
=== medberry is now known as med_out
DanaGhmm, I looked into OpenIndiana, and it looks like there's no Deluge for it...01:31
DanaGSO I may just go with Ubuntu.01:31
jMCgDanaG: if you're scared to build software yourself, you should stay away from Solaris01:38
DanaGNot scared to build it; just don't know clearly that it'll compile.01:38
jMCgDanaG: it's python01:38
jMCgThis is how it's built01:38
DanaGah.  Is there a more relevant channel for OpenIndiana?01:39
DanaGBecause it's off-topic for here.01:39
jMCg#OpenIndiana I would persume01:39
jMCgBut I'm only into Solaris.. haven't looked at it yet01:39
DanaGah, yeah, #openindiana does exist.01:44
DanaGI've just seen plently of projects that don't have IRC channels like that.01:44
=== Guest57270 is now known as Kiall
MACscrI have an ubuntu server runny natty and for some reason, the messages log is no longer being used. Not only is the log not be added to, but it actually doesnt exist. Not sure if one of the other admins deleted it during troubleshooting or what, but i need to get this resolved. Should the rsyslog service be automatically creating that file if it doesnt exist?02:57
MACscrim seeing the following error in /var/log/syslog when i restart the rsyslog service: rsyslogd-2039: Could no open output pipe '/dev/xconsole' [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2039 ]02:59
MACscrbut that url it linked to is pretty worthless02:59
pmatulisMACscr: i don't think there *is* a messages nor a daemon.log file in natty03:01
MACscroh, really? why would they remove such a basic log?03:01
pmatulisMACscr: heh03:02
qman__probably to consolidate or organize03:02
qman__since previously (currently?) we have messages, syslog, and daemon.log03:03
qman__which are all pretty generic03:03
MACscrbut messages is pretty universal to linux distros isnt it?03:03
qman__not any more than syslog or daemon.log03:03
qman__perhaps more than daemon, but only a little03:04
qman__they don't really have well defined specific purposes, and overlap03:04
qman__so I can see why they'd want to consolidate03:04
qman__of course I'm just speculating here03:05
MACscri guess 90% of my experience is with centos, so just always used to looking towards the messages log. I never used the other two03:05
qman__all my systems run lucid, and I am not/do not know personally the decision maker03:05
MACscrany ideas on this error though? rsyslogd-2039: Could no open output pipe '/dev/xconsole'03:06
qman__sorry, haven't seen that one before03:07
qman__I'd look into what package or system provides /dev/xconsole though03:07
qman__if that's a stock configuration, anyway03:07
twbMACscr: that's normally, just turn it off unless you are running X03:11
twbMACscr: on Debian and Ubuntu, looking at /var/log/syslog and /var/log/auth.log will capture everything logged via syslog by default.03:12
twbMACscr: of course other tools like apache, squid and friends will ignore syslog by default, making centralized logging of them unnecessarily annoying :-/03:13
Pr0zoidI have an interesting issue.  I'm running a openvpn and for some reason the ubuntu firewalls kick in after a few days of normal operation and prevent users from access external sites.  the strange thing is i have not made any changes to the iptables and in order to enable the users to hit the outside once they are connected i have to run this script : http://pastebin.com/TTqADfsm03:13
twbPr0zoid: you should be using an iptables-restore script.   Calling iptables(8) is vulnerable to race conditions.03:16
twbPr0zoid: are you using ufw?03:17
Pr0zoidtwb: now your pushing the little knowledge i have..03:31
Pr0zoidwhat's the best way to resolve / avoid the race conditions03:32
Pr0zoiddo i need to kill iptables and start fresh?03:32
twbPr0zoid: #netfilter for that discussion03:33
twbHere is an example I prepared earlier: http://cyber.com.au/~twb/doc/iptab03:34
Pr0zoidokay will take a look03:34
Pr0zoidthanks for the help!03:34
twb(Note: #netfilter concerns direct use of netfilter/iptables; for e.g. ufw you need to talk about it here.)03:34
Pr0zoidyes i was using ufw initially03:35
twbIs it still enabled?03:35
twbIt wouldn't surprise me if ufw reloads itself when a new network interface is added, e.g. when the openvpn connection falls over and brings itself back up03:35
Pr0zoidi tjhink so03:38
Pr0zoidyou know what..03:38
Pr0zoidthat could be it..03:38
Pr0zoidshould i just disable it?03:38
