
=== Guest90833 is now known as zkriesse
=== Python is now known as PythonSnake
=== PythonSnake is now known as Python
=== Python is now known as PythonSnake
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=== Zach__ is now known as zkriesse_
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
ScottKLet me see what I can do.03:26
ScottKapachelogger: I got grantlee repromoted.  Please find someone to fill out the MIR properly.03:39
=== Zach__ is now known as zkriesse_
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse__
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apacheloggerScottK: kthx05:24
apacheloggeryofel: amd64 build gets new symbols in kdelibs :O06:25
apacheloggerso does i38606:25
* apachelogger blinks06:26
CIA-52[kdelibs] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708063304-ebxitpmpq1so16xl * debian/ (14 files) Update symbols files for i38606:33
* apachelogger wonders wth libksane builddeps on phonon06:50
CIA-52[libksane] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708065313-t55onptw0zdtaqo2 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90-0ubuntu106:53
CIA-52[kate] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708070122-hzp76sgnp05vgibg * debian/control fix builddep order07:01
CIA-52[kate] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708070301-rz4l82bwf0xtma2o * debian/control * data packages are arch all * dont repeat section defintions of the source para07:03
CIA-52[kate] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708070807-shl7vh7f97xmulqd * debian/control fix order of package relations, first depends then recommends then suggests then breaks then replaces then conflicts, kthxbai07:08
CIA-52[kate] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708070920-a34ked2ssnuxwy9m * debian/control fix double epoch07:09
CIA-52[kate] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708070952-oqcqh2l077r1zg4s * debian/control (log message trimmed)07:12
CIA-52break and replace <<, <= is less obvious for the reader, also in our case it is07:12
CIA-52a bogus statement. as there was no 4.6.80 on our end we do not know if our07:12
apacheloggershadeslayer, yofel: kate embargo'd missing license copies of GPL and GFDL07:19
shadeslayermorning  folks07:19
apacheloggerplease fix ASAP, kate is part of the builddep chain07:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: morningz07:19
* shadeslayer checks07:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: i see COPYING.doc07:20
shadeslayerin git 07:20
shadeslayerah fooey07:21
shadeslayernot commited yet07:21
apacheloggeralso I only care about the tarball, not about git :P07:21
apacheloggerwell, about both, actually, but more about the tar ^^07:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: also, why do you install CommitPolicy.draft.txt?07:22
shadeslayerin kate?07:22
apacheloggeralthough, it will not work anyway07:22
apacheloggerjust remove it07:22
shadeslayersounds wrong07:22
shadeslayerwill do07:22
apacheloggerdocs will not work with multi-bin packages anyway :P07:22
apacheloggerunless it is debian/bin.docs07:22
shadeslayerwill rename it then07:23
apacheloggerlook at the file07:23
apacheloggerit is utter useless07:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: kate-dev should depend libkate* I guess07:24
apacheloggerusr/lib/kde4/katepart.so I think that should be in kate, otherwise thinks that use the kate kpart need to dep on kate-plugins, which would be odd07:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: also the lintian override needs an update07:25
apacheloggerkate: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libkateinterfaces4 libktexteditor-codesnippets-core007:25
apacheloggerformer is a seperate package it seems07:25
shadeslayeranything else?07:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=false why is that?07:27
shadeslayerbecause it failed tests during building iirc07:27
apacheloggershould be good otherwise07:27
shadeslayerwill check with again with RC207:27
apacheloggerI actually think it fails because of some build system weirdness07:29
apacheloggerI have not seen any test pass in rc107:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17jymDn0W6U07:30
CIA-52[libkdcraw] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708073056-qmeu8b1ctyew9pba * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack1-0ubuntu107:30
QuintasanGood morning07:34
apacheloggeryo Quintasan07:34
apacheloggerQuintasan: feel motivated to work on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grantlee/+bug/60166207:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 601662 in grantlee (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libgrantlee-dev" [Critical,Triaged]07:34
apacheloggerScottK got it prepromoted but wants better mir07:34
apacheloggergood news everyone!07:35
apacheloggerkdelibs built on i386 and amd6407:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: should i break/replace more stuff in kate now? seeing how we moved files? but since we didn't release them into public repos ....07:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: nvm unreleased moves07:35
* apachelogger retries amd64 of kdepimlibs07:36
apacheloggerScottK: okular, libkdcraw and libksane in source new07:36
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kate] Rohan Garg * 14 * debian/ (docs control kate-plugins.install kate.install) Fixes as suggested by Harald07:36
shadeslayerkate fixored07:36
shadeslayernow back to rocs07:36
apacheloggerneed new tar07:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: sure can do07:37
apacheloggerplz uploads repacke'd to ppa07:37
Quintasanapachelogger: Nope. Working on 4.6.507:38
QuintasanNot now at least.07:38
* apachelogger kicks pbuilder really really hard07:41
Quintasanapachelogger: Sup?07:44
Quintasanyofel: uploading kdebase-runtime 4.6.507:45
shadeslayeryofel: shouldn't kate depend on kate-data (= {source:Version})07:45
QuintasanIT shout07:45
QuintasanIt should.07:45
apacheloggerQuintasan: dunno, doesnt wanan create anymore07:45
* shadeslayer fixes07:45
apacheloggercraps out when installing libc07:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: bug 807386 if you touch kdevelop indecently again07:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807386 in kdevelop (Ubuntu) "CMake should be a required dependency." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80738607:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw what happens in mid term eval?07:46
apachelogger 56 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, kde-runtime-dbg, libkipi8 (= ${binary:Version})07:46
apachelogger 57 Suggests: libkipi8 (= ${source:Version})07:46
apacheloggerclearly it woud like to have libkipi8 ^^07:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: mentor decides whether you were lazy scum, you decide whether you were lazy scum07:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: what package is that?07:47
* shadeslayer most certainly was not lazy07:47
apacheloggerW: Failure trying to run: chroot /var/cache/pbuilder/build/26974/. dpkg --force-depends --install /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.13-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb07:47
apacheloggerI does not compute07:47
apacheloggery u fail me so much07:48
QuintasanIt is clearly obvious that it doesn't like you much apachelogger07:49
* Quintasan hates distrubuted development shit07:50
CIA-52[libkipi] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708075108-8yod53jj84ns0obv * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90-0ubuntu107:51
apacheloggerQuintasan: why be that?07:51
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kate] Rohan Garg * 15 * debian/ (changelog control) * Depend on kate-data( = {source:Version}) instead of {binary:Version}07:52
Quintasanapachelogger: Tell me how I'm supposed to patch something with quilt without having to extract the source, copy the debian dir, do quilt magic refresh and then copy back07:52
* Quintasan goes apeshit over list-missing07:53
apacheloggerdid I already mentioned that I oreded me some class10 micro sds?07:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: how much did they cost you?07:54
apacheloggerbzr builddeb -e07:54
apachelogger8 gig like 20 and 16 gig like 30 or so07:54
shadeslayerthats ... cheap07:54
apacheloggerQuintasan: builddeb -e was for you btw07:54
Quintasanapachelogger: What be that?07:54
Quintasan$20 for 8GB Class 10 card?07:55
apacheloggerthe tool you should use to do distributed development :O07:55
apacheloggerQuintasan: euros!07:55
apacheloggerI only pay in real moniez07:55
shadeslayeri thought USD as well07:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: repacked kate is up07:55
apacheloggeryou are two drunken pirates07:55
shadeslayerincludes COPYING.DOC and COPYING.GPL207:56
* Quintasan orders http://alplast-resellerweb.systemb2b.com/s/s/p-c985238107:56
Quintasan~41 euro07:56
apacheloggerkingston is expensive like that07:57
apacheloggeralso get yourself some proper moniez07:57
apacheloggerthat is like monopoly all over again07:57
QuintasanTell that to Polish gov07:57
apacheloggerbzr: ERROR: Unable to find the needed upstream tarball: kate_4.6.90+repack.orig.tar.gz.07:58
apacheloggereven the apt source faisl me07:58
shadeslayerwell .. ofcourse07:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: i uploaded it to natty :/08:06
shadeslayerplease kick me08:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: feel better now ^^08:09
apacheloggerhowever did I get to voice, oh, typo day08:09
Quintasanyofel: kdebase progress08:09
Quintasanwork in progress08:09
* Quintasan makes tea08:10
* apachelogger read mates and was confused there for a second08:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: y no symbols file for kate?08:11
Quintasanshadeslayer: PROTIP: dpkg-gensymbols08:12
* Quintasan hides08:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: because the build didn't say any were generated08:12
apacheloggerQuintasan: that be spelled with a B you silly person08:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: because you did not include the proper mk files08:12
apacheloggerI reckon08:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: i shall look into it08:12
QuintasanPROTIP is like BROTIP but it's widely considered supid08:12
apacheloggerembargoing again :P08:12
* Quintasan is hungry08:14
* shadeslayer too08:14
apacheloggerScottK: libkipi in source new08:14
Quintasanyofel: uploading kdebase08:14
QuintasanI think we will have 4.6.5 ready in staging in hour or so08:14
apacheloggerretrying pimlibs on ppc08:15
* Quintasan thinks he can upload everything at once and then just retry if it fails when in dep-wait08:15
shadeslayerQuintasan: where will you upload 4.6.5 to? don't we have 4.6.90 in archives now08:15
apacheloggeryofel: pimlibs also has dated symbols08:15
* apachelogger waves fist 08:15
Quintasanshadeslayer: Plan says Upload to kubuntu-ppa/staging with ~ppa108:15
shadeslayerfrankly, i find 4.6.5 a waste of time08:16
CIA-52[kdepimlibs] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708081704-an2zy9gl06ivipai * debian/ (14 files) Refresh symbol files08:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: why is that?08:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: because we will be packaging 4.6.90 for natty08:17
Quintasanshadeslayer: Start doing RC208:17
apachelogger.90 is dated already08:18
shadeslayer95 then :P08:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: also peopel should not use .90 in production envrionments08:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: let me finish rocs08:18
apacheloggeralso they should not use 4.7 in those08:18
apacheloggeralso unlike 4.7 4.6.5 can go into updates08:18
Quintasanapachelogger: Are there really no hopes for EGL on iMX?08:20
apacheloggerI dunno, there are bigger problems right now08:21
QuintasanSuch as 4.7?08:21
apacheloggeralso gsoc :08:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: you could try to find someone who can tell us if there is a way to debug EGL init somehow08:21
apacheloggerbecause without knowing what exactly goes wrong it is hard to ask for fixed stuff08:22
QuintasanI'll do it when I am done with 4.6.508:22
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
* apachelogger thinks that yofel also forgot to symbol update libkdeedu08:24
apacheloggerdoes anyone know why I get No Such Resource08:24
apacheloggerwhen trying to access a ninja ppa buildlog?08:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: you use chrome08:25
shadeslayerthats why08:25
apacheloggerin what browser does this particular feature work?08:25
Quintasanapachelogger: Do you have a fast connection?08:25
apacheloggeror perhaps I need IE?08:25
apacheloggerah, right08:25
shadeslayeror rekonq as well08:25
