Wolfger | Morning | 11:32 |
snap-l | Good morning | 11:34 |
snap-l | Looks like now I'm getting followed by people on G+ that I have NFC who they are. | 11:35 |
Wolfger | I have been followed by only one person who I have NFC about. I accepted him based on mutual circled people, he seems to be Linux oriented. | 11:53 |
Wolfger | I have been followed by others i have VLFC about, but I at least recognize the names as people from Twitter/Identica/FB... | 11:54 |
Wolfger | also, snap-l, I would point out that you did a Lococast about G+? So yeah... I would expect you get a few NFC's. You're a pseudo rock star. ;-) | 11:55 |
snap-l | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/ubuntu-meta/1.232 | 12:10 |
snap-l | Wolfger: Yeah, I'm a rock star alright | 12:10 |
snap-l | When I go to the sub shop and people I don't know ask for my autograph, then I'm a rock star. ;) | 12:11 |
snap-l | Apparently Evolution is being replaced by Thunderbird. | 12:11 |
* snap-l checks it out | 12:12 | |
rick_h_ | snap-l: yea, getting a lot of those lately myself | 12:12 |
rick_h_ | and from other countries | 12:12 |
rick_h_ | making for an interesting 'incoming' feed | 12:12 |
greg-g | I'm here at work and using my laptop thanks to rick_h_ :) | 12:15 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: awesome, glad it worked out | 12:15 |
rick_h_ | http://paste.pocoo.org/show/WVOYyFzG0HiRBqRiAIxw/ | 12:15 |
rick_h_ | so that came in my email today :/ | 12:15 |
greg-g | heh, better go protect your IP in china domain names | 12:17 |
rick_h_ | I know, who knew our little MI woodworking group was so popular | 12:17 |
greg-g | rick_h_: with offlineimap/mutt and your google hosted domain, do you download the "All Mail" folder or not? | 12:23 |
rick_h_ | no, I don't think so | 12:23 |
rick_h_ | folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername not in ['[Gmail]/All Mail', '[Gmail]/Spam', '[Gmail]/Important'] | 12:24 |
greg-g | so you "archive" your inbox messages to a separate archive folder? | 12:25 |
rick_h_ | right | 12:25 |
* greg-g nods | 12:25 | |
rick_h_ | I have a folder Archive and use that with my A command in mutt | 12:25 |
greg-g | me too, but I was wondering if I needed to anymore. | 12:25 |
rick_h_ | Yea, I don't recall the original deal with that | 12:26 |
greg-g | I am experiencing an offlineimap issue that might make me redownload everything :/ | 12:26 |
rick_h_ | ouch | 12:26 |
greg-g | hmm, I might be able to fix it by just deleting the .offlineimap/Account-XXX folder (associated ones in there) | 12:35 |
greg-g | this is what happens when you let your harddrive run out of space and offlineimap tries to run, kids | 12:35 |
rick_h_ | dbl ouch | 12:37 |
greg-g | yeah, I need to figure out my photo storing method, can't keep them all, and videos, on the laptop harddrive anymore | 12:39 |
brousch | geez | 12:39 |
brousch | they make 1TB laptop drives now | 12:39 |
snap-l | So, anyone want to take bets on what application will get cut in O+1? | 12:40 |
rick_h_ | linux? | 12:40 |
rick_h_ | :P | 12:40 |
rick_h_ | brousch: not that perform like an SSD | 12:40 |
brousch | i'm using a 500GB hybrid ssd/hd | 12:40 |
brousch | i'm very happy with it | 12:40 |
Wolfger | Man, I want I larger version of this to use as my wallpaper... http://static.arstechnica.net/assets/2011/06/vinyl-pirate-figure-intro-thumb-640xauto-23086.jpg | 12:57 |
snap-l | Heh | 13:03 |
snap-l | greg-g: Yeah, mail doesn't handle curvebals very well | 13:04 |
