
SIR_Tacook, back to here... haha00:04
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SIR_Tacowell, hello confused ddy92i00:06
SIR_Tacoidk, ianal, rtfm?00:08
Pythuxsalut ddy92i00:10
Pythuxhow can i reinstall ark?00:23
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SIR_Taco_hello James147901:00
K231Hi Sir01:00
SIR_Taco_er, jay01:00
K231Sir taco care to pvt chat?01:01
SIR_Taco_hi K23101:01
SIR_Taco_depends on what we're private chatting about... lol01:01
K231about plastic surgery for a relative of mine..01:01
SIR_Taco_K231: haha ok01:01
SIR_Taco_never any ops when you need them01:03
K231anyone here??01:04
SIR_Taco_Since there doesn't seem to be any OPs around at the moment... just igrnore K231 (even though she/he left.... IP
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kiki__anyonr home ??02:04
kiki__I have a question02:04
kiki__anyone can answer it02:05
kiki__it is an easy one02:05
kiki__it looks like no one is here02:06
kiki__what's up hex02:07
kiki__how are you ??02:07
OerHekswaiting for difficult Q02:07
kiki__reading some stuff02:08
kiki__and didn't understand something02:08
OerHekspls ask02:08
kiki__linux kernel related02:08
kiki__how hard is to develop an OS (like ubunty) with linux kernel02:09
kiki__is it hard02:10
kiki__is medium hard02:10
kiki__or not hard at all02:10
OerHeksif you can pay the workers, it still is hard.02:10
kiki__I mean everything is already there02:11
kiki__just need a file system02:11
kiki__and some apps02:11
OerHeksfilesystem, packaging an distribution system ..02:11
OerHeksdevelopment, support, testing02:12
kiki__why do I need packaging  ?02:12
kiki__it is there02:12
kiki__is GPL02:12
OerHeksrpm is not debian or the packaging ubuntu is using02:13
kiki__is it GPL02:13
kiki__I mean everything is GPL02:14
kiki__just use it02:14
OerHekswhy re-invent the wheel ..02:14
kiki__trying to figure out02:14
kiki__an embedded linux02:15
kiki__for a real time atsks02:15
kiki__with a preemptive scheduler02:15
kiki__on my own02:15
kiki__is it hard ??02:15
kiki__no GUI02:16
kiki__just simple one02:16
OerHeksdepends on the language you programm02:16
kiki__maybe c++02:16
kiki__C and C++02:16
kiki__is it hard ?02:17
kiki__have you tried ?02:17
kiki__it doesn't has to be preemptive02:18
OerHeksi'm no c / c++ programmer, i would use an easy scripting language like python for simple programming02:18
kiki__I understand02:18
kiki__scripting is scripting02:18
kiki__it is not programming02:19
kiki__in a sense02:19
kiki__it can run on hardware alone02:19
kiki__it needs some software support02:19
kiki__at minimum02:19
kiki__where are you from ?02:21
PandoraGaminghow do i get kubuntu to start in console not KDE.  I want it to bootup that way and if i need to use kde i can type startx03:39
PandoraGaminghow do i get kubuntu to start in console not KDE.  I want it to bootup that way and if i need to use kde i can type startx03:49
=== areichman_ is now known as areichman
silv3r_m00nhi there , I want the hard drives to be mounted right from startup , is there a setting to enable this ?05:08
mohamadHi guys, I want a command line that copy files in many folders to a one place05:08
alesanhi, the "normal" ubuntu has pulseaudio, what about kubuntu?05:27
alesandoes it have something similar?05:27
bombermp3 player?05:29
alesanbomber, me?05:30
bomberalesan,  yes05:30
alesanI do not understand what you mean05:30
alesanpulseaudio is a layer between ALSA and applications05:31
bomberalesan,  ohh ok sorry... yes its available for kubuntu as well05:31
alesanbasically what happens is that on my mom's PC that runs normal ubuntu, I can set the volume 150%, 200%, that is the pulseaudio layer that applies dynamic compression to the sound in order to make it louder05:32
alesanin principle quality suffers but in several cases the original audio is recorded too low05:32
alesanso I was wondering if there was somethng similar for Kubuntu too05:32
bomberyes that same program is available05:33
bomberi just checked on my system and its installed on my system and i have kubuntu 11.0405:34
alesan11.04 too here but why is it not installed?05:34
alesanand installed does not mean running...05:34
bomberwell thats true05:34
alesanps ax | grep pulseaudio05:34
bomberdid you run kpackagekit and see if its installed?05:35
bomberyup i have it running05:35
alesanok thanks05:38
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areichmanhello geoff__06:07
geoff__I have GNUe installed, but when I try running a helloworld script in python I get an ImportError for gnue.common.apps.GClientApp. Noones on the GNUe channel right now so I figured I'd ask you guys...06:09
geoff__running Kubuntu 11.04 AMD6406:09
areichmansorry, no idea about python06:10
