
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
StevenKHm. How to fix the qa-tagger since I forgot rollback tags00:23
StevenK(But it wasn't really a rollback)00:23
StevenKIs it fixed-commit-<rev> or good-commit-<rev>?00:25
lifelessyou'll need to track it by hand00:27
lifelessI don't think anyone has landed a tag based fixup into qa-tagger00:27
lifelessthere is a bug noting that this problem occurs00:27
StevenKLast Modified: 2009-07-19 ago00:34
StevenKIE, it needs more fixing :-(00:35
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday | top - 14:12:21 up 2 min, 3 users, load average: 0.50, 0.57, 0.25
lifeless https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 204 - 0:[######=_]:25600:36
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 204 - 0:[######=_]:256
lifelessStevenK: oh, your branch? failed again ?00:38
StevenKlifeless: It doesn't OOPS, it just looks wrong00:39
lifelessStevenK: if so the  thing to do at this point is roll it all back00:39
lifelessunblock the queue so you can spend as much time on it as you want00:39
StevenKlifeless: I can fix it in the same amount of time00:39
lifelessStevenK: its about 30 seconds to land a bulk rollback; you can't do a test run etc in that much time00:40
StevenKlifeless: Even for 3 seperate revisions?00:41
lifelessStevenK: ok, so maybe a couple of minutes00:42
lifelessStevenK: do you know *exactly* what is wrong?00:43
lifelessok, well its your call. But we have considerable data now showing that rolling forward is usually harder than anyone thinks it will be :)00:44
StevenKI will self-review, it's +2,-100:47
StevenKlifeless: I suppose this is what I get for doing the original fix last night while jetlagged.00:48
* StevenK is *still* waiting for bzr push :-/00:50
StevenKlifeless: So I should put a --rollback in this landing?00:58
lifelessmultiple I guess :)00:59
StevenKlp-land doesn't support multiple01:01
lifelessdo one01:02
lifelessand then copy the [] bits for the other01:02
StevenKlifeless: Is the parallel job on Jenkins safe to enable?01:28
lifelessStevenK: only one way to find out01:28
lifelessStevenK: we're not problem free, but knowing whether its happy or not is good01:28
StevenKRe-enabled, build scheduled.01:29
StevenKlifeless: Uh, your parallel run is barfing horribly02:33
StevenKThat must be some defintion of win I'm not previously aware of02:35
lifelessits a form of sarcasm02:36
StevenKWell, duh02:37
StevenKReplying to sarcasm with deadpan humour on IRC so *works*02:37
LPCIBotProject parallel-test build #84: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 1 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/84/02:43
LPCIBotProject devel build #861: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 39 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/861/02:57
lifelessflacoste: perhaps you should put yourself into https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-strategist for the moment?04:00
wgrantHmmm, rabbitfixture has stopped working for me.05:05
StevenKlifeless: O hai -- do you know what oops.pt is used for?05:15
wgrantStevenK: I've just QAd it.05:15
StevenKAh, excellent.05:15
wgrantOK, crisis time.05:15
StevenKHow, out of interest?05:16
wgrantMade +initseries OOPS.05:16
StevenKLike that's hard. :-P05:16
lifelessStevenK: its used to show OOPSes05:16
lifelessStevenK: the change to make it use the base template is a little questionable, because it makes OOPS rendering more able to fail, but its probably ok.05:17
* StevenK sighs at how fragile window focus in Natty is.05:17
michaelh1Hi there.  I'm geting a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error using launchpadlib when fetching the gcc-linaro project.  OOPS is  OOPS-2012M17905:21
StevenKIt's known.05:21
StevenKWe're working on it right now.05:21
wgrantmichaelh1: Should be working now.05:30
michaelh1wgrant: ta.05:31
wgrantmichaelh1: It turns out that 32-bit serial IDs on high-volume OAuth tables are not a really good idea.05:32
michaelh1But 32 bits should be enough for anyone?05:34
lifelessnot with 4M inc() a day05:36
wgrantlifeless: Still about?06:28
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #696: FAILURE in 5 hr 34 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/696/06:31
