
=== koolhead11|afk is now known as koolhead11
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hazmatsidnei, nice logo ;-)13:22
kim0alienpulse: so you were interested in writing an ensemble formula :)13:28
kim0welcome 13:28
kim0alienpulse: we just had a private chat .. but let's continue talking over here13:28
alienpulsekim0, okay no prob.13:28
kim0so basically the best way to get started is to start reading the couple of tutoirals13:28
kim0https://ensemble.ubuntu.com/docs/user-tutorial.html 13:28
kim0https://ensemble.ubuntu.com/docs/write-formula.html 13:28
kim0with getting started13:29
kim0maybe checkout the 2 vids we have to get a feel13:29
kim0then pick something you'd like to ensemblize 13:29
kim0and start hacking13:29
alienpulsethanks a lot ..13:29
alienpulseill work on that ASAP !13:29
kim0alienpulse: in every step along the way .. if you have questions ask here in this channel and ping me if you dont get an answer .. I'll always help13:30
kim0alienpulse: AWESOME :)13:30
alienpulsekim0, Cool :)13:30
kim0alienpulse: once you decide which package you'd like to do .. let me know .. rock n roll13:31
alienpulsekim0, okay ill do .. i think im gonna go for Drupal13:32
kim0alienpulse: nice choice .. I've written the writing a formula tutorial on drupal .. so you can start from there13:33
kim0alienpulse: I didn't really link the formula to principia .. so you can do it13:33
alienpulsekim0, ohh okay 13:33
kim0also, I used drush to keep things too simple .. but you might want to do it differently13:33
kim0Have fun13:34
kim0drupal is a good choice to start with :)13:34
kim0alienpulse: what's your LP username13:35
kim0alienpulse: I'll create a bug and assign to you so you :)13:35
alienpulsekim0, PM :)13:37
kim0alienpulse: just assigned :)13:37
alienpulsekim0, thanks a lot ...13:39
kim0alienpulse: https://bugs.launchpad.net/principia/+bug/80595513:39
_mup_Bug #805955: Formula needed: Drupal <new-formula> <Principia Ensemble:New for abedeltawil> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/805955 >13:39
kim0alienpulse: I think the best way, is to assemble the drupal formula from the tutorial, get it working, then start hacking on it to make it a "real" formula :)13:40
alienpulsekim0, okay man ill do my best ,,, thanks again ,13:41
kim0Awesome .. and remember for any questions .. we're all here for you13:41
kim0rock on13:41
koolhead17kim0, am not able to move anywer :(13:41
kim0koolhead17: don't feel bad :)13:42
kim0koolhead17: you're the best .. are you hitting a problem with phpmyadmin .. or just not enough time ?13:42
koolhead17i would say i need to learn bit more about dbconfig-common :)13:43
kim0the preseed thing ?13:45
kim0I dont really know much about that :)13:45
koolhead17hmm. i will try to nail it tonight 13:47
koolhead17kim0, BTW people are coming up with nice Ensemble logo`s E for Ensemble :)13:50
kim0koolhead17: hehe yeah :)13:52
_mup_ensemble/auto-peer r264 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com14:03
_mup_ensemble deploy automatically adds peer relations.14:03
_mup_ensemble/test-api r236 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com14:04
_mup_a new test api for construction of environments.14:04
_mup_ensemble/auto-peer r265 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com14:53
_mup_riak peer rel test for deploy14:53
hazmatniemeyer, its in review now as well14:55
niemeyerhazmat: Awesome, thanks a lot14:55
hazmatniemeyer, for the relation-broken cli api.. i'm thinking just return empty values for relation-list, relation-get (except for self which returns valid values), relation-set is unclear, i think it should error14:56
niemeyerhazmat: It depends a bit on the use case14:57
niemeyerhazmat: I think Adam had in mind doing actions depending on the remote data, I'd think14:57
niemeyerhazmat: It's not clear if should handle this case, or advise to store any _needed_ information locally14:58
hazmatniemeyer, hmm.. there is no guarantee that remote data even exists at that point14:58
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, that's the key point to ponder14:58
hazmatits assymetric cleanup across the relation endpoints14:58
niemeyerhazmat: The question is whether we should really do this or should allow querying of last available state14:59
