wrst | hello everyone | 00:14 |
cyberanger | hey wrst what's shaking | 02:01 |
wrst | not much cyberanger | 02:35 |
wrst | just noticing how well gnome package kit works with arch | 02:35 |
cyberanger | cool | 02:35 |
wrst | never thought about using a gui package manager auto updates and everything | 02:35 |
cyberanger | speaking of shaking, this shake & bake is actaully pretty good | 02:35 |
wrst | cyberanger: you cooking? | 02:36 |
cyberanger | wrst: I do prefer the cli, crontab updates and such | 02:36 |
cyberanger | wrst: yep, and chatting on IRC | 02:36 |
wrst | cyberanger: some times i forget to check for updates and this is a nice reminder | 02:36 |
cyberanger | my nice reminder is a script that runs every 4 hours (on the server) or whenever the dhclient refreshes (the laptop and netbook) or a mix of both (desktop) | 02:37 |
wrst | my mom used to use shake and bake... good stuff | 02:37 |
cyberanger | grabs the packages, but I gotta install | 02:38 |
wrst | cyberanger: i'm just not cool like you :) | 02:38 |
* cyberanger suddenly wonders when being a geek became cool, figures it was 2006 or 2007 | 02:38 | |
wrst | ha ha cyberanger | 02:39 |
cyberanger | wrst: or bored like me, perhaps | 02:41 |
* cyberanger recalls being bored that day, well, prior to modifing his system for 5 hours | 02:41 | |
wrst | cyberanger: I have been messing with gnome shell themes | 02:42 |
cyberanger | that's cool | 02:43 |
* cyberanger is glad that didn't say unity themes | 02:44 | |
wrst | cyberanger: well I updated oneric just a few minutes ago no big changes there | 02:46 |
wrst | but their gnome 3/shell implementation is improving | 02:46 |
cyberanger | good, cause unity doesn't seem to be | 02:50 |
wrst | cyberanger: I hope it does... but | 02:51 |
wrst | best I can tell ubuntu has a bad desktop and kubuntu has a poor implementation of a pretty good desktop | 02:51 |
cyberanger | yeah, it wasn't always that way (well, maybe kubuntu was, but I think it's gone down hill further) | 02:52 |
wrst | yeah kubuntu is improving some what, but kde 4.6 is very good but kubuntu still not there yet | 02:53 |
wrst | and unity ... well | 02:53 |
* cyberanger aims, pulls trigger, only to have gun jam | 02:54 | |
* cyberanger looks at gun, sees the new biometric saftey feature uses unity libraries, that explains a lot | 02:54 | |
wrst | cyberanger: I really REALLY wish they had not departed from gnome3/shell | 02:56 |
wrst | granted they didn't need gnome 3 in 11.04 but by 11.10 they could have had a really beautifu release | 02:56 |
wrst | even could have modded gnome shell with a dock similar to what they have and saved themselves a lot of work and done other things | 02:58 |
cyberanger | exactly | 02:59 |
cyberanger | fix bugs, increase documentation | 02:59 |
cyberanger | assist loco's and confrences, spread ubuntu | 03:00 |
cyberanger | working ubuntu (I don't call this working, compared to jaunty) | 03:00 |
wrst | documentation really need documentation after using arch, well ubuntu's documentation stinks | 03:02 |
wrst | the forums aren't documentation | 03:02 |
wrst | if you had an ubuntu system of wiki's like arch has support would be easy, of course with the friendly attitude of ubuntu help instead of the snobbish have you read the documentation attitude of arch users :) | 03:03 |
cyberanger | compare ubuntu's wiki to yesterdays newspaper, and the newspaper is easier to read & more up to date | 03:03 |
wrst | yes | 03:04 |
wrst | i can google for instance, arch linux nvidia | 03:04 |
wrst | i will get easy instructions | 03:04 |
wrst | and ubuntu I think with all its flavors causes some issues | 03:04 |
wrst | personally I think there should be GUI documentation for doing everything that can be done with a gui which is most, and also the cli alternative given | 03:05 |
cyberanger | the server documentation is better from linux journal than ubuntu's own documentation | 03:07 |
cyberanger | I read more blogs on router configurations than ubuntu, same idea for ipv6 networking | 03:07 |
wrst | yes it is and it really should be good, if you expect to have people seriously consider you for a corporate env. | 03:07 |
wrst | and I think ubuntu server is pretty good | 03:08 |
wrst | but documentation sucks | 03:08 |