adeuringgood morning07:34
LPCIBotProject devel build #862: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 44 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/862/07:42
bigjoolsDoes the bug email header info differentiate between indirect and direct subscription?07:55
bigjoolsmorning mrevell08:13
jtvgmb: are you reviewing today?  Here's a simple one: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-798297/+merge/6681608:54
gmbjtv: Okay; will look at it presently.08:55
jtvgreat, thanks08:55
jtvgmb: argh, I gave you the wrong one!08:57
jtvbigjools:  picked that one up and forgot to mark it.08:57
gmbHaven't looked yet, so that's okay.08:57
jtvI meant this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-802840/+merge/6677508:57
bigjoolsI claimed it!08:57
jtvOh, sorry.  Your pheromones must be weak, or it may have rained.08:57
bigjoolsyou need to learn to reload your own browser08:58
jtvI've started to count on the frequent reboots to do that for me.08:58
jtvIt's like Ajax, only simpler.08:58
bigjoolsthat doesn't help08:58
bigjoolsFF loads the page as it was!08:58
bigjoolswhen it restores, I mean08:58
jtvcache ftw08:59
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: gmb | Critical bugs: 204 - 0:[######=_]:256
gmbjtv: Lazy reviewer alert: Those tests could do with some leading comments. I know you've tried to make the test names meaningful and descriptive, but it still took me several seconds to parse them, and I'm fundamentally lazy.09:18
jtvgmb: leading comments… isn't that where the opposing attorney objects and the judge tells me to behave?09:18
* jtv edits09:18
gmbjtv: Maybe, but I'm the one wielding the loving gavel of approval here...09:19
lifelesswgrant: hi09:21
lifelesswgrant: jus tback from parenting class09:21
lifelessthough I think its 'make the class faint class' atm09:21
jtvI do so hope this is leading up to a spanking for wgrant09:21
* bigjools reaches for brain bleach09:25
jtvgmb: comments pushed09:25
gmbjtv: Right. I've already approved it.09:26
* gmb reads backscroll.09:26
gmbbigjools: When you're done with the brainbleach, I need to wash my mind's eye with it.09:26
bigjoolsbe my guest09:27
jtvgmb: was my branch that bad?09:27
gmbjtv: Your branch was a soothing balm. Your ability to conjure up mental images, though...09:28
jtvI knew that, I just enjoy watching you bring yourself to say it.09:28
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
rvbagmb: Hi ... and thanks for reviewing my branch!09:37
rvbabigjools: I'll land it then (https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/launchpad/bug-805547/+merge/66861)09:37
gmbrvba: Hi, and no problem :). (I like reviewing the small branches first; it gives me the impetus to deal with the larger ones)09:37
bigjoolsrvba: I think your test is wrong09:38
bigjoolsthe source is not in two parents09:38
bigjoolsthe problem was that sources for unrelated packagesets were being copied09:39
rvbabigjools: self.setupParent creates a few packages.09:39
rvbaAnd then 'udev' is created in each parent.09:39
rvbaI then create two packagesets (one in each parent).09:39
rvbaThis should add 'udev' to each packageset in each parent.09:40
rvbabigjools: don't you think?09:40
bigjoolsyeah, I think that is the wrong approach09:40
bigjoolsthe test should check that a package in a packageset for distroseries "A" is not copied when inheriting from distroseries "B"09:41
rvbaI think I understood the error you got differently then ...09:41
rvba(and I might be wrong)09:42
bigjoolsI think your fix is ok09:42
bigjoolsbtw, "if spns == []"09:42
bigjoolslen(spns) == 0 ?09:42
rvbaI can change that If you prefer.09:43
rvba*If you prefer it that way09:43
bigjoolsit seems better style but what do I know :)_09:43
bigjoolsjust reading your test again09:44
rvbaA1 (packageset p1 with source s1) + A2 (packageset p2 with source s1 [same source name]) => init (packageset p1)09:44
rvbaThis is what I'm testing.09:44
rvbaUntil now, when we copied from the second parent, we decided to copy the source s1 also (because we did not very that p1 was in A2) ... and this is wrong.09:46
