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Gryllidafaina: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/all/emacs/filelist ... is that all that Ubuntu has for emacs? Why do I download the .deb at http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/emacs and it has very few files?03:50
fainaemacs is a meta-package just depends on the actual real packages that contain a real version of emacs03:53
fainaso you can just install emacs and not worry if its emacs22 or emacs2303:53
Gryllidafaina: I want to look into the deb. What package would the `real` one be?03:53
fainaBest path is to do apt-cache show emacs and look at the dependency list03:54
GryllidaI'm trying to add a usr/share/menu/packagename to  .deb; I can extract it, add file to a dir, but have no idea how to compress it back.05:20
fainaGryllida: I usually do apt-get source, modify the package, and then do debuild, but that can be difficult depending on the package05:31
Gryllidafaina, ok, I'll read on that; thank you.05:32
pittiGood morning05:00
=== pitti changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Alpha-2 soft freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: zul
didrocksgood morning06:51
dholbachgood morning07:01
infinitypitti: "Two days out from the expected release of Maverick Alpha 3 ..." <-- Cut'n'paste, for the loss? :)07:16
pittiinfinity: argh07:16
pittiat least the milestone bug link is correct07:17
infinityYeah, I just checked that.07:17
pittithat indeed took some extra time to fight against the giant ftbfs bug list07:17
chrisccoulsonpitti has a time machine!07:19
* pitti quickly hides it, otherwise everyone would want to use it07:19
pittiScottK: do you know why kpackagekit/packagekit want to go to universe? doesn't kubuntu use that?07:31
pittiplasma-widget-networkmanagement as well, was that replaced with something else?07:31
debfxpitti: kpackagekit has been replaced by muon07:43
debfxwe still use plasma-widget-networkmanagement07:43
debfxthe source package has been renamed though07:44
pittidebfx: ah, thanks07:48
pittidebfx: so plasma-widget-networkmanagement should be removed entirely?07:48
debfxpitti: yes (the source package)07:49
pittidebfx: so the network-manager-pptp-kde binary should be removed with it? (no rdepends except plasma-widget-networkmanagement)07:51
pittioh, that's a replaces:07:51
pittiso it seems both binaries can be removed along?07:52
debfxthe network-manager-*-kde binaries can be removed as well07:52
pittiok, done; thanks!07:53
tkamppeter_didrocks, hi07:53
didrockstkamppeter_: hey07:53
tkamppeter_didrocks, we have decided on that during our session and there we have already found out that the extra space consumption is small (~ 300K). RAOF is already working on packaging colord.07:54
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didrockstkamppeter_: we are already oversized, but if there is a log of the session to bring color management to the CD, I'm ok07:55
didrockstkamppeter: can you see this blueprint btw?07:55
tkamppeterdidrocks, the Blueprint is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-icc-color-management07:57
tkamppeterIt is approved for Oneiric and on the Whiteboard you can see that the estimated space consumption is ~300K.07:59
didrockstkamppeter: with colord and argyll?07:59
tkamppeterseems so.08:00
didrockstkamppeter: so, can you make a MIR for argyll and update it as well to a recent version? seems nothing is happening there08:01
tkamppeterdidrocks, I will do so. IThere is a new package available but not officially uploaded. See Debian bug 622620, most recent posting: https://launchpad.net/~pmjdebruijn/+archive/argyll-release08:08
ubottuDebian bug 622620 in wnpp "O: argyll -- Color Management System, calibrator and profiler" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62262008:08
didrockstkamppeter: poke me once done08:08
tkamppeterdidrocks, OK.08:11
dupondjecjwatson: Are you working on merging courier ? Or can I take ,08:13
soren /win 3808:15
sorenYEah, that'll work. :(08:15
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pittiYokoZar: FYI, removing ttf-umefont (following Debian), which wine1.[23] depend on; the package was renamed to fonts-horai-umefont08:42
nickmoeckHi, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question, but #ubuntu is being pretty much useless, so... here goes:08:51
nickmoeckLet's say the official repos contain software-2.2.1. I create a PPA with a package based on software-2.2.1 (with just a slightly different build configuration).  I call it software-2.2.1~ppa1 and I install it from my PPA.  What happens if software-2.2.2 gets uploaded into the Ubuntu repos, and I don't make a new package in my PPA?08:51
pittinickmoeck: 2.2.1~ppa1 is smaller than 2.2.1, so you couldn't even upgrade to your PPA08:52