hazmatniemeyer, access to local data is fine, and we could even store it (i'd prefer not to... but it could be valid).. the relation data is effectively  dead, even if the relation is resurrected (it will be as a new relation)14:59
hazmats/store/allow writes to local data14:59
niemeyerhazmat: Nah, that'd be weird.. it's a clean up really15:00
hazmatniemeyer, agreed15:00
niemeyerhazmat: We should talk to Adam to see what he's trying to do15:00
bcsallerniemeyer: he wanted to do things like remove grants in the local db when the remote side goes away15:03
niemeyerbcsaller: Morning!15:04
niemeyerbcsaller: bcsaller: Yeah, that's what I got from the bug description too15:04
niemeyerbcsaller: The question is what is he trying to fetch from remote side15:04
niemeyerbcsaller: Why is relation-get relevant in this context?15:04
niemeyerMaybe all he needs is a relation id15:05
bcsalleryeah, I think he had to know which relationship was broken so he could map the data15:05
bcsallerI suspect thats correct15:05
hazmatniemeyer, hmm. clint put in a bug last month about wanting to get the service name of the remote side for cases like this15:05
niemeyerIn which case we'd be fine with the already filed bugs15:05
hazmatso he could cleanup local resources for the remote side15:05
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, I've linked the relevant bugs on Adam's bug too15:05
bcsallerniemeyer: we didn't talk about it at the rally but we should still talk about the bug where relations should get ids15:05
niemeyerhazmat: None of the other bugs require access to the data, though15:05
hazmatniemeyer, its unclear if the relation-id would always contain the relevant data15:05
bcsallerI wasn't clear on the use case in the sense that I didn't know which tools would take those ids to do anything useful15:06
niemeyerbcsaller: Yeah, we have to implement this15:06
hazmatniemeyer, ie. if the remote side specifically requested a particular principal/db name etc15:06
niemeyerbcsaller: There are a few use cases described in the bug15:06
niemeyerhazmat: Well, that'd be weird either way15:06
niemeyerhazmat: That kind of cleanup should happen locally15:07
niemeyerhazmat: Rather than trusting the remote data (which may have change)15:07
hazmattrue, but its a communication protocol, i can definitely see cases where local cleanup might want remote state, although i think it could be argued that state should be copied local if its needed for cleanup15:08
niemeyerhazmat: Right.. it's a bit strange in that the relation was broken, and one wants to talk to the remote besides that.15:10
niemeyerEither way, let's look at the use case15:11
hazmathmm... i think i need to add a generic file manifest to formulas to be able to do clean upgrades ( remove obsolete files)15:20
niemeyerhazmat: Interesting idea15:29
niemeyerhazmat: We probably don't need an actual file, though15:29
niemeyerhazmat: The content of the formula bundle is its own manifest15:30
hazmatniemeyer, yeah.. its computed on demand15:30
* niemeyer => lunch ftw15:39
dakerhi can someone pls check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/638462/15:43
* kim0 looks15:44
kim0oh more licensing :)15:45
* hazmat looks as well15:45
hazmatdaker, unless your working at canonical and doing this for work, i'm pretty sure you need the canonical copyright statement, ie.  is it an original work, on a not for hire basis15:46
hazmater.. you don't need15:47
dakerhazmat, you mean the first section ?15:51
hazmatdaker, any of the sections that reference canonical copyright would be dependent on this being done as work for hire, contribution to ensemble itself would require copyright assignment per canonical policy, but formulas are effectively data inputs to ensemble, and are licensed/copyrighted by the author as an independent work. If the author is performing the work as a result of a fiduciary agreement, the terms of such agreement come into play. for mo15:55
hazmatst common situations this results in the work being considered a work for hire, with copyright assignment (and thus licensing choice) to the hiring entity. If you do work at canonical, i'm actually unclear what our formula licensing policy is.. ensemble itself is AGPL.15:55
dakerhazmat, no, i don't do work for canonical 15:58
