
RAOFbdrung_: It's called GNOME Do :P01:14
LLStarkshi, if the expose doesn't work while gnome-terminal is in f11 fullscreen, is that a bug for unity or gnome-terminal?01:52
RAOFWell, probably compiz :)01:54
LLStarksk thx01:54
didrocksgood morning06:42
oSoMoNgood morning07:01
oSoMoNhey MacSlow07:21
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RAOFnjpatel: Hah!  I finally have a server that emits raw events regardless of grabs.08:25
njpatelRAOF, awesome!!08:25
RAOFnjpatel: I can throw it in a PPA if you'd like; I'm not going to upload it immediately before the weekend :)08:26
njpatelRAOF, I don't think I'll be able to use it before next week, so I can probably wait for upload into O08:34
njpatelRAOF, but, thank you so much :)08:34
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jjardonHi, Im seeing a bunch of updates today. What is a good time to upgrade?12:11
jjardonie, the upgrades are always at the period of time in the day or there is not a fixed plan for them?12:12
njpateljjardon, I think there is a huge transition going on with *indicat* right now12:47
njpatelseb128, ^12:47
jjardonnjpatel: yeah, I know :/12:48
njpatelyeah, so don't upgrade :D12:48
njpateljjardon, ted has this effect on ubuntu where everything breaks ;)12:48
jjardonlate ;)12:49
jjardonmmm, after the upgrade: No package 'indicator3-0.4' found, shouldnt be indicator-0.4 ?12:54
njpateljjardon, it's indicator3-0.4 now I believe12:56
njpateljjardon, tedg hates us12:56
tedgnjpatel, No, just you.12:56
jjardonpkg-config --list-all | grep indicator12:56
tedgThere was some collateral damage though12:56
jjardonindicator-0.4                       libindicator - libindicator.12:56
tedgjjardon, GTK2 version, GTK3 is indicator3-0.412:57
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kenvandinejjardon, the new libindicator got built and NEWd before indicator-power to built..13:27
kenvandinejjardon, so how is the update of indicator-power for the new libindicator coming :)13:27
jjardonkenvandine: I'm working on that ;)13:28
kenvandinethx :)13:28
jjardonbut I get a sstrange error when compiling: libtool: link: only absolute run-paths are allowed13:28
jjardon(the same happens in indicator-sound)13:28
kenvandinelook in your configure.ac13:29
kenvandineyou missed changing one of the pkg-config calls13:29
kenvandineat least that is what was wrong with indicator-sound13:29
jjardonkenvandine: trying indicator-sound trunk now and the same problem persist13:30
kenvandinewhere it sets INDICATORDIR13:30
kenvandinejjardon, i don't think that fix has been merged yet13:31
kenvandine-INDICATORDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=indicatordir indicator3`13:31
kenvandine+INDICATORDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=indicatordir indicator3-0.4`13:31
kenvandinesame for INDICATORICONSDIR13:32
kenvandinejjardon, looking at that, i see indicator-power still has gtk2 cruft in configure.ac... :)13:32
jjardonkenvandine: yeah, just fixing it ;)13:33
tedgYou guys should really read the mail I sent to ayatana-dev on this issue :-)13:37
* tedg pouts, no one listens to me :-(13:37
tedgYou know there is no emoticon for pout.  Interesting.13:38
andyrockis there a member of the design team?13:38
andyrocknjpatel, when you have a moment we can debug my branch...13:40
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jjardonkenvandine: https://launchpad.net/indicator-power/trunk/0.2 ;)13:47
om26ercould anyone with the appropriate right re-open this bug 77261213:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 772612 in compiz (Ubuntu Natty) "maximized window is displaced" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77261213:47
kenvandinejjardon, thx!13:48
om26erand also smspillaz the compiz branch attached in bug 772612 creates a regression i.e. unity does not start, even the classic session hangs with high cpu usage13:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 772612 in compiz (Ubuntu Natty) "maximized window is displaced" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77261213:49
andyrockDBO, around?15:30
DBOandyrock, yes15:33
TrevinhoDBO: could you give a look to my merge request for BAMF? :)15:33
andyrockDBO, i have a question about a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/76115515:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 761155 in unity-2d "[launcher] Workspace Switcher icon cannot be moved" [Medium,Confirmed]15:34
DBOTrevinho, reading now15:34
DBOwill merge if all is well :)15:34
TrevinhoOk fine... thanks DBO...15:34
TrevinhoAnd... For the wm_class thing, i've some ideas...15:34
andyrockDBO, is not a technique question, but a "design" question :)15:34
