
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
MrCuriousdoes anyone have a favorite version of ubuntu that works reasonably well on pandaboard?00:30
infinityMrCurious: natty works fine on Panda.02:13
GrueMasterinfinity: This thing is wonderfully designed.  HDMI adaptor puts the cable exactly on top of the power/reset buttons.02:27
GrueMasterQuickstart, that is.02:27
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infinityGrueMaster: I'm no longer sad that I didn't spring for the HDMI module for mine.02:35
GrueMasterMeh.  I have the power of remote control via serial relay (same power as Panda).02:36
* GrueMaster wishes he could figure out why there is a 1.5s lag in irc.02:36
infinityReconnect to a US server?02:37
GrueMasterIt is.  Always.02:37
GrueMaster(I think).02:37
infinityYou're on a Bulgarian server right now.02:37
infinityhitchcock.freenode.net [Sofia, BG, EU]02:38
infinityGrueMaster: You might want to use irc.us.freenode.net instead of irc.freenode.net (the latter includes EU in the round-robin)02:39
GrueMasterAm I here?02:41
GrueMasterAm I here?02:41
GrueMasterNot sure.02:41
GrueMasterGah.  2.5s lag.02:41
GrueMasterAnd this is a server in Corvallis, OR.02:41
infinityWeird.  I'm on the same server as you with 0 issues.02:42
infinityHunt down the torrenting kids? :)02:42
GrueMasterThey're at the cost.  Pandora is the only consumer here.  dsl-modem showing low traffic.02:42
GrueMasterWhoa.  desktop loadavg: 5.84.  hrm.02:43
GrueMastergrrr.  Firefox (Lucid).02:44
GrueMaster25% CPU.02:45
GrueMasterMust be Jenkins.  This is going to be a fugly cycle.02:46
infinityI blame flash.02:46
infinityOr Jenkins, sure. ;)02:46
GrueMasterNope.  Not running flash.02:46
GrueMasterEven my server is feeling stressed.02:46
GrueMasterSigh.  Guess I will need to dedicate my spare core2duo w/ 4G ddr2-800 to Jenkins.  It requires Natty anyways and most of my infrastructure here is LTS (Lucid).02:47
infinityI do love that every time someone re-invents the CI wheel, they make it even less efficient in the name of elegance and/or abstraction.02:49
MartynCl wheel?02:50
infinityCI.  Continuous Integration.02:50
GrueMasterHrm.  Bandwidth is good.  Not stellar, but 5.6M/750 isn't bad (with pandora running on my chumby).02:51
Martyninfinity : Heh.. yeah02:51
Martyninfinity : I deal with bamboo all the time at work .. Atlassian.  It works, but it's clunky02:51
Martynand it's support for git is very basic02:52
GrueMasterQuickstart seems to be drawing power from either my USB, ethernet, or hdmi.  weird.  Not enough to do anything, but enough to make the power LED glow.02:54
infinityI just seem to be going backwards with CIs, as far as system overhead.02:54
infinityTinderbox (perl) -> Buildbot (python) -> Jenkins (java)02:55
infinityNot that the implementation language means anything, but in this case, the systems seem to match the stereotypes usually leveled at people who use them.02:55
StevenKBuildbot is horrible02:56
StevenKThe sooner I have to stop caring about it, the better02:56
infinityTinderbox is simple, gets the job done, quick.  Buildbot is a bit more modular, a bit more complex, reasonably quick about it.  Jenkins is massively complex, and... Everything that goes with it.02:56
GrueMasterPersonally, I don't care what it is running, as long as it WORKS.02:57
infinityStevenK: I despised buildbot as a tinderbox replacement, but it kinda does the job.  And doesn't bring machines to its knees just by existing.02:57
StevenKsteven@hudson:~$ uptime02:57
StevenK 01:57:36 up 311 days,  7:04,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0002:57
StevenKMy Jenkins VPS ^02:57
infinityStevenK: "bring to knees" doesn't always imply downtime. :P02:58
StevenKNo, it implies heavy load02:58
infinityIs it doing anything at all currently?02:58
StevenKSure, it uses slaves to do the building :-)02:58
infinityI dunno.  I've not used it locally, to be fair.  Just heard horror stories from others about CPUs spinning out of control.02:58
StevenKinfinity: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/ if you care02:58
StevenKI understand you may not :-)02:59
infinityI'll care when someone tells me I have to care about it.02:59
StevenKNext you'll tell me I don't count.03:00
infinityYou count when you send me large bags of money.03:00
GrueMasterNice.  Now to figure out how to use it on my panda farm.03:00
StevenKs/money/Australian lamb/ ?03:00
infinityMoney doesn't spoil in the mail.03:01
StevenKThat's a solvable problem03:02
Openfree`possible recursive locking detected? anyone encounter the same problem on pandaboard?03:14
Openfree`I have problem to use pvr driver03:15
Openfree`I'm using http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/l/linux-ti-omap4/linux-ti-omap4_2.6.38-1208.11.tar.gz03:17
infinityOpenfree`: Try using our toolchain too...03:20