twbIf you are manually creating/manipulating the firewall, ufw should not ALSO be on03:39
twbObviously if you disable ufw you should ensure you still have appropriate rules to e.g. not allow arbitrary connections.03:40
Pr0zoidmy plan was to re-run my script03:40
Pr0zoid(but then convert it to a restore)03:41
Pr0zoidscript instead03:41
twbAssuming ufw is disabled, you should talk to #netfilter about your script03:41
lei_Hey, is Dave Walker here?04:22
twbWho wants to know04:23
lei_Me, a new comer. I am  fixing the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/690042, and i found that Dave confirmed it, so i want to ask him some question for help~04:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 690042 in libvirt "libvirtd tries to disable ipv6's accept_ra even when ipv6 is disabled outright in the kernel" [Medium,Confirmed]04:25
lifelessDaviey: ^ :)04:32
lifelesslei_: he will be asleep at the moment04:33
goddardi have a multi user enviornment with many shell accounts how can i setup private key files?04:34
blkperlgoddard: use a configuration manager like puppet or chef04:38
goddardcan a pure shell account have its own private key?04:41
blkperlwhat are you trying to achieve?04:44
goddardjust more security04:47
goddardi have a shell account but dont have access to the .ssh directory they tell you to put it in04:48
goddardjust my virtual server directory04:48
blkperlif you put a public key in .ssh/authorized_keys then you can access the account with the corresponding private key04:50
goddardeven with a jailkit?04:51
blkperlno clue, depends on the configuration im guessing04:51
goddardsourceforge has it setup like that some how04:53
goddardwonder how they do it04:53
=== V7|RTK is now known as van7hu
r4`so ive been working on/setting up a clonezilla server on ubuntu server 10.04 LTS. when i have a toshiba tecra r840 boot via PXE into the clonezilla enviroment, some weird things happen. essentially, the boot process starts and near the end the clonezilla enviroment starts, then the screen is overwritten with more boot msgs (or goes blank if i set certain kernel boot parameters).05:58
r4`could this be a video issue?05:58
r4`it is a new laptop and has a radeon card05:59
twbThat sounds like usplash is doing its thing :-(05:59
twbTry removing "splash" from boot options?05:59
r4`its not in there05:59
twbAlso framebuffer is turned on by default, try blacklisting it05:59
r4`well it might be elsewhere...should i be looking at the boot parameters for ubuntu as well as the PXE kernel image boot parameters?06:00
twbWait, clonezilla is a PXE server?06:00
twbI thought it was a glorified dd06:00
r4`can be ran as one06:01
r4`but essentially it is still a glorified dd06:01
r4`clonezilla SE is a bitter different than live06:02
twbIs there a "user story" template on the wiki somewhere?07:02
twbI want to steal the layout for an in-house document at work.07:03
RoyKuser story?07:06
lei_Is Daviey here? I need your help!08:01
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twbRoyK: it's this daft XP thing08:22
twbRoyK: instead of a requirement like "users MUST be able to log in" you say "fred is a user, and he wants to log in, so he tries to and it works"08:22
yann2hello! am looking for the guy who does hw certification @canonical... anyone knows where I might find him?09:24
twbhttp://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/contact lists a bunch of contact details, I'm guessing you want "OEM" or possibly "support"09:33
twbThere might also be a #canonical.09:33
twbI'm just a user, so these are only guesses.09:33
Roxyhart0hi there, i just update my server from 9.10 to 10.04 and now dovecot doesn work...it is not starting when i do also ini.d/dovecot start. somebody know if there is any changed in the version 10.04 regars to the configuration?09:53
yann2thanks twb10:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #805878 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.3-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80587810:36
sodoscar1Hi there, I'm having trouble pointing to my webserver from my laptop in order to install drupal7 using the install.php script.  can anyone help me with this please?10:43
sodoscar1sorry i should mention i'm trying to access using firefox10:43
sodoscar1I should also mention that the #ubuntu support channel directed me here with my query10:45
sodoscar1quiet bunch in here :-[10:46