cyberanger | well, in the early days, that went for celluar broadband in ubuntu desktop (which went away soley becuase of networkmanager, not ubuntu) | 03:12 |
cyberanger | well, some documentation is there, minimal though | 03:13 |
wrst | well cyberanger i'm off to bed have a good night! | 03:49 |
wrst | well about to anyway hello chris4585 | 03:52 |
chris4585 | hey wrst | 03:52 |
chris4585 | sorry I didn't inform you guys I'd be gone for a week, ironically I was in TN | 03:53 |
wrst | chris4585: i've been messing with gnome shell themes starting to get some nice ones out in the wild | 03:53 |
wrst | chris4585: I thought you were coming up some time | 03:53 |
chris4585 | yeah, I was there for a week in fall creek falls | 03:54 |
chris4585 | right now nvidia is starting to get on my nerves, I updated my install and of course something is wrong with it | 03:54 |
chris4585 | can't get gnome-shell to work like I did before | 03:55 |
cyberanger | wrst: enjoy some sleep | 03:55 |
cyberanger | chris4585: shame we didn't have more info for setting a meetup up | 03:55 |
chris4585 | cyberanger, yeah, it'll happen sometime though I have no idea when | 03:56 |
wrst | fall creek not far from here, well off to bed see you guys later | 03:57 |
chris4585 | later wrst | 03:58 |
chris4585 | its a beautiful area, I know the area a little bit, next year we'll be going to nashville | 03:58 |
orangeninja | back up on the desktop!!!! YAY! | 09:16 |
orangeninja | cyberanger: or anyone else here? | 17:05 |
cyberanger | hey orangeninja | 17:17 |
cyberanger | what's up | 17:18 |
* cyberanger yawns, having no clue why | 17:23 | |
orangeninja | lol, you tired.... | 17:25 |
orangeninja | Well, I guess the question is have you been to beed yet? | 17:25 |
orangeninja | Well I am tring to get some form of ubuntu on my older desktop. | 17:29 |
orangeninja | it is a P4 2.53 GHz 1 GB ram radeon 9700 400 Watt power supply. | 17:30 |
cyberanger | orangeninja: doubt it's tired, however possible | 17:32 |
cyberanger | and I'd start with Lubuntu | 17:32 |
orangeninja | now it is several years old so several parts might be on their last leg anyway. But I am wondering if some of my problems might be just power... | 17:32 |
cyberanger | there is lighter setups, however...perhaps I misunderstood, the issue is hardware, or picking a good version for an older rig? | 17:33 |
orangeninja | I have had a couple of "no video" or "video failed" on boot. Also a "no keyboard detected" on boot. Keyboard is USB. | 17:33 |
orangeninja | After a restart or two it comes on, but I hear a noise like the HD is spinning up and down. | 17:35 |
cyberanger | hrm, from a live disc? | 17:35 |
orangeninja | cyberanger: I installed from live disk 10.10 | 17:35 |
orangeninja | seems to boot fine to live cd | 17:36 |
orangeninja | problems come after install | 17:36 |
orangeninja | Well, I might have to coax it with a restart or two to boot live cd but it seems fine after it does. | 17:37 |
cyberanger | is the noise of the HDD normal spin, or hitting platters (or another failing sign) | 17:39 |
orangeninja | I really think it sound like, spin down / spin up... | 17:40 |
orangeninja | but screen stays up. sometimes screen dims. | 17:41 |
orangeninja | well, that might have been mozilla diming.. | 17:41 |
cyberanger | is the video card needed, or can you use onboard? | 17:42 |
orangeninja | ASUS P4 E DELUXE I don't think it has onboard. And I am down to my las AGP card...lol. | 17:46 |
cyberanger | have you tried alternative video drivers | 17:47 |
orangeninja | no, I have not tried that. | 17:48 |
cyberanger | if any exist | 17:48 |
orangeninja | I had xbuntu going for a couple of days with and old nvidia card. but It ended no video signal, actually looks like a fried spot is on that card now. heck both may be bad cards now. I do have my old soyo dragon mobo need to look and see if that has onboard. | 17:50 |
orangeninja | nope no onboard there either | 17:54 |
orangeninja | be back in a few.... | 17:56 |
orangeninja | ok back | 18:54 |
Exodus_ms | anyone using Google+ ? | 19:45 |
Exodus_ms | also, trying out a new irc client on my phone | 19:46 |
orangeninja | I am on a sempron 3100+ with 512 MB running xubuntu. | 22:07 |
orangeninja | live CD, no sound though. | 22:07 |
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