
=== Guest90833 is now known as zkriesse
intelpiiieHi, can anyone help with my odd problem with VMWare? I'm trying to run OpenGL Graphics, and even with tools installed and acceleration on, it won't work.00:30
bazhangintelpiiie, try #vmware00:32
SIR_TacoDid I just enter a  Twitter channel?00:32
intelpiiie@bazhang, so, I should change channels?00:32
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jachavezexist some program to create labels for cd o box cd on kde ?01:42
sorush20I need to rescue my grub01:51
sorush20I installed windows 7 and now I need to rescue my grub01:51
DarthFrog!grub | sorush2001:51
ubottusorush20: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:51
sorush20I'm in live cd and I'm using sudo grub there is no grub.cfg01:53
DarthFrogsorush20: Read the link the bot provided you.01:54
kloplop321_not sudo grub-install?01:54
DarthFrogkloplop321_: Not right away, there's some preliminaries necessary first.01:54
DarthFrogYou have to bind mount /dev, /proc & /sys, then chroot to the Linux partition.01:55
kloplop321_I have a problem of my own, I can't seem to get compositing to work, I've tried to install compiz and then do compiz --replace, which really made things weird, it cloned my first display to the other 3, and then started spamming the terminal about not being able to use a GL command with the current bit depth01:57
DarthFrogYou neither need nor want compiz.  KDE now does its own compositing.  But you have to have drivers that are doing 3D first. :-)01:58
sorush20I keep getting this message Sector 56 is already in use by FlexNet; avoiding it.  This software may cause boot or other problems in future.  Please ask its authors not to store data in the boot track.01:59
kloplop321_Yeah, I've checked glx info,01:59
kloplop321_http://pastebin.com/Uq925Fv9 is what the output looks like right before I went to another TTY and did kwin --replace01:59
kloplop321_its just that the "Resume Desktop Effects" keeps getting disabled by some unknown "Other application"01:59
DarthFrogDon'cha just love that?02:00
kloplop321_dmesg provided no additional information,02:00
kloplop321_I know it was able to do it before I enabled xinerama, or what ever its called,02:00
kloplop321_otherwise, my other screens don't have a window manager and its rediculous,02:00
kloplop321_also, I'm able to run a program I'm working on using open gl, without any difficulty, and its at the max fps, so its not being software-rendered02:02
kloplop321_glxgears says I get 8672 FPS :/02:02
kloplop321_DarthFrog: do you suggest I go into the #ubuntu channel instead for this?02:04
DarthFrogAre you running Ubuntu?02:04
kloplop321_I'm running kubuntu,02:04
kloplop321_but I don't think this is a kde thing,02:04
DarthFrogWell, you have gone where I have not. :-)  I'm no help to you.02:05
kloplop321_thanks for being here at least, in the world of idlers.02:05
DarthFrogOh, the activity on channel ebbs and flows.  Sometimes the joint is jumpin'.02:06
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kloplop321_DarthFrog: I turned off xinerama or whatever after pretty much totally romoving xorg while compiz was screwing everything up, and now I have compositioning, on one screen, all others have no window manager :/03:30
kloplop321_and I've got some funky thing on the side I can't get rid of03:31
kloplop321_it seems reinitiating kwin --replace makes it work..03:42
DarthFrogSounds like a win to me.03:42
kloplop321_yes, and now to put it in autostart,03:45
kloplop321_and test, but I still have this blue thing on the side that looks like a horizontally compressed background picture..03:46
kloplop321_eh, I still have this rediculous bar on the side.03:48
kloplop321_Can anyone tell me how to remove this blue bar on the left side? http://i.imgur.com/vJ6dF.png03:57
kloplop321_I can click on it, and it focuses, and goes over the bottom panel03:58
kloplop321_but I can't get any options to remove it.03:58
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LinkmasterI'm using the alternate installer, and have the following partitions set up:04:51
LinkmasterI have primary-sda1[windows] and extended-sda2[linuxy-stuff] with sda5, sda6, sda7, and sda8 inside of them. How do I tell the installer to use sda5 as the root, and sda6 as /home?04:51
Linkmaster*With my question04:52
Linkmasteras aside note, I used GParted to create the partitions04:57
LinkmasterI think I figured it out05:09
Unit193I didn't help any? ;)05:09
LinkmasterJust a little :P05:09
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c-c-mhello, I am looking for a "nice" theme for KDE (that's what I think it's lacking the most compared to GNOME) and I found many results related to Bespin06:41
c-c-mhas anyone here ever used it?06:41
c-c-mwould you recommend it?06:41
Tm_Tthis might be better served in #kubuntu-offtopic as it's not really a support question. Anyway, I have tried it, didn't like it (I'm not a fan of OS X look in overall)06:42
c-c-mTm_T, so what's the aim of this channel?06:47
c-c-mwhere can I find other channels?06:48