EricJsodoscar1: I'm not sure I understand the question. You can't reach your web server?10:47
sodoscar1EricJ: thats right.  I'll try and elaborate for you.  I've installed apache2/mysql/php5 on my server which is part of my home network.  I am trying to install Drupal7 which i've already downloaded and unpacked, I open up firefox and try to point to the file by typing the url :  and I get an error saying "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"10:49
sodoscar1* file = install.php script10:50
EricJsodoscar1: is apache running correctly? If you (from the server) fire up (for example) lynx and point it towards localhost, it should say "It works!" or similar.10:52
EricJIf it does, then it's almost certainly a port forwarding issue.10:52
sodoscar1i've never used lynx before would you mind typing the command for me to enter please Eric?10:53
EricJsodoscar1: I reckon `lynx localhost` should do it.10:53
EricJin case it isn't installed, check `wget localhost`10:53
sodoscar1just installing it now10:53
sodoscar1ooh thats interesting.. i get an alert saying unable to connect to localhost10:54
EricJsodoscar1: IIRC, apache writes its log files to /var/log/apache2/.10:55
EricJTake a look and see if you get anything meaningful from there.10:55
sodoscar1ok i'll have a quick look now10:56
sodoscar1sod@theta:~$ sudo tail /var/log/apache2/error.log -f10:56
sodoscar1<br />10:56
sodoscar1<b>Warning</b>:  Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />10:56
sodoscar1<br />10:56
sodoscar1<b>Warning</b>:  Directive 'register_long_arrays' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />10:56
sodoscar1<br />10:56
sodoscar1<b>Warning</b>:  Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />10:56
sodoscar1<br />10:56
sodoscar1<b>Warning</b>:  Directive 'register_long_arrays' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />10:56
sodoscar1<br />10:56
sodoscar1<b>Warning</b>:  Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />10:56
sodoscar1is that what you meant for me to do Eric?10:57
EricJJust seems like a bunch of warnings.10:57
EricJHowever, those are php warnings. Generated by drupal, by any chance?10:57
sodoscar1well i haven't installed drupal yet as i'm unable to run the install script10:58
EricJsodoscar1: well, do double-check the apache config file. Something like /etc/apache2/httpd.conf, I think.10:59
sodoscar1ah this may have something to do with it perhaps:  sod@theta:~$ sudo service apache2 restart10:59
sodoscar1 * Restarting web server apache2                                                 Syntax error on line 21 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-apps.vhost:10:59
sodoscar1Wrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/apps/.php-fcgi-starter cannot be accessed: (2)No such file or directory10:59
EricJOh, nice. :)10:59
sodoscar1I did have ISPconfig installed many moons ago but I removed it11:00
EricJsodoscar1: well, if you do manage to get apache running, you should be well on your way. :)11:02
sodoscar1i'm going to try reinstalling and reconfiguring and I'll see what happens from there.. perhaps I removed something inadvertently when i removed ISPconfig... thanks for your time Eric! :)11:03
EricJsodoscar1: best of luck!11:03
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sodoscar1EricJ: sorted with a remove/clean/reinstall... thanks again for your time my bro11:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #805901 in cobbler (universe) "cobbler failed to purge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80590111:32
max06|workgood morning. I'm running ubuntu server 10.04 LTS on some machines. On RHEL for example, yum changelog [packagename] returns the changes between the installed and the available version. Is there a similar way on ubuntu?11:59
max06|workah... found it... it's aptitude changelog [package], not apt-get changelog [package] -.-12:01
Picimax06|work: I also use the apt-listchanges package, that will give you the changelogs when you upgrade packages using apt.12:02
max06|workthat sounds good! It might save some time :D12:02
max06|workPici, execute it with apt-listchanges --apt ?12:13
Picimax06|work: It should automatically come up when you're running apt-get (dist-)updgrade12:14
max06|workMhmm... this should work with apt-get -s (simulate) upgrade, too?12:15
max06|workI need to check the updates before installing... ah...12:15
airtonixwow ispconfig? lawl that doesn't install in a standard way, so yeah. drop that and re-install12:15