bigjoolsthe problem was that all sources in all packagesets were getting copied for every iteration through the parent series09:47
bigjoolsrather than just the sources in the packagesets for the parent series being considered09:47
rvbaMy test test_copying_packagesets_multiple_parents_same_source triggered the problem (before the fix).09:48
bigjoolsyou comment at the top of the test is confusing me a bit: "# If a source with the same packagename is included in two parents ..."09:48
bigjoolsthat's got nothing to do with the problem09:48
bigjoolsthat's good to hear at least :)09:48
rvbaI would not go this far ... but it's not very precise indeed. :)09:49
rvbaLet me rephrase that.09:49
bigjoolsI would have expected a test to check whether a source in p2 is not copied when initialising from s109:49
bigjoolsdoes that make sense?09:50
bigjoolsrvba: it's hard to see if that's being tested in your new test09:51
rvbaWell, the real test is that the initialisation happens.09:52
bigjoolsthat's a smoke test, not a unit test09:52
rvbaAnd that the correct package has been copied, proof that the the initialisation was successful ...09:53
rvbaHere is you unit test :)09:53
bigjoolswell if it works then ok09:53
rvbabigjools: but ok, I get your point, I'll refactor the test a bit, and the comment.09:54
bigjoolsI am just saying that I was confused :)09:54
rvbaAnd this is sign that there is a problem with the test :) ... it should not be confusing09:54
bigjoolssplitting it up into different sections with comments would help :)09:55
rvbabigjools: ok09:55
allenapgmb: Got one for you if you're interested. https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/lp-app-longpoll/+merge/6687210:56
gmballenap: Sure10:56
allenapgmb: Thanks dude.10:56
gmballenap: Wherefore this:11:07
gmb98+    #adapts(Interface, Interface)11:07
gmb99+    #implements(ILongPollEvent)11:07
allenapgmb: It's a hint for people who are writing a concrete subclass.11:08
gmballenap: Ah, cool. That's what I thought; just wanted to check.11:08
allenapI'll add a comment to that effect.11:08
allenapgmb: I have to go out now, unexpectedly, but I'll be back later. That okay?11:14
gmballenap: That's fine. It's looking good so far anyway.11:14
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
jmllifeless: I guess you didn't get around to looking at the testtools gassy-failures branch.12:01
jmllifeless: I'll probably merge it tomorrow if I don't hear from you.12:01
lifelesssorry I didn't.12:01
jmllifeless: no worries. I'm not blocked on it, just minimizing inventory.12:01
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #697: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 36 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/697/12:08
StevenKIs anyone in Europe/US doing a deployment request? r13371 is (finally) deployable.12:34
StevenKEr, that should be "Does anyone in Europe/US feel like doing a deployment request?" :-/12:35
LPCIBotProject devel build #863: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 55 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/863/13:37
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
deryckHi, all.14:16
flacostehi deryck, happy anniversary14:18
deryckThanks, flacoste!14:18
flacostebigjools: do copy rebuilds have an entry in *pph?14:19
bigjoolsflacoste: yes14:19
flacostebigjools: and where is the 'upload' date recorded? would it be datecreated on spph?14:19
bigjoolsflacoste: no, the original SPR14:20
bigjoolsdatecreated on the copy SPPH is when it was copied14:20
flacosteso spph.sourcepackagerelease.dateuploaded?14:20
bigjoolsyes, that's when the package was *first* uploaded14:21
flacosteno, i'm interested in when the 'rebuild request' was issued14:21
flacosteso that would be spph.datecreated, right?14:21
bigjoolsflacoste: none of the above :)  Archive.date_created14:21
flacosteeach rebuild have their own archive!14:22
bigjoolsflacoste: the SPPH datecreated is nearly right but they are not all the same14:22
bigjoolsyes, we can only rebuild in separate archives14:22
flacosteok, i think i have all i need to do some interesting data analysis14:22