rick_h_ | hah, lovely work email on "cell phone ettiquette" | 14:31 |
rick_h_ | guess people can't find the vibrate button on their phones | 14:32 |
snap-l | Shuld get an iPhone. It's a switch. ;) | 14:34 |
rick_h_ | doh! damn horrible UX with those buttons | 14:34 |
* snap-l got some new CC music in the mail today. | 14:34 | |
rick_h_ | if only someone had thought to do the work to make them switches | 14:34 |
rick_h_ | ooh, nice | 14:34 |
snap-l | http://cryogen.darkmillenniumrecords.com/ | 14:35 |
snap-l | Problem will be waiting an episode to unleash this. | 14:37 |
rick_h_ | lol | 14:37 |
snap-l | Since 25 is the Big 4 of CC metal | 14:37 |
rick_h_ | well it's a bit out of my norm /me hides his green day in cloud player he's currently listening to | 14:38 |
snap-l | No worries. | 14:38 |
snap-l | rick_h_: Have you heard Amity in Fame? | 14:38 |
rick_h_ | but very cool that there's this wealth of CC stuff I never knew | 14:38 |
snap-l | Yeah, I'm having fun with finding this stuff. | 14:38 |
rick_h_ | don't think I've heard this before | 14:39 |
rick_h_ | funny that they have this roomba ad on the front page lol | 14:39 |
snap-l | http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/28245 | 14:39 |
greg-g | hmmm, hybrid ssd/platter laptop drive, just maybe | 14:39 |
snap-l | Heh, and that's why I have adblock installed | 14:40 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: how big is your current SSD? | 14:40 |
greg-g | 140 | 14:40 |
rick_h_ | wow, and all filled eh | 14:40 |
snap-l | The only thing that worries me about SSD / platter is what happens during a power failure, and what happens when the SSD hits max write cycle. | 14:40 |
greg-g | yeah, way too much video | 14:40 |
snap-l | s/video/pron/ | 14:41 |
snap-l | FTFY. | 14:41 |
greg-g | ty | 14:41 |
snap-l | yw | 14:41 |
rick_h_ | gotcha, yea I don't have much of that and keep my music cloud now | 14:41 |
rick_h_ | move those two and suddently I can live in < 60gb | 14:41 |
greg-g | rick_h_: personal cloud or ?? for music? | 14:41 |
rick_h_ | the amazon stuff | 14:41 |
greg-g | ah, yeah | 14:41 |
snap-l | I can't live with cloud music | 14:42 |
rick_h_ | since I get my mp3s there anyway, easy to hit buy and keep it cloud | 14:42 |
snap-l | a) FLAC is too big for cloud | 14:42 |
snap-l | b) See a) | 14:42 |
rick_h_ | lol | 14:42 |
rick_h_ | just need a player to read your s3 repo and buffer things for you nicely | 14:43 |
snap-l | I love the idea of cloud-storage, but it's not practical for me outside of U1 | 14:43 |
greg-g | you could run Zeya on a micro instance and have it read your S3 storage | 14:43 |
rick_h_ | http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/isimpledesign-amazon-s3-music-player-plugin/ close | 14:43 |
snap-l | Lamedrop to convert | 14:44 |
snap-l | hells no. | 14:44 |
rick_h_ | I said close...as in does the reading and such | 14:44 |
rick_h_ | just wrong format | 14:44 |
rick_h_ | upload would be free now | 14:45 |
rick_h_ | $8.4/mo for storing 660gb of music | 14:45 |
rick_h_ | and if you streamed it all out 3x a month another $13 in data transfer | 14:46 |
snap-l | Or I could buy a HD for that kind of money. ;) | 14:46 |
rick_h_ | never had s3 disappear on me :P | 14:46 |
snap-l | Truth | 14:47 |
greg-g | well, there was that one time when the whole social web stopped working because of amazon's downtime | 14:49 |
rick_h_ | but s3 never went down or away | 14:50 |
snap-l | Considering the average file on my music storage is 30MB, that might be fun. | 14:50 |