c-c-munfortunately I hardly see many conversations here (not talking for today only)06:50
c-c-m(maybe it's a matter of time-difference?)06:50
tsimpsonc-c-m: this channel is for technical support, as it says in the /topic06:51
c-c-mwell, it says "Official Kubuntu support" not technical06:52
c-c-mand support is quite general06:52
c-c-mmy question was looking for support06:52
tsimpsonopinion != support06:52
c-c-mI guess I could reformulate the question as to make it more "supportable" but I doubt it would be of any use here06:55
c-c-mcould you please tell me if there are any other channels more suitable than this one (and hopefully more friendly as expected in an OS community) so I can let this one as quiet as always?06:56
c-c-mI love kubuntu, but gosh, it's hard to find a place to talk, discuss and learn, specially compared to ubuntu and its great community and blogs such as OMGubuntu...06:57
c-c-mthat's really a pitty06:57
Tm_Tc-c-m: as I pointed, #kubuntu-offtopic is a good place to start (:07:06
Night-Hackswhile installing kubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu 10.04 it says unresolved dependencies ?11:02
szal!details | Night-Hacks11:03
ubottuNight-Hacks: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:03
Night-Hacksi wanted to install KDE on my laptop (Ubuntu 10.04) and #KDE people said install kubuntu-desktop package from synaptec11:04
Night-Hacksim in gnome right now11:04
Night-Hacksafter marking that package for installation i get such an error11:05
Night-Hacks Depends: kde-zeroconf but it is not going to be installed11:05
Night-Hacksam i in dependency hell !11:06
Night-Hacksor should install them all by myself ...11:06
kubu2try installing kde-zeroconf firts and see why not11:07
szalfeckin' GUI for pkg management, tends to fail on verbosity11:07
Night-Hackswhen kde-zeroconf:11:07
Night-Hacks  Depends: kdebase-runtime (>=4:4.4.5) but 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu4.1 is to be installed11:07
szalsounds like a reason to file a bug11:08
kubu2how did you get 4.4.5 in there?11:09
kubu2from a ppa?11:09
szal!info kde-zeroconf lucid11:09
ubottukde-zeroconf (source: kdenetwork): zeroconf plugins and kio slaves for KDE 4. In component main, is extra. Version 4:4.4.5-0ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 53 kB, installed size 208 kB11:09
kubu210.04 is 4.4.211:09
Night-Hacksi remember i wanted to run kchm and all of these installed at that time11:09
Night-Hackssth about 6 month ago11:10
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:11
yofel!info kdebase-runtime lucid11:13
ubottukdebase-runtime (source: kdebase-runtime): runtime components from the official KDE 4 release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.5-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1461 kB, installed size 7224 kB11:13
yofelit is at 4.4.5, so it shouldn't complain...11:13
kubu2you have bits and pieces of 4.4.5 and you aree trying to install 4.4.211:13
Night-Hacksi updated my repo before trying to install11:14
Night-Hacksanyway seems i can install via bash11:15
kubu2why not move up to 11.04 and 4.6.5?11:15
szalkubu2: (1) Natty comes w/ 4.6.2 by default, 4.6.5 (is that already out?) = PPA; (2) ppl have reasons to run Lucid11:16
Night-Hacksi dont want to lose anything, im working hard with my 10.0411:17
kubu2szal: am asking if he wants to.  you don't need to tell me what I know already11:18
szalNight-Hacks: working now?11:18
dwdHiya folks. I've been looking at Plasma/KDE as a replacement for GNOME (not liking the look of Unity). Can I upgrade easily from an Ubuntu 10.10 to a Kubuntu 11.04?11:19
Night-Hacksyeah, im free for some hours wanna try KDE11:19
szaldwd: not authoritative: upgrade to 11.04, install kubuntu-desktop, uninstall ubuntu-desktop, reinstall any programs you might need that are thrown out by uninstalling ubuntu-desktop11:20
dwdszal, OK, so kubuntu is essentially ubuntu but with kubuntu-desktop installed, and KDM set as default, etc?11:21
szaldwd: yes11:21
dwdszal, Right - I did that on my laptop, but I have no sound working, so I thought I might be missing something.11:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:22
Night-Hacksthanks for help anyway11:24
dwdszal, Right... But the sound all worked fine under GNOME, so I thought there was something else I might have missed - what sound daemon should be running with KDE?11:24
szaldwd: KDE works fine w/ Pulse, phonon (should be installed anyway) and, preferably, Xine backend11:25
szalkubu2: afaics, 4.6.5 is not in the PPA yet11:26
BluesKajhey folks11:29
szalmoin BluesKaj11:33
BluesKajhi szal11:34
BluesKajgood morning11:41
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ironfroggy__Are there any desktop pager widgets that show full thumbnails of the desktop and windows on them, not just icons?12:15
Whoguys i have a strange problem , i have pppoe connection so i used pppoeconf12:36
Whobut it gets disconnected at ever 5-10 mins12:36
Whoand it doesn't happen in windows or Mac OS X12:36