gary_posterderyck: quick good news: Friday night I hacked a bit and got the per-test runtime for the YUI/appserver tests down from 4 seconds to .7 seconds.  I think that's much more palatable.14:35
deryckgary_poster, yes, that sounds nice!14:35
deryckgary_poster, now that we're back home, are you finishing off that work?  Or flacoste?14:35
gary_posterderyck, I was going to do it, but *very* happy to share if anyone else wants to take it. :-)14:36
gary_posterbut I was just about to work on that now14:36
deryckgary_poster, ok, cool.  I'm happy to take any part of it that you can pass to me.14:37
gary_posterderyck, cool.  How about I work on this till Wed; if there's stuff left to get it landed I pass it to you.  Sound ok?  (I *might* ask off for Thurs and Fri, so that would make even more sense in that scenario)14:38
deryckgary_poster, sounds perfect to me.14:38
flacostebigjools: populate-archive creates the archive as disabled "to allow requestor to tweak build dependencies", how do they turn it enabled to allow builds to proceed?14:38
deryckgary_poster, also, my squad will do interrupt duties this week, since we should have had them last week.14:38
bigjoolsflacoste: in the +admin/+edit page for the archive14:38
gary_posterawesome thanks deryck14:38
bigjoolsflacoste: we need to do some cleanup in this area to remove these old archives when they're done with as they take up a lot of DB and librarian space.14:39
flacostebigjools: no builds will be queued until they do that right? do we record the date they enabled the archive? or we can infer it from the date on the spph?14:39
flacostebigjools: the fact that they are all in the DB currently is very useful for my analysis :-), but i agree that it might not be "feature" we want to support14:40
deryckabentley, since I came in late today, let's reschedule our call tomorrow or the next day.  Cool?14:42
bigjoolsflacoste: builds are queued as soon as the source is copied, it's just that the buildd-manager ignores builds in disabled archives14:42
abentleyderyck: sure.14:42
deryckabentley, thanks!14:43
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
bigjoolsflacoste: not sure how we can get hold of date enabled.14:43
=== adeuring1 is now known as adeuring
flacostebigjools: what about packagecopyrequest.date_started?14:48
bigjoolsflacoste: that's pretty much the same thing as the archive.date_created14:48
bigjoolsPCR is the job that sets up the (disabled) copy archive14:49
bigjoolsflacoste: I am guessing that you want to see how long it takes to rebuild?14:49
flacostebigjools: yes, i'm trying to assess the impact of changing rebuild priority14:50
bigjoolsflacoste: your best bet is to add up all the build durations on the builds themselves14:50
bigjoolsI did something similar in the lag graph14:50
flacostebigjools: we don't throw away builds?14:50
bigjoolsand if we did, build records are not the same as the build results :)14:51
flacostebigjools: is it just me or date_completed on packagecopyrequest is bogus?14:52
bigjoolsflacoste: I don't know, are you bogus?14:52
flacosteit depends ;-)14:52
* bigjools gets coat14:52
flacosteavg(date_completed - date_started) = 01:04:36.77761414:53
bigjoolsI've not looked at it in a while, so not sure14:53
bigjoolsthat seems reasonable if it's 1h?14:53
bigjoolsthe job takes a while to build the archive up14:53
flacostethat would 1d 414:53
bigjoolsah not 1d :)14:53
flacosteno you are right 1:0314:54
flacosteok, so date_completed is when all the package records have been copied14:54
flacostenot when the rebuild is finished14:54
flacosteso it was me :-)14:54
bigjoolsalso it creates builds in the requested arches14:54
flacostebigjools: all time?15:00
bigjoolsflacoste: yeah15:02
bigjoolsflacoste: pulseaudio is an utter crock of shit!15:05
flacostei'm sorry to hear that it's causing you so much trouble15:06
bigjoolsskype is refusing to use my headset15:08
flacosteeven though it's selected in the sound control panel?15:08
flacostebigjools: do you want to try voip?15:09
bigjoolsflacoste: if the next "fix" doesn't work then yes15:09
flacostebigjools: i'm at extension 735615:13
bigjoolsflacoste: that doesn't work either :/15:13
bigjoolswhy does this have to be so hard to get right ...15:14
flacostei wonder everytime...15:15
