[00:52] Hey y'all [03:38] google+ hangouts is a pretty sweet feature :) [03:39] eh? [03:47] lets you do multi-party video chat [03:48] That's awesome... [04:05] yeah, it's pretty cool. [04:05] how was your birthday? [04:25] Cheri703: Got my aquarium partly set up... [04:25] http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/tank-journals-photo-album/141383-31-gallon-hex.html#post1435383 [04:26] nice [04:48] I attempted to invite some of you u-ohio people to google+ [04:48] we'll see how it works [04:49] Cool. :) I'll send ya a gmail invite in exchange... [04:51] heh [16:51] hehe: http://io9.com/5816415/transformers-3-is-a-movie-about-how-wrong-you-were-to-hate-transformers-2