JeZ-l-Lee | why only 61 people in this room and 1500 in Ubuntu's room? | 00:08 |
charlie-tca | Why only 70,000 users of Xubuntu and over 1million Ubuntu? | 00:09 |
charlie-tca | We are entirely volunteer, no paid developers or management in Xubuntu | 00:09 |
notal | are there paid developers for Ubuntu? | 00:10 |
charlie-tca | Yes | 00:10 |
notal | where does the money come from? Just donations? | 00:11 |
charlie-tca | Mark Shuttlework has funded Ubuntu since the beginning | 00:12 |
orngjce223 | Mark Shuttleworth is filthy rich. :v | 00:12 |
charlie-tca | not any more | 00:12 |
orngjce223 | True enough | 00:12 |
charlie-tca | but Mark had the means to make his dream a reality | 00:13 |
notal | is xfce developed by volunteers? | 00:14 |
charlie-tca | yes | 00:14 |
charlie-tca | And I think they do a really fine job of it, too! | 00:15 |
notal | seems like it to me | 00:17 |
JeZ-l-Lee | I tried to join the Xubuntu user mailing list, but received nothing after subscribing - anyone know why? | 00:17 |
charlie-tca | it is kind of low volume, when did you join? | 00:19 |
JeZ-l-Lee | charlie-tca - joined the mailing list today | 00:35 |
JeZ-l-Lee | but never received a confirmation and I'm not receiving mail from the list either | 00:35 |
charlie-tca | Doesn't look like it went through | 00:54 |
charlie-tca | Doesn't look like it went through | 00:54 |
charlie-tca | If you don't get the confirmation today, maybe the email address had a mistyped letter or something. submit again tomorrow | 00:55 |
crowds | I just install 11.04, but can't seem to find the menu editor, even though the 'software center' says it's installed. Any idea where I can find it? | 02:56 |
orngjce223 | crowds: Do you know the name of the package, i.e. can you open Synaptic and tell me what the name says in the name column for that application? If you can, punch that exact name into Terminal and see if it runs. | 03:20 |
crowds | hmm, yeah, strange, can't find anything seemingly relevant in synaptic or apropos. But the 'software center' shows 'Menu Editor' as installed | 03:24 |
crowds | not sure what the command for it is though | 03:25 |
crowds | any ideas? | 03:26 |
bazhang | gconf-editor? | 03:31 |
crowds | hmm, no don't think so, it's not installed | 03:32 |
crowds | this is a completely fresh install | 03:32 |
bazhang | !find gconf-editor | 03:33 |
ubottu | Found: gconf-editor | 03:33 |
bazhang | !info gconf-editor | 03:33 |
ubottu | gconf-editor (source: gconf-editor): An editor for the GConf configuration system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 123 kB, installed size 660 kB | 03:33 |
bazhang | try from the run menu or a terminal | 03:34 |
crowds | yeah, command not found | 03:34 |
crowds | should I install it for menu configuration? | 03:35 |
crowds | I figured there would be a native xubuntu editor | 03:36 |
crowds | google doesn't seem to turn up many results | 03:37 |
bazhang | try it and see | 03:37 |
crowds | ok, I installed it and runs, but not sure how to edit menus with it | 03:40 |
crowds | does it work with xfce and gnome? | 03:41 |
crowds | ok, thanks for the suggestions. I just ended up installing alacarte, which seems to be working fine | 04:15 |
xubuntu569 | How long should creating the ext4 system create in a 20 gb drive using VMWare player cause my install seems to be stuck | 05:02 |
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rodney_ | hi all. having a problem with ntp on xubuntu. using a fresh install of natty on ext4 FS. installed ntp and ntpdate however on a reboot the only event logged by ntp is 'ntpd exiting on signal 15'. I can stop the service and execute 'ntpq -p' and get a list of the servers in the config file, the first with an '*' which I assume is the one it wants to use. When I try and execute 'ntpdate' I get '... no servers can be used, ex | 06:21 |