hazmatdaker, than your free to claim copyright solely for yourself if its an independent work, and license as you see fit, the canonical copyright statements are nesc in that case.15:59
hazmatUGH.. sorry are not nesc in that csae16:00
hazmatkim0, we should get this stuff in a FAQ and vetted16:00
dakerhazmat, good now http://paste.ubuntu.com/638471/ ?16:01
hazmatdaker, looks good16:02
kim0hazmat: thanks .. taking note and acting16:10
_mup_ensemble/formula-upgrade-removes-obsolete r264 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com16:10
_mup_dynamically computed manifests for formulas16:10
hazmatkim0, also added links to your screencasts to the wiki front page.. i don't see an easy way to embed them directly without a moin plugin.16:18
_mup_Bug #806037 was filed: FAQ needs updating for formulas licensing <Ensemble:Confirmed for kim0> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/806037 >16:18
kim0hazmat: Yeah doing that one too16:18
hazmatkim0, cool, i just finished adding them their near the bottom16:19
kim0ah ok16:19
hazmatit would be nice to have them embedded closer to the top16:19
hazmatbut i think that requires some ops support, perhaps niemeyer would know more re the site setup and options for moin plugins16:19
kim0yes .. I looked at that before16:19
kim0it needs a moin plugin indeed16:19
kim0I think we're getting a new site that's more than a wiki16:20
kim0so that's probably enough for now16:20
kim0I saw people working on a new website during the past sprint16:21
hazmathmm.. i think i'm making this way more complicated than needed (clean formula upgrades), i could just remove the whole formula dir instead of just the stale entries, and extract the new16:26
kim0hazmat: does that look good http://paste.ubuntu.com/638479/plain/16:27
dakerbtw you can buy the cloud portal from me :D16:28
kim0Mostly punctuating your wording :)16:28
kim0daker: lol :)16:28
hazmatkim0, looks fine to me, but it would be nice to have this vetted by the org16:29
kim0hmm ok16:29
serge_jamespage: hey, trying out your new jenkins formulas.  i've probably forgotten how to do it right, but i'm not seeing any plugins available?16:33
serge_(wanted to test with git)16:33
kim0hmm I tried robbie, but he seems to be OoO till next week .. was wondering who can approve this formula licensing question .. any thoughts are welcome16:34
m_3kim0: clint and dustin had some examples16:35
kim0guess I'll just push the faq entry in the review queue for now .. then once vetted can be merged16:37
kim0m_3: thanks man16:37
m_3kim0: clint's updated mysql copyright... http://pastebin.com/X5EnhCxt16:37
kim0SpamapS: If you have a sample formula license for an independant contributor .. let me know so I'd link to it16:38
kim0m_3: problem is that it's copyright Canonical16:38
kim0m_3: which shouldn't be the case for most people16:38
kim0at least that's my current understanding16:38
kim0I'm basically trying to get approval over http://paste.ubuntu.com/638479/plain/ .. 16:39
m_3kim0: yeah, that was my understanding... dunno who can approve16:41
niemeyerhazmat: There's a major revamp of the website front page coming16:42
niemeyerkim0 knows about it too16:42
kim0Yeah I told him 16:42
hazmatniemeyer, nice16:42
jamespageserge_: are you just getting an empty list?16:45
serge_jamespage: yeah16:48
serge_(just commented in the bug)16:48
jamespageserge_: its probably unrelated16:49
jamespagesometimes the plugin manager can be a bit flakey16:49
serge_so, i could add a relation, destroy the relation, and i can destroy the jenkins-slave service.16:50
serge_BUt what is the ensemble command to just remove one machine from a servcie?16:50
jamespageserge_: remove-unit 16:51
serge_jamespage: d'oh!  i was looking at the ensemble help output list, and somehow never saw that one16:52
serge_is there an easy to set up distcc plugin?  so i can fire up 3 slaves and get fast kernel compiles?16:53
serge_(that's a jenkins q, not ensemble :)16:54
jamespageserge_: nope - you would have to setup distcc sep and then call from jenkins16:55
jamespageSpamapS: around?16:57
jamespageserge_: BTW I added a bit of intelligence into the slave setup - it now calculates the number of executors based on the number of cores the system has17:01
m_3jamespage: SpamapS is out this week17:02
jamespagem_3: bah17:02
jamespagenot sure why that did not show on my calendar17:02
