[00:49] bug 801194 can be closed right? user figured out the problem [00:49] Launchpad bug 801194 in ruby-defaults (Ubuntu) "sqlite3 gem does not install (affects: 1) (heat: 443)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/801194 === Hellow is now known as collinp [04:09] Hi all. [06:12] Hello! === arky is now known as ^arky^ [10:06] i have a problem with my launchpad account from where i can get help and can any body help me??? [10:15] bil21al: you should ask in #launchpad [12:47] anyone else can confirm that nautilus segfaults when pressing delete/backspace or any arrow key while renaming a file? [12:50] brendand, what apport says? is it crashing at ffi_prep_args ? then its a known issue [12:50] SIGSEGV [12:51] that's the signal not the function [12:51] pedro_ , true, but that's as much info as it gives [12:51] nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV [12:52] show me a bug number for the known issue [12:52] brendand, its probably bug 805783 [12:52] Launchpad bug 805783 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in ffi_call() (affects: 15) (dups: 3) (heat: 86)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/805783 [12:53] there's a couple of ffi* crashes which are going to be fixed with next glib upload [12:53] the same is happening when you d&d === Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit [16:50] qa meeting in 10mn on #ubuntu-meeting === yofel_ is now known as yofel === bughunter88 is now known as jradzuweit === jradzuweit is now known as bughunter88