[03:02] hello [03:02] lwizardl: o/ [03:03] lwizardl: im actually just here for a second [03:04] I was wondering if anyone knew of a alternative to AfterEffects for my linux desktop install of studio [03:04] if you need somthing, and no one is here... try #opensourcemusicians [03:04] lwizardl: i dont konw what aftereffects is or does [03:04] BUT [03:04] linux is an open format [03:04] holstein, video effects [03:04] whoever the vendor is can easily port it to linux [03:05] lwizardl: you can still as in opensourcemusicians [03:05] holstein, yeah I know been a linux user for years, and doubt Adobe will release it on linux [03:05] BUT, AFAIK, there are some new blender plugs that openshot can use [03:05] lwizardl: then you know what im getting at... you dont look for an 'alternative' [03:05] you look for something that does the task you need [03:06] i do very little video [03:06] pitivi is coming along though [03:06] and i really like kdenlive [03:06] but, i recently read about some things that made me want to try openshot again [03:06] k [03:07] anyhow.. gotta run.. BBL [03:07] thanks === StillLearnin_ is now known as StillLearnin === tsimpson_ is now known as ts2 === melvinray is now known as StillLearnin [22:47] hi guys. have just installed Ubuntu Studio 11.04. having issues with firefox. cant play flash movies. im running on a amd 64 phenom 2 with a Intel HDA internal soundcard on the motherboard conneted with in and out to a 8 channel mixer. im preparing my livingroom for a recording saturday ;) [22:48] cant? [22:48] in what way? [22:48] you cant do flash out of the box in ubuntu [22:49] well sorry, to be precise: i can play the movies but dont get any sound. [22:49] AH [22:49] i would try some other browsers [22:49] confirm that its flash or not [22:49] and start going one way or the other with flash versions [22:50] good thinking il try install chrome... [22:50] ACTUALLY, to be precise, i dont care if my studio box plays flash [22:50] that being said, you should be able to... [22:52] * holstein needs to try and catch a nap... BBL [22:52] installing both chrome and epiphany, thanks for taking your time mate ;) [22:52] dahlberg: #opensourcemusicians if its too slow here [22:53] thanks mate ;) [22:53] dahlberg: make sure you are up to date as well... [22:54] holstein: thanks [23:00] well well, what do you know.. installing epiphany and chrome resolved the issue by itself... *facepalm* [23:00] now all browsers play flash with sound ;)