PiciI'm not sure :/12:15
max06|workIt appears before or after the "Do you want to continue?"-Question? ^^12:16
max06|workI'm not able to install the updates on the servers without checking the changelogs.. they are too important, risk is to much12:17
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max06|workPici, i'm stupid... it works, it asks after displaying the infos for each package12:23
max06|workthanks :)12:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #805937 in samba (main) "smbd segfaults at least twice a day" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80593713:12
cjsSo, I did a do-release-upgrade on my 10.10 server (a virtual host running under KVM) and now when it boots I just get a grub prompt. (It's grub 1.98-ubuntu6.) I don't recall if this was originally a 10.04 system upgraded to 10.10 or if it was an install of 10.10. Any thoughts on where I should go from here?13:39
pmatuliscjs: re-install grub?  re original install, you can boot into a recovery session and look under /var/log/installer13:43
cjspmatulis: So, you're saying boot an 11.04 CD-ROM image and use the recovery tools there to re-install GRUB?13:44
pmatuliscjs: that may work, yeah.  fyi, you should get a menu with an entry for re-installing grub13:46
cjsRight; I'll start with that.13:49
cjsI'm thinking the issue is that 10.04 used Grub 1.98, but 10.10 onwards used Grub 2.13:49
VozivAH, I was asking in the wrong channel apparently. Is there a page outlining the difference between server versions? I'm trying to decide on installing 10.04 vs 11.0414:00
patdk-wkpretty easy there14:02
patdk-wkinstall 10.0414:02
patdk-wkunless you want to upgrade it ever 9 to 12 months14:02
Pici10.04 has 5 years of server support, 11.04 has only 18 months.14:02
cjs11.04 will have newer stuff, but outside of the kernel, you're often better off building your own versions of server software (e.g., Apache, PHP) if you need to remain close to the cutting edge, rather than depending on your distro to keep up to date with everything you need.14:04
VozivSorry, I should have mentioned I already know about the LTS support, but feature wise I wanted to know if it was worth upgrading14:05
cjsThat's what I do, running 10.04 on most of my servers, though I also have a test server on the most recent release for testing my applications.14:06
UrsinhaDaviey: hello14:06
cjsVoziv: for what do you use your server?14:06
VozivCurrently I believe we have 10.10. But I'm going to be creating another and I'm leaning towards 10.04 for LTS14:07
cjsIs there a URL where I can directly download ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso? That's going to be faster than copying this bittorrented copy off my laptop to my local server via WiFi.14:07
DavieyUrsinha: Hello!14:10
DavieyHow are you doing this lovely fine day?14:10
UrsinhaDaviey: do you really want to know? :P Ubuflu got me hard14:10
Vozivcjs: I just reread your your question. The one I'm currently doing is going to be used as a webserver14:13
DavieyUrsinha: sorry to hear that14:14
VozivIs there any specific way I should be building software? I'm personally used to gentoo when it comes to configuring software as portage compiled the software itself14:15
TREllisDaviey: anything I need to do for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/80054314:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 800543 in dbconfig-common "Installing zabbix-frontend-php fails in noninteractive mode" [Medium,Confirmed]14:16
DavieyTREllis: will look shortly14:17
cjsVoziv: I'd definitely suggest you go with 10.04 and either stick to running "older" versions of software, or build yourself anything that needs to be a newer version than what's in the 10.04 packages.14:18
TREllisDaviey: thanks14:18
Vozivcjs: will do :)14:29
cjsDo I want to re-install grub to /dev/sda or /dev/sda1?14:33
cjsI'm guessing the former....14:33
patdk-wknormally /dev/sda14:34
patdk-wkunless your doing a dual-boot thing14:34
cjsNot at all. Thanks.14:34
cjsWell, let's see if that did the trick.14:35
DavieyTREllis: debdiff looks flawless14:36
Davieyuploading now.14:36
cjsAh, much better so far! But I note that even 11.04 is still using Grub 1.99. I had thought that Ubuntu started using Grub 2.0 at some point.14:36
Picigrub 1.98 = grub214:37
serge_Daviey: good morning.  have you had any time to recompile your list of grievances over the spice packages for universe?14:37