infinityOpenfree`: No guarantees (in fact, it's pretty unlikely) that Gentoo's 4.5.2 contains all the fixes from recent upstream, Debian, Ubuntu, and Linaro GCC 4.6.x03:21
infinityOpenfree`: (Same argument goes for binutils)03:22
Openfree`infinity, so ,you suggest use GCC 4.6.x? it would be to use ubuntu toolchain for gentoo user, you know... so I would like to know which patches I may need, or just upgrade03:30
infinityOpenfree`: I'd suggest using either Oneiric's toolchain or Linaro's (both GCC and binutils), yes.  I wouldn't be the man to ask to dissect which patches you might need on top of an upstream checkout.03:32
Openfree`infinity, but looking at the log, it shouldn't be the problem of toolchain side.. well I will try 2.6.38-1309.13, then see what happens03:34
Openfree`infinity, anyway, thanks for your help03:34
Openfree`Ok, I will try to ask at #linaro, see if any helps03:35
MrCuriousor do i misinterpret05:09
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
kunguzeverytime , I had to call "sudo lxdm" to start desktop session, how do I start automatically at the boot10:10
woglindemake an upstart file?10:11
kunguzwoglinde: how do I do it? :(,10:11
kunguzwoglinde: is this the file /etc/init.d/rc?10:13
woglindelook into /etc/init10:14
woglindeand learn about how to write an upstart file10:14
kunguzwoglinde: is this an useful material to learn?10:16
kunguzwoglinde: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html10:16
kunguzone other thing when I start lxde in tv:ntsc mode, nothing is displayed on the screen :(10:26
woglindewhich screen?10:26
woglindeyour tv?10:26
woglindekunguz yes for upstart10:26
woglindeand there are already enough files to get the clue at /etc/init10:26
kunguzwoglinde: I am using a pico-projector with a limited resolution 848x48010:27
kunguzwoglinde: I configured the startup thing, I copied a lxde.conf into the /etc/init10:27
kunguzwoglinde: it seems to work now10:27
kunguzhere is my boot script12:15
kunguzI can not see lxdm but I can display the non-gui terminal12:15
kunguzwhenever I call sudo lxdm in the terminal, the display shows nothing with this boot script12:16
kunguzbut if I modify it to run with dvi then I can display lxdm12:16
kunguzany ideas?12:16
woglindeproblem is that the tv has to support the resolution12:17
kunguzwoglinde: how do I set a new resolution to lxdm?12:19
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woglindedont know12:26
kunguzwoglinde: thanks anyway, I think I found some way.12:26
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=== prpplague is now known as prpplague^2
ppisatiogra_: i'm looking at the ac100 marvin kernel15:06
ogra_i'll likely switch to .38 soon with the package15:07
ppisatiogra_: in case i compile a new one, install it on the ac100 but it doesn't boot15:07
ppisatiogra_: how do i recover?15:07
ogra_(currently alpha2 keeps me busy, i plan a new package after that)15:07
ppisatiogra_: i would like to rebase everything on top of 3.015:07
ogra_ppisati, there is an SOS image if you hold down "home" on boot and press 115:07
ppisatiogra_: ah yes, you told me15:08
ogra_ppisati, we only have graphics drivers against .38 atm15:08
ppisatiogra_: you mean the nvidia-graphics-drivers-tegra?15:08
ogra_from the SOS image, mount your root disk under /root ... bind mount /dev to /root/dev ... chroot into /root, mount proc and sys ... then you can replace kernel and modules to your liking and just run flash-kernel to put them in place15:09
ogra_yes, the nvidia driver15:09
ogra_alberto just tries to make it work for us15:09
ogra_i'm not sure if it would work with 3.015:10
ogra_*having* 3.0 is surely not bad ... but i wont defualt to it unless i know the driver works15:10
ppisatiogra_: ok, i'm fine with it being a fallback15:11
ogra_not fallback ... the future ;)15:11
ppisatiogra_: if it works and it's good, ok, else go with what we have15:11
ogra_you might want to dropy by in #ac100 ... thats where the fun happens ;)15:12
ppisatias soon as i start, i'll be there15:12
brendandto get output from a server image for pandaboard do i need serial hooked up?15:57
ogra_you could hack up the cmdline in boot.scr16:03
ogra_then it would use the console16:03
GrueMasterbrendand: You could also use the netboot-fb image to install.16:04
ogra_yeah !16:04
GrueMasterRequires more bandwidth though.16:04
brendandoh i have a ttyS0, just more setup16:04
brendanddoing it now16:04
ogra_and more patience :)16:04
GrueMasterUse a straight serial cable.  Not null modem.16:05
brendanderr, i never did know how to tell the difference16:07
brendandis it just both ends have different connections?16:07
brendand1 male/1 female?16:07
infinityNull modem cables have crossed-over pins.16:07
ogra_its about the wiring of the pins16:08
infinityIf you didn't buy or make one specifically for the purpose, you don't have one.16:08
brendandanyway - is 115200 8N1 okay for settings?16:08
brendandgetting stuff through minicom now16:11