rodney_ | iting'. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! | 06:21 |
rodney_ | oops, sorry about that ... forst part was 'Afternoon all ... having a problem on a fresh install of xubuntu natty getting ntp to work. On a reboot and restart of the service ntp logs 'ntpd exiting on signal 15' ..... | 06:23 |
rodney_ | if I execute 'ntpdate -d -u -server-' is happily chugs off and updates ...? | 06:27 |
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xharx | how can i edit the menu in xubuntu | 11:39 |
knome | xharx, which version? | 11:44 |
xharx | natty | 11:44 |
xharx | my new libreoffice doesnt start with soffice from the command line... | 11:45 |
knome | any menu editor should be okay, like alacarte | 11:45 |
xharx | yeah, but where is the file to edit | 11:46 |
knome | don't know about that | 11:46 |
xharx | ok i understand, the eg alacarte knows it ? | 11:46 |
knome | i suppose so, yes | 11:47 |
knome | afaik it's not a single file, but all the .desktop files, but i might be wrong as well | 11:47 |
knome | i haven't done menu editing in probably years | 11:47 |
xharx | thx | 12:02 |
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jnlsnl_ | is it possible to get rid of the icon grid, so I can place and move icons like in gnome? | 14:38 |
jnlsnl_ | on the desktop | 14:38 |
TheSheep | no | 14:39 |
jnlsnl_ | ok. thanks TheSheep | 15:11 |
winfreak | Hi! | 15:18 |
winfreak | Xubuntu is so great this year | 15:18 |
winfreak | And it's so elegant. | 15:18 |
knome | winfreak, thanks for the feedback | 15:19 |
winfreak | Switching from Ubuntu/Kubuntu to Xubuntu | 15:19 |
winfreak | I mainly work with a macbook, but on the other computers this will replace windows | 15:19 |
winfreak | because Xubuntu is like the elegance of OS X + less resources + Ubuntu power = awesome! | 15:20 |
winfreak | I've got a question real quick... | 15:21 |
knome | sure | 15:21 |
winfreak | Is there a way to like share printers and folders in a windows kind of style? | 15:21 |
knome | between linux machines, i think ssh is the best way to share files | 15:22 |
knome | i don't know about printer sharing though, but i think that should work out-of-the-box | 15:22 |
winfreak | But I also have a macbook and some windows pc's | 15:22 |
winfreak | (well my father does) | 15:22 |
knome | then use samba: | 15:22 |
knome | !samba | 15:22 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 15:22 |
winfreak | Is there any fancy noob friendly tool to configure it? | 15:23 |
winfreak | (I'm not really a n00b but I'm to lazy to mess with config files if there's a simpler way) | 15:23 |
knome | i don't know about tools, but the urls posted should be pretty thorough | 15:23 |
winfreak | k | 15:23 |
winfreak | thank you! | 15:23 |
knome | no problem | 15:24 |
knome | btw, if you have a blog, feel free to post an article about what you think about xubuntu and post the link here :) | 15:24 |
winfreak | I'll do! | 15:25 |
knome | thanks | 15:25 |
winfreak | I'll restart and come back | 15:39 |
winfreak | You XFCE guys are cool | 15:39 |
winfreak | I'm back | 15:56 |
winfreak | now Xubuntu is fully running on my homeserver / mediawatchthingythatgoestothetelly | 15:56 |
winfreak | I just got some more questions | 15:57 |
knome | shoot | 15:57 |
winfreak | Could you tell me on how I could get my TV card work? | 15:57 |
knome | has it worked on ubuntu? | 15:57 |
knome | and what card is it? | 15:58 |
winfreak | I don't know exactly which one | 15:58 |
knome | right | 15:58 |
knome | try lspci in terminal | 15:58 |
winfreak | and I didn't try on crap buntu cause it made me freak out using gnome | 15:59 |