Beretcan you delete tags in LP?15:30
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
jml(also, more evidence for combining #launchpad & #launchpad-dev)15:38
nigelbjml: why? :(15:38
nigelbI quite like the distinction. When I'm working on LP per se I'd ask here, else ask there15:39
jmlnigelb: because people ask user questions in here, and because #launchpad is less tracked by developers than #launchpad-dev16:19
jmlnigelb: also, entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem16:19
nigelbjml: less-tracked. I thought CHR was supposed to solve that. merging the channel might cause chatter merging in with work16:19
jmlnigelb: meh, there's little harm in that. many IRC channels deal with it just fine16:20
nigelbSince the chatter in launchpad is low enough, it might be a good idea16:20
nigelbjml: You got the spelling right there. I salute you sir :)16:21
* nigelb had to use google translate16:21
jmlit used to be in the #divmod topic when I hung out there16:21
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 204 - 0:[######=_]:256
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
timrcUsing STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT for http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/638486/, if I go to the Adminster web-view for that PPA, I do not see ARM Processors checked under Enabled Restricted families -- am I doing something wrong?16:52
bigjoolstimrc: your paste doesn't show which PPA16:57
bigjoolsso I suspect yes you are doing something wrong :)16:57
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
timrcbigjools, it's a private ppa, https://launchpad.net/~oem-archive/+archive/test116:58
bigjoolstimrc: I see the box ticked on staging16:59
timrcbigjools, lol ;) that would be my problem16:59
timrcbigjools, I was looking at the production web-view16:59
bigjoolstimrc: yes :)16:59
* timrc hangs his head in shame as he walks to the kabob food stand17:01
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
* bigjools considers making setup an alias for setUp in testtools to save a wasted half hour17:25
jmlflacoste: hi17:28
flacostehi jml17:38
jmlflacoste: I sent an email instead.17:38
* jml has to go, sorry17:38
=== sidnei is now known as sidnei-away
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #698: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 37 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/698/17:46
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
bigjoolsgood night all17:55
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
dobeywhy would launchpad not think a person is a member of a team that person is a member of?18:32
dobeyso Entry.__eq__ in launchpadlib seems to be broken19:04
dobeywhy would the http_etag be different, on the same person resource?19:19
dobeyone being a reference from launchpad.people[username] and the other being a reference got through membership listing on a team19:20
beunoprivate team?19:20
* beuno gives up19:21
dobeyi don't think it's specific to the team19:21
dobeyi tried another team, and it has the same wrong etag :(19:22
LPCIBotProject devel build #864: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 48 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/864/19:26
* dobey wonders where to file the bug at least19:31
dobeyi guess in launchpad itself as it seems like it is a server issue, ignoring the question of whether restfulclient should even use etag as a comparison inside __eq__19:31
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
lifelessdobey: file a bug please19:52
dobeyright, i was about to :)19:58
dobeybug #80616320:12
_mup_Bug #806163: Different http_etag for same resource? <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/806163 >20:12
lifelessjcsackett: is bug 806179 affecting staging/qastaging/prod ?20:53
_mup_Bug #806179: PersonPickers broken from bad passed in config <Launchpad itself:In Progress by jcsackett> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/806179 >20:53
jcsackettlifeless: one sec, i'll check; i found it in .dev while reviewing an MP.20:54
jcsacketta guess would say yes.20:54
lifelessjcsackett: does it cause test failures?20:54
