching for that [20:40] truepurple: ia32-libs... remember the hyphen.. [20:40] zeroburn, that was my fault not truepurple's [20:40] ZykoticK9: my nvidia driver shows dis message: "driver is activated but not currently in use" [20:40] zeroburn: Search for it where? google? [20:40] orchata: best to just use the package manager for installing programs. You can copy over the installation files themselves though so you wont have to redownload the packages [20:41] rajat123, just ignore that message, it's a bug. Assuming your driver is actually working. [20:41] ZykoticK9: haha.. np.. but no point in correctin you if he cant find it.. i didnt follow your conversation.. just mentioned it.. [20:41] truepurple: nah.. follow ZykoticK9's advice.. i just pointed the error in syntax out.. [20:42] ZykoticK9: but why does 10.04 version had special effects and not d 11.04 version? [20:42] truepurple, "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs" [20:42] zeroburn: You mean to enter that into a terminal? [20:42] where can I put a script to be executed on system startup? [20:42] Anyone in here using wireless with WPA encryption? [20:42] it's a mount command by the way [20:43] chrome_, for a mount command you should be using fstab and not a script [20:43] ZykoticK9: haha some people needs you to even point out to put a dot on the i.. lolz.. thz.. im standing back.. [20:43] ZykoticK9: how can I use the fstab? [20:43] ZykoticK9: but why does 10.04 version had special effects and not d 11.04 version? [20:44] ZykoticK9: It said "ia32-libs is already the newest version. ia32-libs set to manually installed." [20:44] rajat123, i have no idea - i've never used 11.04 [20:44] truepurple, then you have basic 32bit compatibility already - you could try the force install if you wanted [20:44] chrome_, 'sudo gedit /etc/fstab' will let you edit the file [20:44] chrome_, /etc/fstab tells the system what to mount at boot [20:44] chrome_, i believe it's in /etc/fstab [20:45] Zorander, don't use "sudo" with GUI apps! [20:45] ZykoticK9: You mean "sudo dpkg -i avast4workstation_1.3.0-2_i386.deb" ? [20:45] ok thanks [20:45] !gksudo | Zorander [20:45] Zorander: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [20:45] i forget, do you need to sudo when editing fstab? [20:45] westz: yes [20:45] thought so [20:45] westz: What don't you need sudo for :p [20:45] truepurple, "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture avast4workstation_1.3.0-2_i386.deb" [20:46] truepurple, anything that doesnt change system settings [20:47] ZykoticK9: It said some things, not sure whether it installed or not, where should I look for it? [20:48] truepurple, ? no idea - I've never installed an AV on Linux - it's silly [20:49] truepurple: try tabbing out the name in a terminal [20:49] naufragoweb, boa tarde. [20:49] how do I put this command as a line in fstab: sudo mount -t vboxsf [20:50] zeroburn: Tabbing out the name? [20:50] ZykoticK9: That forcing thing, could any harm come to my system that way? If something installs that way, does that mean its going to work? [20:50] truepurple: start typing the name, like the first 2 or 3 letters, then press tab twice to view all the possible commands that starts with those 2 or 3 letters.. [20:51] Hello there, I am having problems with nano text editor. I don't understand how to edit text. When I try to move around the text from above the row I try to navigate gets copied. Changes I do won't register. Could someone help me? [20:51] chrome_, ahhh I've never heard of vboxsf - but as that's not a "real" mount - perhaps fstab isn't idea, your origional script idea may be required after all... [20:51] truepurple: eg, type "ava" then press tab twice.. [20:51] FireVisor: I think you're using vi [20:51] truepurple, no guarantees [20:51] FireVisor: which is extremely confusing [20:51] So where can I put the script ZykoticK9 ? [20:52] edbian: care to elaborate on that? [20:52] chrome_: are you running linux in a vm? [20:52] chrome_, you could just add it you your users startup application i think. I'm really not sure however. [20:52] FireVisor: Hwo are you starting nano ? [20:52] th0r: yes why? [20:52] chrome_: just checking....the line you want looks like this.... [20:52] edbian: nano *textfile* [20:53] FireVisor: then perhaps I'm wrong! Can you explain the problem again? nano is very straightforward [20:53] th0r: I think I will use a script instead of gstab [20:53] fstab* [20:53] VMShare /home/user/sharedfolder vboxsf default 0 0 [20:53] "universe/m/mc/" <- there are some files: "" [20:54] edbian: I move the directional button across a word. Everything on the line above it gets copied to where I move. Very strange! [20:54] chrome_: the first (VMShare) is the virtualbox sharename, the full path is the path to the shared folder in your users home [20:54] FireVisor: arrow buttons you mean? [20:54] edbian [20:54] edbian: yes [20:54] Does anybody know how to fix mouse freeze in down right corner with ati drivers? [20:54] "universe/m/mc/" <- there are some files: "mc_4.7.0.9-1_i386.deb" and "mc_4.7.0.9-2.debian.tar.gz" is the second one the source for this package ? [20:54] th0r: will that work? [20:55] chrome_: I used it when I was running linux under winxp. Nowadays it is the other way around, so I haven't tried it in about six months. And with the 'new and improved' ubuntu, I won't guarantee anything [20:55] FireVisor: mmmm I'm not sure. I have nano it is working normally for me. [20:55] Probably a shot in the dark, here... anyone have any experience streaming files to Wii? [20:55] if I want to download all packages do I have to download only *i386.deb files from all those directories ? [20:55] I think I've found something that will help run games, thank you for the help! [20:56] edbian: So, what do I do then? I have some textfiles to edit. Thanks for answering. [20:56] Any idea how to run a program that runs on an X server in a window that stays always on top of others? [20:56] th0r: ok thanks :) [20:56] What window manager do I need? [20:56] elkng, you might also need the *all.deb files as well [20:56] FireVisor: use gedit instead? gksudo gedit /path/to/file ? [20:57] WPA connection anyone? [20:57] chrome_: if you put that in fstab you do not have to reboot to test. Just type 'sudo mount VMShare' and if the line is good the share will mount [20:57] I already rebooted :x [20:57] chrome_: I should write more complete explanations [20:57] domedagen, you might need the wpasupplicant package - but WPA worked OOTB for me [20:58] no problem :D [20:58] what command I can use to get list of all packages ? [20:59] edbian: I don't have gedit... How do i get it...? [20:59] FireVisor: is this a server? [20:59] elkng: all packages... in what sense? all available packages? all installed packages? [20:59] FireVisor: ubuntu 11.04 ? [21:00] I want to have local copy of repo of i386 packages, is there easy way to do this rather then "wget" ? [21:00] !info gedit | FireVisor [21:00] FireVisor: gedit (source: gedit): official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.4-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 515 kB, installed size 1860 kB [21:00] Myrtti: all packages that I can install [21:00] Hello [21:00] edbian: Yes, it's a server. I don't recall [21:00] edbian: My friend set it up, so it's very