pittinickmoeck: and if 2.2.2 gets into Ubuntu, an upgrade will use that08:52
nickmoeckpitti: Okay, I guess it's time to get a little more specific then.  I need php without the suhosin patch, so I want to create a package with it disabled, put it into a PPA, and apt-get upgrade to that version. I don't want the version with suhosin to be installed if the official package is upgraded.08:55
nickmoeckIs there any way to do that, short of using pinning?08:55
pittinickmoeck: I'd use apt pinning; I don't know of another way, excecpt of course always providing a newer version in your ppa08:57
nickmoeckpitti: okay, thank you very much08:59
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MrRaggahi, is there any kind of frontend package maintainer use to promote packages between the different stages?09:02
MrRaggapitti: what i am looking for is a web gui frontend, which can be used to promote packages between different stages using an authorized system. e.g. user A is allowed to promote the package foo-1.0.deb from experimental to stable using a web gui09:09
MrRaggapitti: similar to what is described here http://maemo.org/packages/09:10
pittiMrRagga: for unstable -> testing that's done by a script; for the testing -> stable part, that's called "release team" :)09:16
pittiin Ubuntu we have a release team, but no concept of "testing"09:16
pitti(FTR, these are called "releases", not "stages")09:17
pittior "series" in the DAK/Soyuz terminology09:17
ogra_well, we have a web gui for copying packages between PPAs09:18
ogra_not necessarily the same but similar09:19
MrRaggaogra_: is this web gui open source?09:21
ogra_its part of launchpad, so yes, i think so09:21
ogra_dont ask me about launchpad code though :)09:21
MrRaggahehe, ok. thanks.09:22
jmlGood morning09:29
SatorisHow can I found out what graphics driver a live CD system is using, since it does not come with glxinfo? System settings just says it is  "unknown".09:35
tjaaltongrep Xorg.0.log09:36
tjaaltonthough it's not that easy to actually find the match09:36
tseliotpitti: I've added support for multi-arch to the fglrx handler in jockey. Shall push my changes, release and upload or just push and leave it unreleased? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/638304/09:36
pittitseliot: hm, you didn't push yet?09:37
pittitseliot: anyway, please upload09:37
SatorisOneiric live cd has lost 3D acceleration on my Intel machine, so I need to find out if it's the driver or something in Unity.09:38
tjaaltonSatoris: grep drivers /var/log/Xorg.0.log | tail -1 | sed 's/.*\///;s/_drv.so//'09:38
tseliotpitti: no, I haven't pushed anything yet. I'll make an upload too then, thanks09:38
SatorisHmm, it loads intel, vesa, fbdev and then intel for the second time.09:39
tjaaltondunno why it loads intel the second time though09:43
tjaaltonmy X61 works fine with intel, and just finished the upgrade on my sandybridge desktop09:43
SatorisWhat is the correct package for reporting this bug? X? Mesa? Kernel? Something else?09:43
tjaaltonintel is loaded but 3d doesn't work? pastebin the logfile09:44
tjaaltonand you can install mesa-utils on the live session :)09:44
tjaaltonbtw, the upgrade removed many "unneeded" packages, like postfix, bsd-mailx etc09:45
tjaaltondunno why09:45
SatorisIt says that "mesa-utils has no installation candidates".09:45
tjaaltonenable universe09:46
tjaaltonquite silly to move binary packages to universe, when the rest are in main..09:46
tjaaltonsorry, that's not the same source as mesa09:46
tjaaltonbut mesa-demos09:46
tjaaltoneverything looks ok to me, same chip as on my X6109:49
tjaaltonduh, no this is sandybridge of course :)09:50
tjaaltonok let me boot up this one09:50
Kottizenhi, the package 'teeworlds' is outdated - what can I do?09:51
tjaaltonSatoris: works fine here09:52
SatorisWith the latest daily build live CD?09:53
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tjaaltonSatoris: nah, upgraded system. I can try that one too09:53
SatorisAlso, this is a Macbook which are always kind of tricky in their own ways.09:54
SatorisGlxinfo says it should be working. But still I get unity-2d.09:55
tjaaltonwhat if you run 'compiz --replace' from a terminal?09:55
SatorisNow it works. Modulo the fact that compiz crashes quite quickly after that.09:56
SatorisAssuming it falls back to unity-2d?09:56
tjaaltonmaybe so09:56
tjaaltonmaybe the daily cd is missing some updates?09:57
SatorisTrying to report the compiz bug gives an error saying that the problem can't be reported due to obsolete package version. So that would be a yes then.09:57
tjaaltonrun dist-upgrade and restart gdm/lightdm09:58
seb128hum, valgrind seems to be broken in oneiric10:00
seb128doko_, lool: ^ do you know if that's due to the eglibc update?10:00
loolthat happens frequently wiht eglibc upgrades indeed10:01
lool--9631-- Warning: DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled DW_OP_ opcode 0x2a10:02
