
Unit193astraljava: Little late, but I haven't used it, I just heard horrors about it...00:11
pleia2charlie-tca: our past news announcements have been very basic "Xubuntu 11.04 alpha 1 released" and such, do we want that "Another great milestone.." thing to be the title now, or just a tagline? (I'm thinking tagline)01:57
Unit193Good one ;)01:57
* pleia2 fails at timing :)01:58
pleia2charlie-tca: our past news announcements have been very basic "Xubuntu 11.04 alpha 1 released" and such, do we want that "Another great milestone.." thing to be the title now, or just a tagline? (I'm thinking tagline)02:01
charlie-tcaokay, I'm fine with that02:01
charlie-tcaI just hope to get people excited, somehow02:01
charlie-tcaI am not much of a writer, just kind of hoping to get some people excited about Xubuntu02:02
* Unit193 is -1 writer02:05
pleia2charlie-tca: mind if I change the long bit in the parentheses to a Please note: instead?02:05
Unit193This will be on the side of the homepage?02:05
pleia2looks a bit funny to have a multi-line parentetical02:05
pleia2actually, I can make it not multi-line by changing text formatting a little02:07
pleia2ok, draft saved, just need to publish in the morning when the isos are let out into the wild :)02:07
pleia2ack, it's showing up in the list anyway02:08
pleia2so much for prepping a draft, stupid drupal02:09
Unit193It's not showing up on xubuntu.org if that's what you're saying...02:13
pleia2yeah, i removed the draft 02:13
charlie-tcaGo ahead02:14
charlie-tcaI expect the release around 10:00 UTC again, but we will see02:14
charlie-tcaGo ahead with any changes you think are needed. 02:14
pleia2I will be sleeping at 10UTC :)02:16
pleia2I'll update when I wake up02:16
Unit193I'll have to remember to check that... On another note, I just about finished up on 32alt autoresize02:17
charlie-tcaand it worked?02:17
Unit193Normal issues, few icons missing, partly xfce theme, etc.02:19
charlie-tcaSo, it worked02:20
charlie-tcaall the bugs should be in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs/OneiricOcelot02:20
Unit193All but the guest one (That I can think of/see now)02:22
charlie-tcabut no new ones yet?02:25
Unit193Nope, not that I can see02:27
charlie-tcaOkay, I have to go now and rest02:27
Unit193Have a great nap ;)02:27
charlie-tcaNot released yet, will be watching #ubuntu-release for the announcement15:05
* pleia2 waves to charlie-tca 15:55
plantoschkais alpha 2 out already?16:04
pleia2it is!16:05
pleia2working on ubuntu-news post for big ubuntu, then adding xubuntu one to our site16:05
plantoschkagreat :)16:06
charlie-tcaalpha2 is released16:15
charlie-tcaas of 15 minutes ago16:16
charlie-tcapleia2: apparently 10:00 my time16:16
charlie-tcaPlease advise people to read the technical overview before they try oneiric. It will cause great headaches if they don't.16:23
micahgcharlie-tca: got a bug that maybe we should trackL bug 80709016:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807090 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "New Login doesn't work since /usr/bin/gdmflexiserver is missing with lightdm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80709016:23
charlie-tcaOh, goody, can't that be part of the missing session settings?16:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 803499 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu session using wrong settings" [High,Triaged]16:25
micahgwell, Ubuntu will technically have the issue as well, but idk if they'll do anything about it since they don't ship xscreensaver16:25
micahgideally this should be in some type of shared/global package vs xubuntu specific, but I think we should track it since we're impacted OOTB16:25
charlie-tcaNot until the next milestone, at least, when they actually work on the high importance bugs reported on the ISO tracker16:25
charlie-tcaadding lightdm to it, since that directly affects this bug16:31
charlie-tcamicahg: added to oneiric bug watches for us16:33
plantoschkais ubuntu using thunderbird as default on oneiric?16:39
charlie-tcaThey added it for alpha216:39
charlie-tcaThe final decision has not been made yet, whether or not it will really replace evolution.16:40
plantoschkajust looking at it. they made some improvements with unity16:40
charlie-tcaExpect that decision for alpha316:40
charlie-tcaMany thanks to everyone for helping get Oneiric Ocelot Alpha2 out! This was a difficult milestone, as can be seen by the number of flavours not releasing it.16:53
micahgcharlie-tca: thanks17:19
charlie-tcaThank you. Feel free to add bugs to the watch, if you spot them. 17:20
charlie-tcaIt at least gives us a quick list to them17:20
* pleia2 hugs meetingology 18:49