Whoso i think the problem is with pppoeconf12:37
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jenna_hi, does anybody know about these kde panels?  i have my desktop arranged with a panel at the top of the screen.  and every time i restart the computer, than panel is moved12:39
jenna_i have to unlock them, adjust the position, and lock them back after every restart12:40
yofelhow do you restart? The plasma configuration should be saved on logout12:41
jenna_the configuration seems to be saved.  im restarting by using the restart widget12:41
yofeltry running 'kquitapp plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop' and see if that forgets the position too12:42
jenna_all of my panels are in the right position except the top one12:42
jenna_that made all my panels go away, but not come back.12:43
jenna_Invalid D-BUS interface name 'org.kde.plasma-desktop.PlasmaApp' found while parsing introspection12:43
jenna_plasma-desktop(22364): Communication problem with  "plasma-desktop" , it probably crashed.12:43
jenna_Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown" : " "The name org.kde.plasma-desktop was not provided by any .service files" "12:43
FloodBotK1jenna_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:43
jenna_i would have used pastie, but my taskbar is now gone and i cont access the firefox tab :P12:43
BluesKajWho, windows and mac also use pppoe, that's determined by the router connection to the internet not the OS.12:44
yofelthe run 'plasma-desktop' in krunner again12:44
yofelbut that means that something did go wrong when closing plasma-desktop :/12:44
jenna_ok.  the panels are all back.  and the top one is in the wrong spot12:45
Who1BluesKaj:  i am saying i use pppoeconf in kubuntu , while windows & mac OS X i use pppoe as well but in kubuntu for some odd reasons it get disconnected quite frequently12:45
Who1so is there any other way then pppoeconf ?12:46
BluesKajyes , Who1 and I'm saying it's not kubuntu itself , it's proibly your network manager settings12:47
DdpbfWho1: you could connect from konsole12:47
Ddpbfyou could try wicd12:47
yofeljenna_: try running 'kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental' in krunnner, wait a bit, then try restarting plasma again12:47
BluesKajDdpbf, let's try to figure out his problem first , brfore suggesting wicd12:48
Who1Ddpbf:  Ability to connect to wired (Ethernet only, no PPPoE/DSL support yet) and wireless networks :(12:49
DdpbfBluesKaj: you are right wicd may help if it is wadsl12:49
jenna_yofel, nope.  after restart, the top panel is still in the wrong spot12:49
yofelthen I'm out of ideas :/12:50
jenna_kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental did spit out a few error messages12:51
DdpbfWho1: what kind of internet connection you have?12:51
Ddpbftrough telefon line or wireless dsl?12:51
Who1wireless dsl12:51
Ddpbfthen wicd may help12:52
Ddpbfbut it is just idea12:52
BluesKajWho1, which wifi chip ? .run lshw -C network in the terminal12:57
BluesKajand post theoutput beside "prodct"12:58
BluesKajKB  needs configuring brb12:59
yykmaidouhowto remove zhe Package ubuntu-restricted-extras,it's broked when install13:02
BluesKajyykmaidou, try this ,it may fix your problem , sudo apt-get  -f install13:06
yykmaidousudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras13:06
yykmaidousudo: aptitude: command not found13:07
BluesKajyykmaidou, in kubuntu , it's kubuntu-restricted-extras13:07
BluesKajuse apt-get13:07
yykmaidoucan i run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras"  again??13:09
BluesKajyykmaidou, yes , but run sudo apt-get  -f install , first13:10
yykmaidoutwo broken package13:13
BluesKajyykmaidou, ok run , sudo dpkg --configure -a13:14
BluesKajyykmaidou, now run, sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-restricted-extras13:15
yykmaidouhmm , the result is :Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).13:22
yykmaidoubut i do it 1 minutes ago13:23
yykmaidoubut i do it 1 minutes before13:24
WhoBluesKaj:  okay i am on kubuntu13:24
Whotell me what you need13:24
yykmaidoujust again??   or run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras13:25
BluesKajyykmaidou, no,  run, sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-restricted-extras . It will restore the required dependencies as well.13:34
BluesKajBBL..have to go for a while13:35
yykmaidouthe commend " sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras" has been run,but the answers is" E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).13:45
yykmaidou "13:45
yykmaidoumaybe i should install a new kubuntu for my poor operation13:47
yofelyykmaidou: can you run apt-get install -f, and then pastebin the whole output?13:48
PythonHi all13:49
yofel!paste | yykmaidou13:49
ubottuyykmaidou: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:49
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BluesKajyykmaidou, did you run , sudo dpkg --configure -a . like I suggested earlier ?14:03
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap14:08