loolvalgrind: m_debuginfo/readdwarf.c:2338 (copy_convert_CfiExpr_tree): Assertion 'srcix >= 0 && srcix < VG_(sizeXA)(srcxa)' failed.10:02
loolthat's pretty bad10:02
loolImplement some extra DWARF ops that gcc 4.6.1 seems to use. Fixes #275284.10:02
looltoday on the valgrind devel list10:02
loolDate: Tue,  5 Jul 2011 10:22:33 +0100 (BST)10:02
loolsome hours ago  ;-)10:02
loolso actually due to gcc 4.6.1, not eglibc10:03
loolseb128: I'm pushing this patch, but didn't test whether it's enough to fix valgrind10:08
seb128lool, thanks, I will test once it's built10:09
seb128lool, I found a bug where somebody confirmed r11856 fixes a similar issue so let's see10:10
loolI read through the last 15 or so SVN commits, and that seemed to be the only interesting one for x8610:11
seb128lool, thanks!10:13
loolseb128: new valgrind works for me10:23
seb128lool, \o/10:24
seb128lool, well done, thanks again10:24
loolseb128: np, I feel like I am returning the favors from last week   ;-)10:25
directhexis something frozen?10:32
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dupondjecjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/debootstrap/+bug/805886 if you have some time :)10:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 805886 in debootstrap (Ubuntu) "/proc does not get umounted after debootstrap" [Undecided,New]10:47
hrwcjwatson: debootstrap hack for bug 802985 provided as debdiff - take a look when have time11:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 802985 in eglibc (Ubuntu Hardy) "[lucid] /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: 399: arithmetic expression: expecting EOF: "3.0-0-generic"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80298511:13
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mterry@pilot in12:57
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Alpha-2 soft freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: zul, mterry
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barrypitti: ping13:12
ScottKpitti: Kubuntu doesn't use kpackagekit/packagekit anymore in oneiric.  It can go to Universe.13:13
pittiScottK: thanks13:15
pittibarry: pong13:15
barrypitti: hi, re: bug 788514 and python-oauth13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788514 in Ubuntu Oneiric "python packages on the CDs not using dh_python2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78851413:15
barrypitti: doesn't look like i can comfortably use udd to merge sid's package with oneiric (lots of conflicts).  do you have any suggestions?  i.e. should we just blow away oneiric's version and upload sids?13:16
pittibarry: I haven't checked whether we have some ubuntu specific changes there; I just took the sid source, built it, and tested13:16
pittibarry: we can sync sid's version if we don't need changes, no need for an upload there13:17
barrypitti: gotcha.  okay, i'll investigate further then13:17
barrypitti: unfortunately, all the changes are in-tree, so sussing out the ubuntu specific changes is going to be difficult13:17
pittibarry: I hope they won't be necessary in the first place; distro specific changes in a protocol library sound bad13:18
barrypitti: agreed.  i'll see what i can do and i'll ping dobey since he touched the package last13:19
barryzul: ping re: bug 788514 and python-image-store-proxy.  any word on that package?  anything i can do to help?  it's the last python-central package on the server cd so i'm eager to see this one closed13:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788514 in Ubuntu Oneiric "python packages on the CDs not using dh_python2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78851413:24
zulbarry: sorry for the delay ill take a look at it today13:24
barryzul: thanks!13:25
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seb128slangasek, hi14:18
seb128slangasek, it seems you forgot to push your recent avahi upload to the vcs, do you still have it locally? could you push?14:19
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apwpitti, did we find any alternative to editmoin in the end?  i15:39
pittiI didn't15:39
* apw has just reliased that his status pages are no longer updating as a result15:39
james_wapw, why do you need an alternative?15:47
apwjames_w, it doesn't seem to work any more15:47
james_wapw, "no content found" error or something similar?15:48
apwerror: body information not found15:48
apwjames_w, ^15:48
james_wnot sure that means you have to replace it :-) bug 80128415:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 801284 in editmoin "Doesn't work with latest moin over https" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80128415:48
apwjames_w, ok i'll try and get that to work15:51
