alourie|work | good morning | 07:18 |
alourie|work | is alpha2 available for download? | 07:18 |
jibel | Hi azll | 10:30 |
jibel | all | 10:30 |
jibel | Ubuntu Desktop images and upgrades are published on the tracker. | 10:31 |
chadadavis | Is there a blueprint on the decision regarding the planned size of the install images (e.g. 700, 703, 1G, etc)? | 12:00 |
vmiheer__ | i have downloaded oneiric daily build last night and installed inside windows... | 13:09 |
vmiheer__ | The backlight of my Acer aspire 4736z goes off just before the login screen | 13:10 |
vmiheer__ | fortunately i got an lcd screen in my college with vga port the display is working fine. but it is in unity 2d mode. I can't use gnome session. | 13:12 |
brendand | chadadavis - let me see if i can find it | 13:12 |
vmiheer__ | My laptop display works in windows and also ubuntu 10.04 i386 | 13:13 |
vmiheer__ | the only problem is i was always been unable to change the brightness of it. | 13:13 |
vmiheer__ | I found same problem with my 11.04. but sometimes magically the display appeared there... | 13:14 |
vmiheer__ | please atleast tell me how i am supposed to report this bug my email id is | 13:15 |
vmiheer__ | thanking you... | 13:15 |
brendand | chadadavis - tada! | 13:16 |
chadadavis | Thanks, brendand | 13:16 |
charlie-tca | vmiheer_: report the bug by opening a terminal and using | 13:17 |
charlie-tca | ubuntu-bug linux | 13:17 |
brendand | chadadavis - see the diagram at the bottom for other related BPs | 13:17 |
charlie-tca | That will attach most of the needed log files | 13:18 |
vmiheer_ | another thing i can see the stuff on my display using an led torch... | 13:19 |
vmiheer_ | :-) | 13:19 |
vmiheer_ | thank you charlie-tca i will try and get back... | 13:20 |
chadadavis | brendand, it looks like we're aiming for 703MB images, then? | 13:23 |
chadadavis | unless anyone here knows differently? | 13:23 |
brendand | chadadavis - ubuntu-installer is a better hangout for that question, if you really want to know for sure | 13:24 |
brendand | (although cjwatson is here) | 13:24 |
chadadavis | Thanks, brendand, better to go to the right place ... | 13:24 |
vmiheer | By chance the backlight has turned on this time... | 13:37 |
vmiheer | I am using unity 2d | 13:37 |
charlie-tca | jibel: screen-reader install will fail on alpha2 | 14:36 |
charlie-tca | jibel: I sent a message to the qa ML asking that not be included for this milestone | 14:37 |
jibel | charlie-tca, I read your mail, I've a bunch of updates to do on the tracker. I finish reviewing of ubuntu images and will removes will proceed with the updates later today. | 14:43 |
chadadavis | stgraber, if you're getting edubuntu rebuilt, the gdm problem with edubuntu dvd amd64 affects i386 as well | 15:31 |
stgraber | chadadavis: really? I don't see the gdm package on the i386 image. | 15:33 |
chadadavis | stgraber, but you verified that gdm was the problem? apt-cache policy gdm: Installed: 3.0.4-0ubuntu3 | 15:34 |
stgraber | chadadavis: having gdm on the DVD is a problem in all cases. Now booting amd64 here just gives a tty with gdm running on some other vt. Booting i386 gives a working live session | 15:36 |
chadadavis | stgraber: I can sudo service lightdm start manually, but it doesn't start automatically. | 15:38 |
hggdh | chadadavis: did you dpkg-reconfigure gdm or lightdm? | 15:39 |
stgraber | chadadavis: on amd64 that's correct. On i386 I have lightdm running here. | 15:39 |
chadadavis | stgraber: happens to me on i386 as well, under virtual box 4 | 15:39 |
chadadavis | hggdh: neither | 15:40 |
stgraber | chadadavis: dpkg -l | grep gdm | 15:40 |
stgraber | chadadavis: do you get anything on i386? | 15:40 |
hggdh | chadadavis: please run it, and make sure lightdm is selected for start (I am looking at a simlilar issue right now, trying to reproduce) | 15:40 |
chadadavis | stgraber: Yeah, it's the one I mentioned 3.0.4-0ubuntu3 | 15:41 |
stgraber | c65a42618211524083f16036026c0baf oneiric-dvd-i386.iso | 15:41 |