jamespageoh - it did I just missed it :-)17:02
m_3jamespage: dunno... he was gonna have spotty coverage.. in-laws in central europe17:03
jamespageits no problem really17:03
jamespageI've been working on upgrading the zookeeper package in Debian/Ubuntu and wanted to catchup17:03
jamespageserge_: I can't reproduce your issue - I can see plugins just fine.17:04
serge_jamespage: excellent17:05
serge_jamespage: my new instance has plugins.  yay!  (wonddr what happened before)17:13
hazmatjamespage, awesome re zk, it sounded like the debian version was going to  need a new maintainer (the old one bowing out), the latest release of zk is packaged in zk, its a pretty minimal diff to the packaging of the older version in debian17:13
jamespageserge_: hmm - sometimes it take a while to scan the update site17:13
jamespagehazmat: well I'm the new maintainer for my sins :-) have the package prepped and have done a basic test via PPA17:14
kim0jimbaker: hazmat bcsaller niemeyer SpamapS m_3 .. Could you guys please send me your take on Ensemble happenings of past week. Any decisions at the sprint? any new bits, formulas or bugs that you hacked, please send me asap so I can tell the world about it  :)17:14
kim0This also goes to anyone in this channel .. let me know cool things you hacked17:15
hazmatjamespage, right on.. now i know who to bug ;-)17:15
* jamespage is looking forward to being bugged already :-)17:16
jamespageserge_: hey - one other thing - the python-jenkins package is in the new queue for oneiric17:17
m_3kim0: will do17:17
kim0m_3: Thanks man :)17:17
jamespageI've stuck it in a PPA for natty; but I guess once we can use oneiric AMI's we should update the formula to check17:17
* kim0 poinst to the dev team :)17:17
kim0points even17:17
serge_jamespage: cool.  any roadblocks right now to its inclusion?17:17
jamespageserge_: I don't think so (fingers crossed :-))17:18
_mup_ensemble/formula-upgrade-removes-obsolete r265 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com17:28
_mup_stale formula files are removed on formula upgrade.17:28
m_3hazmat: about removing stale formulas...17:31
m_3hazmat: what does that do to a rolling migrations?17:31
hazmatm_3, its more about removing stale dirents in a formula when upgrading17:31
hazmatm_3, nothing17:31
m_3ah, ok... misunderstood then17:31
hazmatm_3, for rolling upgrades, i'm thinking its something that's more formula implemented with ensemble providing a cli api for something like leader election (which is also useful for other contexts)17:32
hazmatalthough that has implications in that implies potentially long running hooks.17:33
m_3hazmat: just was imagining a situation where there are multiple versions deployed at the same time17:33
m_3hazmat: yeah, we're still just hitting the surface of the tools (like leader-elect) needed by formulas17:34
hazmatm_3, indeed that is possible with the current upgrade scheme, each of the units is upgrade independently although concurrently in practice, we stop hook execution during upgrades atm17:34
hazmatm_3, yeah.. i wrote up some docs on more advanced upgrade scenarios, which aren't covered by the simple formula upgrade that's in place right now17:35
m_3hazmat: thanks man... still learning and need to test these scenarios17:35
m_3hazmat: cool thanks!17:35
hazmatm_3, the current upgrade mechanism is mainly about supporting the formula development/iteration story17:35
m_3hazmat: right17:36
hazmatat least that was the primary use case i was targeting, simple service upgrades are possible with it, but more complex ones will definitely find it lacking without additional support17:36
hazmati think effectively we'll need to support perhaps some different policies, like rolling migration, or upgrade one with the rest stopped, etc17:37
m_3hazmat: yeah, I started thinking about this in your 'Service Upgrades' section17:37
m_3hazmat: with a rails app that pulled from source too... so even more complex17:38
niemeyerkim0: Maybe put it online somewhere so people can review what you have at the moment17:38
niemeyerkim0: I think you were present in most of the key decisions we've made17:38
m_3hazmat: agree about policies... until then, we'll try to produce example scenarios17:39