light... [21:00] FireVisor: gedit is graphical so that won't work. [21:01] FireVisor: what version of Ubuntu is this? [21:01] ZykoticK9: It works but it is unstable as hell [21:01] edbian: know a command on how to check? [21:01] !version | FireVisor [21:01] FireVisor: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [21:01] FireVisor: cat /etc/issue [21:02] ZykoticK9: I'll try that supplicant thing [21:02] FireVisor: do you have past experience with nano to know what you would expect? maybe what you're saying is wrong isn't actually wrong [21:02] domedagen, wireless in general depends heavily on the driver - some are much better then others. Best of luck. [21:02] ZykoticK9: But can you tell me what card you are using so that I can buy the same? [21:02] io: I have a brief past experience... I can't really expect a simple program to work this way. [21:03] domedagen, it's built into my EEEpc, so that's not really an option ;) [21:03] !info efi [21:03] Package efi does not exist in natty [21:03] ZykoticK9: :( [21:03] FireVisor: unusual, did you try re-installing the package? maybe something is corrupt [21:03] anyone know how to enable a vpn I configured inside gnome from the command line? I'm working remotely and i think it's off [21:03] Anyone know anything about EFI boot? [21:03] elkng: are you sure you want to mirror the complete repositories? [21:04] !anyone | jMCg [21:04] jMCg: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [21:04] th0r: it didn't accept the default option, so I changed to 'rw,exec' [21:04] chrome_: well, it has been a while, and like I said...the new ubuntu might have changed it a bit [21:05] chrome_: and it might have been 'defaults'.....in old age the memory goes right after something else, but I can't remember what that is [21:05] io: No, I haven't... I must apologize... I need a lot of baby sitting with this. What would the command be if I wanted to reinstall nano? [21:06] FireVisor: sudo apt-get purge nano sudo apt-get install nano (one command removes) [21:06] FireVisor: '$ sudo apt-get purge nano; sudo apt-get install nano' [21:06] no prob :)= [21:06] when doing chmod i can enter e.g. 777 for user,group and others. What is others? [21:06] alguem BR? [21:06] !br | felipe__ [21:06] felipe__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [21:06] Diverdude: Any combination of 124567 (I don't think 3 is anything...) [21:06] Diverdude, Other is everyone not user owner, or user group - so "everyone else" [21:06] oh and 0 [21:06] ZykoticK9, ahh okay [21:07] thx [21:07] where can I find the X1186config file in ubuntu system I need that badly the file with refresh rate and screen dimentions [21:07] !x | sawe_ [21:07] sawe_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [21:07] sawe_, you're looking for xorg.conf - it's not there by default - you need to create one (IF you need one) [21:08] oCean: I dont want the entire repo, there are many files of no use for me like if there are files: ""mc_4.7.0.6-1.debian.tar.gz , mc_4.7.0.6-1.dsc, mc_4.7.0.6-1_amd64.deb, mc_4.7.0.6-1_i386.deb, mc_4.7.0.6.orig.tar.gz", I need only "mc_4.7.0.6-1_i386.deb", maybe there are some DVD's like 8 DVD for debian, where I can just download them for later use ? [21:09] nob xorg does not cosist of what i am looking for [21:09] I want to have all *i386.deb for all packages for later use [21:09] elkng, as i said before, you probably want *_all.deb as well. [21:10] elkng, BUT your idea is kinda silly. [21:10] new hack tools on www.team3d.3xforum.ro exploit,scan,ssh etc. [21:10] elkng: have a look at apt-mirror [21:11] oCean: "apt-mirror" <- where is it ? [21:11] df3w, don't paste that "crap" here [21:11] !info apt-mirror | elkng [21:11] new hack tools on www.team3d.3xforum.ro exploit,scan,ssh etc. [21:11] elkng: apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-3ubuntu1 (natty), package size 13 kB, installed size 124 kB [21:11] io: Didn't help me... Could you maybe describe how to actually edit things in nano? [21:11] ZykoticK9: "*_all.deb" <- what are those for ? [21:11] elkng: if you want to act your locally stored repository, you have to use the exact same structure as the original repositories. Not a selection of those files. [21:12] elkng, it's packages used by all architectures [21:12] elkng: apt-mirror is in the repositories. See http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror for example [21:12] new hack tools on www.team3d.3xforum.ro exploit,scan,ssh etc. [21:12] new hack tools on www.team3d.3xforum.ro exploit,scan,ssh etc. [21:12] df3w: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:12] I would really appreciate any insight. I've got an ubuntu box that just completely crashes every several days. It'll be fine for 3 days or seven days or whatever, and then become completely unresponsive. I'm at a loss as to how to even troubleshoot. I THINK I should be looking at /var/log/messages but most of this isn't making much sense to me and I'm not sure what other logs to check. Is there a /var/reason_your_box_locked_up log [21:12] somewhere? [21:12] FireVisor: ok so initially you want to open or create a file, either way it's '$ nano ' [21:13] hey! all [21:13] cpruitt, /var/log/messages is your best bet [21:13] ZykoticK9: Thanks. Is there anything specific that indicates a log at a point of crashing by any chance? [21:14] This is our fourth install, second Linux distro and second complete set of hardware that's doing this. Nothing special installed (apache / Mysql / etc...). I'm just at my wits end. [21:14] cpruitt, look for where the log "starts" again, on boot - then check what happened just before that [21:14] io: yes, I opened a file... and then move around with arrow keys... edit text... press ctrl+o save file? Should be easy right? [21:15] cn ne bdy help me on hw 2 upgrade to 11 version using cd [21:16] !u | vvvkumar12 i know you didn't use "u" but you get the idea [21:17] vvvkumar12 i know you didn't use "u" but you get the idea: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information. [21:17] ZykoticK9: That's kind of what I'd thought to do, but in this case it's weird. The last log entry before the last book was like 9 hours before at a time well before when I know the box was still up and responding. [21:17] And the only thing recorded was "Jul 2 06:51:26 linhost01 rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="4.2.0" x-pid="711" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] rsyslogd was HUPed, typ [21:17] e 'lightweight'." [21:18] cpruitt, sorry, I don't have any other suggestions. Best of luck. [21:18] Yeah, well, thanks for the thoughts [21:18] how is the vpn desktop configuration thingy in gnome/ubuntu called and where can i find some documentation? [21:18] I appreciate you being willing to help [21:18] I've borked my desktopcouch. Can someone help restore it? I wanted to reset them on three machines, so I deleted ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/, ~/.cache/desktop-couch/ and ~/.config/desktop-couch/. Now I cannot log into my desktopcouch. What do I do? [21:19] it's part of network settings i guess [21:19] Hi i have my pics on a external disk and want to use fspot to organize, can i use the same tags etc on other ubi machines? [21:20] Yoren, you probably want to research network-manager [21:20] jo-erlend: can't