greg-g | rick_h_: oh right, it was only compute? | 14:50 |
snap-l | Though that seems a bit high. Probably more like 20MB | 14:50 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: right, and end of the day one DC | 14:50 |
rick_h_ | admittingly, it had multiple parts they said would never go down together | 14:50 |
rick_h_ | but it was still one DC went down | 14:50 |
* greg-g nods | 14:50 | |
Wolfger | I need a rich benefactor.... http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=176029&sku=S203-101201&SRCCODE=WEM2730SS&cm_mmc=email-_-Main-_-WEM2730-_-tigeremail2730 | 14:51 |
rick_h_ | says the man with one server running bookie in one DC and all kinds of SPOF :) | 14:51 |
snap-l | Wolfger: You don't need a tablet | 14:52 |
Wolfger | I didn't say I did. | 14:52 |
snap-l | This is not the droid you're looking for | 14:52 |
snap-l | You can go about your business. | 14:52 |
Wolfger | I said I needed a rich benefactor. I *want* the Galaxy Tab | 14:52 |
Wolfger | it's sexy | 14:52 |
snap-l | What you need is a nice, wholesome Nintendo 3DS. | 14:53 |
snap-l | No web browser to distract your game playing | 14:53 |
rick_h_ | lol | 14:53 |
snap-l | (Actually, I think the 3DS has opera) | 14:53 |
snap-l | so, FWIW. | 14:53 |
rick_h_ | man my boss is going to love me "I can haz memcached pls? kthx" | 14:54 |
rick_h_ | I'm just full of new stuff I want | 14:54 |
snap-l | heh | 14:55 |
snap-l | Memcached isn't that out there for the wants / needs | 14:56 |
rick_h_ | we don't currently have a memcache server | 14:56 |
rick_h_ | so I'm asking for hardware to run node, postgres, memcache, couchdb | 14:56 |
rick_h_ | figure wth, I'll do it on the db for now and wait for him to get sick of me hammering on it :) | 14:56 |
Wolfger | Game playing? Social networking. The games I like won't play on netbook/tablet devices (yet) :-p | 14:57 |
Wolfger | Also, for e-books and for pron | 14:58 |
snap-l | Anyone know of any good utilities to unf*** a Windows XP machine? | 15:27 |
snap-l | ie: any bootable Linux distros that can do virusscan? | 15:27 |
Wolfger | snap-l: Knoppix | 15:38 |
snap-l | Does it have virusscanning built-in? | 15:40 |
Wolfger | I recall that it did (years ago). | 15:41 |
Blazeix | I've used systemrescuecd before | 15:42 |
Wolfger | http://njlinux.blogspot.com/2008/01/virus-scan-windows-using-linux-live-cd.html | 15:42 |
Blazeix | it has clamAV | 15:42 |
Wolfger | so apparently requires one install from command line | 15:42 |
rick_h_ | http://www.crunchgear.com/2011/07/05/wingardium-leviosa-this-rotocopter-is-controlled-by-the-kinect/ | 15:44 |
Wolfger | also: http://www.oreillynet.com/sysadmin/blog/2004/06/scanning_for_viruses_with_knop.html | 15:44 |
rick_h_ | the end of that video is great ^^ | 15:45 |
Wolfger | Kinect-controlled copter? Sounds awesome. | 15:45 |
Wolfger | will need to watch the video later | 15:46 |
jjesse | that does sound awesome | 15:49 |
jjesse | i love my kinect | 15:49 |
snap-l | I think my USB key is giving up the ghost. | 15:51 |
snap-l | either that or I have a machine that is just segfaulting for no reason | 15:51 |
snap-l | fucking shit | 15:51 |
gamerchick02 | Lococast time. :) | 15:54 |
snap-l | I am about to lose it | 15:54 |
gamerchick02 | lose what? sanity? | 15:54 |
snap-l | Sanity, temper, patience | 15:54 |
snap-l | not necessarily in that order. | 15:54 |
snap-l | brb. | 15:54 |
gamerchick02 | oi. sorry to hear that. | 15:54 |
rick_h_ | gamerchick02: sorry up front for the technical talk of this month's lococast | 15:56 |
