Flannel | rww: yes, on both accounts. | 00:00 |
rww | also, #ubuntu-offtopic | 00:01 |
bazhang | auto download of 5.04 without any media whatsoever? ie upgrade to 11.04 (babu) | 00:04 |
bazhang | just change sources.list and dist-upgrade then? | 00:05 |
rww | bazhang: do you know what my brain is saying about that | 00:05 |
rww | my brain is saying trooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll | 00:05 |
bazhang | okay, granted; but in theory should that work or not? and should we ever recommend that method outside of the formal methods? | 00:06 |
rww | I tried it. It died horribly a couple of releases in. | 00:06 |
rww | so no, I wouldn't recommend it. | 00:06 |
bazhang | there was some disagreement about it earlier, just wanted to clarify if we support that way or not | 00:07 |
bazhang | and 'need' is lars torben | 00:09 |
rww | are they still banned? | 00:09 |
bazhang | not that I know of | 00:09 |
rww | meh | 00:09 |
bazhang | same exact issue that compiz channel fixed for him a week ago though | 00:09 |
rww | !helpme > need | 00:10 |
rww | !repeat > need | 00:10 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from babu) | 00:11 |
bazhang | rww, you called it. | 00:26 |
Flannel | wish people would stop talking to him. | 00:31 |
bazhang | pythux is pythonsnake/kubuntusnake | 00:47 |
bazhang | <soziety> hi, can I use fish in irc with ubuntu? | 00:57 |
rww | bazhang: while I can't get the relevant website to load, FiSH appears to be a method of doing encryption on IRC | 01:02 |
bazhang | rww, yep, he clarified a moment later | 01:09 |
bazhang | not clear why tajasel is in #ubuntu . wants something fixed, but just knows whatever is suggested is not what needs to be fixed | 01:37 |
bazhang | then why ask? | 01:37 |
knome | maybe he's a secret agent for canonical, testing the support quality | 01:38 |
bazhang | hehe | 01:38 |
bazhang | he does mention that 'six people, including several at canonical' have tried to fix it | 01:39 |
knome | haha :) | 01:39 |
bazhang | is canonical the new geek bar (a la Best Buy)? | 01:39 |
bazhang | err squad | 01:39 |
knome | :P | 01:39 |
knome | bar? where? :P | 01:40 |
bazhang | :0 | 01:40 |
bazhang | rww whoops | 01:49 |
bazhang | lollo64it ban evading? | 01:49 |
bazhang | <quix> basically she was acting like that because she a woman | 01:52 |
bazhang | wonders why he is muted after calling user a bitch | 01:52 |
knome | :| | 01:53 |
bazhang | * [lollo64it] (~lorenzo@93-58-3-33.ip156.fastwebnet.it): Lorenzo Camprini | 01:54 |
bazhang | seem to recall rww booting lolo64bit for ban evading earlier | 01:54 |
knome | gosh, what's my lp password | 01:55 |
knome | aha, sausage | 01:56 |
knome | oops | 01:56 |
knome | ;)) | 01:56 |
bazhang | <quix> "hey, look, I'm a girl who uses Linux" | 01:59 |
bazhang | "whiny bitch" | 01:59 |
bazhang | he is insisting in PM that his name calling sorted things out in the channel | 02:00 |
bazhang | MadGirl, hi | 02:04 |
MadGirl | i guess hi is there a reason why games don't work on vbox or am I doing something wrong? | 02:04 |
bazhang | MadGirl, xbox | 02:04 |
MadGirl | it has been said that xbox is the only microsoft product that blows | 02:04 |
bazhang | MadGirl, /part | 02:04 |
IdleOne | MadGirl: exit | 02:05 |
IdleOne | MadGirl: part | 02:05 |
bazhang | wonder if MadGirl is a bot | 02:05 |
IdleOne | pretty sure it is or running some really lame auto respond script | 02:06 |
IdleOne | MadGirl: hi | 02:06 |
MadGirl | i guess hi is there a reason why games don't work on vbox or am I doing something wrong? | 02:06 |
bazhang | MadGirl, /join #vbox | 02:06 |
bazhang | <quix> don't be too sensitive =/ | 02:08 |
