stlsaint | jmarsden: did you catch my email in regards to autogen and autoreconf? | 00:38 |
linuxman410 | anyone | 04:11 |
linuxman410 | here | 04:12 |
jmarsden | linuxman410: Maybe. | 04:12 |
jmarsden | linuxman410: Why do you ask? | 04:12 |
linuxman410 | the only way i can get my wireless to work is type sudo modprobe b43 everytime to activate it | 04:13 |
jmarsden | I'm no wireless expert, especially not on weird chipsets that need binary blobs for firmware before they work... did you add the relevant module or modules to /etc/modules ? | 04:14 |
linuxman410 | jmarsden there is no etc /modules folder | 04:18 |
jmarsden | OK... I have no idea how you installed Lubuntu. On my copies there is a text file named /etc/modules that is a list of the modules to be loaded into the kernel at boot time. | 04:19 |
jmarsden | Which version of Lubuntu are you running and how did you install it? | 04:19 |
linuxman410 | i install 11.04 and install regular way | 04:20 |
jmarsden | OK, so what does ls -ld /etc/modules display on your machine? Should be just one line of output | 04:21 |
jmarsden | linuxman410: ^^ | 04:26 |
KM0201 | if its the b43 driver... did you activate in admin/additional drivers?.. | 04:29 |
jmarsden | KM0201: Um... doesn't that just add it to /etc/modules? :) | 04:30 |
KM0201 | jmarsden: hmm, it should.. but... i dunno | 04:30 |
linuxman410 | KM0201 IT IS NOT THERE IN ADDITIONAL DRIVERS | 04:30 |
linuxman410 | sorry about caps | 04:30 |
jmarsden | linuxman410: ten minutes ago I asked you: what does ls -ld /etc/modules display on your machine? | 04:31 |
linuxman410 | root root 198 | 04:31 |
jmarsden | I don't think that was the whole line... but it does suggest that /etc/modules exists... | 04:31 |
jmarsden | So we are back to my original question, I think: did you add the relevant module or modules to /etc/modules ? | 04:32 |
KM0201 | linuxman410: under the menu, and system tools, you don't see additional drivers? | 04:32 |
jmarsden | OK, KM0201 I'll leave this to you if you want to take it. | 04:32 |
linuxman410 | yes i see it but it does not see the card | 04:32 |
KM0201 | jmarsden: no, i was just asking. | 04:33 |
KM0201 | i won't interrupt again. | 04:33 |
KM0201 | didn't realize this was a priv. chat. | 04:33 |
Phosphenes | lol nerd fight. | 04:33 |
linuxman410 | KM0201 it does not show up under additional drivers | 04:34 |
KM0201 | Phosphenes: i think some people need a xannex | 04:34 |
Phosphenes | xannex? | 04:37 |
linuxman410 | jmarsden the whole line is -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 198 2011-07-02 22:08 /etc modules | 04:37 |
linuxman410 | any help | 04:38 |
linuxman410 | KM0201 any ideals | 04:39 |
KM0201 | linuxman410: check your PM. | 04:39 |
LubuntuPowered | what's the recommended RAM to have for lubuntu? | 09:37 |
LubuntuPowered | i thought my 384mb would be enough, but there is only 10-30mb of "free memory" according to the "system profiler and benchmark" | 09:38 |
Psilocybin_Elf | It ran fine on my 470MB machine...even got Xubuntu running on there no probs. | 09:47 |
elros | if you need moore performance, you can try disabling auto-run apps drom desktop session settings | 10:05 |
elros | or try fluxbox, which requires lots of manual labor | 10:05 |
Psilocybin_Elf | Openbox/Blackbox are faster than Fluxbox in my experience... | 10:07 |
JRandolph | Anyone had any trouble with the installer? | 10:32 |
JRandolph | It doesn't seem to start | 10:33 |
Psilocybin_Elf | The Lubuntu installer? | 10:38 |
Psilocybin_Elf | Worked fine for me in 11.04 | 10:38 |
JRandolph | When it first started up I had a black background | 10:41 |
JRandolph | is that normal? | 10:41 |
JRandolph | the taskbar was visible | 10:41 |
JRandolph | or do you know the name of the script that starts the installer | 10:42 |
AmberJ | Hello | 10:42 |
AmberJ | This has happened 2nd time in last 2 days on lubuntu 11.04... | 10:42 |
JRandolph | ?? | 10:43 |
AmberJ | I try to delete a file on desktop and desktop (sort of) crashes. | 10:43 |
AmberJ | I dont remember what the file/folder was last time...but this time it was a zip file. | 10:43 |
AmberJ | My deskop icons are lost... and right click menu on desktop doesnot works either | 10:44 |
AmberJ | I expect it's either openbox or lxde which manage 'desktop'.... | 10:44 |
AmberJ | So, does openbox or lxde create log files...if yes, where? | 10:45 |
moza_ | hello, just managed (after some usb-live problems) a clean install of lubuntu. | 12:29 |