TrevinhoI think I will "speak" with some code as soon as I can....15:35
DBOandyrock, ask away15:35
andyrockDBO, if all icon can be moved in the launcher, when we add another icon (i.e. opening a new app), where it should be positioned?15:36
Trevinhobut, there's already something that is not related to us, but mostly to libwnck... and his missing class APIs. Now the ubuntu package include some new APIs that I've added through a patch that libwnck are reviewing15:37
DBOandyrock, logically it would end up at the very end15:37
DBOwhich... sucks15:37
DBOandyrock, logically it would end up at the very end15:37
DBOwhich... sucks15:37
DBOTrevinho, you rock :)15:37
TrevinhoNo... I don't.. :P15:38
TrevinhoDid you see that I also patched libSDL as you requested in their bugzilla?15:38
andyrockDBO, we could add the app icon after the last app icon...15:38
DBOTrevinho, no15:38
TrevinhoPatch is in their bugzilla both for libSDL-1.2 and libSDL-1.315:39
DBOandyrock, that would be confusing and random15:39
Trevinhohowever the ubuntu package is including it now15:39
Trevinhoso pygame apps are now working fine with BAMF :P15:39
andyrockTrevinho, DBO is booking :P15:39
DBOandyrock, if you can mix all icons together, logically they are all "the same thing"15:39
DBOandyrock, therefor, when a new one opens15:39
DBOyou only have 2 logical spots15:40
DBOtop or bottom15:40
DBOtop sucks because it causes too much motion15:40
DBOso bottom!15:40
Trevinhoandyrock: now that I've found him, I won't leave this precious guy to you only! :D15:40
andyrockTrevinho, i hate you :)15:40
Trevinhoandyrock:  Me too... :P15:41
Trevinhoops... you too! :D15:41
Trevinhohowever... Despite on what you say... I know that your heart totally loves me!15:41
andyrockTrevinho, i miss you :( <315:42
TrevinhoDBO: for the WM_CLASS thing, however... I was thinking that if some windows shares the tuple (or triple) (wm_class_name, wm_class_resource, desktop_file) they are *always* belonging to the same app15:45
Trevinhoso that mix can be used for generating their app_id too... That shouldn't be confusing at all15:45
DBOyes that's probably true15:46
Trevinhoof course applications can set bad "wm_class" that could make BAMF to crash, but we could avoid this in two ways15:46
Trevinhotracking if that bus name already exist, or just keeping a list of known buses...15:46
Trevinhoor... Move to gdbus (that I'm planning)15:46
njpatelTrevinho, before you work on moving BAMF to d-bus, would appreciate a chat15:47
Trevinhook :P15:47
njpatelyes, gdbus :)15:47
DBOyes, gdbus15:48
TrevinhoAh... About this fact... and to libbamf... I was wondering: why don't we move that library to vala when moving to gdbus? It would make the code more easy to maintain... However I don't know if we could keep the API compatibility15:48
* DBO glares at Trevinho15:48
TrevinhoOk... :D15:49
TrevinhoAny other reason for this?15:49
TrevinhoDBO ?15:51
DBOVala == easier to maintain, WAY harder to debug15:51
TrevinhoMh, no that much...15:51
DBOokay, can I just go "personal bias" here?15:51
TrevinhoAlso because it's just a wrapper library15:51
DBOalso I dont much want to see the entire lib re-written15:51
DBOand it's a little more than just a wrapper15:52
DBOsince it does local favorites15:52
DBOits a wrapper with benefits15:52
Trevinhoah, ok... Yes I agree for that...15:52
Trevinhohowever you're the boss...15:52
njpatel-1 for Vala15:52
DBOnjpatel ^^ see what I did there15:52
njpatelDBO, I did, *applauds*15:52
Trevinhonjpatel: what's the thing I should consider when porting?15:53
njpatelTrevinho, we'll change the way it works on D-Bus to be a bit more leaner, and ditch objects15:54
TrevinhoMh, ok15:55
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DaekdroomWhen I start gwibber through the messaging indicator, it won't use appmenu. What package should I report it against?16:14
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TrevinhoDaekdroom: I guess gwibber itself16:15
DaekdroomTrevinho, well, I just tested it and it affects liferea too.16:16
DaekdroomSo it's definitely not gwibber.16:16
TrevinhoOk, so it's the indicator menu16:17
Daekdroombut it doesn't affect thunderbird.16:17
DaekdroomWell, I'll file it against indicator-messages and a developer will change it if necessary16:19
TrevinhoIt could be possible that something has changed in the api and the projects you tested aren't synced yet.... I've not checked BTW.16:21
Daekdroombug 80761416:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 807614 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Aplications do not use appmenu when launched through messaging indicator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80761416:28
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