yykmaidouokey   ,and then ??14:09
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genii-aroundyykmaidou: What says result of: apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop | grep Installed14:20
genii-aroundI'm not sure how you can have kubuntu-desktop installed but then the pastebin indicates that  kdelibs5-data is not installed ( not wrong version, just not installed)14:25
genii-aroundyykmaidou: Can you pastebin result of: apt-cache policy kdelibs5-data                please14:25
yykmaidouthanks,i must go out for a while,maybe i will install a new operation system of kubuntu^^'14:30
yykmaidoubroken package is win14:32
yykmaidouthank you14:32
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superman097how to set printer device on backtrack 5 KDE?15:13
superman097i confuse when find printer setting15:14
superman097on system setting15:14
ValerieIs anybody here?15:17
azlon_where to start with hacking?:^15:18
ValerieWonder if you could help me.   It is just a simple question15:18
James147!ask | Valerie15:19
ubottuValerie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:19
superman097@valerie :what?15:19
ValerieI have Skype but although I can hear people nobody can hear me.   I have done a test with Echo and the same thing happens15:20
azlon_get headphones with a mic15:20
ValerieI can hear it is just nobody can hear me15:21
ValerieIt is like the Mike is turned off.   I have no idea how to put it back on15:22
Valeriesorry mic lol15:22
James147Valerie: check system settings > multimedia > phonon  and alsamixer (run in the terminal)15:22
ValerieI've done all that can't find the Mic.  Perhaps I am just being stupid.15:23
James147Valerie: in alsamixer hit F4 to see capture devices15:24
ValerieOkay I will try now. ty15:25
genii-around!backtrack | superman09715:25
ubottusuperman097: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:25
ValerieF4 on the keyboard.    Now you know I am stupid15:25
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ValerieI can see capture devices15:33
James147Valerie: make sure the mic isnt muted15:34
James147and volume is turned up15:34
ValerieMic not muted volume is turned up.    Just did another Echo test.   Recording didn't playback.15:35
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aspek_Is there an alternative to Amarok, which has the feature of rating a track and editing ID3 metadata of the audio files builtin?16:26
aspek_Basically, be able to browse audio files based on the categories present in ID3 (Album, Genre, Rating).16:28
aspek_If the player integrates that very well, then I can offload the ID3 editing to a dedicated MP3 tag editor.16:30
seawolfKid3, an ID3 tag editor for KDE16:30
aspek_seawolf: No, I am talking about an audio player which provides an easy way to play audio files based on rating, album name, singers etc, something like iTunes. If it also has mp3 tag editing capabilties, that would be good. But if not, I can use dedicated tag editor like Kid3 as you mentioned.16:33
jwashhey, i'm using avant window manager, where do i put a .awn file i donwloaded so that avant recognizes it as an extension?16:34
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ashwinhow can i avoid kwallet asking password everytime i reboot?17:37
ChrisGagnonashwin: change kwallet's password to nothing [IE: no password]17:39
bansyanybdu home?17:43
BluesKajbansy, ys, gota question ?17:44
Pythonhow to speed up kde ?17:50
Ddpbfthere is lot of tweaks17:51
LinkmasterBluesKaj: can you spare some time to help me with my internet?17:51
PythonDdpbf: like?17:51
LinkmasterI managed to get a wired connection, but 'additional drivers' doesn't even properly load, and the ethernet under KNM says 'unmanaged' while the wireless says 'unavailabe'17:51
BluesKajLinkmaster, so waht kind of connection do you want ethernet or wifi ?17:54
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BluesKajok, do you know which wifi chip you have ?17:56
Linkmasterbroadcom BCM431217:57
Linkmaster802.11b/g I believe17:57
Unit193It's just bcm17:58
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:58
BluesKajwe can't spel in here17:58
Unit193I would say not!17:59
BluesKajcan't is not17:59
LinkmasterI'll follow these instructions, since I actually have a wired connection now17:59
BluesKajLinkmaster, that instruction works most of the time18:00
LinkmasterBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/mU1a5m0618:02
LinkmasterThis is 11.04, alternate CD18:03
LinkmasterI'll just try again when I get back from vacation....18:05
ovidiushi. all18:19
OerHekshi ovidius18:19
ovidiusi have a weird behaviour in kmail 2 and korganizer. when i add a task to an email and add the e-mail as link, it tries to open the link from korganizer with evolution, instead of kmail. the weird thing is: i don't have evolution installed. any ideas?18:26
BluesKajovidius, any gnome apps installed ?18:30
ovidiusBluesKaj: yes. synaptic, gimp and some other stuff. but definitely not evolution. is there any way to change the application for opening the "akonadi:..." link?18:34