stgraber | chadadavis: can you check the md5sum of your iso image? | 15:42 |
stgraber | the one I just pasted is the one you should have | 15:42 |
chadadavis | stgraber, different. I'll resync and get back to you if I find anything contradictory. | 15:43 |
stgraber | ok, so you very likely have 20110705.1 which indeed had gdm | 15:43 |
stgraber | 20110705.2 was supposed to fix that for both i386 and amd64 but for some reason the rebuild only did the trick for i386... | 15:43 |
stgraber | stgraber@castiana:~/data/vm/iso$ wget -O - -q | grep gdm | 15:44 |
stgraber | gdm3.0.4-0ubuntu3 | 15:44 |
stgraber | stgraber@castiana:~/data/vm/iso$ wget -O - -q | grep gdm | 15:44 |
stgraber | stgraber@castiana:~/data/vm/iso$ | 15:44 |
stgraber | chadadavis: Edubuntu DVD is rebuilding now. New builds should be posted in < 2 hours | 15:45 |
chadadavis | stgraber, thanks. Sorry for false alarm. I'm subscribed to those images now too. | 15:46 |
charlie-tca | I am re-zyncing my xubuntu images; they seem to have gotten respun after I synced this morning | 15:46 |
hggdh | <sight/> lightdm sigsegv-ed :-( | 15:47 |
hggdh | and again... | 15:53 |
charlie-tca | Xubuntu live sessions do not start; bug 799238 | 16:59 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 799238 in casper (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu amd64 20110618 xserver abort (affects: 1) (heat: 255)" [Medium,Triaged] | 16:59 |
charlie-tca | WORKAROUND: install using the cd menu | 17:01 |
jibel | charlie-tca, can you reproduce it ? | 17:06 |
charlie-tca | everytime | 17:06 |
charlie-tca | both 32 and 64bit | 17:06 |
charlie-tca | can not start a live session no matter what I try | 17:06 |
jibel | charlie-tca, when you're on the console, does X starts if you don't touch anything and wait 2 minutes ? | 17:07 |
charlie-tca | no | 17:07 |
charlie-tca | it just sits at the black screen, forever | 17:07 |
* charlie-tca tried waiting up to 10 minutes | 17:07 | |
jibel | 2 min is enough, I was thinking about bug 791139 | 17:08 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 791139 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "When booting from an ISO, a shell is displayed for 2 min before the graphics environment starts (affects: 1) (heat: 129)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 17:08 |
charlie-tca | Yeah, but we have not been able to get a live session ever with lightdm | 17:09 |
charlie-tca | It's been broken for a while | 17:09 |
davmor2 | jibel: on the ubuntu live install on VBox I get a whole heap of issues ziestgiest dies, USC crashes but doesn't close or stop functioning, no calendaring at all which is a huge regression I get the udev write permission warning so splash is seemingly non-existant, restart after install has press enter as white text on black instead of test on shutdown splash | 17:11 |
davmor2 | I can go on but I don't have time right now | 17:12 |
hggdh | jibel: I was comparing output from both the old jenkins server and the new for the oneiric tests today and... they do *not* match | 17:16 |
jibel | hggdh, could you check which image the old jenkins tested today ? I reran the jobs on the new jenkins because it was testing the wrong images | 17:17 |
hggdh | jibel: checking now | 17:17 |
jibel | hggdh, that's the bug where the checksum file is updated but images are not available, in this situation it tests the images available from the cache. | 17:18 |
charlie-tca | trying the i386 desktop image live session on hardware, black screen, no cursor, | 17:25 |
charlie-tca | aborting attempt | 17:29 |
chadadavis | stgraber, edubuntu i386 and amd64 auto-start lightdm now, and gdm is gone. | 17:55 |
stgraber | yeah! | 17:57 |
hggdh | anyone can run virt-manager on Oneiric? | 18:10 |
njin | sincing ubi & kubi 64 | 18:19 |
jibel | charlie-tca, do you use specific hardware, graphics card ? | 18:25 |
jibel | charlie-tca, live session works fine here on intel hw | 18:26 |
charlie-tca | I have 2 386 desktop machines, 1 64bit laptop, and a bunch of VBox machines I use | 18:26 |