bazhang | refuses to join here, thinks he was 100% in the right to call users names. think I will leave that in place then | 02:09 |
bazhang | MadGirl, is there something you need help with? | 02:10 |
MadGirl | bazhang: i haven't a clue | 02:10 |
bazhang | MadGirl, okay | 02:10 |
IdleOne | MadGirl: are tomatoes square? | 02:10 |
MadGirl | IdleOne: no idea | 02:10 |
IdleOne | MadGirl: are oranges sweet? | 02:10 |
MadGirl | IdleOne: i don't know | 02:10 |
bazhang | MadGirl, you are forwarded here for possibly being a bot; did you have any questions, wish to resolve it? | 02:11 |
MadGirl | bazhang: no idea | 02:11 |
hypatia | definitely a bot | 02:11 |
bazhang | MadGirl, then please part the channel | 02:11 |
bazhang | MadGirl, bye | 02:16 |
bazhang | me 1; canonical employees 0 | 02:18 |
bazhang | <PandoraGaming> i downloaded and installed SysV Runlevel Config | 03:53 |
bazhang | he removed upstart? is that even possible? | 03:54 |
knome | well, what wouldn't be possible... | 03:57 |
knome | anyway, i think it's time to sleep, as it's 6am already | 03:57 |
knome | have a nice day/evening/night | 03:58 |
bazhang | hard to admonish mrdeb at this point as certain people who should know better brought it up in the first place | 04:36 |
* ldunn looks around | 04:36 | |
* ldunn glares at rww | 04:37 | |
rww | bazhang: so are you mad because I inflicted ##club-ubuntu on mrdeb, or the other way around? Because I'm having trouble feeling bad. | 04:37 |
bazhang | rww, agnostic. just pointing out the irony, or what have you | 04:38 |
rww | When was the last time I told someone not to mention ##club-ubuntu in #ubuntu-offtopic? Because that's the only way I could see this being ironic. | 04:39 |
bazhang | alexleon seems to be giving out nonsense advice | 04:40 |
rww | (honest question, I don't remember) | 04:40 |
IdleOne | 3 months 7 days 14 hours ago, give or take an hour | 04:40 |
rww | long enough that I don't feel bad! | 04:41 |
bazhang | <compubomb> this server 'jackass.cononical.com' is really slow. | 04:46 |
bazhang | surely thats not the real name | 04:46 |
rww | it is. | 04:46 |
Flannel | Hi benonsoftware, how can we help you? | 05:09 |
benonsoftware | Yeah. I was reading this is the contact channel for the locobot_2 right? | 05:10 |
rww | benonsoftware: nope. locobot_* are deprecated LoCo logging bots maintained by Ubuntu EU | 05:11 |
Flannel | Mmm, I don't believe so, but I guess it could be. What's your question? | 05:11 |
benonsoftware | So would I need to join #ubuntu-eu to find info about it? | 05:11 |
rww | may as well ask here and see if we know, I hear the botmasters aren't easy to get a hold of | 05:12 |
benonsoftware | just asked rww | 05:12 |
Flannel | perhaps -eu, perhaps -irc | 05:12 |
rww | benonsoftware: what info ;P? | 05:12 |
Flannel | benonsoftware: You're just trying to figure out the contact? or what's your ultimate goal? | 05:13 |
benonsoftware | Flannel: I'm trying to find the source the for it. | 05:13 |
Flannel | I think it's just supybot with logging enabled. | 05:15 |
benonsoftware | Ok | 05:15 |
rww | there's also a contact email, I'll PM it to you | 05:16 |
rww | (since this channel is publicly logged) | 05:16 |
Gryllida | Please look at Cydd; thanks. | 05:34 |
Gryllida | (At #ubuntu) | 05:34 |
rww | I actually am just checking for the ban I thought was set on them. Thanks, though :) | 05:34 |
rww | ah, no, that's #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:35 |
rww | noisewaterphd: Good evening! Anything we can help you with? | 05:23 |
rww | Guess not. Moving on to the next thing I have to say, I got bored and started looking at the /info/ URLS for those silly goo.gl links we have in #ubuntu's /topic | 05:27 |