you just copy them back out of the trash? [21:20] thanks ZykoticK9 [21:20] th0r, rm -Rf doesn't have any trash. [21:20] jo-erlend: right. It is always a good idea to move such things into a temp location and make sure you don't need them, rather than removing them [21:21] th0r, I know that. It doesn't help. [21:21] io: Thanks for the help... resolved the problem as illogically as it was percieved. Somethings very strange with my nano though. [21:21] jo-erlend: can you reinstall the couch? or is that an integral part of the new ubuntu? [21:21] @zykotick9 i really appreciate your words but that's not my question [21:22] th0r, it's been a default database in ubuntu for some time. It's not new in 11.04. [21:23] @zykotick9 help me if you know how to upgrade using live bootable cd [21:23] vvvkumar12, and i would be tempted to explain you need an AlternateCD to use a CD for upgrade, but you initial net-"english" question turned me off answering [21:25] @zykotick9 what initial net ???english [21:26] vvvkumar12, what is this "cn ne bdy help me on hw 2 upgrade to 11 version using cd" - that's NOT english [21:27] How can I remove a shortcut from the Applications menu in gnome? [21:27] Furry: use alacarte [21:27] @zykotick9 oh !!! that means can any body help me on how to upgrade to 11 version using cd [21:27] !upgrade | vvvkumar12 [21:27] vvvkumar12: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [21:28] vvvkumar12: remember, you cannot jump releases [21:28] !tab | vvvkumar12 and you don't need to use @ in IRC, this isn't twitter/identic.ca [21:28] vvvkumar12 and you don't need to use @ in IRC, this isn't twitter/identic.ca: You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [21:33] is this the right place to ask a KDE specific question? [21:33] Soothsayer: there is a specific #kubuntu channel [21:34] well, I didn't realy get the entire distro. Just installed KDE as a Desktop environment. === jx is now known as Guest25452 [21:34] Soothsayer: I was just sayin' === Guest25452 is now known as bobbyjoex [21:36] hi [21:36] anybody here ? [21:36] dimas [21:36] i am here [21:36] bobbyjoex, go ahead. ask your query. [21:36] lol [21:36] dimas indonesian ? [21:37] !ask [21:37] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:37] !id | bobbyjoex [21:37] bobbyjoex: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia [21:37] what i gather is that nmcli for the network manager applet is basically unavailable for 10.04. but I'm not sure. Anyone managed to get nmcli working under 10.04 [21:38] hi, why my gwibber only works for my twitter account . not for my facebook === Anthraxium-64 is now known as Guest25400 [21:39] how is it posible i have the speakers as input device and the mics as output devices? in jack [21:39] huh ? [21:40] if one has a cpu with aes-ni instruction set should one encrypt in aes with or without xts? [21:40] regarding performance [21:40] bobbyjoex: facebook has been blocking some linux programs for some reason, maybe gwibber is one of them? [21:40] only recently begun doing it [21:40] Yoren: maybe .. [21:41] jabba_: I cannot see how that is an ubuntu support question [21:41] huh dimas [21:41] guntbert, i am using luks in my ubuntu system :) [21:42] how come i have the speakers as input devices and the mics as out put devices in Qjackctl visual interface? [21:42] Hi - I want to know if there is a way to download Joomla directly to my server without first downloading it to my computer and then using ftp to upload it to my server? [21:42] is it possible to convert mpeg,or avi to hd quality [21:42] mnewton: ssh access? [21:42] with a encoder [21:43] vlt_phone: No ssh [21:43] mnewton: could wgetthe debs directly from packages.ubuntu.com [21:43] mnewton: then put a php file there that downloads and unzips it and run that [21:44] mnewton: what is the reason you don't have ssh? is this shared web hosting or something? [21:44] I just wanted to thank everyone for the help, I got it to work with PlayOnLinux and working with my cd drive [21:44] ActionParsnip: no shell no sudo [21:44] io: yes - shared and free [21:44] Now that I know how to put a game on here, I'm happy as a clam and can put more on :D [21:44] mnewton: then what access DO you have? [21:45] mnewton: does your host have something like Fantastico or Installatron? [21:45] <[THC]AcidRain> when im trying to run a test irc bot script i found on a ubuntu site. i get this error: [21:45] <[THC]AcidRain> Can't locate Net/IRC.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at test.pl line 1. [21:45] <[THC]AcidRain> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at test.pl line 1. [21:45] [THC]AcidRain: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:45] <[THC]AcidRain> sorry :( [21:45] [THC]AcidRain: install Net::IRC [21:45] vlt_phone: how do i make this script - all the scripts i've found are for downloading files from my server to my computer. I tried using php shell_exec and wget but that didn't work - shell_exec not allowed [21:45] <[THC]AcidRain> so how would i install this? its not a normal aptitude install... [21:46] <[THC]AcidRain> i honestly dont know anything about perl. and i would like to start learning with this script [21:46] ActionParsnip: I have ftp - that's about it. I'm using 000webhost [21:46] [THC]AcidRain: '$ perl -mcpan -e 'install Net::IRC' [21:46] mnewton: fopen() [21:46] mnewton: then no [21:47] mnewton: your host has Autoinstaller, don't they offer Joomla? [21:48] io: autoinstaller is down vlt_phone: thanks i'll try that [21:48] Looking for help getting dellfand working, I get an error when I run Make. The website says to fix by putting #include in dellfand.cc ? [21:48] [THC]AcidRain: #perl is a much more appropriate channel to ask about how-to-learn perl [21:49] I guess those should be variables I should enter, but no idea what to put there [21:49] evening [21:49] lobo29: maybe try a programming channel? [21:49] oCean: sure, but that's a simple question that recieved a simple answer [21:49] is it possible to set a hotkey to start/run/display a certain program/file/folder? [21:49] mnewton: then you'll need to download to your system to then upload, you have limited access an you'll need to work around it [21:49] I FREAKING LOVE UBUNTU [21:50] just put it on my macbook pro [21:50] eat that apple [21:50] io: indeed. But that does not mean it's the last question. For further questions a specific perl channel is the right place to ask [21:50] i2iot, you already lost by paying for their hardware === vlt is now known as vlty_x [21:50] <[THC]AcidRain> io: when i typed that into terminal, it went to a ">" [21:50] mnewton: one day you will learn that if you want quality and flexibility then paid hosting is better [21:50] <[THC]AcidRain> which appeared to do nothing... [21:50] i2iot: yeah they sold you an OS and hardware and now they don't have to support you..yeah you showed them [21:50] i2iot: http://sourceforge.net/projects/macbuntu/ ;) [21:51] lol [21:51] <[THC]AcidRain> also, when i type just "perl" it seems to lock up [21:51] i got this $2000 computer for $250 [21:51] my dell cost more [21:51] the cd drive went out and the lcd was busted [21:51] i2iot: do you have a support question? chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic [21:51] [THC]AcidRain: did you remove the ' at the start and end