TREllisDaviey: wooo14:38
Picicjs: grub 0.97 = grub1.  grub 1.99~rc1 = grub214:38
Davieyserge_: good point! will get onto that shortly14:39
cjsI mean, Doh! :-)14:39
Davieyserge_: How are you doing btw?14:39
DavieyTREllis: BTW, if you subscribe ubuntu-sponsors, it shows up on the sponsoring queue :)14:41
serge_Daviey: good, good.  bad day connectivity-wise, may have to head to a coffee shop for today's mtg14:42
jamesiarmes_I have a customer who notified us this morning that they could not access their we application. When I logged into the server I found considerably more apache processes than usual, but it still should not have been enough to bring down the server. I stopped apahce and found that there were still 114 processes in uninteruptable sleep, some of which started on Sunday. I killed the processes and started apache and they can access their application14:43
jamesiarmes_but not over SSL (we use GnuTLS). Looking through the logs, I found that I have been getting the following error since about the time many of those processes started: "PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery". I am still getting the error now but I can't determine what it means. Above all of those errores is starts with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/638439/ Everything I found on Google had to deal with LDAP and DBD but we don't use either.14:43
TREllisDaviey: cool14:43
zuloh right we have a meeting today14:43
TREllisDaviey: need to follow the SRU wiki guidelines too I guess?14:43
pmatulisjamesiarmes_: sounds like a poorly written application.  what is it?  'we application'?14:44
jamesiarmes_sorry, that was supposed to be "web application"14:44
DavieyTREllis: I added regression potential, the other aspects i believe are covered.14:46
jamesiarmes_I found the problem, the gnutls cache file became corrupted somehow. I just can't imagine how'14:50
Davieysmoser: around?14:53
DavieyMeeting starting in 4 mins in #ubuntu-server. EOF14:56
pmatulisnice!  "Fetched 6,620kB in 0s (12.0MB/s)"14:56
Davieyadam_g, serge_, utlemming, smoser, RoAkSoAx, jamespage, smoser, zul... and others, all set?15:00
jamespageDaviey: are you not 1 hour ahead of yourself?15:01
Davieycrikey.. you are correct.  I'm working on UTC today it seems, you are on UTC+115:02
r4`is there a kernel parameter to stop upon an error in a boot msg? if not anyone know how i could dump all of the boot msgs from a pxe boot to a log file?15:03
r4`my searches are failing me15:04
zulDaviey: uh?15:04
Davieyzul: i suck.. I'm on UTC today, not UTC+1.15:04
zulDaviey: ah15:04
zulDaviey: you need a flavor flav clock to keep track15:05
Davieyi need a coffee i think15:06
cjsYou need to specify your meeting times in UTC.15:07
Davieycjs: we do.. but my UTC clock seems to be suffering an off by one error locally.15:07
cjsJust move the rest of your life to UTC as well and then you'll more easily notice such errors. :-)15:08
zulcjs: his life is based on utc15:10
ruben23hi any idea what is the time execution of this script based on its cron schedule ---> 2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35,38,41,44,47,50,53,56,59 * * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_CRON_audio_3_ftp.pl --MP315:12
Utopiahruben23: */3 * * * * no?15:14
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ruben23Utopiah:  is this every 2 hours..?15:18
ruben23can you ready what is the time schedule of this cronjob15:18
UtopiahI think every 3 minutes15:19
ruben23Utopiah: so this script runs every 3 minutes right..?15:19
pmatulisruben23: looks like it, yes15:19
ruben23how to make it every 2 days15:20
UrsinhaDaviey: do you recall... a wiki page..... that you said you'd edit on Monday...?15:21
DavieyUrsinha: yes!15:26
Daviey( Ursinha, i said Monday or Tuesday :P15:26
Ursinhayeah... slacker15:26
UrsinhaDaviey: what time is the irc meeting again? just realized my google calendar didn't change to my timezone when I first opened it, so I wonder if all the meetings are... in the past, maybe15:27
Ursinhapgraner: hello15:28
DavieyUrsinha: on the next hour.15:29
UrsinhaDaviey: can you invite me for the current meetings we have? I think it's better than just copy them to my calendar15:29
Ursinhaplease? :)15:29
UrsinhaDaviey: soon you'll regret working with me... hahahahaha15:31
Ursinhahggdh: tarde15:31
pgranerUrsinha, howdy15:34
hggdhUrsinha: buenas :-)15:34
Utopiahruben23: 59 00 * * */2 I guess15:36