hazmatkim0, i've mostly been doing bug fixes, but all my work from last week is still in the review queue, the highlights are more robust handling of transient network issues, ability to use standard ubuntu images (really any cloud-init enabled ubuntu/deb image), hooks executing inside of formula dirs, peer relations automatically added on deploy of a service, fixes for ensemble status with peer relations.. that's all i recall atm17:41
hazmatm_3, yeah.. even a simple wordpress service with a db migration runs into this17:42
negronjlhazmat:  most of the issues mentioned on your last post affect me.  Any idea when will the changes go through ?17:43
hazmatnegronjl, as soon as they get reviewed17:43
negronjlhazmat:  lol... I guess the question is when will they be reviewed 17:43
hazmatnegronjl, i17:44
hazmatnegronjl, btw end of the week at latest i'd assume, they would have gotten reviewed last week except for the sprint/rally i think17:44
zulwhat does this error mean? "2011-07-05 13:44:13,333 ERROR Connection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused."17:44
negronjlzul:  ensemble is not ready for you yet :)17:45
hazmatzul, typically it means ssh isn't active on yet on the remote side even though the machine is up17:45
zulnegronjl: well duh :)17:45
hazmatkim0, oh and i wrote a security specification for how we'll be approaching security wrt to zk17:45
=== sidnei is now known as sidnei-away
m_3zul: wait longer17:45
zulhazmat: so wait and try agian?17:45
niemeyernegronjl: Today17:45
niemeyernegronjl: I mean, they'll be reviewed today, at least once17:45
negronjlniemeyer:  thx...that's blocking a few things on my side.17:45
hazmatzul, yeah.. which command where you running? i think we try to auto-retry most of the time17:46
zulhazmat: ensemble bootstrap17:46
niemeyerzul: This is a known issue, actually.. it should really be waiting by itself17:46
hazmathmm... that's very odd17:46
hazmatbootstrap doesn't talk to any of the ensemble machines.. just the machine provider17:47
kim0hazmat: thanks for the list .. that's awesome :)17:47
hazmatzul, is this against openstack?17:47
zulhazmat: yep but there is somethign wrong with my install though euca-describe-images is taking a long time17:47
zuli think i found it17:48
hazmatniemeyer, re populating hostname automatically for relations, doing so effectively assumes its static, and if that's the case we might as well populate it directly to the machine state, so the unit agents can avoid having to query the machine provider17:51
niemeyerhazmat: Why does it assume it's static?17:54
hazmatniemeyer, hmm.. good question.. we don't really capture any event for the unit to correct it upon change17:55
niemeyerhazmat: If the hostname in a relation change, things should just work normally.. relation-changed hooks firing, etc17:56
hazmatniemeyer, the question is how do we know it changed to update the relation data17:57
niemeyerhazmat: That's a separate problem17:57
hazmatits effectively an internal detail of the machine provider17:57
hazmatafaik most of them give out statics for the lifetime of the instance17:57
hazmatsubject to reuse upon termination17:58
niemeyerhazmat: It's not a detail of the machine provider.. it's a detail of the machine17:58
niemeyerhazmat: and the fact IaaS'es don't change it right now doesn't really affect the design17:58
niemeyerhazmat: It just feels like a pretty convenient way to get such information17:59
niemeyerhazmat: and one that allows for it to change as well, without any effort17:59
hazmatniemeyer, agreed, we can propogate it nicely upon change if know about the change, but it sounds like your suggesting we cron to check on the machine.. else we don't have a way of detecting and propogating the change18:00
niemeyerhazmat: I'm suggesting a design that allows for us to change it.. I'm not suggesting we address the change right now18:00
hazmator cron internal to the agent18:00
hazmatniemeyer, sounds good, so unit agents directly pulling ip address from the machine and populating hostname for relation data when instantiating the unit in the relation18:01
niemeyerhazmat: +118:01
niemeyerMan.. I almost feel bad to say that now.. damn Google.18:01
_mup_Bug #806098 was filed: fact repository for Ensemble <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/806098 >18:02