Unit193He just had a name change in #lubuntu and #lubuntu-offtopic  :D18:50
charlie-tcaThat should make it easier18:51
Unit193Quite! Thanks to AlanBell and #ubuntu-irc !18:52
charlie-tcaGuess I can go work on my grass some more, but it is hot out there for me19:12
micahgso, bots are now 20% of the channel :-/21:13
Unit1933 of them are supybots21:13
charlie-tcaand two of them we will actually use21:15
charlie-tcaoh, well21:16
micahgwell, 3 are interactive, one passive21:16
knomenow that we have 20% bots, can we also leave the talking to them??21:16
micahgbut still, the point  was that we need more people :)21:16
ochosii would love to see the bots talk to each other :)21:16
* knome lapses to an infinite idle21:16
charlie-tcaAgreed. Now how to get more people?21:16
ochosihm, the thing is, we shouldn't just get *anybody* but people who are at least 1) motivated and 2) capable21:17
Unit193Looks like I shouldn't be here, I only have half the 1st21:24
charlie-tcaI am motivated, at least21:25
knomeUnit193 & charlie-tca, in total you make 0,7521:26
charlie-tcaWell, that's something, anyway21:26
knomeout of four...21:26
knome0,75 out of 221:26
charlie-tcaheh, confusing, isn't it?21:26
knomeno wait, what21:26
knomei blame the beer21:27
knomenot enough of it yet21:27
Unit193Me and Charlie both are motivated, but we are not capable?21:28
knomeyou said that yourself21:29
Unit193Aye, that I did! I'm just summing it up ;)21:29
knomeso because you both have the same half, i suppose that makes a strong 0,25 and then 0,2521:29
* micahg is quite confused21:30
knomeso probably a strong 0,37521:30
knomeochosi, what's the lower limit?21:31
ochosihehe, not sure, the lower limit is still getting a xubuntu release twice a year ;)22:14
Unit193The only other Xubuntu user I know can't really help (And I'm working to get others converted to Xubuntu)22:19
ochosithat's cool, i mean things are working ok at the moment22:19
knome"can't really help"22:19
ochosiwe have enough updrift due to unity and gnome3 breaking the old conventions22:19
ochosibut in a way steve (SiDi) was right recently when he said we're mostly doing packaging and painting22:20
knome(s)he can advertise, write a blog, give support, triage bugs...22:20
Unit193knome: I can barely help... He might not have the time22:20
knomebut i hate those guys who tell they have bugs and they need them fixed for their work, then they maybe fix them themself but don't post the back..22:21
knomei was introduced to FOSS by a guy who pretty much never have worked with FOSS22:21
knome"yeah you definitely should take part"22:21
Unit193You don't have to worry about me, I can't program worth a lick :D22:21
knomei'm not so good at plain programming either22:22
knomebut there are other ways you can help22:22
* Unit193 is still trying his hand at testing with the major help of charlie and astralj22:22
knomethat's appreciated22:22
Unit193And the help I'm getting from those two is also great! I couldn't do it without them!22:23
micahgthere are so many other ways to help Xubuntu besides coding22:24
ochosii agree, but we could really use some coders...22:25
micahgis there more dev work I don't know about?22:26
ochosiyou mean apart from packaging?22:27
ochosiwell if there were more coders there would simply be more things we *could* do, e.g. improve some xfce-stuff that is important to us (e.g. indicator-plugin)22:27
xrdodrx`ochosi, you mean you want people to push changes beneficial to xubuntu upstream to xfce22:28
ochosibasically yes22:28
ochosimicahg: it simply would be cool because we could deal with the unbeneficial changes to the codebase that ubuntu does way better22:30
charlie-tcaWell, this is so much better. Now my installation of Oneiric which had been fine lost it's Xubuntu session settings22:40
charlie-tcaAt least it matches the alpha2 images now22:40
charlie-tcaochosi: Did you change the wallpaper in greybird?22:48
charlie-tcahaha, I now have the xfce-stripes.png wallpaper22:48
charlie-tcaIt also switched to tango icon set22:48
charlie-tcaTransformation is not complete, though. I still have indicators...22:49
ochosinope, didn't do a thing :)22:49
charlie-tcahm, clicked on settings manager -> Desktop, and the wallpaper changed to the right one.22:51
charlie-tcaThis is weird. The icons are now a mixed set, using both tango and xubuntu elementary22:53
Mandrewhi ya'll22:55
charlie-tcaHello, Mandrew 22:56
Mandrewhi charlie-tca 22:56
ochosicharlie-tca: do you have the normal elementary-icon theme installed?22:58
charlie-tcayup - Installed: 2.7.1-0ubuntu122:59
charlie-tcaIt's got to do with the session settings and lightdm bugs23:00

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