apacheloggerhow exactly is canonical different from microsoft?08:25
apachelogger"need to use that browsa or wiii no like you"08:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: afaik its a bug in chrom*08:26
shadeslayercould be launchpad, but i was told it was a bug in chrom*08:26
apacheloggerI care that much -><-08:29
Quintasanapachelogger: Do you have a fast connection?08:30
apacheloggernot particularly08:30
* Quintasan can't really do kdeedut08:30
QuintasanUploading that will take at least 1 hour08:31
apacheloggerhow big is it?08:31
apacheloggerwell, will also take about an hour here08:31
apacheloggerthough I can proxy upload it08:31
QuintasanRiddell: Do you still have this spare machine I used long time ago?08:31
shadeslayerQuintasan: i can upload it08:31
Quintasanshadeslayer: Do you have faster upload than me? :O08:32
RiddellQuintasan: I still have my server in the cupboard08:32
RiddellQuintasan: I can start an EC2 machine too if you need a machine08:32
* apachelogger wonders why libkdeedu didn't run gensymbols08:32
shadeslayerQuintasan: i have ssh access to yofel's thinkpad08:32
QuintasanRiddell: What I need is a connection with fast upload08:32
shadeslayerredesigned pkg-kde.alioth08:32
apacheloggerQuintasan: you could always hog ScottK's connection ^^08:33
RiddellQuintasan: EC2 it is then08:33
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
shadeslayerQuintasan: whats the speed of you connection anyways?08:36
shadeslayerupload speed that is08:36
Quintasan512 Mb/s08:38
shadeslayera bit faster then08:39
shadeslayeri have 600 Kbps (day) / 1Mbps (night)08:39
RiddellQuintasan: ubuntu@ec2-50-17-30-70.compute-1.amazonaws.com08:40
RiddellQuintasan: let me know when you're done with it08:40
CIA-52[libkdeedu] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708084126-0n41bu8nbp00nt7l * debian/changelog typoday--08:41
CIA-52[libkdeedu] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708084154-n9zbhuaw3r2x8scq * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack1-0ubuntu108:41
QuintasanPackaging at the speed of light~!08:42
apacheloggerScottK: libkdeedu in source new08:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: kate fixed yet?08:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: was fixing rocs, does kate have a higer priority?08:46
apacheloggernah, since ScottK is not around to let the stuff through new it doesnt really matter08:47
CIA-52[libkexiv2] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708084902-n5z9djao0987ngob * debian/control remove pointless original maintainer08:49
CIA-52[libkexiv2] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708084918-7x8nni0v254mb6yy * debian/control bump sc-dev-latest to .9008:49
CIA-52[libkexiv2] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708084940-krxxcibsslnoaac7 * debian/control update vcs entries08:49
apacheloggershadeslayer, Quintasan: does pbuilder creatio work for you?08:52
apacheloggeroneiric builder that is08:52
QuintasanNo idea, too lazy to try08:53
QuintasanIt worked because I have one08:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: it worked for me a couple of weeks back08:53
apacheloggerwell, I also have one08:53
apacheloggerbut now it doesnt work08:53
shadeslayerdunno about the latest status08:53
* Quintasan tries to get a cable our of EC2 machine center08:54
CIA-52[libkexiv2] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708085451-etfkrh5ri22d2a5c * debian/control fix description a bit08:54
QuintasanRiddell: I'm done with it, thanks!08:56
shadeslayerkate_4.6.95+repack.orig.tar.bz2                                                                                                                100% 1984KB   1.9MB/s   00:00    08:56
Quintasanshadeslayer: kdeedu was uploaded in like 3 seconds on EC208:57
apacheloggerdpkg-gensymbols: warning: debian/libkexiv2-10/DEBIAN/symbols doesn't match completely debian/libkexiv2-10.symbols08:57
apacheloggerwhy oh why08:57
apacheloggeri386 build in ppa sez it is ok09:01
apacheloggerinteresting observation amd64 ppa builds do not run gensymbols for some reason09:01
shadeslayerwound /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/2/library-packages.mk be the rules file i need to build symbols?09:01
apacheloggeryou first need to create an initial symbos09:02
shadeslayerand it will then pick them up automagically?09:02
apacheloggerwell, I reckon having a symbols file is first requirement to get symbol checking09:03
shadeslayerhmm .. my emacs needs fixing09:34
shadeslayerRiddell: halp09:34
shadeslayeri have this in my .emacs file : http://paste.kde.org/9334309:35
shadeslayerError : http://paste.kde.org/9336109:35
Riddellshadeslayer: what makes you think I know anything about emacs?09:35
shadeslayeruh, i thought you did 09:35
shadeslayeriirc don't you use emacs? :P09:36
Riddellusing a text editor is different from understanding Lisp :)09:36
Riddellactually i mostly use Kate these days, makes things much easier09:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: we need symbols just for libkatepartinterfaces4 right?09:36
apacheloggerthe enterprise is dead to me09:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, yes, right09:37
apacheloggerI possue09:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: thats a fun video isn't it09:37
apacheloggersure why not09:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: does pkgkde-gensymbols not write the generated symbols to a file?09:40
CIA-52[kdeaccessibility] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708094030-2hakx3vj90bgywfc * debian/control bump kde-sc-dev-latest version09:40
shadeslayerah nvm found it09:40
CIA-52[kdeaccessibility] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708094127-0yy77jvrouw7nl46 * debian/changelog remove unreleased entry09:41
CIA-52[kdeaccessibility] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708094136-4fl2og25ajv3tom5 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90-0ubuntu109:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/PZ8LiKmQ09:41
shadeslayerhttp://pastebin.com/ypshCsiD << kate.symbols09:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: any other package in kate that needs symbol building?09:45
apacheloggeronly libsrarories need symbolz09:45
apacheloggerScottK: doko wants to do a test rebuild today, so we better leave stuff in source new for now09:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: no need for kate.symbols?09:46
shadeslayerbut kate provides libkateinterfaces .. so don't we need symbols for that?09:46
apacheloggerdoes it contain public libraries with public headers that upstream wants to be public?09:47
apacheloggerbecause if it does then those should be properly packaged as libraries to begin with09:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: well ... we do have kate-dev09:49
apacheloggerthat does not answer my question09:49
shadeslayerdoesn't look like it09:49
shadeslayerso no then09:49
shadeslayeri just see symlinks to libkateinterfaces.so  libkatepartinterfaces.so  libktexteditor_codesnippets_core.so09:49
apacheloggerlooking at this I being to think that the packaging is moot09:52
apacheloggerall public libraries09:52
apacheloggerinstall all that stuff until necessary09:53
apacheloggeron a related note why is libkatepartinterfaces4 necessary?09:53
Quintasankk, going on a short break09:55
CIA-52[kalzium] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708100311-uod9ta0oqzot0zhm * debian/ (changelog control) fix version and clean trailing whitespaces10:03
steveireapachelogger: Ok cool. (re grantlee bugs monitored)10:03
steveirebtw it is an optional dependency for kdelibs.10:04
steveireI think all unit tests still build and pass without it10:04
steveireAnd it is only used by unit tests10:04
steveireAlthough kjots and kaddressbook need it too anyway10:05
CIA-52[kalzium] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708100708-zzfs4zlwu6qdgmtd * releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu110:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: because libkatepartinterfaces4 is a public lib?10:07
apacheloggerso is libkateinterfaces and libtexteditor_codesnippets_core10:08
yofelapachelogger: huh? I did update symbols for kdelibs, but I somehow believe the recent gcc upload introduce more symbols (think of my kdenetwork failure)10:08
apacheloggerthat would explain why doko wants to do a rebuild test10:09
* apachelogger finds it weird that a gcc upload introduces more symbols though10:09
yofelor glib or whatever else was updated10:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: sp split more?10:09
apacheloggerwhat i said earlier10:10
shadeslayer<apachelogger> install all that stuff until necessary ?10:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: why is builddep order all messed up with yer pacakges10:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: what build dep order?10:10
apacheloggerBuild-Depends: kde-sc-dev-latest (>= 4:4.6.90),10:11
apachelogger cmake, debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), pkg-kde-tools (>= 0.12),10:11
apachelogger kdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.6),10:11
shadeslayerdebhelper, cmake, kde-sc-dev-latest, kdelibs, foo bar10:11
apacheloggerthat is what it is supposed to be10:11
apacheloggerwith yuour stuff it always is semingly random10:11
shadeslayerwell, is it really necessary to follow that order?10:11
apacheloggeras necessary as obeying a codign style10:12
apacheloggerthere is a reason why kde-sc-dev-latest is first followed by a newline10:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: which is?10:13
apacheloggerit is the only builddep you need to change for every package10:13
CIA-52[kamera] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708101441-08hkl676oq42na6d * debian/copyright newline at eof10:14
CIA-52[kamera] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708101800-g6ioj7xbv0cqlca6 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu110:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: you did not mention Burkhard's copyright on kamera docs, you might want to fix that10:18
shadeslayerwill do10:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: also the license on docs is not clear, you might want to poke upstream about that10:18
shadeslayernot under GFDL?10:19
apacheloggerit doesnt say so anyway10:19
apacheloggerif it did it is missing the complete copy10:19
shadeslayerlooks like it10:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: i'll email the author10:19
apacheloggerkbruch is missing kde-sc-dev-latest completely :/10:21
shadeslayerhold on10:22
CIA-52[kbruch] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708102208-1wh6ofdt2tpsa6tf * debian/control fix build deps, update vcs entries, fix version of dbg breaks/replaces10:22
apachelogger<<< 12:23.43 Fri Jul 08 2011!~/src/bzr/build-area/kbruch-4.6.90+repack 10:24
apachelogger<<< me@avatar!1009 E:1                                                                                                                                      10:24
apachelogger>>> grep -r legal doc/10:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^10:24
apacheloggeralso missing copyright statement10:24
shadeslayeris that kbruch?10:24
shadeslayerdoes not have COPYING.DOC too10:24
apacheloggerthat is what I was indicating :P10:25
shadeslayerah ok :P10:25
yofelgood, at least on my eeePC again10:25
CIA-52[kbruch] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708102538-w01c1d16rd0uaho3 * debian/rules newline at eof10:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: also, i don't think i completely understand what you want me to do with kate10:26
yofelbah, the upgrade of my thinkpad is stuck on overwrites10:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: find out why we would want the libraries to be public10:26
apacheloggerand only have the headers of selected libraries in the -dev10:26
apacheloggerlike should we only need/want libfoo1 you should only have the headers of that one library in the dev10:27
apachelogger(arguably you'd even only make a -dev for that lib rather than the whole source package)10:27
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-runtime] Philip Muškovac * 215 * debian/ (changelog control) Add breaks/replaces on kde-runtime-data for nepomukcontroller10:28
yofelbah, and next one10:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: dude10:30
apacheloggerget a proper editor10:30
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-wallpapers] Philip Muškovac * 5 * debian/control kde-wallpapers breaks/replaces kdebase-workspace-wallpapers (<< 4:4.6.80)10:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: what happened?10:30
CIA-52[kcolorchooser] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708103150-9lp97kph3wvyoco1 * debian/ (control copyright) newline at eof!!!!10:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: that ^10:32
