[00:02] Hella ghetto [00:24] ls [00:24] bleh [00:41] my headache is back in force. guess i'm not going to SF ;( [01:16] rww: ouch, hope you feel better! [02:14] aaditya, ping [02:42] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dFkzbnZoVXVDMkJ1dmlXbjh0Q09MS1E6MQ&ndplr=1#gid=0 [02:43] is there a Google page somewhere verifying that that's legitimate? [02:53] Vic Gundotra posted it [02:53] He is pretty legit [02:54] this is where + announcements come from [02:54] Engineering Director of Google+ :) [02:54] https://plus.google.com/107117483540235115863/posts?tab=XX [02:55] invites are sorta open [02:55] we get to invite a few [03:08] YokoZar, you have gmail adress for +1 invite? [03:09] MarkDude: I already got invited but when I went last it was sort of uninvited [03:09] can I actually sign up now? [03:09] No- but we are able to send a few invites [03:10] I don't think invites mean anything at all. [03:10] They need to be resent for the moment [03:10] Either it lets people in, or it doesn't. [03:10] Look at Vics post [03:10] well they did not specify number [03:11] looks like we need to choose a few- I resent to 5 people I had invited [03:12] people that resend now get invite sent, all the rest will get to respond after it is fully open- he explained partially why [03:13] We continue to throttle invites, so please don't mass invite folks as it won't work. If you invite a handful of your most important friends and family you're much more likely to get these folks into our system. [03:13] Still some chance to it- like lottery :) [03:13] aaditya, pingy you invited person I wanted to check if this actually works [03:13] :) [03:14] So MarkDude, now that I'm finally in, how do I find people like you to add? [03:14] I guess I just have to search for people individually by name, there's no way of saying "now that I've found MarkDude, I can find the other ubunteros from his profile" ? [03:15] Once you get a few people added- the suggested folks become slightly relelvant [03:15] oh, wait, when I search I can see your profile and get to other people's from there [03:15] took it a bit to figure out some of my circles [03:15] but I couldn't do that for people who were already in my circles [03:15] Yep [03:15] couldn't find any way to see their profiles [03:16] noone invited me ... [03:16] I have a fair amount of famous techies- as well as Linux, and other geeks [03:16] Do people get a notice when someone adds them, so they can add back (if they want to)? [03:17] so Linus invited you MarkDude ? [03:17] Nope [03:18] Chris W did - he is not saying how he got invite last month [03:18] nick sexycatsinhats [03:18] akk, yes they do [03:19] I put all the people in a follow list- and see what they share [03:19] hrm, maybe I should get my mom on Google+ then, if it's less closed right now [03:19] I have taken a few off after I see what they post [03:19] I blocked and reported someone for the first time today. [03:19] rww- just for the video feature- to show cat videos [03:19] rww: who? [03:19] or in your case turtles [03:20] * MarkDude 's case penguins [03:20] http://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/+/policy/content.html is pretty excellent, btw [03:20] sn9: an Ubuntu community member who shall remain nameless [03:20] in california? [03:21] no [03:21] ok [03:22] People don't know what circle I'm adding them to, right? [03:22] akk: correct [03:22] just that you added them to one [03:22] akk I just saw you added me [03:23] I dont know where tho [03:23] * MarkDude made post about that afew days ago- after adding Mike arrington- I put him in D-Bag circle [03:25] then wondered about what circle people put me in- most common answer was geek, followed by Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora, and my favorite, people that wear penguin suits while giving talks :) [03:26] * MarkDude suggests Gina Trapani and JEff Jarvis- since their stuff is very relvant to google + [03:26] philipballew, you want invite? [03:26] yeah, id love one [03:26] maybe [03:27] i dont know much about it but i would like one [03:28] You need a gmail- [03:28] philipballew@gmail.com [03:28] and maybe your google profile set up- I think those of us that set up profiles last year were signing up in advance and did not know [03:29] yeah. I had friends who set those up a few months back [03:29] I wonder if this will do better then google buzz [03:31] Yes [03:31] * MarkDude will bet 1 US dollar on that [03:31] philipballew, you are invited [03:31] check mail [03:31] I mean they got apple folks on it- hired away [03:32] I'm waiting for Google Buzz to get integrated into Google+ properly, personally [03:32] google buzz wasnt very popular [03:37] MarkDude, haha, no email. perhaps google isn't inviting anyone else\ [03:40] I think they hit the number quickly [03:40] they wanted to double [03:40] and aaditya most likely lost a chance for the moment :( [03:40] Damn you dragon, where are you ? :D [03:41] im pretty happy with twitter now [03:42] philipballew, then you will like part of this- it has a similar aspect, but better [03:43] MarkDude, how so? [03:43] It seems much more like facebook than twitter, right now [03:44] the circle thing [03:44] I have a following list [03:44] of people that works out to very similar to Twitter [03:45] for friends and stuff it is more like FB [03:45] so its a mix i guess [03:54] For sure. Not only that- it will have open API [03:55] so it can have extensions [03:55] they are not doin gthat yet- since they are still trying different backends [03:57] Yay, my sister is on here- her invite worked [03:57] I really think it is because she is kinda near the Vally [03:57] valley [03:57] I'm assuming that my initial guess of "San Fernando" is wrong and you mean Silicon. [04:52] MarkDude: so I figure you'll know. What was this Facebook announcement thing? [05:03] It was crap. It should have been a blogpost [05:03] Mark Z taught us math, for like 20 minutes [05:03] the skype integration for voice chat? [05:03] * MarkDude was part of google hangout with chris Pirillo on it [05:04] YEp, no workie for Linux [05:04] * MarkDude says eff Mark Z in neck [05:04] in neck [05:04] :) [05:04] oh, so nothing I care about then [05:04] skype is kinda past it's prime anyway [05:04] its [05:04] it was like welcom to 2007 [05:10] MarkDude, pleia2 rww skype for linux could fade out now anyway to to msofts new ownership to [05:11] Zonker posted about that subject, it was pretty good [05:11] not that it means much, but "Microsoft will continue to invest in and support Skype clients on non-Microsoft platforms" ~ Microsoft press release [05:12] they also have said "we love open source" rww [05:14] And? Some of Microsoft does love Open Source. Some of them even love Free Software :) [05:15] yet they abuse the foss industry [05:17] I'd love to see statistics on how many Free Software developers fix Windows installations for their day job :) [05:18] and personally, I'm a fan of good things (like Linux) having competition. I'm not a fan of things like patents, but I think abuse of software patents is ultimately the government's fault for creating them. [05:19] I have had jobs fixing windows machines. how should the patent system be changed? [05:20] To focus narrowly, software patents shouldn't be issued and current software patents should be rescinded. [05:21] tell that to apple... [05:21] (assumption: we're talking about the USA here :) [05:21] philipballew: and Redhat, and Google, and all the other companies that own them. [05:22] for sure. redhat is interesting. not always sure how to feel about them [05:24] google as well. they are big on free software. somewhat and other ways not [05:41] https://plus.google.com/109381089725745119133/posts Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier commenting about MS patents [05:41] in reacting to Matt Asay [07:30] google+ opened up apperently [20:28] I need an "ignore MarkDude's hangouts" button on g+ [20:28] ;) [20:29] haha [20:30] :) [20:31] Well I am seeing if it works at Starbucks - it does [20:34] and also if it works while people are at work- not so much [20:43] besides, I gotta be social