genii-aroundMight want to check System Settings...Default Applications  and see if kmail is default18:34
ovidiuskmail is my default in system settings. and the file types matching "akonadi" don't have evolution in their list18:37
ovidiusyeah. found it myself. for some reason "evolution" was first entry for *.eml file type. is a generic user supposed to know that you have to change applications for "*.eml" to change "akonadi: ..." links? anyway. it works now18:43
rjbwhat is the url of 11.04 to wget?18:55
BluesKajrjb, 32 o 64 bit ?18:58
rjb32 bit18:58
DdpbfPython: are you there?18:58
Ddpbfsorry i have to go18:58
PythonDdpbf: :(19:03
genii-aroundBluesKaj: The kubuntu regular cd download link somehow auto-computes the most local place to you to grab the iso from, so wget won't work there. But the alternate image you can get a straight link for19:15
genii-aroundeg: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/11.04/kubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso19:16
bbeckHow do I search for files that have been tagged in dolphin?19:19
BluesKajgenii-around, yeah all I could get was the torrentfile which opens the url to the torrent client19:21
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sreenuthis sree19:41
sreenunew irc19:41
DarthFrogWonder when KDE 4.7 will be available for Kubuntu?  It's not in the PPA yet.19:48
BluesKajyeah DarthFrog , it's still under wraps19:49
yofelwas thinking about it, but since the tarballs for RC2 are coming we'll probably skip RC1 for natty. Right now we're busy getting RC1 into oneiric archive19:49
QuintasanDarthFrog: We are uploading to oneiric, do not update oneiric unless you want breakage19:49
DarthFrogQuintasan: I'm running Natty.19:50
QuintasanOkay, RC2 maybe will hit the PPA for natty19:51
QuintasanWe will consider this once we get whole RC1 in archives19:51
DarthFrogOh, I see.19:51
DarthFrogThis is an RC?  I didn't know that.19:51
Quintasan4.6.90 is RC119:51
Quintasan4.6.95 is RC219:51
DarthFrogyofel: Thanks.19:53
DarthFrogQuintasan: And thank you, too. :-)19:53
yofelget us more packagers and it'll happen sooner :P19:54
DarthFrogIf I knew what I was doing, I'd be glad to help. :-)19:54
BluesKajamen to that19:54
QuintasanWell, we train everyone who wants to help19:55
QuintasanAs long you have a decent understanding of English you can learn it :P19:55
DarthFrogI don't speak English, I speak Canajun (i.e Canadian).. :-)19:55
yofelthere's also Ubuntu Developer Week from the 11th with introduction into devel stuff, but we always have easy things to start with19:56
ArunCHi all, I have downloaded a theme http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Maybe+Mintish%3F?content=139684. How do I install it? It is a tar.gz file.19:56
BluesKajQuintasan, depends what kinds of words and characters in English you're talking about19:56
ArunCBTW, I am new to KDE. All this way I've been using one and only Gnome.19:57
yofelDarthFrog: that's better english than apacheloggernglish19:57
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
DarthFrogArunC: Welcome to KDE.  You'll find it very more flexible thant GNOME.19:59
BluesKajaround here we hear a lot of frenglish ...so called bilinguals , mostly working for the govt19:59
DarthFrog"Very more".   Sheesh, I thought I spoke at least a variant of Enlish!  :-(20:00
ArunCDarthFrog: :) Is there any way to install the downloaded file from kde-look.org?20:02
DarthFrogArunC: Yes, of course.  I'm not sure how to do so, though, as I've never re-themed Kubuntu.20:03
ArunCDarthFrog: Oh OK, thanks. I'll wait for someone else to reply or check again tomorrow morning.20:04
DarthFrogArunC: In System Settings/Workspace Appearance/Desktop Theme, there's a button for "Get New Theme".20:06
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ArunCDarthFrog: Thanks. It gives the plasma themes. I am looking to change the entire window color, scrollbar color, etc to dark. So that is not the button I'm looking for.20:10
DarthFrogWell, poke around in System Settings and see what you find.20:11
DarthFrogIt's an excellent idea to learn it anyway. :-)20:11
ArunCYeah :)20:12
ArunCDarthFrog: Found it.. It is available in Application Appearance/Colors -> Get New Schemes. Thanks for your help.20:15
soeehi, do we see kde 4.6.5 in ppa ?20:15
yofelsoee: 4.6.5 will be out in a few hours20:18
soeeyofel, thank you20:21
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skaftican someone help me connect a second screen (tv)20:55
skaftihave connected it to the screencard with a supervideo cable now its just getting it to work20:56
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kjartanohello just installed kubuntu and my pc is running WERY slow .. does any one know what it could be ? i havent installed any drivers .. does kubuntu do it automaticly if not how do i get drivers/ where21:24
James147kjartano: try turning off desktop effects see if that helps21:38
adamkexcan i burn video dvds with avi and srt files with k3b?21:39