ruben23Utopiah: whats the function of /2  ..?15:39
patdk-wkrun every other day15:40
DavieyUrsinha: added a first scratch15:41
UrsinhaDaviey: thanks15:41
Ursinhahggdh: hey, can you add yours here, if you have a few minutes? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Quality15:41
DavieyUrsinha: more to follow15:41
DavieyRoAkSoAx: you don't need to ask permission to send me a PM :)15:51
V7|RTKcould I make more than 1 virtual host on my local machine?16:44
alamaryou can make as many virtual hosts as you like16:44
patdk-wkassuming you have enough ram16:45
V7|RTKbut how could I refer to them I my browser?16:45
alamarfirst you should explain the domain we are talking about16:45
patdk-wkvia their name :)16:45
V7|RTKI have a default, then localhost, what about others?16:45
alamarapache vhosts? virtualised systems?16:45
alamarso it's apache..16:46
alamarapache has a quite thorough documentation about its vhost system16:46
alamarwith a lot of examples16:46
alamarto just copy and paste and not even care what else is being explained or how it works16:46
V7|RTKthank you16:47
alamar.o(maybe I should use sarcasm tags)16:47
=== V7|RTK is now known as van7hu
van7huvan7hu kaka16:56
van7huI follow that link to enable SSI, is there any strange thingy with ubuntu?17:25
van7huthis is my httpd.conf, http://pastebin.com/RHXWvchx17:26
TheEvilPhoenixvan7hu, where are you trying to include stuff within?  PHP?17:27
van7huTheEvilPhoenix, sorry, I am n00b, could you explain more?17:28
TheEvilPhoenix*checks package lists*17:29
TheEvilPhoenixdid you google for this?  this ubuntuforums thread seems to be about this issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6434517:30
=== med_out is now known as medberry
van7huah, I am sorry, I mis-posted the link, it should be: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/ssi.html17:30
caedmondoes anyone here have experience installing ubuntu server 10.04 on a dell poweredge 2850?17:38
TheEvilPhoenixcaedmon, something you missed from the main ubuntu channel: schnuffle> +caedmon: they changed there raids from something called PERC X to H200/30017:41
TheEvilPhoenixdamn that + before text!  *beats his ZNC*17:41
caedmonoh i did miss that17:43
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Davieyutlemming: Hey.. would you be able to confirm bug 791850 is still valid on the daily?17:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 791850 in linux "oneiric cluster compute instances do not boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79185017:45
adam_gRoAkSoAx: ping18:11
RoAkSoAxadam_g: pong18:20
adam_gRoAkSoAx: heya. theres more drbd8 dkms build failures in the HA bug queue. just wondering if you knew how people end up automatically attemtping to buildi drbd against a kernel that already has it in tree?18:23
RoAkSoAxadam_g: thge error is becuase all of them are trying to install drbd-source on a non-standard kernel18:27
RoAkSoAxadam_g: so it some cases it seems that some have their custom kernel, in some others looks like a backport18:28
RoAkSoAxbackported kernel*18:28
adam_gRoAkSoAx: thats what i figured. so those bugs are invalid?18:29
RoAkSoAxadam_g: yeah for the most part I'd say yes18:30
Davieyutlemming: are you here?18:36
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cap_00someone remind me why one user has colors and the up arrow repeats commands on the command prompt (from putty.exe) and another doesn't?19:46
pmatuliscap_00: the shell19:47
pmatuliscap_00: echo $SHELL19:48
cap_00i know i changed the settings somewhere i just don't remember how to get back19:49
cap_00~/.bashrc ?20:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #806167 in qemu-kvm (main) "CVE-2011-2212" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80616720:32
Davieyutlemming: Are you here?20:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #806176 in nova (universe) "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/network/manager.py", line 558, in create_networks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80617620:37
Aisonhello, i'm search a USER ORIENTED ;)  webfrontend for ldap accounts. A user can login with it's password and can change email address, the password itself, name, etc...20:53
stgraberAison: you may want to look at GoSA. It can be configured to do what you describe (you'd need to create an ACL allowing all users to edit their personal details and password)20:54
Aisonok, that's fine20:55