as well as the $? [21:51] can I set a hotkey to a certain program? [21:51] no i just wanted to say that ubuntu was awesome [21:51] <[THC]AcidRain> io: yes sir i did [21:52] this may be a dumb question, but can i get ms office on ubuntu [21:52] [THC]AcidRain: ok then can you take this to #perl who can help you further as '$ perl -mcpan -e 'install Net::IRC'' is the correct command? [21:52] i2iot: you may be able to with wine [21:53] oCean: sure :-) [21:53] !libreoffice | i2iot [21:53] i2iot: check the appdb, ubuntu ships with libreoffice [21:53] !info libreoffice | i2iot [21:53] i2iot: libreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu5 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 all) === vlt_phone is now known as vlt [21:53] <[THC]AcidRain> sudo apt-get install libnet-irc-perl === harpo is now known as harpo_marx [21:54] yeah i noticed libreoffice but didn't play around [21:54] i work with tables a lot and the formatting is rarely preserved on other editors === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [21:55] i am really nervous to plug in my storage drive onto this computer because on Mint once it destroyed 5 years of saved photos [21:55] [THC]AcidRain: that's an alternative method, some prefer using apt-get and some prefer using mcpan [21:55] [THC]AcidRain: did that work ok for you? [21:56] hey [21:57] any way to scroll the screen in a remote x gnome-session that doesn't fit my screen on this end? [21:57] i2iot, just plugging in an outboard drive won't destroy the data on it [21:58] hi! I [21:59] hello [21:59] i2iot: thats why backup is good :D [22:00] i have a problem: gparted and ubuntu installer both don't recognize my raid setup [22:01] !raid | anis [22:01] anis: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [22:01] ok, i'll read it. thanks [22:02] I have two laptops one with broadcom wifi and another with atheros and with broadcom I always can download 2x velocity at least! the bit rade at atheros is 135M and the bit rate at broadcome is 65. any help please? sometimes is impossible to navigate with the atheros cardd [22:02] http://www.debian-administration.org/article/611/Creating_global_keyboard_shortcuts_in_GNOME (just so you know) [22:02] ZykoticK9: Googled around a lot and found a page USB sticks which according to the author run well on Linux. Going to buy D-Link DWA-140 and Belkin 300 tomorrow and try my luck with them [22:03] hi [22:03] ive downloaded wubi.exe [22:03] domedagen, good luck! [22:03] xota: which atheros? [22:03] ActionParsnip: AR9285 [22:03] and after i reboot the computer all i see is the opening screen(pink-purple) and the cursor [22:03] why is that:S [22:03] how come every time I modify a desktop shortcut in unity it reverts back after its used? [22:03] ZykoticK9: TY! And ty responding as well. Going to bed now good night [22:04] Pc suddenly extremely slow both ubuntu and Windows, (dual) think its hardware related. Any guess? [22:04] xota: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/773154 [22:04] Ubuntu bug 773154 in linux (Ubuntu) "Atheros AR9285 extremely slow & unstable on 11.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] [22:04] AndChat: i'd test RAM [22:05] xavi: what os are you using? [22:05] ? [22:05] xavi: what os are you using? [22:05] ActionParsnip: thanks. I will read it [22:05] ActionParsnip already ruled out RAM with test. Could it be a hd error? [22:06] Is there a good gui interface for managing and configuring apache2? [22:06] ActionParsnip, CPU is 100% in Ubuntu and win7 on the machine [22:06] AndChat: possibly, you can boot to livecD and test. You may also want to grab the ultimate boot cd and test the drive wit the manufacturers tool [22:06] hi [22:07] ive downloaded wubi.exe to install ubuntu from windows [22:07] hi all, is there a way to change the title bar in programs (gnome) to the command one would enter in a cli? [22:07] j3roth: try http://netloony.sf.net/ [22:07] ActionParsnip: I'm going to reboot to test with the backports, I will say you something after that, thank you again! [22:07] mahir256: thanks. [22:07] after i reboot my computer and choose ubuntu option all i get is the open screen(pink-purple) and the cursor [22:08] i skimmed thorugh these webpages. none relate to my problem as far as i can see. they deal with creating new raid arrays. i'd like gparted and ubuntu to recognize an already existing raid0 array, which they dont. [22:08] why is that please [22:08] iniesta6: what video chip do you use? [22:08] nvidia [22:08] iniesta6: log in to the Ubuntu Classic desktop, then install the proprietary driver [22:09] k ill search this option [22:09] tyvm [22:09] iniesta6: you need 3D accelleration to get Unity to show [22:10] super, gnome-session over remote x on cygwin doesn't work well enough to push the enable vpn button on the network manager applet [22:11] What is kworker/1:2 [22:11] why doesn't ubuntu recognise the partition table on my raid0 array? [22:13] AndChat, maybe its Obama's new worker to pay for healthcare [22:13] Wish it was.... [22:14] how to install the latest version of eclipse ide from repo(any ppa?)? [22:14] AndChat, I saw that process also and wondered also........... === LUxe is now known as Luxe [22:15] #ubuntu-cloud [22:15] Randomseed, my laptop is on 100% CPU on nix and windows and live cd.. === Kimi is now known as Kimihosting [22:16] how to install the latest version of eclipse ide from repo(any ppa?)? [22:16] AndChat, what does top say? [22:16] AndChat: Cooling problem? Some CPU's will downclock themselfs to very poor performance and then a 100% load could be achieved. [22:17] Just that, couple of processes and maxed CPU [22:17] my pendrive is not getting detected after using dd and unet fewtimes [22:17] Bernardv, according to sensors its fine [22:17] AndChat: Then I assume that's true [22:18] Unity panel eats a lot, and xorg [22:18] But it also happens on windows [22:18] AndChat: Nothing in the logfiles (dmesg etc) with faulty hardware? USB, PCI etc? [22:18] how to install the latest version of eclipse ide from repo(any ppa?)? [22:19] is there a shortcut for the text editor [22:19] AndChat, does Winders max out with no cd running [22:19] Bernardv, opening log file viewer now. All started this afternoon. Came back and found freezes pc [22:20] Winders? [22:20] !ppa | sudipta [22:20] sudipta: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. [22:20] AndChat: What kind of CPU do you have? [22:20] i2iot: you can make one in keyboard settings [22:20] yeah....which ppa [22:20] AndChat, er... Windows [22:20] 2.2 ghz dual [22:21] sudipta: the link has a SEARCH box, you can find it using that [22:21] sudipta: try reading [22:21] vlt_phone: Thanks dude - I ended up uploading the file with filezilla and then extracting it with a unzip script. [22:21] Windows dual boot, also 100% CPU, and slow. Without cd. Ubuntu live takes 3 hours to get to install screen [22:22] can someone give me a basic idea of what GUI files are? [22:22] Gmbus timed out [22:23] Nak bailout in kern.log [22:23] ActionParsnip: with the solution at launchpad bug doesn't work, but creating the file /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf with the content: options ath9k nohwcrypt=1 [22:23] AndChat, cueing off what BenardV said, a cdrom dev running would-could add heat [22:23] xota: well it is a known bug, you should state it affects you too and watch for the resolve (or try and find one yourself) [22:23] it works for me... I don't know if deactivate the hwcrytp is a good thing or not, but... I need more speed at internet that the speed that i had [22:24] Alright, kern.log full of errors [22:24] AndChat: Do you have more then one mem bank in use? If so try running with one, if still 100% load, try the other. Bad mem can do many strange things. [22:25] AndChat: What kind of errors? [22:25] Bernardv in kern.log : i915 : hangcheck timer elapsed [22:25] Gmbus timed out [22:26] AndChat: i915 is the videocard right? [22:26] Yes [22:27] Can you change some settings in the bios for that card? Like running in basic VGA mode etc? [22:27] That's worth checking out if the problem still exists [22:27] xota: you can install a caching proxy and/or dnsmasq you can also add this to /etc/sysctl.conf then run: sudo sysctl -p http://paste.ubuntu.com/637109/ [22:27] Hmm, could try. But prob also happens on windows so its not driver related. [22:28] Is there a channel for the official ATi drivers other than #ati? (which appears to be pretty dead these days) [22:29] AndChat: I also don't think it's driver related, bricked video maybe.. but if you can run in legacy mode (or something like that) maybe you can use the computer and get it fixed. === pothos_ is now known as pothos [22:30] AndChat: i915 is sandy bridge? [22:30] xota: if you use firefox there are tweaks in about:config to make the browser not suck so much [22:30] Bernardv no, its not. [22:31] AndChat: ok.. [22:31] AndChat, yeah, that eliminates lots of stuff but also lets you look for a common denominator like hardware [22:31] Having a hard time browsing log files. It's slow [22:31] Meh. I dont' know anything about what you guys are talking about ;/ [22:31] Legacy mode in bios? [22:31] guys do you know of any music player that does NOT read tags from songs? [22:31] I want to boot archlinux using liveusb ,when I try to boot ,it enters grub mode kernel (hd0,10)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda11 i normally give for noramal boot what should i give for usb ? === LUxe is now known as Luxe [22:32] n0kS: the play command from sox, and i think mpg123 [22:32] AndChat: I don't know what kind of video options you have in the bios.. It's an onboard card so maybe you can disable 3d for example. [22:32] I will disable it [22:32] th0r any GUI (as it's for someone very newbie) [22:33] AndChat: Or maybe change the shared mem... could still be a mem problem ;) [22:33] n0kS: what diff if it reads them? I use vlc for playing audio and what little it displays is barely noticeable [22:33] Tested mem and hd already [22:33] AndChat: ok [22:33] With memcheck [22:34] th0r I've had bad experiences with loading 30k songs into a player that reads tags; did that 3 times - had to buy new hdd [22:35] No .fx card option in bios :( [22:35] n0kS: well, I don't have that many, but I do nornally run a playlist of 200-300 without any problems. I dont' think vlc reads the tags until it starts playing the song [22:35] n0kS: That was a bad HDD ;) [22:35] BernardV you mean 2 bad HDDs actually... [22:35] evenin guys. - "No root file system is defined" error - I used the wubi installer on windows, picked a partition it apparently didn't take, the forums suggest a partition management stuff ... isnt that what wubi is supposed to take care of? [22:35] th0r yeah, even 1000, there's no prob, but when you do that with 30-40-50k songs, it's noticable..... [22:35] AndChat: That s*cks [22:36] chrome_, i'll link you to a good documentation on building an fstab, gimme a sec [22:36] n0kS: I have around 25k songs and never had problems.. [22:36] oh sh*t nvm i was scrolled WAY up lol [22:36] * ActionParsnip uses spotify and has zero issues :) [22:36] BernardV you're a luky guy I suppose : ) [22:36] lucky* [22:37] westz: no need to. I have my problem sorted out [22:37] ActionParsnip: :D I use that too ;) [22:37] no need for local media [22:37] chrome_, yeah i was scrolled waaaay up there didnt notice we were past that [22:37] n0kS: You could also use something like mt-daapd to stream the songs, it will scan only once.. [22:37] Bernard, could do strestest on CPU in terminal mode... [22:38] but for future reference for modifying fstab and mtab, or autostart, reference the arch wiki. it's great for things like that, it's how i learned most of what i know about *nics [22:38] **nix [22:38] AndChat: That would be a nice test.. Boot in terminal mode and see if you still have 100% CPU [22:38] ok :) [22:39] BernardV as it's not for me, but for a newbie guy, I need something very very simple for him... on winblows you can configure winamp to display your songs as "${filename}" and doesn't read tags from files, but on audacious, for example, when I set it only to ${filename} it continues reading them... and that's annoying :\ [22:39] Bernardv, could outrule CPU [22:39] AndChat: Indeed [22:40] How can I add a web shortcut to my launcher? [22:40] Have you guys heard of ADrive [22:40] 50GB free cloud storage [22:40] no desktop client though, all web based [22:40] i2iot, dont flood. [22:40] sorry [22:41] i2iot: don't think I want to put 50GB of personal stuff on a server in Uzbekistan [22:41] n0kS: firefly (mt-daapd) isn't that difficult and if I'm correct audacious, xmms etc have daap plugins [22:41] witam [22:42] anyway, i'm pretty sure you just do "firefox webpageasanargument.com" but there might be another argument you need to put there [22:42] failsafe graphic mode a good idea [22:42] hello [22:42] AndChat: Yeah [22:42] AndChat: No.. sorry [22:42] AndChat: Just terminal, failsafe graphics is the second step.. if terminal isn't running at 100% [22:43] hey everyone, [22:43] what the heck, I got VIM through software center and it isnt appearing on applications/acessories like it used to [22:43] I have purchased a new hard drive for my laptop and an external enclosure. Wondering the best way to transfer my current install onto this new drive via external enclosure before installing in laptop? [22:45] wubi.exe installation produced "No root file system is defined" error. Forums have given a partition fix. Isnt there a way to fix this without messing with gpartd? [22:46] Bernardv, CPU is low in terminal and high again in .fx safe mode === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [22:47] AndChat: I think you have a faulty videocard [22:47] And its onboard so that means new mb [22:47] AndChat: Indeed [22:48] AndChat: How old is the system? [22:48] What would be the ultimate test to confirm this? [22:48] 4 years exactly [22:48] cant believe how easy it is to network between a windows 7 computer [22:48] AndChat: That's a shame.. The ultimate test.. I wouldn't know sorry === mike is now known as Guest52039 [22:50] how can I undo these steps: http://www.techsww.com/tutorials/libraries/zlib/installation/installing_zlib_on_ubuntu_linux.php [22:51] 11.04 a worst version which i use, problems at any steps what are you doing, is it test before relise? === JasonO_ is now known as JasonO [22:52] chrome_, sudo make uninstall [22:52] dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 9532 package 'cups-client': [22:52] field name `Priorityz' must be followed by colon [22:52] any