James147kjartano: and it has the open drivers installed by default and will bot automatically install the closed ones... but you can easaly install them with the hardware drivers program found in the menu (called jockey-kde)21:39
James147adamkex: some players can read avi files as far as I know...21:40
adamkexJames147: i want to make it to a video dvd, not avi/data dvd21:40
adamkexJames147: similat to the ones you can buy in the stores except for the menu and chapters21:41
James147adamkex: then I am not sure.... however if k3b cannot then try kdenlive... that should be able to crete dvds (might not be able to burn them though)21:41
adamkexJames147: it says k3b can burn dvd video, i dropped all the avi and srt files in the VIDEO_TS folder21:42
James147adamkex: try useing kdenlive to convert the files first then use k3b to burn them21:45
kjartanoJames147: i tried to open the jockey-kde and enabled the graphics driver and got this error message: SystemError: E:I wasn't able to locate file for the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. how do i manually fix it ?21:46
adamkexJames147: what format should i convert it to?21:46
Goliathi get this21:46
GoliathThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:21:46
Goliath  linux-headers-2.6.35-22-generic linux-headers-2.6.35-30-generic firefox-branding21:46
Goliath  linux-headers-2.6.35-22 linux-headers-2.6.35-3021:46
GoliathUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.21:46
FloodBotK1Goliath: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
James147adamkex: I have no clue :)21:46
Goliathshould i run the autoremove or not?21:47
adamkexJames147: hehe21:47
gomiboyadamkex: you need a dvd authoring program, like bombono21:47
James147gomiboy: kdenlive is a dvd authing tool ^^ it should be able to21:48
adamkexgomiboy: will kdenlive work?21:48
adamkexJames147: ugh look what i just found http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1971620&postcount=221:49
James147Goliath: They should be safe to remove... may want to check which is the latest kernel versio and keep that one21:49
GoliathJames147: k ty21:49
BlaXpiritCan someone help me with audio devices?21:50
BlaXpiritSo I want to do a screencast with ffmpeg. Note that I do not have pulseaudio installed. I can't find the correct device to record the sound from speaker (sound output). "hw:0,0" records mic, and other devices simply do not exist. "/dev/dsp" doesn't work as well.21:53
ubuntu___hi all21:54
adamkexJames147: if a dvd player is "divx certified" does this mean it can play .avi files? or is .avi only a container?21:54
ubuntu___i have a recurring problem21:54
ubuntu___avi is a container afik21:54
James147adamkex: as far as i know dvix is a format of avi ^^ (think its the most common one so should be able to play most avi's)21:55
BlaXpiritumh... any help with those nasty devides? :S21:55
adamkexany way of checking?21:56
adamkexJames147: mpeg4 video, do you think that is divx?21:57
James147it isnt21:57
James147I think only avi is21:58
kjartanocan someone help me with installing ttf-mscorefonts-installer package manually ?21:58
ubuntu___my recurring problem is that with a fresh install of kubuntu, everything works fine for a while then at some stage it simply does not boot, I have reinstalled 3 times already21:58
tsimpsonavi is purely a container, it can contain any combination of any audio and any video formats21:58
gomiboyBlaXpirit: i think you should set your capture device to "mix" in alsamixer21:58
adamkexJames147: avi is the container, like a box, and then there is the real video and audio format inside it21:59
BlaXpiritgomiboy: how?21:59
BlaXpiriti have alsamixer (also gui version, and gnome gui version)21:59
BlaXpiritI can't see any "mix" device22:00
ubuntu___does anyone have any ideea where to start looking for the source of my problems? All the hardware is pretty old but that said it works like a dream until it simply doesn't boot22:00
gomiboyBlaXpirit: open konsole, alsamixer, press F4, move to Mix and press spacebar22:00
BlaXpiritgomiboy: there's no "Mix"22:01
gomiboywhat do you see?22:01
BlaXpiritFront Mic Boost     Capture         Capture 1        Capture 2         Digital        Input Source    Input Source 1   Input Source 2   Rear Mic Boost22:01
ubuntu___I am using the live cd now, I can't see how it would be a hardware problem22:01
grusumubuntu___: what does it do when u "try" to restart - does it pass POST and then do nothing more -- no harddrive activity ???22:02
ubuntu___it passes the bios and I see a flash of a screen listing hardware, last line says verifying DMI pool...22:04
gomiboyBlaXpirit: then i don't know... :P Try one of the various "Capture"22:04
BlaXpiritmhm ok......22:05
ubuntu___grusum: after that I see a screen with a floating message saying that it is not optimum resolution. I don't know what POST means exactly22:07
grusumubuntu___: I've had that before - long ago. go into BIOS and check boot order make sure ur booting from the hdd first22:08
ubuntu___grusum: I have tried that, I did have boot fromm usb first but changed to hdd22:09