pittijibel: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-xorg-stakeholders-request has "Arrange community testing for Alpha-2" for you for alpha-2; does that go beyond the usual image testing which  happens anyway?15:57
jibelpitti, yes there are specific test cases http://xorg.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/15:58
pittijibel: oh, nice!15:59
pittijibel: so if that is being done already, I guess this could be set to done?15:59
apwjames_w, did you test this change successfully ?16:00
jibelpitti, it is not done, it will start next week. If binary drivers are ready of course.16:00
pittijibel: ack16:01
apwjames_w, as it seems to be sorely lacking some code, and doesn't work on wiki.ubuntu.com16:01
saamhello, when I install fglrx form jockey in oneiric it says SystemError: installArchives() failed  But a recent changelog in jockey says multi arch problem with fglrx solved16:04
apwjames_w, so for w.u.c you need to use MOIN_SESSION_80_ROOT regardless of it being https, for w.c.c you need _443_ ...16:06
apwjames_w, and the patch as is doesn't actually pass the cookiename16:06
apwpitti, ok with some hackery i have a (bodged) editmoin which works ... the changes arn't commitable me thinks, but it may be of use16:11
pittiapw: oh, awesome! so it's not some complicated change to oauth?16:12
pittiapw: we must make Gustavo use the wiki more16:12
apwpitti, the issue is the names of the cookies have changed, and changed in an incompatible way on w.u.c and w.c.c16:12
apwpitti, ok i've bodge this hideously but it at least works for those two destinations, and should be the same for the rest: http://people.canonical.com/~apw/misc/editmoin16:15
pittiapw: hah, nice one16:16
apwpitti, you need to lookup the new ID strings in your browser cookies and shove them in .moin_ids as normal16:16
pittiapw: perhaps an upstreamable fix would be to try all three of these in succession?16:16
apwpitti, yeah that sounds more reasonable doesn't it16:16
apwi'll try that out later16:16
apwpitti, ok i've updated the version at the above url, should be more like you are suggesting16:24
apwjames_w, i've pushed an updated patch to your bug, which seems to work on all the wikis16:29
apwand james_w good work finding that, its been making me grumpy for weeks16:36
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mterrysabdfl, fyi just noticed that ~ubuntu-users is using the old Ubuntu branding17:30
mterry(you are the team owner)17:30
jmlg'night folks.17:38
sabdflthanks mterry17:42
mterry@pilot out17:59
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Alpha-2 soft freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: zul
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barrypitti: bug 80610318:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 806103 in python-oauth (Ubuntu) "Sync python-oauth 1.0.1-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80610318:15
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dokoogasawara, apw: did miss the notice; gcc-4.6 4.6.1-2 now has the Linaro updates (still building on armel)19:36
slangasekseb128: blast; if I didn't push it to the VCS, it's because I grabbed the UDD branch again by mistake.  Let me grab the right branch and push now, if you haven't already done it19:40
seb128slangasek, I didn't but don't bother, I can do it when I do the upload if the work need to be redone anyway19:42
seb128it was in case you had it and forgot to push19:42
slangasekseb128: seems not :(19:42
seb128slangasek, I would say "debcheckout it your friend" but it might have been confused by the debian vcs infos19:42
slangasekseb128: debcheckout is only my friend if there is a Vcs field... I have suggested that debcheckout should DTRT for both UDD and non-UDD branches, but I don't think that's been implemented19:44
seb128slangasek, there was a vcs field in the upload before yours19:44
seb128oh you mean if there is not one if will not fetch the udd vcs19:44
seb128would make sense to checkout the vcs if specific or udd if there is none19:45
seb128(ok, we could also move to UDD for desktop, but that would be too easy :p)19:45
slangasekthere are still other packages maintained in non-UDD branches, it's not just a desktop problem19:47
seb128ev, could you drop the libcheese depends from ubiquity in the next upload if you still not use it?19:48
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tlpBug #804655 must be what killed Unity for me on my iMac. No r300g.20:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 804655 in mesa (Ubuntu) "r300 loading instead of r300g" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80465520:06
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broderso...if -dbgsym packages aren't going into the librarian currently, does that mean there's no way to get debugging symbols for a package that's been superseded?22:16

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