
cyberangerelectricus: sftp00:55
cyberangerbuilt into OpenSSH and enablied by default00:55
cyberangerand filezilla support it00:55
cyberangersshfs is great, but it's more a networked drive than a file transfer client, if your transferring files, and not using it like dropbox or a NAS, I'd stick to an sftp client00:56
wrstcyberanger: yep I agree because sometimes using sshfs it can be a little quirky with large file transfers over the internet01:07
wrsthadn't thought about it like that01:07
cyberangerwrst: fuse doesn't understand I/O errors too well (or that used to be an issue, at least) and sshfs has any hiccup, ssh connection stops, it's handled like an I/O error by fuse01:11
cyberangeror something like that (happened to me enough, never could figure out why to the point of filing a bug, best I could figure was that)01:12
cyberangeran sftp client however is optimized for that issue01:12
cyberangeronly thing I like more is rsync -e ssh01:13
cyberangeresp if I'm moving my iso's back and forth01:13
cyberangersince it only grabs a difference (I grab the debian testing iso each week with rsync, but I move the last working iso to a storage folder first, in case the new weekly is caput)01:14
wrstcyberanger:  I have no issues at all locally using sshfs but over the internet I have had an issue on occasion01:22
wrstfew but not perfect01:22
linuxman410anyone here01:35
chris4585cyberanger, thats true about sshfs, but thats all I ever use it for lol02:01
wrstI love sshfs its how I do everything here at home actually02:13
cyberangerwrst: yeah, locally it's fine02:23
cyberangerchris4585: over hughesnet even?02:23
chris4585cyberanger, well I used it local usually, but yes even on hughesnet it worked kind of07:16
chris4585it was very slow on loading thumbnails, which was annoying07:16
cyberangerchris4585: and worse for media I'd bet08:29
cyberangerand locally is fine, I was getting more at the ec2 instance08:30
chris4585yes, well all I ever did was copy files10:17
=== cyberanger is now known as kj4juy
=== kj4juy is now known as cyberanger
cyberangerMorning Tennessee!12:04
wrstmorning cyberanger, I think I've seen you before12:37
cyberangerwrst: really, wonder where?13:06
cyberangermorning Xpistos13:06
wrstha ha cyberanger13:06
wrstmorning Xpistos13:07
Xpistosmorning all. Boy have I been out of circulation13:07
wrstwb to circulation Xpistos13:08
cyberangerXpistos: when you came back to circulation, did you bring back the original joker?13:54
cyberangerawesome, was heath ledger around?14:02

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