BlaXpiritgomiboy: doesn't work22:09
BlaXpiritsomehow I need to make the output devices used as input..22:09
ubuntu___grusum: I have also tried to boot from first hdd on the live cd22:09
grusumubuntu____: POST is the BIOS configuration which u usually enter with the delete key. The floating msg abt not opt resolution is from your monitor not the computer22:09
ubuntu____i got a big problem, the uqibity installer is crashing at the install with cryptsetuo and lvm222:11
ubuntu___grusum: tnx, so it gets past POST22:11
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ubuntu____i make the lvm container and open oit with cryptsetup, then i assign the mount points to the partitions, then uquibity chrashes22:11
grusumubuntu____: your using lvm and cryptsetup and I can't help u - sorry ...22:13
ubuntu___grusum: i usually see the floating message for a few seconds before the kdm login22:13
ubuntu___grusum: thats a different guy, I'll go change me screenname22:14
grusumubuntu____: I know what I'd do -- reinstall without using LVM and without encrypting and see if ur problem evaporates...22:14
ubuntu____well this would be an option, but i want a encrypted system and i cant encrypt it after install22:15
ubuntu____im quite disapointed from ubuntu so far not even can handle a lvm install ....22:16
ubuntu____i like it because it has good power savings features but yeah there are some side effects22:16
ubuntu____anyway thanks for help man22:17
gomiboyBlaXpirit: last try from me: is you user in the audio group (open console and type id to check)22:17
grusumubuntu____: that's a shame, I've used kubuntu for years and tried many other distros only to come back bacause it just works without causing me much grief22:17
BlaXpiritgomiboy: i can't see any "audio" there22:17
ubuntu___how do I change my screen name in quassel? Do I have to leave and join again?22:19
tsimpsonuse the /nick command, "/nick new_nickname"22:20
=== ubuntu___ is now known as ubuNotMyFriend
ubuNotMyFriendtsimpson: thanks22:21
ultimoSysinfo for 'ultimo': Linux 2.6.32-32-generic running , CPU: Intel(R) Core i5 CPU       M 520  @ 2.40GHz at 1199 MHz (4787 bogomips), HD: 130/578GB, RAM: 1237/3013MB, 213 proc's, 53.12min up22:21
ubuNotMyFriendgrusum: do you have any ideas for my boot problems besides the boot order in the BIOS22:22
BlaXpiritgomiboy: it seems like i'm not in the group. what now?22:22
gomiboyBlaXpirit: mmm add yourself: sudo vi /etc/group and edit to someting like this: audio:x:29:pulse,YourUserName22:23
BlaXpiriti dont have pulse installe, remember?22:23
gomiboyBlaXpirit: then logout, login and try to record from /dev/dsp22:23
BlaXpiritthere is no such device since 10.10, i guess22:24
BlaXpiritheh, i tried so many things. i don't bug people before i search the whole internet22:24
gomiboyBlaXpirit: doh! sorry, i forgot i use a custom kernel that has it... :(22:26
BlaXpiritlol, how do i quit that vi without saving the file?22:26
BlaXpiriti totally cant use it22:26
BlaXpiritsaved the file.22:27
kjartanohi can someone help me? i cant download any packages or anything only thing i can is googel things but i dont find answers that help :(22:27
ubuNotMyFriendkjartano: did you look at your sources.list22:29
ubuNotMyFriendkjartano: have u ever been able to download packages?22:29
kjartanoubuNotMyFriend: just started using kubuntu :) so im not sure where to find sources.list22:31
Unit193kjartano: Can you reload packages?22:32
ubuNotMyFriendkjartano: look in /etc/apt/scources.list22:33
ubuNotMyFriendbut if it is a new install it sould prob be ok22:33
BlaXpiritand what would a new user find in that file?22:34
kjartanoUnit193: reload ? hmm how to do that? i always get errors or some message poping up saying i have to do evrything manualy and when i try to activate the nvidia driver i get ttf-mscorefonts-installer package something must be installed manualy22:34
ubuNotMyFriendmaybe sudo?22:34
ubuNotMyFriendkjartano: I think maybe purge mscorefonts22:35
Unit193Find kpackagekit in the menu and it should have a "reload" button22:35
Unit193ubuNotMyFriend: Why purge something that "needs" to be installed?22:35
kjartanoim in the jockey menu only thing i can is activate and close22:37
ubuNotMyFriendUnit193: why does microsoft anything "need" to be installed?22:37
BlaXpiritgomiboy: thanks for your time. I have to go now. Do you have anything quick to say?22:37
gomiboyBlaXpirit: no, except good luck! :D22:38
Unit193ubuNotMyFriend: Some programs require it (I'm looking at you wine)22:38
Unit193kjartano: Do you not have a K menu?22:38
kjartanoK menu ? the "start" thing ?22:40
kjartanoyes :P22:40
kjartanoscources.list i have that one :P do i have to change anything there ?22:41
ubuNotMyFriendpress K menu, then applications on bottom of menu, second from left22:42
ubuNotMyFriendthen system,22:43
ubuNotMyFriendthen software management22:43
ubuNotMyFriendan app called kpackagekit should open up22:44
kjartanook  but it takes an age to switch windows and opening menus :P but yes im there now :)22:44