hazmatis there a query syntax for launchpad bugs.. stuff like AND  OR etc?18:05
hazmatout to run some errands bbiab18:10
niemeyerhazmat: Don't think so18:11
niemeyerhazmat: But there are some advance options18:11
niemeyerhazmat: See ya18:11
niemeyerGot a broken pipe at home.. the joys of assembling a house together.19:30
kim0broken pipe .. for a moment I was thinking SIGPIPE :)19:37
kim0it's an actual pipe19:37
niemeyerkim0: Hehe, yeah19:53
niemeyerkim0: A real SIGPIPE19:53
kim0hehe :)19:54
niemeyerhazmat: ping20:16
niemeyerhazmat_: ping20:21
kim0Here's our weekly report .. edits are most welcome http://pad.ubuntu.com/ensemble-week-5th-July20:21
hazmat_niemeyer: pong20:22
niemeyerhazmat_: Hey20:22
niemeyerhazmat_: Was reviewing the session-event-handling conversation again20:22
kim0I'll publish in an hour .. make sure your edits go there 20:22
hazmat_unity seems to have issues for me with multiple screens, i'm currently in a VT on my laptop working on my screen session from my desktop.. sadness20:22
hazmat_niemeyer: awesome20:22
niemeyerhazmat_: Regarding your questioning on [4], what's your take on it?20:22
niemeyerhazmat_: I read your answer on it, but it's not clear what you have in mind to sort out the fact there's background logic that won't complete20:23
niemeyerkim0: Cool, thanks20:24
niemeyerkim0: The LXC stuff should probably not be there..20:24
kim0too early ?20:24
niemeyerkim0: At least not with that wording20:24
hazmat_niemeyer: so there are two options, leave it as is.. or on fatal errors (session expired) propogate to both20:24
niemeyerkim0: People will want to try that, and it's not integrated yet20:24
niemeyerkim0: You can mention the experiment was successful and all20:25
hazmat_both being the connection level handler and the extant deferred20:25
kim0ok, I'll change to "work has started on ..."20:25
hazmat_niemeyer: the thing is we don't really expect the extant watchers to do anything except die, which makes for some additional unhandled error logging, or storm of such when those events happen20:25
niemeyerhazmat_: This is the problem..20:26
niemeyerhazmat_: The logic simply _stops_. There's no chance for error handling or anything20:27
niemeyerhazmat_: Like, oh, if that doesn't work I'll log a warning, or.. if that doesn't work, remove the temporary directory, or anything really20:27
hazmat_the connection level handlers allow us to centralize the handling, which i see as a good thing, watch level error handling is going to be more error prone imo and its going to be subject to stampede effects 20:27
niemeyerhazmat_: I can accept that as an ugly hack we're putting in place knowing it's a terrible way to program.20:28
niemeyerhazmat_: and with a known way out20:28
hazmat_niemeyer: how about i put an option to allow for either20:28
hazmat_ie. fatal session events propogated to watchers20:29
hazmat_those deferreds are effectively dead in that case.. the problem is that its tricky, the fatal error might come in response to a synchronous call not tied to a session event20:29
niemeyerhazmat_: But it's important to make it very clear that killing _any_ action is simply not feasible.. it's like crashing, except the application continues running20:29
hazmat_er. async call that is20:29
_mup_Bug #806184 was filed: peer interface relationship data not propagating <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/806184 >20:47
negronjlDisregard bug: 80618420:53
negronjlI marked it invalid. 20:54
niemeyernegronjl: Cool22:15
niemeyerI've been talking to hazmat_ for something like two hours already.. we'll write down some notes when we're done22:16
_mup_Bug #806241 was filed: It should be possible to collocate service units <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/806241 >23:01
adam_gis there any way of having a service not start after the install hook? other than having a noop install hook?23:30
hazmat_adam_g: ensemble is just executing the named hooks, what you do in them is up to you23:41
hazmat_adam_g: some packages automatically start the service/daemon after install a pkg23:41
hazmat_adam_g: you can switch them to be manually started with an upstart override and set to manual.. or just stop them after install (if its the package)23:42
hazmat_probably a few other ways23:42

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