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errorhow do i install wine?07:57
errorim a kubuntu noob.07:58
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spirov92sudo apt-get install wine?08:50
rdallarmihi, all of a sudden, opengl based desktop effects have stopped working. XRender based (if I change it manually) still works but they are not nearly as good. Is there a way to bring back whatever setting has gone wrong, to it's original value? I have a  randeon 5770 with Kubuntu open source drivers08:52
Delta_where are we going to see the kde 4.7rc release in the ppa?09:25
rdallarmithis board is dead09:29
James1479rdallarmi: not always09:30
rdallarmiof course, just when "I" need help :))09:31
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espen_Hey, Anyone can help me with a problem?10:09
espen_no one?10:11
James1479espen_: no one can help if you dont say waht your problem is10:19
espen_Sorry, The problem is that I have Linux on my laptop and it`s not showing my battery status :s I have tried everything :'æ(10:20
James1479define not showing10:22
espen_Linux can`t read my battery10:24
svakshaespen_: what did you try?10:26
espen_I haven't tried anything yet10:28
James1479espen_: then how do you know it cannot read it ^^10:28
espen_I`m very new to Linux10:28
espen_because this is the case10:29
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espen_And I dont understand a thing ;p10:29
James1479espen_: saying soemthing like "the battery widget is showing 0% batter all the time" is better then "Linux cannt read my battery" give us more to work with10:29
espen_The battery widget does not appear, and when I add the battery Applet to panel, it says 'Missing' In battery status10:30
James1479thats better :)10:30
espen_good ;)10:31
James1479anything at /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/10:31
espen_When I do a cd to that directory it says 'No such file or directory'10:35
James1479espen_: at which level?10:35
espen_it works now10:36
espen_Alarm, info and state are in the BAT110:37
James1479espen_: can you pastebin the contents of them#10:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:37
forbinhold me closer tiny dancer10:38
espen_james1479: http://paste.ubuntu.com/638338/ Is this what you ment?10:39
James1479espen_: no, the contents of them10:39
espen_ah okay10:39
espen_will do10:39
James1479cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/*10:39
James1479^^ the output of that10:40
Peace-James1479: hey james10:40
James1479Heya Peace-10:40
espen_Thats it10:41
espen_is it bad?10:42
James1479my guess is that is a problem with acpi not diticting your battery... but I am afraid I do not know how to fix it10:50
James1479espen_: ^^10:50
espen_Ah, Okay, thats ok10:51
espen_thx anyway10:51
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nguyenvansonvietnamer co ai k11:03
nguyenvansonthinhhoang o vn phai k11:05
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hanani am using Kubuntu and have the feed reader Agregator, i would like to know if there is a way to sync it with google reader so that when i have read a feed using each one of them it will be marked as read in both of them.11:25
hananhope the question undersoodable.11:25
contrastGreets, everyone. Anyone know if the recent kernel update was to include ""pcie_aspm=force" (a partial fix for the power regression - http://is.gd/wxGuyB)? I googled around a good bit but couldn't find a proper changelog for the current Ubuntu kernel.12:39
yofelcontrast: not that I know of. And I personally disabled it again since it seems I DID get system lockups with ASPM on12:51
contrastyofel: So to clarify, after the recent kernel update, you added that line to the default kernel options in /etc/default/grub, got lock-ups, then removed it and got no more lock-ups?12:53
yofelyep, I looked at the changelog. The kernel update had nothing todo with ASPM12:54
contrastLast ?: Where'd you find that changelog? :D12:55
yofelcontrast: which kernel version are you running?12:56
contrastderp, nevermind... /usr/share/doc, i'm guessing... sometimes i forget to check the obvious. :\12:56
contrastyofel: Many thanks for your help. Time to risk breakage now. Peace.12:57
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hazamonzo_hey folks. Just installed kubuntu 11 and im happy to see most of my stuff works. (sound and wobbly windows) Im using an ATI card and i haven't installed the drivers for it though. i think it might perform better with these drivers... if i enable them and it breaks will removing them put me back to where i am now?13:15
hazamonzo_I don't want to break my OS on a chance of better performance13:15