cap_00should i be putting something in the (shell) ?21:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #806197 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE9-2.1ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso instalado el script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80619721:11
KtL-llllWhenever I make a file in the /var/www directory I need to edit permissions using chown and chmod before it can be accessible via http is there a way I can automatically set the right permissions to any new files?21:19
willichanI have been googleing around for a couple of days.  I need to set up XDMCP for some of our Windows users to run applications on the server from their desktops.  They are already set up to do it for our IBM servers, so I don't want to switch to a different method for the Ubuntu server.  Does anyone know where to find instructions for enabling XDMCP on an Ubuntu 11.04 server?  Older instructions don't seem to apply.21:39
patdk-wkwillichan, might want to try #ubuntu, don't use gui's in here21:40
willichan@patdk-wk:  was recommended in #ubuntu to check in here.21:41
patdk-wkhow odd :)21:41
RoyKwillichan: there's no way to enable XDMCP on ubuntu server - it should work if you just install xterm21:44
RoyKwillichan: it just needs the x11 libs and xauth and configured x11 over ssh21:44
RoyKthat's all21:44
willichan@RoyK: Thank you21:45
RoyKwillichan: install xeyes - that's my favourite test a pp21:46
RoyKtest app21:47
RoyKif that grabs all sorts of x11 libs, you'll probably need to log out and in to make x11 work21:47
RoyKwhen done, just install xming and configure putty to do x11 forwarding, login, start xeyes21:48
patdk-wkthere is no way to do xdmcp in 11.04 at all?21:48
sorengdm still supports it, doesn't it?21:50
patdk-wkgdm did in 9.10 atleast :)21:50
sorenGDM has supported XDMCP for many years.21:55
sorenI remember using it in 2002-ish.21:55
sorenProbably earlier, too.21:56
willichan@RoyK:  Thank you.  Loading xeyes with dependancies sounds like a simple enough way to set up the x11 libs.  Do you know where I would need to enable the XDMCP though?  X11 libs and GDM don't enable it by default (10.04 and up at least).21:57
willichanI have tried it on Ubuntu desktop as well as server for versions 10 and 11.21:58
willichanI have not found XDMCP in any of the config utils.  My IBM servers have it enabled by default.21:59
patdk-wkheh? just edit /etc/gdm/gdm.schemas21:59
patdk-wkprobably to start, change this to true22:00
patdk-wk    <schema>22:00
patdk-wk      <key>xdmcp/Enable</key>22:00
patdk-wk      <signature>b</signature>22:00
patdk-wk      <default>false</default>22:00
patdk-wk    </schema>22:00
patdk-wkand restart gdm22:00
willichan@patdk-wk:  Thank you.  I will give that a go.22:01
ezrtyuiopwhat is the easiest way to install smtp server ?22:09
qman__ezrtyuiop, apt-get install postfix22:22
adam_gzul: ping22:24
ezrtyuiopthis is the error what i got during installation of postfix22:33
ezrtyuiopE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:33
ezrtyuiopwhat to do qman__  ?22:33
qman__find the actual error, higher up in the list22:34
ezrtyuiopdpkg : erreur de traitement de cacti-cactid (--configure) :22:34
qman__that's only part of it22:35
qman__pastebin the complete output22:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #806231 in openssh (main) "Conflicts with lsh-server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80623122:37
ezrtyuiophttp://paste.ubuntu.com/638591/ qman__22:37
qman__I only know english, but from that output, postfix is already installed22:38
qman__the error is with cacti-cactid, and something in one of the installation scripts failed22:38
qman__you could try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure cacti-cactid' to see if it fixes itself22:39
qman__otherwise you'll have to pinpoint why cacti-cactid is failing22:40
ezrtyuiopif i do dpkg reconfigure22:40
ezrtyuiopit say cactid broken22:40
ezrtyuiopwhat to do exactly to skip that error22:41
ezrtyuiopi know it is an basic question22:42
ezrtyuiopdon't know what to do ?22:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #806237 in amavisd-new (main) "package amavisd-new-postfix 1:2.6.5-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80623722:57
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nibalizerso.... puppet 2.7.1 .... anybody got .deb?23:27
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