ideas? [22:52] VolodymyrB hahahahahahaha, welcome to ubuntu distro :) [22:52] I'm trying to use the software center while connected to the internet, and it keeps telling to me check my connection. Fully updated ubuntu 11.4 [22:52] now i am on windows, but i also cant run console [22:53] ubuntu 10.04. why isn't resolv.conf remember settings after reboot? [22:53] UserX7 make a file resolv.conf.head and put your settings there [22:53] i only install it via windows (cd still not works) [22:54] n0kS: in what dir? [22:54] UserX7 in the same dir as resolv.conf (/etc) [22:56] wubi.exe installation produced "No root file system is defined" error. Forums have given a partition fix. Isnt there a way to fix this without messing with gpartd? [22:56] hey guys is there a gui like Download Manager in windows [22:56] for linux? [22:56] I need to resume a cut off download :) [22:57] sw0rdfish: There are addons in firefox [22:57] oh :O [22:57] i'm googling "firefox resume addon" [22:58] I have purchased a new hard drive for my laptop and an external enclosure. Wondering the best way to transfer my current install onto this new drive via external enclosure before installing in laptop? [22:58] and windows install create me user so that its displays different on login screen and unity, which totaly crushed two times after few minutes( [22:58] !info gwget | sw0rdfish [22:58] tigerplug292: if you can mount the external, dd can copy the internal to it [22:58] sw0rdfish: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=download+manager&cat=all&x=0&y=0 [22:58] sw0rdfish: gwget (source: gwget2): GNOME front-end for wget. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-1.1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 211 kB, installed size 1288 kB [22:58] I'm trying to use the software center while connected to the internet, and it keeps telling to me check my connection. Fully updated ubuntu 11.4. Any ideas? [22:58] th0r, dd ? [22:58] hm, ignore that I guess - depending on your ubuntu version [22:59] BigDaddyDuergar, reboot? [22:59] westz did that. same error. [22:59] tigerplug292: assuming the internal is /dev/sda, and the external is /dev/sdb, I think it is simply 'dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb'. I hope someone else will chime in if that is wrong [22:59] io I'm on Maverick :) [22:59] how can I move a directory through command line "mv -R ..." is not working [22:59] thanks th0r :-) [22:59] make sure you're authenticated in-browser. can you load a new web page? [22:59] I found it with Software Center io thanks and thank you edbian too :) [23:00] BigDaddyDuergar, it might be the url you are using for your mirror [23:00] i haven't changed anything. Where can I find the url? [23:00] BigDaddyDuergar, can you install with syaptic?? [23:00] westz what is syaptic? [23:00] th0r: That should work. [23:00] chrome_: mv with no arguments [23:00] BigDaddyDuergar, Settings in update manager [23:01] BernardV: I have my moments [23:01] BigDaddyDuergar, open your administration menu, its Synaptic Package Manager [23:01] itaylor57, update manager or in the software center? I updated fine, it's the sofware center that's failing [23:01] tigerplug292: I think you could also create a new partition scheme on the external drive if you want to change it and the do like th0r said, but use the actual partitions like sda1 etc [23:01] BigDaddyDuergar, sorry i misread [23:02] sw0rdfish: wget can resume [23:02] westz, synaptic works [23:02] BigDaddyDuergar, if you can install with synaptic, it's ubuntu software center thats failing, if not, it's higher up [23:03] anyone have any thoughts on why "Ctrl + Alt + T" shortcut would not work? It's set in the keyboard shortcuts, and I don't see anything related in startup apps... [23:03] wubi.exe installation produced "No root file system is defined" error. Forums have given a partition fix. Isnt there a way to fix this without messing with gpartd? [23:03] ok then your mirrors are fine, somethings wrong with your USC [23:03] westz, apt-get works just fine too. that's how I installed xchat. How do I reinstall the software center? [23:03] BigDaddyDuergar, not sure, never had to. google it [23:04] BigDaddyDuergar: create another user account and see if that user can successfully use USC [23:05] mneptok I see. [23:05] mneptok what arguments does it need to resume a file [23:06] hi all [23:06] sw0rdfish: -c [23:06] mneptok, i'll have to try that later. I have to go pick up my kids here soon. Thank you for the info. [23:06] any body knows where to find caonical image of ubuntu for asus eeepc 1001pxd [23:06] ? [23:07] I am having trouble with my wireless internet. Is there anyone who could help me? [23:07] sw0rdfish: -C [23:07] what format do icons for new loaders have to be? [23:07] ka_ depends on what your problem is. shoot [23:07] no wubi.exe install help? [23:07] small or capital C? [23:07] sw0rdfish: capital [23:08] mneptok: hmmm.. "-c, --continue resume getting a partially-downloaded file." [23:08] sw0rdfish: gah. lower case. [23:08] westz- Whenever I boot my computer my wireless is off and I need to enter the command sudo modprobe b43 and it turns on. but every so often I lose the connection and II can't reconnect (the wireless card is still working but it won't connect to my network) [23:08] * mneptok had to grep his ~/.zsh_history [23:08] hehe [23:08] cool thanks guys I'm trying it out [23:09] BernardV, makes sense - I'll try that :-) can't wait to get the drive - running out of space so fast [23:09] westz- so I would like to get the wireless to be automatically on whenever I start ubuntu and also to stop disconnecting [23:09] ka_ do you have the correct firmware? [23:09] I'm not sure... I don't really know how to check [23:09] did you install fwcutter? [23:09] sw0rdfish: only works with FTPd and HTTPd instances. iand i think the HTTPd has to support the "range" header. [23:09] i think the name is something like "b43fwcutter" [23:09] is not there anybody uses 1001pxd ? [23:09] westz_ I'm not sure what that is. I've had windows all my life, I really new to linux [23:10] mneptok, you mean I have to be connected to the server in an ftp session? [23:10] ka_ i'm relatively new too, search fwcutter in the repo's [23:10] sw0rdfish: Maybe create a backup of the downloaded part, so when it goes wrong your not stuck downloading it completely [23:10] after i used synaptic, now the USC works. Odd.... thanks again guys [23:10] sw0rdfish: no, i mean that wget only supports resuming via FTP and HTTP [23:10] oh I see. [23:11] mneptok, can I use it with sftp === Cobol is now known as Guest73963 [23:11] sw0rdfish: dunno. try it and see. [23:11] sftp is ssh.. then use rsync === Guest73963 is now known as freshinpython [23:11] how would that work...something like --> wget -c=sftp user@host:/path/to/file [23:11] ? [23:11] westz_ thanks, I'll google it. [23:11] you know guys i know its not ideal for ppl to install the dual boot thing via wubi.exe but its all i got access to, no media for an iso and no thumb drives to use thumb drive boot. can someone help me out with this? [23:11] sw0rdfish: sftp is ssh.. then use rsync [23:12] sw0rdfish: wget -c user@host:/path/to/file.name [23:12] lol yeah ok [23:12] ka_ why google? use USC [23:12] what is usc [23:12] i'll have a look and maybe see if someone