winfreak | I will | 15:59 |
knome | then try searching google with the card model and "ubuntu" | 15:59 |
knome | (most of the instructions to get something working are the exact same as in ubuntu) | 15:59 |
winfreak | It doesn't show up | 16:00 |
winfreak | I guess it's broken | 16:00 |
knome | hmm, is it a usb one? | 16:00 |
winfreak | nope | 16:00 |
knome | you can also try "lshw" | 16:00 |
winfreak | it's inserted to PCI express | 16:00 |
winfreak | This system runs so smooth now, gosh. | 16:01 |
winfreak | But I have to wait for it | 16:01 |
knome | i know pretty little about tv cards, i'm afraid | 16:01 |
winfreak | Gosh! This is much information | 16:01 |
knome | heh, yeah, it is... | 16:01 |
winfreak | How am I supposed finding something? | 16:01 |
knome | try "lshw >lshw.txt" and open lshw.txt with a text editor, if it's easier | 16:02 |
winfreak | Let's see.... | 16:02 |
winfreak | Could it be that one? description: Multimedia video controller | 16:04 |
winfreak | product: CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder | 16:04 |
knome | yeah, looks right | 16:04 |
winfreak | what now to do? | 16:05 |
knome | | 16:05 |
knome | at least there are some threads about that | 16:06 |
knome | <- i suppose that page could be helpful | 16:08 |
knome | and | 16:09 |
winfreak | Oh dear... | 16:12 |
winfreak | I would have to reconfigure the kernel and do such things | 16:13 |
knome | yeah, sometimes devices with linux are definitely not easy | 16:13 |
winfreak | But this is like the definition of *not easy* | 16:14 |
knome | :) | 16:14 |
winfreak | look at the instruction thingy | 16:14 |
knome | i did | 16:14 |
winfreak | It's like: Build your own kernel with our like untested drivers, be lucky or go f**** yourself. | 16:15 |
knome | please watch your language, even obfuscated. thanks :) | 16:15 |
winfreak | I will | 16:15 |
knome | there is #ubuntu-mythtv, they might know a bit more about tv cards.. | 16:16 |
winfreak | Asked there. | 16:18 |
winfreak | Another one: Is this UltraEdit in the repositorys really for free or is it like shareware? | 16:19 |
knome | !info uex | 16:20 |
ubottu | Package uex does not exist in natty | 16:20 |
knome | hmm... it does :P | 16:20 |
winfreak | xD | 16:20 |
winfreak | Nice bot you have thee | 16:20 |
knome | afaik, there should be no "shareware" -thing in the repositories | 16:20 |
knome | but i think better install it and check | 16:21 |
winfreak | YAY; Shareware! | 16:24 |
knome | ok | 16:25 |
knome | i have to go now | 16:25 |
knome | good luck | 16:25 |
winfreak | cya | 16:28 |
winfreak | Does anybody now if there's a good alternative to UltraEdit? | 16:28 |
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charlie-tca | Xubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel at 22:00 UTC today. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at | 21:01 |
xubuntu353 | hello was wondering if someone could help me i am installing xubuntu 11.04 and have this error - ERROR: modinfo: could not find nvidia_96 | 21:09 |
xubuntu353 | do i need to start over? | 21:10 |
xubuntu353 | anyone? | 21:10 |
jnlsnl_ | How can i make the ctril+alt+t = terminal ? | 22:14 |
ochosi | jnlsnl_: go to settings > keyboard > application shortcuts and add "xfce4-terminal" with your shortcut | 22:25 |
charlie-tca | Xubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel in 30 minutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at | 22:29 |
charlie-tca | JeZ-l-Lee: did you get a confirmation from the mailing list today? | 22:45 |
charlie-tca | Meeting in #xubuntu-devel now | 23:00 |
JeZ-l-Lee | charlie-tca - hi, sorry I never received the confirmation from the mailing list | 23:52 |
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