rick_h_ | :) | 15:56 |
gamerchick02 | oh it's fine. | 15:56 |
rick_h_ | let me know if we managed to make any sense or not | 15:56 |
rick_h_ | was borderline if we should do that password part or not | 15:56 |
gamerchick02 | you're talking about backups and such right now. | 15:56 |
rick_h_ | cool | 15:56 |
rick_h_ | heh :) | 15:57 |
gamerchick02 | oh, metal. | 15:57 |
gamerchick02 | hello *turns down speakers* | 15:57 |
gamerchick02 | turns speakers back up to hear the talking. :-P | 15:57 |
gamerchick02 | this is important to learn about though. | 15:57 |
gamerchick02 | yeah, i had to change my instapaper and pinboard passwords because of the FBI taking Amazon Servers. | 15:58 |
Wolfger | FBI took Amazon servers? | 15:58 |
gamerchick02 | i love instapaper and pinboard. for reals. | 15:58 |
rick_h_ | no, was a different colo host | 15:58 |
gamerchick02 | oh god i don't want to think of the passwords i'd have to change if someone got ahold of my machine. | 15:59 |
gamerchick02 | one of the things i hate is having to sign up for companies' websites to apply to jobs. | 16:00 |
rick_h_ | yea, lastpass helps me with those these days | 16:00 |
gamerchick02 | they want a "profile". and a password. | 16:00 |
rick_h_ | but some I hand pick still since I might need to enter on a phone and such (amazon for example) | 16:00 |
gamerchick02 | so i end up using the same damn password on all of the sites because i'm fucking sick of signing up for company websites. | 16:01 |
gamerchick02 | also, a lot of times, if i have to sign up for a new account (which i will never use again) i won't apply. | 16:01 |
snap-l | Totally ready to lose my shit | 16:01 |
* gamerchick02 sends snap-l some tea | 16:02 | |
rick_h_ | defac | 16:02 |
snap-l | bro-in-law's laptop is a piece of shit | 16:02 |
rick_h_ | wow, that was totally wrong | 16:02 |
rick_h_ | decaf | 16:02 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: you have to get out of that business man | 16:02 |
gamerchick02 | not black tea, that hippy-decaf-rosehips stuff | 16:02 |
gamerchick02 | oi. i help too many people with their computers. | 16:03 |
gamerchick02 | what's wrong with his laptop, snap-l? | 16:03 |
snap-l | Well, what sucks is a) the DVD drive is apparently FUBAR | 16:03 |
gamerchick02 | dear god. i feel for you. | 16:03 |
snap-l | b) USB-creator is a crashy piece of shit | 16:03 |
* gamerchick02 sends shots of tequila to snap-l | 16:04 | |
rick_h_ | snap-l: I always get that with usb creator | 16:04 |
rick_h_ | I'd go over and over between my wife's laptop and my own with my 3 usb disks | 16:04 |
rick_h_ | and eventually get one to take | 16:04 |
snap-l | c) I think the USB keys I have are starting to get errors | 16:04 |
snap-l | yeah | 16:04 |
snap-l | and someone is pinging JoDee while she's on the phone, so it sounds like a fucking submarine | 16:05 |
snap-l | 0-cranky in 1 minute flat. ;) | 16:07 |
snap-l | And we have booting computer with xubuntu image | 16:08 |
Blazeix | <3 xubuntu | 16:11 |
Blazeix | their "use generic application names" option is beautiful | 16:11 |
gamerchick02 | :) i'm running xubuntu on my netbook | 16:12 |
Blazeix | man, I wish teams that worked on software clients communicated with us :( | 16:16 |
rick_h_ | ?? implementing an API you provide? | 16:16 |
snap-l | I also wish Windows XP would just die in a fire | 16:17 |
Blazeix | yeah, we've apparently been making life very hard for api consumers, and the fix on our side is a simple configuration change | 16:17 |