moza_ | is there somewhere i could give feedback on this ? (telling that it worked on my kind of netbook) | 12:34 |
jnlsnl_ | Dose Lubuntu have the desktop icon grid, like xubuntu has ? | 15:22 |
=== vinylourson is now known as Vinylourson | ||
=== KM0201 is now known as KM0201_ | ||
=== KM0201_ is now known as KM0201 | ||
giampiero | Hello everybody, I've got a question. | 21:15 |
KM0201 | shoot. | 21:16 |
giampiero | Thanks. I am a former Ubuntu user and I have now switched to Lubuntu. I have doubts about the effective lightness of the desktop environment. For instance, opening a youtube video takes about 60/70% of my cpu. I have a centrino processor 1.7 ghz and 1.5 Gb RAM. | 21:17 |
giampiero | Isn't the usage rate of the CPU excessive? | 21:18 |
giampiero | Hope I was clear enough... | 21:19 |
giampiero | Any ideas? | 21:21 |
KM0201 | flash is a memory/cpu hog.. you'd have same issue on Doze or Ubuntu | 21:22 |
KM0201 | it always has been | 21:22 |
giampiero | Ok, I just had the feeling that it sucked less CPU with Ubuntu, but cannot make direct comparison since Ubuntu is no longer installed on my pc. | 21:24 |
giampiero | One more question: I installed firestarter on my machine and when i run it I get an error message saying that it's impossible to poen the log file. | 21:25 |
giampiero | open, sorry. | 21:25 |
giampiero | Any idea of why it happens and how i can fix it? | 21:25 |
phillw | giampiero: specifcally for Utube, yes there is an option. | 21:27 |
giampiero | phillw: what? | 21:27 |
phillw | giampiero: head over to it is bleeding edge, but works fine for me | 21:28 |
bioterror | not all the videos are converted to HTML5 | 21:30 |
phillw | indeed not, but it is nice to see html5 actually being tested :) | 21:30 |
giampiero | Still about 80% cpu used. | 21:30 |
bioterror | you still have 20% for your OS ;) | 21:31 |
phillw | video is very CPU hungry. | 21:32 |
giampiero | Fine. Any ideas about the firestarter issue? | 21:32 |
giampiero | HAs any of you experienced the same problem? | 21:32 |
bioterror | never used firestarted | 21:32 |
giampiero | bioterroe:do you use a different firewall? | 21:33 |
bioterror | my network is firewalled, I dont run on my computers firewall at all | 21:33 |
phillw | giampiero: I'd suggest ufw, it is the one most recommened | 21:34 |
phillw | your computer is, by default, firewalled. which ports / areas do you wish to unlock? | 21:34 |
giampiero | phillw: ufw is already installed, I just used to have Firestarter on Ubuntu and I would like to have it working on Lubuntu as well. | 21:35 |
phillw | giampiero: again I ask, what areas do you wish to unlock, and for why? | 21:36 |
bioterror | giampiero, you can try to touch a log file for it? | 21:36 |
giampiero | bioterror: how do you mean it? | 21:36 |
bioterror | sudo touch /var/log/firestarter.log or something like that | 21:37 |
giampiero | phillw: only two ports for amule and transmission for torrents download | 21:37 |
* phillw I will leave you in the tender hands of bioterror, if you are really security concious and doing non-standard things with your system I'd really suggest you take the few days to read through | 21:38 | |
giampiero | phillw: is there another way to use, for instance, Amule at the top of its potential? Without opening ports, I mean. | 21:42 |
KM0201 | giampiero: why not just get a router and open/open close ports through it? software firewalls suck anyway | 21:43 |
giampiero | km0201: this I've already done. | 21:44 |
phillw | giampiero: as I still bear the scars of being hacked when I messed things up. I'd suggest asking on that forum area. they would prefer to advise you before something happens than after it (I messed up by leaving the root apsswrod available) | 21:44 |
KM0201 | giampiero: so why use the software firewall? just open everything. | 21:44 |
giampiero | the firewall is supposed to controll all ports, also open ones, isn't it? | 21:44 |
bioterror | great | 21:47 |
bioterror | wife has 11.04 and our bank is complaining her java is too old | 21:47 |
bioterror | saddddakasdasd :D | 21:47 |
giampiero | Thanks everybody anyway, I'll check the forum area. I will ask again if I will be in need. | 21:49 |
jmarsden | bioterror: Switching banks is probably easier than backporting the latest Oracle Java :) | 21:49 |
bioterror | Version: 6.24-1build0.10.10.1 | 21:49 |
bioterror | says ubuntu :D | 21:49 |
bioterror | jmarsden, it's not actually as we both have our student loans from that bank ;) | 21:50 |
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