here has seen this problem before [23:13] *facepalm* USC = Ubuntu Software Center [23:13] : ) [23:13] ka_ just install fwcutter [23:13] westz_yeah Iknow.. I do already have it installed [23:13] sw0rdfish: alias scpresume="rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh" [23:13] :) [23:13] ok then. do you happen to have a dell wlan 1470 mini pci card? [23:13] westz_ I do [23:14] westz_ I think [23:14] dell latitude d610 laptop? [23:14] no an old xps [23:14] ka_: laptop? [23:15] yeah [23:15] run lspci in terminal [23:15] it'll tell you your wireless card [23:15] ka_: does it have a mini-PCIe slot where the Broadcom is installed? [23:15] mneptok, I 'm not sure... [23:15] ka_ does it do this on all networks? it could be the router (mine did that) [23:15] hello [23:16] hi guys [23:16] ka_: are you using it now? if not, flip it over and look for a panel to remove and gain access to the PCIe slot. [23:16] I have only tried it on my network [23:16] do you know if counter strike is free or not? [23:16] I am using it now [23:16] can some one help me with my monitor? [23:16] if i want to play counter strike offline, do i have to pay? [23:16] mneptok, why should he open it up? [23:17] ka_: path of least resistance is to just replace the Broadcom with an Intel card that has support in the mainline kernel [23:17] 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5906M Fast Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02) 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11a/b/g (rev 01) [23:17] I'd prefer not to invest in new hardware for this. Its my old laptop that I just replaced the windows OS because it was seriously slow [23:17] ka_: my Dell Inspiron cam with a Broadcom. i replaced it immediately. [23:18] my monitor says "signal out of range". I'm using a live disk of 10.04 to use this chat and have 11.04 installed [23:18] hi, anyone here know how to make sandy bridge igp work in ubuntu 10.04 ? [23:19] I don't mind having to turn on the wireless card whenever I reboot. Mostly I'd like it to stop losing the connection to the wireless network. Once it does that it won't reconnect untiil I reboot the computer [23:20] join xubuntu [23:20] Hi, I installed the scid package (chess database software) but when I go to the start menu and search scid I can't find it. [23:20] ka_ when that happens, use the command "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down" [23:20] thanks. i write that down and se if it works next time that happens [23:20] ka_ then use the command "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" [23:21] then try reconnecting [23:21] worked when i ran arch [23:21] any one know how to fix a monitor that says "signal out of range" in 11.04 [23:21] that takes your wireless card offline then back on [23:22] thanks, I'll see if that works. [23:22] I installed the scid package (chess database software) but when I go to the start menu and search scid I can't find it. Could someone please help me? [23:22] also, you could add that to your autostart.sh so it does it on startup [23:22] signal out of range didn't show until i installed the nvidia drivers. I'm using and lcd monitor [23:23] ubuntulinuxnoobj, is it a terminal command? [23:23] also, USC will tell you how to use packages if that's what you used to install them [23:23] I installed it synaptic package manager, I am trying to run the program by searching for it in the start menu [23:24] ubuntulinuxnoobj, go to USC and look for it under "installed packages" [23:24] usc? [23:24] ubuntulinuxnoobj: USC being the ubuntu software center [23:25] the xorg file is empty on my install of 11.04 [23:26] It does not show up in USC [23:27] i've read that the startup manager helps with this, but I don't know how to install it for 11.04 when i'm using a virtual ubuntu disk of 10.04 [23:27] ubuntulinuxnoobj: I'd look for it under games [23:27] need som help installing via wubi is anyone at all able to help out? [23:28] it's not under games either [23:28] ubuntulinuxnoobj: then open a terminal and type scid === asdfwer is now known as akikara [23:29] terminal worked, thanks [23:30] ubuntulinuxnoobj, http://scid.sourceforge.net/ [23:30] ubuntulinuxnoobj: you can add a launcher to your desktop or panel [23:31] No root file system is defined - fixes anyone? [23:32] Hello. [23:32] I just installed Ubuntu and I have some questions regarding Synaptic. [23:33] I'm trying to install Opera, and remove firefox/epiphany/chrome [23:33] can some one help me with my monitor? [23:33] The thing is, if I remove Firefox, Synaptic forces an installation of epiphany, and vice versa [23:34] How do I get Synaptic/apt-get to just do what I want, which is remove some package without forcing the installation of another? [23:35] Hello? [23:35] Anyone here? [23:35] nobody can seriously help me? i mean ive been in here for like an hour or more. i have patience, but anything really? [23:36] Wow, you've been here for an hour? [23:37] Is this a dead help channel or something? [23:37] !detail | fng [23:37] !detaila | fng [23:37] !details | fng [23:37] fng: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [23:37] can you dd if a drive that is mounted rw? on the same topic, what do you guys use for weekly incremental backup? [23:38] wildbat: Mind if I ask you a question? [23:38] @ wildbat i can go through my many posts, they have been quite detailed and express in their request. [23:38] fng: well, some of us just got here recently....and haven't heard any of your many posts except the whining [23:38] i got "signal out of range" on my monitor using 11.04 === Luxe_ is now known as Luxe [23:39] I installed ubuntu 11.04 via wubi.exe - upon restart i got "No root file system is defined" error. I cant use media including usb drives. must fix this problem and the only forum posts have been to fix via grub. which is impossible atm. [23:39] potataoes_never_: huh? [23:39] sorry guys i have question, what distro is best for small hosting/www/mysql on dedicated server? i am trying 10.04LTS now... is it best choice now ? [23:39] th0r: whadya say? I think you actually help me with my resolution problem before. [23:40] howdy all.. I have an issue I am trying to track down. Google did not provide a clear enough result for me. I am getting this in dmesg every 5 seconds... actually, 10 of these every 5 seconds. Ubuntu 11.04 Desktop. [23:40] non-matching-uid symlink following attempted in sticky world-writable directory by sabnzbdplus (fsuid 1003 != 1000) [23:40] wildbat: I'm having troubles with Synaptic - I want to remove Firefox/Epiphany/Chrome and just have Opera on my system, but when I try to remove Firefox, it forces an Epiphany install, and vice versa. How do I get Synaptic to just remove what I need removed and not force other installations? [23:40] fng, there is a whole wubi megathread on the forums [23:40] monitorismessedu: doubt it...I have been a laptop person for ages. Never used wubi, and haven't played with the monitor settings in years [23:41] searched error and wubi.exe and got the same set of posts over and over all using "grub to workaround" [23:41] I upgraded to the version of ubuntu that is is still being developed. How can I revert the process? [23:42] chrome_: there is no way to backup short of a reinstall. [23:42] How do I change the settings for the toolbar (get it to stay on screen, change its location etc.)