rick_h_ | gotcha | 16:17 |
rick_h_ | yea, hearing from users is good stuff | 16:17 |
gamerchick02 | Windows XP is not completely dead in this house. i want to convert my mom over to some form of linux, but i'm not sure if that'd work. | 16:17 |
Blazeix | but this company has thousands of lines of kludgy code to get around it | 16:17 |
snap-l | Anyone know offhand how big the clam files are nowadays? | 16:18 |
Blazeix | basically a bunch of `dtoA.foo = dtoB.foo` lines | 16:18 |
snap-l | Apparently I hit the one mirror that was the slow-boat to china | 16:53 |
snap-l | Already at the point I was with about a half-hour of download | 16:54 |
snap-l | Oh, awesome. | 16:58 |
snap-l | Start the scan, and the thing locks up hard. | 16:58 |
snap-l | FML | 16:58 |
gamerchick02 | wow. you really need some tequila, snap-l | 16:58 |
* gamerchick02 is back from taco bell. i will probably regret that. and the fire sauce, but oh well. | 16:59 | |
greg-g | mmmmmm | 16:59 |
rick_h_ | reminds me, I need to order some tennessee sunshine | 16:59 |
gamerchick02 | some what, rick_h_? | 16:59 |
rick_h_ | http://www.redbagcollection.com/tennesseesunshine.html | 17:00 |
rick_h_ | what I got hooked on for any taco needs | 17:00 |
gamerchick02 | oh my. | 17:00 |
rick_h_ | I bring it to qdoba and chipolte when I go | 17:00 |
_stink_ | haha | 17:00 |
_stink_ | you're not kidding? | 17:00 |
gamerchick02 | there was some "kick ass" sauce at a place in Frankenmuth | 17:00 |
rick_h_ | and I'm out... :( | 17:00 |
rick_h_ | no, my wife hates it. I hid it in her purse in a ziplock bag :) | 17:01 |
gamerchick02 | looked kinda silly. | 17:01 |
_stink_ | you don't mess around. | 17:01 |
_stink_ | i should know this | 17:01 |
gamerchick02 | you need a murse, rick_h_ | 17:01 |
gamerchick02 | then you can carry your netbook and your hot sauce with no problems. | 17:01 |
rick_h_ | lol, I'm not really the 'murse' kind of guy | 17:01 |
gamerchick02 | i thank gods i'm a woman and can carry one. because if i couldn't, my pants/shorts wouldn't hold up. | 17:02 |
rick_h_ | well, I mean after you have some of that stuff, no sauce at taco bell is edible | 17:02 |
gamerchick02 | seriously. i think i carry too much around. | 17:02 |
rick_h_ | not that their food is entirely either, but still | 17:02 |
gamerchick02 | well then. i might have to try that | 17:02 |
gamerchick02 | taco bell is a strange craving i get every once in awhile | 17:02 |
gamerchick02 | no, i'm not pregnant. | 17:02 |
rick_h_ | yea, I'm with you | 17:02 |
gamerchick02 | it just... | 17:02 |
rick_h_ | same boat, every other month, wife is working late, don't want to cook something...taco bell it | 17:02 |
gamerchick02 | i go, i want some taco bell. and nothing else will work. | 17:02 |
gamerchick02 | :) | 17:03 |
gamerchick02 | it's from college, i'm sure. | 17:03 |
rick_h_ | hah, definitely | 17:03 |
rick_h_ | my fraternity house used to make late runs there and to BK whenever they had .99 whoppers. | 17:03 |
_stink_ | yeah, i have a pavlovian response to the theme from the BBC World Service that airs on Michigan Radio from 11pm-4am | 17:03 |
_stink_ | i hear that theme... must have taco bell | 17:03 |
rick_h_ | care full of 7 guys squeezed in ordering up tons of food | 17:03 |
rick_h_ | for $20 | 17:03 |
_stink_ | from college days | 17:03 |
rick_h_ | /care/car | 17:03 |
gamerchick02 | hah! | 17:04 |
gamerchick02 | yes. | 17:04 |
gamerchick02 | funny story: | 17:04 |
rick_h_ | lol, more to ship than to buy my year's supply of hotsauce | 17:04 |