James1479hazamonzo_: yes, removing them should revert you back... depenmding on how the config utilities work you may just need to rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf to default to the default drivers (at thats thats how it works for nvidia)13:16
hazamonzo_James1479: Cheers mate. Lets give it a try :)13:17
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hazamonzoJames1479: Hurrah!13:31
hazamonzoJames1479: desktop rendering is alot faster now :)13:32
PythonSnakeHow can i remove ark ?15:02
James1479PythonSnake: try sudo apt-get remove ark... see if it wants to remvoe anything else15:03
DdpbfPythonSnake: do not do it15:04
Ddpbfit will pull half of kde15:04
ikoniaPythonSnake: please don't cross post, you've already asked in #ubuntu15:05
James1479^^ yeah I wouldnt advise it unless you have a really good reason15:05
James1479Ddpbf: Dont see whyt it would do that15:05
Ddpbfwait a minut15:05
Ddpbfactually it wont15:07
Ddpbfit will pull only metapackage15:07
Ddpbfit is safe to remove15:07
James1479though it does remove kubuntu-desktop... which can cause problems when upgrading to the next version15:07
DdpbfJames1479: exactlly15:07
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
DdpbfPythonSnake: is that absolutly neccessary ?15:08
Ddpbfi mean ark is well integrated in KDE :)15:09
ikoniathere is no need to remove it15:09
PythonSnakewhen i right click and extract an archive with ark, it continues to prompt me again but i've already ticked ''apply to all''15:09
James1479PythonSnake: you could try resettings its settings by renaming or removing ~?.kde/share/config/arkrc15:10
Ddpbfit is matter of configuration15:10
James1479thats ~/ sorry :)15:10
PythonSnakehow to do it ?15:10
PythonSnakei need to do it in the ctrl+alt+f1 console ?15:11
James1479PythonSnake: its just a file, so navagate to ~/.kde/share/config by what ever means you want (dolphin can do it) and delete or rename it15:11
Ddpbfmv ~/.kde/share/config/arkrc ~/.kde/share/config/arkrc~15:11
James1479^^ or that15:11
James1479but close ark first :)15:11
PythonSnakeit doesn't work15:13
PythonSnakei need to logout-login ?15:14
James1479you should need to, just restart ark15:15
PythonSnakesame problem15:17
ikoniamaybe worth logging it as a bug then15:18
selvakumaranhell there.,15:18
PythonSnakefound that : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18800915:18
ubottuKDE bug 188009 in general "ark continues to prompt on existing files even when 'overwrite all' is pressed" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:18
selvakumaranhello there.,15:18
James1479PythonSnake: what version of kde are you using?///15:20
PythonSnakeJames1479: 4.6.415:20
James1479that bug report seems to be old ^^15:21
selvakumarani just tried debain linux, it over writed my GRUB list, now ubuntu in last, how can i recover from this, so that ubuntu will be in the first priority..!15:21
James1479PythonSnake: might want to test a new user (just to make sure it isnt one of your configs) and submit a new bugrepport if you encounter it on the new user15:21
James1479selvakumaran: you probally told debian to install a new mbr and so has wirtten its own config files... reinstalling grub in kubuntu or configuring grub in debian should solve the problem15:22
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:22
selvakumaranJames1479:  That i m asking, but how?15:25
selvakumaranJames1479:  thanks15:25
James1479selvakumaran: see the grub2 guides in ubottu's message for how to revocer grub15:25
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PythonSnakeit seems that it prompts me for each archive15:33
Ddpbfwher gon that selva guy15:33
Ddpbfall he neded is to reinstall *buntu grub215:33
PythonSnakeDdpbf: how can i replace ark ?15:34
Ddpbfsudo apt-get install pc-grub --reinstall15:34
DdpbfPythonSnake: replace with what?15:34
PythonSnakeanother archive manager15:34
Ddpbfinstall it en set it as default archive manager in system settings15:35
PythonSnakewill ark still appear when i right click ?15:35
James1479PythonSnake: you can disable the menu entries for ark if you want15:36
James1479in dolhpin15:36
James1479dolphin ^^15:36
sithlord48from dolphin settings->configure dolphin-> services15:37
Ddpbfsystem settings -> file associations15:38
James1479Ddpbf: that wont disable the service menus15:38
DdpbfJames1479: yes you are right15:39
=== James1479 is now known as James147
Ddpbfi did not see last few lines15:39
* Ddpbf is on many channels15:39
PythonSnakehow to make merge jobs ?15:40
PythonSnakeI meant when i extract 2 archives, it creates 2 jobs. how to make it to one job only ?15:40
sithlord48you don't15:41
sithlord48extracting two archives, is two differnet jobs..15:41