jibel | charlie-tca, and what is the setup of the system with the black screen ? | 18:27 |
charlie-tca | I can't get a desktop session on anything here, intel 845, ati, nvidia, and VBox | 18:27 |
charlie-tca | ati express 200, vbox, and ATI Radeon 9800 w/128MB | 18:28 |
charlie-tca | all giving the same things | 18:28 |
jibel | I don't have any problem on vbox. | 18:30 |
charlie-tca | here, take at look at june - | 18:30 |
charlie-tca | We haven't been able to get a live session between three of uis | 18:31 |
charlie-tca | and it hasn't changed | 18:31 |
charlie-tca | might be better to try | 18:32 |
charlie-tca | I just ran it on my hardware; see above. It failed again | 18:32 |
charlie-tca | I have to count one in four as a failure | 18:34 |
njin | hggdh, just installed testdrive but it crash, do you need something from this crash ? | 18:55 |
jibel | njin, probably bug 805985 | 19:06 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 805985 in testdrive (Ubuntu) "testdrive-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV in dbusmenu_gtk_parse_menu_structure() (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] | 19:06 |
njin | jibel, perfect thanks | 19:07 |
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chadadavis | Should we be skipping images not listed on the tracker, e.g. ubuntu-dvd (i386/amd64) ? | 20:10 |
charlie-tca | chadadavis: if they are not on the tracker, they either need to be re-built or will not be published for the milestone | 20:13 |
chadadavis | thanks, charlie-tca | 20:14 |
charlie-tca | yw | 20:14 |
skaet | charlie-tca, chadadavis - I believe not having ubuntu-dvd on the tracker was an oversight. I've gone ahead and added them, since a set were built. | 20:17 |
charlie-tca | Oh, yeah. I forgot that part, too. | 20:18 |
chadadavis | skaet, I thought that was odd, thanks. | 20:18 |
skaet | chadadavis, thanks for asking. :) | 20:18 |
charlie-tca | Sometimes it is just forgotten, so you should always ask here. | 20:18 |
* skaet nods | 20:18 | |
charlie-tca | Then at least the right people know about it. | 20:18 |
chadadavis | How should I let the tracker know that I cannot test the amd64+mac images, because they're too large (mac doesn't boot USB)? Doesn't seem like a real bug report. | 20:19 |
charlie-tca | It should be a "real" bug report, if it can not be installed because of the issue | 20:20 |
chadadavis | OK, will do, thanks charlie-tca | 20:20 |
charlie-tca | Do other mac's have usb capability? | 20:21 |
charlie-tca | jibel: 10 minutes of black screen on | 20:22 |
charlie-tca | Hardware test; Intel Celeron 1.73GHz, 64bit; 1GB RAM; Intel Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Video | 20:22 |
chadadavis | charlie-tca, The new 8,x (from spring 2011, w sandy bridge) should be able to, but most of us dont' have those. I will ask around, though. | 20:22 |
charlie-tca | bug report then. Images are useless to mac | 20:22 |
chadadavis | charlie-tca, kubuntu-alternate fits, but the others don | 20:23 |
chadadavis | don't. I'm testing the DVDs on mac, because they boot, but hardware support will be less, hence my question about ubuntu-dvd | 20:24 |
chadadavis | pace_t_zulu_ I thought you had a mac 8,x series? Have you tried booting the oversized amd64+mac images via USB on it? | 20:29 |
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pace_t_zulu_ | chadadavis: hi | 22:34 |
pace_t_zulu_ | chadadavis: haven't in a while | 22:34 |
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu | ||
pace_t_zulu | chadadavis: has anything changed since natty launch? | 22:34 |
chadadavis | pace_t_zulu, There is a new kernel. If I remember right, you could only boot the USB when the CD was also loaded. Would be interesting to check the new images via USB on the 8x series. | 22:38 |
pace_t_zulu | chadadavis: it would be interesting ... i am quite busy at the moment - but when i have the chance i will check it out | 22:39 |
chadadavis | pace_t_zulu, no problem. | 22:45 |
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