gamerchick02 | brother is a member of Delta Chi | 17:04 |
rick_h_ | booo :P | 17:04 |
gamerchick02 | he's also one of the ones that wasn't drunk, this particular evening. | 17:05 |
gamerchick02 | he's in his room, and 5 (yes 5) of his drunk as skunk brothers, wearing SOMBREROS, want taco bell. | 17:05 |
gamerchick02 | he's the only one sober, so they go to him. | 17:05 |
gamerchick02 | he's like, "i'm not driving you dressed like that to the taco bell drive through. | 17:06 |
gamerchick02 | " | 17:06 |
gamerchick02 | at kettering, rick_h_ | 17:06 |
gamerchick02 | what fraternity are you a part of? | 17:06 |
rick_h_ | gamerchick02: yea, I was LCA there at kettering | 17:06 |
* gamerchick02 is a theta phi | 17:06 | |
rick_h_ | sorry, LXA | 17:06 |
gamerchick02 | oooh! | 17:06 |
rick_h_ | or however you want to shorten it | 17:06 |
gamerchick02 | sweet. | 17:06 |
gamerchick02 | LXA works. | 17:06 |
rick_h_ | people that don't know hate the 'Chi' X thing | 17:07 |
rick_h_ | so I tend to do C usually | 17:07 |
rick_h_ | but yea | 17:07 |
rick_h_ | ok, thanks for the reminder gamerchick02, sauce is ordered for the next year | 17:07 |
gamerchick02 | :) rick_h_ cool beans! | 17:07 |
gamerchick02 | so, no murse for you? | 17:08 |
snap-l | Oh I'm going to hurt someone | 17:08 |
gamerchick02 | you could carry everything you need. | 17:08 |
snap-l | can't run clamscan because I'm running out of memory | 17:08 |
* gamerchick02 gets out of snap-l 's way | 17:08 | |
rick_h_ | no, I'll just start carrying my laptop backpack around all the time | 17:08 |
rick_h_ | like I'm a traveling hippie | 17:08 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: "I'm sorry, I did everything I could. Here's your new linux machine" | 17:09 |
greg-g | +1 | 17:09 |
rick_h_ | maybe? | 17:09 |
gamerchick02 | don't hippies carry hemp murses? | 17:09 |
rick_h_ | I don't think I've seen greg-g with one :) | 17:09 |
gamerchick02 | rick_h_ has a point, snap-l. great idea! | 17:09 |
snap-l | Save for having to find some replacements for the stuff that he uses to tweak his RC cars and his multimeter, this is a great idea. | 17:09 |
gamerchick02 | maybe it's time for a google search. *bows to the almighty google* | 17:10 |
rick_h_ | ugh | 17:10 |
rick_h_ | "and I pre-installed a bunch of books on your new hobby! ham radio!" | 17:10 |
rick_h_ | lots of stuff for that on there | 17:10 |
_stink_ | haha | 17:10 |
gamerchick02 | lol, rick_h_ | 17:11 |
gamerchick02 | your new hobby. i like that. | 17:11 |
snap-l | http://www.rc-monster.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8963 | 17:11 |
rick_h_ | rc cars are for kids, unless they're jets or other aircraft that I wish I could do | 17:11 |
rick_h_ | well, working in VM with usb is cool | 17:12 |
gamerchick02 | actually, the vm and wine idea is a great one. | 17:13 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: hah, of course you'd come up with that bug :P | 17:13 |
rick_h_ | I debated long/hard on that. | 17:13 |
greg-g | :) | 17:23 |
gamerchick02 | i refuse to get State Farm insurance. | 17:36 |
gamerchick02 | i'm sick of them sending me pleas to switch my insurance. | 17:36 |
greg-g | they all do that | 17:36 |
gamerchick02 | them and progressive. i will never do business with those companies. ever | 17:36 |
greg-g | trust me, I have state farm and get the same crap from progressive | 17:37 |
gamerchick02 | they all need to have their reproductive organs forcibly and painfully removed. | 17:37 |