apacheloggerReplaces: kdegraphics-dbg (>= 4:4.6.80)10:32
apacheloggerthat my friend is a bug10:32
shadeslayeryes it is10:32
CIA-52[kcolorchooser] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708103255-z61hp9uc4w66rfey * debian/control fix deps10:33
shadeslayeri could not remember where i made that mistake, although i was sure i made it somewhere10:33
CIA-52[kcolorchooser] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708103338-jnr2vhj94ykhx9ih * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu110:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: grep is your friend ^^10:34
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace] Philip Muškovac * 509 * debian/ (changelog control) kde-workspace-data breaks/replaces kde-icons-mono << 4:4.6.8010:34
* apachelogger waits for Quintasan to return10:35
yofelbah, you already uploaded kalzium10:35
apacheloggeryofel: find an archive admin to reject it from source new10:35
yofelwell, needs some breaks/replaces, so ubuntu2 would be fine too10:36
yofeland I don't know any archive admins10:36
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kalzium] Philip Muškovac * 5 * debian/ (changelog control) libcompoundviewer4 breaks/replaces kalzium << 4:4.6.8010:37
CIA-52[konsole] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708103823-oq1xrqkl70f9m6ub * debian/copyright tabs--10:38
CIA-52[konsole] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708103952-trdakp8c7srzpeoe * debian/source/lintian-overrides remove unrelated overrides10:40
CIA-52[konsole] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708104113-qg7q375654ii2emz * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu110:41
apacheloggerbambee: ahoy, please take a look at libkexiv2, I had missing symbols when building it earlier10:43
apacheloggeron amd64 that was10:43
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kbruch] Rohan Garg * 6 * debian/copyright Add copyright for docs10:43
bambeeapachelogger: ok10:43
shadeslayerfffffuuuuu .... also have to fill in the german visa form10:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: can i upload the kbruch 4.6.95 tarball instead of the 4.6.90 one?10:51
yofelplease don't, that'll be a mess10:52
shadeslayeroh ok10:52
shadeslayerwill have to upload with repack1 then10:53
yofelbesides, you fixed it post-rc2, so you would need to repack it anyway10:53
bambeeapachelogger: you're totally right10:56
bambeeI did not see them10:56
bambeewell, no abi breakage => these missing symbols are methods into a private class10:57
bambeewhich is not installed in public headers and only used into KExiv210:58
bambee(the class KExiv2 I mean)10:58
apacheloggerplz update symbols file10:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: new kbruch with proper license uploaded11:03
shadeslayerplz rename it to repack tho, since you haven't uploaded it11:04
apacheloggeradditional work11:05
apacheloggerme not likes11:05
apachelogger>>> basename `pwd` && grep -r legal doc11:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^11:05
apacheloggernext one :P11:05
apacheloggeralso -dbg is empty11:07
apacheloggerno ida why11:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: Source: <url://example.com>11:08
CIA-52[kturtle] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708110912-47qid4qpggw4bh41 * debian/ (control docs rules) newline at eof and deps fixes11:09
shadeslayernow i have to wait for a couple of minutes :<11:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: kbruch no repack1?11:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: whut?11:11
apacheloggerUsing saved parent location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kbruch/11:11
apachelogger M  debian/copyright                                                                                             11:11
apacheloggerAll changes applied successfully. 11:11
apacheloggerno update to changelog11:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes, just rename the tarball from repack1 to repack11:12
shadeslayerppa had reapck, archives don't11:12
apacheloggerwhy yes11:12
apacheloggerno I manually need to get the tar11:12
shadeslayeryus, sorry11:13
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kturtle] Rohan Garg * 5 * debian/copyright Fix Source field in copyright11:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: kaput11:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: >>> ls COPYING COPYING.DOC11:15
apacheloggerls: cannot access COPYING: No such file or directory11:15
shadeslayerWHAT 11:15
shadeslayerARE YOU SHITTING ME11:15
apacheloggerwould be fun11:15
apacheloggeroh, btw11:15
apacheloggersomeone tell the dirk to remove .gitignore or he's gonna get a beatin11:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: fix on your own then :P11:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: you broke, you fix11:16
* apachelogger updates embargo :P11:16
yofeldpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/konq-plugins_4%3a4.6.90-0ubuntu1~ppa6_amd64.deb (--unpack):11:18
yofel trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/config.kcfg/keditbookmarks.kcfg', which is also in package kde-baseapps-data 4:4.6.90-0ubuntu1~ppa611:18
yofelkeditbookmarks.kcfg is NOT in konq-plugins.install11:18
shadeslayerapt has finally gone kaput handling our packages11:19
apacheloggeryofel: is cantor blocked on that kalgebra thing?11:19
yofelapachelogger: well, not really, maxima ant the other backend should work fine11:19
apacheloggeryofel: ./konq-plugins.install:/usr/share/kde4/config.kcfg11:22
apacheloggerthat takes the dir11:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/kbruch_4.6.90+repack.orig.tar.bz211:22
shadeslayerthats the fixed one11:22
* yofel goes fixing11:23
CIA-52[kbruch] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708112427-o3to791zehlrjny2 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu111:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: lets hope nothing broke11:25
shadeslayeryes :P11:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/kturtle_4.6.90+repack.orig.tar.bz2 << kturtle11:27
CIA-52[kanagram] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708112723-25rtae9prsic0a37 * debian/ (control copyright rules) newline business11:27
apacheloggerzomg kanagram actually is in proper shape11:28
shadeslayerheh :P11:28
CIA-52[kanagram] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708112843-npgwyf0bxhfzarbn * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu111:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: rocs is nearly done as well11:28
apacheloggerlunch break11:29
shadeslayerrocs has each and every GPL licensing 11:31
yofelfooey, new symbols here too11:34
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-baseapps] Philip Muškovac * 175 * debian/ (konq-plugins.install libkonq5abi1.symbols) fix konq-plugins install file and add new symbols11:36
shadeslayerhow do i handle the GPL v1 license now?11:38
shadeslayerwe don't install GPLv1 on systems anymore11:38
bambeeapachelogger: fixed btw11:46
yofelwhere's jonthetaco when you need him...11:57
yofelk, now let's reboot my thinkpad and see if KDE is broken ^^11:58
shadeslayeryay, rocs even has LGPL 2.1 ... this is fun12:00
yofelnow this was NOT fun12:06
yofelthe nvidia driver failed to load GLX again => kde crashed at login12:07
yofelreinstalling the driver and kde started fine12:07
yofelother than that, welcome KDE 4.7 ^^12:07
* Quintasan resumes 4.6.5 frenzy12:08
yofeloh right, I had workspace marked for me, doing it now12:08
yofelcd dump/kubuntu/4.6.5/kde-work<tab>...<tab><tab> - huh? where's the folder -.-12:09
yofelgood that 4.6.5 is the last of that12:10
Quintasankdeplasma-addons dep-wait on workspace :)12:11
yofelbuilding now12:11
Quintasanyofel: Can you  kdeartwork and games since they are too big for me to upload?12:12
Quintasannetwork is on depwait too12:13
Quintasanonce you upload I will retry12:14
yofelstupid indicator, plasma crash:12:19
yofel#6  0x00007fec4e85e794 in ?? () from /usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_message_indicator.so12:19
* Quintasan would kill it with fire12:20
QuintasanHere, Plasma spawns some jobs at random12:20
Quintasanat lest 16 of them12:20
Quintasanofc the desktop gets unresponsive as it can get12:21
Quintasanyofel: workspace nao12:21
yofelwell, at least I now know why plasma crashes everytime I launch thunderbird12:22
yofelstill building12:22
yofeloh right, let's try kmail from 4.712:22
shadeslayer^^ that would be fun12:23
* Quintasan doesnt even bother12:23
Quintasanit's broken12:23
yofeldoesn't work better or worse than 4.6 for the first minute ^^12:23
yofelmeaning: I still can't read my mails12:24
QuintasanI told you :D12:24
yofelthunderbird FTW!12:25
yofelanyone an idea if kmail 4.4. works with KDE 4.7?12:25
yofelgrr... workspace: build faster...12:26
* yofel needs an i7 octa-core12:26
yofelmaybe I should just fix icecc12:27
yofelapachelogger: does icecc work for you?12:28
Quintasanlol rampage12:29
QuintasanMOAR FAILURES12:30
Quintasanyofel: Done, ping me when workspace is uploaded so I can retry12:32
yofelwtf, kmail finally managed to list my bugmail, after like 10 minutes12:34
yofelWTF? I can't right-click the 4.7 panel. The context menu opens and closes itself after less than a second12:40
yofelwtf, works now12:42
yofelworkspace up, games coming12:48
timhi, are there plans to package the kdevelop-4.2.3 bugfix release in the near future?12:54
yofeltim: planned yes, although I can't give you a good estimate considering our current workload12:57
yofelshadeslayer: didn't you want to do that?12:57
timyofel: ok ... i was just wondering because 4.2.2 sometimes crashes on my machine and i hope some of those issues have been fixed12:59
* yofel prepares kde-l10n 4.6.513:18
shadeslayertim: its on my TODO after KDE 4.713:19
timshadeslayer: great, thanks!13:19
shadeslayerprobably should be able to touch it on mondau13:20
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common-natty] Philip Muškovac * 97 * debian/ (changelog rules) 4.6.513:23
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common-natty] Philip Muškovac * 98 * debian/build-l10n.sh fix branch location13:24
yofelbah, still uses ktown13:25
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common-natty] Philip Muškovac * 99 * debian/build-l10n.sh fix tarball server and location13:26
yofelwtf o.O13:44
yofelErr https://private-ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main Sources13:44
yofel  The requested URL returned error: 41613:44
ulysses!find libkontactinterface.so.413:44
ubottuFile libkontactinterface.so.4 found in kdepimlibs-dbg, libkontactinterface413:44
ulysses!find libakonadi-contact.so.413:45
ubottuFile libakonadi-contact.so.4 found in kdepimlibs-dbg, libakonadi-contact413:45
ulysses!find libakonadi-contact.so.4 lucid13:45
ubottuFile libakonadi-contact.so.4 found in kdepimlibs-dbg, kdepimlibs513:45
Quintasanyofel: Build retried13:45
yofelmight fail again, i386 not yet published13:46
yofelnow that I have my copy script I'll upload l10n to the PPA too so we can do some regression testing13:47
yofeland stress testing for my script :P13:48
bambeeyofel: which ppa should I use ?13:54
bambeekde 4.7 for natty13:57
bambeebackport, I guess?13:57
yofeldon't bother with 4.6.90, 4.6.95 was uploaded a few hours ago, we'll backport that13:58
CIA-52[grantlee] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708140415-9pahwxjjdcii0btc * debian/ (13 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)14:04
CIA-52Sync with archive!!@!!! * Revert previous upload and try again with the correct14:04
CIA-52patch * Backport upstream commits 128272d4f65d7f02372cb606c148817c2f15a78d and14:04
apacheloggerDEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_ALL = -V -u-c014:06
yofeldpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libkexiv2-10_4%3a4.6.90-0ubuntu1~ppa2_amd64.deb (--unpack):14:10
yofel trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/apps/libkexiv2/data/topicset.iptc-subjectcode.xml', which is also in package kdegraphics-libs-data 4:4.6.3-1ubuntu114:10
* yofel fixes14:11
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libkexiv2] Philip Muškovac * 9 * debian/control libkexiv2-10 breaks/replaces kdegraphics-libs-data << 4:4.6.8014:13
yofelthat removes koffice and krita btw.14:14
yofelsince they depend on libkexiv9 which depends on kdegraphics-libs-data14:14
apacheloggeryofel: provides :P14:16
apacheloggergood lord14:17
apacheloggerinstall libqt4-dev and it rapes your omap install to the point where gles is fuck'd again14:17
yofeluh, I'm not convinced that would work right here ^^14:17
apacheloggerwondering why14:17
apacheloggeryofel: course not because having one package for all libs is the weapon of choice for brain demage14:18