sithlord48if you select more then one archive and with one action extract you might get one job not sure , that would be the only way i would think it possible15:43
sithlord48just tried and PythonSnake and that does create one job in the tray ^^15:44
tsimpsondoes it really matter if it's 1 or 2 jobs?15:45
Ddpbfdoes somebody know what this is dpkg: failed to open package info file `/usr/local/var/lib/dpkg/status' for reading: No such file or directory15:45
Ddpbfgoogle is not very helpful15:45
tsimpsonwhy is dpkg looking in /usr/local?15:47
contrastGreets, everyone... Anybody know which package contains the development files for gettext? I've been struggling for the past ~20 minutes to find it so I can compile GJay (http://gjay.sourceforge.net/), but regardless of what I install, its autogen.sh script keeps complaining that gettext isn't installed. >=(15:47
PythonSnakesithlord48: can you try if it prompts you again if you extract 2 similar archives even with apply to all please ?15:47
PythonSnaketsimpson: yes ark prompts me again but i've ticked apply to all15:47
Ddpbftsimpson: i do not have clew15:48
=== PythonSnake is now known as Python
sithlord48no apply to all is working here.15:50
sithlord48but one prompt per archive.15:50
Pythonme too15:51
tsimpsonthe underlying software (library) only deals with one archive at a time15:51
Pythonand that is not convenient if i want to extract 50 similar archives :|15:52
tsimpsonif you want to extract 50 archives, use the command line :)15:52
Pythonit's not a bug then thanks :)15:54
=== Python is now known as []
Ddpbf[]: try 7z15:58
=== [] is now known as Python
Ddpbf[17:56] *** Python је познат као []15:59
Ddpbf[17:58] *** [] је познат као Python.15:59
=== Python is now known as MrMe
DdpbfKonversation records how you were changing your nick16:00
tsimpsonMrMe: please stop the nick spam16:00
szalDdpbf: and?16:00
MrMetsimpson: just trying to find a good one :)16:00
DdpbfHe is spaming channel with changing nicks16:00
szalMrMe: then do that outside the channel please16:00
DdpbfMrMe: yes but some people are logging irc channels16:01
MrMeszal: i'm doing it outside16:01
MrMebut i t voices here16:01
szalMrMe: obviously not because you're in the chanel ;)16:01
Ddpbfszal: good point16:01
Incognitohi everyone16:14
Graf_WesterholtHi Incognito.16:14
Incognitowhat archive manager support most extensions ?16:15
tsimpsonthey all support pretty much the same stuff16:16
Incognitowhat is the best archive manager then ?16:16
James147!best | Incognito16:17
ubottuIncognito: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:17
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Incognitook thanks16:18
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ashwinhow can i change my kde version to 4.7beta16:50
Linkmasterashwin: you can use project-neon to have access to 4.716:51
Linkmastersee #project-neon for more help on how to get it running, as well as their website16:51
BluesKajLinkmaster, I haven't seen a workable version of 4.7 available , even in project neon16:58
genii-aroundThe project-neon PPA seems abandoned since 2009 now16:58
LinkmasterReally?? Last time I used project-neon, it was mostly usable16:58
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
LinkmasterAnd that was about a month ago16:58
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ghittsum***NOOB QUESTION ALERT***:  used kpackagekit to install SETI, where did it put it?17:14
ghittsumman, this kubuntu 11.04 sure is purdy on my puter17:18
BluesKajghittsum, open the kmenu and type seti in the search box17:22
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PythonIs 10.04 or 11.04 better ?18:47
maverick<python> the stable is better18:51
maverickthe stable version18:52
Pythonmaverick: ok thanks18:52
tsimpsonboth are stable18:52
tsimpson10.04 is LTS, 11.04 the latest18:53
maverickif you using in your work try 10.0418:55
Pythonmaverick: why ?18:58
Pythoni'm using it at home18:58
PiciBecause it is supported for a longer amount of time18:58
maverickpici: alright18:59
maverickthe 11.04 is very cool19:00
Pythonwhat version do you recommend me ?19:00
maverickwhat you need?19:01
mavericktry 11.04 and help the developers if you found a bug19:01
PythonI need no problems :)19:02
PythonI meant features + no problems19:02
maverickman i using the 10.04 and i dont have problems(to much).19:06
maverickand i never use 11.04 in heavy mode19:08
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Quintasan!neon | genii-around20:05
ubottugenii-around: Project Neon provides set of daily builds of KDE and releated modules | See https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon | More support in #project-neon20:05