nirsomeone here?22:46
kjartanohello :)22:46
niryou are using kubuntu?22:46
kjartanoyes but started today trying to figure out how to install the graphic driver :P22:47
ubuNotMyFriendhmm, mscorefonts doesn't seem to be in the default repositories22:47
nirwait did you tryied to use drivers from system menu22:47
kjartanobut when i try to activate the nvidia accelrated thing it says that one needs to be installed manually22:48
nirits install's it?22:48
nirand nothing happen?22:48
nirgo to nvidia.com22:49
nirthay have exatly what you need to install and how to22:50
kjartanoit started afther i clicked activateasked me for password i typed it in then it poped up an error.SystemError: E:I wasn't able to locate file for the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.22:50
kjartanook :) gonna lag my way over to nvidia.com :P22:50
ubuNotMyFriendwhere did u get the driver?22:51
nirgo to software managment22:51
kjartanobut im not sure what nvidia card thats in this pc :P22:51
nirhhh lol22:51
nirlook on system infomation22:51
ubuNotMyFriendopen a konsole22:51
kjartanoi didnt get any driver i installed kubuntu before a long time ago then i just went to the jockey thing and activated the nvidia somethin somethin and it was fixed :) this time it didnt work :(22:52
ubuNotMyFriendopen a konsole and type lspci22:54
ubuNotMyFriendpress alt+F2 type konsole22:56
ubuNotMyFriendtype lspci22:56
ubuNotMyFriendu see what graphics card u have there?22:56
kjartanoyup :)22:57
szalwell, what is it?22:57
kjartanonVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 9500M GS22:58
ubuNotMyFrienda nice thing with linux is that u can highlight something in 1 window and then paste it using the middle button of the mouse22:58
szalkjartano: 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current && sudo nvidia-xconfig', when this is done, reboot22:58
kjartanook il try that :P22:59
Pythonis it safe to update drivers ?23:01
szalPython: what drivers?23:01
szalPython: what video drivers?23:01
Pythonszal: intel23:02
ubuNotMyFriendso anyway my problem is that, I have a fresh install, worked fine for a few days and now simply does not boot23:02
=== jo_ is now known as jolebarjo
szalPython: to my knowledge, you cannot update Intel drivers unless you get yourself a newer kernel and probably a newer X server23:02
ubuNotMyFriendany ideas why me fresh install would simply not boot all of a sudden, I have installed 3 times and each time after a week or so the same thing happens: everything works fine then one day it just does not boot23:09
nirwhat you mean?23:10
ubuNotMyFriendnow I get past POST but no more23:11
ubuNotMyFriendjust a message saying the resolution is not optimum23:11
ubuNotMyFriendI can reboot with ctrl+alt+del but alt+prntScreen s-u-b does not work23:13
nirthe i used linux i have learned one thing very importment that when using and version of linux like ubuntu,kubuntu you should be very carefully what you install23:13
nirbecouse if something get worng you will try to fix it with commands and it will miss up you system'23:14
ubuNotMyFriendeverything I installed was from repositories23:14
nirthere it simple commands called "exit"23:14
nirits should took you back to desktop envierment23:15
ubuNotMyFriendexit using kubuntu is it?23:15
nirany linux it dosent matter23:15
ubuNotMyFriendwho are u talking to nir?23:15
niryou can try this even now with terminal just look thats it work23:16
ubuNotMyFriendwhat would I be exiting from? I don't have tty123:16
Centropy_evening all23:17
Centropy_i would like some help with my new laptop a MSI wind u27023:17
Centropy_need some drivers i think for my wireless lan23:18
ubuNotMyFriendwhat kind of adapter?23:19
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:19
ubuNotMyFriendszal: would you have any idea where to start looking for a solution to my non-booting fresh install?23:20
Centropy_ubuNotMyFriend: AzureWave Wireless LAN _ AW-139H23:20
szalubuNotMyFriend: does the machine still boot a live medium?23:21
ubuNotMyFriendszal: yes using it now23:21
szalso it's not the hardware23:21
ubuNotMyFriendszal: I guess not, eventhough it is old23:22
ubuNotMyFriendszal: its only a few days old, I've installed a couple of things from the default repos but nothing else23:23
Centropy_ubuNotMyFriend: AzureWave Wireless LAN _ AW-139H23:27
ubuNotMyFriendCentropy: I'm not sure I can help23:29
Centropy_k then i install back win723:30
Centropy_cant ffind anything23:30
ubuNotMyFriendCentropy: I can't find that much about about that adapter either23:32
ubuNotMyFriendis it usb or onboard?23:32
advnetfala galera23:33
szal!pt | advnet23:34
ubottuadvnet: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:34
advnetso tem cueca aqui?23:34
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szaladvnet: -> #ubuntu-gl23:35
ubuNotMyFriendkjartano: is ur graphics driver updated?23:41
ubuNotMyFriendI think I stop using kubuntu, 3times I installed and 3 times it just stopped booting23:54

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