yofelI'm not convinced doing things the fedora way is better either14:19
apacheloggerwhat is the fedora way?14:19
yofelbatch everything somehow into one package per component14:19
apacheloggerthat is what kdegrafck-libs-data is14:19
yofelat least that's how I understood their position in the splitting discussion14:19
yofelapachelogger: nono, I meant ala project-neon-kdegraphics14:20
apacheloggerthat is what kdegrafck-libs-data is14:20
apacheloggerone large blob package14:20
bambeedid someone upgrade to kde 4.6.90 ?14:20
apacheloggerso that shit breaks when it should not14:20
yofelbambee: me, crashed due to my nvidia driver not working right. Works fine after I fixed that14:20
apacheloggerScottK: I could use an archive admin now14:21
bambeeyofel: any troubles with kde-window-manager ?14:21
yofelnot that I remember14:21
bambeeapt-get tries to remove kde-windows-manager :\14:21
ScottKapachelogger: Did doko give the go ahead?14:21
bambeeeverything is right except kwin...14:21
apacheloggerhe needs to do more uploads so he decide to postpone the rebuild test after kde update fun14:21
yofelbambee: uh, it is installed here14:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: ping14:22
apacheloggerpoor armel is building 8 hours on kde4libs14:22
ScottKapachelogger: What should I look at first?14:23
apacheloggerScottK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging everything orange14:23
apacheloggeralmost all of them are part of builddeps14:23
ScottKAnything in particular higher priority?14:24
yofellet me see if I can get the licensing of marble worked out, it's total chaos14:24
apacheloggerScottK: nope14:24
apacheloggerthey are all high in priority ^^14:24
apacheloggerdebfx: ping14:26
apacheloggerthem kubuntu devs are never around when you need them14:26
apacheloggeryofel: is workspace ready?14:26
bambeehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/640167/  o_O14:27
yofelapachelogger: read over https://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace/+merge/67202 again, I fixed some overwrite and the Vcs links14:27
apacheloggerbambee: aptitude is not supported14:27
apacheloggeryofel: couldn't I just do that in the branch? :P14:28
bambeehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/640169/ :D14:28
ScottKOMW.  Just looked at the dep graph.14:28
bambeethere is just a wtf remove ...14:29
yofelapachelogger: well, LP has such nice colors :P14:29
apacheloggerwell, that output suggests I should not upload workspace just now :P14:29
apacheloggeryofel: git diff would have that too :P14:29
apacheloggerqbzr has them too14:29
apacheloggerand if fastarrrr14:29
kubotuapachelogger meant: "and is fastarrrr"14:29
yofelwell, It should be ready IMO, but I didn't do a check build14:29
apacheloggeryofel: so why does it want to remove almost all workspace stuff from bambee's system?14:30
yofelit didn't here14:30
debfxapachelogger: pong14:30
apacheloggerdebfx: do you have time to review/upload stuff?14:30
apacheloggerI do not feel comfortable uploading my own packages, especially since I did not do much packaging lately14:31
yofelbambee: use aptitude to tell you WHY it wants to remove it14:31
debfxnot much but I can upload a few14:31
bambeeyofel: already done http://paste.ubuntu.com/640167/14:32
apacheloggeryofel, bambee: kdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.6.80), <--- you should only be using 4.6, kde-sc-dev-latest takes care that the appropriate version is available14:34
yofelbambee: that doesn't tell a thing, run it interactively and go to kde-window-manager in the dep-resolution dialog14:34
debfxapachelogger: which ones do you want me to review?14:35
yofeloh, I belive kde-window-manager is auto-removed due to nothing depending on it14:35
apacheloggerdebfx: all I did14:35
ScottKapachelogger: I'm a bit confused on libkipi licensing.  debian/copyright mentions lgpl as does libkipi.lsm.cmake, but I find no reference to it in the code, nor do I find a full copy of the LGPL included.14:35
yofelor rather, due to kde-workspace(-bin) don't get installed14:36
yofel*not getting installed14:36
ScottKWould you please investigate?14:36
apacheloggerScottK: it is gpl, there is but one header with lgpgl14:37
apacheloggercomplete copy seems indeed to be missing14:38
ScottKWe'll need that.14:38
ScottKI'll reject and then please reupload.14:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^14:38
shadeslayerwhat happened?14:42
shadeslayerthe power went out here again14:42
shadeslayeryofel: i haz good news :)14:42
shadeslayeryofel: theres a new template in syncevolution that allows you to sync calendars \o/14:43
yofelnice :)14:43
shadeslayeryofel: unfourtunately ..... http://i.imgur.com/tuPLq.png14:43
ScottKlibkdeedu accepted.14:43
ScottKshadeslayer: :P after libkipi is fixed.14:45
* shadeslayer reads backlog14:45
shadeslayeralright, i'll have a look14:46
apacheloggerbambee: did you refresh arbitary patches in workspace?14:46
bambeeapachelogger: I just refreshed existing patches14:46
apacheloggerbambee: you should not do that :P14:46
apacheloggerespecially if the patches are from debian14:46
apacheloggeras it increases the delta we have to review for merges next time around14:47
yofelonly refresh if there's fuzz, otherwise leave them14:47
bambeeok 14:47
apacheloggerbambee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/640179/14:50
apacheloggerthere was something removed?14:51
ScottKapachelogger: In libkdcraw, what's the licensing on profiles/srgb-d65.icm and profiles/prophoto.icm?14:52
bambeeapachelogger: apparently I did some crap xD14:55
apacheloggerbambee: yeah, please revisit your patche changes14:56
apacheloggerultimately revert everything that is not necessary14:56
apacheloggerand if something beyond refresh is necessary please document in the changelog14:57
shadeslayeryofel: wth is kde4libs-4.6.2 doing in your /tmp ? :P14:57
apacheloggerScottK: not explicitly defined14:57
ScottKapachelogger: So on what terms are they distributable in our package?14:57
yofelshadeslayer: that's owned by YOU, so ask yourself14:57
ScottKI suspect they were grabbed from somewhere else and Google knows where/licensing, but it should be investigated.14:58
apacheloggerScottK: didn't find anything on google14:58
shadeslayerheh, no idea, removed14:58
apacheloggerseems the digikam guys came up with the stuff themselves14:58
ScottKCopyright (C) 1999-2005 Scarse Project14:58
apacheloggerScottK: I'd put that into the same category as icons and ignore the files ;)14:58
shadeslayerScottK: libkipi/libkipi_export.h is LGPL14:58
shadeslayerso i just need to include the LGPL copyright ?14:59
ScottKCopyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company14:59
apacheloggerScottK: where do you see that?14:59
ScottKapachelogger: Embedded in the files.  Open them with vim.14:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: complete copy of lgpl missing14:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: right, anything else?15:00
apacheloggerScottK: well, that could mean anything15:00
ScottKapachelogger: grep -ir copyright * is a wonderful tool.15:00
apacheloggerlike the editor they were created with15:00
ScottKIt could.15:00
ScottKIt's unlikely to though.15:00
apacheloggerScarse is a free color calibration and management software package. It lets you build and use ICC profiles. Custom profiles can be generated from variety of calibration targets. Scarse is intended for (and developed on) Unix machines and is distributed under the terms of GNU Public License.15:00
apacheloggernot so unlikely :P15:00
ScottKapachelogger: How about the HP one?15:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: you uploaded the tar from ninjas right?15:01
apacheloggerwell if it was created with scarse then clearly hp doesn't hold copyright15:01
ScottKThat's a different file.15:01
ScottKAnd HP can certainly use Scarse to create stuff they own.15:01
ScottKGPL doesn't infect files that way.15:02
apacheloggerScottK: what file is that?15:02
genii-aroundHi, with Muon upcoming, I'd like to update the !adept factoid for #kubuntu. What Kubuntu release is the last where Adept is default?15:02
ScottKgenii-around: None that are supported.15:02
ScottKJaunty, IIRC.15:03
genii-aroundOK, thanks. That factoid is pretty far out of date then!15:03
ScottKapachelogger: I'd suggest a repack for now that drops those files so we can get it in the archive and then someone consult with upstream on the licensing.15:04
=== ximion1 is now known as ximion
apacheloggerI do very much believe that renders the library useless15:05
ScottKThose aren't the only profiles.15:05
ScottKIt's two out of several.15:05
ScottKIs it not useless enough to build other stuff?15:05
apacheloggerjust removing two because of the random character appearance seems bit, ehm, weird15:06
yofelI'll send Gilles Caulier a mail, he added them (I already did for something else)15:07
apacheloggerwhere is that crap used anyway15:07
* apachelogger needs to write a mail to kde-core-devel15:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/libkipi_4.6.90+repack.orig.tar.bz215:07
bambeelibkexiv2 last changes uploaded into kubuntu-ninjas :)15:08
yofelapachelogger: do that15:08
apacheloggerScottK: quite honestly I'd rather not upload the package and rip out eveyr part that uses it15:08
bambee(I've synced bzr and kubuntu-ninjas/ppa)15:08
apacheloggerjust to piss upstream off15:08
yofelbambee: ah thanks, I forgot that15:08
bambeeyofel: yw15:08
ScottKapachelogger: Then let's have someone chat with upstream and leave it for the moment.15:08
ScottKapachelogger: Next bit of licensing fun: in libksane, what's the license for ksanetwain/twain.h?15:09
bambeeapachelogger: I just need to upgrade my kde completly (I found a workaround finally) and then I will fix that15:10
ScottKBinaries for libkdeedu accepted.15:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you upload kturtle?15:15
macoScottK: good news! cjwatson figured out the keyboard crashy thing!15:18
ScottKmaco: Excellent.15:19
ScottKmaco: Is the fix in then?15:19
ScottKokular accepted.15:19
macoScottK: yes. i have a few bug reports in my inbox about crashes that occur on the page after the keyboard 15:20
ScottKKonsole goes back a ways: debian/copyright:Copyright 1996 by Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org>15:23
shadeslayeri have a bunch of files which have [Copyright: <year> <name of author>] in tem15:23
kubotushadeslayer meant: "i have a bunch of files which have [Copyright: <year> <name of author>] in them"15:23
shadeslayerhow does one document that using dep5 ?15:24
shadeslayergit blame them and find out author?15:24
yofelfunny enough, those .icm profiles in libkdcraw have been there since 2007-09-19 and nobody cared about the copyright15:25
ScottKyofel: If you file a bug with upstream about the licensing being unclear, I'll accpet it.15:25
ScottKkonsole accepted.15:27
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^ libkdcraw sorted.15:27
yofelheh, no libkdcraw item in bugs.kde.org...15:29
yofelI'll put it under digikam then15:29
yofelah right, that has the component15:30
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
ScottKyofel: libksane has an issue too.15:32
ScottKksanetwain/twain.h is lacking it's license.15:32
ScottKlooking at http://old.nabble.com/twain.h-in-kdegraphics-td26562538.html it should be http://www.twain.org/license.shtm15:33
ScottKCan you add that?15:33
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^ should go upstream too.15:33
yofelI can add it to both package and upstream after I'm done with libkdcraw15:34
ScottKyofel: That'll need to be in debian/copyright too.15:37
ScottKlibkdcraw accepted.15:37
bambeewhy does plasma-widgets-addons depend on libkexiv2-10 >= 4:4.5.90 ? o_O15:38
* bambee fixes15:38
yofelbambee: won't matter much, libkexiv2-10 is only 4:4.6.9015:40
ScottKlibksane rejected (since it needs the license added)15:40
yofelScottK: kde bug 27737015:42
ubottuKDE bug 277370 in libkdcraw "Unclear licensing for profiles/prophoto icm and profiles/srgb-d65 icm" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27737015:42
ScottKyofel: Thanks.15:42
yofelah good, COPYING.twain is in old kdegraphics15:44
yofelScottK: uh.... COPYING.twain IS in libksane15:45
yofeljust in the toplevel folder, not the ksanetwain/ one15:45
yofelbut I need to fix the copyright file anyway15:45
bambeeyofel: I found a workaround finally -> install kde-workspace by hand and then everything works fine :)15:46
ScottKyofel: I'll leave it rejected then and wait for the next upload.15:47
bambeenatty users should check the apt output , just in case, imho :\15:47
yofelbambee: it's not just that, rekonq etc. get removed, so we need to rebuild some things15:48
yofelor add some transitional packages15:48
yofelI added one for kdebase-runtime15:48
shadeslayerfinally http://paste.ubuntu.com/640212/15:53