lifelessjcsackett: if it doesn't, the bug should be critical, and the landing that brought it in marked qa-bad20:54
jcsackettlifeless: it doesn't--it's actually a result of some bad piping that until recently there wasn't any good way to test. i believe some of the YUI/appserver stuff people worked on during the epic will fix that issue.20:55
lifelessright, but we can't deploy with it broken :)20:55
lifelesswell, we *could*, but we shouldn't.20:55
jcsackettlifeless: it doesn't cause test failures, rather. it does appear on qastaging.20:56
lifelessso, lets find the bad rev, mark *its* bug as qa-bad, and escalate this new bug.20:56
lifelessdo you need a hand with any of that ?20:56
jcsackettlifeless: don't think i should.20:57
lifelessI'll be back in 15 or so20:57
lifelessif you change your mind :)20:57
lifelessallenap: btw, why can't rabbit in dev mode still use an ephemeral port ?20:57
allenaplifeless: I was following the lead of other services... which I assumed didn't have ephemeral ports.20:59
lifelessallenap: they don't, but its a bug :)20:59
lifelessallenap: or at least, I think it is: you can't run up more than one instance in dev mode, stale processes make things break, sadness all around21:00
allenaplifeless: Right. I guess the problem is going to be telling processes outside of `make run` (or whatever) about which port its running on. You've done something with that in RabbitMQLayer, so I could do the same.21:01
lifelessallenap: yeah. For instance, have the txlongpoll take a host:port on its command line for the rabbit to talk to21:02
jcsackettcould someone take a look athttps://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/button-configs-break-pickers/+merge/66946 for me? it's a short one.21:03
allenaplifeless: It does, afaik, but I'm thinking of things like running jobs that want to use Rabbit. How do I get the configuration to them? (Use the RabbitMQLayer stuff?)21:03
lifelessallenap: export a LP_CONFIG21:04
jcsackettlifeless: only question i do have is what we do with the qa-bad bug once the fixing branch lands--mark both bugs as qa-ok? (assuming the fix works out).21:04
lifelessjcsackett: the fixing branch should be landed with --rollback=1234521:04
lifelessjcsackett: it doesn't matter if you're rolling forward or back, thats the option to use.21:04
allenaplifeless: Okay, I don't really get how that solves the problem.21:05
jcsackettlifeless: ah. i'll keep that in mind. didn't realize that wasn't actually rollback specific.21:05
lifelessjcsackett: the bad-commit-12345 marker must *stay* on the bug21:05
lifelessjcsackett: that tells qa tagger to lock the rev 12345 and the rollback-of-12345 together21:05
jcsackettlifeless: ah, so i should put in a bad-commit and a qa-bad? or does the bad-commit get added automatically with rollback?21:05
lifelessjcsackett: the qa-bad becomes qa-good once we're all sorted.21:05
lifelessbad-commit-12345 is added by hand21:05
lifelessallenap: oh, by creating an ephemeral config on disk, inheriting from 'development', when you export LP_CONFIG=..., all the worker processes etc will read from it21:06
lifelessallenap: this is what BaseLayer does, for instance.21:06
allenaplifeless: Ah, okay. However, what do we do when someone spools up rabbit using `make run` then runs a job via cronscripts/run_jobs.py? Do we have to set LP_CONFIG manually then?21:08
allenapThere is some convenience to having the librarian on a known port.21:08
lifelessallenap: I'd report back the config to use21:09
lifelesswhats the convenience ?21:09
lifelessallenap: anyhow, its a thought21:10
lifelesstheres obviously a -big- stack of things that would need to be migrated, but I don't think everything needs to change at once.21:10
lifelessstub: hola!21:10
* stub turns down the volume21:11
allenaplifeless: Okay, I'll try with an ephemeral port, but as this is only a developer convenience (afaict) it might end up being less convenient.21:11
allenapOn that note, night all.21:12
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #699: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 34 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/699/23:20

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