? Thank you for the help. [23:42] th0r: i'm not using wubi. I just have this message saying monitor out of range. I think you did help me years ago. this has happened about four times for me. [23:42] sorry guys i have question, what distro is best for small hosting/www/mysql on dedicated server? i am trying 10.04LTS now... is it best choice now ? sorry for repeating this... [23:42] th0r: i mean the message says "signal out of range" [23:42] potataoes_never_: i just tried and i don't see it force you to install Epiphany...? [23:43] Have you removed Chromium as well? [23:43] wildbat: Have you removed Chromium as well? [23:43] monitorismessedu: that message appearing on the monitor? if so, it usually means the cable is unplugged or bad [23:43] postlarval: that is really opening a can of worms... nothing short of a distro war will result. [23:43] @lapaga "No root file system is defined" not found in the megathread. [23:44] wildbat: I can show you what I get from terminal... [23:44] th0r: i'm using the same monitor for this chat on a virtual disk of 10.04 ubuntu [23:44] Hi. [23:44] ok thanks for help i will keep this 10.04 lts by some time [23:45] or install debian 5 [23:45] th0r: before some one helped me just edit the xorg file and it got it to work. when i installed 10.04 my monitor worked fine just like with the virtual 10.04 [23:46] oh great.. if a program is available with only 32bit binary packages, I have to compile it myself to use on 64bit right? : [23:46] th0r: i just don't know what to write in that xorg file [23:46] wildbat: this is what it tells me when I run "sudo apt-get remove epiphany-browser" (I've already removed Chrome and Firefox)....The following extra packages will be installed: firefox firefox-global menu [23:46] monitorismessedu: as I understand it the new X doesn't even use a conf file, but it will recognize it if it is there. But what to put in it...I just don't know. You might check where the file is stored...an update should leave the original conf untouched...or at worst rename it [23:46] wildbat: but I don't want it to install any other extra packages === grekkos is now known as Guest47656 [23:47] potataoes_never_, try using synaptic [23:47] fng, search wubi and "no root filesystem detected" [23:47] monitorismessedu: they went to that new desktop in 11.04 didn't they? I don't think they use X any more [23:47] potataoes_never_, search for the package you want to remove ,, see if it reports the same thing [23:48] th0r: off course it uses X [23:48] coz_: The same thing happens inside there. [23:48] I'll try it again. [23:48] potataoes_never_, if it does,, simply search for the packages it wants to install and tyr to "unmark" them [23:48] ActionParsnip: what is that new thing they are talking about in 11.04? I went to debian after 10.04 and sort of lost touch [23:48] fng, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1312121&highlight=wubi+no+root+filesystem+defined [23:48] coz_: sounds good, let me try that out. [23:49] th0r: If you ta [23:49] th0r: yes. I also read the new 11.04 uses something in the system to config xorg [23:49] potataoes_never_: try sudo apt-get remove --no-install-recommends epiphany-browser [23:49] ActionParsnip: Unity...that;s what I was thinking of [23:49] th0r: its what gives the GUI, Unity is just a shell, it's still gnome desktop [23:49] th0r: Sorry, if you where thinking of wayland is not here yet. [23:50] th0r: you can run LXDE and run Unity ontop of it. Or KDE with Unity if you desire [23:50] ActionParsnip: ah...I thought I had read somewhere that it replaced X. [23:50] ActionParsnip: i am having a problem with my monitor saying "signal out of range". [23:51] nomodeset [23:51] !nomodeset | monitorismessedu [23:51] monitorismessedu: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [23:51] ActionParsnip, thanks darn !! [23:51] IdleOne: the same thing happens even with that command :/ [23:51] hi may i have help about install nvidia driver [23:51] potataoes_never_: try what coz said. [23:51] ive doanloaded the driver and i can not open it [23:51] ActionParsnip: I'll try that [23:52] potataoes_never_, did unmarking the extra packages work in synaptic? [23:52] IdleOne: yep. [23:52] monitorismessedu: if you use nvidia then use: nouveau.blacklist=1 [23:53] anyone please?:) [23:53] iniesta6, in terminal lspci | grep -i vga [23:54] iniesta6: its in the repos, you don't need to manually download anything [23:54] :S [23:54] im still learning ^_^ [23:54] iniesta6: what is the output of coz_'s command [23:54] coz- i know which video card i have [23:54] coz_: I just spent some trying it out, I'm still a little slow navigating around in Ubuntu - but anyways. No, it did not. Synaptic gives me no option but to automatically mark firefox for installation if I choose to remove epiphany, and when I right click to try and unmark firefox - I find that all the unmark options are greyed out/unresponsive.... [23:54] iniesta6: which chip do you use? [23:54] geforce 8500 gt [23:55] iniesta6, no problem just copy and paste that card in the teraminl even if you kknow the card [23:55] iniesta6: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current [23:55] potataoes_never_, darn I know there is a way,, then uninstall via synatpic then remove the packages it installed I suppose I dont like that way but,,, [23:56] im getting an error [23:56] cannot locate the package [23:56] maybe i wrote wrong: [23:56] iniesta6, do you have a terminal opened>> [23:56] iniesta6: run: sudo apt-get update then rerun [23:56] sudo apt-get install nvidia-GeForce 8500 GT [23:56] iniesta6, no no [23:56] iniesta6: no. I didn't say that did i [23:56] iniesta6: read the command i gave and COPY it [23:56] ho current as "currect"? [23:56] coz_, the thing is the reason why I have epiphany is because I tried to remove firefox - so the same problem occurs "vice versa"...if I try to remove Firefox -> forces Epiphany, try to remove Epiphany -> forces Firefox [23:57] i thought my video card [23:57] potataoes_never_, oy,, that has to be irritating,, let me t hink hold on [23:57] iniesta6: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current [23:57] iniesta6: is the EXACT command you need [23:57] yea its dowanloading :) [23:58] coz_, yeah! Thanks for helping, I hope we can figure something out [23:58] ActionParsnip: how do I use nouveau.blacklist=1? [23:58] monitorismessedu: same as any boot option [23:58] coz_, it's surprising, but Ubuntu is actually making me feel *powerless* with my laptop... [23:58] !bootoption | monitorismessedu [23:58] monitorismessedu: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset. [23:58] potataoes_never_, that will change with time,, you will actually understand and enjoy the kind of control over the system at some point [23:59] potatoes_never_ probably because you need to have a browser to authenticate on some networks, though there should definitely be a command to get around it [23:59] coz_, Mhm, I suppose I just have to be patient while learning, can't get frustrated hahaha [23:59] westz: Even then, I do have a third browser installed - Opera. [23:59] potataoes_never_, please,, dont get frustrated,, there are very capable people on this channel,, all of whom are very patient with new people :)