yofelshadeslayer: line 73 is broken, looks fine otherwise15:54
yofelalthough I do find it more readable if the full license copies are at the bottom15:54
shadeslayeryofel: any ideas how to handle the GPL license? line 11415:56
ScottKkalzium accepted.15:56
yofelshadeslayer: looks fine to me, and we do have a system copy of the gpl-115:57
shadeslayeryofel: where?15:57
yofelbase-files: /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-115:58
shadeslayeri don't have it here 0.o15:58
yofelfunny system you have ^^15:58
shadeslayershadeslayer@saphira ~ » ls /usr/share/common-licenses                                                                                                                        1 ↵15:58
shadeslayerApache-2.0  Artistic  BSD  GFDL  GFDL-1.2  GFDL-1.3  GPL  GPL-2  GPL-3  LGPL  LGPL-2  LGPL-2.1  LGPL-315:58
shadeslayerand GPL is just a symlink to GPL-315:58
bambeedpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kontact_4%3a4.6.90-0ubuntu1~ppa1_amd64.deb (--unpack):15:59
bambee trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/apps/kontact/ksettingsdialog/specialdates.setdlg', which is also in package korganizer 4:4.5.95-0ubuntu1~ppa115:59
ScottKlibkdcraw binaries accepted.15:59
yofelshadeslayer: is that fine? http://paste.kde.org/93523/15:59
bambeebreaks/replaces   korganizer (<< 4:4.6.90)  :)15:59
yofelbambee: fixing15:59
shadeslayerfunny license16:00
yofelisn't it? ^^16:00
bambeeyofel: you mean, you're fixing it?16:00
shadeslayerlooks good16:00
ScottKWhy does konsole-dbg have /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/konsole?16:01
yofelwhat else should it have o.O?16:01
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libksane] Philip Muškovac * 6 * debian/copyright fix twain copyright16:02
ScottKIt's got the lib, but why does it have a copy of the executable.16:02
yofelapachelogger: please re-upload libksane16:02
ScottKIIRC dbg's don't normally duplicate the executable, just the debug lib.16:02
yofelScottK: well... where should the debugging symbols of the executable be then?16:02
apacheloggermy intarwebs exploded16:03
yofelScottK: the have the /debugging symbols/ of the executable16:03
ScottKI guess.16:03
yofelapachelogger: why are you even trying to download your intrawebs onto shadeslayers PC16:04
apacheloggerprn sharing16:04
ScottKkonsole binaries accepted.16:04
apacheloggerso what did I miss?16:04
ScottKapachelogger: Please not with shadeslayer, his head will explode.16:04
ScottKapachelogger: You need to sponsor libksane.16:04
apacheloggerwhat did change?16:05
apacheloggerah, twain16:05
ScottKFixed debian/copyright16:05
apacheloggerwas wondering about that16:05
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepim] Philip Muškovac * 167 * debian/control kontact breaks/replaces korganizer << 4:4.6.8016:05
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepim] Philip Muškovac * 168 * debian/changelog forgot the changelog entry16:06
yofelok, I'm gone for a while, bbl16:06
CIA-52[libksane] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708160721-x8cq90vxgjjvlo0c * releasing version 4:4.6.90-0ubuntu116:07
apacheloggerScottK: are you updating the wiki?16:08
ScottKapachelogger: No.16:08
ScottKJust grinding through the queue.16:08
apachelogger  Uploading libksane_4.6.90-0ubuntu1_source.changes: done.16:08
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.16:08
shadeslayerhttp://paste.kde.org/93541 \o/16:08
ScottKkamera source accepted.16:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: have you uploaded kturtle yet?16:09
apacheloggerScottK: dcraw is rejected or sitting in new?16:10
ScottKdcraw is accepted.16:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: dunno, ask the wiki16:10
apacheloggeror the branch16:10
shadeslayerwiki says "missing GFDL copy"16:10
ScottKapachelogger: My deal with yofel is he filed a bug with upstream bitching about the license.16:10
apacheloggeroh, groovy16:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: i gave you the new tarball a couple of hours ago16:11
apacheloggerbambee: workspace is fixed?16:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: did not revisit it yet16:11
shadeslayeroh hmm, rocs might need symbols now16:11
ScottKkcolorchooser source accepted.16:12
bambeeapachelogger: as I said, I upgrade to kde 4.6.90 first, then I will fix it16:12
bambee(don't worry it's into my todo list :P)16:12
* apachelogger points out that it is a bit of a lbocker :P16:12
bambeeapachelogger: well, I fix it now16:13
ScottKlibksane source accepted.16:13
apacheloggerok, groovy16:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: Needs newer libindi in archives ..... did you package it?16:13
bambeeI've just to revert refreshed patches ?16:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: nope16:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: it builds fine without libindi, just a optional package16:14
apacheloggerdid you file a bug then?16:14
apacheloggerand add it to a blueprint16:14
shadeslayerlemme finish rocs16:15
shadeslayerwill come to that then16:15
apacheloggerif you forget Quintasan will surely give you a beatin, he is in a beating mood these days16:15
ScottKshadeslayer: kbruch-dbg description needs fixing.16:16
ScottKapachelogger: I'll accept the package if you'll make sure it gets fixed after.16:16
apacheloggerhow is it broken?16:17
ScottKDescription: debugging symbols for the KDE games module16:17
apacheloggerah, k16:17
shadeslayerone sec16:17
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kbruch] Rohan Garg * 8 * debian/control Fix description16:18
ScottKSource accepted.  Please don't forget.16:18
apacheloggeradded note to the wiki16:18
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kbruch] Rohan Garg * 9 * debian/control Fix description, again.16:19
ScottKIs libkalzium supposed to install its headers in /usr/include/libkdeedu?16:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: GFDL copy missing for kwordquiz, if you get a chance16:20
apacheloggerScottK: well, it needs to for source compatibility16:21
apacheloggerwhether it has others too is arguable16:21
apacheloggers/has/should have/g16:21
kubotuapachelogger meant: "whether it should have others too is arguable"16:21
ScottKOK.  Is source compatibility is bug or a feature in KDE these days?16:21
apacheloggerkalzium is not covered by source compatibility IIRC16:22
apacheloggeronly kdelibs and kdepimlibs, just like with ABI16:22
ScottKkalzium binaries accepted.16:22
CIA-52[kturtle] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708162417-3c0rasu0292p4ior * debian/changelog bump to repack16:24
CIA-52[kturtle] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708162603-xdk9onc5chjmhlyl * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu116:26
ScottKkanagram source accepted.16:26
apacheloggerkturtle source in queue16:27
ScottKapachelogger: I think I've reviewed/accepted all the New source.  16:27
ScottKNot there yet.16:27
apacheloggerslow soyuz ^^16:27
apacheloggerScottK: was libkdeedu in new?16:28
ScottKAlready accepted16:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libindi/+bug/749820 << already there16:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 749820 in libindi (Ubuntu) "upstream version 0.7.2 available" [Wishlist,New]16:29
shadeslayerthey have 0.8 now16:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: add to desktop-o-kubuntu-packaging16:30
apacheloggerand take up an item to rebuild kstars with indi16:30
apacheloggeralso, does the bzr version of kstars build right now?16:30
apacheloggerbambee: did you file a merge request for the fixed libkexiv2?16:32
bambeeapachelogger: I just used the same packages rules :)16:32
apacheloggerI do not understand16:33
bambeethese rules are already into bzr16:33
apacheloggerthe symbols were kaput16:33
apacheloggernot the rules16:33
bambeeno I did not file a merge request yet16:34
ScottKapachelogger: Please look at src/interpreteradaptor.cpp and .h and tell me where those were generated from?16:34
apacheloggerScottK: dbus file16:34
apacheloggerI gues s^^16:34
ScottKI'm trying to figure out the license.16:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: done16:34
apacheloggerScottK: kturtle?16:34
ScottKYes.  Sorry.16:34
apacheloggerScottK: generated from a dbus introspection xml16:35
apacheloggerno license, no copyright16:35
ScottKapachelogger: Sigh.  You know what that means ...16:35
=== PythonSnake is now known as Python
ScottKNo license, not distributable.16:36
shadeslayerScottK: but its generated from XML files16:36
shadeslayerautomagically using qdbusxml2cpp ....16:36
ScottKshadeslayer: Yes, but then that means it's effectively the binary.  Where's the source?16:36
apacheloggerScottK: seriously, by that reasoning the kdevelop file in there needs licensing too16:37
apacheloggerand the lsm file16:37
apacheloggerand the cmakelists.txt16:37
apacheloggerand the readme16:37
shadeslayerScottK: src/interpreter/dbus_adaptor_generator.sh16:37
apacheloggerScottK: src/interpreter/org.kde.kturtle.Interpreter.xml16:38
apacheloggerthat is the source16:38
shadeslayerthere's also org.kde.kturtle.Interpreter.xml16:38
shadeslayerwell, i think thats what he was asking for ?16:38
ScottKIt is.16:38
ScottKIt would be better if we'd actually regenerate that file during the build, but I won't block on that.16:39
ScottKapachelogger: I think kturtle will FTBFS.  Spaces instead of tabs in debian/rules.16:40
apacheloggeroh woosh16:40
* apachelogger waves fist at kate16:40
ScottKOther than that it's fine.  I'll reject and you can reupload.16:41
apacheloggervim is the nicest16:41
ScottKYep.  That's exactly how I spotted it.16:41
shadeslayerScottK: i agree on that point,  xml files should be converted to classes on build16:42
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
CIA-52[kturtle] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708164221-w0ednxuvn6k0co78 * debian/rules releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu116:42
ScottKshadeslayer: Please fix for the next upload then.16:42
apacheloggerthey are not converted!16:42
shadeslayerScottK: i'll have a talk with upstream first16:42
apacheloggerthat is an adaptor16:42
shadeslayeryes, and adaptors can be built during runtime16:42
kubotushadeslayer meant: "yes, and adaptors should be built during runtime"16:42
apacheloggernot necessarily16:43
apacheloggerthere is plenty of reasons for not generating an adaptor at build time16:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: like?16:44
apacheloggerwhether any good are behind the kturtle case is the question16:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: fatness, internal api limition, adaptor expansion beyond the marked up API, subset support of dbus api....16:45
Quintasanyofel: How is 4.6.5?16:45
apacheloggerin particular I'd argue that such stuff never ever should be generated at build time as it could have unpredictable effects16:45
shadeslayerah, yes, i forgot you can extend the generated class16:45
ScottKapachelogger: I think that's exactly why it should be generated.16:46
apacheloggerlike suddently you have one gigantic security whole because the adaptor generator messed up16:46
ScottKOK.  Let me know when kturtle's up again.16:46
shadeslayerrocs is done, just pushing bzr, would someone like to review?16:47
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/rocs] Rohan Garg * 1 * (10 files in 3 dirs) Initial Packaging for rocs16:48
* apachelogger is going to bed in a bi16:48
Quintasanyofel: Trying upgrade to 4.6.516:49
ScottKdebfx: Can you take over from apachelogger on reviewing stuff to upload?  I can't both upload and be archive admin for stuff.16:50
Quintasanyofel: no breakage in deps :P16:50
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/rocs] Rohan Garg * 2 * debian/ (changelog control) Use repacked tarball with GFDL-1.2 Licensing16:51
yofelre, reading backlog (and didn't test 4.6.5 yet)16:51
bambeewell... why is it possible to apply patches with quilt push and not with debuild -S ? o_O16:53
kubotubambee meant: "well... how is it possible to apply patches with quilt push and not with debuild -S ? o_O"16:53
yofelbambee: what's the error?16:54
shadeslayerbambee: yeah happens16:54
shadeslayerrefresh them?16:54
CIA-52[kde-baseapps] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708165541-q9lggn52p8dsqsey * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90-0ubuntu116:55
yofeloh right, I needed to add meta packages16:56
* apachelogger has no idea what he uploaded already16:57
shadeslayerrocs: DONE16:58
apacheloggerScottK: kturtle and kde-baseapps (former kdebase) should be in new in a few minutes16:58
shadeslayeri'll bbiab16:58
apacheloggerwiki timoeut17:00
yofelFOLKS: kde 4.6.5 natty needs testing in kubuntu-ppa/staging17:00
apacheloggerI forgot to create copyright for kde-wallpapers17:02
* apachelogger embargos17:02
