
serge_jhunt: hey are you around?12:27
jhuntserge_: hi12:38
serge_jhunt: oh, hey.  I wanted to get your input on bug 49539412:45
serge_jhunt: in particular, as to whether the /etc/init/networking-up.conf' should be shipped with libvirt12:45
serge_(and called libvirt-networking-up), or with something more general?12:45
jhuntk - looking at bug...12:46
serge_ignore comment 30, i'm basically going to use the debdiff attached to comment 2412:49
jhuntserge_: first question is why bridge-network-interface.conf is no longer in bridge-utils. The oneiric changelog suggests it should (still) be by the looks of it.13:07
serge_i thought they were suggesting a udev rule took its place13:35
* serge_ goes to look more closely13:35
serge_yeah, it's covered13:37
serge_by bridge-utils.bridge-network-interface.udev and bridge-network-interface.sh13:37
serge_jhunt: and really the explanation of its interaction doesn't make sense to me.  THe net-device-up should still have been sent.13:45
serge_all that job did was bring up the bridge_ports13:45
serge_jhunt: so, en fin, what i'm wondering is whether networking-up.conf should ship with ifupdown or something13:54
serge_i'm happy to put it into libvirt, just don't want to put it in only to pull it out next week :)13:54
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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