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keito_ can anyone recommend a good native dock for kde4... docky has a black bar appear briefly on startup20:28
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ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:34
Ddpbfpaul__: hi21:39
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myrmounetHello guys21:53
PythonSnakeHi !21:53
myrmouneti need some help on kubuntu and firestarter, anybody can help me?21:53
PythonSnake!ask | myrmounet21:54
ubottumyrmounet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:54
PythonSnake!details | myrmounet21:54
ubottumyrmounet: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:54
myrmouneti'd love to work on python's programming tool21:54
myrmounetok lol right21:54
myrmounetmy kubuntu : i'm trying to ./configure the firestarter sources, and it says me : error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check21:55
PythonSnakeit's not sane21:55
myrmounetyes but i've tried to install gcc, gcc lib, and someoother else, and it neither works !21:58
myrmounetand on the forums, no right answers...so i decided to go on IRC21:59
jwashhey guys, i want to run a program as root upon startup, can someone point me to a tutorial?21:59
myrmounetwhat could you say to help me, Pythonsnake?22:00
ubuntu___put it in /etc/rc.local22:01
jwashwould a symlink work?22:01
ubuntu___its a file22:01
ubuntu___put in the full path22:01
jwashcurrently resides /usr/bin22:01
PythonSnakemyrmounet: i'm afraid i coudn't help you as i dont even know what firestarter is lol22:01
myrmounetlol, it's a firewall, i hope most popular firewall !!22:02
myrmounetwhat firewall do you advice me else?22:03
myrmouneton kubuntu, maybe there's one22:03
jwashubuntu: currently rc.local is empty22:03
PythonSnake!firewall | myrmounet22:05
ubottumyrmounet: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME)  and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.22:05
PythonSnakeyou dont need firestarter22:05
myrmounetthanks a lot i'll go on tomorrow, now i'm going to sleep, good night to you !22:06
PythonSnakegood night :)22:06
myrmounetok byyyyeeee22:07
Delta_are we going to see the kde 4.7 rc release in the PPA?22:20
OerHeksi hope so, Delta_ , but i have seen no candidate yet22:24
=== PythonSnake is now known as Python
Delta_OerHeks: I doubt there is going to be a 4.7 rc reease i the ppa22:25
Delta_it has been more than a week now22:25
Delta_still not in the repo22:25
OerHeksthere are more than 1 ppa's for kde, backdoors, beta, ... > http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas22:27
kubnubhi all22:28
OerHekshi kubnub22:28
kubnubI did a fresh install about a week ago and when I boot now I get past the bios but no further22:29
kubnubit happened about a month ago also and I just reinstalled22:29
kubnubI don't want to reinstall again if I can22:30
kubnubI can not connect through network22:30
kubnubI tried the live usb22:30
kubnubto check disk and there were no errors22:30
kubnubusing the live cd interface I chose to boot from 1st ard disk but after a few seconds it just returned me to the same screen22:31
OerHekswhat videocard do you have, kubnub ?22:32
kubnubif I were to mount the harddrive from the live cd I wouldn't know where to start checking for problems22:32
kubnubpretty old :(22:33
OerHeksyes, i believe so22:33
kubnubI thinkn I have some separate problems with this old card but I think I should be able to connect through the network if it were just a graphhics problem22:34
jwashthanks very much, works like a charm22:37
kubnubbefore I first rebooted and found this problem: I was streaming a tennis match and the video went down, just the video the rest of the page was updating..., I just decided to reboot...First time I rebooted I got to the kdm login, logged in but only go t a blank screen after that22:40
kubnubrebooted again and never got kdm22:40
kubnubno tty1 either22:40
Pythonhi maverick22:42
mavericki try download for bind22:43
maverickbut i cant install in my server22:43
mavericksomeone knows bind?22:44
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
maverickthe another chaters dont chat?22:47
kubnubI don't know maverick, its pretty quiet22:47
Pythonhow to set proxy to localhost for rekonq ?22:49
Pythonit keeps changing it to http://localhost22:50
kubnubnot a lot of help going tonight python23:01
Pythonkubnub: :(23:02
Pythonkubnub: let's try to ask at #ubuntu ;)23:02
kubnubgood idea:)23:03
Pythonkubnub: lol no one wanna help23:12
=== lost is now known as Guest11611
=== hays_ is now known as hays
=== disse is now known as disse|off
l1950ffestoy haciendo pruebas23:25
=== PythonSnake is now known as Python

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