ScottKapachelogger: You uploaded kturtle twice?17:02
apacheloggerScottK: possibly, they are the same though17:02
* apachelogger didn't remember whether he uploaded already17:03
ScottKOK.  One accepted.  One rejected.17:03
CIA-52[kdeaccessibility] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708170442-xj8cviu1s0f0i76l * debian/changelog remove unreleased (now useless) changelog entry17:04
CIA-52[kdeaccessibility] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708170714-xgnzucvxl5rpyvif * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90-0ubuntu117:07
ScottKapachelogger: For kde-baseapps, kdepasswd/passwd.h is MIT.  It's not reject material, since MIT is in debian/copyright, but it should be fixed.17:08
* apachelogger blames debian :P17:09
ScottKkde-baseapps accepted.17:09
apacheloggernote added to wiki17:10
CIA-52[kalgebra] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708171145-4l0y81znyu7xpvmk * debian/TODO.source remove todo left over from kdeedu17:11
CIA-52[kalgebra] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708171231-ywgo2f7ec9a929d0 * debian/source/lintian-overrides remove old kdeedu lintian-overrides17:12
CIA-52[kalgebra] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708171308-q3814f3txc3e907s * debian/control bump kde-sc-dev-latest to .9017:13
ScottKlibksane-data seems like overkill.17:13
ScottKAccepting anyway.17:14
yofelI wasn't sure whether to add it or not...17:14
yofeladded it in the end17:14
apacheloggerand the winner is.....17:14
apacheloggeryofel: 17:14
apachelogger>>> basename `pwd` && grep -r legal doc17:15
apacheloggernot mentioned in copyright and copy missing17:15
ScottKkcolorchooser binaries accepted.17:15
ScottKkamera binaries accepted.17:16
apacheloggeryofel: cmake/FindReadline.cmake has no license17:17
apacheloggeryet apple sez it is bsd17:17
ScottKkbruch binaries accepted.17:18
yofelapachelogger: well, in kdeedu it was with the other ones together with the COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS17:19
apacheloggeremit yawn(HippoYawn);17:19
apacheloggeryofel: hence my suspicion ;)17:19
yofelapachelogger: can I just add the file or should I bash upstream for missing copyright?17:19
apacheloggerI am sure that should be BSD licensed17:19
ScottKkanagram binaries accepted.17:19
apacheloggerotherwise kde-builsystem will come after apol17:20
apachelogger465 upgrade successful17:20
ScottKkturtle binaries accepted.17:21
CIA-52[ksaneplugin] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708172151-orlt7m0txdgkaq1i * debian/control do not overspecify kdelibs5-dev builddep as kde-sc-dev-latest takes care of that17:22
apacheloggerScottK: would you reject a package that neglects to mention that cmake/* is BSD17:24
apacheloggerin debian/copyright17:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: I do very much think that aligning packaging license with the primary license of the upstream source is a good idea17:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: mostly everything was GPL-2+ till now17:26
shadeslayerany package in particular that you think is wrong?17:26
apacheloggerksaneplugin is all LGPL-2.1+ except for your packaging :P17:26
yofelapachelogger: and how do you LINK to packaging?17:26
ScottKapachelogger: If it's got BSD in debian/copyright somewhere, no.17:26
apacheloggerthere was anoter package I noticed this with17:26
apacheloggerScottK: doesn't17:26
yofelLGPL only mkaes sense for libraries17:26
yofelotherwise it's nonsense17:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: please update debian/copyright of ksaneplugin to mentin cmake/* 17:27
ScottKapachelogger: Probably.17:27
ScottK(unless of course I missed it)17:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: kwordquiz GFDL licensing added17:27
apacheloggeryofel: why is that?17:27
apacheloggeryofel: also what do you mean with linking?17:27
shadeslayer( in git that is )17:27
yofelapachelogger: did you ever bother to read what the difference is...?17:28
apacheloggerlgpl and gpl?17:28
apacheloggerwhat you need to keep in mind is that code that is in an application could very well be useful in a library17:29
yofelok, and how does that affect the packaging?17:29
apacheloggerhere is the thing17:30
yofel(EXCEPT patches)17:30
apacheloggerwell, except patches not at all :P17:30
yofelk, I'm listening...17:30
apacheloggerthen again what else would you be licensing?17:30
yofeluh... debian/rules? :D17:30
apacheloggerat the point where debian/rules contains logic that is worth licensing it is a) highly specific and thus useless to anything but the package at hand b) should be moved into a general makefile (which would then be a library in a way :P)17:31
ScottKLooks like I'm caught up again.17:32
apacheloggerat any rate you'd want to be in line with upstream's perferred license, so that upstream can adopt patches without your involvement at all17:32
apacheloggerthough ultimately of course you'd state that all patches are condition to the license of the file they change17:33
yofelah well, I don't care enough about it to argue with you17:33
yofelI'll do it your way then17:33
apacheloggerjust a suggestion :P17:33
apacheloggeryou can do it however the flip you want17:33
yofelwell, it's not like it doesn't make sense17:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: i think the license is BSD-4 clause17:34
shadeslayernot 3 clause17:34
apacheloggercount the numbas17:34
apacheloggerI think it is 317:34
apacheloggerbut I did not look17:34
shadeslayeroh nvm17:34
shadeslayeryes its 3 clause17:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: whom should i attribute the copyright too?17:34
apacheloggerScottK: what package would you like to get? cause I am running low on material that is properly licensed and not packaged by me17:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: lord vader17:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: unkown17:35
apacheloggerdoesn't matter17:35
ScottKapachelogger: You can upload stuff packaged by you.17:35
apacheloggeryou could probably check gitty17:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: i put the file there :P17:35
apacheloggerScottK: yeah, but I do not want to17:35
shadeslayerfixed it for neon long ago17:35
ScottKapachelogger: Whatever's ready.  I've got plenty of $WORK to do in the meantime.17:35
apacheloggerScottK: didn't do enough packaging to trust myself enough on this17:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: so where did you steal it?17:35
shadeslayerfrom SVN17:36
apacheloggerso go look who added it there17:36
apacheloggerah parley17:36
apacheloggerfregl: we are now going to break parley in kubuntu :P :P :P17:36
shadeslayerwhere was ksaneplugin from17:36
shadeslayeri can't remember :S17:37
yofelI believe17:37
yofelapachelogger: what's so important about parley? ^^17:37
apacheloggerit was one of the first apps we fluffied up17:37
shadeslayerlol move FindKSane.cmake (for ksaneplugin) to kdegraphics17:39
bambeegtk-update-icon-cache has been droped?17:39
shadeslayerhmm .. added by sars17:39
bambee"/usr/sbin/update-icon-caches: 24: gtk-update-icon-cache: not found"17:39
apacheloggerQuintasan: I am honored to be the one to notify you that you have won in the lottery17:41
apachelogger>>> basename `pwd` && grep -r legal doc   17:41
apacheloggerQuintasan: please be fixing parley17:41
yofelhe haz no dev acc. I'll do the upstream fixing17:42
apacheloggerQuintasan: ./src/modeltest/modeltest.* is gpl2 without+17:43
CIA-52[rocs] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708174629-yhesrz181fap53n0 * debian/ (control rules) newline at eof17:46
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kalgebra] Philip Muškovac * 7 * debian/copyright fix copyright17:47
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/ksaneplugin] Rohan Garg * 6 * debian/copyright Fix copyright17:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: rocs is missing a copy of the LGPL17:49
apacheloggerand while you are at it, cmake/... is not mentioned in copyright17:50
yofeluh... parley is missing more than just the docs license copy17:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: none of the items you clame are License: GPL are really GPL17:51
yofelbah, why do people have to invent their own license header style17:51
apacheloggerthey are all GPL-217:51
apacheloggeryofel: to annoy others17:51
apacheloggeralso artistic creativity or something17:51
yofelthen they should use the artistic license or something17:52
apacheloggerrocs is funfunfun17:52
apacheloggerthere is a class where the header is GPL and the cpp is LGPL17:52
freglapachelogger: why do you want to break that little parley thingy?17:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: >>> basename `pwd` && grep -r legal doc17:54
apacheloggerfregl: cause you dunno how to license your software properly :P17:54
apacheloggeryofel: go get him17:55
apacheloggerI recommend bamboo for whipping17:55
yofelnah, enough upstream bashing for today, I'll leave the fun to you ^^17:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: ah, nvm I did forget that I saw a copying.doc while digging around in src/ ^^17:55
freglapachelogger: isn't it just the git splitting stuffs? or is it more messy than just missing a gpl?17:56
apacheloggerI only saw a missing FDL copy for the docs yofel knows more17:56
* apachelogger embargos rocs17:56
yofelcopy of the GPL is missing too17:56
yofelbut seems to be only those 217:57
apacheloggerI see a COPYING17:57
yofeluh, sec17:57
apachelogger>>> basename `pwd` && head -n2 COPYING 17:58
apachelogger                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE17:58
apachelogger                       Version 2, June 199117:58
yofelok, but that's not from upstream17:58
yofelno COPYING in git17:58
apacheloggeroh, you did not upstream for Quintasan then :P17:59
yofelapachelogger: kalgebra needs re-review18:00
apacheloggerkde4libs is still building on arm18:00
apacheloggerStarted 12 hours ago18:00
apacheloggerdpkg-deb: building package `kdelibs5-dbg' in `../kdelibs5-dbg_4.6.90-0ubuntu1_armel.deb'.18:00
apacheloggerI blame it all on this18:00
yofeland it's not even using lzma ^^18:01
apacheloggerwhich is a bug18:01
yofelit is?18:01
yofelwe're esp. exluding armel from lzma18:01
apacheloggerI know18:01
apacheloggerthat is the bug18:01
apacheloggerwe actually could improve the heuristics a bit18:01
apacheloggerget size of debian/tmp18:02
apacheloggerif >10 do not use lzma on armel18:02
apacheloggerthat would lzma all the now split packages18:02
yofelthat defies the point IMO18:02
apacheloggerwhich is better than nothing18:02
apacheloggeryofel: why is that?18:02
yofelah k18:02
yofelnah, that sounds reasonable18:02
apacheloggeryou still have 50% space saving, just distributed across more packages ^^18:03
apacheloggerand by setting an appropriate max size for lzma application we can prevent timeouts on arm18:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok so whats wrong with rocs? i kept disconnecting18:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: see wiki18:03
apacheloggercopying stuff of course18:03
* apachelogger ponders getting a beer before going to bed18:04
yofelparley fixed in git18:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: license check says its GPL18:04
apacheloggeryofel: did you not upload a new kalgebra to ppa or somewhere?18:04
kubotushadeslayer meant: "apachelogger: license check said its GPL"18:04
* apachelogger forgot the issue ayway ^^18:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: how much I care -><-18:04
yofelapachelogger: [PPA kubuntu-ninjas] [ubuntu/oneiric] kalgebra4:4.6.90+repack1-0ubuntu1~ppa1 (Accepted)18:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: BROTIP: if licensecheck sez GPL you better be checking18:05
apacheloggeryofel: but no changelog update in bzr?18:05
yofelah nope18:05
yofelforgot -.-18:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: if it can match GNU Genereal Public License but nothing else matches its templates it will just say it is GPL18:05
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kalgebra] Philip Muškovac * 8 * debian/changelog repack again18:06
apacheloggera quick look at head -n5 usually shows the exact version18:06
* shadeslayer will keep in mind18:06
apacheloggeryofel: I see no copying.doc? :(18:08
yofelkalgebra-4.6.90+repack1 $ ls18:09
yofelanalitza  analitzagui  calgebra  cmake  CMakeLists.txt  config-kalgebra.h.cmake  COPYING  COPYING.DOC  COPYING.LIB  debian  doc  icons  Mainpage.dox  Messages.sh  mobile  plasmoid  src  TODO  utils18:09
apacheloggerwrong dirz18:09
apacheloggeryofel: sry18:09
* apachelogger should really stop looking at the screen18:09
apacheloggerdid do wicked video paintaing already today ^^18:09
apacheloggerhighly magic18:10
apacheloggeryofel: looks good now18:10