gamerchick02 | i hate spam and i hate paper spam. | 17:37 |
* greg-g nods | 17:38 | |
gamerchick02 | http://gamerchick02.tumblr.com/post/7269076338/americanroutes-1952-vincent-black-lightning | 17:47 |
* gamerchick02 drools | 17:47 | |
gamerchick02 | beautiful. | 17:47 |
gamerchick02 | i like the ending track for lococast. | 18:12 |
rick_h_ | http://mashable.com/2011/07/05/google-blogger-picasa-rebranding/ | 18:12 |
gamerchick02 | hrm. google+ blogging? | 18:13 |
gamerchick02 | google blogs. that's cool | 18:13 |
gamerchick02 | i wonder if they're fixing the whole "no pages" thing. | 18:13 |
=== Team-Xlink is now known as TeamXlink | ||
gamerchick02 | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/07/top-terminal-commands-newbie/ interesting. and some upset in the comments, as is per usual with OMGUbuntu. | 18:35 |
jjesse | going through my ubuntu-us-mi label in gmail and keep seeing notifications that "this message may not have been sent by: email address" is this because you guys are sending from programs outside of gmail? | 18:43 |
jjesse | ie Wolfger's message to a subject "removing all but current kernel" | 18:43 |
jjesse | getting it also in emails brousch has sent | 18:44 |
Wolfger | I think that's because it's going through the mailing list e-mail.... | 18:44 |
jjesse | i don't see it on greg-g's email | 18:45 |
Wolfger | http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&ctx=mail&answer=185812 | 18:46 |
Wolfger | Greg is not using Gmail | 18:46 |
Wolfger | From Robert Citek's e-mail in that thread: Authentication-Results: mx.google.com; spf=neutral (google.com: is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of ubuntu-us-mi-bounces@lists.ubuntu.com) smtp.mail=ubuntu-us-mi-bounces@lists.ubuntu.com; dkim=neutral (body hash did not verify) header.i=@gmail.com | 18:49 |
jjesse | ah so its because of the list software | 18:49 |
snap-l | God, I hate Windows | 19:16 |
gamerchick02 | i love to open windows in the spring when it's nice and cool out. /snark *ducks and runs* | 19:16 |
snap-l | This machine is essentially fucked | 19:17 |
gamerchick02 | is there a way to try 7 on it, in all seriousness? | 19:17 |
snap-l | It's a Latitude D610 | 19:17 |
gamerchick02 | 7 is like a million times better than xp | 19:17 |
snap-l | it was old when it was bought | 19:17 |
jjesse | should run windows 7 right? | 19:17 |
gamerchick02 | eee. | 19:17 |
gamerchick02 | maybe not. | 19:17 |
gamerchick02 | what about Mint? | 19:17 |
gamerchick02 | seriously. | 19:17 |
jjesse | works fine on windows 7 but need the vista sound driverhttp://forums.cnet.com/7723-7587_102-332366.html | 19:18 |
snap-l | If I put Linux on this machine, it's essentially useless to my bro-in-law | 19:18 |
_stink_ | i can empathize with that. | 19:18 |
snap-l | and if I put 7 on it, it's essentially useless too | 19:18 |
gamerchick02 | so can i. :( | 19:18 |
gamerchick02 | sorry, snap-l. | 19:18 |
snap-l | plus, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have discs so I can slam it | 19:19 |
gamerchick02 | i wish i could help you. | 19:19 |
snap-l | and frankly he doesn't have the $$ to go out and get a new machine, which is what I think he's going to do anyway. | 19:19 |
snap-l | because the problem isn't Windows, it's the fact that my bro-in-law will click on anything to get to where he wants to go | 19:19 |
gamerchick02 | oh dear god. | 19:20 |
gamerchick02 | viruses and spyware galore, eh? | 19:20 |
snap-l | he's not terribly computer literate | 19:20 |