brendandthanks folks16:11
brendandwas relatively painless16:11
GrueMasterWe like it that way.  :P16:11
brendandwhy's the text all weird?16:16
brendandfull of question marks16:16
infinityBecause minicom is a lousy terminal emulator.16:17
brendandthought so16:17
NekoXPPuTTY :)16:18
infinityscreen works well.16:18
infinityShould "just work" with something like "screen /dev/ttyS0" (or whatever your serial port is)16:20
infinityYou could tack a 115200 on the end of that if it seems to be doing the wrong thing.16:21
brendandlast question16:23
brendandshould i be able to do a server install with just wifi?16:23
brendandor do i need ethernet (which i can get if needed)16:23
infinityThe server image has enough glue to get your wifi going, probably.  But ethernet's always less hassle (except for the cable)16:24
ogra_i dont think we have wireless-tools seeded in minimal16:25
infinityIt's minimal and standard.16:25
infinityMost of the glue should be in standard.16:25
infinityAlthough... Maybe not anymore.  I might be living in the past.16:26
infinitybrendand: Either way, real servers have wires sticking out of them. ;)16:26
ogra_glorious change of mind16:26
infinity(wireless-tools are seeded in server, so this goes away when I get the pool on the server image)16:27
ogra_though pool doesnt mean installed ... that might need some preseed glue16:28
infinityWe don't want it installed by default anyway, do we?16:28
infinityJust there, "in case someone wants it".16:28
ogra_well, its would be nice to install it on certain platforms ...16:29
ogra_i.e. the panda ...16:29
infinityThe panda has perfectly functional wired ethernet...16:29
infinityMaybe if you find something that ONLY has wireless, I'll hear your argument.16:29
ogra_k :)16:30
infinityIt's not like wireless in D-I is any more pleasant an experience.16:30
infinityNot if WPA is involved (which it usually is these days)16:30
ogra_as long as we use oem-config life is a bit easier ;)16:30
ogra_we could use nm-cli :)16:31
* ogra_ ducks in case a server guy reads that16:31
* infinity smacks ogra.16:32
brendandICS to the rescue16:33
infinityNevermind the other reasons that NM on minimal systems smacks of icky (most of which go away when dbus moves to kernel space some day), but nm-cli is also lacking enough features to be useful.16:33
ogra_there is a fully working cli client16:34
ogra_probably called differently16:34
infinitynm-cli definitely isn't "fully working", but maybe someone's written something better.16:34
infinity(I mean, it works, for certain simple use-cases, but it's not "fully working")16:34
ogra_there was something in universe ... not sure it still exists16:34
ogra_cnetworkmanager iirc16:36
ogra_grmbl ...16:36
* ogra_ curses the nvidia driver ... corrupted fonts again16:36
lilstevieogra_: wifi is being a bloody whore on the transformer :(17:32
ogra_seems a tegra illness17:33
ogra_ac100 had longstanding probs too17:33
lilsteviehow did you solve your problems17:34
lilstevieI can get the occasional scan to work but never connect17:34
ogra_better drivers17:35
ogra_porting bits and pieces from compat-wireless etc ...17:35
ogra_ask woglinde and marvin24 ... they did all of that17:36
ogra_what chipset are you doomed with ?17:36
ogra_at least one that leaves you multiple driver options to tyr17:37
lilsteviedriver is identical to a working one17:38
lilstevieI don't get it17:38
ogra_try playing with the power options17:40
ogra_(i.e. in iwconfig)17:40
ogra_and check for rfkill17:40
lilstevierfkill is only on the bluetooth part of the chipset17:41
lilstevieI must be overlooking something small, cause the guy who couldn't even figure out the mountpoints is claiming to have found the problem17:42
brendandanyone noticed that USB ports are broken on panda with the Alpha2 candidate image?21:09
ogra_brendand, GrueMaster just did, yeah21:10
brendandGrueMaster - got a bug number?21:11
GrueMasterPffft.  Who needs usb?21:11
GrueMasterBug #79155221:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 791552 in linux-ti-omap4 "No USB support on beagle/beagleXM" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79155221:11
brendandalso ethernet seems broken21:11
ogra_just use a GPIO and morse code21:11
ogra_who needs keyboards21:11
GrueMasterbrendand: eth0 is on the usb bus.21:12
brendandused to work with natty21:12
GrueMasterHey, we have two leds that can be reprogrammed.  Those plus a web cam can be engineered to act as a data transmission system.21:12
ogra_ah, the good old times, yeah21:12
GrueMasterbrendand: New gcc exposes this issue.21:13
ogra_natty ... when we were young21:13
GrueMasternatty kernel fails when built with this gcc.21:13
GrueMasterAlso, the 20110705 server images work (as they have an older kernel).21:15
MrCurious_gruemaster: whats the gcc version that works for the natty kernel and un-exposes some of the bugs?23:45

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