CIA-52[kalgebra] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708181057-k92ng8mnf1dz7t7i * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.6.90+repack1-0ubuntu118:10
* yofel goes fixing kwordquiz18:11
apacheloggerScottK: kalgebra arriving in a bit18:11
yofelah, shadeslayer added gfdl for kwordquiz, thx18:13
apacheloggerperhaps Quintasan or debfx can continue with uploading18:13
apacheloggermost of the stuff that I did not do is either up or blocked18:13
apacheloggeralso all of non-split is still left18:13
yofelkdeplasma-addons is blocked by me going on a crusade for marble licensing18:14
Quintasanyofel, apachelogger, ScottK: Update to 4.6.5 in Natty woks here18:20
yofeladd to wiki18:20
yofelif there's no problems I'll publish before going to bed18:21
ScottKQuintasan: Once it's baked in the PPA for a few weeks we can push it to -proposed.18:21
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kwordquiz] Philip Muškovac * 2 * debian/ (changelog copyright) fix docs copyright18:22
yofelapachelogger: ^18:22
ScottKkalgebra source accepted.18:25
ScottKWhy does kde-baseapps depend on kde-baseapps-bin?  Shouldn't that get pulled in by any app that needs it?18:28
ScottKkde-baseapps accepted, but someone please look at that.18:29
yofelScottK: kde-baseapps is a metapackage?18:30
ScottKYes, but shouldn't it be a metapackage of apps?18:30
yofeldunno, I just renamed that, kdebase did the same thing18:31
ScottKAnyway, all the KDE stuff it out of New.18:31
QuintasanScottK: Good idea18:42
Quintasanapachelogger: uploading what where and are there any special things I need to know before uploading?18:42
apachelogger4.7 packages to oneiric18:42
apacheloggerpeferrably those that are new18:42
apacheloggerthose need pretty much a revu kind of review18:43
shadeslayeri'll have rocs ready in a couple of minutes btw18:43
yofelQuintasan: you can upload kwordquiz18:43
apacheloggerespecially beware licensing foo, to make ScottK's job easier18:43
Quintasanyofel: Upload as in "it's ready, run dput" or "check it over 9000 times before dputting?"18:44
yofelrun dput, apachelogger already checked it18:44
apacheloggerQuintasan: common pitfalls: no fdl copy, doc/ not mentioned in copyright file, no cmake copying file or cmake stuff not mentioned in copyright file18:44
* yofel forgot what he wanted to do next...18:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/rocs_4.6.90+repack.orig.tar.bz2 << rocs repacked from there and packaging from bze18:46
kubotushadeslayer meant: "Quintasan: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/rocs_4.6.90+repack.orig.tar.bz2 << rocs repacked from there and packaging from bzr"18:46
shadeslayerok now i have to look at my GSoC project, ciao everyone18:47
* Quintasan enters "triple-check" mode18:48
shadeslayerM-x triple-check-mode18:49
apacheloggerI am kuput(tm)18:49
yofel:set triple-check-mode18:50
apacheloggeryofel: how is that blog post coming along18:50
yofelstill blank18:52
bambeeapachelogger: kde-workspace uploaded, sorry I was away18:54
yofelanyone else going to test 4.6.5?18:55
apacheloggerQuintasan: ^ that needs super review btw18:55
apacheloggerthere was some stuff wrong with the patches and stuff18:55
Quintasanapachelogger: Should I do anything with kde-sc-dev-latest (>= 4:4.6.90) or leave it like that?18:57
apacheloggermust be like that18:57
QuintasanOkay. Uploading kwordquiz18:57
QuintasanIt looks like 4.6.5 is shipping with a KCalc regression due to a faulty commit18:59
Quintasan which has already been reverted, can we please have a kdeutils respin with the18:59
Quintasan faulty commit reverted?18:59
Quintasanno shit19:00
QuintasanIt's true19:00
QuintasanDoesn't work19:00
CIA-52[grantlee] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110708190031-a8aybb3db7om02w0 * debian/ (5 files in 2 dirs) Cleanup debian-changes patch19:00
Quintasanapachelogger: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=256591#c43 <<--- that broke KCalc19:00
ScottKQuintasan: Patch it and move on.19:00
ubottuKDE bug 256591 in de "kcalc German translation: using 2 on keyboard doesn't work" [Normal,New]19:00
Quintasankde rev 123544619:01
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1235446&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1235446 | Make the 0..9 buttons untranslatable. I don't think any language actually translates them, but it doesn't hurt, given the issues we faced in the re...19:01
* Quintasan patches19:02
yofelheh, broken in rc1 too19:04
shadeslayerhmm .. i might have broken rocs19:07
shadeslayeryofel: can you have a look at that ? ^^19:08
shadeslayeryeah, i did a git pull and since i have rebase on pull, i thought it would automagically rebase19:08
shadeslayerdon't know what went wrong19:08
ScottKkwordquiz source accepted.19:09
QuintasanScottK: Cool \o/19:09
ScottKkalgebra binaries accepted.19:09
shadeslayeryofel: well, theres this : http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=rocs.git&a=commit&h=2ba2124b8f7f335d8bbfa314b831a19a255b2a0e19:10
shadeslayerwhich means the only thing that went wrong was the merge part19:10
Quintasanyofel: http://paste.kde.org/93619 <-- that apparently should fix KCalc19:10
Quintasanbuilding and testing19:10
yofelwell, you added a ton of comments19:10
yofelaks Povaddict how to revert that19:11
shadeslayeri did?19:11
shadeslayeryofel: thats from scripty19:11
shadeslayeryofel: see http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=rocs.git&a=commit&h=2ba2124b8f7f335d8bbfa314b831a19a255b2a0e19:11
yofelI was running 'git diff 730c5cbf..e6e0325' as it's commit e6e0325b5b9505af9c927bb0ffa9dd9640d107c0 Merge: 730c5cb 2ba2124 in the log19:12
bambeeapachelogger: https://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace/+merge/67385 :D19:12
yofelshadeslayer: and you're adding some comments from master in 4.7 it seems (translations)19:14
yofelor I'm understanding the diff wrong19:14
yofelgit is seriously confusing...19:20
shadeslayerand equally powerfull19:20
yofeltrue, and nice ascii art :P19:20
shadeslayerha :P19:20
* shadeslayer needs to meddle with git configs again now19:21
yofelthe ascii art for the kernel is fun, with intersections and stuff19:22
shadeslayerit seems i'm out of midnight snacks19:26
shadeslayerall i have is iced tea ....  :<19:27
Quintasan_yofel: That patch works19:33
Quintasan_uploading ~ppa2 to staging19:33
Quintasan_THAT being kcalc magic19:33
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
yofel_good :)19:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
QuintasanBah, kwordquiz failed on armel19:36
yofeltonz of stuff failed on armel19:37
yofeltell me how to get a armel QEMU vm and I'll help with fixing19:37
Quintasanyofel: kde-sc-dev-latest : Breaks: kdelibs5-dev (< 4:4.6.90) but 4:4.6.3-2ubuntu2 is to be installed19:37
yofelah ^^19:37
shadeslayeri need to setup one of those myself19:41
yofelthere was a wiki page explaining that for like lucid, but I didn't get that to even boot19:41
shadeslayerpostponed for tmrrw19:42
ScottKkde4libs only recently finished on armel19:43
QuintasanI see19:43
QuintasanScottK: Can I retry those builds or one needs some special magical power to retry?19:44
micahgQuintasan: ubuntu-build can do it if you have upload rights19:46
Quintasanmicahg: kwordquiz apparently does not exist19:48
QuintasanI'm pretty sure that I have upload rights since I uploaded that package to archive19:49
Quintasanmicahg: Any ideas?19:51
micahgQuintasan: you can always trigger it from the LP interface of the build record19:52
QuintasanI do not have an option to retry there :S19:52
micahgthat's a bug then :)19:52
yofeltry adding /+retry to the URL ^^19:53
QuintasanSorry, you don't have permission to access this page.19:53
micahgweird, no uploaders in the LP DB for it19:55
ScottKQuintasan: It's probably not in the packageset yet.19:55
* micahg wonders why though since it's old19:56
shadeslayerQuintasan: uploaded new rocs?19:56
ScottKNew source.19:56
Quintasanyofel: >godzilla came over it19:56
Quintasanyofel: WTF?19:56
micahgah, right19:56
yofelQuintasan: YOU ADDED THAT19:57
micahgQuintasan: so, you could upload because you're MOTU, but once it was promoted to main, you lost rights to it19:57
QuintasanI did not19:57
Quintasanyofel: ^19:57
shadeslayerprobably apachelogger in that case19:57
QuintasanScottK: Doesn't Kubuntu Developer grant me access to kubuntu seed in main?19:58
ScottKIt's more complicated that that.19:58
apacheloggerthis is youbuntoo after all19:58
QuintasanOh I see.19:58
ScottKMostly, but there's a script cjwatson has to run to update stuff.19:58
Quintasanshadeslayer: kate 4.6.90 Natty19:59
shadeslayerQuintasan: where?19:59
ScottKWhere did libkipi go?19:59
shadeslayerand kate is currently kaput, please do not upload19:59
QuintasanScottK: How often cjwatson runs this magical script?19:59
Quintasanshadeslayer: in ninjas19:59
ScottKWas someone fixing it?19:59
shadeslayerQuintasan: ah right, thats my mistake19:59
shadeslayerbut i'm not doing any packaging right now ...20:00
Quintasanapachelogger: kde-runtime <-- Y U NO IN ARCHIVE?20:00
yofelQuintasan: ok, sorry, it was apachelogger20:00
Quintasanyofel: You have to teach me l10n magic someday20:01
yofelread the wiki, not much to do20:01
QuintasanWe have wiki on l10n?20:02
yofelapachelogger: a l10n question though - why are you fetching stuff from svn for l10n?20:02
yofelQuintasan: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging/L10nOperatorGuide20:02
ScottKQuintasan: okular needs reuploading without the libchm-dev build-dep.20:02
Quintasanapachelogger: https://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace/+merge/67385 <-- I kinda guess we want to merge that before uploading anything20:03
apacheloggerright you are20:03
apacheloggeryofel: where else would it be from20:03
apacheloggerQuintasan: do not do l10n yet though20:03
ScottKapachelogger: No kate upload, no fixored libkipi, and okular needs fixing.20:03
apacheloggerI have some modifications for that20:03
Quintasanapachelogger: I was not even planning on that20:03
QuintasanScottK: Getting to it20:04
yofelapachelogger: what are the kde-l10n tarballs for then?20:04
ScottKI mashed the retry button on a bunch of armel stuff.20:04
apacheloggeryofel: to quote ScottK "it's more complicated than that"20:04
apacheloggerand to quote myself "this is youbuntoo after all"20:04
bambee"kdmgreet(1274) KdmPixmap::definePixmap: Cannot find wallpaper "Horos"20:05
bambeekdm starts without wallpapers20:05
bambeeexcept this problem everything works fine ! :)20:05
bambee(I am talking about kde 4.6.90)20:05
Quintasanbambee: I will be looking at kde-workspace merge soon so prepare yourself :P20:05
yofelbambee: you haz no kde-wallpapers installed20:06
yofela bit huge dep for kdm though...20:06
apacheloggerhold on20:06
bambeeyofel: mhhhh good point20:06
apacheloggerkdm should have stripes.pn20:06
apacheloggerat least it is in workspace IIRC20:06
apacheloggerso something must be fishy on our end20:06
yofeltrue, it does20:07
QuintasanScottK: Fixed okular uploaded.20:07
* bambee is afraid of Quintasan :P20:08
Quintasanbambee: Does 4:4.6.90-0ubuntu1~ppa5 upload contain the same fixes you did in bzr?20:09
bambeeQuintasan: exactly the same yes20:09
bambeewithout the revision :)20:09
* Quintasan testbuilds anyways20:09
QuintasanBetter safe than sorry and waiting on LP20:09
bambeenp :)20:10
QuintasanNot permitted to upload to the RELEASE pocket in a series in the 'CURRENT' state.20:11
QuintasanScottK: ^ ?20:11
ScottKQuintasan: Did you bump the version?20:12
ScottKNeeds to be ubuntu2 also you may have uploaded to natty20:12
* Quintasan looks20:12
Quintasandch YEAH20:13
bambeeapachelogger: your nightmare http://the-space-station.com/2011/7/8/python-on-iphone-ipad :D20:13
bambee(python+ apple)20:13
QuintasanScottK: That was natty @_@20:13
ScottK"series in the 'CURRENT' state" means Natty,.20:13
* Quintasan updates devscripts20:14
Quintasanapachelogger: Patches now apply correctly, merging20:15
Quintasanapachelogger: Question: When merging something, what should be said in commit message? I see pending merges: blah blah in the ignored section20:17
Quintasanshadeslayer: I will be deleting the natty stuff you pushed into ninjas20:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: feel free to20:18
QuintasanScottK: Now I'm not permitted to upload to main20:18
ScottKAh.  Packageset thing.20:18
ScottKPut it somewhere and I'll upload.20:18
micahgQuintasan: you can upload to the kubuntu packageset in main20:21
QuintasanScottK: http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/okular_4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu2_source.changes.tar.gz20:21
Quintasanmicahg: okular is apparently not there :)20:22
ScottKQuintasan: A link to the .dsc would be much easier20:22
micahgwell, anything that was broken out into new sources won't be in the packageset until the magic is done20:22