snap-l | well, there's one that I think I wiped, but the machine has even more problems than that | 19:20 |
snap-l | Think whatever it was corrupted something on there | 19:20 |
snap-l | avg won't start up | 19:21 |
gamerchick02 | ugh | 19:21 |
gamerchick02 | what about microsoft security essentials? | 19:21 |
_stink_ | yeah, it's tough. i tell people that once you have any malware, the only solution is to back up data and reinstall. | 19:21 |
gamerchick02 | that's lighter and seems to work better for me | 19:21 |
_stink_ | but with no backups or install media, that can't be done. | 19:21 |
snap-l | And I think it has just about every single update queued up since the last time I saw this machine | 19:22 |
gamerchick02 | oh. my. god. | 19:22 |
gamerchick02 | and he's been ONLINE all this time??? | 19:22 |
snap-l | gamerchick02: Not sure | 19:23 |
snap-l | he doesn't use the computer much | 19:23 |
gamerchick02 | wow. | 19:23 |
gamerchick02 | do they have a high-speed internet connection? | 19:23 |
snap-l | It's asking me to install SP3, though, if that's any indication | 19:23 |
gamerchick02 | if so, then he probably has been. | 19:23 |
gamerchick02 | damn. | 19:23 |
snap-l | Going to try an update, since there'a malicious software removal tool that should be installed | 19:24 |
snap-l | but frankly I don't see much hope for it in it's current state. | 19:24 |
snap-l | Honestly, if they made DOS versions of his programs, I think he'd be happier | 19:25 |
snap-l | I know I would | 19:25 |
gamerchick02 | *shakes head* wow. | 19:25 |
snap-l | Whelp, xubuntu, here we come. | 19:33 |
snap-l | Just called him | 19:33 |
snap-l | I think I can figure something out for his multimeter. | 19:33 |
snap-l | and with some luck maybe Wine will handle the USB interface. | 19:33 |
snap-l | And it's not like I'm not a coder, and couldn't code up something for his multimeter. ;) | 19:34 |
snap-l | That too, and I can make sure this damn thing gets updated. | 19:34 |
gamerchick02 | Oooh. Xubuntu will be much better for him, IMHO. | 19:36 |
gamerchick02 | good luck! | 19:36 |
snap-l | Thank you! | 19:38 |
gamerchick02 | you're welcome! are you going to tweak the ui to make it easier for him to work with? | 19:39 |
snap-l | I'm going to make this as much of a busy-box for him as I can | 19:39 |
snap-l | ie: he'll be able to get in, get out, and get done | 19:40 |
gamerchick02 | good. | 19:40 |
greg-g | rick_h_: just fyi, I just used your address again for this: http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/07/05/free-official-ubuntu-book-for-approved-loco-teams/ | 21:20 |
greg-g | :) | 21:20 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: you're going to get me into trouble with the wife with all these unexplained boxes showing up :p | 22:17 |
gamerchick02 | i just saw that and was about to share in here. | 22:21 |
gamerchick02 | heh | 22:21 |
greg-g | :) | 23:50 |
greg-g | snap-l: rick_h_ brousch _stink_ ColonelPanic001 gamerchick02 jjesse widox Wolfger: ya'll gonna be able to make the IRC meeting in about 10 minutes? | 23:52 |
greg-g | I need to get better about sending out email reminders :/ | 23:52 |
gamerchick02 | an irc meeting tonight? i guess since i'm here, sure. | 23:52 |
gamerchick02 | i've never been to one. hah. i'm always gone somewhere. | 23:52 |
snap-l | i can sorta meet | 23:52 |
greg-g | :) | 23:53 |
_stink_ | greg-g: on and off, yeah | 23:57 |
greg-g | cool | 23:59 |
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