[12:58] Howdy [14:43] Morning, BluesKaj [14:47] hi dscassel [16:02] Hello. [16:06] hi s-fox [16:07] Hello BluesKaj. How are you? [16:07] just fine thanks s-fox :) , and you ? [16:08] BluesKaj, Not too bad thank you :) Having a good weekend? [16:08] yes , so far so good here [16:09] =) [16:11] and there , s-fox ? [16:12] We are experiencing freaky weather patterns. Bit of a heatwave going on. :/ [16:12] It is too hot to do anything, lol [16:17] a bit warm here as well 28C today , so far ...above the avg for georgian bay/north channel area [16:18] We are at 22 but sun was at its hottest ~4 hours ago. Would guesstimate it reached 28 [16:19] s-fox, where are you located? [16:20] I am stuck in UK :/ Only really pop in to see if starcraft.man is about. We go way back ;) [16:20] ok, cool [16:23] daughter spent the fall and winter in London UK , but her contract ran out ...wasn't renewed due to gov't funding .. but she had a positive experience there [16:24] Good to hear the experience was positive. [17:42] Is it the future yet? [18:00] ball: If you wait a bit, it'll be the future soon. [18:14] That reminds me of a song... http://youtu.be/LDiDK_yBCw0