QuintasanScottK: Made a mental note to self20:22
Quintasanapachelogger: kde-workspace merged20:23
Quintasanbambee: ^20:23
QuintasanLooks good and works too20:23
yofelhm wait20:24
yofelis bzr up-to-date? need to check something in workspace20:24
QuintasanI just pushed the merge20:24
bambeeQuintasan: thanks20:25
Quintasanyofel: Throw bricks at me if that broke something20:25
yofelok, bzr is fine, I probably didn't refresh the package in ppa20:25
bambeeyofel: I have synced bzr and kubuntu-ninjas/ppa20:25
yofelnah, was looking if a breaks/replaces I added was there20:26
bambeeeverything is okay now20:26
bambeeI added it ;)20:26
ScottKQuintasan: Uploaded.20:26
bambeeyofel: the breaks/replaces for kde-workspace-data ?20:26
QuintasanScottK: Thanks20:26
yofelQuintasan: go ahead20:26
ScottKQuintasan: Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.20:26
ScottKcmake 2.8.5 is out.20:27
micahgwell, no one fixed the FTBFS for the version currently in the archive20:29
Quintasan# list-missing files result:20:29
Quintasanbambee: ^20:29
ScottKQuintasan: Normal for Python stuff that gets moved by the Debian Python build system stuff.20:30
ScottKMake sure there's no .pyc in the final .deb though.20:31
ScottKThat's "bad".20:31
QuintasanScottK: It's not in install files20:31
QuintasanSo it does not get installed hopefully20:31
ScottKQuintasan: Use debc *.changes to check.20:31
ScottK(for the binary .changes file)20:31
ScottKOkular building now.20:32
Quintasanbambee: Good, no pyc inside :P20:33
bambeehehe thanks to debian/not-installed :D20:34
bambeeQuintasan: these files are installed20:34
bambeeexcept the pyc20:34
bambeesee the install files20:34
bambee(there is a usr/lib/python*/site-packages/PyKDE4 somewhere)20:35
bambeeQuintasan: it's not in the install file? what?20:36
Quintasanbambee: We DO NOT want *.pyc inside our debs according to what ScottK said20:37
bambeeabout pyc I agree20:37
bambeeI was talking about the .py20:37
QuintasanScottK: Is it alright when ksmserver/* is under MIT/X11 and there is no full license inside of source tarball?20:37
QuintasanIt's covered by debian/copyright though20:38
ScottKNeed the license.20:38
ScottKI doesn't need to be a separate file though.20:38
ScottKSometimes for short licenses it's just in the actual code.20:38
ScottKThat's fine.20:38
QuintasanIs that enough?20:38
Quintasanokular failed on i386 :/20:39
* Quintasan waits for amd64 fail and goes fixing20:40
ScottKYes.  FIne.20:40
QuintasanDocs are licensed, libs are too and both have full license text20:40
ScottKQuintasan: I'll upload the fixed okular too, just point me at a .dsc when you're ready (please testbuild)20:42
QuintasanCourse of action: confirmed.20:42
yofelQuintasan: kcalc confirmed fixed, thanks20:49
Quintasanshadeslayer: ping20:53
Quintasanshadeslayer: Private request: Make KTeaTime use Plasma notifications20:53
shadeslayerQuintasan: maybe during DS hack sessions?20:54
Quintasanshadeslayer: http://i.imgur.com/BhMb6.png <-- what it looks like20:54
shadeslayerlooks horrible20:54
Quintasanshadeslayer: Whenever you wish. I do not have enough knowledge in c++ to do it20:54
shadeslayerok, right now i'm wrestling with QML20:55
* Quintasan uses KTeaTime frequently and would like it to look like the rest of KDE20:55
* Quintasan wonders if something like quick music player exists20:57
shadeslayerew, kdetoys uses SVN20:58
* Quintasan creates i386 pbuilder20:58
shadeslayeruh uh20:59
shadeslayerQuintasan: Port KTeaTime to KStatusNotifierItem20:59
shadeslayerQuintasan: thats the last commit on KTeaTime20:59
QuintasanYou sure?21:00
shadeslayerthats what svn tells me21:00
* Quintasan is running 4.6.5 and it looks like that21:00
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdetoys/kteatime/src/main.cpp?view=log21:00
* Quintasan tries21:02
Quintasanapachelogger: I: Installing core packages...21:03
QuintasanW: Failure trying to run: chroot /home/quintasan/Sauce/pbuilder/build/21616/. dpkg --force-depends --install /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.13-9ubuntu1_i386.deb21:03
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://i.imgur.com/qmk34.png21:04
yofelQuintasan: what are you trying to do?21:04
yofeloh, i38621:04
QuintasanCreate i386 pbuilder21:04
Quintasanshadeslayer: :/21:04
Quintasanshadeslayer: I wonder if it made it to 4.721:04
shadeslayerQuintasan: thats from the 4.6.95 tarball21:04
QuintasanThe commit was in January lol21:05
Quintasanand we have July now21:05
Quintasanyofel: Do you have a working one?21:05
yofelI do21:05
shadeslayerQuintasan: now go upload rocs21:05
QuintasanCan you testbuild okular?21:05
yofelsure, from where?21:06
Quintasanyofel: http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/okular/okular_4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu3.dsc21:07
QuintasanI was supposed to go to bed in 30 minutes but I'll make that 1h and 30 minutes so I can upload some more21:08
Quintasanshadeslayer: That can wait, can't it?21:09
QuintasanI want to look at kde-workspace21:09
yofelI've roughly figured out marble licensing, which has highest priority after workspace21:09
shadeslayerQuintasan: sure, workspace has higher priority21:09
* Quintasan tries Tomahawk21:11
yofelQuintasan: building, what to check?21:12
Quintasanif it works21:12
Quintasanand list-missing if any21:12
yofelI got some more symbols21:13
yofellist-missing is empty though21:13
shadeslayerQuintasan: we can share music on tomahawk ^_^21:14
shadeslayerwhich is the only reason i use it21:15
QuintasanIT can't connect to my jabber server21:15
shadeslayerQuintasan: why?21:15
QuintasanNo idea21:15
yofellemme rebuild on 6421:15
QuintasanHow do I play everything from my collection shadeslayer?21:15
shadeslayerQuintasan: go to "My Collection" -> Select everything -> Right click -> Add to queue21:16
shadeslayerthen just play a song from the queue21:17
Quintasanshadeslayer: What's you JID?21:17
shadeslayerQuintasan: rohangarg@jabber.org21:17
QuintasanIt crashed21:18
Quintasandamned ppa21:18
shadeslayerbuild it from source21:18
shadeslayeryofel: got your request21:19
shadeslayerdon't expect alot of songs :P21:19
shadeslayeri have 98 21:19
yofelnah was just curious, need to figure out how that works anyway21:20
shadeslayerhow what works? 21:20
Quintasanyofel: You got new symbols on okular?21:21
yofelI did on i38621:21
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/okular] Philip Muškovac * 5 * debian/libokularcore1.symbols update symbols21:22
Quintasanyofel: nothing else?21:24
yofelnothing obvious21:24
Quintasanshadeslayer: tomahawk source FTBFS :P21:26
shadeslayeri'm building it right now, and its at 70 %21:26
shadeslayerQuintasan: pastebin log21:26
Quintasanmake -j10 is too fast to log21:28
Quintasangotta do just make21:28
QuintasanWell, not too fast but makes the log unreadable21:28
yofel$ grep Copyright -R * | wc21:31
yofel   1618   10173  15891521:31
shadeslayer^^ i'm going to sleep in 10 minutes as well21:31
shadeslayeryofel: lol21:31
yofelthis is SO NOT FUN21:32
QuintasanScottK: http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/okular/okular_4.6.90+repack-0ubuntu3.dsc21:32
* ScottK grabs21:32
yofelI think I'll go per-person21:32
Quintasanthree testbuilds here and one on yofel's pbuilder21:32
* Quintasan can't get a i386 pbuilder21:32
yofelQuintasan: added the new symbols file`21:33
Quintasanyofel: yes21:33
QuintasanI'm not that forgetful :P21:33
ScottKQuintasan: Uploaded.21:33
* Quintasan pokes shadeslayer21:33
QuintasanScottK: Awesome.21:33
ScottK96 seconds to get sponsored. Not bad.21:34
ScottKQuintasan: There's /run transition problems right now that mean you can't create a new oneiric chroot.  You might try making a natty chroot and upgrading it.21:34
Quintasanshadeslayer: http://paste.kde.org/9366721:35
QuintasanScottK: Oh, that might also explain why apachelogger could not create one21:35
Quintasanshadeslayer: inb4 echonest not installed21:36
shadeslayerQuintasan: one sec21:36
Quintasanlol k21:37
Quintasanshadeslayer: I did make -j11 and it worked21:37
shadeslayeri was just checking if libechohonest was provided under tomahawk/thirdparty21:37
Quintasan97% now21:38
shadeslayerQuintasan: look at the laste make command thats rung ^_^21:38
kubotushadeslayer meant: "Quintasan: look at the laste make command thats run ^_^"21:38
shadeslayerlast even21:38
Quintasanshadeslayer: Still does not like my jabber :S21:40
shadeslayerQuintasan: no even the standard @jabber.org JID ?21:40
Quintasanshadeslayer: I dont have JID on jabber.org21:41
shadeslayeroh weird21:41
shadeslayerQuintasan: report bug etc21:41
Quintasanshadeslayer: I tried adding you form my google mail account21:41
* shadeslayer looks21:41
shadeslayeryup got it21:42
Quintasan98 songs21:42
shadeslayerQuintasan: i think this feature is new, but if i play a song, you can listen along21:42
shadeslayerlol yeah21:42
shadeslayeri just stream whenever i need them using tomahawk :21:43
Quintasanshadeslayer: Play something21:43
shadeslayerQuintasan: started21:43
Quintasanshadeslayer: I think we both need to have the same song on HDD21:43
Quintasanor not21:43
Quintasanoh shit21:43
Quintasanthis is awesome21:44
shadeslayeryeah :D21:44
shadeslayerand to think its just using TCP sockets 21:44
Quintasanshadeslayer: Listen to mine21:44
Quintasanoh damn21:44
Quintasanand I'm behind a NAT21:44
shadeslayerweird, its stopping every now and then21:44
QuintasanSlow uploads?21:45
QuintasanIt's FLAC afaik21:45
shadeslayerplays for 5 seconds and then stops for 1 second21:45
Quintasan31 MB21:45
yofelman, just how man people have copyrights in marble...21:45
shadeslayeralso, slow upload21:45
Quintasanshadeslayer: IMO there should be a warning when streaming FLAC or HQ audio21:46
shadeslayeri'm just getting 50-60 KBps21:46
shadeslayerQuintasan: even if i stop, it'll keep streaming it until i switch to another track21:46
shadeslayerbut, this is a awesome feature21:47
yofel600 lines left...21:47
yofelhey, tazz has copyrights in marble ^^21:48
shadeslayerQuintasan: domme has 20618 songs :P21:55
yofel200 lines left...21:56
* yofel wonders why Simon's Cat doesn't have copyrights in marble21:58
Quintasanshadeslayer: My sister said it's sick shit22:05
QuintasanWorks over LAN22:05
yofel36 people with copyright in general marble, *phew*22:05
yofelonly cmake files left22:06
yofelchaos I tell you22:09
QuintasanToo tired to continue22:15
Quintasanyofel: I am heading to bed. Good night22:16
Quintasanworkspace looks good but I'd like to give it a fresh look tomorrow if it's not a pressing issue22:16
yofelok, I'm done with marble copyright22:17
* Quintasan hits the bed22:18
yofelsomeone recheck this: http://paste.kde.org/9369122:18
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/marble] Philip Muškovac * 2 * debian/copyright Fix copyright file22:20
Quintasanyofel: Looks sane (structure)22:20
Quintasanbut insane (number of ppl)22:20
yofelgood, now check the contents :P22:20
QuintasanFiles: debian/*22:22
QuintasanLicense: LGPL-2.1+22:22
QuintasanAre you sure?22:22
yofelblame apachelogger22:22
* Quintasan went GPL-3.0+ with his22:22
yofelI usually went with gpl-2+, but he said use the general license of the source22:23
yofelfor marble that's lgpl-2.122:23
Quintasanapachelogger: KC vote required for licensing our packaging22:23
* Quintasan fails to see how having different copyright for every packaging is good22:24
yofel*shrug* - don't forget it affects the patches too22:24
yofelso you might need to use different licensing for them, etc...22:24
yofelgood recipe to go insane22:25
Quintasanyofel: I'm going to bed for good this time :P22:26
CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/marble] Philip Muškovac * 3 * debian/changelog repack22:26
yofelgood night22:26
yofelQuintasan: anything you think is needed for 4.6.5?22:27
Quintasanyofel: You sure love to troll me don't you?22:27
yofelsure, you're the only one here right now ^^22:28
Quintasanyofel: I patched kdeutils to fix the regression22:28
QuintasanNo other reports so far22:28
yofelk, anyone else that wants to test them?22:28
QuintasanWe need some normal users to test it22:28
yofelwell, we won't find those here, and I don't want to make staging public22:29
yofelso I would rather just copy them22:30
yofelI've been running on 4.6.5 for a few hours now, no other issues22:30
QuintasanSame here22:30
yofelI'll copy them then22:31
yofelnow how did that script I wrote work again...22:31
Quintasanyofel: I'll start reviewing 4.6.90 again tomorrow22:31
Quintasanor later today22:31
QuintasanWhatever :S22:31
yofelk, good night for real now ^^22:32
QuintasanGood night22:32
yofelcopied, launchpadlib FTW!22:34
wunderbaumis there already a ppa for 4.7 for kubuntu natty?23:18
yofelwunderbaum: no, not yet, and there probably won't be for RC1, we'll backport RC2 when we're done with it23:42
yofelrosetta spam \o/23:51

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