rww | 45 people have clicked on the Guidelines link since December | 05:27 |
rww | FORTY FIVE *facepalm* | 05:27 |
hypatia | ...wow | 05:28 |
elky | <-- this is me not at all surprised. | 05:28 |
Tabmow | Anyone around that has access to delete entries on paste.ubuntu.com ? | 05:28 |
rww | Tabmow: email rt@ubuntu.com and then poke #canonical-sysadmin repeatedly | 05:28 |
elky | Tabmow, the sysadmins channel i'd guess. What did you find? | 05:28 |
rww | that's like 1 every 4 or 5 days :( | 05:29 |
Tabmow | An annoyed user... wouldn't mind knowing if it was possible to get the IP that logged it as well... | 05:29 |
elky | Tabmow, you'd have to ask the sysadmins, but i'd guess so | 05:29 |
Tabmow | Ok | 05:30 |
rww | oh, wait, I'm a flagrant liar | 05:30 |
rww | it's actually 1732 | 05:30 |
rww | goo.gl's stats page is horribly designed | 05:30 |
hypatia | hahaha | 05:31 |
elky | phew | 05:31 |
rww | ( http://goo.gl/info/cEF1w , then you have to click "all time" under the qr code) | 05:31 |
rww | (which I did not do) | 05:31 |
rww | 763 to the IRC info page, 1165 to pastebin, 382 to release notes, 586 to the freenode blog thing | 05:33 |
Myrtti | noisewaterphd: hi | 05:59 |
Myrtti | been idle for 8+ hours | 06:00 |
bazhang | * [DERMANNNN] (57976b58@gateway/web/freenode/ip. p57976B58.dip.t-dialin.net/ | 09:03 |
bazhang | lars torben | 09:03 |
ikonia | remove | 09:03 |
bazhang | not bothering #ubuntu right now. | 09:04 |
ikonia | he's banned though isn't he ? | 09:04 |
bazhang | he's doing it in compiz channel and soreau is now aware of his usual multiple nick tricks. he was 'need' earlier | 09:04 |
bazhang | just a heads up if he tries the usual in #ubuntu again | 09:05 |
bazhang | not still banned as far as I know | 09:05 |
ikonia | is he currently banned though ? | 09:05 |
ikonia | ah, I thought he was, my mistake | 09:05 |
jpds | Hmm, der Mann. | 09:06 |
bazhang | think Pici talked to him and let him know the score before unbanning, but I may be wrong on the who. he definitely knows not to play the games of before though (ie, my neighbor, etc, did it) | 09:06 |
ikonia | I lodged a complaint with his ISP and explained I will follow it up if it continues, hence why I'm curious tot he current status | 09:08 |
bazhang | he's gotten all these answers before, not sure why he's asking them again | 09:34 |
Tm_T | maybe he's not seeking answers? | 09:35 |
bazhang | well more of a rhetorical question; its larstorben after all | 09:37 |
ikonia | he' just now asking random people ? | 09:38 |
topyli | "math? is this a joke?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QBv2CFTSWU | 09:43 |
topyli | gah, wrong channel again | 09:43 |
bazhang | heh | 09:43 |
Tm_T | aww | 09:43 |
topyli | "math is just a theory" | 09:44 |
Tm_T | this is america | 09:45 |
Pici | LjL: could we get http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ updated for natty? | 13:34 |
LjL | Pici: sorry yes i will do that | 13:42 |
LjL | Pici: should be done | 13:53 |
Pici | LjL: thanks | 13:53 |
ikonia | 15:00 < MAREK_BENC_NetB> I got banned from Offtopic :D!!! XDXD | 14:00 |
ikonia | ? | 14:00 |
ikonia | what was that all about ? | 14:00 |
Pici | I don't see a ban that even matches them. | 14:00 |
ikonia | no, I don't, or him even in offtopic | 14:01 |
jussi | New kind of troll? different offtopic? o.O | 14:04 |
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 | ||
bazhang | tbird 5 is supported? glda19 seems not to have taken the earlier advice in hand | 20:41 |
bazhang | someone check psydoll in -ot? that kind of talk is OK? | 20:43 |
bazhang | so much for the cluebat | 20:51 |
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